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Droit du seigneur

!TJ9qoWuqvA ID:C0Jma3zt No.5668144 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Under a sky churning with storm clouds, you stand paralyzed at the edge of Morrowsend, a village entwined with the harsh, unyielding tendrils of serfdom. The castle of Baron Samael, the feudal lord, looms ominously on a distant hill, casting a long shadow that seems to reach for the heart of your village, and you, a peasant boy named Edric, whose destiny was until now, tied to the soil beneath your feet.
A sudden clamor shatters the silence, ripping through the air like a thunderclap. A cluster of men on horseback, bearing the crest of Baron Samael, gallops through Morrowsend, their eyes cold, their intentions darker. As they thunder past, you catch sight of a familiar figure, bound and terrified, in their midst.
Elara, whose spirit shone brighter than the torches that now light up the stormy dusk. Elara, your closest companion in this wretched existence. A girl with eyes that reminded you of the wildflowers blooming in the spring. The sight of her, held captive by these brutes, sends a jolt of fear and anger through you, piercing deeper than any sword.
Baron Samael's cruelest practice, the one that's carved a scar into the soul of every family in Morrowsend, is the infamous <span class="mu-i">droit du seigneur</span>, the lord's "right" to claim a peasant girl's maidenhead. And now, they've come for Elara.
Every instinct screams at you to charge at them, to fight, but you know you cannot overcome them alone. As the men disappear into the distance, you feel a hollow emptiness. A dark void where a part of your world used to be.
But within this desolation, something stirs. An ember of defiance begins to glow, fed by the raw fury coursing through your veins. You've lived under Baron Samael's tyranny for long, but this — this is a step too far. A line crossed. A resolution forms within you, hard and unyielding like the castle stone.
You are Edric, the peasant boy of Morrowsend, a serf by birth and a prisoner to a cruel lord. But as the echoes of the riders' hooves fade, and the storm begins to unleash its fury overhead, you realize a transformation has begun within you. A determination born out of love and the thirst for justice. The path before you is uncharted, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But the wheels of fate have already begun to turn, pushing you toward a confrontation you can no longer avoid.
>You'll sneak alone into the castle tonight and rescue Elara.
>You can't do this alone so you'll attempt to start a peasant rebellion.
>You need to prepare so you'll bide your time and wait as long as it takes.