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Dark Lord Quest 2

!!xLhCVDdRf08 ID:nMqOJFIA No.5901404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"It was all going so well." is the single thought in your head as you sit, face buried in your hands, in the meeting hall.

You sent the army of Orsorans and part of the bandit forces to besiege Halner a month ago. The plan was to join up with them when the golems and equipment for the remaining army was ready. You should've known when they departed. The strange glint in the eyes of the Orsoran commanders should've told you. But you dismissed it.

A month later, that is now, shortly after the New Year's celebrations, you received a message that your champions have returned. Without an army.

"Initially, the siege was going well." Truvor reported bitterly, gaze downcast. "We encircled the city, set up camp. But it seems the Orsorans had a way of communicating with the besieged." He pauses. "One night, they turned on us at the same time as the city militia sallied out. They had the numbers advantage on us - two militias of over a thousand each against our group of less than one thousand men and some golems and elementals. We did inflict a lot of losses upon them - can't say how many precisely, but... the golems and elementals were merciless. But spells and blades ended them. They're coming here now. Should be a week at most." He goes silent.

And so you sit, head in hands, as your champions and Shooshe observe you.

Finally, you raise your head. Not all is lost. If the army is indeed weakened, your golems, now numbering over 1400, should be a suitable match for them, not to mention they will be supported by bandits and elementals - or what remains of them. Even with the mage advantage on their side, the sheer power of your regular forces should be enough to defeat them.

You oversaw the construction of the siege golems in the past month. Hulking beings of earth and stone, they tower above the common men, capable of crushing them both with their hands and the rocks they lob at their enemies.

Even if Lorn refused to cooperate, you've still got time to make the final preparations for the battle. (choose 2)
>Create low-power enchanted items and give them out to the common soldiers. This should boost their combat ability a bit.
>Construct another siege golem.
>Emergency conscript a couple hundred townsmen, even if it is under the threat of death.
>Summon elementals from another plane.