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Pagan Student in Christian High School

!!61K7cM8Qlw8 ID:OQR/FfeO No.5675873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are a follower of pagan beliefs, studying in a high school overwhelmingly inhabited by conservative Christians in the heartland of the Midwest. You find yourself the subject of intense bullying, physical aggression, and derision because of your religious beliefs. You've sadly come to understand that there's no hate like Christian love. The locale is a small, homogeneous town, where the majority of its populace identify as white, Republican, evangelical Christians. Progressive views and the freedom to practice one's religion are virtually non-existent in this community. Homosexuals, transgender individuals, and racial minorities have been beaten, mistreated, and eventually driven away. "No fags, no moslems, no kikes," is the unspoken yet glaring slogan the town seems to take pride in. Yet, here you stand, a young pagan, both unaccepted and detested. "Kill yourself, heathen!" Those were the harsh words you had to hear earlier today, meted out by student missionaries of the Campus Crusade for Christ. The teachers chose to turn a blind eye, tacitly endorsing the religious persecution and beatings. The good Christian girls giggled, taking pleasure in the spectacle, as their boyfriends attacked you for the mere 'crime' of being different. You made every effort to keep a low profile, but it seems the Christian students wouldn't rest until you were dead. Like the gay man who was publicly beaten to death in this town a few decades ago, the murderers walking free due to the unanimous 'not guilty' verdict of an all Christian jury. Or the transgender teenager who, in her despair, ended her life a few years due to the unbearable and relentless torment meted out by the Crusaders for Christ.
> Enough is enough, it's time to fight back
> Accuse them of supporting an institution that hides and protects child molesters
> Condemn them for their bigotry and intolerance
> Make a silent vow of vengeance
> Other