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First Try Quest

ID:W4DfMxvz No.5688864 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-s">First Try Quest: Generic Fantasy Zeitgeist</span>

You awake with a start, it's the middle of the night and your campfire burns away beside you, it's dying light barely illuminating the forest before you. You must have passed out again, the sudden blackouts becoming more common as you get nearer to your goal. Then again, it was night, maybe you had fallen asleep normally? With how fuzzy your memory was it was hard to tell...

Still, you're getting nearer now, you just have to remember what you were doing, and who you are. Get your bearings together, as it were. Right now all you seem to know is that your back hurts.

Right, first thing is your species, should be easy enough, just need to look down at yourself and see...
<span class="mu-i">Human</span>: The most populous species of the world, they seem to appear almost everywhere, though mostly concentrated within the kingdom of man, the only place they aren't is the inner commonwealth.
<span class="mu-i">Half-Elf</span>: Found mostly in the territories, half-elves were the result of fraternization between borders, mostly living within the Grand Kingdom's outer territories, half elf is a surprisingly general term, representing the mix between human and any member species of the Elvine Commonwealth, whether it be elf, dwarf, or even anthro.
<span class="mu-i">Half-Orc</span>: Similar to half elves, though much rarer, Half orcs are a catch all term for halfbreed humans descendant from goblins and orcs, an odd sight given their near extinction on the main continent.

And just a quick check confirms you're a...
<span class="mu-i">Girl</span>
<span class="mu-i">Boy</span>

Then checking your equipment you find the necessary tools for your trade...
<span class="mu-i">A Swordsman</span>: Your sword and all the tools you use to keep it sharp and honed, you're trained in swordplay and combat, and could easily handle yourself in a battle.
<span class="mu-i">A Thief</span>: Lockpicks, throwing knives, caltrops, oil flasks, smoke bombs, and of course your trusty dagger, all the things you need to fight any way but clean.
<span class="mu-i">A Mage</span>: Staff, reagents, and of course your trusty spell-book, your mind and body are trained to cast spells on rote, and you rely on magic tricks to help you.

(Hello, and welcome to my first attempt at a quest, it starts with character creation, ask questions and I shall answer before the next update.)