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Fiefdom Quest

ID:8eg60Avy No.5904381 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are the new ruler of a small fiefdom. It is currently little more than a patch of empty dirt but with careful management and astute leadership, you may be able make it into something more.

First, how did you come to acquire this fief?

>Inheritance: As the second son of a less-than illustrious house, you inherited this unremarkable estate only because your older brother had no interest in it and because it was unsuitable as a dowry for your sister. Nevertheless, your blood is blue and the land rightfully yours.
>Purchase: You were able to purchase this land from the king for an uncommon sum which you acquired over a lifetime of merchant dealings (and a pinch of luck). It does not raise you into the ranks of the peerage, but is almost as good.
>Settlement: This is virgin land and though you are a mere peasant it is yours by virtue of being the first to settle upon it. Eventually, you may have to defend your claim, but for now, only the elements can dispute your stake.