>>5782071>>5782158>>5782195With one swift stab the man holding the gun is decapitated, his head <span class="mu-r">obliterated</span> in such a gory manner that the other bikers are shocked by the sight. Enraged now even more than before after losing one of their own, they rush at you, one of them tackles you down to the ground and tries to swing his club down on your head, but you dodge it only to get knocked down once again. They have the strength in numbers and the high ground, as one climbs on a nearby trash container and jumps for a diving elbow drop!
...You know, like in wrestling.
Do you...
>Roll out of the way and try to spear the others, he will just hit the floor. [DODGE]>Fuck it, breakdance on then, spin your weapon, whatever to get them off you. [ATTACK]