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Poké-Pokalypse #1

ID:oIfpVeqK No.5674830 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome all, to the POKÉ-POKALYPSE! It's the end of the world as we know it, brought about by the adorable little critters from that series we all know and love. This quest will be mostly free-form, based on some stuff I've seen on akun, along with Pokémon Wilds for those who've played or heard of it. Pokémon will be more lore accurate, some will be super huge, others small, and a great many of them will be Dex literal. We’re going manga rules in here baby. Can you survive and carve a place for yourself in this new Poké-Centric world?

Carl Sagan once called the Earth a pale blue marble. A mote of galactic soot floating in the pitch-dark abyss, surrounded by exploding stars. Within the cosmic ballet, the history of the whole Human race would barely account for a fraction of a millisecond, barely a blink in the stars. If that be the case, and metaphors withholding, then the following events would seem as if pocket sand was tossed into the eyes of the empyrean void, upsetting the delicate balance, and forcing the universe to blink. Where this would be but a bit of dust to the universe, for the inhabitants of the blue marble… it was like the end of days.

Upon a coastal city of North America, there rests an apartment complex of a young…


They sit in their home, parents away at work, shifting idly through their phone on their social media, occasionally checking the group chat where their friends post. Tiktok, Discord, Instagram, and Snapchat, all share hilarious memes of the latest trends, shitposting and ragging on each other.

'Goku slaps desu'
'Who asked?'

These were followed by a gif of 'talking to a Goku stan', where a man argues with a brick wall. The youth smiles, chortling to themselves over the crap people laugh about nowadays. When they got up to leave for the kitchen, leaving their seat, they looked over their room. It was a fairly average dwelling, With one or two posters on the wall of their favorite bands and shows, as well as some memorabilia from family trips friends group get-together, and admittedly one or two weeb-ish items. They might own some figurines and action figures but they can proudly say that they have never fallen so low as to buy a Funko Pop.

They would definitely need to clean soon however because they noticed that in the far left corner of the room, there sat a spider web. There, its 6-legged denizen sat in the middle, watching him from afar. Then the clock hits midnight. 12 pm exactly on September 8th, 2023. This was when the world changed...