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The Lady Knight's Quest

!qbrL48.XRE ID:dkCNW1+b No.5805575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are a Lady Knight.

Your noble visage inspires the commons to work harder in the fields as you pass, and fight harder in the battles against the vile monsters, and wretched <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">imperial dogs</span></span> who dare to intrude up your borders.

For your many deeds of valor, you have been entrusted by the king with a fief large enough to support a troop of forty men-at-arms. This comes with the expectation that you keep the king's peace in the kingdom, assist the church in cleansing the lands of heretic and monster, and rally your men to arms when the call of war sounds.

Right now, you have clad yourself in full harness and taken half of your men-at-arms upon a mission most vital. Fifteen men and five women who have all been trained in a mix of spell, sword, and pike. What mission is it?

>Goblin suppression in the low caves
>Scouting an orc encampment for subjugation
>Putting down an armed rebellion against the king's law
>Storming the tower of a heretic sorcerer
>Purging a cult to the Dark One.
>A retributive attack against the Imperial Dogs who raided a border village.

>Image Source: