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Competitive Crossdressing School

!tr.t4dJfuU ID:sD+g90qN No.5668557 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"I'm a drag queen, like my father before me!"

In the heart of Tokyo, there's you - Nagisa Umeno, an aspiring drag queen with dreams as high as Tokyo Skytree and as vibrant as the neon signs of Akihabara.

Your eyes twinkle brighter than the Tokyo Tower at night, dreaming of one day representing Japan in the International Drag Grand Prix, just like your father before he vanished mysteriously - most likely assassinated by a rival drag queen.

In the International Drag Grand Prix, you'll be up against drag queens from all over the world.

The Americans, their drag budget colossal, dwarfing the combined resources of ten nations. It's not merely opulence, it's an emblem of their power, their desire for absolute global domination.

The Russians, veiled behind a curtain of secrecy and deception, run an illicit state-sponsored doping program for competitive drag, their ambition as cold and unyielding as Siberia's frost.

Meanwhile, the Chinese, with their billion-strong pool of potential drag queens, are poised to surge like a tidal wave, sweeping over the competition.

Yet, you stand undeterred. Each obstacle only ignites your spirit, fuels your determination. You raise your head, your eyes sparkling with defiance and whisper, "I won't give up! Not now, not ever!"

Nippon Banzai!

However, before you can conquer the world stage, you must first make it past a hurdle closer to home - The Nippon Crossdressing School. It's an entire school dedicated to the art of crossdressing, with classes on everything from contouring and false eyelash application to the physics-defying art of tucking.

Graduation isn't just about mastering the art of drag; it's about surviving the thrilling world of high-stakes drag and cut-throat competitions.

So get ready! For the world may be a stage, and its players may be numerous, but you are Nagisa Umeno. You're destined to seize the spotlight and let the world hear your heels click!

You're doing it for-


>Your father
