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The 2nd Primarch Quest 33

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:v6JDxKPT No.5928711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Kanzeon is awaiting you atop the silvery moon where you last departed from each other's company, both her true self and her avatar. As is Al-uzza, her studious and scholarly minded sister, who she had called to the planet-toid after you had informed her that you would be bringing refugees from the darkened dungeons of the wicked hearted Aeldari, including hitherto unknown xenos peoples whom required safe harbor and sanctuary.

"Why didn't you mention that included Aeldari themselves" Al-Uzza complains through gritted teeth as she hides her vessel behind Kanzeon's own, adjusting her purely cosmetic glasses as she stares directly at Eldrad who is dressed in the full regalia befitting a farseer of his station and prowess hailing from the fair craftworld of Ulthwe, standing tall besides Guozhi who is presently coughing into the sleeve of his robes.

"And I mean both of you, you knew to, Kazzy" She hisses angrily, rudely jabbing a finger towards the very same sister she is hiding behind like a castle's wall, eyes warry and clearly distressed, while your beloved emerald eyed song bird stands resolute, uncowed and unafraid of the alien faces standing before her. Though her expression softens as her gaze passes over the crowd of confused and baffled aliens and men, it sharpens and fills with barely conceal disdain as she looks upon the Aeldari that haven't covered the runes signifying the craftworld to which they are aligned with the lotus of the journey, growing more intense until it settles upon Eldrad himself.

"Trickster" She states simply "Etiquette dictates that I welcome you to the occasion of my wedding, and thank you for all the good you've done for my groom's family instead of standing on the side lines idle, wringing your hands over futures only you can see"

"A being similar to your progenitor" Eldrad mutters, helmeted head turning briefly to your direction before facing Kanzeon and her still intense disdain for the majority of the Aeldari race head on "I cannot deny you your wroth, you were alive when our ancestors writ the devastation of the cosmos I am told, but I can be grateful it manifests merely as a cold dislike for us of the craftworlds instead of murderous hate, as could be expected from one wounded by the folly of our predecessors"

"The calamity allowed me to stand where I am right now, to meet a kindred spirit who truly shares my devotion to humanity and shares with me love of the same level of intensity and purity" She answers with a shrug "But your kind's greatest fuck up wrought ruin far beyond my own past, you helped Lieren and Angron, so you're welcome here, but that doesn't mean I am going to bow down to lick your heel, like you eldar expect me to"

"You..." The banshee who yet refuses to give you her name starts, before she is held back by her seniors and calmed with a raised hand from Eldrad
