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ALPHA MUNDI B pt.3: furry extermination war

ID:2uyH8MM9 No.5687598 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>part 1:
>part 2:

it’s bad captain, we have confirmation that all sane and civilized races in this system are being targeted. This includes our colony on B4

humans, 80s green techno hive bugs, literal piratical elder thing offshoots, World War pirate dog-things, and iron age religious squidbillies all stand “united” in that a faction of the specters mercenaries (weird green furries), rebelled and backstabbed, and have now targeted even you and the bugs with a reckless, invasive, and direct hostile invasion.

On B4, your colony and the bugs homeworld, just fired a ship fleet out and some nukes. Human defenses, you luckily commissioned a clump of planes and defense lasers, and your colony ship in orbit too, is armed. Its fought off specter ships before too, even hijacked ones shouldn’t matter (but its loss would be great, duh, like loss of contact with earth bad). You have a self-sufficient ice-cave colony at this point, with a young queen to its name and thus an attendant horde of bugworkers. The bugs themselves, and the big large Queens dominion have complete and unrivaled control of the vast, bottomless (literally) world ocean beneath

In the far orbit of B4 now, an infected hijacked specter ship charges through the void in the face of nuclear barrage, already hit once but not an engine kill. It is currently the biggest direct military crisis facing you, and even landing on B4 in debris seems acceptable to the enemy

In a couple nukes, your defense lasers could try some long range shots. A bug flight wing swoops down on it, but each bug ship is, you know, a mere fighter craft of low technology to one single specter ship, which are energetic, mobile, floating small independent cities of endless perpetual void travel.

B5, creepy space skeleton. Who knows on that thing

On B6, you are informed over the radio from your young, female, standing ambassador, the big bug Queen walks in war, warship leviathan in attendant orbit, building sized ant-like queen bug literally fighting at the front, commanding hordes of flesh and chitin wielding crude (to you) firearms. Even those worker bugs look pretty fucking scary wielding an LMG, the images show. The elder things fight alongside the two loyal merc races, fighting off and continuing what was to them merely gang wars before this point. Now it’s bigger. The furry foe is trying to gain access to B6’s underwater caves, and its native wildlife, with evident proven hostile plans of infecting the water and food supply, according to the specters. The specters and their mercs control an outpost over a bioshock colony piercing the underwater caves below, many surface resource and mining sites...some of which, sadly, have fallen into the hands of the enemy. The furries have dug in for a long tunnel war

You have a spysat there. In case you need to keep the camera pointed at something exploding
