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Transformers Quest

!8X1pt0G9yw ID:u3mqPyIb No.5656638 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">“Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons.”</span>


Your consciousness rises from the empty void of a dreamless sleep. The sensation of feeling rushing into your awakened mind. Your optics open to the brilliant light of a shining star. You crane your head away from the burning gas ball and glance down gingerly to survey your frame. You're greeted with a mess of shiny plates and thick wires, and you can’t help but feel naked like this. You pull your limbs into a cannonball and spin, releasing as you try to orient yourself upwards. You turn yourself from the sea of void pocketed by dots of light and turn to see a big blue sphere in your path. Glowing streaks luster in the planet’s dark, the sun’s radiance illuminating continents of green and tan as unstained white clouds swirl carefree. As you turn to survey the rest of space you fail to make notice of anything of interest, and realize that you don’t have any method of altering your course.

With some time left before you hurtle towards the surface of the planet, and the situation of your surroundings solved, you decide to try and remember more about who and what you are. The celestial body in front of you blurs as your processor focuses on recollection. You recall a night of violence, vivid lights of weapon fire and the sparks of metal scraping against metal, nameless voices shouting, bellowing commands and threats to murmuring followers who were trashed in the indefinite brawl. Two symbols dance around in your head, you feel a plethora of emotions but can’t decide which feelings belong with which insignia. You bring a hand to your head, as if a bit of pressure would push the fuzzy memories into something more recognizable. Groaning in disappointment, you consign the issue to be resolved later, mostly out of a hope that your memory will spontaneously sharpen.

Gravity pulls both your attention and your body towards the planet you were heading towards. Instinctively you transform. Your limbs and digits twisting and turning as you fold yourself into a more protective shape. As you begin your descent you notice you have some control over your fall.

>Steer towards the United States
>Land in Europe
>Fly into northern Africa
>Splashdown into the ocean
>Crash into the Arctic