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Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest

!!4RCLTCHgFJV ID:Wnt5MpUv No.5806419 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Past the reflection in the window of the train, purple twilight dances with the distant auroras on the horizon over the low skyline of Helsinki. These days, the stars were far more bright and vibrant than your ancestors ever could have imagined. One day the lights abated, and the skies grew clouded, but when the clouds finally parted man kept the lanterns dim so they could see the stars they missed all that much better, and it's nights like these that give you hope that it is all worth something.

Your name is <span class="mu-i">Fiona Jarnafeldt</span>, and in your absences of mind, such as in the idle moments of train rides heading to lands yet to be known to yourself, you feel something in your arms. Something small, something precious. Something you want to hold close and kiss on the forehead, something you can touch with a finger and would grasp it back with its two tiny little hands. Something with a head full of blonde hair and sparkling eyes like yours, though you wouldn't mind if they were blue. But that is something you can't have. Not yet. You have to earn it.

Mother Nature's Providence, the governing body of controlling humanity's impact on the planet formed from the ashes of the old one, has to make sure humanity doesn't repeat its mistakes. The world cannot bear twelve billion people. It cannot bear seven billion. It can only bear two billion for only so long. No, MNP has declared that there can only be a billion souls on Earth at a time. And with this job, you hope to earn the right to bring one of your own into this world.

The job is joining the Helsinki Stormwatch. Helsinki is as big as any other big city in the world, sitting sparse below the hard limit of one million people. And just like every other place in the world, there are things that want to predate upon humanity, be it monsters or other humans. The Stormwatch is a force dedicated to cleaning up the stormdrain underbelly of the calm and gentle city of Helsinki in between the storm seasons, its litter a pile of criminals and monsters. If you get promoted to a Level 3 Stormwatch Agent, you are given a golden ticket that's yours to keep. If you don't, you'll have to hope you get lucky with the lottery, or some other job.

Now, you don't have a man, or anyone. But you're tired of the dreams. You're tired of waking up from them.