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Alterac Resurgent Quest 19

!!cZytil8JtWp ID:qwGebfHF No.5520797 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It has been nine years since the fall of Alterac, after the King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. For this betrayal, King Aiden Perenolde was dethroned and Alterac City was sacked. The nobles and population fled the land and the Kingdom of Alterac was no more.

You are Alric Perenolde, the Prince and second heir of Alterac. By the order of King Aiden, you were sent into temporary exile to be safe from the Second War. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years, made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now nine years later in the year 15 after the opening of the Dark Portal, you are ready to take the responsibility and try to unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Your visit to Durnholde Keep continued and you got to enjoy a grand feast organised by Lord Blackmoore. It would have been a merry time, but a large shadow made things less than merry. Your plan to get Taretha Foxton out of Durnholde requires you to kiss Blackmoore’s ass and with rumours of you and her being lovers, it made things a bit uncomfortable. On top of this the threat of assassination had to be taken account and you due to that were extra careful about everything.

Things did turn to worse, a snow storm hit Durnholde hard and there was an attempt on your life by a Syndicate assassin. Though for the assassins the end result wasn't great with you capturing two of them and successfully interrogating information out of one of them.

The show must go on and you have arranged a meeting with you and your closest neighbours to discuss topics and common issues. Even though there was an attempt on your life earlier in the day, you wouldn't allow it to slow you down. You still have a lot of things to do.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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