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Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #2

!!4RCLTCHgFJV ID:xuBY4UEy No.5845695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-s">You are <span class="mu-i">Fiona Jarnafeldt</span>, Level 1 Helsinki Stormwatch agent.</span> Your job is to weed out the criminals and mutated aberrations that lurk in the stormdrains below the Finnish capital. With enough time and effort, you hope to be promoted to Level 3 and earn the right to start a family – a luxury not afforded to all in this new world. By order of the world organization Mother Nature's Providence, the population of each city cannot stay higher than one million, and all of planet Earth one billion. For the child you want to have to be a part of that number, you have to fight.

It has been five weeks since you first arrived in Helsinki and met your mentor, L3 Trollslayer Lalli Kiikoinen, and started training. It has been one week since you've started your deployment on regular missions. It has been a few days since your first successful troll hunt. And today, you are serving your first warrant.

The situation with Stormwatch is that a couple months ago, a prototype pneumatic suit and its fuel was stolen as it arrived in Helsinki, and an entire squad sent to apprehend a suspect was singlehandedly destroyed by a ferocious two-headed jotunn known as <span class="mu-i">Lorppo</span>, “Chatterbox.” The Stormwatch has since been trying to recover their numbers and prepare to fight that giant, but in the meantime, one of your superiors, L3 Manhunter Sigrun Eugen, launched an investigation into if these bandits have tried replicating the pneumatic system for their own purposes. She found that a number of purchases across multiple machine shops can together be used to create the machinery required to start producing their own parts. The parts acquired under bogus identities over the past few months would not have made complete lathes and mills.

And that leads you here, to a hospital uptown. A number of legal acquisitions filed for “repairs and replacements” were made by this hospital, the parts being the final pieces of the puzzle. It's not a busy hospital, taking in mostly patients from surrounding villages that don't have sufficient tools in their own medical centers. There would be plenty of rooms for such a machine to be in storage, or gods forbid use, while an opportunity arises for the crooks to steal it away to the Undercity. While not within the stormdrain itself, it does concern the stolen Stormwatch property, giving your group rights to investigate.

With you are three other agents; L3 Trollslayer Lalli Kiikoinen, L3 Manhunter Sigrun Eugen, and L1 Manhunter Saemus Fahy. In your earpiece is your Operator at Stormworks HQ, L4 Nonoka Sumika, who is watching all your bodycams and relevant security camera feeds, and providing orders and support.