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Knight of the Midnight Sun Quest

ID:u0CNa6Fi No.5814439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Ragged sickly rasps of dying breathe rattle your hollow undead bones as you stand atop the hill over looking the small town below you.

A silent army stares ahead. Undeadly still. Flies, Maggots, and other pests fester and feed upon the scraps of rotten flesh hanging from your soldiers bodies. An Army of undead zombies stand behind you waiting for your command. A visible layer of filth and stench radiates from their rotting corpses. Your army of mindless undead move not an inch without your word.

Your flesh too is rotten and sickly but the master bless you with a new mind capable of thought. You look down at your armored hand for some semblance of recognition but find none. You know nothing of the previous possessor of this vessel nor this worlds origins. You simply are awake. All you remember is that you spent an unknown amount of time in hell. A horrifying and unfathomable wasteland you soon do not wish to return. The memories are not perfect.

These thoughts are silenced as your masters voice fills you mind.

"It is time. Lay waste to the town below and leave no survivors. Should you find any specimens of renown keep their bodies intact as much as possible. Succeed in finding a sufficient subject and you shall be rewarded. Now go."

The connection is severed but with it something else enters you, a icy tendril of magic pierces your undead skull and fills you with power.

Your empty sockets fill with a ghostly blue iris of power, your entire skull ignites and is cloaked in a blue flame aura. Your power of command has been activated. You feel the shackles of your undead binds fall as this new power flows through you and you are able to more freely use your mind now.

You turn back to the army gifted to you by your master and assess your forces.

150 undead. None of which carry weapons or armor of any kind. Your master has chosen to give you scraps and expects you to do the heavy lifting in this battle. No matter.

You should be more than enough for whatever this town can muster. You asses your own weapons and ability

>You carry a Greatsword

>You carry a Long Sword and Shield

>You carry a A Warhammer

>You carry Twin Daggers

>You carry an Magicians Staff

>2nd Vote Ability

>Enhanced Strength

>Enhanced Speed

>The Ability to Cast