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40k warhammer

ID:Sa3i9A+C No.5826791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Time is some point after heresy broke out but before the siege started.
>Some powerful whatever entity possesses Dorn and takes control of his body
>Makes him hug perty and give heartfelt apology for how he was treated regardless of blame in a "be the better person" kind of way.
>Dorn is fully conscious during all of this, screeching mentally and trying to fight off the possession.
>Perturabo breaks down.
>Dorn is dumbfounded
>Perty crying hysterically in "Dorn"s arms about how overlooked he is while his rival rubs circles into his back and reassures him of his worth.
>Real Dorn still wtf-ing from the inside while all this is happening
>Pert tearfully swears off the traitors and rejoins the imperium
>Entity leads Dorn home and ends the possession, fucking off without a trace and leaving Dorn to deal with the situation at hand
>Countless vox calls from uber loyal reformed Perturabo wanting to help defend the palace while happy crying about Dorns (forced) apology

What does Dorn do next?