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Heretic Cultivator Quest 21

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:yhW/lI4S No.5942943 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are the ever ascendant rising star, usually benevolent ascended beast and most regal wild princess, the greatest of your kind and cultivators as a whole for at least ten generations and the most honored and venerable teacher beneath the heavens, the beneficent, sagely and above all magnificent Huanliuxue! (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood) who claims even the stars and moon themselves as her rightful domain. Having brought to light the long hidden past of Magical beasts and mostly cleared your name and reputation, as well as that of your heretical Palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn), you are now the welcome and honored guest of the Thousand Lotus Hall Sect (千莲花殿堂, Qiānliánhuādiàntáng), who were so grateful for the pest extermination you did on their behalf that they immediately accepted your request to visit and purchase some of their highest quality spirit pills and drugs.

And while you are doing that now, browsing their wares, and do intend to purchase some of them, you, the founder of the peerless the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎlǜ), have another far more important reason to come to their humble, flower strewn temple. And that's to save the life of their sect head's heir apparent and beloved and in your opinion adorable little sister, Lian Luli. Already, through clever politicking and exchanging of favors, you've gotten the tactless and self serving Autumn Master Fang Ru to back your claim on the most valuable student and prized tool of the thousand lotus hall and through your budding friendship with the sect head herself, Lian Tianhua, got her support in whisking away her younger sister from the greedy elders who'd think nothing of spending her life to enrich themselves and the sect.

So certain are you that this plan will go off with out a hitch, that you take your time to inspect and scrutinize the medicines they've brought to you, with your mother hovering closely behind you, your sister Xuebai nowhere to be seen. They all are well formed, faultless and with a smooth surface and almost oily texture. You can see your reflection in each medicinal ball, as if it had been polished to a mirror like finish, and you just can't help but to admire your own pretty face. And immediately, some of the pills stand out far above the others and you had known you were going to take as many handfuls of them as you could carry the moment you'd put them in your eyes. Being told what they were capable of and best used for, only made you desire to possess them stronger!