Rolled 4 + 3 (1d6 + 3)
>>5677597>>5677598A new reap_rmon appears in the Frost Area. They're well suited to assisting their ancestors, but unfortunately, the same cannot be said the other way round. Hopefully nothing contests their claim on the snow, for there's nothing to cause them problems at the moment.
>## NEW TURNTurn 11. I want to do this turn in 36 hours. I have a long weekend, so maybe I can squeeze in a full 2 before going back to work. Almost all of the map is filled! I think the game is getting extremely complex now, so I might have to call it early if it goes on too long, with this rule change:
If the game hits turn 13, I will end the game one turn after every tile on the map has ANY creature on it, not only thriving creatures. That way, more people may induce an endgame state. Before turn 13, the game only begins to end if every tile has a thriving population.
As usual, let me know if I have any mistakes. The Krang vs Reapr ocean is insanely complex to calculate, so if you guys spot any mistakes there or want to ask questions about what happened, please feel free to (but do try to do calculations yourself to check first!)
>Expand OR MigrateChoose a tile where you are thriving and roll 1d3+1 to expand (Remember to attach an image so instructions are unmistakable). You have a secondary expansion with all generations that don't use the main action.
>EvolveChoose a tile with a creature that has at least 3 of its kind on the map, draw and describe their next evolution on that tile! (Choose one stat to increase outright, and then depending on what you've written for lore, I'll assign a trait).
You have a secondary evolution where all generations may evolve into a further generation.