“It’s been 28 years since the Satellite War plunged the world into chaos. The great institution that was the International Forum is dead, and with it all dreams of peace and global solidarity. The Bi-Frost satellite network that once enabled large scale global communications lies shattered. The resulting orbital debris field has halted any plans of expansion into space.” “Now surviving nations leverage their remaining industry to fortify their fragile borders, petty warlords squabble over wastelands scarred by kinetic bombardment, the remnants of the IF’s elite peacekeepers haunt the battlefields like vengeful spirits, and over it all looms the threat of Neromius; empowered by a new generation of genetically engineered mega-cavalry and unrestricted by the sanctions of the IF; the rider-chiefs of its disparate tribes and city states sally forth into the broken world in search of spoils and glory.” ------------- The Neromian Warlord; Doruk Demir and his Iron Tide have made landfall on western side of the N.O.D.R, dragging the Miner’s Republic into a war they are ill suited to fight. The entire western region of the country would have fallen overnight if it weren’t for a plucky band of mercenaries in the right place at the wrong time…>Cont
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811810 >Welcome to Mega Mercs. This is a tactical turn based collective game where each player takes on the role of a mech pilot, or vehicle crew. To join read the quick start rules and put together a build.
In between missions the game will switch to quest mode where player will be able to make decisions from a PoV character.
QM twitter:
https://twitter.com/CognisQM Skirmish Discord:
https://discord.gg/KUFRKnQz For the discord adverse I will post all important information here and be happy to answer any questions in thread.
For now we'll be starting the game in quest mode so don't worry about getting your head around the
metric fuck ton of rules needed for the skirmish section.
>cont... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811812 Major Margus Zavrazin was 2IC of the N.O.D.R Army 17th Logistics Battalion. Once he had been a Lt. Colonel, in command of the Special Tactical Research Battalion; a formation he had practically built himself. The NOAF was seriously behind the times; its soldiers lacked training and much of its equipment was obsolete. The ruling committee were averse to modernisation, before the Satellite War they had relied on the IF to protect them and even now they trusted in trade sanctions and economic favours to deter their foes.
But economic power could only do so much, and Zavrazin knew that the Republic would have to develop a strong military deterrent if it was to survive the post IF era. And so he had gathered like minded personnel to form the STRB; a unit where forward thinking minds would experiment with new tactics and equipment to update the NOAF doctrine for the modern era.
Of course, all this required a large budget. Many of the generals were conservative and did not take kindly to all the new equipment costs eating into their pension plans. Zavrazin’s tight knit circle was also seen a political threat and the most paranoid even suspected him of planning a coup. So it was the generals found excuses to cut funding to the STRB. Eventually the unit was disbanded, Zavrazin was demoted and transferred to the 17th Logistics Battalion where he languished under the unambitious and frankly cowardly bean counter that was Varlam Kovalev. The generals must have known Kovalev was the perfect ball and chain for him; the man had no vision and cared only for maintaining comfort in his own little corner of the world. For a while Zavrazin had resigned himself to his fate, then the Neromians had invaded and all his concerns about the NOAF’s inadequacies had been proven right. Zavrazin wished it hadn’t taken the deaths of so many of his countrymen to get people to wake up but now even Kovalev couldn’t deny the gravity of the situation.
Speaking of the Colonel, he had recently Zavrazin summoned to the command centre. After the mercs had destroyed the jammer they had finally made contact with High Command back in the capital. Reports had been submitted and now the Colonel was awaiting further orders.
As he approached the door to the command centre Zavrazin heard a muffled cry of frustration come from within. Entering the room he saw Kovalev glaring at a piece of paper with a look of utter fury. The staff adjutants all stared at the Colonel apprehensively, unsure what to make of his certain outburst.
“Sir!” You made your presence known with a salute. “What did High Command say? Is the invasion worse than we expected?”
Kovalev turned his glare on you before collapsing into a nearby chair, a look of sheer emotional exhaustion overcoming him as he slid the paper across the strategic map towards you.
“See for yourself Major, see what I have to deal with.”
>Cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811814 Zavrazin picked up the paper and read its contents:
To: Colonel Varlam Kovalev, 17th Logistics Battalion
From: Nevik Operators Armed Forces High Command, Nakovalisk
You are hereby granted the rank of Brigadier General, and given command of all NOAF units in the western region. 17th Logistics Base has been re-designated as Regional Command, gather all remaining forces and resist the Neromian invasion. List of strategic objectives is as follows:..
It looked like High Command had basically entrusted Kovalev with repelling the invasion single handedly. They had also made no promise of reinforcements, sure they had alluded to sending back up but there were no concrete commitments. It was a tall order for any man, and even he would hesitate to trade places with Kovalev. Looking at his newly promoted CO the Major struggled to keep a straight face. One the one hand, there was a delicious irony in Kovalev getting promoted in the worst possible way, on the other you were both screwed.
>Main System switching to Quest Mode. You are Co-no <span class="mu-i">General</span> Varlam Kovalev, newly appointed theatre commander of the western side of NORD… which was almost completely occupied by the Neromians. Your second command had a strange look on his face as he read through the new orders. He was doing his best to keep his expression neutral but you could see the hint of a smirk on the edge of his mouth. Asshole was probably enjoying this; after all he was finally getting the action he craved, probably just waiting to lecture you about how he had been right about the NOAF’s lack of readiness all along.
“What are your orders sir?”
A short, simple response; fucker maintained his decorum if nothing else.
>Cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811816 “We need to consolidate the survivors of the initial invasion, secure the supply routes back to the capital, dig in and hold out for reinforcements.”
“And hand the enemy the initiative again?”
“I’m playing the long game Major. We solidify our lines and bring the full weight of our forces to bear. Our military may not be as well-equipped and trained, but this is <span class="mu-i">our</span> land, <span class="mu-i">our</span> home. Once the fighting spirit of the Republic has been awakened it is only a matter of time before we grind the Neromians into the dust.”
Zavrazin glanced at the strategic map apprehensively.
“With all due respect <span class="mu-i">general</span> you don’t seem to understand the enemy we face here. The Neromians are not some conscripts sent on a foreign misadventure by a distant leader. They aren’t grumbling about how they wish they could get this invasion over with so they can return to their loved ones back home; they’re fantasizing about building a comfy little house over our dead bodies, fucking our women, then telling their bastard grandkids about what a great time they had kicking our asses. In short: I’m pretty sure we’re not going to wear down their will to fight.”
So much for decorum…
“That’s a very defeatist attitude major.”
“I’m just giving the enemy the respect they are due. Make no mistake sir, I intend to win this war.”
“As do I, but since I clearly don’t grasp the gravity of the situation, what would you have us do?”
Zavrazin immediately started gesturing to the map.
“We need to secure the naval base at Zivograd, with it we cut off one of their supply routes and add one of our own. Furthermore the seas are the invasion’s lifeline; if we take the base, we give our own navy a stepping stone to strike at their supply lines, I’m sure you can get behind that.”
He pointed to another location.
“There is also the air base at Yagmur Plateau. Reports suggest Neromians are using carrier-based aircraft, so without local airfields their range will be reduced, plus it will give our own air force a place to move in and begin contesting the skies… oh and we can air lift more supplies, you like tho-”
“Yes, yes Major, I’m all about supplies, we get it.”
You look over the strategic map again and consider your options. Whatever course of action you chose would be a major operation and you only had enough troops to put one plan into motion.
>The chosen option will determine the set of missions available for this campaign turn which will culminate in a major battle for the final objective. >Cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811818 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH1shI2mjd8&list=PLLrug9JZTq60aXKII6oDrf1NLndUKWM_X&index=18 With the surviving forces that had trickled in over the past few days you had enough troops to launch a counter attack on <span class="mu-s">one</span> major strategic objective.
>The chosen option will determine the set of missions available for this campaign turn which will culminate in a major battle for the final objective. >Secure the overland supply routes (Make it easier for High Command to send more re-enforcements. More friendly NPCs available in the long run, Neromian threat level increases rapidly.) >Secure a port (Gain a foothold for the Navy to challenge the Neromians at sea. Long term potential to seriously reduce Neromian threat level.) >Secure an airfield (Gain a foothold for the Air Force to support future operations. Air support and helicopter NPCs will be more readily available in the next campaign turn. Air power will also enable more strategic options.) Anonymous
It's you, hey there. I remember you from hte BS Isekai quest. I hope you return to it someday.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5811924 I plan to return to it after running this campaign turn.
December sounds like a good time. The holiday season means people will likely be too busy doing Holiday things to play skirm, but can still phone post their votes between family events.
>>5811812 >spoiler That's really not encouraging
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5811947 Ah yeah... uh there's not much I can do about that. But don't worry. The core system is pretty straight forward. The vast majority of the rules content is minutae about advanced concepts, equipment lists and glossaries. Stuff you'd thumb through for reference, not read cover to cover.
It's probably gonna be a few days before the first mission kicks off so I'll just leave the Quickstart PDF here even if we're not in skirmish mode yet.
<span class="mu-s">DON'T PANIC NEW PEOPLE</span>
It's ogey, it's still way smaller than battletech <.<
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Mon 30 Oct 2023 08:42:58 No. 5812040 Report >>5811821 >Secure an airfield (Gain a foothold for the Air Force to support future operations. Air support and helicopter NPCs will be more readily available in the next campaign turn. Air power will also enable more strategic options.) Less enemy air power will make it easier to secure a port, but not vice versa.
Also we'll be able to airlift in new mechs that we'll soon unlock, right? Right??
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Posting the full rule book for peeps who want to know more.
>>5812040 Big list of unlocks coming up once the mission is chosen.
Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5811821 Welcome back Cog!
>Secure a port (Gain a foothold for the Navy to challenge the Neromians at sea. Long term potential to seriously reduce Neromian threat level.) Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5811821 >Secure a port (Gain a foothold for the Navy to challenge the Neromians at sea. Long term potential to seriously reduce Neromian threat level.) As much as I'd love air support, we are completely cut off from friendly lines. Securing a port will help us resupply and also cut off the supply of the Neromians, and make it much harder for them to continue their advance.
>>5811821 >Secure airfield As much as I glorify the footsloggers, the airfield is most likely our best bet. Air superiority wins wars, both by way of kinetic strikes and localized logistic support.
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5811821 >Secure an airfield (Gain a foothold for the Air Force to support future operations. Air support and helicopter NPCs will be more readily available in the next campaign turn. Air power will also enable more strategic options.) Securing the port might eventually turn the tide of war, but the airfield will be more immediately useful. And frankly, I don't trust our navy to defeat them at sea without air support.
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
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>>5811979 >Hotfix: The Boa's turret equipment hardpoint should be able to mount a drone controller. I'll update the master file tomorrow. Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5811821 >Secure an airfield Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5811821 As much as I want us to deplete the Neromian naval supply lines, it looks a little like a bridge too far to me. Securing the airbase improves our situation while also worsening theirs.
I am wary of putting too much faith in air support however - helos drop like flies in mecha combat, and planes tend to provide limited tactical utility. Still, the strategic usefulness alone is worth it.
>Secure the airfield Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5811979 >Secure a port (Gain a foothold for the Navy to challenge the Neromians at sea. Long term potential to seriously reduce Neromian threat level.) This is the most impactful and potentially war-winning thing we can do. Also, it's only a matter of time before the Neromians come for us hard, since they're wising up to how much of a threat we are. I say we do the most we can while we still have the freedom and the initiative to move around and pick our targets. Weathering the coming storm without reinforcements or air support is gonna be tough, but if the Neromians can just ship more and more forces in completely unimpeded, there's just no point, is there? They can crush us and beat the dinky miners' republic army through sheer numbers and attrition. If we degrade their supply situation enough, though, the attritional calculus shifts in our favor in the long term.
>>5812463 >Secure an airfield Sweet Free support THEY CAN'T BEAT US NOW!!!
Theraskine !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Quoted By:
>>5811812 Holy stars it's been a hell and a half, I was running out of petty officers to torture by being than them at pull-ups. What are we crashing next?
>>5811821 >Secure a port (Gain a foothold for the Navy to challenge the Neromians at sea. Long term potential to seriously reduce Neromian threat level.) Possible supply line for us and one less for them. Also it would possibly leave part of their troops stranded without support and that's not even mentioning possible naval artillery to help us.
>>5811821 >Secure an airfield Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5812811 Maybe Zavrazin’s impulsiveness was rubbing off on you, but the more you thought about it, the more you felt that securing the airfield was the right idea. Assaulting Zivograd was just a bridge too far and even if you secured the overland supply route re-enforcements might come too late. If the Major was right, maybe you couldn’t afford to play the long game. You needed an advantage <span class="mu-i">now</span>.
At the end of the day the airfield was the obvious choice, it was closer, air power was more responsive and it was also a line of retreat… for certain high ranking officers anyway.
>Main System entering Skirmish Mode Wire Man: “Listen up everyone, our recent successes have bought the NOAF some breathing room. That means supply lines are open again. Our boss’s boss is being cagey about what kind of support they’ll be giving him, but I know some guys that can give us access to better gear. Some of you might have already gotten the chance to peruse the catalogue, and I bet a few of you have questions, so let’s start with the most obvious ones:”
“’Why do I have to pay money to unlock access to gear so I can pay even more money to buy the gear itself?’ I hear you ask. It’s not just about the gear, it’s about everything you need to use it: tech manuals so your support crews know how to mount and maintain it, spare parts, ammo shipments for the stuff the NOAF can’t supply. That unlock fee is for all the trouble the arms supplier must go through to get us these things. Gear is expensive and you’ll likely have to save up before you can start using the fancy stuff. Word of warning: the more expensive your final loadout the higher the maintenance fees. There’s a reason most people just use crocs and tegus when there are better models on the market: The good shit is <span class="mu-i">expensive</span> to maintain.”
“’If we can buy better gear can our employers do it too?’ In theory: yes, in practice: no. General Kovalev has to supply forces on a battalion level and up; the guys I know are independent dealers and smugglers, they don’t have the stock to kit out a national army. Besides there’s all sorts of regulations and treaties about arms dealing and our employer is probably already blowing all the cash he can spare on us.”
>cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5812844 “If there’s anything I didn’t cover feel free to ask. Have fun shopping. Also, I’ve been told that <span class="mu-i">someone</span> doesn’t have a support crew. I don’t know how you’ve piloted, serviced and repaired your machine all by yourself until now but I really advise you to go talk to Zoric, the 17th Logistics Battalion has technicians to spare.”
>Equipment unlocks: new stuff is sold in sets. Paying the unlock price will add all items in the set to the arsenal where any player can purchase individual items from the set for themselves. Some sets are quite pricey and I encourage players to pool cash to buy the stuff everyone wants. Unlock prices do not have to be fully paid-up front, money can be put toward a specific package over time. Just remember: Money put towards unlocking a package cannot be refunded.
>Skills list has been reworked: Tanker skills have been reworked to be based on the commander action, artillery skills moved to the common skills pool, Missile guidance skills added to common pool, desant grenadiers reworked slightly. Some skills from the first campaign turn no longer exist. All players can get a free respec to compensate. (This does not count towards the 1 respec per campaign turn limit.) ((Okay guys, have fun shopping, I need to actually make the airfield maps now.))
(Question. Is the 1000c we start with "real", or does it exist solely for initial outfitting and disappears after the vehicle is officially created?)
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5812850 At the risk of enabling some weird insurance fraud scheme, I'm going to say it's "real", that is to say any left over cash you have from unit creation goes into your pilot's pocket. (Although 1000 is pretty tight so you're unlikely to have much left over.)
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Tue 31 Oct 2023 09:03:29 No. 5812968 Report I suppose the unlocking matter requires some organization. Respond to this post with the unlocks that you want more than the others. Once we know who wants what, we can better coordinate pooling funds. As for me, I want>Knight-Lite >Specialist FCS >Electronic Warfare
>>5812968 I want the exo terra package but I am willing to put up 200 for the knight package if I'm the only one going for the exo terra stuff
>Cumulus Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5812968 All the new stuff is cool, but a little to niche for me. I'll be sticking with the shield+laser croc mk2 for now. Though I do want some upgrades:
>Reactive Armor >Demolition Charge Theraskine !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Quoted By:
>>5812851 ah a ha ha haaaaa time to CASH OUT on my INSURANCE SCHEME for all these WRECKED MECHS
Things are LOOKING UP Theraskine.
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5812968 What sticks out to me right now is:
>Specialist FCS >Advanced Sensor Equipment Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>Hotfix: The Longbow missiles have typo in their statline: They should have a RoF of 1 and deal 6 Impact damage.
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5812968 >Guye Co. >Specialist FCS >Explosive Utilities >Advanced Sensor Equipment I was just about to put some cash on unlocking each, but sure, let's get organized.
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5812848 Codename: Zaffre
Vehicle: Cobra-KA1 (500c)
L.Arm: HMG (50c)
R.Arm: HMG (50c)
Chassis: Internal Reinforcement (100c)
Total: 700c (150c upkeep)
>>5812968 >Specialist FCS Though, I only really have 70c to spend. I'd like to keep some spare for upkeep just in case, and I want one of those specialist FCSs if we get them which would bump that up even more.
(P.S. for Cognis: The quick-start guide still uses Critical terminology instead of Internal terminology. Also, the rule for firing two linked weapons at once says you can do it with two weapons of the same *type*, rather than the same *name* as stated in the full rulebook.)
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5813188 Approved.
Yeah, I've had a lot of rules acretion over the years. There's bound to be typos and inconsistent language everywhere. I'll see about correcting these.
>>5813188 Pssst. 20% of 700 is 140 credits of maintenance
Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
>>5812848 Name: Jack Everest
Codename: Mastodon
>Tegu MBT - $600 >Main mount: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon - $250 >Pintle mount: Light Auto Cannon - $50 >Defensive Utility: Internal Reinforcement - $100 >>5812968 I seek the Fat Mann, but since I'm dropping in late I'm not going to ask anyone to put cash towards it now. I'll need to dig my teeth in to the possible unlocks to see what I could do with it too.
Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5812968 >Specialist FCS >Electronic Warfare CLUELESS !tJbxCiP6kc
Quoted By:
>>5813588 We can split the cost half and half for unlocking the Electronics warfare stuff?
>>5813036 gonna retract this offer though since folks don't seem keen on unlocking an arms package
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Quoted By:
>>5813353 (shit u rite)
(i think that was a holdover from an earlier draft of the build where i had basic FCS. oops.)
Dessert for Dinner
>>5812848 Oh, found you guys again! Changed the meeting room without telling me, huh? Third time in a row? Those notices sure do love getting lost on the way over to my mech bay don't they? Just like the birthday cards from my parents. Got a knack for getting those lost, I do. Anywho, Airport, uh? I was listening through the door. I think... they've had a few extra days to pile the sandcastles up even higher than last time. Back then, with the jamming truck, I hear they managed quite a few of those little sandbag bunkers and emplaced gun. Maybe we should think about that explosives pack, clear those out nice and quick? In case they come up with anything bigger this time.
> Put 200 towards Explosive Utilities > Does HP from 'Utility Equipment' stack with 'Applique Armor' or itself? They are all passive 'equipment' sources so the rulebook would say that they don't. Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 (500)
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar (300)
Torso Secondary: Target Marker (in middle slot where its safer) (25)
Right Arm: HMG (50)
Left Arm: Electro Spike (75)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1) (50)
+5 R. Acc, Auto-Lock
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5813781 >Does HP from 'Utility Equipment' stack with 'Applique Armor' or itself? It does in both cases. But for stacking with other utilities they must be different. (E.g. Core shielding's HP buff can stack with Internal Reinforcement but not another core shielding.)
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Quick Update: Today is a life management day for me so you guys still have time to figure out what you'd like to unlock.
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Wed 01 Nov 2023 07:35:24 No. 5814018 Report >>5812968 >>5813036 >>5813038 >>5813069 >>5813126 >>5813188 >>5813361 >>5813588 >>5813781 And so far we have:
>Specialist FCS - 5 >Explosive Utilities - 3 >Electronic Warfare - 2 >Advanced Sensor Equipment - 2 >Knight-Lite - 2 >Guye Co. - 2 >Exoterra - 1 Looks like FCS and explosives are a done deal, while the company unlocks will have to wait.
>>5812968 >Knight-Lite pack >Specialist FCS I have some to spend so these would be nice
Hulls outside basics tempt me quite a bit
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5814018 Alright, if we've already got 200 Creds put up for the explosive utilities (
>>5813781 ), I'll put up 150.
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Wed 01 Nov 2023 11:04:38 No. 5814108 Report >>5814062 >>5813036 So, I can put 500 towards Knight-Lite without going over budget. If each of you puts another 500 we can have it unlocked. What do you say?
>>5814108 Not getting an answer from the fella that wants to do the E war stuff so sure, Just do me a solid and help me get the exo terra the next time around
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Wed 01 Nov 2023 12:12:40 No. 5814159 Report >>5814119 I was partial to ExoTerra myself, but I'd have to buy too much new equipment to afford it. I will support it next time.
Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5814018 >Putting 120 Creds towards Specialist FCS >Putting 150 Creds towards ExplosiveUtilities >>5814119 Sorry for the last answer, I wasn't sure how many people were interested in E-War, but I can put down 300 creds towards either Knight-Lite or E-War.
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5814018 >80 credits to Specialist FCS >100 credits to Guye Co.Arms Package >100 credits to Advanced Sensor Equipment Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFCrFeno7lk&list=PL82E38BF253DC9251&index=24 The mercs were eventually called to a briefing presented by Chief Warrant Officer Zoric, as the briefing started an annotated map of the area of operations was put up on screen.
“Mercenaries, command has decided to capture a nearby airbase on the Yagmur plateau, you are offered a contract to participate in this capture operation; codenamed: Iron Sky.”
“The operation will consist of two phases; the first phase requires us to eliminate enemy units in the surrounding area to ensure complete control over the region once the airbase falls. The Neromians are known for their use of cavalry but they are quite capable of using modern technology when it suits them. Several of their artillery and electronic support tanks are stationed at the nearby town of Yagvosk. While it is possible to circumvent Yagvosk and attack the airbase directly, leaving these enemies at our backs is unacceptable.”
“The Neromains have also set up a long range SAM battery in the Yilma Valley. Taking the airbase is pointless while that battery is still active as it will shoot down any aerial reinforcements we try to bring over the mountain. Unfortunately we do not know the exact location of the SAMs so you’ll have to sweep the area and hunt them down. Unlike the jammer mission the vegetation is sparse and they’re all deployed on plateaus so finding them shouldn't be too hard.”
“Once phase 1 is complete all forces will converge on the airbase itself for phase 2; the actual capture of the base. If phase 1 goes smoothly they enemy should not be able to resist us. Phase 2 will also see our own aircraft flying in over the Midas Range to provide close air support for us. They do not have enough fuel for a return trip so they are depending on us to succeed in capturing the base.”
“One last thing: Intel has confirmed the presence of a heavy VTOL squadron parked at the airbase. During phase 1 they will almost certainly be scrambled to reinforce either Yagvosk or the Yilma Valley. Where they are sent, we cannot be certain, so expect to encounter them no matter which mission you participate in. That is all.”
>This campaign turn will have three missions: the two phase 1 missions happen simultaneously; players that deploy in one cannot deploy in the other. You do not have to commit to a specific mission right now but keep that in mind. All players can deploy for the final mission in phase 2. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
((Alright I'm gonna leave this overnight and work on the first mission map tomorrow. I'll also to all the unlock processing after I wake up tomorrow morning. BTW can I can a roll call of all currently active players?))
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5812844 >>5814018 >70 credits to Specialist FCS (270/400) (Guess we're doing this now.)
>>5814223 >>5814119 Ogey I am spending
>200 to unlocking E-war >500 to unlocking Knight lite Norn
Quoted By:
>>5814301 The presence of VTOL suggests a likelihood of the adversary wrecking the airfield tarmac. If they haven’t done so already, they will almost certainly do so at the turn of the tide. Engineers will have their work cut out for them.
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5814304 Present.
>Artemis is a wiry woman of indeterminate age (anywhere from a hardworn 20s to spry 40s), with a short cropped fuzz of dirty blonde hair. She gives off being wound as tight as a spring at all times. Current set up, awaiting rebuild:
100xp - Regular
Passives: +5 Evasion
- Smoke Screen: Free action, reserve-fire smoke launchers after firing.
Crocodile [32/32 hp][55ev, 3mv, 8vi, 40edef]
RA - Crocodile Laser
LA - Crocodile Laser
TIM - Smoke pod [2/2], Smoke pod [2/2]
TEM - Rapid Rocket Pod [2/2]
Chassis - Ablative mk2
Green & Purple camo
Value: 1175cr (maintenance 235cr)
Stash: Target Marker
Bank: 765cr
>>5814018 Interested and willing to donate towards:
>Knight-Lite >Advanced Counter Measures >Large Support Drones The Repair Drone is of particular interest, it really improves operations when you can get field repairs.
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Quoted By:
>>5814304 Present, of course.
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Quoted By:
>>5814304 Me, my brothers and our dad's old tank are all still here.
Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Quoted By:
>>5814304 In it to win it.
>>5814304 "Camelia Morgan, reporting for duty, Sir! I should soon have my mech up and operational."
Quoted By:
Flat broke and present
>>5814304 Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5814223 300 creds towards E-War.
+200 from
>>5814334 >E-War unlocked! CLUELESS !tJbxCiP6kc
>>5814513 >>5814159 put down 500 each and we got it unlocked
Quoted By:
>>5814594 The knight light package I mean
Hoyt !bEf2TopPRw
Quoted By:
>>5814304 "ah'm here fella, dont you got gettin' nervous, i aint blowin' nuffin' up in my free time...yet."
>900 creds get! >50 xp get! Regular veterancy status get! >pay debt >pay repair fees >have 490 creds total >get the passive +5 evasion >get the pathfinder skill Name: Hoyt Ownby
Unit Type: [Mech]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [32/32] [M][A][W]+[F]
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Right arm: Crocodile Combat Laser
Torso: medium autocannon
left arm: Crocodile Combat Laser
chassis:heavy ablative
torso external mount:Rapid rocket pod
spare credits:490
Skills(Regular, 50xp):+5 evasion, pathfinder
Quoted By:
>>5814304 "Ready to lay waste on opposition"
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Wed 01 Nov 2023 22:11:24 No. 5814699 Report >>5814304 Ready and chomping at the bits!
>>5814594 >>5814062 >>5814594 I'm afraid I miscalculated. I only have 395c to spare.
Though since there's 4 of us wanting Knight-Lite, we can each put up 375.
Quoted By:
>>5814304 I’m here. To everyone assigned to seize the city - have fun storming the castle!
I expect I’ll be there with you.
100xp - Regular
+5 Ranged Accuracy
Top Attack Guidance
Chassis: Tegu MBT (600)
Primary Turret: Type R Gun-Launcher (300), Target Marker (25)
Pintle: HMG (50)
Turret Equipment Mount: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative 2 (100)
Ablative 1
800 Credits
Quoted By:
>>5814699 I'll keep my contribution as is. Just find others to split that 1k with
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5813781 >>5814223 >>5814289 >>5814305 >>5814589 270/400 Specialist FCS
350/500 Explosive Utilities
100/500 Advanced Sensors
500/500 E-War
500/1500 Knight Lite
100/1500 Guye Co.
>I'm locking in these numbers for now. You have until start assembling the sprites for the first mission before unlocks are closed. Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5815102 Cr Accounting: 500 Cr (previous balance) + 700 (mission income) - 200 (upkeep) = 1000 Cr (current balance)
>Spend 500 Cr on EMP Weapons >Spend 130 Cr on Specialist FCS New Balance: 370 Cr
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5815102 >>5815116 >400/400 Specialist FCS UNLOCKED! >350/500 Explosive Utilities >100/500 Advanced Sensors >500/500 E-War UNLOCKED! >500/500 EMP Weapons UNLOCKED! >500/1500 Knight Lite >100/1500 Guye Co. Updating current unlocks...
Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
>>5814304 I'm here, but I don't know if I have been accepted yet.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5813361 >>5814566 >>5815224 You guys are officially approved, although for Cammy I'm expecting a valid starter build at some point.
>>5815236 >Chassis Will Do! Was just waiting to see what got unlocked first. Do we get to pick which of the two maps we will be deployed on? Will affect my build.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5815258 >Do we get to pick which of the two maps we will be deployed on? You do, but you don't have to pick right away. I'll be running the missions one at a time. If you don't want to deploy on the first map just wait for the next one, if you do, post your build after the briefing.
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:nB2QD9m5 Thu 02 Nov 2023 06:34:25 No. 5815320 Report >>5814304 "Howdy! Risk o' Rain is present an' accounted for. Just tryin' to get ol' Bessie here a few new toys to play with."
>Looking at unlocking the howitzers as soon as I sort out finances. Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Thu 02 Nov 2023 07:42:53 No. 5815376 Report >>5815134 Explosive Utilities are actually completely unlocked:
>>5814063 >>5813781 >>5814223 Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5815376 >>5814063 didn't really feel like a firm commitment. Graz can you confirm? Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5815415 Okay, it's official, the following are unlocked for buying:
>Specialist FCS >Electronic Warfare Equipment >EMP Weapons >Explosive Utilities Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:AnyTl2u6 Thu 02 Nov 2023 09:29:04 No. 5815425 Report >>5815320 "Alright boys, the grease monkeys tell me that tune up cost us a few bits, but with that last payout we've a respectable 970 creds in the piggy bank. I reckon this sophisticated ol' gal of ours could use a more appropriate piece. Barnaby, get Wireman on the horn, I've some orders t' place."
>Unlock Howitzers for 500 >Purchase Howitzer for 350 >Purchase Artillery FCS for 75 "Hey, Jessup! Grab me the big wrench and power up that there crane. It's time fer an upgrade."
Callsign: Risk of Rain
Role: Indirect Fire Support
XP:100 (Regular)
Skills: +5 Ranged ACC, Flank Speed
Chassis: Boa
Turret: Artillery FCS, Howitzer HE
Turret Equipment: Basic Sensor Suite, Smoke Launcher
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armor 1
Credits: 45
Reserve: Basic FCS Ext, Heavy Mortar HE, Light Mortar HE
(If anyone needs to borrow my reserve equipment to fill out their build they're welcome to it.)
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5815425 >Howitzer unlock approved. >No more spending on unlocks for now. Major Zavrazin: “Alright, let’s get to it. Your force has been tasked with assaulting the town of Yagvosk and eliminating the high value targets we believe are currently based there. I understand this is an urban assault mission so it will be bloody work. The town will almost certainly be riddled with entrenched infantry and the close quarters environment favours enemy mega cav. To help with this we will be sending in two platoons of mechanised infantry. One is an assault platoon mounted in IFVs while the other has been equipped with anti-air missile launchers. These formations will engage the enemy infantry and provide a means of countering the heavy VTOL squad should it show up.”
“The current plan is for the mercs to smash through the east side of the town, drawing away the enemy cavalry and heavy vehicles while our infantry sweeps through from the west, clearing out buildings as they go.”
“Expect a combination of neromian infantry armed with heavy weapons and supported by mega-cavalry. There’s also the HVTs themselves. While they are relatively weak in direct combat they are serious force multipliers. Their drones, sensors and indirect fire weapons will give the defenders a serious edge. You could mitigate this by using your own fire support and electronic warfare to supress these units where you find them, or just kill them quickly in a good old-fashioned blitzkrieg. I leave it to your discretion. That is all”
>cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5815434 >Mission Parameters: >Primary Objectives: >Eliminate all 5 of the High Value Targets >Secondary Objectives >Make sure both large buildings in the centre of the town survive the battle and are occupied by friendly infantry at the end of the mission. >Note: If you believe the friendly infantry might be better deployed in a different manner you may attempt to convince Zavrazin to do things differently. >Intel Packet attached. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>All players who wish to deploy on this mission please post and confirm your final build. >Players that deploy on this mission will not be able to deploy on the next mission. >This mission is limited to and has been balanced for 10 players. If you want to play in this mission but are saving your character for the next, or you want to try out this skirmish without going through the hassle of character creation, consider using a <span class="mu-s">reserve unit.</span>
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Thu 02 Nov 2023 10:07:41 No. 5815443 Report >>5815437 Damn. I guess I will have to wait with the unlocks.
My current build is well suited for close combat anyway.
Chassis: Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Right Arm: Crocodile Combat Laser (150)
Left Arm: Tactical Shield (100)
Torso Internal: Frag Cannon (150)
Torso External: Basic FCS (50)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 2) (100)
Exp 100, sklls: +5 ranged accuracy, Mix-and-Match
Mech cost: 1150
Money: 175 leftover + 900 last mission payout + 175 Hoyt's debt - 230 maintenance = 860c
>This is my final build Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:AnyTl2u6 Thu 02 Nov 2023 10:51:12 No. 5815458 Report >>5815437 "Urban warfare with a need fer counter-battery fire? I'd say there's 100% Risk o' Rain today. If you can spot 'em, pardners, I'll show them Cloudbursts who's the real rainmaker."
>>5815425 >That is my final build. Theraskine !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Quoted By:
Alright, let's... see who we can scam into providing me with a mech. My last two chassis' had unfortunate integrity issues, though, I take no blame for Widget. That guy was loose.
>>5814304 You'd miss me if I wasn't around.
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5815437 >Purchase EMP Missiles (125 Cr) >Purchase Rapid Fire FCS (75 Cr) >Purchase Internal Reinforcement (100 Cr) 370 Cr (Current Balance) - 300 Cr (Purchases) = 70 Cr (New Balance)
>Acquire Automatic Fire Control >Passive Skill: +5 Accuracy >Current Loadout: >Chassis: Tegu MBT >Primary Turret Mount: 2x Rotary Autocannon >Pintle Mount: EMP Missiles >Turret Equipment Mount: Rapid Fire FCS >Chassis Upgrades: Smoke Launcher, Internal Reinforcement Unit Cost: 1150
Reserve: HMG, Basic FCS Extension, Ablative Armour 1
>This is my final build Deploy on Yagvosk Assault in Deployment Zone 1
Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5815437 >Deploy in Zone 2 =DOWNTIME=
>Bought Main Gun FCS (-75Cr) >Bought Light Reactive Armour (-150Cr) New total: 115Cr
In reserve: Heavy Autocannon, Basic FCS
> [600] Chassis: Tegu MBT > [300] Turret: R-120 Tank Gun > [75] Turret Equipment: Main Gun FCS > [25] Pintle: Target Marker > [225] Chassis Upgrade: Dozer Blade [75cr], Light Reactive Armour [150cr] Maintenance fee: 1225Cr x 20% = 245Cr
HIT: 20 MOV: 6 Tracked VIS: 5 E-WAR: 30
>Regular, 100XP >Passive: +4 HP >Skill: Automatic Fire Control >This is my final build Cammy
>>5815437 >Deploy as a reserve NOAF Standard Line Mech, if there is room. Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5815437 >Deploy in Zone 1 (picrel) Shopping:
>-150 Cred: Explosive Utilities unlock >-75 Cred: buy and equip Rapid Fire FCS on Torso External Mount hardpoint >-150 Cred: buy and equip Reactive Armor 1 (unequip Ablative Armor 2 (loaned from Hound)) >-50 Cred: buy and equip Buckler on Left Arm Mount hardpoint (unequip Tactical Shield) >-75 Cred: buy and equip Demolition Charge on Left Arm Mount hardpoint >1400-500=900 Creds ========
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2 (600)] [32/32] [M][A][W]+[F]
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Left Arm: Buckler (50), Demolition Charge (75)
Right Arm: Crocodile Combat Laser (150)
Torso Internal: Crocodile Combat Laser (150)
Torso External: Rapid Fire FCS (75)
Chassis: Reactive Armor 1 (150), Skate System (150)
Total Value: 1400 (280)
Passive Bonus:
+5 Ranged Accuracy (1/3)
Skills (1/4):
>This is my final build Norn
>>5815437 Put me in, coach.
>Purchase Advanced ECCM for 200 >Deploy zone 2 >This is my final build —
100xp - Regular
+ 7 E-War
Top Attack Guidance
Chassis: Tegu MBT (600)
Primary Turret: Type R Gun-Launcher (300), Target Marker (25)
Pintle: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Turret Equipment Mount: Advanced ECCM (200)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative 2 (100)
Ablative 1
800 -> 600 Credits
Gonchi !!+FhOR/f2j9g
>>5815437 >Deploy as NOAF Tank Hunter reserve in Zone 2 SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Thu 02 Nov 2023 14:59:41 No. 5815615 Report >>5815437 >Deploy in Zone 2 on the far right as NOAF Standard Line Mech reserve unit Callsign: SLM-02
Chassis: Crocodile Mk2
R.Arm: Tactical Shield
L.Arm: Medium Autocannon
T.Internal: Medium Autocannon
T.External: Smoke Launchers
C.Upgrades: Jump Jets, Ablative Armor
Passives: +5 Accuracy
Skills: Pathfinder
>This is my final build. (Reserve) (I'm sure I don't need to list out the build when joining as a reserve, but shush.) Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:2LKoAo/8 Thu 02 Nov 2023 15:29:28 No. 5815631 Report I need a mech. I'm a mech pilot. What is a mech pilot *without a mech*. I don't even know how much money, I have left. I can't reach Company Command, I think Loose Widget died with the comms codes, and my wallet was in the last mech I trashed.
What's a charming, handsome and incredibly clever mercenary of great skills to do? Be a footslogger? Drive a tank? There are things a woman just can't want.
Maybe I should just pack up. Grab the go back, steal some money from the officers, duck out in the night. I hear the central plains are nice this time of year. Maybe I wasn't cut out for the mercenary lifestyle. Maybe I'm not good enough. Maybe crashing every mech I've ever touched is sign I'm not a good enough mech pilot.
... Hm. No. I know how to crash mechs. By definition I just need to channel it. I need to crash *someone else's* mech. I need to . . . Direct the impulse. Okay, okay, I can work with this plan.
>>5815437 Heeyyyyy motorpool officerrrr wow, so, ha ha, get this, there's this paperwork the officers want you to sign? Yeah, I have it right here, step over behind this little crate, so, grab a pen and THE PAPERWORK IS MY FIST I'M TAKING THE KEYS YOU CAN'T STOP ME
>"Borrow" a NOAF Assault Mech. >I'm a rental! Yeah, see, I have the credentials and everything, says right here on my ID: Technical Biped Specialist ... what the hell is this name, wow. >Uncool. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5815443 >>5815458 >>5815570 >>5815572 >>5815589 >>5815601 >>5815604 >>5815609 >>5815615 >>5815631 Okay, mission roster filled. I'll do sprite assembly tomorrow morning then we can get started on turn 1.
oh shoot, mega mercs are alive? seeing how there's already 10 peeps, is it still possible to join as reserves? how long has it been in-game since CCC blew up?
SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Thu 02 Nov 2023 19:19:41 No. 5815786 Report Quoted By:
>>5815779 (Player limit is 10, yes, but there's a second mission after this that'll have some open slots. This mission and the next are happening at the same time in-universe, and there's only about 15 of us.)
(You'll get your chance soon, Mega Merc™.)
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Quoted By:
>>5815779 You could always create a merc and would probably get priority to deploy over reserves.
SGT. Mosin
Quoted By:
>>5815631 >>5815437 >Lariat Theraskine at a corner leading to MY mech and take back the keys. You know I thought I could finally give a bit of respect to you merc types for being able to deliver on a mission. But lo and behold as the ONE merc that is not even worth their cred fee, talks mad shit on data-link and then totaled their mech now attempts to steal mine.
-Mosin takes back the keys she dropped and climbs into his mech
I'm almost glad I was WRONG.
How about instead of wrecking the mechs belonging to your employer you go beg for some help from your last creds and your fellow mercs that would dare help you. Maybe that's one thing you'd actually succeed at. Or you know. Pick up an actual enlistment paper and fill it out.
-He begins to start the mech
If you're actually going to do that last one. You'd better start practicing you're front leaning rest.
-He closes the cockpit and leaves for the mission
>Deployment Zone 3 on Yagvosk Nearest the Friendly Mechanised Infantry and at the front in NOAF Assault Mech SGT. Mosin
SGT. Mosin
Gonchi !!Iqya9hVxai5
>>5815609 >>5815648 (If any merc wanted to join the urban mission and was too late to sign up, I'll gladly give my spot to them)
[5]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[5]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Fri 03 Nov 2023 03:14:09 No. 5816218 Report Quoted By:
>>5816101 >>5815648 "I hope I'm not too late to take you up on that offer and not miss INTENSE MECH ACTION."
[HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock) Mech Cost:1000 Maint:200 1400-200=1200 Credits 100XP(Regular) Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Okay generally people wanting to deploy actual player character take priority over reserve units since that's kinda the point of reserves. Gonchi has given up reserve deployment and Theraskine has transferred their reserve deployment to Mosin (consented to over discord, loving the emergent sub-plot BTW.) Final Deployment list for this mission is: Mercs:>Tactical Idol >Marsh Reynes >Ikit >Mojo >Graz >Norn >Anna Graham Reservists:>Zaffre >Cammy >Sgt. Mosin Sprites and statcards have already been assembled so this line up is <span class="mu-s">locked in</span>. No more changes loadout. Anna if you want to use your skill respec before you post your first turn I'll allow it but ideally your build should be finalized once you commit to deployment.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Chief Zoric: "All forces are in position, tactical display online, new contacts tagged. All units: Commence Operation Iron Sky!">1 Tactical Idol >2 Marsh Reynes >3 Ikit >4 Mojo >5 Graz >6 Norn >7 Ana Graham >8 Zaffre >9 Cammy >10 Sgt Mosin ------ I1: "A Neviki assault!? Here!? I thought we had them encircled up north?" I2: "Looks like they have some fight in them after all. APC pop smoke, I don't want to take that first wave in the face.">Declare actions. Turn will be processed on Saturday 8pm GMT+8
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Fri 03 Nov 2023 13:02:24 No. 5816479 Report Quoted By:
>>5816444 "That's a might fine smoke cloud you've got there fellers. Would be a shame if we were to rain on yer parade.
Norn would you kindly lock that there APC with yer sensor suite while I dial his number into my arty FCS?
Please and thankyou."
[6] Norn
>>5816444 Behold, the smoke parts before the mighty EW Tegu! Seize a forward position, support our infantry!
>Commander: Lock M1 >Attack: ATGM on M1 >Move: 2S, 2SE, end facing SE Tank
Chassis: Tegu MBT (600)
Primary Turret: Type R Gun-Launcher (300), Target Marker (25)
Pintle: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Turret Equipment Mount: Advanced ECCM (200)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative 2 (100)
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Fri 03 Nov 2023 13:25:32 No. 5816491 Report Rolled 42 (1d100) >>5816482 (Don't forget to roll your attack.)
"We're reading you five-by-five, Norn. Sending one down range. Hold on to yer hats ladies and germs."
>Commander: Hands on utility action - Arty FCS >Attack: Fire Howitzer at M1 (Base:60+FCS:20+Lock:10+Skill:5)=95% [6] Norn
Quoted By:
>>5816491 That’s the beauty of the ATGM, it rides the beam! Neither man nor megabeast can escape this lock.
On that note, I’m a bit worried about the adversary counterpunch. If those Rainmakers and Hunter-Killers are in position… but they weren’t expecting us. Surely not.
[6]Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Rolled 86 (1d100) >>5816444 "Opening the road ahead, stand clear!"
>Attack: shoot HESH at the marked M1 (6S) 75 base +5 acc + 20 tracking = 100
6 Impact + 3 Blast AoE 1, demolisher
>Move: 6S >Cmd: Hands on - E-Resistance [4]Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Quoted By:
>>5816538 Whoops, I'm [4] not [6].
[3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5816444 >Move 3 SW, 3 S >Electronic Resistance [8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Fri 03 Nov 2023 15:11:42 No. 5816553 Report >>5816444 >[F] Defense Focus >[M+W] Move 6S, face SE Cammy
>>5816444 "Unit 9, moving to the western flank"
>[F] Defense Focus >[M+W] Move 6SW, face SE Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:i4SmdDJa Fri 03 Nov 2023 16:19:20 No. 5816605 Report >>5816444 "This is Tactical Idol, and what I have for you today is a surprise visit to our adversary's positions. Say hi!
Now, besides surprise, we need speed and violence of action. Thankfully, my friends here have provided both in abundance; look at them explosions! Though I'm willing to bet there's either more infantry in the buildings, or megacav behind the smoke, or both! There's enemy artillery expected too, so let's not bunch up."
>F: Defence focus >M: Move 3S >W+A: Overwatch Frag Cannon Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Fri 03 Nov 2023 16:48:49 No. 5816624 Report Aw my *face*.
That was good, aw, I've been rattled for hours.
Ah, man, I haven't been slugged that good since I went on that hunting trip with the Neromians and someone pulled out a beer. I think my teeth is loose. He can really lay it down, crashing sats, pretty good for a government contractor.
Oh, but I see the honorable sergeant Mosin has made a critical mistake. He's forgotten . . . That I am Theraskine, and I'm the scariest thing on two sub-continents. I'm going to punch him *right in the badge*.
YEAH IS THAT A COBRA? Scrap-metal? Oh no buddy. That's not scrap-metal. I know the right arm hand-actuator looks like it is broken in half. Thats why it got my attention.
34 CREDITS, I TELL YOU HOW TO FORGE A REQUSITION REPORT FOR BEER, AND IN RETURN YOU LET ME TRY THIS TRICK WITH THE SERVOS I JUST THOUGHT OF. And you know anywhere around here where we can find a punching bag in extra *extra* large size? Maybe one with the color of a sergeant's sunbaked face?
Oh, no reason.
>>5812848 >Study the Theory of the Metal Fist Punch *me*, will ya? Well well well we'll just see about that.
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5816444 "Let's move on up and back up Ikit, Graham. I'll cover you in case anyone tries to rush out."
>[M]: 2SW, S >[W+A+F]: Overwatch with both lasers with Fire Control Focus active SGT. Mosin
>>5816444 >F: Evasion Focus >M: Move 3 South >W: Move 3 South >A: Fire upon enemy target with Frag Cannon (If in Range 3) "Ease yourselves in Derzky. Don't forget to deploy smoke when you arrive."
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Sat 04 Nov 2023 08:19:30 No. 5817193 Report >>5816444 >>5816916 "I'm hoping something fun shows up. Maybe even something that can put up a fight."
>Have +5 Ranged Acc >[F]Defense Focus +2DR >[M] Move 3S,Face SE >[W+A] Overwatch (Medium Auto Cannon) [HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock)(+5 Ranged Acc) Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5817019 >"Ease yourselves in Derzky. Don't forget to deploy smoke when you arrive." Derzkiy1: "That's not how this works SGT, we need to hit these buildings ASAP or you'll be eating an RPG everytime you turn a corner. GO! GO! GO!"
>Standby for Enemy Phase... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5817330 Neromian Officer: "Here they come, I need artillery on these co-ordinates!"
Vanguard Cobra: "Roger that, be sure to mark any hard targets the bombardment doesn't kill, I got a hunter killer missile with their name on it."
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5817341 Zoric:"We have eyes on a whole mess of enemies, tagging them now."
Derkiy2:"Saint preserve us, I knew it would be bloody but nothing ever prepares you..."
>Declare Actions everyone, turn will be processed at 8PM Sunday GMT+8 Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5817355 After taking a little walk and letting my brain cool down it occured to me that I made a few processing errors: Namely I forgot the mecha using defence focus and shields get 3 DR, not 2, I'll correct this in my master file.
Secondly I was inconsistent with the way I handled infantry: Unless they have have some stealth skills or are deliberately hiding (which these guys weren't) infantry should be visible within their buildings. With this in mind I was lenient with Mosin's actions, letting him fire into the fog without reserving an action.
Meanwhile on the other side of the battlefield Ikit would have almost certainly wiped out the infantry stationed there had he known they were present. So I've going to give a bit of compensation here:
>I1 and I2 can be considered destroyed. >2 damage Ikit took from the RPG attack has been rolled back. I wanna make some challenging scenarios for you but I also want to play by my own rules. Sorry about that.
>>5816624 Got inspired to write a little lore snipper <span class="mu-i">Since before mecha became a staple of modern warfare people have dreamed of mech based martial arts, but while most mech pilots are trained to bash targets in close quarters this is a seen as a crude attack of last resort. Attempts to make a mech fight as if it were a scaled up version of a human martial artist have all run into the same problem: Even if they are vaguely humanoid, a mech is not a person, it does not move like a person and the control system adds a layer of separation between intuitive human motion and actual mechanical action. This line of thinking approaches the problem from the wrong angle. To walk the path of the Metal Fist you must put aside any fantasies of making the mech an extension of yourself and instead pursue the reality of making yourself an extension of the mech.
-Introductory chapter of the Metal Fist Manual</span>
[3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Quoted By:
>>5817443 Very cool, much appreciated
>>5817355 "Spotter-Seer drone! Someone take it down!"
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5817443 Dammit I seem to have forgotten how much damage light howitzers do. Okay doing a damage audit:
>Ikit should have taken 6-1 damage from a direct light howitzer hit, leaving him at 19HP for the next turn. >Zaffre, having 3 DR on the front arc should have taken 2x1 damage from the RPG hits and 3 Damage from the Light Howitzer blast for a grand total of -5 damage his turn leaving him at 19 health. I've set this HP values in my master file so the numbers should be correct for the next turn.
[5] Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Rolled 98, 40 = 138 (2d100) >>5817355 "Alright, let's roll these guys up and smoke that bastard dropping indirect on us from behind that building."
>Deploy skates >[M]: 3S, SE, pivot N >[A+F]: Fire 2xCrocodile Combat Lasers at L1 (rolling vs 110 (80 + 5 (stat increase) + 5 (FCS) + 20 (tracking))) >[W (M)]: pivot S (counterclockwise (this is important (picrel))), Move 2S, SE Cammy !GtN0Plfghk
>>5817355 "Unit 9 moving south to engage."
>[M] Move 3S >[W] Jump 2S, 1SW, turn NE >[A+F] Fire 2x Medium AC at L2 @65 accuracy Cammy !GtN0Plfghk
Quoted By:
Rolled 30, 65, 86, 93 = 274 (4d100) >>5817770 Must have mis-typed my dice
SGT. Mosin
Rolled 40, 41, 56, 72 = 209 (4d100) >>5817355 "Calling out Saints already Derkiy2? It only gets worse from here! Infantry take care of that Recon drone and get ready for the next one. APC's keep up and kill the lizard! I'm moving in on the HVT."
>=Declare use of Skate System >Focus: Melee Focus >Move: 4 South >Attack Fire Frag Cannon at L5 >Wild: Move 4 South >Charge [HVT2] with Mace and Pile Driver (In that order) Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 78 (1d100) >>5817355 >A: fire HESH at I3 (+auto FC) Acc = 75 base +5 passive +20 tracking = 100
>C(U): Target marker at 4SE, 1S << Mojo to Reynes, requesting fire on my marker.>>
[4] Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Rolled 65 (1d100) >>5817355 >A: fire HESH at I3 (+auto FC) Acc = 75 base +5 passive +20 tracking = 100
>C(U): Target marker at 4SE, 1S << Mojo to Reynes, requesting fire on my marker.>>
> Chassis: Tegu MBT > Turret: R-120 Tank Gun > Turret Equipment: Main Gun FCS > Pintle: Target Marker > Chassis Upgrade: Dozer Blade, Light ERA >Regular, 100XP >Passive: +4 HP >Skill: Automatic Fire Control Reposted because I dropped my name, original roll was 78 in case I roll better [3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Rolled 60, 56, 22, 73, 94, 99, 21, 19, 67, 18 = 529 (10d100) >>5817355 >Move SW, 5 S >Fire Rotary Auto Cannons at L2 (Automatic Fire Control) (60 [base] + 5 [passive] + 20 [FCS]) >Pop Smoke (should remove target marker lock) [2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Sun 05 Nov 2023 02:14:32 No. 5818248 Report Rolled 31 (1d100) >>5817355 >>5817848 "We read ya, Mojo. Rollin' into position for fire mission."
>M: 2 SE, facing south. >C: Hands On - Utility: Arty FCS >A: Fire on Mojo's target marker with Howitzer HE. (Should be 95 to hit again.) "Shot out! Heaven 'ave mercy on the poor fuckin' infantry."
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5817848 Since you deleted a post with a dice roll I will not be processing your action this turn. Deleting a post with roll you made for your actions is a cardinal sin in skirmish and something I cannot let slide.
I know you didn't have bad intentions but if I don't punish this people might start "forgetting" their trip to get better rolls.
Next time just make another post to say "this is me" if you forget your trip.
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Sun 05 Nov 2023 03:02:44 No. 5818286 Report Rolled 5, 40, 62, 65 = 172 (4d100) >>5817355 >[F] Defense Focus >[A+W] Shoot L4 with both Medium Autocannons [65ACC: 60 base + 5 passive | 3DAM, 2ROF] >[M] Move SE, Face S [2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Sun 05 Nov 2023 05:46:45 No. 5818481 Report Quoted By:
>>5818248 >>5818253 In that case I guess I just fired at where the marker would have been, the space between that group of three infantry.
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:9dBcxoOz Sun 05 Nov 2023 09:09:38 No. 5818544 Report Rolled 94, 88, 93 = 275 (3d100) >>5817355 "I'm not really about fighting infantry, you know? My heart belongs to big guns shooting at big mechs. But when the push comes to shove, the shove has to start pushing!"
>F: Defence >M: Move 2SE S >A: Fire laser at L4 (vs 90) >W: Fire Frag Cannon at I3 (2x vs 80) [1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:9dBcxoOz Sun 05 Nov 2023 09:12:55 No. 5818547 Report Quoted By:
>>5818544 "And I missed every shot! Haha!
Actually not haha. Very much not haha."
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Sun 05 Nov 2023 09:50:27 No. 5818572 Report Rolled 12, 81, 62, 69, 64, 66 = 354 (6d100) >>5817355 "Tch, forgot to get rid of the lock-on warnings."
>[M] Move 3NW, face South. >[F] Defense Focus >[A] Fire at L1(60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg) >[W] Fire at L1(60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg) [HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,3x2Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock)(+5 Ranged Acc) [7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Sun 05 Nov 2023 09:52:28 No. 5818574 Report Quoted By:
>>5818572 Whoops, ignore the last 2 dice. Also it's vs 65.
[10] SGT. Mosin
Quoted By:
>>5817806 >>5817443 You know I think the difference between IFV and APC really eluded me for a second and I woke up just to make sure. And there it was. I meant the IFV autocannons should follow and dunk on Lizard whilst Brakon do their cool thing if they have one.
[6] Norn
>>5817355 I’m awake l, honest. Not asleep at the wheel.
>Commander: lock L3 >Attack: ATGM L3 >Move: 3NE, 3SE Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Derzkiy1: "I want AT launchers on those lizards, light em up!" Brakon 2: "We got your back Mosin, keep moving.">Standby for Enemy Phase...
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5818703 Neromian Spotters: "Lazing the target, make it rain..."
Neromian Officer: "Come in Yagmur Base, we are under heavy attack, requesting reinforcements!"
Yagmur Base: "Roger that, VTOLs are scrambling..."
>Standby for aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5818738 Zoric:"We've taken a third of the town and one of the HVTs has been eliminated. Keep up the momentum. Don't let them continue their bombardment."
>Declare Actions, turn will be processed at 8pm Monday, GMT+8 [6] Norn
Rolled 57 (1d100) >>5818746 Sounds like their QRF is on the move, which isn’t ideal. We possess a great volume of fire, so hopefully we can drag them down - VTOL practically crash themselves!
>Move: 4SW, 2S >Commander: Hands on utility, hack HVT2 >Attack: ATGM anything that gets a lock later this turn, priority on vehicles. [5] Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Rolled 99, 59, 87 = 245 (3d100) >>5818746 "Fuck! I've been painted! We can't afford to get into a slugfest with them. Those two, out in the open on the intersection, that's who we're here for...Let's rush them and take them out now!"
>Deploy skates >[M+W]: 7SE, NE, pivot SE >[A+F]: Fire 2xLasers at HVT2 (first roll is the contested Lock On in case Norn's hack isn't successful. Rolling vs 90 if lock fails, 110 otherwise) [2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Sun 05 Nov 2023 20:51:47 No. 5819150 Report >>5819140 "Negative, negative. Those there active defence drones will make quick work o' anythin' I can throw at 'em. Suggest you focus yer small arms an' lasers on that first!"
[5] Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5819150 "That thing is hiding behind their vehicles! I don't have an angle from here."
>>5818544 "It's up to you, Idol!"
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Sun 05 Nov 2023 21:10:52 No. 5819184 Report Rolled 12, 89 = 101 (2d100) >>5818746 >[F] Evasion Focus [50EVA, Pathfinder] >[M] Move 3S >[A] Shoot PDa with Medium Autocannon [65ACC: 60 base + 5 passive | 3DAM, 2ROF] >[W] Move 1SE 2NE, face SW [4] Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Rolled 40 (1d100) >>5818746 << ...-ting, tes...-ing... there, the systems should be back online but we got hit hard in the meantime. Hope the rest of you can still spearhead the assault. >>
>A: fire HESH at I3 (auto FC: target marker) Acc = 75 base +5 passive +20 tracking = 100
>M: move 1NE, 4SE, face SW >C(U): Recover 1 internal hex [8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Sun 05 Nov 2023 23:10:12 No. 5819372 Report (Small question pun not intended . Some pieces of equipment such as the target marker and cumulus sensor system mention that they allow you to lock on to small units, however it's not mentioned anywhere in the rules (as far as I can tell) that you can't lock onto small units by default. Is that an oversight, or do those pieces of equipment have outdated descriptions?)
Rolled 52, 43, 75, 6 = 176 (4d100) >>5818746 "Unit 9, Engaging Recon and Moving South.
>[F] Defense Focus >[A] Fire Medium AC at S1 (65 Accuracy, 8 crit) >[W] Fire Medium AC at S1 (65 Accuracy, 8 crit) >[M] Move 1S, 1SE, Face South [1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:9dBcxoOz Sun 05 Nov 2023 23:25:34 No. 5819396 Report Rolled 92, 6, 19 = 117 (3d100) >>5818746 (I am 1N of where I should be, but since it saved me from AoE I'll take it)
>>5819161 "I will finish it. Listen to my song!
>F: Fire Control >M+W: Move SE 3S SE S >A: Shoot HVT1 with laser (vs 90) and infantry SW 2S with Frag Cannon (2x vs 80, Mix-and-Match apparently allows shooting at different targets) [1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:9dBcxoOz Sun 05 Nov 2023 23:26:35 No. 5819400 Report >>5819396 "Nooooo-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh, what the hell!"
[3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Rolled 58, 31, 19, 84, 51, 34, 62, 32, 69, 41 = 481 (10d100) >>5818746 "Grah!? What is this mech-thing doing? I can't smoke him properly in that position!"
>Move 3 NE, 3 SE >Lock (Free, Automatic Fire Control) and Fire R.A.C.s at HVT 1 (60 [base] + 5 [passive] + 20 [FCS]) >Pop Smoke Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>Hotfixes and clarifications: Posting the following based on discord discussion to make it official: All mech scale throwables (Demo charges etc...) should mechanically be <span class="mu-s">Variable Indirect Fire Weapons</span> with a minimum indirect fire range of 1. They're basically giant grenades, you can throw em straight or just toss em over a wall right next to you. (Not recommended due to blast radius.) The PDa drone won't be able intercept demo charges thrown at the large building from the other side of the building. Yes, usually ranges regarding buildings are measured to and from the buildings edges but in this case I'm using a combination of QM fiat and common sense (i.e. there is a huge building in the way of the point defence turret and the demo charge.) Hacking is an opposed role vs the targets E-War. Sorry the section in the rule book wasn't properly worded. Also man portable ATGMs are <span class="mu-s">variable indirect fire</span> weapons with a minimum range of 4. So they can still attack you if you get close. I'll make all the necessary corrections to the next iteration of the rules.
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:XLKrQk0b Mon 06 Nov 2023 07:59:33 No. 5820198 Report >>5819400 But wait! If Norn manages to hack the HVT, then Graz will have managed to lock on, then I will have managed to hit. What a cliffhanger!
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:XLKrQk0b Mon 06 Nov 2023 08:04:04 No. 5820201 Report Quoted By:
>>5820198 Also, if it does somehow hit, my shot was intended at HVT2, not HVT1. Just fat fingers.
[10] SGT. Mosin
Rolled 46, 27, 87 = 160 (3d100) >>5818746 >Focus: Evasion >Deploy Skate System >M: 1S, 3SW >A: Fire Frag Cannon at I9 >W: Heavy Piledriver the PDb "More add-ons to clean up soldiers. Mercs are having a bit of trouble and we got to bail them out from this side. Get those MANPAD's ready we're going to need them."
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Mon 06 Nov 2023 09:43:56 No. 5820346 Report Rolled 33 (1d100) >>5818746 "Here's hopin' that PD drone is too damaged to look to the sky!"
>M: 3S >C: Hands on - Utility - Arty FCS >A: Fire Howitzer HE at HVT1 (lock unknown - ACC: 65 or 95) [7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Mon 06 Nov 2023 09:48:31 No. 5820351 Report >>5818746 "Vroom vroom"
>[F]Defense Focus >[M] Move 3S >[W] Move 3SE, Face S [HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock)(+5 Ranged Acc) FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5819372 Yes, you can't lock onto small units by default.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Derzkiy 1: "Enemy cloudburst hacked, the point defence drone is down!" Brakon 1:"Firing on the HVT!... Shots intercepted! Repeat: negative effect on the target!" Derzkiy 2: "But how!? The drone controller was destroyed." Zoric: "That cloud burst was not that drone's controller..." Brakon 3:"Fine then, just overwhelm it! Squad open fire! ... I can't believe it's still standing..." Derzkiy 2: "I'll finish it off the old fashioned way... no-fucking-way." ------------ HVT1: "You guys are good... but I'm better.">Standby for Enemy Phase...
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5820533 Zoric: "Graz is down, looks like she ejected, tell Kerry's men to get in there!"
Neromian Infantry: Fall back! Fall Back!
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
Those drones are 500 credits each, don't scrap them if you can help it.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5820560 ((After some discussion the discord I've ruled that the point defence drone Mosin was attacking switched it's IFF <span class="mu-s">before</span> the enemy infantry fired and so would have intercepted their overwatch, thus rolling back the damage and crits.))
Neromian Cloudburst: "Yagmur! Our lines are collapsing! Where are those VTOLS!?"
Yagmur Base: "They've been diverted, Yilma is under attack, the stuff we have there is an important strategic asset, you'll have to make do."
Neromian Cloudburst: "Dammit, these guys are not regular NOAF, they have reactive armour and ECM capability, we've expended all our hunter killers!"
Yagmur Base: "Excuses..The hetman will be disappointed. If you feel the battle is lost withdraw from Yagvosk and rally at the airbase. Or maybe find a good death to mitigate your failure."
Neromain Cloudburst: "Tch..."
((You seem to have a rare instance of a hacked orphaned drone on the map, Anyone with hacking gear can change it's mode as a utility action.))
>Declare actions everyone. Turn will be processed on Tuesday 8pm GMT+8 Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5820603 Para-rescue: "I see Grazs beacon we're closing in on her now. It should be obvious we're not hostiles but don't shoot us."
Derzkiy 1: "Everyone get ready to assault the next building."
((Forgot to tag the enemies...))
[4] Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5820603 << Can't shake the lock-on! Reynes, put some smoke over me! >>
>M: Clear the way: Move 2SW >A: Fire HESH at I13 (+Auto FC: Target Marker) Acc= 75 + 5 + 20 = 100
>C(U): Use Target Marker on myself [HP:5/20] [ERA:0/3] MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30
[Teu MBT] [M][A]+[C]
[Skills] Automatic Fire Control
[PRIM](R-120 Tank Gun):
HESH: 75 Acc, 8 Rng, 1 RoF, 6 IMP, 2 Crit, 15 Pen, 3/1 Blast, Large, TNT
HEAT: 75 Acc, 8 Rng, 1 RoF, 10 HEAT, 3 Crit, 20 Pen, Large
[PINT](Target Marker) Rng 6
[EQUIP](Main Gun FCS) +5 Acc, 20 Track
[CHAS] (Dozer Blade): 1 DR front edge
+8 DR vs HEAT, IMP
+6 vs KE
+2 vs Slash, NRG
[4] Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d100) >>5820692 And the dice.
If I13 is too far away, then I'll switch to I14
[9] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[9] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Mon 06 Nov 2023 20:50:47 No. 5820937 Report Quoted By:
>>5820692 "Hold yer horses Mojo, I'll come to you and pop smoke. You use that there target marker on the bastards what fragged Graz and I'll send 'em packin'."
[9] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[9] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:DbvmOVDM Mon 06 Nov 2023 22:19:09 No. 5821001 Report Rolled 22 (1d100) >>5820625 "Whaddya mean this thing can't punch through buildings, Barnaby? What did I pay top dollar fer then?
Alright belay my last, Mojo, I think ya covered those infantry well enough... Covered the wall with 'em, really. Get that PD drone to hold off what's left, we're snapping off a shot on that there cloudburst.
Jessup, get Bessie movin'! I'm tuning 'er engines meself."
C: Hands on - Utility - Flank Speed
M: 8 SW
A: Fire at HVT3 (ACC 45)
>>5821001 I think you're [2], not [9]
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:XLKrQk0b Mon 06 Nov 2023 22:30:12 No. 5821028 Report Rolled 98, 4 = 102 (2d100) >>5820625 "I'm going after that Cobra. Artillery must be kept in fear!"
>F: Defence >M+W: Move 6S >A: Shoot the retreating infantry with Frag Cannon (2x vs80) [3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Rolled 73, 22, 30, 69, 77, 44, 37, 3, 88, 4, 76 = 523 (11d100) >>5820625 “No things escape from IKIT!”
>Move 2 SW, 2 S, face SW >Lock (Free, Automatic Fire Control) and Fire R.A.C.s at HVT 1 (60 [base] + 5 [passive] + 20 [FCS] (or + 5 from FCS if lock fails)) >Electronic Resistance (First roll is ewar for the lock, rest are attack rolls)
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
[2] Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:DbvmOVDM Mon 06 Nov 2023 22:57:58 No. 5821092 Report Quoted By:
>>5821011 haha yeah I was 9 in the last thread. Autocomplete still gets me when I phonepost sometimes. [3] Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5821079 >I meant HVT3 (there are no other HVTs visible [8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Tue 07 Nov 2023 00:13:06 No. 5821186 Report Rolled 13, 13 = 26 (2d100) >>5820625 >[F] Evasion Focus [50EVA, Pathfinder] >[M] Move 1SW, 2S >[A] Fire Medium Autocannon at I14 [65ACC: 60 base + 5 passive | 3DAM, 2ROF] >[W] Move 2S 1SW, face S (Not sure if non-infantry can benefit from roadblocks, assuming these ones are even still supposed to be here.)
Rolled 61, 67, 60, 68 = 256 (4d100) >>5820625 "Unit 9, engaging infantry."
>[M] Move 3SE, face SE >[A+F] Focus Fire Medium ACs at I12, (65 Accuracy, 8crit) >[W] Use Smoke Launcher [8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId
[8] SLM-02 (Zaffre) !!liwQukf5tId ID:/xZ/X8dm Tue 07 Nov 2023 00:15:31 No. 5821191 Report Quoted By:
>>5821186 (How foreboding.)
[6] Norn
>>5820625 Okay, all right. Drones. I know all about these things, especially adversary models. No chance of messing this up, honest.
>Move 4SW, 2S. Face SW. >Commander: Set PDb to guard me. Have it enter the tile S of me. >Attack: Anything that gets locked for me this turn. [10] SGT. Mosin
Rolled 26, 73 = 99 (2d100) >>5820625 >=I would enjoy if I could act before [6] Norn but surely this wouldn't matter.... >F: Evasion still >Skates ON >M: ove 1NW, 3SW >W: Move 2SW, 2NW >A: Fire Frag Cannon at HVT 1 (the one who ran away) [range 3] Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5821220 > act before [6] Norn Sure. I'll resolve your actions before Norns.
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
[7]Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc ID:jDk0sFK3 Tue 07 Nov 2023 07:10:01 No. 5821797 Report Rolled 47, 75 = 122 (2d100) >>5820625 "Brrrrt."
>[F]Defense Focus >[M] Move 3S >[W] Move 3SE >[A] Fire on I12 vs 65 2*3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg [HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock)(+5 Ranged Acc) [5] Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5820625 "Para-rescue, this is Graz. This area is under artillery fire and still has active enemy infantry. I'm going to take cover in the building north of me. I think I'm hurt; don't know how bad...Follow my beacon, pick me up on the other side."
>[M]: move into the building N of me. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Derzkiy1: "Breaching!"
Derzkiy2: "Clear! Objective is secure!"
>>5821955 Para-rescue: "Copy that Graz, we see the building. We'll be holding position just outside."
>Standby for Enemy Phase... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5822045 Vanguard Cobra: "Nooope, Nope-nope-nope-nope."
Neromian Officer: "All units fall back to the airbase, there is no more glory to be had here."
Zoric: "Looks like the Neromians are retreating from Yagvosk, the remaining HVTs have retreated. Everyone regroup and prepare for phase 2 of the operation."
>standby... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5822056 >Mission Complete >Payout: >Mobilisation Fee: 200 Credits >3/5 HVTS Destroyed: 300 Credits >Large Buildings Captured: 200 Credits >Total Payout: 700 Credits >Reminder: Maintenance fee is 20% of your total unit cost. If your unit got wrecked you don’t need to pay maintenance. Wrecks can be scrapped for 25% of their total credit cost, or fully restored for 75% of their original cost. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5822062 >Forgot XP: All surviving players gain 50XP.
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
[1] Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:XLKrQk0b Tue 07 Nov 2023 13:30:38 No. 5822095 Report Quoted By:
>>5822056 "Great job, guys, we've sent them packing! Go us!
And you, dear viewers, look forward to Phase 2! This was Tactical Idol, the-
No, this won't do, too short and my shooting was pathetic. Maybe I'll stitch it together with the Phase 2 footage..."
Funds: 860 leftover - 230 maintenance + 700 payout = 1330c
[10] SGT. Mosin
>>5822056 "Well that's all she wrote for here. Damn neromians got a taste of what we can serve. Outstanding work Derzkyi and Brakon. We don't got much time for the dead but the best we'll do is their part in phase 2. Final sweep, check wounded and we'll get going."
>>5821203 "Credit where credit is due Merc. Even if you hacking the drone to our side wasn't exactly on purpose it saved me from a mouthful of rockets. So I got one single bonus for you. Thanks for the assist. That's all you get from me for now."
[6] Norn
>>5823084 Hey, I couldn’t leave the renowned Sgt Mosin unsupported as he collapsed the flank. Maybe next time I’ll be able to do it on purpose.
Besides, I heard someone wanted to punch you. I wouldn’t let the Neromians prematurely sever the string of fate.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWJspgEotqU&list=PL021FCE912747136A&index=4 Wire man: “Settle down folks, briefing’s starting.”
“We’ve been tasked with eliminating a mobile SAM battery that’s been set up in the Yilma valley. In this mission or greatest enemy will be the terrain. The Yilma Valley has a certain type of geology which resulted in many disconnected plateaus spread across flat scrubland. The SAM sites are almost certainly deployed atop these plateaus but we don’t know which ones exactly. In short; you’ll be assaulting the high ground. The one piece of good news is that the plateaus are as hard to scale for the enemy as they are for us; strategic asset or no they’re not about to park a large garrison in essentially the middle of nowhere. Another thing to note is that the plateaus will <span class="mu-s">block sensor scans from the low ground</span> so don’t rely on those too much. I recommend <span class="mu-s">jump jets</span>, <span class="mu-s">indirect fire weapons</span> and other equipment that will help mitigate the terrain disadvantage. Once you get atop the plateau you should be able to engage the enemy on equal footing as well as having an advantage against any enemy reinforcements entering the AO.”
“In a battlefield like this the helicopter is king, even without the heavy VTOL QRF the neromians will have gunships patrolling the area. As such our employers are sending a pair of anti-air missile trucks. Now given that NODR is a technological backwater, these trucks with their sophisticated missiles and fire control radars are rare and expensive assets to the NOAF. Our employer would really, really appreciate it if we brought them back intact. Based on their specs they’ll shred aircraft at long range but are absolutely helpless against any ground units or flyers that get in their minimum range.”
“I’ll be honest with all of you: this mission is going to be tricky but the Neromians don’t hold all the cards. I believe you can do this. Any questions?”
>cont Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5825252 >Mission Parameters: >Primary Objectives: >Eliminate the 3 SAM Launchers and the Radar Truck >Secondary Objectives >Make sure both members of Dazzle platoon survive. >All players who wish to deploy on this mission please post and confirm your final build. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5825253 >This mission is limited to and has been balanced for 10 players. If you want to play in this mission but have already deployed your character, or you want to try out this skirmish without going through the hassle of character creation, consider using a <span class="mu-s">reserve unit.</span> >No new equipment can be unlocked, however players may still buy new gear from the existing arsenal and change their loadout. Cammy
>>5825255 "C-Camila Morgan, reporting for duty!"
>Deploy to Zone 2 Mech:
Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Left Arm Mount: Light Mortar (HE Rounds)(100)
Right Arm Mount: Light Mortar (HE Rounds)(Borrowed from Risk of Reynes)
Torso Internal Mount: Artillery FCS (75), Rapid Fire FCS (75)
Torso External Mount: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative x2 (100)
Stats:[HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Posting an updated equipment list with all the currently unlocked stuff for player convenience.
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5825253 >Deploy to Zone 3 Codename: Zaffre
Credits: 5c (230 - 225)
Experience: 0XP
Chassis: Cobra-KA1
L.Arm: HMG
R.Arm: HMG
T.Secondary: Rapid Fire FCS (-75c)
C.Upgrades: Internal Reinforcement, Jump jets (-150c)
>This is my final build. (Well, I was hoping to keep some extra cash for repairs just in case, but not having jump jets or artillery weapons here seems like a bad idea.)
Sgt. Boloto !xVDc7/t9M2
>>5825255 Put me in as a reserve in an assault Tegu in Zone 3, if there's not enough players.
>>5825297 But you don't have artillery weapons
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5825331 (Well yeah, that's why I'm buying jump jets.)
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5825253 "Artemis reporting for mission. Though damn, this looks like a turkey-shoot waiting to happen."
>Deploy Zone 3, south-west ==
100xp - Regular
Passives: +5 Evasion
- Smoke Screen: Free action, reserve-fire smoke launchers after firing.
Crocodile [24/24 hp][55ev, 3mv, 8vi, 40edef]
RA - Crocodile Laser
LA - Crocodile Laser
TIM - Smoke pod [2/2], Smoke pod [2/2]
TEM - Rapid Rocket Pod [2/2]
Chassis - Internal Reinforcement [+8hp, -1 crit dmg], Jump Jets
Green & Purple camo
Value: 1325cr (maintenance 265cr)
Stash: Target Marker
Bank: 615cr
>This is my final build I have a Target Marker free to anyone who wants to borrow it.
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
>>5825297 Looks like you want an assault mech, but the cobra isn't built for that. It's made of paper and dreams, you know? Blows up if you look at it funny. Have you considered:
Crocodile (600), Jump Jets (150), Light Ablative (50), Frag Cannon (125), Rapid Fire FCS (75)?
Sure, it doesn't fill all the hardpoints, but the croc's got a few extra internal hull bits to soak critical damage even without reinforcement, more hp, and with only one weapon you don't need to use fire control focus to actually do damage, which means you can do evasion instead! 50% change to dodge attacks from the front. I'll even chip in 75 for a rapid rocket launcher, in case you get swarmed by cavalry up there. We jockeys gotta stick together after all!
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>hotfix: The light howitzer should cost 200 credits, not 100.
Eagle !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5825255 "Reconnaissance artillery unit, reporting in and ready to smash some SAMs."
>Deploy in Deployment Zone 2 as (Reserve) Salvaged Vanguard Arty Cobra CLUELESS !tJbxCiP6kc
>>5825253 Callsign: Trudy 'Clueless' Trudenkov
Chasis: Cobra-Kai <500>
>Left arm: Rapid Rocket pod <75> >Right arm: Rapid Rocket pod <75> >Torso Secondary mount: FCS extension, Basic Sensor suite <100> >Torso Primary mount: Mk1e Lancer cannon AP <250> 100xp-Regular
Stand Alone Complex
+7 E-war
>This is my final build Welp let's see how this will turn out
>Deployment zone 2 Hound !!rD9fwBqR1sb
>>5825253 >Deploy to Zone 2 Accounting:
>80 credits to Specialist FCS >100 credits to Guye Co. Arms Package >100 credits to Advanced Sensor Equipment >Purchase Main Gun FCS: -75 >Purchase EMP Missiles: -125 >Purchase Reactive Armour 1: -150 >Purchase Internal Reinforcement: -100 Balance: 970-80-100-100-75-125-150-100=240
Active Tank
>Tegu MBT (600) >R-120 Tank Gun (300) >EMP Missiles (125) >Main Gun FCS (75) >Reactive Armour 1 (150) >Internal Reinforcement (100) >Total value of Tank: 1350 credits >Maintenance: 270 >Custom colour: Terrain appropriate camo pattern >This is my final build. Storage:
Ablative Armour 2 (100) (loaned to Graz)
Ablative Armour 1 (50) (borrowed from Graz)
Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Basic FCS Extension (50)
Dozer Blade (75)
>Total XP: 100 >Rank: Regular >+4 HP >Regular Tank Crew Skills: Tank Shock Dessert for Dinner
>>5825252 > Deploy zone 2 Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 Cost: 1000
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar
Torso Secondary: Target Marker
Arms: Electro Spike, HMG
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1)
+5 Ranged Acc, Auto-Lock
800 Cr
Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
"Get up the hill and break things. I like that plan, it's simple and it lets me do what I love. Last one up the plateau picks up the tab for the whole outfit after mission's done!"
>>5825252 >Deploy to Zone 3 >Tegu MBT >Main mount: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon >Pintle mount: Light Auto Cannon >Defensive Utility: Internal Reinforcement FireFox
>>5825253 "FireFox ready to rumble at least soon i am as the crew gets that EC-thingy installed. So who will be the lucky one to keep those battle-pets off my back while i lay waste on those AA guns. Oh and i have one autocannon to borrow if anyone needs."
>Deploy to Zone 1 if no-one else deploys here then just place me to any other zone that need support Accounting:
Buy (Advanced ECCM Module) 200
New balance: 610
Current Vehicle
Unit Type: [Mech] [24/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
>Callsign: (CMV) Firefox >Name: Freya Wildheart >XP: 100 (Regular) >Passive +3 Penetration (1/2) >Skills: Auto-Lock Inventory
Medium Auto Cannon (100)
Basic FCS Extension (50)
Credits (610)
Quoted By:
>>5826365 >This is my final build Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5825253 P: "The plateau is nice and all but can't enjoy it with this heat or girl."
A: "Really? I think it's prime weather conditions Boss. Well, except for the Autocannon. Might overheat if Strossman doesn't fix the AC!"
S: "..." (He shakes his head in a no motion)
A: "Why's he not saying anything and why is he sunbathing naked Boss?"
P: "That's just how they do it where he comes from and religiously this is a day where you stay silent for those who died in war Alvarez."
S: (Snaps fingers and makes a finger gun to symbolize "Correct")
A: "Isn't that usually a minute? It's been 3 hours."
P: "Religion. Now fix the Autocannon I'll fix the AC later before combat because ain't no way I fight in these "prime weather" conditions. Maybe go bother Zoric a while."
A: "Don't forget to go pool for the new stuff!"
Yagmur Plateau Airbase Phase 1
>Switch Type D Gun Launcher (300) to Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} from Storage on the [PTM] >Buy Main gun FCS/Rapid Fire FCS (75), Install it on [PTM]. Basic FCS Extension (50) Moved to storage >Buy EMP Missiles (125) install it on [PM] >Buy Internal Reinforcement (100), Install it on [Chassis]. Dozer Blade (75) sent to storage >>5812844 >Put 200 Credits for Advanced Sensors [Credits: 835==>335]
>>5826008 >Offer Mastodon the Light Ablative Armor from my inventory >>5825253 >Deploy Zone 1 at the Southern Corner Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 32/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
{Inventory}: Type D Gun Launcher {300} + Basic Sensor Suite (50) + Basic FCS Extension (50) + Light Ablative Armour (50) {Offered to Mastodon} + Dozer Blade {75} [Credits: 335]
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5825274 >>5825297 >>5825452 >>5825573 >>5825636 >>5825643 >>5825644 >>5826008 >>5826365 >>5826692 Looks like we got 10 people. I'll be doing sprite assembly tomorrow morning. If any players want to replace the reserves they have until then to do so.
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Sat 11 Nov 2023 19:07:27 No. 5827019 Report >>5824695 Fate would not conspire to prevent me from my prize, no. But you helping destiny align is still wonderful.
I am going to punch Sergeant Mosin SO HARD once I finish this job in the alps.
>>5825281 Alright. You might think I'm down an out, but as it turns out, all the money we were being paid by Company Command was being transferred to Loose Widget's accounts still. And after finding that out and fully filing out the paper and submitting it in triplicate to a relevant authority - at night, with a brick, through a window - I now have my money.
Which I will proceed to immediately spend. Get me that cobra with the cracked hand and the over-sized servo actuators. I am going to show you all why I make fun of military specialist graduates and get into bar fights and why those two things *are* related, thank you.
>Get Paid For Last Mission 700 >Don't Pay Wrecking Fees, since... it was lost on the other side of a river. And blown up. And then shot at by the enemy. Unlesssss? >Acquire A Cobra [-500] >Acquire one set of advanced ECCM, please and thank you. >>5825452 Is that a target marker? That marks targets? And provides a soothing barrage of high intensity radiation at all times? Why yes, that does sound delightful, do fork it over, please.
>Politely request that loaning Artemis' Target Marker for this operation. I'd like the datalink, so I can link data, thank you. No no, I'll give it back! Only lightly scuffed! ==Theraskine==
Regular, 50 XP
Broke, 34 Credits
Mech Value, 700
Skills: +3 Penetration
==Crashtest Runtime==
Cobra [12 HP]
60 AGI
40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War
RA: Overtuned Actuator [80%, 5D, 1crit, 13pen]
LA: Follow-Through Boosted Servolines [80%, 5D, 1crit, 13pen]
TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, 1x Target Marker
!Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60
!DataLink Network [Target Marker]
!Theory... of the Metal Fist
Now, would any of you happen to 16 credits lying around? Because surprise and surprise, I can't work my usual charm on the quartermaster and I need a Buckler, for reasons of *not being shot*, and also because if you angle the edge right you can drive it clean through someone's chassis. Show you that trick later, it'll be great.
>>5827019 Trudy runs up and slaps theraskine with a credstick before running off giggling like a mad idiot
-100 credits to the bank
+100 Credits to theraskine
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5827019 >Lend target marker to Theraskine, ignoring all evidence that it will quickly get converted to battlefield debris. Hound !!Iqya9hVxai5
>>5827019 Heya Theraskine. Me and my brothers have been talking, it wouldn't feel right to let a girl like you go into battle unarmored, practically naked, when we can do something to help. We got a spare Ablative 2 that's just gonna rot in storage now that we got better - and more expensive - options. I loaned it to Graz before that forest, but if I saw what he's loading in his mech correctly, he ain't gonna be using it either. It's yours if you want it.
>>5821955 Hey Graz, time to swap armours back, don't ya think? There's a gal who needs it more than either of us.
>Return his Ablative 1 to Graz >Ask Graz to give the borrowed Ablative 2 to Theraskine Sgt. Boloto !xVDc7/t9M2
>>5827152 Naked girls? Where!?
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Sun 12 Nov 2023 03:08:20 No. 5827462 Report Quoted By:
>>5827212 >>5827152 Oh, Sgt, I can show you all the naked girls you want - here, the trick is, you close your eyes and you imagine very wonderfully vivid images of me the things you want to see and then I - knowing that you know that I know that you're thinking about such things - I resist the urge to punch you. But no. You're a decent sort of sergeant. You're not a sergeant for punching.
>>5827046 I assure you, Artemis, like your huntsman namesake, I will find my marks. What do you mean that has no bearing on whether or whether not you get your marker back? Sorry I gotta go, need to finish an adjustment.
>>5827040 Ghaa-- My *head*.
. . .
. . . .
Hm. Well. It certainly beats being beaten by a lariat. Obliged. Consider yourself to have one premium service favor. Cash it in any time you find yourself angry at a government, a corporation or your family. I am equally good at insulting all three types of structure.
>I get by with a little help from my friends >install Ablt 2 >Grab a buckler, and an electro-spike Alright, who needs anything else? Certainly not me.
Regular, 50 XP
Broke, 9 Credits
Mech Value, 700
Skills: +3 Penetration
==Crashtest Runtime==
Cobra [28 HP]
60 AGI
40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War
RA: Buckler
LA: Electro-Spike
TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, 1x Target Marker
CU: Ablt 2
!Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60
!DataLink Network [Target Marker]
!Theory... of the Metal Fist
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Sprite Assembly is done, the following builds and players are locked in for the mission:>Cammy >Zaffre >Clueless >Hound >Desser for Dinner >Mastadon >Fire Fox >Tiger >Theraskine >Artemis
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
I'll likely post mission start later today in around 6-8 hours.
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Quoted By:
>>5827152 I confirm the swap.
>receive Ablative 1 from Hound >give Hound's Ablative 2 to Theraskine Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUPoeQUFYLM&list=PLpTiDdAF70fJoLo1VLil5W7YcETW45Zou&index=96 Wireman: “Who the hell is playing music over the comms again!? I know it’s not Idol because one she’s not here, and two she has much better taste in music than that.”
Dazzle 1: “Whoops, plugged the output cable into the wrong feed again! Don’t mind me mister mercenary sir. That song just helps me focus on acquiring radar contacts. Hmm… I can’t get any coverage with these plateaus blocking the way, lemme just drive on up one of those ramps.”
Dazzle 2: ”Are you seriously gonna just drive straight up there? You know if we run into any enemies we’re screwed right? We can’t even shoot at flying targets while we’re on the move, something about the missile having trouble figuring out where it isn’t if the launcher is moving.”
Dazzle 1: “Well that’s what these mercenaries are for. I hear they’re pretty good. A guy from Picnic platoon told me the red one will even jump into the middle of the enemy and explode in order to save the client. Talk about premium service.”
Dazzle 2: “Yeah well Sgt. Mosin told me they’re only good for being meat shields, so I guess this’ll work either way.”
Wireman: “You know my esteemed colleagues can hear you right? Let’s just get this done. Bringing the tactical network online.”
>1 Camy >2 Zaffre >3 Clueless >4 Hound >5 Dessert for Dinner >6 Mastadon >7 Fire Fox >8 Tiger >9 Theraskine >10 Artemis ---------
Neromian Spotter: “Hey, is that the enemy? They don’t look like N.O.A.F.”
Neromian Sniper: “They’re not, but the only other hostile unit this side of Midas is… oh shit! It’s the mercs!”
Neromian Spotter: “No way! I thought they were tied up North.”
Neromian Sniper: “Apparently not. Wake the damn varanid riders up while I get on the radio with the airbase, looks like the day just got a little more interesting.”
>Declare actions, turn will be processed on Monday 8pm GMT+8 Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5827897 ((Oops, forgot to deploy Tiger, reposting turn start with all players on the map.))
[4] Hound !!ClWdN73wh4p
Rolled 86 (1d100) >>5827898 >Shoot MP-2 with R-120, HESH rounds >Move 3SW 3S >Look Around "Daz, stay put until we've cleared the defenses a bit. I'm going ahead."
[9] Theraskine Taradiddle !fAS1/B8EBY
[9] Theraskine Taradiddle !fAS1/B8EBY ID:ej720Cjl Sun 12 Nov 2023 12:29:35 No. 5827916 Report ( Alright, systems optimal, servos oiled, fists *ready* and no one questioned the electrified fence I wrapped around the arm and plugged into the generator. Let's -- holy satellites above that's a *banger* )
" This is pilot Twist, we're due for approach on the plateau and ready to rock the hell ou-- I mean, engage hostiles. Dazzle-Team, please proceed to crank the bas-- Sorry, something in my throat, please proceed *to the base* of the platforms. We'll keep you in one piece. "
>>5826692 >>5826365 " Alright you two, here's what we're going to do: You see that cliff over there? It's surplus to requirements and would look better covered in mortar fire.
Tiger, I'm marking than Manpad Team. Make them regret their life-choices that led to this point before they make us regret the fact that God saw fit to grant infantry man portable weaponry.
FireFoxy, chump that Varanid.
>--Melee Focus, >[M] Move 1NE, 2SE >[A] Target Marker Lock On to MP1, share targeting through Datalink >[W] Spook that infantry section, skitter right at them. 3SE. Freak them out a little, punch the cliff side because this is a CHAARGEEEEE. Yeah yeah, they're up there and I'm down here but the first place you punch is someone's *psychology*. Face S " SURPRISE, I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU! YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING AT ALL. AND FOR MY NEXT TRICK, I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU DISAPPEAR IN A BARRAGE OF ALLY FIRE. "
Regular, 50 XP
Broke, 9 Credits
Mech Value, 700
Skills: +3 Penetration
==Crashtest Runtime==
Cobra [28 HP]
60 AGI
40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War
RA: Buckler
LA: Electro-Spike
TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, 1x Target Marker
CU: Ablt 2
!Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60
!DataLink Network [Target Marker]
!Theory... of the Metal Fist
Araeus !E3haqxfnSw
>>5825253 if I'm not too late, I'd like to join. "Araeus, deploying."
>Deploy in Deployment Zone 2 Codename: Kestrel
Credits: 0c (1000c-1000c)
Experience: 0XP
Chassis: Cobra-KA1
T.Primary Mount:
Cobra Fang ESDP [Acc 65, Rng 10, RoF 1, Pierce Dmg 6, Int.Dmg 2, Pen 35, (L.EMP, Lrg.Proj. AP2 at Rng 8)]
Main Gun FCS [(Main Gun gains +5 ACC +20 Tracking)]
Target Marker [(U/A Action: Auto-Lock target within 6 hex, Datalink, Req.Pow.)]
Jump Jets [(Move Act. Ignore Terrain, Visible in FoW)]
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5827936 You're too late, sorry. You'll have to wait till the next mission.
Araeus !E3haqxfnSw
>>5827941 damn. aight, thanks for the heads up
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Quoted By:
>>5827897 >>5827898 ((I think I'm missing a skill box for my +5 evasion and Smoke Screen skill))
>>5826008 >>5825333 "Ok, Zaffre and Mastodon, how shall we handle our little squad? How about you two go up the ramp, and I'll sneak round the back and surprise them?"
Sgt. Boloto !xVDc7/t9M2
Quoted By:
>>5827897 Sorry I'm late, I was looking for blinker fluid but turns out we don't have any but I'll make do!..
Wait, everyone already left?
CLUELESS [3] !tJbxCiP6kc
Rolled 56 (1d100) >>5827898 >A: Shoot MP2 with AP rounds "Ah fuck I didn't pack HE...ah well"
>M: Move NW N [2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5827898 >[F] Evasion Focus [60EVA] >[M] Move 3N, face NW >[W+A] Reserve: Overwatch NW with an HMG [5] Dessert For Dinner
Rolled 20 (1d100) >>5827898 What a beautiful day to flood the battlespace with smoke. Must admit, I don't feel quite so useful with everyone all spread out.
I'm predicting helicoptors in the middle there, or at the southwestern platform, so let's smoke that up!
> Evasion Focus > Move 3S > Lock 4SW and fire Mortar Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 Cost: 1000
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar
Torso Secondary: Target Marker
Arms: Electro Spike, HMG
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1)
+5 Ranged Acc, Auto-Lock
Rolled 75, 69 = 144 (2d100) >>5827898 "Cammy, moving out, commencing shelling of plateau
>[F] Evasion >[A] Attack MP2 with light mortar (HE,65 Accuracy) >[M] Move 1S, 1SW, 1S, Face West >[W] Attack Tile 5SW if new position (see pic) (HE, 65Accuracy) [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 85, 37, 19 = 141 (3d100) >>5827897 >-C: Flank Speed >M: Go 5SE, 2S >F: Fire Medium Autocannon (HE) at MP1 {Locked-On} Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 32/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
[7] FireFox
Rolled 2, 43 = 45 (2d100) >>5827898 "OK! let's get this show on the road and start raining death."
>>5827916 "That was the plan you rascal just try to stay in one piece this time deal?"
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[W]ild Utility: Drone support mode target: me >[A]ttack: L1 with both mortars >[M]ove: Using Skate System SE x4 Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [24/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 83, 98, 42, 25 = 248 (4d100) >>5828365 "...I'll take that as a yes!"
>>5827897 >>5827898 >Evasion Focus >Move & Wildcard - Move 4-NW 2-SW >Attack - fire Rapid Rocket Pod at any infantry I see, or Croc Laser at anything else Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
>>5828493 "Hey, hold up I wasn't ready yet. This damn hunk-o-junk's older than I am and less manuverable than my grandma's mobility scooter!"
>>5827898 >[M]ove 3N, 2NE, 1N, then face NW >[A]+Reserve Fire with Lancer Cannon for any enemy that might attempt to peak over the plateau >Tegu MBT >Main mount: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon >Pintle mount: Light Auto Cannon >Defensive Utility: Internal Reinforcement Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>Hold position Dazzle 1: "You run on my schedule mercs, not the other way round. Major Zavrazin gave me a specific mission to carry out, and I am going to do it ASAP. Me and Dazzle 2 are going to take a little drive up to the top of that plateau <span class="mu-i">right now</span> and you guys will make sure there are <span class="mu-s">no threats</span> in the way." --------- MP1:"Is that mech trying to punch the cliff? There's no way he can reach-" *dies* Wireman: "Way to bait them out of cover Theraskine, having look over the cliffside made it real easy for Tiger to light them up.">Standby for NPC Phase
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5828983 Neromian Spotter: "We got a whole combined mecha/armored company moving in on the SAMs, I need all nearby patrols over here!"
Neromain Gunship: "Roger that, I see them. Engaging targets."
>Standby for Aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5829001 ((I forgot to process some people's overwatch, doing that now. Rolling back Mastadon's damage.))
>Declare Actions. Turn will be processed on Tuesday 8pm GMT+8. FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Ugh, my brain was soaked in concrete tonight so I'm posting this reminder to myself: Roll back the gunship rocket attack and fix Hound's health readout.
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 36, 60 = 96 (2d100) >>5829011 "Damn I hate ATGMs so much! Ok, sneaky plan out the window, just going loud and proud."
>Focus - Evasion >Move - Jump Jet 3N >Attack & Wildcard - fire both croc lasers at helo G3 >Smoke Screen - deploy smoke CLUELESS [3] !tJbxCiP6kc
Rolled 33, 77, 98, 24, 95 = 327 (5d100) >>5829011 "I HAVE MANY REGRETS!!!!"
>>5829059 >Firing at R3 to specify [9] Theraskine Taradiddle !fAS1/B8EBY
[9] Theraskine Taradiddle !fAS1/B8EBY ID:ej720Cjl Mon 13 Nov 2023 15:44:43 No. 5829061 Report Rolled 81, 7, 3, 77, 97 = 265 (5d100) And *that's* how I feel about cliff-faces. Oh. Oh is that a lizard. Oh you poor, poor reptile. You brought a lance to a FIST FIGHT STEP INTO THE RIIIIINGGGG and get then KNOCKED OUT THERASKINE SPECIAL TECHNIQUE PREMIUM SERVICE SERVO PUUUUUUUNCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH>--Melee Focus >[M]ove 1S, 2SW. Hey, this is a straight line. I'd like to charge. Electro-Spike this Lizard right in the spine [75, 6D, 1Cd, 33Pen, EMP] >[A] I have *fists* of *fury*. PUNCH 'EM [TotM: 80%, 5D, 1CD, 13 pen]... twice! >[W] Initiate Reality Split and ponder alternative pathways >---[Wildcard World 1]: A mech has 2 arms, and so, possess the ability to mech bash with either, along with the frame and the legs and in general. Therefore, the universal mech bash is not exhausted, and I shall perform another Universal Mechanical Punch, in melee, again. I am rolling for this and it will be the last 2d100 [ToTm, 80%, 5D, 1CD, 13Pen] >--[Wirldcard World 2]: In the case that universal constraints does not allow melee attacks to be used more than once, and so therefore after a charge with an electro-spike and one (1) attack triggering both melee punches, all melee options this mech possesses is exhausted. This is a terrible world to live in, and contemplating it in its boring immensity makes me yearn to cry, but it maybe so. IF IT IS SO, I cannot punch or attack, and therefore I will instead be forced use this action to override my previous Melee Focus and enter a Defense Stance to benefit from my Buckler. If *reality itself* fights me on this just... target marker R2, I guess. ==Theraskine== Regular, 50 XP Broke, 9 Credits Mech Value, 700 Skills: +3 Penetration ==Crashtest Runtime== Cobra [28 HP] 60 AGI 3 MOV 8 SENSOR 40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War RA: Buckler LA: Electro-Spike TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, 1x Target Marker TPM CU: Ablt 2 -- !Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60 !DataLink Network [Target Marker] !Theory... of the Metal Fist
CLUELESS [3] !tJbxCiP6kc
>>5829059 did an oopsie
>M+W: Move 2S 1SE 2S Anonymous
>>5827944 >>5827936 Psst, by the way, I didn't see anyone else respond to you effectively. We'd *obviously* love to have you - new pilots always appreciated, it's part of the charm of it all.
It's just that deploying mid-mission can get a bit wonky.
However, after years of trial and error, we have perfected the art of making the maps run to about 6-7 turns. So we'll wrap this up, and then you'd be absolutely welcome going forward. It's one of the reasons for keeping deployment capped - it cycles in the 20-30 or so players who all want to pilot cool mechs.
If you'd like, maybe book-mark things, check back in around Friday? You seem to have most everything set and sure to go!
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5829011 >Move 1S, 2SW, 3NW, ram anything that happens to be in my path, face SW if nothing is >Lock on G1 >Fire EMP Missiles at G1 "Someone shoot that lizard, please!"
(Reminder that my HP is 28/28 and my Reactive Armour at 2/3)
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
>>5829359 Indeed, the more the merrier! Just don't join that discord of theirs, all they do in there is *cheat*.
>>5829011 Did you put extra smoke in my shells, Wireman? I don't think it's supposed to last this long, or my memory is playing tricks.
Dessert for Dinner
Rolled 85, 28, 86, 84, 75 = 358 (5d100) >>5829011 Either way, suppose that lizard needs to die. Finish it off for us, you in the crocodile?
> Fire Control Focus > Move 3S > Fire HMG at the lizard, [Auto-lock], Acc 50+5(skills)+10(lock) Dessert for Dinner
Rolled 74 (1d100) >>5829543 Although, with dice that bad I'm not sure if you can...
> My finger slipped on the post button, oops > Fire smoke mortar at Mastodon (-20 acc, no LoS) Ernhard
Quoted By:
>>5829545 And by mastodon, I mean hound. The one that just went up the ramp, potentially into enemy fire, not the one behind us, that hasn't done anything yet.
[7] FireFox
Rolled 18, 49 = 67 (2d100) >>5829011 "Pushing forward with you Tiger this little one will give us sight over the edges"
>>5829061 "Uuuh nasty thanks for taking care of that"
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[A]ttack: Fire mortars at R1 >[W]ild move: Using Skate System SE x2, S x2 >[M]ove: S, SW x3 Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [24/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5829011 >[F] Evasion Focus >-Activate Jump Jets >[M] Move 1NW 1SW, face NW >[W+A] Reserve: Overwatch with an HMG [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 22, 51, 45 = 118 (3d100) >>5829011 P:"Moving on up Firefox."
>C: Flank Speed >M: Go 1S, 3SW, 2NW, 2N (Face South) >A: Fire Medium Autocannon (HE) at R2 (Not sure about lock) Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 32/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
Rolled 93, 90 = 183 (2d100) >>5829011 "R-Roger, engaging Calvary! Mortars, zeroed in! Opening fire!"
>[W] Activate Artillery FCS (+20 Accuracy) >[F+A] Fire both Light Mortars at L2 (HE, 105 Accuracy, 10crit) >[M] face SW (105 Accuracy Breakdown: 60 base, +20 Artillery FCS utility action, +5 passive Rapid Fire FCS, +20 tracking from Rapid fire FCS and mark from Desert for Dinner on L2)
(I was also told the smoke shouldn't still be there, but I guess we will see >.<)
Quoted By:
>>5829679 Also, -1 Scatter from Artillery FCS
>>5829679 ((I would like to edit my post to have my Move action happen first and to move 2 tiles NW and face SW.))
New order of actions:
>[M] Move 2 tiles NW, face SW >[W] Activate Artillery FCS (+20 Accuracy) >[F+A] Fire both Light Mortars at L2 (HE, 105 Accuracy, 10crit) FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
4chan's temporary outage has thrown off my processing groove. Turn will be processed... at some point tomorrow.
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg ID:UuAhqPXg Tue 14 Nov 2023 16:08:33 No. 5829957 Report "Haha! Look at those overgrown flies tumble to the ground once you clip their wings! They won't be able to stop us from taking the high ground, charge!"
>>5829011 >Load HE in the Lancer Cannon >[M] Move 2NW, 1SW, 3S, face NW >[A]+ Reserve Fire when reaching the end of my movement, priority list for reaction fire: Target Within 3 Hexes (Close Target) > Infantry Target > Cavalry Target > Airborne Target > Objective Target >Tegu MBT >Main mount: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon >Pintle mount: Light Auto Cannon >Defensive Utility: Internal Reinforcement >>5829885 At the least it will let me get my turn in since the website wouldn't let me post when I got home from work. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Zoric:"SAM launcher sighted. Desert, exercise discretion when dropping smoke, we need cover but we also need eyes on the plateau tops to find the targets." DAZ-2:"Is that an enemy chopper? Right in front of us? With it's counter measures exhausted?" *Hits the launch button* DAZ-1:"Have fun number 2, I need to get to the top of this plateau and that lizard <span class="mu-s">better not stop me</span>">Standby for enemy phase
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5831013 >Standby for aftermath Zoric:"Dammit, there are mega felids lurking between the plateaus..."
>Standby for aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5829957 BTW you don't have enough actions to do overwatch.
>>5831028 Neromian Spotter: "Come in Yagmur, the SAM site is under attack, we need reinforcements!"
Yagmur: "Roger that, we're diverting the Heavy VTOL squadron, ETA..."
Zoric: "Enemy patrols are starting to trickle in, watch your backs."
>Declare your actions everyone. Turn gets processed on Thursday 8pm GMT+8 Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Wed 15 Nov 2023 13:55:40 No. 5831060 Report Quoted By:
>>5831028 Ha ha, have at you - weave, duck, dodge - the way of the FIST !
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Rolled 100, 78, 13, 82, 54, 84, 6, 43, 32, 69 = 561 (10d100) >>5831048 >[F] Evasion Focus [60EVA] >[M] Move 3NW, face SW >[A] Shoot MP4 with an HMG [55ACC (50 Base + 5 FCS), 1PEN | 1DAM, 5ROF] >[W] Shoot R4 with the other HMG [55ACC (50 Base + 5 FCS), 1PEN | 1DAM, 5ROF] [10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 39, 29 = 68 (2d100) >>5831048 "Ah, lizard! Kill it please Mastodon, I'm busy swatting flies!"
>[F]ocus: Evasion (55ev) >[M]ove: 1S 2SW, face North >[A]ttack: fire Croc Laser at G3 (acc80) >[W]ild: If G3 lives, fire second Croc Laser at it. Otherwise, fire it at G1. >Smoke Screen: pop smoke Dessert for Dinner
Rolled 55, 17, 10, 54, 82, 7 = 225 (6d100) >>5831048 Doesn't look like there is anything up there I can smoke against, so its battlin' time. Cammy, Clueless, you two can break line of sight on those locks if you head down and hug the cliffs.
> Move S 2SW > Melee focus, charge L1 with a crackling electro spike (6 damage, 75 hit) > HMG, light up R5 (1x5 damage, 55 hit) Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 Cost: 1000
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar
Torso Secondary: Target Marker
Arms: Electro Spike, HMG
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1)
+5 Ranged Acc, Auto-Lock
800 Cr
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
>>5831088 Lizards have around 20HP, 5 last turn, 6 from the spike and one regen... He needs another 10 to die, Hound! Stick him with a HEAT!
(L2 Took 9 damage last round, I hit it with 2 mortar shots)
CLUELESS [3] !tJbxCiP6kc
Rolled 9, 51, 59, 8, 85, 28 = 240 (6d100) >>5831048 >Evasion Focus EAT HOT ROCKET!!
>Attack: B3 with Rocket [first 5d100s] >Attack: B2 With lancer AP [sixth d100] >Move: S, SW, S "I REQUIRE PROTECTION!!!"
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
>>5831124 O ho, then its on 6! Want to finish it off then? He can't dodge you, he's facing the wrong way. That'd free hound to go help with that cat.
Quoted By:
I can't, I got to get away from these three boars on my tail, at best, I could try to shoot at it once for 4 damage, but, I would damage Hound in the blast. ( Not to mention potential scatter of I miss)
[4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Rolled 36, 47 = 83 (2d100) >>5831048 >Take attack of opportunity, move 1N, 2NE, ram infantry (I think they're already dead, but just in case), facing SW >Switch R-120 to HEAT rounds >Shoot L1 with R-120, HEAT rounds Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
Rolled 8, 23, 74 = 105 (3d100) >>5831071 "Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's just an overgrown newt. Blowing it's legs off should stop it dead, unless these Neromian's have figured out how a way to regrow their limbs."
>>5831048 >[M] Move NW, SW, 2NW, face SW >[A] Fire Lancer Cannon at L3 (70% ACC) > Fire Auto-Cannon at L3 (60% ACC, RoF 2) >>5831048 >BTW you don't have enough actions to do overwatch. I only read the Attack section of the Rulebook and couldn't find a rule saying there was an action cost for swapping ammunition, only the one about different attack types so I assumed it was a free action. I've read further in now and see that it requires a utility action. Whoops. Also, even though my damage was rolled back earlier, I'm still tagged as having taken one internal damage. [7] FireFox
Rolled 61 (1d100) >>5831048 "Holy shit this thing came out of nowhere! This kitty is rending my hull apart. Sorry Tiger i have to fall back a little to let this kitty have it. Maybe you can show it who's the meaner cat around."
>[F]ocus: Evasion >[M]ove: Disengage SE >[W]ild move: Using Skate System NE x4 facing NW >[A]ttack: Fire mortar at C1 Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [9/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
Rolled 21, 85 = 106 (2d100) >>5831048 "Ah! I've been hit!" Cammy traces the firing arc to the infantry on the plateau. She sees them begin to reload. "I...I think they might be going after Clueless next! I'm going to try and take them out!"
Cammy readies her mortars and fires both before retreating to the south.
>[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at MP2, (HE, 65 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) [M] Move 1SE, 2S
[W] Move 3 S, face NW
>>5831738 (Sorry, forgot the little arrows for my movement >.<)
Should be:
>[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at MP2, (HE, 65 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) >[M] Move 1SE, 2S >[W] Move 3 S, face NW [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 22, 20, 27 = 69 (3d100) >>5831048 >C: Flank Speed >M: 4SW, 4S >A: Fire Medium Autocannon (HE) at C1 Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 32/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Dazzle-1:"Thank you mercs for taking care of that Lizard, Now that I'm in position I think you'll see how important it was that we didn't delay, speaking of which... HEY number 2! Get up here!" Dazzle-2:"Coming...">Standby for Enemy Phase
[9] Theraskine !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
[9] Theraskine !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Thu 16 Nov 2023 12:44:03 No. 5832199 Report Rolled 81, 17, 13 = 111 (3d100) >>5832183 Not so fast !
>Focus Melee >[A] Electo Spike Varanid [75] >[W] Mechbash Varanid [80], 2x >[M] Re-orient mech 2SE, 1NE, face S Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5832198 >>5832199 Wireman: "Found the other 2 SAMs. There's only one other place the radar truck can possibly be..."
>Standby for aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Para-rescue: "Seriously dude, turning your back to a boar in a cobra, you're lucky you had the engine block in between you and those tusks. Get in."
Neromian Pilot: "Heavy Squadron on site, mark targets, I've got enough missiles for everyone."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrLR_dXX41M&list=PL-MTmjMOGZ0lUX7zy0PL3d_kMvNm9dzEl&index=4 >Declare Actions turn will be processed at 8pm Friday GMT+8 [10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 61, 81 = 142 (2d100) >>5832226 "Urgh, cats AND gunsmoke. Horrible combination, never going to get the smell out..."
>[F]ocus: Evasion (55ev) >[M]ove: Disengage 1 NE, Face NW >[A]ttack: fire Croc Laser at G2 (acc80) >[W]ild: If G2 lives, fire second Croc Laser at it. Otherwise, fire it at L3. Dessert for Dinner
Rolled 72 (1d100) >>5832226 Well I can't do much about those boars, but I sure can wreck an artillery truck. Leave it to me! I'll tear its legs off.
> Move 4NW 1N > Charge SAM3 with the electrospike (damage 6 acc 75) Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 Cost: 1000
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar
Torso Secondary: Target Marker
Arms: Electro Spike, HMG
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1)
+5 Ranged Acc, Auto-Lock
800 Cr
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5832226 >>5832343 Whoops, forgot to add
>pop smoke at the end there
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Rolled 11, 33, 33, 9, 16, 16, 93, 30, 46, 93 = 380 (10d100) >>5832226 >-Act before Artemis >[F] Fire Control Focus >[M] Move 2S, face SW >[W] Visual Lock on L3 >[A] Fire both HMGs at L3 [70ACC (50 Base + 20 FCS Tracking), 1PEN | 1DAM, 3INT, 5ROF] >>5832353 (I know you're trying not to die, but don't forget you've only got a limited number of smokes, and as far as I know there's no way to restock mid-mission.)
Rolled 77, 60 = 137 (2d100) >>5832226 "Oh No! Clueless! A-and they're coming for me next!" Cammy takes a deep breath to enter her calm space, then carefully aims her mortars at one of the charging boar riders.
>[W] Activate Artillery FCS (+20 Accuracy, -1 Scatter) >[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at B2, (HE, 85 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) >[M] Move 3NW, Face SW Fone For Dinner
>>5832602 Oooh, ouch, yow, that poor pig. Hope your mortars don't scrape the paint off our VIP! S;peaking of, with you moving back, DAZ-2's a little... exposed? Hooouuuuundddd
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Thu 16 Nov 2023 22:36:40 No. 5832629 Report Rolled 44, 55, 87 = 186 (3d100) Firefoxxee - careful now ! We don't want you scrapped ! That's my job -- FLOWING MECH FIST-- SURPRISE ROCK TO THE SKULL! Get out of here, FireFox! Ahh, I'll get you a Premium Service Protection Package with a discount -- run, let me handle this. >Melee Focus >[M] Bank left, 2SW, this is an ElectroSpike charge [vs 85, I'm data-linked] against C1, from behind. >[A] Dual Mech Bash (Theraskine punches into the cliff again and use a cobra leg to kick some debris at C1). [Vs 90, d5, I'm datalinked] >[W] Continue S, 2SW, face NE at B1. Carefully reach forward with one servo. Move it left. Move it right. Come at me, b1 boar boy. HEY SOON TO BE BACON, NO WONDER YOU RIDE A BIG PIG INTO BATTLE, YOU MUST FEEL KINSHIP TO THE WALKING LARD YOU BLUBBERY PIECE OF MILITARY SURPLUS! IS THAT A LANCE? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? YOU STUCK A WARHEAD ON A PIKE AND THOUGHT THAT MAKES YOU MEDIEVAL?? I'VE GOT NOTHING UP MY SERVO-SLEEVES AND I'LL SHOW YOU MEDIEVAL, HOOF HUFFER. WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO STICK ME WITH THAT PIKE OF YOURS AND LIKE EVERY OTHER ROMANTIC ENCOUNTER IN YOUR LIFE MY FIRST RESPONSE WILL BE A DISTINCT LACK OF REACTION AND MY SECOND WILL BE TO SLAP YOU SO HARD YOU SEE STARS ==Theraskine== Regular, 50 XP Broke, 9 Credits Mech Value, 700 Skills: +3 Penetration ==Crashtest Runtime== Cobra [28 HP] 60 AGI 3 MOV 8 SENSOR 40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War RA: Buckler LA: Electro-Spike TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, 1x Target Marker TPM CU: Ablt 2 -- !Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60 !DataLink Network [Target Marker] !Theory... of the Metal Fist
[4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Rolled 51 (1d100) >>5832226 >Lock on B3 >Shoot B3 with R-120, HEAT rounds (ACC 80+20 Tracking) >Move 2S, 2SE, facing NE >>5832610 Hey, hey there. No need to yell, I got this.
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg ID:UuAhqPXg Fri 17 Nov 2023 02:51:48 No. 5832792 Report Rolled 58, 65, 57 = 180 (3d100) "These Launcher schmucks are getting on my nerves with their bullshit. Lets see how fun it is when your guts are splattered all over the terrain, you cowards!"
>>5832226 >[M] Move 2 NW >[A] Fire Lancer Cannon (HE) at MP3 (ACC: 70) > Fire Auto Cannon at MP4 [ACC: 60, RoF 2) [7] FireFox
Rolled 27, 72 = 99 (2d100) >>5832226 >>5832629 "Thanks this situation is getting quite nasty. I'll soften that boar up for you and get up on that stone."
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[A]ttack: Fire mortars at B1 >[M]ove: Using Skate System SW x4 >[W]ild move: NW x2, N, NE facing S Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [5/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 23, 3, 52 = 78 (3d100) >>5832226 >A: Fire Medium Autocannon (HE) at MP 1SE (They lost their designation in transit?) >M: 2SW, face South >C: Hands-On to use Target marker on HV1 "Alright Dazzle team, lets see if you can put your money where your mouth is. Got a marker on HV1 think you can take it out before I get shot with enough missiles to know the difference between where it is and isn't?"
Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 28/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5833174 >>5833128 Dazzle-1:"Of course I can, I have one job after all."
Dazzle-1:"... NUMBER 2 DOUBLE TAP! effing countermeasures... making me look bad in front of the help..."
>Standby for enemy phase... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5833194 Wireman: "Uh Theraskine I don't think you should provoke it any more thatn you... aaand you've lost an arm, somebody help her out."
HV1: "Long Range air defence! They're outranging even me. Somebody take those trucks out while we deal with these tanks."
HV2: "Enjoy getting your cage rattled ground pounder!"
((HV2 is suppressing Mastodon with it's special ability. Suppressed targets suffer -30% to all rolls, lose any overwatch they set and cannot benefit from mecha focus actions.))
>Standby for aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5833229 Dazzle-2:"Dammit, I just took an AT round through one of the tubes and the tracking dish. Weapon effectiveness has been reduced."
((Due to internal damage, Dazzle 2's RoF has been reduced by 1 and they can no longer perform infinite range sensor locks.))
Wireman: "I know you guys are a little busy right now but the Neromians really can't afford to lose these SAMs, we're likely to see more reinforcements trickle in until you finally take them out."
>Declare actions everyone. Turn will be processed on Saturday 8PM GMT+8 [2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5832792 >>5832343 We need some coordination here. I drew up a gameplan for us based on what we've discussed in the comms channel
(discord) . Any objections?
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5833291 One slight adjustment: we want Mastodon to attempt a Lock On on HV2. We need as many lock attempts as we can get to splash it.
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Quoted By:
>>5833298 That's true. In that case, Mastodon will probably want to move farther forward to get a clear shot on C2. That initial plan was banking on HV2 being destroyed before he took his turn... Though, now that I think about it, that wouldn't be the case anyways since Dazzle needs to help for us to destroy HV2.
Rolled 51, 45 = 96 (2d100) >>5833236 "This is Cammy, going to try and eliminate the spotters. Firing...now!"
>[W] Activate Artillery FCS (+20 Accuracy, -1 Scatter) >[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at R6, (HE, 85 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) >[M] Move 3SW, Face S [7] FireFox
Rolled 42, 26 = 68 (2d100) >>5833236 "Laying fire on objective. Hound i'm sending you a drone it should mark target you fire on take good care of it"
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[W]ild utility: Drone to support mode to [4] Hound >[M]ove: Using Skate System NW x2, SW x2 >[A]ttack: Fire mortars at NE from SAM2 Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [5/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
Dessert for Dinner
Rolled 97, 5, 35 = 137 (3d100) >>5833229 1 hull integrity, close one Mas'!
> Move 3N > Electro spike (6 vs 75acc) > Melee focus, double mech unarmed (5 vs 50acc) Callsign: Dessert for Dinner
Chassis: Cobra-KA1 Cost: 1000
Torso Primary: Heavy Smoke Mortar
Torso Secondary: Target Marker
Arms: Electro Spike, HMG
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 1)
+5 Ranged Acc, Auto-Lock
Dessert for Dinner
Quoted By:
>>5833660 Miss, crit, hit! Take that, you dumb bastard. Should be on 6HP
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 8, 2, 27, 95, 47, 39 = 218 (6d100) >>5833236 "Oh, this dance is getting too crowded!"
>Wait till after everyone else has gone >[F]ocus: Evasion (55ev) >[A]ttack: fire Laser at G2 (acc80) >[W]ild: If G2 is still alive fire second Croc Laser at it. Otherwise fire Rapid Rocket Pod (5x acc60) at whichever of HV2, L3, or C2 is still alive (in that priority) >If C2 is alive, pop smoke >[M]ove: If C2 is alive: Disengage 1 SE, Face NW. If all four targets are dead: move 3NW, Face SW. Anonymous
>>5833660 You can't double mech unarmed strike without a skill. You may have seen Theraskine trying it, but it didn't resolve as two attacks.
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 53, 88 = 141 (2d100) >>5833236 P: "Well Dazzle-1 let's see who fares better between you and me this time! Lemme buy you a drink and get to know you if I manage to get the VTOL shot down ;) . Here let me paint the target to at least make it a "little" fair."
A: "We're not looking too hot with all these MANPADS that keep jumping us Boss."
P: "Its this or we get shafted by that big bird. Wouldn't be much of a Tiger if I just let it intimidate us. Lets go Strossmann, get the EMP in range. Alvarez man the Target Marker for a sec."
>M: Go 2S, 1SE, 3S (face SE) >A: Target Marker paint HV3 >C: Fire Pintle mount EMP Missiles at HV2 "How's this for missile you filthy casual!"
Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 11/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5833732 >>5833229 Slight mistake on typing
>Everything is aimed at [HV3] thats Target Marker and Missile. [10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Quoted By:
>>5833701 >>5833236 I have been informed that Melee attacks don't get reduced accuracy from the target being in smoke. If that's true, I'd please like to not pop smoke this turn if both G2 and HV2 die.
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Fri 17 Nov 2023 23:53:16 No. 5833782 Report >>5833727 A slight correction, otherwise perceptive observer, it actually did. You have one mighty mech fist per limb. So one can actually double-bash without a skill, but only once.
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Fri 17 Nov 2023 23:54:39 No. 5833784 Report Quoted By:
>>5833782 I mean I rather seem unable to do it NOW but... Oh. Well. So it goes. Maybe I shouldn't have laughed at his pike so much.
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5833236 >>5833701 I have been informed how smoke and finding targets works requires reserve actions. Could I please change my move to:
>before my shooting >[M]ove Disengage 1SE and then popping smoke last please
>>5833782 Discussion with cognis has shown this to be false. You cannot bash twice without the skill.
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5833787 >>5833782 You need Practice of the Metal Fist to mech bash more than once per turn. The mech bash counts as a weapon and like every other weapon it can only be used once per turn.
You only have one mech bash "equipped". The number of limbs a mech has no bearing on this.
If I seem to have resolved more than one bash attack previously then it was a mistake, although in all previoys instances I'm pretty sure I've just ignored further attacks.
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5833236 >[F] Fire Control Focus >[M] Move 2SW 1NW, face SW >[A] Shoot L3 with both HMGs [55ACC (50 Base + 5 FCS), 1PEN | 1DAM, 3INT, 5ROF] (x2) >[W] Lock on to HV2 "Requesting support from Dazzlers! We need that VTOL taken down!"
[4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Rolled 28, 56 = 84 (2d100) >>5833236 >Move 2NW, 3SW, 1S >Visual lock on HV2 >Shoot HV2 with R-120, HEAT rounds "Dodge this!"
>>5833635 "Hey, thanks FF. Look at the little buddy go! I'll try to get him back to you safe and sound.
[2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Rolled 33, 33, 94, 61, 36, 13, 74, 12, 100, 58, 63 = 577 (11d100) >>5833236 >>5834340 (Forgot to roll.)
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5834350 Gonna delay for around 40 mins to eat dinner. I'm feeling hangry.
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg ID:UuAhqPXg Sat 18 Nov 2023 12:35:55 No. 5834357 Report Rolled 84, 24 = 108 (2d100) >>5833236 >>5834350 >[M] Move 1SW, face S > Visual Lock HV2 >[A] Fire Lancer Cannon (HE) at C2 (ACC: 40) >Move after Artemis to lower chance of hitting them with splash damage Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5834357 Okay back, I'll take this one into account as well.
>Processing for real. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5833732 Dazzle-1:"Hah! You're on! Thanks for exhausting his countermeasures. This kill is gonna be all... ah fuck, lucky bastard..."
Wireman: "I think we might just have the airspace locked down."
>Standby for enemy Phase... [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5834399 Park: "I guess it's a date then! :D Albeit now here comes all the MANPADS!"
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5834399 >>5834408 Dazzle-1:"If he lives, he better be handsome..."
>Standby for aftermath... Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5834417 Wireman"Reinforcements are slowing, the number of patrols available to respond is thinning out but we haven't won yet. Don't let up until all targets are destroyed."
((I'm gonna rule that melee attacks vs the SAMs and Radar truck autohit. It just feels too sad to whiff on a large target that isn't even doing combat manoeuvres. You can still roll for crits though.))
>Declare actions. Turn will be processed Sunday at 8pm GMT+8. [2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Rolled 99, 5, 55, 60, 25, 8, 97, 63, 94, 47, 47 = 600 (11d100) >>5834442 >[F] Fire Control Focus >[A] Shoot L3 with both HMGs [50ACC, 1PEN | 1DAM, 3INT, 5ROF] >[W] Melee the SAM [{AUTO}, 10PEN | 5DAM, 1INT, 1ROF] >[M] Disengage SE [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5834442 The sounds of the armor shaking and crumpling at the sound of the MANPAD's hitting the tank was definitively not for the faint of heart. Sirens blaring and warnings being issued kept going. But this was like a dual between self and the nerves. Eventually the fire finally let up and the smoke cleared...But the Tiger was not out for the count.
P:"Hahaha! Nice angling Strossemann! Once again you manage to bring it home!"
S: "..." *The driver puts his thumbs up in positive albeit it is shaking quite a lot.*
A: "Madre de satélite. I don't know how you manage to convince me into these situations boss but were alive and the bird is down."
P:"Charisma Álvarez, that's why I was the coach and the commander."
*Turns on main channel*
>>5834357 >>5834342 >>5834340 >>5833786 >>5833660 >>5833635 >>5833360 P:"Alright mercenaries! We got control of the air space for a bit so lets focus back on the ground! Firefox, Cammy I truly hope you can help me out with all these MANPADS looking at me funny because I don't think I'll be able to take another 3 like that one."
"Southern team nice moves out there specially you Artemis but I think it's time cull the megafauna population there back to acceptable numbers. Then get on the SAM's."
"Dessert, Hound Theraskine I trust your best judgment now but don't lose positioning."
"Let's bring it home people. I'd really hate to miss the rendez- vous with B team in Yagvosk."
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 11, 91, 6, 83, 37, 20, 61 = 309 (7d100) >>5834442 "Enough dancing, time to finish this! Come on kitty, follow the red dot..."
>Wait till after Zaffre and Mastodon have shot at L3 >[F] Focus: Linked Fire >[A] Linked Fire both lasers at C2 >[W] Fire Rapid Rocket Pod at C2 or L3 if either is alive >[M] If C2 is dead, jump jet 1SW 2NW & face NE. If C2 is alive, jump jet Disengage 1SW & face N [1]Cammy
Rolled 93, 85 = 178 (2d100) >>5834442 "Tiger! I'm coming to your aid! Firing on infantry now!"
>[M] Move 3SW >[W] Move 2NW, 1SW, face S >[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at MP9, (HE, 65 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) [4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Rolled 46 (1d100) >>5834442 >Visual lock on SAM1 >Shoot SAM1 with R-120, HEAT rounds >Move N, NE, SE, S, 2SW, facing NE [7] FireFox
Rolled 95, 90 = 185 (2d100) >>5834442 >>5834474 "On my way lets get everyone home safe. Raining dead clear the blast area!"
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[M]ove: Using Skate System SW x2, S x2 >[A]ttack: Fire mortar at MP8 >[W]ild attack: Fire second mortar at SAM2 Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [5/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Rolled 34, 17, 30 = 81 (3d100) >>5834442 >ACT BEFORE FIREFOX AND CAMMY >C: Target Marker paints MP9 >A: Fire Medium Autocannon (HE) at MP 10 >M: Move 3S, 3SE, Face NORTH Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 3/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
[6]Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg ID:UuAhqPXg Sun 19 Nov 2023 11:40:36 No. 5835848 Report Rolled 46 (1d100) "These grunking lizards can survive shells better than my hunk-o-junk. Maybe I should drape some lizard skin over the sides for extra defense"
>>5834442 >Swap to AP Rounds >Fire Lancer Cannon at L3 (ACC: 70) >If L3 is dead, fire at SAM1 instead Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Wireman: "2 SAMs down, keep it up.">Standby for Enemy Phase...
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5835888 Wireman: "MASTADOOOON!"
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5835897 Pararescue:"Sit tight Mastadon, don't get in front of that lizard, we'll come to you!"
>Declare actions, turn will processed on Monday 8pm GMT+8 Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
BTW Mastadon: Your bailed out tank crew have a move action and a wild card action with a base move of 2. They also have small arms weapons but I wouldn't try shooting anything if I were you.
[4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Rolled 13, 16 = 29 (2d100) >>5835905 >Commander action: Fire EMP missiles at B1 (Drone autolocks before I shoot) >Shoot B1 with R-120, HEAT rounds >Move 6NE, ram B1. If B1 is dead, ram B2 "Dazzle team, get moving. I'll hold the boars off!"
Rolled 27, 19 = 46 (2d100) >>5835905 "Be Careful Firefox! I'm going after that last MANPAD. Firing...now!
>[M] Move 1SW, 1NW, 1SW, face SW >[W] Activate Artillery FCS (+20 Accuracy, -1 Scatter) >[A+F] Fire both Light Mortars at MP8, (HE, 85 Accuracy, 10Crit, 4 damage, 2 blast, radius 1) Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Rolled 81, 28 = 109 (2d100) >>5835905 "WHY WON'T THIS CAT DIE!"
>[F] Focus: Evasion (55ev) >[A+W] Fire both Lasers at C2 >[M] Disengage 1SW & face W, or if cat is dead move 2SW 1NW [2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Rolled 23, 37, 2, 58, 8, 7, 59, 67, 41, 93 = 395 (10d100) >>5835905 >[F] Fire Control Focus >[M] Move 2SW, 1S >[A] Shoot C2 with both HMGs [50ACC, 1PEN | 1DAM, 3INT, 5ROF] (x2) >-Engage Jump Jets >[W] Jump 3NW, face SW [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5835950 P: "Alright thanks for the service Cammy, with this were almost clear to finish."
>>5835905 >M: Go 3NW, 1N >C: Load-AP ammnuition >A: Tell the [RDR] to surrender themselves and their [RDR]. Not much honor in dying whilst not fighting back. If they don't comply open fire on [RDR] A: "Boss mind loading AP while I try convincing the eggheads?"
P: "Trying for negotiations again Álvarez?... Sure, do your magic on the mike. I'll start loading." *Loud Reloading begins*
A: *HrmHrm.* "¡Hola damas y caballeros de Neromius! Today I am the Vaquero who's come to round you up today. Now I'm sure you've stood witness to all the happenings outside your radar cabin and it seems that now it has come to YOU. Now I know you cherish honor and fighting stands but if working in a radar is what passes as honor for you and dying in it while no one can fight then I'm sorry but this isn't it."
A: "If you can hear this loud noise this is us reloading 30+mm AP rounds that will fire upon your radar. Now even if we look a bit beat up we're still in a good mood to give you a chance. We are here NOT FOR YOU but YOUR RADAR. If you kindly surrender and close all your communications leaving the radar then you get a chance to regain your honor later down the line instead of dying helplessly in a radar with no weapons. Maybe just change career and forget this ever happened. Were almost done reloading. So I'm going to need an answer and actions NOW or else you will have to feed our Tiger one more notch on it's fangs. Bullets are cheap, life and honorable surrender is not."
Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Regular: 100 exp} +5Acc
[Skill]: Flank Speed
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 3/32 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Heavy Auto Cannon (150) {HE Loaded} + Rapid Fire FCS (75)
[PM]: EMP Missiles (125)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Light Ablative Armor (50)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1125)=(225) Maintenance
[7] FireFox
Rolled 40, 49, 24 = 113 (3d100) >>5835905 >>5835950 "Yeah i kinda have to be i don't think i have any screen not covered in warnings and or red at the moment. It's fucking wonder this thing still stands. Anyways i'll wreck this overgrown rocket launcher so we can go home."
>[F]ocus: Fire Control >[A]ttack: Fire mortars at SAM2 >[M]ove: S x2 >[W]ild attack: Melee SAM2 with universal melee Name: Freya Wildheart
Unit Type: [Mech] [5/24]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F] (600)
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Arm R] (Light Mortar, HE) (100)
[Torso I] (Drone Controller) (50) [Recon Drone] (150)
[Torso E] (Advanced ECCM Module) +20 EWR (200)
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
+3 penetration, Auto-lock
Dessert for Dinner
>>5836425 These guys aren't gonna stop coming until that truck is blown.
> Move 3S > Overwatch with HMG Mastadon on phone
>>5835905 I'm at work and most likely won't make it home before the turn ends, I'll just phone post my actions.
>Move 2SW, S to get behind the wreck for cover >kick the Tank for giving up right as we were about to pass the finish line Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Wireman:"Another SAM down." Dazzle-1:"No Air units around guess I can take a moment to put distance between me and the boars.">Standby for enemy phase...
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5837068 Neromian Radar Tech: "There is no more glory to be had here... but we can't let them have our intel or equipment."
Wireman: "The SAM site has been neutralized and the patrols decimated. The remaining hostiles have retreated..."
>MISSION COMPLETE >Payout: >Mobilisation Fee: 200 credits. >3x SAM destroyed: 3x100 credits >Radar Truck Destroyed: 200 credits >Dazzle Team survived: 2x100 credits >Total Payout: 900 Credits >All Participants gain 50XP >Reminder: Maintenance fee is 20% of your total unit cost. If your unit got wrecked you don’t need to pay maintenance. Wrecks can be scrapped for 25% of their total credit cost, or fully restored for 75% of their original cost. [10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837076 Artemis pops her cockpit open.
"Urgh. The worst thing about fighting Neromians - everything always smells of burnt fur."
She then takes a look at how close the cat came to breaching her cockpit
"...on second thought, no. It's the claws. DEFINITELY the claws."
"I hope the logistic boys brought extra armour plate, there are some BIG holes to patch."
>Bank: 615cr >Mech Value: 1325cr >Maintenance: -265cr >Payday: 900-265 = +635cr >New Bank: 615+635 = 1250cr >XP: 100+50 = 150xp >!Level Up! Now Veteran Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Okay everyone. It's going to take a me some time to prepare the next mission I'm looking at anywhere between Friday and sometime next week. In the meantime I'm opening up equipment unlocks. They will remain open until the next mission briefing drops. Posting an updated unlock sheet.
>>5837076 >Gain 900 Credits (Total: 905c) >Pay 185c on upkeep (Total: 720c) >Gain 50XP (50/50) >Rank Up! [Rookie -> Regular] >Take skill: Auto-Lock >Take passive: +5 Ranged Accuracy Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN
Theraskine Taradiddle !!Fl5+gzgC0pN ID:ej720Cjl Mon 20 Nov 2023 14:45:04 No. 5837152 Report >>5837114 You mind terribly if I hang on to this target marker for a spell?
>>5837076 >Acquire rock punching experience >100x current credits, from 9 to 900. >Consider not paying upkeep. Sigh. Pay upkeep, I guess. Mech value 950, so pay 190. Be left with 719 credits. Could've trashed the whole thing, cleared my debt and walked away with 750 you know. This is why you crash your mechs, people. Saves money in the long run. >Strip down the ablatives and hand back to Hound. --
Ahem, I have some orders I would like to make? Yes please, thank you. Yes this form does say "fifty missiles and a roll of duct tape", very perceptive of you. Better make it two rolls of duct tape actually. Good catch.
>Pay 375 for 3x Heavy Rocket Launchers. >Pay 150 for 2x Mech Demo Charges >Sell an Electro Spike, a Buckler, for 62c >End with 256c. >Hi, I'd like you to install these enormous roller-skates on my mech. Please and thank you. That'll be 150, so we end with 106. >Crash prone? Hm, is that so - hey could you install this internal reinforcement system? For the *strangest* reason I have a feeling I'll need it. Better make that three rolls of duct tape.
Regular, 100 XP
66 Credits
Mech Value, 1325
Skills: +5 AGI,
==Crashtest Runtime==
Cobra [20 HP]
60 AGI
40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War
RA: 1x Demo Charge
LA: 1x Demo Charge
TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, Target Marker
TPM: 3x Heavy Rocket Launchers [II II II]
CU: 1x Skates, 1x Internal Reinforcement System
!Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60
!DataLink Network [Target Marker]
!Theory... of the Metal Fist
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Some hotfixes:>Heavy stealth plating now grants the Lord and Errant electronic defence and a slightly better HP buff, it's kinda worthless otherwise especially now that defensive utilities give HP buffs. >Squire now has upgrade packages similar to the Cloudburst to make it a little less squishy. >Cumulus and Cirrus have had a slight hardpoint rework to prevent people from giving them more than 1 hardpoint's worth of HP buffs via defensive utilities.
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Mon 20 Nov 2023 15:36:00 No. 5837189 Report >>5837137 >Putting 500cr towards Knite-Lite like I intended to. [2] Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Quoted By:
>>5837145 >>5837076 (Haha whooops. Only just realized I forgot my name. That could've been bad.)
[10] Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837152 >You mind terribly if I hang on to this target marker for a spell? Sure. I'll only start charging you ruinous interest when you explode it.
>>5837137 >Put 250cr towards Knight Lite >Bank: 1250 -250 = 1000cr Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Quoted By:
Oh yes, and if any new starting characters want to buy a slightly-used Crocodile at 75% of market price, hit me up.
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Quoted By:
>>5837137 (Psst. Tiger put 200 towards Advanced Sensors before.)
>>5826692 Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5837137 >Put 200c towards Advanced Sensor Equipment [500/500(?)] [Credits: 520c (720 - 200)] >Store HMG(x2), Jump Jets, and Rapid Fire FCS for anyone to use >Buy Light Auto Cannon (50c), Buckler (50c), Light Howitzer (100c), Artillery FCS (75c), and Soliton Radar (125c) [Credits: 120c (520 - 400)] Codename: Zaffre
Credits: 120c (720 - (400 + 200))
Experience: 50/150XP
Chassis: Cobra-KA1
L.Arm: Light Auto Cannon
R.Arm: Buckler
T.Primary: Light Howitzer
T.Secondary: Artillery FCS, Soliton Radar
C.Upgrades: Internal Reinforcement
Skills: Auto-Lock
Passives: +5 Ranged Accuracy
[4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5837076 >Credits gained: 900-270-630 >Balance: 240+630=870 >XP: 100+50=150, level up, learn The Juggernaut, passive: +4HP >Loan 400 credits to Artemis, 470 remaining in hand [7] FireFox
>>5837076 "Finally i can get some fresh air" FireFox set's the hatch to open only to hear metal grinding on metal. "Oh for fuck sake...well i guess the boys get to pry this thing open when i get back. Damn desert i hate it always too hot and the ac is broken."
>Bank: 610 C >Mech Value: 1400 C >Maintenance: -280 C >Payout: 900-280 = +620 C >New Balance: 1230 >XP 100+50=150xp >Rank up: Veteran >>5837137 "Hey Wireman can you send this cash towards some of those sweet toys your associates are offering to ship"
>Put 250 to unlock Knight-Lite >New Balance: 980 C Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837189 >>5837225 >>5837334 That looks like Knight Lite unlocked!
Quoted By:
>>5837137 Put 500 on EXO-Terra. This will put my new total at 545 credits.
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Mon 20 Nov 2023 21:31:43 No. 5837396 Report >>5837340 Yay! Finally I can have a new mech!
Why wouldn't Knight-Lite answer my emails. Why wouldn't they sponsor me. Now I'm destitute. >Money left after unlocking KL: 830 >Sell Crocodile, Croc Laser, Frag Cannon, Basic FCS: +475 >Put 200 towards Advanced Missiles >Borrow 20 from Teraskine >Buy Lord Mk2 (-800), Mk1-E Lancer Cannon (-250), Main Gun FCS (-75) Level up: respec to +6 penetration, Called Shot, Crack Shot
Lord Mk2 (800)
Right Arm: Main Gun FCS (75)
Left Arm: Tactical Shield (100)
Torso: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon (250)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 2) (100)
Total cost: 1325, maintenance 265
XP: 150 (+6 penetration, Called Shot, Crack Shot)
Funds: 0, plus 20 debt to Teraskine
CLUELESS [3] !tJbxCiP6kc
Quoted By:
>>5837076 >+900 credits "ooftonium welp time to grab a reserve and rebuild"
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Quoted By:
>>5836842 And Blown it was. Didn't even have to spend the shell casings. Now that's true skill.
>>5837076 >Bank: 335 >Mech Value: 1125 >Maintenance: -225cr >Payday: 900-225 = +675 >New Bank: 335+675 = 1010 >Bonus: A date with Dazzle-1 and Dazzle-2 :) "Sublime! and yes I am quite the handsome guy. According to most around me. Hopefully we'll have time someday for this date. Works not over."
>XP: 100+50 = 150xp >!Level Up! Now Veteran (Skills and Passive to be chosen soon) >>5837137 >>5826692 >Remind about putting 200 credits for Advanced Sensor. If I was invalid, I do it now and it's unlocked Dessert for Dinner
>>5837396 I'd take that bot for 475, sounds like a bargain! All the quartermaster'd do with it is scam another of us out of a paycheck, what do you say?
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837162 >>5837248 "Thanks for the cash Hound, I'm going to be owing you drinks for a while."
>Bank: 1000cr >Loan from Hound: +400cr >Buy: Errant, 2 canister launchers, stealth plating 1, rapid fire FCS = -1375cr >New Bank: 25cr (owe Hound 400cr) >Spare equipment available for loan, or sale at 75% price: Crocodile & 2 croc lasers, jump jets. >Loaned out: Target marker (Theraskine), "Clueless, I hear you're in the market for some lightly-used mech parts? The lasers are currently promised to Graz, but the croc chassis and jump jets are available. Ignore the burnt cat smell, that'll buff right out."
>Veteran Training respec: under consideration New Mech:
Errant [30/30hp] [50ev, 4mv, 8vi, 40edef]
RA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+5]
LA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+5]
RTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Rocket Pod [acc60+5][2/2]
LTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Fire FCS [datalink. Linked weapons gain +5acc, tracking 20]
Chassis - Internal Reinforcement [+8hp, -1 crit dmg], Errant Stealth 1 [+6hp, optical stealth]
Purple & Silver camo paint (when not invisible)
Value: 1650 (maintenance 330)
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
Hotfix:>The Stiletto Guidance skill is officially amended to apply only to missile weapons with homing. This is following discussion in the discord where current wording allows it to be used in potentially broken ways.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>Main System switching to Quest Mode... >... >Well, quest choice aside don't let it stop you from shopping and theory crafting. You are General Varlam Kovalev, and for once in many days you have received some good news: Operation Iron Sky is proceeding as planned. The town of Yagvosk had been taken and the SAM site in the Yilma Valley had been completely neutralised. NOAF forces in the region are poised to attack the airbase at Yagmur plateau. The atmosphere in the command centre had a frantic but cautiously optimistic undertone, however the operation’s most crucial phase had yet to begin. Major Zavrasin, your second in command and defacto adjutant entered the room carrying a pile of dossiers and set them down to the side of the main strategy map. “Intelligence reports on the enemy response to our attacks sir.” You grabbed a file and started skimming through it; recon photos, think-tank analysis, mission reports, all pointing to one thing. “They are consolidating their forces at the air field, and sending in their own aircraft to support the defences. Looks like they are predicted to arrive right at the same time as our own air cover. This will be an air battle as well as a ground one.” Zavrasin stared thoughtfully at the airfield on the strategy map, now surrounded by friendly unit markings. “How do you feel about the capabilities of our air force sir?” “High command understands the importance of this operation and have set aside a significant number of planes to cover us. I know the designs we use are a bit long in the tooth but I think their numerical superiority should make up for the technology short coming.” “So you reckon it will be an even fight all things considered?” “Well the neromian air force isn’t nearly as fearsome as their ground forces. Air power doesn’t mean shit without boots on the ground.” “True, but with boots on the ground air superiority can be a decisive factor. The order of battle for this upcoming fight is too… fair for my liking. We need an edge.”>cont
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5837801 “We have the mercenaries, they have been instrumental in pushing the front despite their… idiosyncrasies.”
“I agree, so why not hire a few more to tip the scales in the sky?”
“Mercs are expensive Major, the current help is pricey enough as it is.”
“I said it before sir and I’ll say it again: you can afford it.”
You shot burning glare at Zavrasin who held it with the calm firmness of someone who knew they held the high ground. In the end it was you who broke eye contact first.
“Fine,” you say with a sigh. “If I’m going to gamble on mercenaries, I suppose I might as well go all in. Given that a bunch of wandering fighter pilots haven’t washed up on our door step. I don’t suppose you have any candidates in mind.”
Zavrasin hands you a dossier. “Actually, I do sir. I believe everyone in that file would make a solid choice, some more solid than others but I leave the final decision to you.”
You flip through the dossier, there were some… interesting characters out there to be sure. They all had some form of attitude problem but you couldn’t deny they were cut above the average NOAF pilot.
>Kovalev will select 1 mercenary squadron to add to the CAS in the Yagmur base assault. You may vote for more than one option, just remember that voting for all is the same as voting for none. >Quacken Squadron (Dogfighters with light ground attack capability) >Oiseau de Mer (Long range missile platforms, high single target damage on both ground and air with poor dog fighting ability.) >Shrike (High anti-air capability at all ranges, but no ground attack capability. Just one plane.) >Nagel (The special) Phonehound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5837805 >Nagel (The special) No FoW is insanely good
>Loan 200 credits to Cammy Dessert for Dinner
>>5837644 I'll borrow one of those lasers too. Cheese, mate. Great work with that south side, ripped up half their reinforcements all by yourself. Inspirational, really.
> Oiseau de Mer, Shrike These two seem the least likely to get themselves killed
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Tue 21 Nov 2023 07:23:58 No. 5837934 Report Quoted By:
>>5837531 You have yourself a deal, buddy!
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Tue 21 Nov 2023 07:41:35 No. 5837955 Report >>5837805 >Quacken Squadron (Dogfighters with light ground attack capability) >Oiseau de Mer (Long range missile platforms, high single target damage on both ground and air with poor dog fighting ability.) No FoW is great, but we need anti-air.
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5837805 >Nagel (The special) Maphacks all the way.
Failing that,
>Quacken Squadron (Dogfighters with light ground attack capability) Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837913 Sorry, Graz has asked to buy both lasers from me, so you'll need to take it up with them I'm afraid!
>>5838003 >Sell two lasers and Internal Reinforcement to Graz: +300cr >Hastily amend mech order to Errant Stealth 2: -100cr >New Bank: 225cr (owe Hound 400cr) >Spare equipment available for loan, or sale at 75% price: Crocodile, jump jets. >Loaned out: Target marker (Theraskine) >Veteran Training: >Passives: +5 Ranged Acc, +5 Evasion >Smoke Screen, Ninja Vanish ==
Errant [28/28hp] [55ev, 4mv, 8vi, 40edef]
RA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+10]
LA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+10]
RTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Rocket Pod [acc60+10][2/2]
LTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Fire FCS [datalink. Linked weapons gain +5acc, tracking 20]
Chassis - Errant Stealth 2 [+12hp, optical stealth, EDef]
Purple & Silver camo paint (when not invisible)
Value: 1650 (maintenance 330)
Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5837805 >Shrike (High anti-air capability at all ranges, but no ground attack capability. Just one plane.) For securing the airspace.
>Nagel (The special) For tactical advantage and precision strikes.
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5837805 >Shrike (High anti-air capability at all ranges, but no ground attack capability. Just one plane.) As good as Nagel is, we do kind of want to not get bombed constantly, and if NOAF loses much of its air contingent, what are we even attacking the airfield for?
>>5837913 >>5837955 >>5838051 Guys, we only get one choice, we can't vote for two.
[7] FireFox
>>5837805 >Quacken Squadron (Dogfighters with light ground attack capability) Good and reliable allrounders they have fared well in past.
Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
Quoted By:
>>5838050 Confirming the trade.
>-300cr, add two crocodile combat lasers and internal reinforcement to the reserve. >total credits at 1425 Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:C8E9VAy8 Tue 21 Nov 2023 13:40:28 No. 5838151 Report >>5837805 >Nagel, Shrike Either if these would be best in terms of the advantages we need.
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Tue 21 Nov 2023 13:59:22 No. 5838168 Report Quoted By:
>>5838133 >You may vote for more than one option Only one will be chosen, but this is a kind of ranked vote.
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5837805 >>5837886 I have been convinced to change my vote to
>Shrike (High anti-air capability at all ranges, but no ground attack capability. Just one plane.) The airport will be worthless if we lose our airforce to take it.
>>5837805 The boys fit our needs and our mindset, ought to take them on long term if they make it.
>Quacken Squadron (Dogfighters with light ground attack capability) Cammy
>>5837805 >First Vote: Nagel >Second Vote: Quacken ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Paid +900 >Borrowed +200 from hound >Sell Light Mortar: +50 >Sell Artillery FCS +37.5? (rounding down to 37) >Sell 1 level of Ablative +25 >Returning Light Mortar to Risk if Reyne +0 New Total 1200
> upkeep -200 > Donate 300 to advance missiles to unlock them. -300 >Purchase 3 longbows -450 >Purchase 2 rapid rocket pods -150 >Purchase Internal Reinforcements- 100 Total Costs: 1200
Character Sheet updates:
Name: Camellia "Cammy" Morgan
Level: Regular
Exp: 0/150
Skill: Top Attack Guidance
Passive: +3 Penetration
Money: 12
Mech: "Longbow"
Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Left Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Right Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Torso Internal Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Fire FCS (75)
Torso External Mount: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative x1(50), Internal Reinforcement(100)
Stats:[HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Cost: 1475
Upkeep: 295
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5837805 +1 Vote for Quacken squadron.
They're good dog-fighters which our airforce desperately needs, can support ground in the unlikely event the sky is clear, and there's two of them which means double the usefulness of shrike.
CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj ID:5QhtHR7h Tue 21 Nov 2023 20:42:59 No. 5838441 Report >>5837805 >Scrap Wreck (1400 -> 1650 Cr) >Purchase Lord Mk2 (800) >Purchase Lord Stealth 1 (100) >Purchase Network Support Module (150) >Purchase Mk2-GJ Lancer Cannon (300) >Total: 1350 CR New Cr: 1650 - 1350 = 300 Cr
New Build:
Chassis: Lord Mk2
Chassis Upgrades: Lord Stealth 1
Right Arm: Network Support Module
Right Torso: Mk2-GJ Lancer Cannon
CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj ID:5QhtHR7h Tue 21 Nov 2023 21:40:06 No. 5838498 Report Quoted By:
>>5838441 >Replace N.S.M. Purchase and Equipment with Advanced ECCM Module New Cr: 250 Cr
New Build:
Chassis: Lord Mk2
Chassis Upgrades: Lord Stealth 1
Right Arm: Advanced ECCM Module
Right Torso: Mk2-GJ Lancer Cannon
Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5838133 Switching vote to
>Quacken Squadron Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
"That's just typical isn't it? That this scrap heap would roll over just as the enemy retreats! You stupid metal amalgama- AAAAA, AND NOW YOU'VE GONE AND HURT MY FOOT, TOO! TRAITOR! GOOD GOD, MEDIC! MEDIC!"
>Restore Tegu MBT: Total Cost 750¢ >Remaining: 150¢ >Purchase: Ablative Armor (1) [+8 HP] (50¢) >Purchase: Main Gun FCS (Accuracy +5, Tracking [20]) (¢75) >Remaining: 25¢ >Level Up: Rookie > Regular [50XP / 150XP] >Stat Bost: +4HP >Take Skill: Automatic Fire Control >>5837805 >Quacken Squadron >Quacken Squad isn't called "Drake/Mallard" and "Launchpad/McQuack" How will they be able to
Get Dangerous like this?
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:okBWo7VX Wed 22 Nov 2023 06:36:43 No. 5838960 Report Quoted By:
"Alrighty, boys I think I'm gettin' the measure of Bessie's new toy now, might even be able to drop two shells on the same poor bastard's head at the same time if'n I really tried. Might need to use to ol' FCS at the same time as the new one though... Jessup, why don't you an' Barnaby start welding on a few new spars an' spalling liners why I fiddle with these here wirey bits.">Maintenance fee: 235 Cr >Purchase internal reinforcement: 100 Cr >Level up to Veteran: +5 ACC, On-Time On-Target Callsign: Risk of Rain Role: Indirect Fire Support XP:150 (Veteran) Skills: +10 Ranged ACC, Flank Speed, On-Time On-Target Chassis: Boa Turret: Artillery FCS, Howitzer HE Turret Equipment: Smoke Launcher, Basic FCS Ext Chassis Upgrade: Internal Reinforcement Credits: 415 Reserve: Heavy Mortar HE, Light Mortar HE, Basic Sensor Suite, Ablative Armor 1 (Anything in reserve is available for loan if anyone needs it.)
Quoted By:
>>5838214 Realized I made some errors in in my character sheet, it should be:
Name: Camellia "Cammy" Morgan
Level: Regular
Exp: 50/150
Skill: Top Attack Guidance
Passive: +3 Penetration
Money: 12.5
Mech: "Longbow"
Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Left Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Right Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Torso Internal Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Fire FCS (75)
Torso External Mount: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative x1(50), Internal Reinforcement(100)
Stats:[HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Cost: 1475
Upkeep: 295
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
I need a bit more time to make the next mission. I hope to post the briefing by next Wednesday at the latest.
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Zavrazin: “This is it everyone, the final phase of Operation Iron Sky; the assault on Yagmur Airbase. In a few hours NOAF units in the surrounding area will launch a massive attack on the airbase. Your unit will spearhead the attack on the command centre where enemy resistance is heaviest. Expect dug in infantry supported by mega cavalry and vanguard units.” “High command has come through with some air support, but the neromians have scrambled their own planes to meet ours. Both groups should arrive over the battlefield shortly after the mission begins. Thanks to your destruction of the SAM site in the Yilma Valley our pilots can breathe a little easier, but the command centre is still protected by several short range air defence turrets which will threaten our ground attack aircraft should they attempt an air strike. The Neromians will also attempt airstrikes on our own forces should they gain the upper hand in the air. Unfortunately your fire control systems are not calibrated to engage fast moving aircraft strafing the battlefield so I’ve deployed the SPAAG platoon: Okchu to provide AA cover. I cannot stress this enough: your job is to secure victory on the ground. <span class="mu-s">Leave the air battle to the pilots and AA crews,</span> if you want to gain an edge; <span class="mu-s">eliminate the enemy AA turrets and protect your own AA units.</span>” “I won’t lie: once battle is joined it will rapidly devolve into a cluster fuck. Expect hostile units from other fronts to periodically wander into the AO. Do not lose sight of your primary objectives: the capture of the command centre and destruction of enemy high value targets. For the former we will be sending in a constant stream of mechanized infantry. Protect their transports until they can storm the building. We are prepared to commit as many men as it takes, however I would prefer those casualties be minimized.”>cont
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5847848 “You mercenaries have been instrumental in getting us this far. I am not too proud to admit our regular forces would have been able to achieve your level of success without severe casualties. As such I’m willing to dig deep for your support; in addition to Okchu platoon I am sending in a pair of salvaged cloudbursts that will control those point defence drones you captured in previous missions. Tech like that is a rare commodity in NODR and many of my other officers wanted them covering their advances. Finally, I’m making some of our engineering mecha available to you to provide field repairs. I’m betting a lot on you mercenaries; don’t disappoint me.”
Mission Parameters:
>Aircraft from both sides will arrive over the battlefield at the end of turn 2. >Allied Mechanized Infantry Units will spawn periodically with orders to assault the command centre. >Enemy units may wander onto the battlefield periodically, watch your flanks. Primary Objectives:
>Ensure at least 20 infantry units storm the command centre. >Eliminate any high value targets. (Your operator will mark them as they are encountered.) Secondary Objectives:
>Do not let more than 3 mechanised infantry squads be wiped out on their way to the command centre. (Casualties sustained after the command centre has been captured do not count.) >There is no deployment limit to this mission, but you may not use a reserve unit. >New equipment can no longer be unlocked, but you may still buy new gear. Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
>>5847854 Zavrazin: "Based on numerous mission reports and combat records our intel department have finally put together something regarding the cavalry units we've encountered thus far."
>BTW can I get a rollcall for all active players? If we have over 20 I'll have to stop accepting new players (won't cut off anyone that's already joined, just can't take anymore.) Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Wed 29 Nov 2023 14:01:58 No. 5847881 Report >>5847866 MOAR CONTENT!
>Take Zaffre up on the offer to borrow 2x HMG (>>5837233 ) Build:
Lord Mk2 (800)
Right Arm: Main Gun FCS (75), HMG (50)
Left Arm: Tactical Shield (100), HMG (50)
Torso: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon (AP) (250)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative Armour (Size 2) (100)
Total cost: 1425, maintenance 285
XP: 150 (+6 penetration, Called Shot, Crack Shot)
Funds: 0, plus 20 debt to Teraskine
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Wed 29 Nov 2023 14:03:01 No. 5847882 Report Quoted By:
>>5847881 Put me in DZ 2 please.
Hoyt !bEf2TopPRw
Zaffre !!liwQukf5tId
>>5847866 >Deploy in DZ4, somewhere around the lower left corner Codename: Zaffre
Credits: 120c
Experience: 50/150XP
Chassis: Cobra-KA1
L.Arm: Light Auto Cannon
R.Arm: Buckler
T.Primary: Light Howitzer
T.Secondary: Artillery FCS, Soliton Radar
C.Upgrades: Internal Reinforcement
Skills: Auto-Lock
Passives: +5 Ranged Accuracy
>This is my final build. Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
>>5847866 >Deployment Zone 5, in a straight line and within distance 6 of the closest enemy infantry if possible Active Tank
>Tegu MBT (600) >R-120 Tank Gun (300) >EMP Missiles (125) >Main Gun FCS (75) >Reactive Armour 1 (150) >Internal Reinforcement (100) >Total value of Tank: 1350 credits >Maintenance: 270 >Custom colour: Terrain appropriate camo pattern >Decal: Princess Skills
>Total XP: 150 >Rank: Veteran >+8 HP >Regular Tank Crew Skills: Tank Shock >Veteran Tank Crew Skills: The Juggernaut >This is my final build. >Balance: 870 (400 loaned to Artemis, 200 to Cammy, 270 available) Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>Forgot to add this thing to the Intel packet.
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
>>5847866 "Artemis reporting for combat, just finished getting the new girl out of the packing."
150xp - Veteran
Passives: +6 Penetration
- Smoke Screen: Free action, reserve-fire smoke launchers after firing.
- Ninja Vanish: immediately regain optical stealth when using smoke
Errant [28/28hp] [50ev, 4mv, 8vi, 40edef]
RA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+5, pen46]
LA - Falcon Canister Launcher [acc70+5, pen46]
RTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Rocket Pod [acc60+5, pen11][2/2]
LTM - Smoke Pod [2/2], Rapid Fire FCS [datalink. Linked weapons gain +5acc, tracking 20]
Chassis - Errant Stealth 2 [+12hp, optical stealth, EDef]
Purple & Silver camo paint (when not invisible)
Value: 1650 (maintenance 330)
Bank: 225cr (owe Hound 400cr)
>Spare equipment available for loan, or sale for 75% market price: Crocodile chassis, jump jets. >Loaned out: Target marker (Theraskine) Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
>>5847866 115Cr Bank - 245Cr Maintenance + 700Cr Payout = 570Cr Total
>Sell Heavy Autocannon +75Cr Just ask if you want to buy this from me.
>Buy Type R Gun-Launcher -300Cr >Buy Advanced ECCM Module -200Cr >Buy Soliton Radar -125Cr New total: 20Cr
In reserve: R-120 Tank Gun, Basic FCS, Target Marker, Light Ablative
> [600] Chassis: Tegu MBT > [300] Turret: Type R Gun-Launcher > [75] Turret: Main Gun FCS > [200] Turret Equipment: Advanced ECCM Module > [125] Pintle: Soliton Radar > [225] Chassis Upgrade: Dozer Blade [75cr], Light Reactive Armour [150cr] Maintenance fee: 1525Cr x 20% = 305Cr
HIT: 20 MOV: 6 Tracked VIS: 5 E-WAR: 50
>Veteran, 150XP >Passive: +4 HP, +2 Internal HP >Skills: Automatic Fire Control, L337 H@XX0R CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj
CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj ID:LRUTAl3o Wed 29 Nov 2023 15:10:41 No. 5847956 Report Quoted By:
Anna Graham !0aymfgtZmc
>>5847854 You should put me at DZ6 NOW!
>+5 Ranged Accuracy,Damage Control Routines [HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
[Crocodile Mk2] [M][A][W]+[F]
[LA](Tactical Shield) +1DR, F:2DR
[RA](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[TI](Medium Auto Cannon) 60Acc,6Rng,2x 3Dmg,8Crit,1CDmg
[C](Ablative Armor):HP+16
(Auto-Lock)(Damage Control Routines)(+10 Ranged Acc) Mech Cost:1000 Maint:200 1200+700-200=1700 Credits 100+50 XP(Regular->Veteran) Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
Quoted By:
>>5848146 Looks like you've got a few free slots on that Croc - have a nosy around, plenty of folks are offering loans and/or loose components to make sure everyone's going in fully kitted out.
For example, want to borrow my jump jets?
CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj ID:LRUTAl3o Wed 29 Nov 2023 18:54:22 No. 5848240 Report >>5847866 Skills:
Stand Alone Complex
L337 H@XX0R
+7 E-war
+5 Evasion
Chassis: Lord Mk2
Chassis Upgrades: Lord Stealth 1
Right Arm: Advanced ECCM Module
Right Torso: Mk2-GJ Lancer Cannon
>This is my final build Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
>>5847866 Accounting:
>70 (previous balance) + 700 (income) - 230 (upkeep) = 540 (new balance) Skills:
Level up, respec into:
Emergency Repairs
Get us back into the Fight
+4 HP
+4 HP
Chassis: Tegu MBT
Primary Turret Mount: 2x Rotary Autocannon
Pintle Mount: EMP Missiles
Turret Equipment Mount: Rapid Fire FCS
Chassis Upgrades: Ablative Armour 1, Internal Reinforcement
Unit Cost: 1150
Reserve: HMG, Basic FCS Extension, Smoke Launcher
>This is my final build Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg
Tactical Idol !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:LOxmc3+u Wed 29 Nov 2023 19:04:53 No. 5848253 Report Quoted By:
>>5847881 >This is my final build [4] Hound !!Oa/FykI4QXi
Quoted By:
>>5847951 I'll take that Heavy Auto Cannon off your hands, thanks.
>Buy Heavy Auto Cannon from Mojo for 75Cr >Buy an Advanced Sensor Suit for 125, immediately give it to Cammy >New Balance: 670 (400 loaned to Artemis, 200 to Cammy, 70 available) Storage (Available for loan or sale)
>Advanced Sensor Suit (125) (Given to Cammy) >Ablative Armour 2 (100) >Heavy Auto Cannon (150) >Rapid Rocket Pod (75) >Basic FCS Extension (50) >Tegu Dozer Blade (75) Cammy
>>5847866 >Deploy in zone 6 Name: Camellia "Cammy" Morgan
Level: Regular
Exp: 50/150
Skill: Top Attack Guidance
Passive: +3 Penetration
Money: 12.5
Mech: "Longbow"
Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Left Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Right Arm Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Rocket Pod (75)
Torso Internal Mount: Longbow Missiles(150), Rapid Fire FCS (75)
Torso External Mount: Advanced Sensor Suite (125)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative x1(50), Internal Reinforcement(100)
Stats:[HP:32/32][AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Cost: 1550
Upkeep: 310
Storage: Basic sensor
>>5847866 Hacker Tegu at the ready, boss. You don't know how tempting it was to just... pick up a blasting lance. After all, why shouldn't I joust the megacav? I'd trade my main cannon for that. Maybe next time.
>Level up respec as below >This is my final build >Deploy Zone 2 —
150xp - Veteran
+14 E-War
Automatic FCS
L337 H@XX0R
Chassis: Tegu MBT (600)
Primary Turret: Type R Gun-Launcher (300), Target Marker (25)
Pintle: Basic Sensor Suite (50)
Turret Equipment Mount: Advanced ECCM (200)
Chassis Upgrade: Ablative 2 (100)
Ablative 1
545 Credits
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6
Marsh Reynes !!ohzrBEx0KE6 ID:VWPeHiQl Wed 29 Nov 2023 21:49:31 No. 5848407 Report >>5847866 >Deploy zone 6 "Hoo boy, stationary targets? Like plinkin' cans back home, fish 'n a barrel, a turkey shoot, smashin' pump- whassat?
Yeah yeah, pipe down Barnaby. I know turkeys don' have advanced intercept'n whatsits... It were an analogy."
==Risk o' Rain to Cammy, I'm gonna need to ask a favour pertainin' to them their interceptors...==
Callsign: Risk of Rain
Role: Indirect Fire Support
XP:150 (Veteran)
Skills: +10 Ranged ACC, Flank Speed, On-Time On-Target
Chassis: Boa
Turret: Artillery FCS, Howitzer HE
Turret Equipment: Smoke Launcher, Basic FCS Ext
Chassis Upgrade: Internal Reinforcement
>This is my final build. Credits: 415
Reserve: Heavy Mortar HE, Light Mortar HE, Basic Sensor Suite, Ablative Armor 1
(Anything in reserve is available for loan if anyone needs it.)
[8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Quoted By:
>>5847866 >Just checking in Mojo !!9P5/H8/ZlYd
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>>5847951 >Deploy in Zone 5 >This is my final build Hoyt !bEf2TopPRw
>>5847848 >buy mech mace >deploy zone 6 >lock in build Name: Hoyt Ownby
Unit Type: [Mech]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2] [32/32] [M][A][W]+[F]
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Right arm: croc combat laser
Torso:croc combat laser
left arm: mech mace
chassis:heavy ablative
torso external mount:Rapid rocket pod
spare credits:(490-100=)390
Skills(Regular, 50xp):+5 evasion, pathfinder
CLUELESS BOT !!9gNcQ1xTljj ID:LRUTAl3o Thu 30 Nov 2023 15:16:02 No. 5849212 Report Quoted By:
>>5848240 >Deploy in Zone 2 Ikit !!9gNcQ1xTljj
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>>5848250 >Deploy in zone 2 Theraskine Taradiddle !!8Og8gGv6k3r
Theraskine Taradiddle !!8Og8gGv6k3r ID:ej720Cjl Thu 30 Nov 2023 15:57:04 No. 5849252 Report >>5847866 I'm here, I'm here. Quacken in my boots, I am, at this job prospect.
How about you put me in Zone 6?
>Deploy to 6. ==Theraskine==
Regular, 100 XP
66 Credits
Mech Value, 1325
Skills: +5 AGI,
==Crashtest Runtime==
Cobra [20 HP]
65 AGI
40 E-War + 20 = 60 E-War
RA: 1x Demo Charge
LA: 1x Demo Charge
TSM: 1x Advanced ECCM, Target Marker
TPM: 3x Heavy Rocket Launchers [II II II]
CU: 1x Skates, 1x Internal Reinforcement System
!Electronic Defense [ECCM], vs 60
!DataLink Network [Target Marker]
!Theory... of the Metal Fist
Artemis !Ca64N18/iQ
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By my count, we currently have seven PCs in zones 2-5, and five in zone 6. Lets hope more tankers turn up for the frontline push. I'll try and add some coverage to our west flank.
>>5847866 >Deploy me to DZ-1 please Graz !!/Grhq1ryPy7
>>5847866 Here.
>Level up to Veteran, 100-->150XP >Respec, dropping Auto-Lock for Deflection Angles, gain Stalwart Defender >+5 Ranged Accuracy (+10 total) >Restore Crocodile chassis (-450cr) >Scrap Rapid Fire FCS and Skate System (+55cr)] >Purchase Target Marker (-25cr) >credit total: 1005 >Take Tactical Shield, Ablative 1 out of the reserve New build:
Unit Type: [Mech]
Base Unit: [Crocodile Mk2 (600cr)] [32/32] [M][A][W]+[F]
[AGI:50 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:40]
Left Arm: Tactical Shield (100cr)
Right Arm: Crocodile Combat Laser (150cr)
Torso Internal: Crocodile Combat Laser (150cr)
Torso External: Target Marker (25cr)
Chassis: Ablative 1 (50cr), Internal Reinforcement (100cr)
Upkeep: 235cr
>This is my final build >Deploy me to zone 5 (picrel) [8] Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
>>5847866 >Buy HMG (50) [1010-50=960] >Switch EMP missiles with HMG (send EMP missiles to storage) >Switch HVY Autocannon with Type D-Gun Launcher (Send the FCS and HVY Autocannon to storage) >Switch Light Ablative Armor with Dozer Blade from storage ====
>Deployment Zone 3 in the bottom left corner ====
>Some suggestions to make the operation smooth out between us and regular forces presented to CWO Zoric : -
>Suggest that the Point Defense Drones cover the main advance from Zones 2, 3 and 4 the initial push being important. Following the arrival of Mechanized Infantry, support them from possible Bombardment incoming from artillery or ATGM. The main Cloudbursts should aid in watching out the flanks from enemy units arriving in. >It's a clusterfuck for the infantry but I suggest trusting in your abilities and making for your objectives. We'll face soak for you, you get in close and clear them. >If infantry is going to the Heavy Defense Strong point we have Demolisher weapons to open the doors just call it in >Okchu should keep us (the mercs) between the ground enemies and themselves. Especially on turn 1. Get yourselves in position support an advance and for turn 2 ready to support our aircrafts in the air. Remember, we should be between you and the main enemies in the base or on the flanks. >Who knows maybe Zavrazin will notice you if you present him with this "Anyway these are my 2 Creds, you don't have to especially follow what I suggested or heck maybe you already thought of it. Just take it as me reminding the importance of this."
Having said all that, the team made to switch the weaponry on the tank quick as they could. Seemed like Hvy Autocannon was almost going to melt in the heat and all the rapid firing it did in the canyon. The Gun Launcher was moved up the line and was ready for this phase. A great door opener and clearer. Same with the Dozer Blade. A new addition to the team was the HMG which Parker would fire against groups of possible infantry.
"Alright team, lets get this party started. I want to be able to go on that date with the Dazzle girls and for that we'll need to buckle up buttercup. Lock in boys and girls. Lets finish this before Stross can start speaking again."
Name: Park "Champ Tiger" Byung-Jang
Unit Type: [Tank] {Veteran: 150 exp} +5Acc, +4HP
[Skill]: Emergency Repairs, Get Us Back in the Fight
Base Unit: [Tegu MBT] [M][A]+[C] (600)
[HP: 28/28 MOV:6 VIS:5 EWR:30]
[PTM]: Type D Gun Launcher (300)
[PM]: HMG (50)
[TEM]: Target Marker (25)
[Chassis]: Dozer Blade (75)+Internal Reinforcement (100)
[Total]: (1150)=(230) Maintenance
>This is my final build FoneCognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
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Looking to begin sprite assembly in around 22hours. Once done everyone will be locked in for the coming mission. Make sure your build is finalized.
>>5847866 "Okey so i am almost ready i just need some big gun to this thing. HEYY Marsh i see you're not using that heavy artillery piece could you give the boys ok to install it on this bad boy. Pretty please."
>Buy Lord Mk2 and a Buckler (-850) >New Balance (130) >>5848407 Loan Heavy Mortar
>this is my final build >Deploy me where i can provide heavy support for rest of the team Current Vehicle
Unit Type: [Mech] [22/22]
Base Unit: [Lord Mk2] [A/M][A][W]+[F] (800)
[AGI:40 MOV:3 VIS:8 EWR:60]
[Arm L] Medium Auto Cannon (100), buckler (50)
[Arm R] Advanced ECCM Module +20 EWR (200), Basic FCS Extension: Range Acc + 5 (50)
[Torso R] Heavy Mortar HE (300) loaner Marsh
[Chassis] (Ablative Armour) (50) (Skate System) (150)
[Decorations] (Orange, Black and White paint job)
[Cost] 1700
>Callsign: (CMV) Firefox >Name: Freya Wildheart >XP: 150 (Veteran) >Passive +3 Penetration (2/2) >Skills: Auto-Lock, Stalwart Defender Inventory:
Crocodile Mk2 (600)
Drone Controller (50)
Recon Drone (150)
Light Mortar (100) x2
Credits (130)
Mastodon !!hMANcI8ZyDg
>>5847866 "Hah, they might've knocked the Mastadon down, but it will not stay down! The beast is ready to rumble again in Round 2, this time with more added bulk! I'd like to see them try to put any holes in this monster now!"
>Deploy in Zone 5 >Final Build >Tegu MBT >Main mount: Mk1-E Lancer Cannon >Main Gun FCS (Accuracy +5, Tracking [20] for main gun) >Pintle mount: Light Auto Cannon >Defensive Utility: Internal Reinforcement (+8HP, -1 Internal Damage Taken) >Defensive Utility: Ablative Armor [1] (+8HP), Current XP: Regular [50/150]
Passive Stat Boost: +4HP
Current Skills: Automatic Fire Control
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Initial sprite assembly is complete but I still need to fill out stat cards. Given that this thread is on page 8 already I might need to start a new one once the battle begins.
Tiger !!Tn0se17JD6k
Cognis !!dRaoHSlU++3
Quoted By:
>>5854280 Sure
New thread is up guys. I had some more hotfix announcements but it's past midnight in my locale so I'll do em tomorrow... err later today.