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The 2nd Primarch Quest 29

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:m1hZjt1V No.5762768 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are the second born son of the man who shall one day be emperor of all mankind, the primarch of the second legion of his greatest warrior of space marine, Lieren of Nothing, hero of Shangrala, grand architect of the Long-Jianese empire and head of its ministry of development, Great teacher and hunter, humble farmer and scholar, friend of peasants and emperors, slayer of beasts, men and spirits, and ferocious enemy of all tyrants and many owner of many other poetic epithets and meaningful titles. A list that shall surely expand now that you have directly assisted your Brother, Angron Thal'kyr, the twelfth born son and former slave of the high rider house, Thal'kr, who had been the all but named and entitled rulers of Nuceria before their long downfall at the hands of two brothers and the will of two worlds.

There has been much celebration in the city of Desh'ea the jewel of Nuceria and the burnt and battered capital of High rider rule. Embers of resistance still flicker amongst the more proud and vainglorious cities, but as word of the lord of the red sand's victory against his former masters and captors spread, the rulers of the other city states capitulate or are else ousted by other rebellions who have been inspired by the philosophy of the journey spread by your beggar sects, following the path of the elder sage Kynigos. Already stories are being spread of how that world weary old man was your teacher and his death was what alerted you to your brother's plight, which is an understandable conclusion to be drawn when one only knows little of the events surrounding Angron's escape and your sudden appearance at his side, as Kynigos was simply a disguise you wore. The name means hunter in Nucerian, after all.

And you are delighted to see Angron in good humor and spirits, as the two of you cherish the days you have left in eachother's company. He jokes and jests and many of the hard lines on his sand worn and scar covered face soften and begin to fade as he, for perhaps the first time in his life, is truly free to relish in life's simple and pure pleasures, finding a reprieve from battle and death as the two of you share stories of friends long gone, sometimes joined by your sworn brothers or his. Feng, Half jaw hu, shaved head Wei and the steel giant pilot Clayton, soon establish their own report and friendship with your brother and the gladiators who once shared his prison. Gladiators, who like angron, after a period of listlessness and lack of purpose now that the fighting was done and the cowardly lesser high riders tossed down their swords to plead for mercy, were taking the chance to truly enjoy their life and newly found leisure.

And the gladiators whom you saved as Kynigos, join these chats over tea and wine as well, as do your soon to be bride and sister in law, Kanzeon and Anahita.