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The goblin king is Bored! #2

!!+bArls/N5bg ID:zRP5vFIn No.5667937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 6 = 21 (6d6)

The Goblin King, handsome and troubled sits upon his throne, but you are not he with his golden locks and crimson crown. No, you are his goblins, vermin assembled in human form. He exists to make you immortal and you exist to amuse him.

Previous Thread;
>Summary: Go on adventures as a goblin band to relieve the king's nightmarish ennui from being an ancient and ludicrously powerful being, win rewards to get more goblins and stuff, then go on more adventures. Each goblin is normally a 1d6. Trials of Fate are highly lethal but give good results. Trials of Talent are mostly non-lethal but give lesser results. Trials of Force are sort of in-between, but most things woop your hides. Goblins are folkloric fae with a slipped hand seasoning of Labyrinth goblins. They like fun, but fun for a goblin is often fatal for others, as goblins respawn above their king and other beings just die.

Today, the king is not surrounded by goblins, but one single goblin kneels quivering before the Goblin King among Goblin Kings. This goblin has two rarities for a goblin. She had a head of ragged black hair where most goblins were bald. This hair covered her face and only that typical long pointy nose of goblins poked through. Her ears too poked out. Her skin was red, not an uncommon colour among goblins, though shades of green are most common.

Her second rare quality was the single bat wing that she hid her body with. Not even her chitinous legs could be seen. Goblins are almost patchwork looking beings, often possessing limbs or even tails similar to verminous creatures. They do have humanoid heads, but all goblins are ugly creatures since they all give what little beauty, wits and all else to their monarch, creating at worst a being of considerably superior qualities.

"Mercy! No timeout!" the goblin pleaded.

The king let out a soft chuckle.
"Oh Quiet, I am not going to punish you. You should rejoice, for even with the passing of time the other goblins on the last adventure did not forget your struggles. They begged me to give you a chance, so a chance to become a goblin noble I will give you"

Quiet's eyes sparkled. Ever since that time she was flooded with magic by a jinn, her lust for power had grown worse. Normal goblins would not have such a desire, they wouldn't even care about becoming a noble. Indeed one could call becoming a noble somewhat of a bad deal, sure a goblin would no longer be ugly or have clouded wits spending their days in a clouded daze, but they would no longer have the bond with their king that grants pseudo-immortality. A normal goblin's fate was stunted, spending their days forgetting yesterday and playing today without a thought of the future.

A thoughtless bliss.

Was it better to remain that way than face death and hardship alone?

Quiet had no thoughts on that matter. All she understood was that a noble was stronger than a goblin, and a monarch stronger still.
