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Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21

!!PpplEhKKhIj ID:b8COmIus No.5692338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you fought and snuck your way through the ruined lower wards of Xebric station, finding things to be worse than you'd honestly expected.
Most of the station's population is already gone, either having escaped, been captured by Sadia and the Feds, or having died at the hands of mutated drug addicts.

The damage to buildings is also quite bad in some areas, but nothing that can't be cleaned up eventually.

But regardless of the damage down below, things looked almost pristine in the hidden upper ward where it seems the remaining administration was performing working from.
That work being the dismantling of the station, in order to haul off any valuables before eventually spacing it's atmosphere, rendering it uninhabitable.

But before that could happen, you and your team discovered the hidden base of Sadia's administration team, and infiltrated it.
Having quickly and quietly made your way to your targets, you now give the order to your allies outside, to begin their assault on the station.

But in the meantime, you'll have to hold two separate rooms in the heart of the enemy base, in order to keep the station from getting spaced.
Will you be able to hold out? Will Gron and the AI Drones be able to take over the station? Find out now, on Humanity, Fuck Yeah!

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