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Renaissance Roman Adventure

!!zWzbyaY9zRr ID:PGN3CraP No.5685297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /qst/ lets try something a little fun to get over >tfw no gf this weekend.

>1000 years after Ambrosius Aurelius restored Roman rule to Britannia, resisted the Saxon invasions, and his descendants unified all the British isles (410-600 AD) under the last vestiges of the Western Empire you are born
>You are Rianus Flavius Agricola, 23 years of age, Insular Catholic, from the village of Busta Regum (named for the ancient Hibernian king’s supposed tomb nearby)
>You are the youngest son of small landholders, and do not stand to inherit
>You hail from the rural farmlands of the province of Hibernia Secunda
>For the past 4 years, however, you've attempted to eek out a living in the city of Eblana
>Despite your efforts you have not managed to succeed beyond intermittent construction work as the city expands
>Destitute and slowly falling into debt you happen to come across a recruiting party from Legio IX Hispana while in the forum
>The party’s centurion seems to have an eye for men in need of a serious change of fortune and personally introduces himself to you, offering to buy you some wine
>As the night goes on, and you listen to the man’s continued promises of riches and glory, easily relaxed by the undiluted restina, you consider for the first time in your life military service
>Your history as a farmer’s son, and relative comfort with hard labor, seems to make the centurion desperate for your acquiesence
>After finally promising you a donativum of 2 solidi (which would be paid out in an equivalent measure of denarii and folles) you’re enticed to enlist, eagre to be free of the debts you had accrued from several collegia in the city
>The centurion asks you if you have any notable skills which could see you granted the status of immunes in the legion
>You tell him you have experience in...
>(Literacy, Hunting, Inventory Management, Policing, Engineering, Nothing at all)