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ID:27lHCWji No.5658528 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
DRIFTING - the land resembles a kaleidoscope of patchwork islands, landmasses, jagged cliffsides ending in sheer drops to... nothingness? Ever since the Fragmentation - a cataclysmic event said to have been triggered by some war-faring nation - the ancient world has come to an end and its warring nation-states no more. In its place, loosely-governed townships and cities, struggling to rebuild what was.

You, however, have nothing to do with these grownups. You scavange, through the mountains and mountains of trash they've left behind. Like most of the kids in <span class="mu-s">Township Lipinest</span>, you are an orphan, living off the adults' scraps in order to survive. Picking apart scrap to sell for food. There seems to be little order in this place, no families, no law enforcement, only wayward drifters and violent men.