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Discord of the Gods Beta Run

!!+bArls/N5bg ID:MSD+g621 No.5666360 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I, I am. I am Fate, Origin and Hunger, first of Gods. In void I hang, gnawing at nothingness even as it gnaws at me. You, you are all my children born of my Flesh. My Dreams. Hewn from Void. One of you is my Word, my favoured.

How I wish to devour you whole. Do not listen. Listen build a world, stack its laws and escape my gaze. I see you, I will devour you! Do not listen. Listen, I can only hold Hunger back so long, seven turnings of Void. Then I will consume the weak. I love you my children, I hate you unburdened by hunger. Hurry, create. Find my Word. Kill it. Die to it!

>Welcome to Discord of the Gods
This is a quest and primarily a game inspired by games like Werewolf, Mafia and Town of Salem.
You the players are gods and goddesses. You must build a world to hide from Fate's gaze, but beware, different factions are like oil and water, and worse of all Fate's Word dwells among you, waiting to consume you all! The trouble is, Fate never told you what you were made from! You only have Seven Turnings(Updates) to discover your faction and make your faction win, or win by an alternate condition.

The first step is choosing roles. First come first served. If you don't post, any non god poster can post actions for you. Non god posters can support a God's reveal or sacrifice votes.

You can describe your god or goddess and their actions or make me do all the heavy lifting there, but why deprive yourself of the fun? In any case, each Turning Fate will narrate what happens.

If anything in the rules is unclear, do say. This is the beta run after all.

Word (there is only one word, if the word survives to the end, they will win, everyone else will lose, if by abilities there are two or more words, they all win, if the word is part of a Godhead, and reach the end, they devour the others, becoming the sole winner)
Nobody but QM knows the faction the gods belong to.

You win, living or dead, by being on the winning faction's side, ascending to become Head of the Gods or by certain alternative win conditions.

The game doesn't end when alternate Wins are achieved, unless specified.

The first to become Head of the Gods cannot be revealed or sacrificed.

If multiple people ascend at once, they form a Godhead. Their faction will be the same as the majority of the gods in the godhead or if a tie, random.

The Godhead or Head of Gods wins even if part of a losing faction. The Godhead or Head of Gods lose if they are killed.

The game ends after seven turnings(updates) or one faction outnumbers all other factions.

Each Turning you pick Create(In the first two turnings)/Derive(third turning and each after) and an ability among your basic and special abilities. You can indeed derive/create a second time with your free choice.