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Settler Lord Quest 5

ID:TO0BFC0Q No.5734102 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Dietrich von Adlershorst,duke of Greifswald. currently arbitration a legal case


Dramatis Personae:

<span class="mu-i">I am in the right here, damn you!</span> The short fat form that was Hermann von Kesselen. It was nearly comical to see him flail his arms about to make a point, all the while his double chin rocked back and forth. The fact that he also had a horribly trimmed and greasy moustache completed the look. This was not a man you could really take seriously, he was almost more caricature than man.

His opponent on the other hand, looked more like a piece of dried up fruit. He looks old and bitter, with an perpetual frown and squinted eyes

<span class="mu-i">’’You are not, you never were and you will never be right.’’</span> He replied flatly.

The case, as was laid out to you, was in theory quite simple. It would be a simple land dispute over which your arbitration was requested. But, thanks to the lack of a cadastre as well as lack of records surrounding the rights and boundaries of their respective fiefdoms.

Stil, as the highest legal authority in the land. You can technically make whatever call you want.

What do you want to do?
>Make an inspection of their borders and decide form their on out
>Redraw the border to make it more fair.
>Order them to fight it out in duel, non-lethally, of course.