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Avatar: The Founding Of The Republic

ID:10uPgOg1 No.5846725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After the conclusion of The battle for Yu Dao in 101 AG, Aang and Zuko instated a coalition government, where the colonies would be governed by both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens. The system first came into place in Yu Dao and the rest of the colonies adopted this soon after. People from all over the world flock to this place in hopes of setting up a brighter future for themselves, and to have a say in this era. The Year is 105 and you are being brought up in the newly formed coalition government.

At the tender age of twelve a more formal education was given to the upcoming youth of Yu Dao. To equal the divide between nations and cultures, foster peace, friendships, and prevent the creation of another tragedy like the Hundred Year War. This up-and-coming generation is sure to shape the world. Now let us start at the beginning.