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40k Minor Xenos Quest: Under Hunter Emergence

!2gxW5JDLSc ID:iZ1M5B7a No.5861224 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>In the 40th millennium, the God Emperor of Mankind sits astride His Throne on Terra, shackled in torment as He lights an inferno in the immaterium, fueled by a thousand psyker’s souls consigned to oblivion each day. Across the galaxy, quintillions of men and women struggle, suffer, and take their stand in His Name against the numberless horrors that threaten to destroy them from within and without. They are the Imperium of Man, their hearts filled with relentless hate, and over millions of bloodstained battlefields, they and theirs return the hostility inflicted on them tenfold. It is not the 40th millennium, and this is not their story.

>This is the story of another species, risen to prominence on an alien rock that never has and never will know the nurturing warmth of Sol. They are Xenos, as far from the genetic legacy of Terra as the east is from the west. To the Imperium: Other, Anathema, an INSULT to Mankind’s existence that cannot and must not be allowed to endure. To themselves, they are the only thing they can truly count on in a galaxy gone mad. In time, the Great Crusade of Mankind will discover their existence and in a crucible of fire and fury, their right to be will be earned or it will be extinguished.

In time… First, they have to continue their evolution.

The gestalt minds of deviance yet unknown have put under their scrutiny the species that is referred as the <span class="mu-s">Under Hunter</span>, a resident of <span class="mu-s">The Crack</span>.
20 million square terran kilometers. Upon an average depth of roughly 20 terran kilometers. Tears and rifts in all directions.
Some passage narrows as a Bolt, other wide enough for a Cruiser to land if a fool was to attempt such a feat. Some places are bathed from the mirrored light reflected on the iced walls covered in <span class="mu-s">Rock Ivy</span>, the other illuminated by the eerie light coming from the bio-luminescent <span class="mu-s">Light Moss</span>.
The <span class="mu-s">Under Hunter</span> is a species of furry omnivore - with a favor for meat - hunting in packs. Despite not being the most dangerous Crack delver - privilege of the mighty <span class="mu-s">Fourbeak</span>, the <span class="mu-s">Under Hunter</span> is, by all other metric, the far more successful one.

Previous thread :

Character sheet and related :

Let me focus the gaze of the gestalt toward the frozen hell forming the iced rims of the crack : a Kilometer-high vertical, smooth and barren ice cliff. Creature falling in <span class="mu-s">The Crack</span> are far from an unusual sight. Yet, today, a particularly dedicated <span class="mu-s">Under Hunter</span> is clawing her way up.
What is driving this <span class="mu-s">Under Hunter</span> out of <span class="mu-s">the Crack</span> ?
