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Tai Lung Quest 29

!!e08cz8ZGDS2 ID:s97LFKZ2 No.5660192 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A warmth rises in your chest as you watch your students apologize. Not one brought upon enchantments or your affinity for the wind but one of pride. If anything your students learned the most important lesson you wanted them to learn. "I'm not going to punish you at all. The fact you all feel remorse means you took my teachings to heart. I always discouraged you from acting on it because the city was peaceful. Unlike you, these Mongolians are elites, Trained and hardened on the vast plains and fires of a hundred years of revenge against us. What I taught you was never for something like that, Every one of you could have been killed because of that difference and the injuries here are almost merciful compared with what could have happened! The attack on your home was a special case, however, of an enemy that wanted to destroy not only everything that you held dear, but your very souls. You did not seek trouble, but trouble sought you. I've been told of what happened while I was out, you attempted parley and talks first, and when the fight brought out, you sought to defend while retreating. All within what I taught you." You move to sit down in front of your students. "But I'm afraid that the school will be no more either way. I came here to escort you all to the safety, so you can find a new home, and to be reunited with my friend Ming. After that I'll head north to Mongolia, to cull this evil by it's roots, and I'll stay there in exile."

Your announcement of the disbanding of the school and your subsequent exile is met immediately with protests and cries of denial. "You can't do that!"

"Teacher, if this is some kind of joke then it's in poor taste. Especially the situation we're in."

"We need you boss! You can't just leave us!"

"You can't disband the school! We'll keep it going!"

Rebtan holds his hands up and motions of silence. It takes a while but eventually the crowd calms down and he speaks. "Boss, are you sure?" You nod.

"I'm sure. It's the Empress's command and the only way I can be allowed to go north to stop those that destroyed your home from destroying all of China." You say quietly. "In a way, its simply another form of atonement for what I've done. I'm sorry but it is something that must be done." You go quiet for a moment. "I suppose I could consider this finally being free." You conclude.

"In the Library, you already were free boss. Bumpy stuff aside, you were welcomed in and you had a life here. We'll always have your back." Rabten says.