Thread 1 You are Altair, a Bloodletter in training sent to Calamitas Academy Of Adventurers. For better cooperation in the coming tide of evil, you were chosen to be the extension of the Bloodletter Order. While your first day was without issues, it was all until you slayed a ghoul and found a victim.
“This is my duty, I’ll stay here and see what else I can find.”
“My boy, this is a job of professors.” Professor Hoffman said.
“He’s not just a student.” Professor Yasha said, “and it looks like this isn’t your first time.”
You nodded. “If I may, I’d like to look around more.”
“Make it quick then. Hoffman.”
“I will grab the headmaster immediately.”
You went over your information. The victim was a student, human male, aged fifteen to sixteen years with medium build with well toned body. His throat was open, mangled from the bite from the ghoul. From the uniform he was a first year, no damages at all.
“Do you recognize him?”
“Hoffman and I don’t teach first years. Maybe other faculties might.”
Other than the blood, his hands and clothes had no damages at all. Not even anything under the fingernails. You rummage his pockets and find nothing. This location was far from the main campus, a small street tucked between two buildings, a quiet place for sure.
“What is this location?”
“This is where smaller classes are held. Specializations like hexcraft or spirit-works. Classes for upper years.”
“What else?”
“Ancient languages, rare dialects, rune-deciphering, different kinds of anthropology, and even necromancy and magi classes.” Professor Yasha snarled. “Necromancers, foul things they are. That's what must have happened. They can also make ghouls can't they?”
“Yes but this one is a thrall-ghoul judging from its teeth and consuming blood. But… There have been incidents where necromancers became a vampire more than any other sorcerers. Either they find a vampire or perform a ritual. Anyone can do it but it has been mostly necromancers.
“Foul sorcery that is.” Professor Yasha scoffed. “Can’t believe they teach that here.”
Necromancy. That made your stomach tight. While there were legal practitioners, you and your mentor killed plenty of actual necromancers.
“And this is a first year student uniform?”
Professor Yasha nodded.
Huh. What was a first year student doing here? Wait a minute…
“Magis? Here?”
“Only a few. You know how they are.”
“I’ve only met one. And my mentor was the one who talked to him. That magi managed find a werewolf so easily. They’re amazing. By the way professor, what was the last class?”
Professor Yasha shrugged.
“You’d have to ask the faculties. I don’t teach around here."
For now, your plan was to…
>Bait out a vampire >Search within the necromancy students >Get a help from a magi
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Fri 17 Nov 2023 05:40:05 No. 5832978 Report Quoted By:
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ Rules 1. Unless I place a "write-in" you cannot vote with a write-in and I will ignore it 2. If you do a write-in and it's just a combination of the choices I will ignore it. It must be unique enough. If the write-in is not suitable the next most votes will be taken. 3. If you vote two choices, I will just go with whichever vote is made first
>>5832976 >Get a help from a magi Neat, I was in the last thread.
>>5832976 >From the uniform he was a first year, no damages at all. That's pretty tragic.
>Get a help from a magi ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Sat 18 Nov 2023 14:21:09 No. 5834431 Report >>5833049 >>5833031 I usually count after three but it's a slow week it looks like.
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>>5834431 Ye its almost thanksgiving
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>>5832976 >Bait out a vampire ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Sun 19 Nov 2023 08:18:18 No. 5835643 Report Sorcerers and magis, two same yet opposite types of casters. Sorcerers use the laws of the world to bend it with their mana, shaping the elements of the world to their will. Magi, (magus singular), uses the abilities of the faes or otherworldly familiars to create miracles. However, magis were fewer than sorcerers, a dying breed in the coming future. You only met one, an old man that looked more like a vagrant than a wise magus. But if there are magi here, then the hunt would be easier. “Do you know any magi here?” Professor Yasha shook his head. “Yes but they keep to themselves. They are like you, an extension from other master magi. They’re free to take any classes they want.” “Do they?” “Some do. You can find them in nature around the academy.” After the staffs soon arrived and some questioning you were dismissed back into your room. The next morning the classes went on as usual. “Oh for— who let their familiar in the cafeteria?” “Uh… that doesn’t look like a typical— oh sweet Gods!” You were eating inside the cafeteria and saw a flying bird inside. Black as ravens, but larger with a crescent shaped crest on its head. The bird glided through and landed at your table in the corner. They were Coffin Vultures, a product of careful bridging from your order, mainly used for messages and scouting. You noticed one of its eyes closed with a scar, this was your mentor’s personal messenger: Pelinal. The vulture extended its neck and you took the envelope from her beak. <span class="mu-i">Altair</span> <span class="mu-i">That chimeron you described is well aware of our order and has been seen in decades. Tell your friend not to pursue it unless he wants to die. Many bloodletter fell to that bastard, don’t even think about hunting one on your own.</span> <span class="mu-i">Morgan</span> You turn to the bird. “Thank you.” The vulture squawked and flew away. “What kind of bird was that?” Walm, the dwarf within Oz’s group took a seat across from you. “That’s the messenger bird for our order. I got a letter back.” “That obsession of his I’m guessing?” “Yep.” >Deliver the letter yourself after class >Ask Walm to deliver the letter to look for the magi
>>5835643 >Deliver the letter yourself after class Anonymous
>>5835643 >>Deliver the letter yourself after class Anonymous
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>>5835643 >Ask Walm to deliver the letter to look for the magi Anonymous
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>>5835643 >Ask Walm to deliver the letter to look for the magi ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Mon 20 Nov 2023 17:48:50 No. 5837239 Report Quoted By:
Gonna need a tie breaker guys
>>5835643 >Deliver the letter yourself after class ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Mon 20 Nov 2023 18:00:16 No. 5837252 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Tue 21 Nov 2023 03:38:25 No. 5837708 Report You and Walm walked alongside together toward where Oz and his friends gathered. The small classroom… Now that you realize it, this classroom wasn’t far from where the student died. Not to mention no one seems to know about this yet, the staff did one hell of a job keeping this under the coffin. You enter the small abandoned classroom with Walm, and see the same group again. Oz hopped out of the couch. “Did you get the letter back?” You handed him the letter. “Yes, but you won’t like this answer.” You see Oz’s eyes dart side to side as he read the letter. You see the classroom decorated with small knick knacks like small wooden dolls, a tattered dartboard filled with holes and various pieces of mismatching furniture, some with patchworks and needle works. Nephtyts eyed you with a distrusting glare. “So your order does know, that means it's a big threat and it’s been spotted before. Why didn’t your mentor say where it was last sighted?” Nephtyts dropped the book she was reading on a rocking chair. “Oh for— Osiris this again?” Oz snapped toward his sister, Nephtyts with a scowl. “If his order thinks it’s a difficult task, what makes you think <span class="mu-i">you</span> can do it?” Nephtyts said. “You may have given up on avenging mom but I haven’t, shove off!” “I am not done talking to you! do you hear me?” The siblings whirled past you and exited the room, leaving you alone with the misfits. You observe the diverse group once more. A group of seven people counting Oz, Walm and Nephtyts. “By the way, have you guys seen Reed?” “Eh, you know he’s a free soul, he’ll come back when he feels like it.”>Keep listening >Ask to see if he matches the description, then tell them the truth (write-in) >Ask to see if he matches the description, then lie to them (write-in) >Ask if they know any magi
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>>5837708 >Ask if they know any magi ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Thu 23 Nov 2023 03:16:52 No. 5839781 Report >>5837895 >>5837990 Gotta do some thanksgiving stuff, update will be tomorrow if I live.
>>5837708 >Ask if they know any magi ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Thu 23 Nov 2023 19:31:20 No. 5840347 Report Quoted By:
>>5840020 Vote's already been counted
>>5839781 ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Fri 24 Nov 2023 10:11:53 No. 5841045 Report You continued to listen “Yeah but he visits at least once a month.” “Maybe he won’t this time.” Walm said. “Hey Walm, who’s Reed?” “He’s the latest of our wee group and the youngest too. Bright lad, a wee awkward but apparently he’s a genius at necromancy.” The half elf shuddered at the mention and the half orc grunted uncomfortably. “He’s still a good kid.” The orc said. “I don’t know why any sane being would study that.” Necromancy. The youngest. It can’t be. “By youngest you mean first year?” “You’re not getting more information from me.” The half orc said, “no offense but you’re a bloodletter.” “If he practices within the confines of the law I can’t do anything.” “Really?” The half elf said hesitantly. “Don’t listen to him.” he half orc said. “I don’t know why you’re suddenly curious about him, but for the sake of Reed’s safety we won’t say anything else.” You nodded. “Alright then. Well I need to go, tell Oz I said good luck.” You quickly walk out of the club room and ponder. It was too coincidental. The victim, Reed, was a member of the group, was near the clubroom, and studied necromancy. Last you checked the victim was not a vampire before his death. This discovery led to more questions than answers. While Walm, the half orc and the half elf weren’t keen to talk to you, maybe Oz would when you find him. The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break. Today you did not have any professors, most likely due to the incident. For now, you were told not to send a letter to your order so no panic could be caused. So, with the free time you wondered what you were going to do. >Train >Find a quiet place to think >Inform your mentor of the incident regardless >Write-in
>>5841045 >Find a quiet place to think Anonymous
>>5841045 >Find a quiet place to think Anonymous
>>5841045 >Find a quiet place to think ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Mon 27 Nov 2023 06:05:32 No. 5844877 Report Quoted By:
>>5842283 >>5842288 >>5844216 Counted, sorry for the slow update folks. I'll get he update tomorrow.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Tue 28 Nov 2023 04:58:27 No. 5845978 Report A quiet place to think. At a small garden, tucked away within the old classroom areas, you rest oj the bench. The warm sunlight, the serene burd songs, and the light sweet smell of the flowers did nothing for your worries. So far, Reed marched the basic description. Asking the faculty would not be wise either. If they were to hide this incident… it would not bode well for the current relationship with your order and the academy. A rustle in the bush. You immediately stand and pull your double edged dagger. It’s daylight, unless a half-breed? No. They’re rare, almost mythical to a degree. Vampires are vile creatures, even eating their own should they need to. You keep the blade in your hand. “Show yourself.” No response. A pebble shot out from the bush and you catch it with ease. You smell something sweet, yet ominous. What is this? You stay still, hone your blood. Hemocraft Form Two: Red Tremor. You stomp on the ground, sending forth an invisible shockwave. You hear a tiny screech, and this thing… is fished out. A black ball with avian feet with one eye. Most likely it’s a fae creature. “Cyr there you are!” A red haired girl with green eyes jogged over. She quickly picks up the creature. “Are you alright?” The girl said. The creature squealed. “Just what were you—” She looks up at you and freezes. It was a look of fear. “I— I’m sorry. He didn’t mean anything by it…” “You’re a magi aren’t you?” “N—No. I’m not.” She avoided your eyes. The fact that she picked up and spoke to a fae creature was enough evidence. >“I’m not here to hurt you. You can tell me the truth.” >“You can speak with the creature, you’re a magi.” >Back off “Alright then… I’m Altair by the way.” >Write-in
>>5845978 >“I’m not here to hurt you. You can tell me the truth.” Anonymous
>>5845978 >“I’m not here to hurt you. You can tell me the truth.” Anonymous
>>5845978 >“I’m not here to hurt you. You can tell me the truth.” ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Wed 29 Nov 2023 05:34:05 No. 5847622 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Wed 29 Nov 2023 06:00:55 No. 5847639 Report “I’m not here to hurt you. You can tell me the truth.” “He lies.” A feminine, childish, voice said. The wind slowly swayed through. You saw more, one in the bush, others of different shapes peeking through the trees and plants. “He smells of foul sorcery.” “Child of The Red King. A Bloodletter.” “Red Knights. Pledgers of War.” They all whispered the names. Name that you… you have no idea what they’re talking about. Then again, that was how faes were. Inexplicable things better left off alone. They never harmed anyone, well, they never harmed anyone for no reasons. Though their hostility was heard of and they never cooperated and never answered their questions. Maybe hemocraft just looked bad to them or something and that magi was an exception? “I’m not here to hurt you, honest.” “Don’t listen to him Brigid!” “Brigid, I’m Altair.” You said slowly. “I need your help, only a magi can do.” No replies. A sudden gust of wind carrying leaves obstructed your view. In a few seconds, the magi disappeared. But at least you got a name. >Investigate Brigid >Don’t pursue her yet >Look for alternative [write-in]
>>5847639 >Investigate Brigid Anonymous
>>5847639 >Investigate Brigid ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Thu 30 Nov 2023 21:33:37 No. 5849603 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Thu 30 Nov 2023 22:44:12 No. 5849688 Report Brigid. Magi. Those two pieces of information were more than enough. However, you were called into the student council room, with more people than last time along with Adaene. A diverse group too but small like Oz’s group. Huh. There’s Henrietta too. “You’re here,” Eurka said. “Everyone, this is Altair. Our newest member. Please, be anywhere you like.” Some waved, some said hello, not everyone seemed happy to see you. Eurka interlocked her fingers together and rested her elbows on her desk. You lean on the wall away from the group, that is, until Henrietta motioned you to sit where most of the group is on the couch. “Great.” A member said. “Oh don’t be like that, he’s our newest member!” Henrietta said. You were wedged between Henrietta and the armrest. Though Adaene was sitting next to Henrietta. Thankfully, Adaene chose to not say anything or even acknowledge your presence. Better to be ignored than to be antagonized. “He’s a Bloodletter.” Another said. “I must object to this.” “Your objection is noted, and duly ignored.” Eurka said. “Onto our issue. We all know the Reed Tuch has been murdered by a thrall-ghoul, dispatched by Altair. Our job is to ensure no students find out and patrol during the night and keep the information hidden. You are not to engage the enemies unless you are attacked first, and you are to use the flare to alert the faculty members. Any questions?” None spoke. “Good.” Eurka said. “I have the schedule made. You will go in teams of two in four hour shifts along with enforced curfew. There will also be fourth year teams as well. The rest will be covered by the faculty members. This meeting is adjourned.” As you left a large human male bumped into you and continued to leave. Well, not like he was trying to kill you. You read the schedule, putting you at midnight to four. Your partner was. >Henrietta Del-Prix >Adaene >Someone you didn’t recognize
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Sat 02 Dec 2023 04:25:47 No. 5850967 Report Quoted By:
>>5849833 >>5850105 update will be tomorrow.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Sat 02 Dec 2023 20:18:06 No. 5851575 Report Midnight was your turn for the watch. At the central courtyard you and Adaene see the previous patrol coming back. They looked tired more than afraid. “Anything of notice?” Adaene said. They shook their head and one of them yawned. “None. I just wanna go to sleep.” The patrol between you and Adaene was a silent one. While she did not seem to dislike you, you think it was lack of caring. Apathy? With your ax in hand you kept your vigilance sharp. Two hours of walking later, something smelled odd. “Cempedak.” “What?” “I smell cempedak.” In the Dawnglow Island, you smelled these before. An incredibly sweet fruit exclusive to that island. Adaene sniffed in the air. The same island where there were blood sucking beasts, but that didn’t make sense… it was just a beast. “I smell something a little sweet like sugar. How do you know the specific?” “We have enhanced sensed through hemocraft and I was in Dawnglow island before. There aren't that many strong scented fruits here. There should be no reason why I should smell it.” Adaene unsheathed her blade. >“Pull the flare, let’s wait.” >“Pull the flare and stay here, I'll go check it out.” >“Don’t pull the flare yet. I’m going to check it out.”
>>5851575 >“Don’t pull the flare yet. I’m going to check it out.” Anonymous
>>5851575 >“Don’t pull the flare yet. I’m going to check it out Anonymous
>>5851575 >Pull the flare and stay here, I'll go check it out.” ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Mon 04 Dec 2023 20:31:54 No. 5854099 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Wed 06 Dec 2023 05:57:57 No. 5856169 Report “Don’t pull the flare yet. I’m going to check it out.” “The instruction was to—” “If that flare goes off.” You whisper. “Whatever that’s causing the smell will either run or chase us.” She frowned. “Splitting is a foolish idea.” “This isn’t my first hunt.” You take a step but Adaene grabbed your arm. “It isn’t my first time fighting either. I’m going to pull it. This was our instruction.” You stop and stared at her. Her finger was already hooked on the ring and the flare was raised high in the air. In your hand was the ax, and it would take long to activate your hemocraft… >Stop Adaene >Let Adaene pull the flare and follow her lead. >Try to convince her (write-in)
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>>5856169 >Let Adaene pull the flare and follow her lead. Anonymous
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>>5856169 >Let Adaene pull the flare and follow her lead. ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:11Ou9Plo Fri 08 Dec 2023 22:15:48 No. 5859215 Report I'll have to end the qst here gang. A lot of personal stuff is happening. I wish I can do more. I'm sorry. Next qst will be the undersecretary qst in late january or feb. Not sure, things are looking bad.
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>>5859215 Hope things work out for you Servo gl
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>>5859215 That's a shame servo, thank you for what you made. Good luck!