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Mech Mania

!!GLUAxxo6TTE ID:lrBcBKIX No.5958240 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a mech-themed free-for-all multiplayer game. It will begin in roughly a few days depending on player count and interest.

If you want to play, provide a name and (optionally) a picture represent you on the map. Also provide a secure tripcode, or your ID will be used for identification.

- The game is played on a hexagonal grid.
- Each player gets a mech, which starts with 3 HP, 3 AP, and 2 range, and gains 1 AP every 24 hours since the start of the game. I determine the initial board size and placement of mechs.
- At any time, a mech may perform one or several actions:
1. Move to an adjacent, unoccupied square (1 AP)
2. Shoot another mech within its range, removing 1 HP. (1 AP)
3. Regain 1 HP. (3 AP)
4. Upgrade range by 1. (1 AP)
5. Transfer any amount of its own HP or AP to another mech within range.
- A mech with 0 HP is "dead". All of its AP is transferred to the mech which killed it.
- A "dead" mech may be revived by sending HP to it. (On revival, it has 1 HP, 0 AP and keeps any range upgrades from before death)
- The game ends when only one mech is left alive.
- Dead players form a jury, which may vote daily to "haunt" a player (who receives no AP that day)
- All attributes of all players (that is: position, HP, AP, range) are common knowledge.

- An action is considered to be made on the date and time of the post declaring it.
- The game continues to run regardless of my presence or absence. However, I will do my best to provide an up-to-date game map.
- Several actions may be declared in one post.
- The moves in a post are only played if ALL of them can be played.
- If the jury reaches a tie, then the player who got their "last" vote first is chosen.
- I reserve the right to add and change rules and procedures as I see fit. I will do my best to keep the game fair and interesting.