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Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #7

!!YEc5FNwshuU ID:18SZ1AEq No.5717562 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">Come to me…
Embrace my tears…</span>

You are Gaius, a Water Mage from the Magical Kingdom of Zeal and you are very far from home. Just a few hours ago you and your love, Princess Schala, watched two videos confirming what your new friends, Chrono, Marle and Lucca already knew: Lavos, the God of Magic responsible for your Kingdom’s prosperity, was also responsible for countless deaths and the state of the world in this dead future, thousands of years after your own time. You vowed to do anything you could to stop him, then departed swiftly to your next destination: An unexplored Time Gate Lucca had detected in Proto Dome, far to the east.

Having left the safety of Arris Dome, the five of you were now making your way through the ruins of a deserted city to a jetbike that would shorten the rest of your journey from days to mere hours. This city - your friends had speculated that it was Truce, their hometown, and the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Guardia - was vast, easily dwarfing the size of both Arris and Keeper Dome and there was no metal dome to protect it from the elements. It was open to the cloudy, sunless sky and bathed in the perpetual twilight you were slowly getting used to.

Correspondingly, this city was far more desolate than either of those you had previously visited. You had agreed with Lucca that traveling through the ruins was the best path you could take and the others had quickly been convinced to follow your lead, but there were moments you were coming to regret that choice. The rubble-strewn roads had proved difficult to navigate even for you and Chrono and especially for Schala and Lucca, who were the least athletic among you. They were getting worn down by the sustained exertion, and while both girls had refused a break so far, it wouldn’t be too long before you would have to stop and rest, no matter how hard your tired love insisted she could go on. She’d be far more embarrassed if you had to carry her over an obstacle, you were sure of it.

The houses on your way had also been disappointingly lacking in salvage. Most of them were completely collapsed or their interiors were impassable, and not even Marle with her magically-enhanced perception had found anything useful in the few you had been able to enter.

At least your trek had been peaceful, you thought after the third time you heard the whizzing of unseen machines speeding past you on the highway above. They couldn’t be anything other than the robots hunting you and it would have been impossible to avoid fighting them if you had followed Chrono’s suggestion and traveled on that road. Distant, inhuman shrieks had occasionally echoed in the ruins, but you had yet to encounter any of the mutants that you had been warned about.