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Maximum Spider Quest #1

ID:ioJ2VAOL No.5152685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Across the multiverse, there are countless heroes and villains, forged by the mighty crucible that is their tragic origin. These individuals are motivated by such an impetus to do far more than scrape by and survive in this chaotic existence. Will they become a symbol of hope, or one to be feared? Will they pursue their own selfish interests, or sacrifice themselves for the greater good of mankind?

There is only one way to find out. I am the <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">Scorekeeper</span></span>, and this is the story of how one such individual went on to become…unique.

Now, before we begin, there are a few things that you should know. Listen closely...


>Responsibility: This stat represents the obligations you have to fulfill as your alter ego. Responsibilities can be taken willingly, and they can be put upon you. While failing to meet these responsibilities can make those around you suffer, they can also motivate you when fulfilled properly.

>Accountability: This stat represents the level of scrutiny that your life is placed under. People care about you. They will likely interfere with your private life if they feel as if you're in danger of ruining it yourself. And while it can be annoying to have someone else prying into your business, it's never a bad thing to have someone looking out for you.

>Savings: Money is essential for your survival. Whether it is used to acquire and create gear for your superhero escapades, or if you simply need to stock up on food and set aside money for living expenses, having a little extra cash on hand can never be a bad thing.

>Allowance: A sub-stat of "Savings". This stat is only applicable if you are a "Student" or a "College Student" and it gives you a source of reliable income from a parent or guardian. Keep in mind, however, that an allowance can be taken away if too many rules are broken.

>Alibi: You might be a superhero, but people are always watching, even from angles that you can't always predict. This stat represents your ability to rationalize your absences and random disappearances in times of trouble. Those with a high Alibi stat will find themselves free from scrutiny in most situations, while those with a low Alibi stat will discover the exact opposite is true.

[You will be given 2 Mutation Points. Mutation Points can be spent to obtain or upgrade any abilities that you might already possess.]

Got it? Good. Let's dive right into it, then.

Their story began on a day much like any other...