You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. <span class="mu-i">He</span> goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!
Archive: Last time: The Huntsman swung over to Central Park and met up with the Morlocks residing there. Shortly after arriving, he ran into Gwen Stacy, a.k.a. "Bastion", and her father, Captain George Stacy, and played a part in introducing them to Gwen's clone, Joy.
They didn't get along at first, but with a bit of persuasion, Joy was willing to sit down and hear her family out.
While that was happening, Ben spent some time with Ester, met up with Glass, and helped the two of them gather the rest of the Central Park mutants in order to discuss their plans going forward. Only, those plans were almost immediately derailed when Screwball crashed the party!
But oddly enough, she actually seems willing to help the Morlocks find their footing here on the surface.
Can she be trusted, or is she simply taking advantage of them in order to gain more clout? How will everyone react to learning that the Morlocks don't have any intention of leaving the park anytime soon? Will Ben ever be able to persuade his team to roll out of bed and help with Screwball's plan?
Find out more in the latest issue of…<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!</span></span>
Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.
How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Good luck and have fun!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 25 Apr 2024 23:51:55 No. 5986861 Report During the meeting, there were a lot of ideas, concepts, names and promises flying around. You weren’t the only one who knew people, as it turned out. For example, Beak, the bird-man mutant, claimed to be capable of getting in contact with Dazzler and a girl called Blink. No one other than Beak seemed to know who the latter was, so you weren’t sure how impressed you should be feeling. You sort of clocked out of that conversation after hearing Beak say that she was actually from another dimension entirely. Someone else suggested the name “Lila Cheney”, a supposed intergalactic thief and rock-star that could use her mutant abilities to teleport between planets. But no one there knew how to get in contact with someone like that. Not even Beak. Various other mutants were mentioned. Those possessing abilities that could benefit the Morlocks during the planning phase and the actual service they were supposed to provide. But none had a bigger impact than the name that Screwball dropped. <span class="mu-s">“Hey, what about the Scarlet Witch? She’s a mutant too, right? I don’t want to assume that all mutants know each other, but…”</span> Screwball petered off when she realized that everyone other than you was giving her an odd look. From their expressions, you would’ve thought that she’d sprouted a second head and started breathing fire. <span class="mu-r">“Why’d everyone go all quiet?”</span> you asked. Glass was the first to speak up. <span class="mu-g">“We do know her. Wanda’s one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, but she’s…”</span> <span class="mu-b">“A fucking psycho?”</span> Skids muttered. Glass frowned. <span class="mu-g">“I was going to say ‘troubled’.”</span> Skids sighed. <span class="mu-b">“Of course you would.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Screwball, would you mind turning off the camera for a little while?”</span> Glass asked. The criminal streamer must’ve sensed the group’s sudden change in mood, because she did as she was asked without arguing. Glass nodded his thanks. <span class="mu-g">“Not a whole lot of people know this, but Wanda suffers from…psychological issues.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Her make-believe children died, and she broke the world as punishment. She herself admitted it. Somehow, it got put back together, but no one knows what happened between then and now.”</span> Skids explained. <span class="mu-r">“I do.”</span> Everyone turned to stare at Beak. He wasn’t ruffled by the sudden shift in attention. <span class="mu-r">“Well, not <span class="mu-i">me</span>, technically. But I do know a girl who knows things, and she told me a bit about what happened.”</span> he corrected. <span class="mu-r">“Says that it wasn’t the only time the Scarlet Witch has done it, either. She can warp reality, change history at will, blink whole entire planets out of existence.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“That’s why no one messes with her.”</span> the purple guy added. <span class="mu-r">“But didn’t I hear you guys say that you approached her about the fairy flowers?”</span> you said. <span class="mu-s">“The what?”</span> You ignored Screwball’s question, as well as the confused look on her face. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 25 Apr 2024 23:53:34 No. 5986865 Report <span class="mu-g">“We did reach out.”</span> Glass confirmed.
<span class="mu-g">“But that was only because we had it on good word that she was in a good mood. Like everyone, she has good days and bad days.”</span>
<span class="mu-s">“Except on a bad day, she can wipe out an entire country.”</span> Tommy said.
Iara was glancing back and forth between everyone, silently absorbing this information and filing it away for later.
<span class="mu-g">“On a positive note, we think she’d be open to trading with us, but I doubt anyone would be willing to make the trip to her little cabin in the woods.”</span> Glass said.
Skids held her hands up and shook her head.
<span class="mu-b">“Don’t look at me. I’m not going anywhere near that lady. She’d smash right through my forcefield and squash me like a grape.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“If it makes you feel any better, she probably wouldn't have to go anywhere near you if she wanted to squash you.”</span> Iara pointed out.
Skids rolled her eyes.
<span class="mu-b">“You know, Shark, somehow, against all odds, that argument isn’t making me feel any better. In fact, I think it’s doing the opposite.”</span>
<span class="mu-s">“Okay, so…no to reaching out to the Scarlet Witch. Does that also disqualify her brother?”</span> Screwball asked.
While the group bickered amongst themselves, you mentally took stock of the contacts and favors you’ve been piling up.
Who will you ask to help out with the Central Park Sleepover?
>Flint. He’s got muscles, and he technically never gets tired. He’d be a great addition to the team. >Ember. If you can find a way to disguise her, then her ability to generate pixel particles out of thin air should make this whole process a lot easier. >The thief girls, Araña and Benga. If anyone needs to get something or get somewhere, your new employees should be able to lend a hand. >Gloria Munoz. She’s got a bit of a soft spot for Glass, so maybe she’d be willing to shell out some cash to help him out. >Michael Morbius. No one has to know that his henchmen are vampires. They’ll just think that they work on a strict “nights-only schedule”. >Silvermane. He could benefit by putting his face on this project and farming some goodwill for the future. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5986865 >Michael Morbius. No one has to know that his henchmen are vampires. They’ll just think that they work on a strict “nights-only schedule”. Oh yeah, its morbing time. On one hand, his Jared Letoish features might scare some people, on the other everyone loves vampires which is what we are after!
>>5986865 >Silvermane. He could benefit by putting his face on this project and farming some goodwill for the future. Gotti did it. Why not Silvio?
>Gloria Munoz. She’s got a bit of a soft spot for Glass, so maybe she’d be willing to shell out some cash to help him out. I figure it shouldn't be too out of place to lean on her a little bit. Besides, she'll have an excuse to chit-chat with Glass for the next few weeks if she does help out.
>The thief girls, Araña and Benga. If anyone needs to get something or get somewhere, your new employees should be able to lend a hand. They're damn good at what they do, and I get the feeling they wouldn't say no to helping out the underprivileged.
>Ember. If you can find a way to disguise her, then her ability to generate pixel particles out of thin air should make this whole process a lot easier. IMAGINE the attractions she can set up given the time and resources! This'll be great for her "resume" as it were as well.
>>5986865 >>Ember. If you can find a way to disguise her, then her ability to generate pixel particles out of thin air should make this whole process a lot easier. Anonymous
>>5986865 >Silvermane and Gloria Munoz. It’s both a chance to conduct business together better handled by people speaking in person while building up good will for the new industry being built by Silvermane. I forget if we suggested Gloria as a potential backer for the company, but if we did then this is excellent for them from a PR standpoint. If not then it’s still an opportunity to do some business while doing good. Plus Gloria can attest to the reliability of Glass for discretion.
If they just send agents instead that’s fine too. I’d expect that if Gloria didn’t have her own possible reasons for wanting to visit.
>The thief girls, Araña and Benga. If anyone needs to get something or get somewhere, your new employees should be able to lend a hand. Why not? They were already going to help with the flowers, and Glass could use them to do some initial investigative work on whoever is pushing drugs around here.
>Michael Morbius. No one has to know that his henchmen are vampires. They’ll just think that they work on a strict “nights-only schedule”. Good for the outcasts to keep in touch, and with all the people who could be helping during the day it wouldn’t be weird to call in a night crew too.
>Flint and your sister. They might enjoy one last chance together here on Earth to do some good before they start on their space adventure. I thought they left by now but if Flint’s an option then I assume both are around? In any case, I’m not taking our best bro away from our sister while they’re on Earth. Va Nee will be out way more often up there.
>Hobie. Most of the Morlocks should be particularly versed in security systems, and getting some experience with them from a tech expert would be nice. Maybe he’s bored in retirement enough to consider it. >Ana. You don’t think she’ll actually swing by to help, but it’d be nice to talk and catch up with her. There’s a small chance she can find other business to do while she’s here with the Nightguard or Morbius too. Reaching here, but why not? If not, we just get to talk to our girlfriend on the phone some. Not a total loss there.
>Spiderwoman and Bastion, and SHIELD through them. They’ll be a little antsy with all these activities and personalities in Central Park. Building a little PR while keeping some off-duty heroes nearby isn’t bad in their book. >Squirrel Girl. She and Nature Girl may get along, and squirrels doing cute things with cute trees will make for good viewing on Screwball’s stream. >Cindy and Wanda. Not to help, just to enjoy the park. Cindy can catch up with some Morlocks as well. Not sure if they would want to come in plainclothes or in suits. Up to them, though I’d prefer plainclothes so they can relax more.
>Sable International. Screwball is here, and they can try doing a recruitment pitch to her audience. Every private mercenary force could use more hackers. Running out of space. Who’d I miss?
>>5986910 >>5986865 Ah, now I remember.
>Abel. Putting up with your evil twin will raise some eyebrows, but you can justify it by pointing out there aren’t a lot of spider-based supers around here. It’ll also put any concerns about you two being the same person to rest. Hang out with the little(?) bro. Pretty sure we can manage some entertaining bits for Screwball’s stream too.
>Thomas Edison. If there’s anywhere he’ll be able to fit in without anyone batting an eye, it’ll be here. He can show off some toys for Screwball if he’s still looking for sponsors too. Alright, if I’ve forgotten anyone else then gravity would take care of them from here.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 26 Apr 2024 03:36:34 No. 5986978 Report >>5986872 >>5986884 >>5986903 >>5986910 So far we've got two for Ember, two for the Thief Girls, two for Morbius, two for Silvermane, and two for Gloria. I'm gonna leave the vote open until tomorrow afternoon, so feel free to discuss the matter among yourselves!
>>5986865 >>5986884 RIGHT, I FORGOT TO ADD THIS
>Abe. You've been meaning to spend some time with him anyways, and this would be a great excuse to hang out and catch up. If he's free for a day or two, Spider-Man going on record as a Mutant ally and attending the event could do a ton for their public image. Anonymous
>>5986861 >>5986978 I forgot to add Ember in mine. I assume she can go in either in a suit or a “suit” (something using her powers) that she hasn’t used before. What’s one more masked super that we’re connected with somehow?
So we’re up to three for Ember and two for Abe as well. And one for way too many others.
I don’t suppose I can get any takers to join me on the full bandwagon? I’m willing to treat all of the write-ins I did as a “hey, want to come do a thing” deal and if people say no then we accept it and move on. We can put a little more effort into Gloria, Silvermane, and Morbius since they can bring in crews to expedite this. Same with anyone else anons voted for, so Abe, Ember, Araña, and Benga would get more of a push if they were hesitant.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 26 Apr 2024 22:44:30 No. 5987467 Report >>5986872 >>5986884 >>5986903 >>5986910 >>5986933 >>5987009 >>5987193 Definite Votes:
>Ember Probable Votes:
>Abe >Thief Girls >Morbius >Silvermane >Gloria This is how we're looking right now. Would anyone like to switch, add anything, or wait a while before we proceed? Should I only move forward with the Ember vote, or should I include the other ones as well?
>>5987467 I'll add
>Abe, Araña, Benga Might as well. Silvermane and Gloria though I'm not too confident we could sell them this project.
Quoted By:
>>5987468 Should we go lower on the totem pole for the Maggia? It feels a bit much to bring Silvermane directly into it without Gloria involved, but I assume there’s a lieutenant who’d be authorized to send some guys for PR.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 27 Apr 2024 00:13:16 No. 5987495 Report Quoted By:
>>5987467 >>5987468 >Ember >Abe >Thief Girls Taking these. Gonna get as much writing as I can before my Pathfinder session. If I can't finish in time, then I'll either stay up late or post it tomorrow.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 27 Apr 2024 00:56:53 No. 5987522 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“I think I might know a few people.”</span> you announced. Glass grinned at that, <span class="mu-g">“I’d be surprised if you didn’t.”</span> —------- As soon as you found a moment to slip away from the group, you climbed up a light pole and dialed Araña’s number. <span class="mu-r">“Hey, boss. How’s it hangin’?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’ve got some work for you girls. Can you, Benga and Ember all head over to Central Park?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Sure. What you need?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Nothing yet, but I’d like to have you on standby in case someone needs something.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Oookay. I’m gonna need a <span class="mu-i">little</span> more detail than that.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’s nothing dangerous. Me and the mutants living in Central Park are working on a little project. I figured that since you’re going to be working with them already, you might as well get in on this. If they need something or need to go somewhere, having a nice reliable set of wheels would be a huge help.”</span> There was a pause over the line as Araña took a moment to explain things to the others. <span class="mu-r">“Alright. We should be there in a few. Just need to grab a few things.”</span> Araña said. There was some shuffling as she grabbed her keys, and you could vaguely hear Ember’s voice in the background. <span class="mu-r">“Wait–is that a gun?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“What’s it look like? Come on, we’re heading out.”</span> Araña casually shot back. <span class="mu-r">“Why? Where are we going?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“For a walk in the park. You’ll love it.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Can your feet even reach the pedals?”</span> Ember asked. <span class="mu-r">“My foot’s gonna reach your ass if you don’t hurry up. Not there. In the back. Benga’s riding shotgun. She always rides shotgun. Just be glad I don’t make you ride in the trunk.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Make sure she wears a good disguise, too.”</span> you put in. <span class="mu-r">“I wouldn’t have let her out of the house if she didn’t know that much.”</span> Araña replied. <span class="mu-r">“Call me when you get here.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Will do. Hasta.”</span> She hung up, and you immediately went for Abe’s contact on your phone. It only took him a few seconds to pick up. <span class="mu-b">“Hey bro, what’s up?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Can you do me a huge favor?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“This isn’t about bailing you out of jail, is it?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“What? No! Not yet, at least.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Good. We’re too pretty for prison.”</span> <span class="mu-r">”We most certainly are, but that’s besides the point. I need your help for a little project I’ve got going on with the Central Park Morlocks.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Oh, yeah? What’d you have in mind? Are they doing alright?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“They’re fine, Abe. Gwen and her dad showed up to have a chat with Joy about sending her to live with them.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Oof. I can’t imagine that went well.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It didn’t. Not until I stepped in to mediate. They’re talking things out as we speak, but now I’ve got Screwball here talking to Glass and the others about holding an event where people come and hang out with the Morlocks.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 27 Apr 2024 00:58:54 No. 5987524 Report <span class="mu-b">“Hang out? Is there seriously that big of a market for that?”</span> Abe asked, sounding skeptical.
<span class="mu-r">“She seems to think so. But more importantly, her fans think so. And if she’s as big of an influencer as she’s making herself out to be, then we might have a serious moneymaker on our hands.”</span>
Abel made a thoughtful noise over the phone.
<span class="mu-b">“Hmm. Maybe. And what is it that you want from me?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Well, you’ve got those handy empathic powers of yours. They’ve got to come in handy at some point. Like convincing the cops to go easy on us, and persuading protesters and troublemakers to leave. Or even making sure that everyone who comes here to hang out has the time of their lives.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“You don’t think that might backfire?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Not if they don’t find out. How would they even prove it?”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Can’t argue with that logic.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Yeah. Could you imagine, arguing with yourself over the phone? That’d be insane!”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“I know! Tyler Durden, much?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Aw man, don’t say that. It makes it sound like I’m gonna have to fight you someday.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Eh, it had to happen sometime. If you haven’t fought your siblings at least once, then can you really say that you’re related?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Can’t argue with that logic.”</span>
The two of you shared a laugh.
What will you say?
>”What have you been up to these days? Got any wild stories from your crime fighting escapades?” >”How’s school? Have you met any nice girls? Has Squirrel Girl shown up on campus after everything that happened?” >How’ve you been, man? I feel like I haven’t heard from you in ages. How’re you holding up?” >Recount to him one of your recent adventures/encounters. (Write-in) >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5987524 >"Now that you mention it though, we should go a few rounds sometime. I wanna know what you picked up on the streets. But anyways..." >How’ve you been, man? I feel like I haven’t heard from you in ages. How’re you holding up?” >”How’s school? Have you met any nice girls? Has Squirrel Girl shown up on campus after everything that happened?” I am genuinely curious to see how his style of fighting has diverged from ours, but I also just wanna see how he's hanging.
>>5987524 >>5987556 Supporting, and I can think of one story to share with him that he’ll get a kick out of.
>Tell Abe about your tennis match with Callisto. I now realize I want to play doubles with Abe. Can’t beat that level of synchronicity easily. Anonymous
>>5987556 >>5987709 >"Now that you mention it though, we should go a few rounds sometime. I wanna know what you picked up on the streets. But anyways..." >How’ve you been, man? I feel like I haven’t heard from you in ages. How’re you holding up?” >”How’s school? Have you met any nice girls? Has Squirrel Girl shown up on campus after everything that happened?” Taking these. Writing...
>>5987709 True! They're pretty much the perfect tag-team in anything they do.
>>5989230 >True! They're pretty much the perfect tag-team in anything they do. Yeah it's hard to think of anybody they couldn't beat in a 2-on-1 (or even a 2-vs-2) scenario.
Hell, Benny and Abe might even have a greater affinity for each other than any other pair of Spider Folk (pic related) given their extreme genetic similarity, memories, etc...
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>>5989339 The inevitable Spider-Family beatdown is going to be LEGENDARY!
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<span class="mu-r">“Now that you mention it though, we should go a few rounds sometime. I wanna know what you picked up from the streets.”</span> you said, wondering how your new fighting technique would measure up to someone with your same base powerset. <span class="mu-r">“But anyways,”</span> you continued. <span class="mu-r">“How’ve you been, man? I feel like I haven’t heard from you in ages. How’re you holding up?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Better now. But that might be because Sable’s people and the police are stepping up to deal with petty crimes and the occasional Z and D Listers that pop up every now and again. And the Bootleg Avengers aren’t doing a terrible job, either. They need a little help here and there, but I expected worse after Doom trashed the city.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“That’s great, Abe. But asked how <span class="mu-s">you</span> were doing, not the city.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“The city’s well-being has a lot to do with how I feel, though. Haven’t I ever told you how my power works?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Not in great detail, no.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Hm. Well, you know how I can sense the emotions of those around me, right?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Right.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Well, their emotions don't just wash over me. Not always, at least. Think of it like a strong adhesive. Once they stick to me, I can peel them away, but there’s still a bit of that sticky residue gunk left behind. With a bit of effort, I can get it off, but there are some days where I feel like I carry a little piece of everyone I run into. Everyone I save, everyone I fight…it affects me in small ways, and I’m trying to pay more attention to that.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Damn. How’re you dealing with that?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Webb gives me a cursory psychic CAT scan whenever she sees me, and if she ever sees me struggling, she recommends me to a psychiatrist she knows.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Does it help?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Sometimes. Not always. I’ve been trying to follow some of her advice. I’ve been going out more, and I’ve taken up a few hobbies. You should try it sometime.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Hey! I’ve got lots of hobbies.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Making license plates in the slammer doesn’t count, bro.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“But what if I’m really good at it? Maybe I should enter a competition.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“There’s always someone better. And if you lose, I don’t think our ego could take it. I might even have to go back to therapy.”</span> You shared a chuckle at that. <span class="mu-r">“Well, I’m glad that you’re doing better. Does your therapist know about…everything?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Not everything. I’ve been holding out on her for some of the more critical details, and she’s smart enough to know that, but she doesn’t call me on it. In her mind, I probably just have some deep-rooted family issues.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You know I’ll be here if you ever need to talk, right?”</span> you said. <span class="mu-b">“I know. I know. Ms. Kafka thinks I’ve got an easier time helping others instead of solving my own shit. And she’s probably right.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“No, she’s definitely right. We’ve got problems, bro.”</span> (Cont.)
Quoted By:
<span class="mu-b">“I guess it runs in the family. Speaking of, how’s everyone doing these days?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Rich is homeschooling Pete, Pete’s blazing through all of his dad’s prepared assignments, Vic’s going to space…”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Wait. Hold up. Since when did our adopted alien sister become a bonafide astronaut?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Since I introduced her to the Fantastic Four. They hired a cute, cuddly little bunny rabbit to shuttle her up and into the stars in search of people that can help fight the Grandmaster.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Her psycho warlord father? Wouldn’t it be better to do all that on Earth? I’d imagine that going into space is the last thing you’d want to do if you wanted to avoid an alien.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Reed says that there are too many people with eyes on our planet. We’ve got spies and alien visitors up the ass, so I can’t say that I disagree with him.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I guess that’s fair. The galaxy is a big place, after all. I just thought you’d be taking this harder, is all. You’re the one that has all those memories she implanted into your head. As far as you’re concerned, she’s your genuine little sister.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’ve still got some time before she leaves, and she won’t be leaving forever. I’ll have to see whether we can do video calls every now and again. I’m more worried about Flint being up there with her.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Flint’s going too!? Since when?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Ever since I told him to go because he’s so obviously madly in love with our sister.”</span> you answered. <span class="mu-r">“Sorry, I thought you knew. I didn’t want you to find out like this.”</span> Abe let out a frustrated sigh. <span class="mu-b">“Better late than never, I suppose. As long as he’s alive and happy, then I’m fine with it too. I just wish I had more time to spend with him.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“He’s got way more free time than I do. I don’t think he can sleep anymore. He sort of just goes into a trance. So if you want to hang out with him, you’re free to invite him out somewhere.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I have. Several times, actually.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Oh. Well…how’d that go?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“It was fun for a while, but it gets weird sometimes. He’ll reference something that only the two of you know about, and then there’s this brief awkward silence that I have to ignore. But otherwise, it's as if nothing’s changed. So long as he doesn’t bring up how weird he finds the clone thing. It’s a bit hard to get past, as it turns out.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Our personalities are pretty similar, though. They should just think of us as twin brothers.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I’m cool with the other Desperados, but at this point, they’re more your friends than they are mine. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”</span> You wanted to say more, but you were finding it hard to come up with a proper counter-argument. You and your brother more or less lived in different worlds, and that gap would only grow wider in the coming months. Instead, you decided to change the subject. (Cont.)
Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“How’s school? Have you met any nice girls?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I’ve been doing alright in my classes. I still haven’t decided on a major, but Biochem and Sociology sound pretty interesting from what I’ve read. Although, I’m a little preoccupied with the extra credit assignments I’ve had to pick up for skipping classes.”</span> Abe explained. <span class="mu-b">“You know how it is. Superheroing and all. Serving the greater good hasn’t had the most positive effect on my report card.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“At least you don’t have to get mom and dad to sign them anymore.”</span> You both laughed, and thankfully, Abe let the matter of your father drop. <span class="mu-r">“Now, quit holding out on me. Tell me about those co-eds.”</span> you demanded. <span class="mu-b">“I’ve been on a few dates, but my erratic schedule has pretty much killed any chances of me going steady with any of them. There was this one girl that I really liked, but I don’t know if I can keep up with her.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Oh yeah? Tell me about her.”</span> Abe chuckled. <span class="mu-b">“Oh, she’s great. She’s smart, beautiful, funny. Everything I could want in a woman. But, if the rumors are to be believed, she likes hanging around guys that can buy her expensive jewelry and fur coats.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So? You can buy her that stuff with the money you’re getting from Webb.”</span> you argued. <span class="mu-b">“I’m not in the market for a sugar baby.”</span> Abe shot back. <span class="mu-b">“I just think it's a shame, you know? A girl like her? She could do way better than them.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Right. And you’re saying that from an entirely unbiased perspective?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Shut-up, man.”</span> Abe groaned. <span class="mu-r">“What about Squirrel Girl? Has she shown up on campus after everything that’s happened?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-b">“Yeah, she’s still here. I was avoiding her at first, since I didn’t want her to connect the dots between me and Spider-Man. But after running into her a few times, we’ve actually started talking a bit more. She’s kind of fun to be around, and we’ve had the occasional team-up since we go to the same college. I’m kind of surprised she hasn’t recognized me yet.”</span> (Cont.)
What will you say?
>”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.” >”Is she still looking for Ember? I’d rather not have every squirrel in the city on her trail.” >”Abe, if you really care about this woman you’ve been so hung up on, then you should go after her. Tell her how you feel. Rejection isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you.” >”I’m surprised you didn’t go into psychology or something like that. Someone with your powers could make a real difference in that field. Sociology is sort of similar, right?” >”If you end up picking Biochem, you should have Gwen give you some pointers every now and again. I’m sure she’d love to help when she isn't busy with field agent work.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5989361 >”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.” A significant other who you don't have to hide your alter-ego from AND can hold their own in a fight is a serious luxury.
Worst case scenario, it doesn't work out and life goes on. There's no reason not to give it a shot.
>”If you end up picking Biochem, you should have Gwen give you some pointers every now and again. I’m sure she’d love to help when she isn't busy with field agent work.” Anyways, I shouldn't be surprised that vibes he picks up stick with him like that. I just hope there's more good days than bad for him in the long run.
>>5989361 >”Maybe you should ask her out instead. She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.” >”Not to mention how useful thousands of furry messengers are. With the right words they can probably deliver groceries, find the trendiest places in the city, and give you dirt on all your worst enemies! Oh, and chew through the wires in every house you’ll ever own if you upset her.” >”… even if it doesn’t work out it’s good for someone to know who you are on both sides of the mask. We know that, but maybe she doesn’t.” >”Besides, it sounds like the most important quality you should look for is a cheery personality. If you’re going to be carrying a piece of your partner everywhere, make it a piece that’ll help you carry the rest.” I’d also support Gwen since she’s pretty cheery as well. Might make it awkward when she interacts with us, but oh well.
>”Is she still looking for Ember? I’d rather not have every squirrel in the city on her trail.” >”I was surprised you didn’t go into psychology since your powers give you ins that most psychologists don’t get. If things also stick to you more then I can see why.” I had been all for psychology, but I’m less enthusiastic knowing he’ll be carrying their burdens more so than the average psychologist.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 29 Apr 2024 05:40:05 No. 5989882 Report Forgot that I took off my trip to vote in another thread. Just now realized that it was off for the last few posts!
>>5989882 As amusing as it would be if a random anon did several story posts pretending to be you, I think we figured out which posts were yours!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 30 Apr 2024 22:21:58 No. 5990987 Report Quoted By:
>>5989373 >>5989619 Gonna combine these votes to the best of my ability. Writing...
>>5990388 If someone did it and it didn't turn out to be a complete shitpost, it would be pretty crazy.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 30 Apr 2024 23:22:11 No. 5991026 Report <span class="mu-r">“Maybe you should ask her out instead.”</span> you suggested. <span class="mu-b">“Doreen? You really think so?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Why not? She’s cute, and the two of you are already superheroes. You might have a lot to talk about.”</span> Abe made a thoughtful noise. <span class="mu-b">“Hmm. She is pretty cute.”</span> he thought aloud. <span class="mu-r">“Oh, come on, Abe. This is your chance to bag a pretty girl and amass an army of furry messengers all at the same time. That’s got to come with benefits. They can help you find the trendiest joints in the city, dish out dirt on all your worst enemies, and chew through the wires of every house you’ll ever own if you upset her.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“You’re not really selling me on that last one, bud.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’m just messing with you.”</span> you said with a laugh. <span class="mu-r">“Point is, there really aren’t a whole lot of downsides to taking her out on a date. Even if things don’t work out, you’ll have a friend who knows who you really are, with or without the mask.”</span> you argued. <span class="mu-b">“You really think I should reveal my identity to her?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Why not? It beats lying all the time, doesn’t it?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“True. It’s been exhausting trying to keep everything under wraps this past year.”</span> Abe admitted. <span class="mu-r">“Plus, it would probably benefit you to spend time with someone cheery like her. Maybe some of it would rub off on you.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Alright, fine. I’ll ask her out the next time I see her. I could definitely do worse, and she seems pretty nice.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Attaboy! Let me know how that goes.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Hey, I don’t ask about your dates with Ana.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You can if you want to. Although…I have to warn you, they can get a bit graphic. It’s not for the faint of heart.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“No thanks. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I had to give up on her because the ‘original’ is dating her.”</span> That wiped the smile right off your face. <span class="mu-r">“I’m sorry, Abe. I-”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Don’t. It’s not your fault. I’m not trying to guilt trip you. It’s not like I was madly in love with her, or anything. Not yet, anyway.”</span> Abe said, sounding far more composed than someone in his position should’ve been. <span class="mu-b">“Besides, I didn’t want to fight over her. That shit can tear siblings apart if they’re not careful.”</span> It was times like this that you realized that Abe was the brother you’ve always wanted, but didn’t deserve. You should hang out with him more often. <span class="mu-b">“But enough about that. What’d you want me here for?”</span> You frowned at your phone, before turning to see Abe perched on the street lamp behind you. Abe tilted his head to the side as he gave you an assessing look. <span class="mu-b">“That looks an awful lot like my costume.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You didn’t invent the color red.”</span> you snapped back. <span class="mu-r">“Plus, this has a jacket, and my secondary color is black, not blue.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I’m just saying, if you had black webs on that mask and changed some things around…”</span>
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 30 Apr 2024 23:24:41 No. 5991029 Report <span class="mu-r">“What happened to not getting sidetracked?”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“I made no such promises.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Alright, but hear me out…”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“This better not be a hot take. I get enough of those from the clowns I tangle with on a regular basis.”</span> Abe said.
What will you say?
>”I need you and Iara to go on Screwball’s stream and drum up support for the mutants. I think you’re both popular enough to pull it off.” >”Do you think you can go out there and convince the cops and protesters to calm down? I feel like we might have a riot on our hands if we stop everyone from entering the park.” >”Do you know anyone who might be able to help with park renovations? You must’ve made some friends in the hero community during your time as Spider-Man.” >"We're mostly in the planning phase, but the people here could really do with a bit of subtle moral support. Just a psychic nudge here and there to keep their spirits up. And if you have any ideas, feel free to contribute to the discussion." >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5991029 >>”I need you and Iara to go on Screwball’s stream and drum up support for the mutants. I think you’re both popular enough to pull it off.” >>5991026 >“I’m just saying, if you had black webs on that mask and changed some things around…” IT'S LEGALLY DISTINCT I TELL YA
>>5991029 >”I need you and Iara to go on Screwball’s stream and drum up support for the mutants. I think you’re both popular enough to pull it off.” >”We can make a show of the whole ‘evil twin’ bit by one-upping each other while helping out. Should play well with the crowd, especially if Iara can dunk on both of us sometimes. I’ll get some grief about it from the boys, but it’s for a group I like so I’ll deal.” >”Do you think you can go out there and convince the cops and protesters to calm down? I feel like we might have a riot on our hands if we stop everyone from entering the park.” Whichever role he thinks he’s better for. I’m sure he has contacts, but it’s his call on whether to pull them in or not.
>>5991029 >”Do you think you can go out there and convince the cops and protesters to calm down? I feel like we might have a riot on our hands if we stop everyone from entering the park.” Is Abe still technically a virgin?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 01 May 2024 21:54:22 No. 5991779 Report >>5991058 >>5991031 >>5991494 We've got two votes for both of these options.
>”I need you and Iara to go on Screwball’s stream and drum up support for the mutants. I think you’re both popular enough to pull it off.” >”Do you think you can go out there and convince the cops and protesters to calm down? I feel like we might have a riot on our hands if we stop everyone from entering the park.” Would you guys like me to proceed with these options or wait for more votes?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 01 May 2024 21:55:23 No. 5991780 Report Quoted By:
>>5991494 Nope. He's gotten his fair share of action while dorming at ESU.
>>5991779 I'm cool with those
>>5991779 I'm also cool with the combined options
>>5991779 I’m for combining. If Abe only wants to do one to keep his focus then he can pick either.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 02 May 2024 02:16:07 No. 5991918 Report Quoted By:
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 02 May 2024 03:21:31 No. 5991981 Report <span class="mu-r">“I need you and Iara to go on Screwball’s stream and drum up support for the mutants. I think you’re both popular enough to pull it off.”</span>
Abe raised an eyebrow at that.
<span class="mu-b">“Since when is Iara popular outside of the Morlock community?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Since she showed up on Screwball’s stream and stole the show.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“For real? I hope she doesn’t let all that fame go to her head. Public opinion is a fickle beast, and people change their minds like the weather.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Let’s worry about that later. For now, we should get the word out about this little project.”</span> you said.
Abe let out a large sigh.
<span class="mu-b">“Not even one year into my career and I’m already selling my soul for views. Never thought I’d end up here this quickly.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Hey, it’s for a good cause. We give them a hand, they can make their own money, and maybe we can get a few people to see mutants in a better light because of it.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Alright, alright. I never said I wouldn't do it. My only condition is that I won't be following any scripts. All my best material is ad-libbed.”</span>
You nodded your agreement.
<span class="mu-r">“You and I both, brother. And while you’re at it, do you think you can go out there and convince the cops and protesters to calm down? I feel like we might have a riot on our hands if we stop everyone from entering the park.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Yeah, I noticed that too. I suppose it would make sense to send out the more charismatic twin to smooth things over.”</span> Abe said, smoothing out the top of his mask as if he were running a hand through his hair.
<span class="mu-r">“Babyclonesayswhat?”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Not answering that.”</span> Abe retorted, before turning his head and squinting into the distance. <span class="mu-b">“They’re over there, right?”</span>
Your eyes followed the trajectory of his finger towards the rough location of Cherry Hill.
<span class="mu-r">“Yup. I think they’re still brainstorming ideas for how they can contribute.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Good. At least then we won’t be leaving everything up to Nature Girl. That kid’s gonna get a big head if we rely on her too much.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Amen to that.”</span>
What will you do?
>Accompany Abe to watch him crash Screwball’s stream. Having the real Spider-Man show up to steal her thunder is probably gonna have her foaming at the mouth. >Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. >Check in on Joy and the Stacys to see how they’re getting along. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5991981 >Check in on Joy and the Stacys to see how they’re getting along. Anonymous
>>5991981 >>Check in on Joy and the Stacys to see how they’re getting along. really curious to see if they worked something out
>>5991981 >Check in on Joy and the Stacys to see how they’re getting along. We should intercept them before they stumble onto Screwball anyway. If the Stacys are agitated then we can steer them away from the gathering.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 03 May 2024 03:35:05 No. 5992744 Report Quoted By:
>>5991992 >>5992375 >>5992399 >Check in on Joy and the Stacys to see how they’re getting along. I'm gonna try and push out an update tomorrow afternoon. I tried to get some work done, but I got a bit busy, and I've gotta wake up a little earlier than usual tomorrow morning.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 03 May 2024 23:49:00 No. 5993473 Report Quoted By:
While Abe was busy trying to become a social media sensation, you set out to find Joy and the Stacys. Which, after you thought about it for a second, would make for a pretty sick band name. It didn’t take you long to find them, as they were still generally in the same area you’d left them in. And seeing as how no one was shouting or pummeling one another, you thought it was safe to maintain your optimism towards the situation. Unsurprisingly, Joy turned to note your approach before the others even got a chance. She’d spread her webs all throughout the trees in this part of the park, and that meant that her little spider sentries were giving her feedback on their surroundings. And you had an inkling that a man in red and black spandex swinging past at roughly 45 mph would set off all sorts of alarms. <span class="mu-r">“Hey all. How’re things going so far? Good, I hope.”</span> It was weird how nervous you were for the well-being of a family that wasn’t yours. Gwen nodded, a slight smile on her red lips. <span class="mu-g">“We’re making progress. The whole…’Warren’ situation is still a little shaky…”</span> It was all Captain Stacy could do not to glower at the mention of the man who’d so grossly violated the privacy of his daughter. <span class="mu-g">“But we at least managed to convince her to spend some time with us. Every other week, she’ll come over to stay at our place, and when we can find the time, we’ll come and spend time with her friends over here.”</span> Gwen continued. <span class="mu-b">“That’s only if you can convince your new boss to let you have a moment’s rest so that you can spend some time with your old man.”</span> George put in. <span class="mu-g">“We’re trying to work something out with Sable International and the Avengers.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Backup Avengers.”</span> you corrected. <span class="mu-g">“Right.”</span> Gwen said with a sigh. <span class="mu-g">“Either way, we’re trying to make sure that nothing like what happened last time can happen again. Hill’s gathering up all the agents she can spare and redeploying them to patrol duty.”</span> That means that you might have a decent chance of running into SHIELD’s more troublesome agents amidst the upcoming gang war. Names like Hawkeye and Spider-Woman(who for some reason had nothing to do with you) flashed through your mind. If you were really unlucky, you might be pitted against the likes of Gwen or Bloodhound. You weren’t entirely sure if you were scared of fighting Peter Pan or not. On one hand, he was an eternally prepubescent brat with a tendency to forget and outright overlook important details. On the other hand, he was fast as hell and incredibly deadly with those blades of his. Hopefully they’d be too busy fighting actual supervillains to bother with you. But that did bring up the question of how your relationship with Captain Stacy might change after your involvement with Silvermane became public knowledge. More than that, how would Gwen react? (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 03 May 2024 23:50:50 No. 5993475 Report As you glanced over the Stacys, you eventually locked eyes with Joy. It then occurred to you that you never drilled into her the importance of maintaining a secret identity. Especially for someone in your line of work. You really hoped she hadn’t blurted out your name at any point during your conversation.
The blonde clone seemed to be blissfully unaware of your inner turmoil, and was instead content to smile at you from where she sat. And if you had to guess, the empty snack wrappers littering the table had something to do with her good mood. They were no doubt bribes that were used to keep her complacent while the Stacys went over some of the more troubling topics involving Joy’s conception, upbringing, and current living situation.
Judging by the various brands of sugar-filled treats that you recognized from the labels printed on the empty plastic packages, Joy might’ve just been basking in the afterglow of a recent sugar rush.
What will you do/say?
>"Excuse us for a moment." Pull Joy aside for a quick little private chat. >”Hey Joy, Abe’s here if you want to go say hi! He’s doing a thing with Shark Girl, though, so you might have to wait a bit.” >”That’s great. I’m glad you guys could come to an understanding. I just hope you have a big enough snack budget to maintain this relationship.” >”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city since she started living with the mutants.” >”If you guys want, you can also invite your friends and coworkers to the park’s grand reopening. The Morlocks and I are planning something big that should be a hit with the regular park-goers.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5993475 >"Excuse us for a moment." Pull Joy aside for a quick little private chat. Just to be sure we dont get doxxed
>>5993475 >”I guess none of you knew that too much processed sugar is toxic to spiders. If Joy develops a headache or lethargy in the next couple hours we’ll need to pump her out.” >”But seriously, I’m glad you guys could come to an understanding. I just hope you have a big enough snack budget to maintain this relationship.” It’s fun to mess with friends.
>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city before or after she started living with the mutants. Just keep the super senses in mind and skip the rock concerts at first.” If I remember right, Warren kept her on a tight leash too since bots were out hunting her and Abe. The university was the only safe place.
>”Hey Joy, our brother-in-spiderdom is here if you want to go say hi! He’s doing a thing with Shark Girl, though, so you might have to wait a bit.” Keeping names out of it just in case, and if she calls him out by name then it gives us an excuse to point out she shouldn’t make a habit of using real names while people are masked up. Even if she has been bribed with a ton of treats. Word spreads, and not everyone around a hero can fight like one.
>”If you guys want, you can also invite your friends and coworkers to the park’s grand reopening. The Morlocks are planning something big that should be a hit with the regular park-goers.” Let them take full credit unless pressed. We’re just one helper.
>”If Hill is deploying more agents here then what does that mean elsewhere? I appreciate the security, but the acronym agencies are bigger than one city.” She might let slip some of the specific heroes being deployed here. Good info to know, though I don’t know if we’ll do anything with it.
>>5993475 >"Word to the wise Joy, pace yourself with the sweets. A super metabolism is only gonna make the crash hit that much harder, believe me." >”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city since she started living with the mutants.” Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 05 May 2024 16:25:23 No. 5995185 Report >>5993477 >>5993492 >>5993730 >”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city before or after she started living with the mutants. Just keep the super senses in mind and skip the rock concerts at first.” We've got two for this vote. Would you like me to move forward with it?
>>5995185 I wouldn't be opposed
>>5995185 I’m willing to switch to
>>5993730 to keep the little write-in!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 05 May 2024 21:50:37 No. 5995425 Report >>5993730 >>5995189 >>5995341 Gotcha! I'm gonna be a bit tied up tonight, but I'll post an update as soon as I possibly can tomorrow.
Quoted By:
>>5995425 No rush, we’ll be here!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 06 May 2024 16:25:13 No. 5996146 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Word to the wise, Joy.”</span> you said, glancing at Gwen’s clone. <span class="mu-r">“Pace yourself with the sweets. A super metabolism is only gonna make the crash hit that much higher, believe me.”</span> Or it’ll end up giving her the zoomies, which wasn’t something her family needed to see right now. Although, this whole lecture might’ve seemed a bit hypocritical coming from the man who gave her a bag full of candy when she first started living with the Morlocks. <span class="mu-b">“I didn’t expect her to eat all of it in one sitting.”</span> George admitted. <span class="mu-b">“A quick trip to the dentist might do her some good.”</span> Part of you was grateful that Joy didn’t have any frame of reference for what a dentist was, or else she might’ve grown skittish at the mention of them. Joy blinked a couple of times and gave you a slight nod. <span class="mu-s">“Gotcha. Please don’t tell Callisto.”</span> She must’ve lectured her about this very same thing before. <span class="mu-g">“That’s the sewer lady that took you in, right?”</span> Gwen asked. Joy nodded more enthusiastically this time. <span class="mu-s">“She takes care of us. She looks scary like a pirate, but she’s really nice to everyone.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“We’ve met. Back then, she thought I was a Goblin Groupie and was a second away from stabbing me.”</span> Gwen said. The look of alarm on George’s face was absolutely priceless. <span class="mu-g">“She didn’t though. She’s just protective of her people.”</span> Gwen rushed to explain. <span class="mu-g">“Huntsman helped smooth things over and no one had to get hurt.”</span> George turned to give you an assessing look. <span class="mu-b">“My daughter forgot to include that part in her explanation. I guess I have you to thank for her being here in one piece.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I can’t take all the credit. Gwen helped me fight off the goons coming after her, and she even made a drug that helped stave off the side effects of the serum she took.”</span> you said. <span class="mu-r">“And let's not forget Hill’s involvement. She’s no Mother Theresa, but she’s been doing her best to protect and provide for her.”</span> Gwen gave you a genuine smile. She must’ve appreciated hearing that you appreciated the work she’s put in to get this far. She might not have wanted her life to end up like this, but there were far worse ways to make a living. George put a hand on Gwen’s shoulder and smiled. <span class="mu-b">“I always knew my little girl was going to grow up to do big things someday. I just thought it would be on a slightly smaller scale.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’m not sure if any part of me qualifies as ‘little’ anymore, dad.”</span> Gwen said, her cheeks turning a bit red. <span class="mu-b">“That just means you’re healthy. There’s nothing wrong with being a little bigger than the other girls.”</span> George said in an encouraging tone. <span class="mu-r">“That’s right. Your dad’s cop buddies were pretty much drooling over your muscles.”</span> you mentioned. George glanced between the two of you, his interest piqued. <span class="mu-b">“Oh yeah? I don’t suppose you managed to get their badge numbers.”</span>
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 06 May 2024 16:26:14 No. 5996148 Report Quoted By:
There was a slightly malicious glint in his eye. <span class="mu-g">“Dad…”</span> Gwen murmured, looking properly embarrassed now. <span class="mu-b">“What? I just want to have a little chat with them.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“<span class="mu-i">Dad</span>…!”</span> Gwen groaned, more imploringly this time. Gwen nudged his stomach with her elbow, shoving him back a bit with very little effort. <span class="mu-r">“Your dad’s right, Gwen. You and your baby sister are real knockouts, and no amount of muscle tone is going to change that.”</span> you said, gesturing at both her and Joy. If the reddening of her face and ears told you anything, it was that Gwen was clearly flattered by your praise. But instead of shying away and growing flustered, she brushed her hair back behind one ear and fluttered her eyelashes at you in a way that made your heart do backflips. <span class="mu-g">“Oh yeah? Well, don’t stop there.”</span> Gwen was a real catch, and she knew it. Her confidence might’ve taken a hit during the incident involving her transformation, but you were only reaffirming what she already felt deep down. But somehow, that knowledge didn’t make her snobby or vain. The combination of beauty, brains, and a winning personality made her into a phenomenal woman that’d make a lucky guy very happy someday. Except now she was capable of putting said lucky guy through a wall if he ever upset her. <span class="mu-s">“What’s a ‘knockout’?”</span> Joy asked, looking confused. <span class="mu-g">“He means that we’re beautiful, Joy.”</span> Gwen said, breaking eye contact with you to humor her sister. After giving that a moment to sink in, Joy joined her sister in grinning at you. <span class="mu-s">“Oh! Thanks!”</span> George glanced between all three of you before settling his suspicious glare on you. You were sure he’d be giving his daughters a lecture on the dangers of getting involved with masked men. <span class="mu-g">“Speaking of beautiful,”</span> Gwen said, focusing the majority of her attention on Joy. <span class="mu-g">“That’s a gorgeous top you’re wearing.”</span> Joy gave her a self-satisfied, smug grin. <span class="mu-s">“You think so? B–Huntsman’s the one who picked it out.”</span> Joy said, thankfully catching herself before she said your real name. And THANK GOD for that! She was at least capable of picking up context clues in most cases. Gwen gave you a surprised look. <span class="mu-g">“Well well well. I had no idea you had a functioning fashion sense.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’s a little weaker than my spider sense, but it comes in handy every now and again.”</span> you said with a wink. <span class="mu-g">“You’re just full of surprises.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Thanks for noticing. I’m thinking of putting ‘well-rounded man of mystery’ on my resume.”</span> George clearly wasn’t happy with the shameless flirting happening in front of him, so he directed his attention to Joy. Frankly, you were a bit taken aback by Gwen’s bold behavior today. Especially when her dad was sitting right next to her. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 06 May 2024 16:27:15 No. 5996149 Report <span class="mu-b">“We should get you some more clothes soon. I don’t see a washing machine out here, and your current wardrobe is bound to get dirty from you sleeping outside.”</span>
<span class="mu-s">“We get to go shopping again?”</span>
Joy was practically buzzing with excitement. Gwen gave her a thoughtful look.
<span class="mu-g">“Maybe we are related, after all.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Be sure to show her around the city. She didn’t get many opportunities to explore before she started living with the mutants.”</span> you offered. <span class="mu-r">“Take her out for dinner every once in a while, or go see a movie. Just keep her super senses in mind and skip the rock concerts for now.”</span>
They all shared a smile at that.
<span class="mu-b">“That sounds like a good idea.”</span> George admitted.
<span class="mu-g">“What do you wanna do first, Joy?”</span> Gwen asked.
She opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by a spider crawling on top of her head. It was all Gwen could do to avoid screaming or swatting at the hairy, multi-legged creature.
<span class="mu-s">“Callisto’s here! And A–I mean…Spider-Man!”</span>
Sounds like she wants to go see her friends.
What will you do?
>Accompany the Stacys in greeting Callisto. >Show Joy where to find Spider-Man. He should be speaking with the cops and protesters right about now. >Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5996149 I think I don't want to completely show up with Spider-Man in the same place, just to keep the guessing games of the public up
>Accompany the Stacys in greeting Callisto. >Remind both that their knowledge of mutants in the sewers is something thes should not tell others >Tell Callisto that they only heard good things about her and that her 'tough girl' persona might be fading Anonymous
>>5996149 >Show Joy where to find ‘your evil twin’. He should be speaking with the cops and protesters right about now. >Get Callisto’s location from Joy and have the thief girls and Ember meet you there. You can start introductions with her. Two birds, one stone. I’m not opposed to taking the Stacys to Joy, but if we do that then I’d say we route the others to Glass instead. Or visiting Abe as well and presenting a united front on behalf of the spider family. I’m down for any option, really.
Gotta laugh at Gwen using us to get under her dad’s skin. A part of me wants to take mercy on him and let him know we’re already in a relationship (and Gwen knows that) but he can squirm a little longer.
Though maybe the Captain should talk with Callisto on how much Joy knows about romance and/or creeps. She’ll be the bigger worry.
>>5996149 >>Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 07 May 2024 22:49:11 No. 5997542 Report >>5996163 >>5996212 >>5996306 So it looks like we've got three different goals in three different votes. How do y'all wanna handle this?
>>5996212 >>5996306 These two here seem to be somewhat similar, but I don't want to make any assumptions.
>>5996149 >Accompany the Stacys in greeting Callisto. Anonymous
>>5997542 If pushed, I’d lean
>Accompany the Stacys in greeting Callisto. over
>Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. The girls can enjoy the park in the meantime.
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>>5997542 >>5997581 Oh, and I’ll back the second write-in from
>>5996163 . Teasing Callisto is always fun.
I’d check with Joy before mentioning the first one. I don’t know if she gave details on where she lived before. If she didn’t then Captain Stacy may only know that she’s been living in the park. I don’t remember if Gwen knows more details or not, but I assume she does.
If they both know, I have no problem backing the first write-in too.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 07 May 2024 23:56:02 No. 5997589 Report Quoted By:
>>5996163 >>5996163 >>5997546 >>5997581 >Accompany the Stacys in greeting Callisto. >Remind both that their knowledge of mutants in the sewers is something they should not tell others >Tell Callisto that they only heard good things about her and that her 'tough girl' persona might be fading Gotcha! Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 08 May 2024 04:01:09 No. 5997800 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Good. Let’s go meet her.”</span> you suggested. <span class="mu-r">“Callisto, I mean.”</span> Joy's face brightened at that proposition. <span class="mu-g">“I guess there's less of a chance of her stabbing me in broad daylight.”</span> Gwen reasoned. You weren't quite sure about that, but then again, you haven't spent a whole lot of time with Callisto aboveground, so anything was possible. <span class="mu-b">“She won't if she doesn't want to spend the night in a cell.”</span> George put in. Gwen gave her dad a flat look. <span class="mu-g">“Seriously? Only a night? You do remember that in your only daughter, right dad?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Well, I'd imagine that anyone who comes at you with a knife isn’t going to walk away with only a few bruises. They’d be lucky if you didn’t just snap them like a twig.”</span> George said, an amused grin on his face. Gwen opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and then gave him a slightly frustrated scowl. <span class="mu-g">“I mean…you’re probably not wrong, but knives are still scary. My desire to avoid getting stabbed isn’t any different from that of the average person.”</span> <span class="mu-s">“Callisto won’t stab you.”</span> Joy said with absolute confidence. Everyone turned to look at her. <span class="mu-s">“If I tell her that you’re my friends, then she’ll leave you alone.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“We’re not just friends, Joy. We’re family.”</span> George offered. <span class="mu-g">“Why not both? Family members can be friends, too.”</span> Gwen added. <span class="mu-r">“So long as you agree to keep the Morlocks’ secret, then there shouldn’t be any problems.”</span> you said. <span class="mu-g">“The sewer thing, right?”</span> Gwen asked. <span class="mu-g">“Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. I’m not even sure if they’d want to go down there looking, even if they did know.”</span> George didn’t look at all surprised by the revelation, which told you that Joy went over that part with him already. <span class="mu-b">“I still can’t believe that there are people actually living down there. Mutant or not, no one should live like that.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“My thoughts exactly.”</span> you said. <span class="mu-r">“Which is why I helped them make a couple of renovations.”</span> —-------- After you finished telling the Stacys about all the upgrades you made to the Alley, Joy suddenly leapt into the air and started swinging towards the direction she was leading you in. <span class="mu-r">“Hold up, Joy!”</span> you shouted, swinging after her, connecting your weblines from tree to tree. You had a feeling as to why she’d gotten so excited, and your suspicions were confirmed when you caught a glimpse of the sewer queen herself. She was wearing a dark sleeveless jean jacket that was fraying at the edges, with a slightly ratty orange shirt underneath. Her denim jeans were torn in several places, some of them even looked to have been created on purpose. From her current sitting position, she turned her head slightly to regard you and Joy. She didn’t look very surprised to see either of you, but her one good eye narrowed in suspicion upon noticing the Stacys. <span class="mu-s">“Callisto!”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 08 May 2024 04:02:11 No. 5997803 Report Quoted By:
Joy landed only mere inches away from the cyclopean mutant, blocking her view of everyone else other than the bubbly clone. The corner’s of Callisto’s lips quirked upwards ever so slightly into what might’ve been interpreted as a smile. <span class="mu-g">“Hey there, Joy. How’ve you been?”</span> <span class="mu-s">“Good! It’s really nice up here, and its so much easier for our friends to visit us.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’d bet. Why don’t you introduce me to these new friends of yours?”</span> Callisto asked, glancing past her to see Gwen and her dad. You landed a little further away from Joy so that the others could catch up. <span class="mu-r">“Hey, Callisto. You remember Gwen, right?”</span> Callisto cast a disinterested glance at the blonde amazon. The two of them had met twice. Once when you had to break up a fight between them, and again when Joy was first introduced to the Morlocks. <span class="mu-g">“Right. How’s it hanging, blondie? Still running with SHIELD, I see.”</span> Gwen folded her arms over her broad chest. <span class="mu-g">“For the time being, yeah. They’ve got a lot to offer right now, and I’m still trying to get back on my feet.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Uh-huh. And who’s your cop friend?”</span> she asked, pointing at Gwen’s dad. <span class="mu-b">“Captain George Stacy. I’m Gwen’s father, and to a certain degree, that makes Joy my…’relative’.”</span> he said carefully. <span class="mu-b">“I’ve heard a lot about you from Joy and the Huntsman.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Okay…now I’m worried.”</span> she quickly said, leaning away from the table she was sitting at. <span class="mu-r">“On the contrary, my one-eyed friend.”</span> you cut in. <span class="mu-r">“We’ve been singing your praises up and down this park. They’ve only heard good things about you, so that ‘tough girl’ persona that you’ve worked so hard to build up is slowly <span class="mu-i">crumbling away</span>.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Your first mistake was listening to this clown. He can make anything sound ridiculous if you let him open his mouth.”</span> Callisto claimed, pointing at you. <span class="mu-r">“Eh. It’s a character flaw.”</span> you admitted with a shrug. <span class="mu-s">“But you are nice, though.”</span> Joy protested. <span class="mu-s">“I just wish more people knew that.”</span> Callisto let out a sardonic laugh. <span class="mu-g">“If he and Glass have their way, then you just might get your wish, little Joy. That’s actually part of the reason I came here.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“You mean…you didn’t come here to play chess?”</span> Gwen asked, pointing at a chess board in front of the Morlock leader. <span class="mu-g">“That’s the other part.”</span> Callisto said, continuing to reset the board. <span class="mu-g">“So, did you just pop by to visit our little sunshine character, or was there something else you wanted to talk about?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“We…actually wanted to thank you for looking after Joy.”</span> Gwen said. <span class="mu-g">“It meant a lot to us, even if we weren’t too keen on the location.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“And I only found out about her recently. You were there for her when I couldn’t be. I won’t forget that.”</span> George added. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 08 May 2024 04:23:35 No. 5997821 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-s">“And I just wanted to say hi. We wish you could stay up here with us.”</span> Joy blurted out. Callisto actually did grin at that. <span class="mu-g">“Someone’s gotta keep the Alley running. I’ve got some trustworthy people that I’m training to run things while I’m away.”</span> she explained, content to ignore the other two for a moment. She never <span class="mu-i">was</span> good at accepting praise. <span class="mu-s">“Are you going somewhere?”</span> Joy asked, a concerned expression on her face. Callisto glanced at Joy, and then turned to stare at George. She seemed to consider something, before turning back to her chess board. <span class="mu-g">“I won’t be leaving the city anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Let’s just say that I’ve got plans.”</span> Despite Joy’s curiosity, Callisto didn’t look like she’d spill the beans anytime soon. But before anyone could question her on it further. It swirled around your group, and paid close attention to your spider sense for any hint of an incoming threat. The others were searching around frantically for the source of the disturbance, and Callisto was… She was just scowling at the chess pieces that’d been blown off of the table by the sudden gust of wind. Otherwise, she remained seated. And then, the sound of rushing wind just…died. You could still feel the wind whipping around you, but it was no longer obnoxiously loud. It was as if you’d just entered the eye of a- <span class="mu-b">“I apologize for being late.”</span> You craned your neck to find the source of the new voice, and all at once, everyone’s jaws dropped. <span class="mu-b">“There was a matter that required my immediate attention.”</span> A woman with dark skin, long, white flowing hair and blue, cat-like eyes descended upon you, suspended by nothing but the very air itself. You’ve never met her, but you knew her name. This was Ororo Munroe, otherwise known as- <span class="mu-g">“Jesus, Storm. Couldn’t you have just walked over like a normal person?”</span> Callisto complained. <span class="mu-g">“Now I’ve gotta pick all this up and reset the board. Again.”</span> Callisto's arms split into two clusters of green tentacles and reached down to pick up the pieces. Gwen gasped, and George just stared stupidly at them. Joy was the only other person helping her pick them up, while you... You were just in disbelief. Storm gave Callisto a shameless smile that was surprisingly affectionate. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 08 May 2024 04:26:50 No. 5997825 Report What will you do/say?
>"THIS is your chess partner? I had no idea you even played chess." >"I wish I knew an X-Man was coming. I would've wore my Sunday Best." >"So you really didn't come here to check on the Morlocks? You could've had this chess game anywhere." >"I had no idea the two of you knew each other. I thought I was Callisto's only friend." >"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." >"Whoa...!" >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5997825 >>"I had no idea the two of you knew each other. I thought I was Callisto's only friend." >>"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." Anonymous
>>5997825 >"I wish I knew an X-Man was coming. I would've wore my Sunday Best." >"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." Fun fact, Ororo is actually a native New Yorker coming out of Manhattan. Didn't know that myself till I hit up her wiki page.
>>5997825 >>"I wish I knew an X-Man was coming. I would've wore my Sunday Best." >>"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." Anonymous
>>5997825 >"I had no idea the two of you knew each other. I thought I was Callisto's only friend." >"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." Joining the hivemind, but I’ll toss in one more comment.
>”If she has a third friend hiding somewhere we’d have enough for doubles tennis. It’d be neat to get creamed with someone else to share the misery with.” Looks like a bit of a sentence was missing after “ question her on it further”. Probably about the wind picking up?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 08 May 2024 22:27:50 No. 5998667 Report >>5997874 >>5997968 >>5997993 >>5998126 >>"I had no idea the two of you knew each other. I thought I was Callisto's only friend." >"I wish I knew an X-Man was coming. I would've wore my Sunday Best." >"I heard you had a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom's robots. Thanks for that." >”If she has a third friend hiding somewhere we’d have enough for doubles tennis. It’d be neat to get creamed with someone else to share the misery with.” Taking these. Writing...
>>5998126 >Looks like a bit of a sentence was missing after “ question her on it further”. Probably about the wind picking up? Oops! I must've messed that up while I was doing my editing last night. This last update took longer to finish than I originally anticipated. Should've taken a few minutes to re-read the whole thing before posting.
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>>5998667 I’ve never had much luck switching from writing to editing mode like that without a long break in-between so I don’t blame you for missing it. As long as it all makes sense contextually, it’s good!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 09 May 2024 00:32:41 No. 5998776 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“I wish I knew an X-Man was coming. I would’ve worn my Sunday Best.”</span> you said, stretching out the fabric on the suit that Ember made for you. Storm chuckled at that. The woman wore a black leather bodysuit that exposed her toned midsection, before transforming into a gold and black tank top that she paired with a black and gold studded bomber with sleeves that only reached down to her elbow. Draped around her neck, she wore expensive-looking gold jewelry that looked like they could’ve easily been used to pay for Cindy and Pete’s college fund if you brought them to the right pawn shop. Compared to her, you were severely underdressed. But that was to be expected when you were in the presence of a supposed African goddess. <span class="mu-b">“Back at the X-Mansion, your attire would more than suffice for ‘business casual’.”</span> she said, floating down to stand opposite Callisto. You supposed “modesty” was another one of her super-powers. <span class="mu-r">“Maybe if I was wearing blue and gold, sure.”</span> you said, moving to catch a white knight that Joy had nearly dropped. <span class="mu-r">“I had no idea the two of you knew each other. I thought I was Callisto’s only friend.”</span> The woman in question turned to scowl at you. Storm raised a curious eyebrow. <span class="mu-b">“And I was unaware that she was capable of socializing outside of her close-knit community. I suppose that our mutual friend is full of surprises.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“And she’s also sitting right here. Just in case you forgot.”</span> Callisto mentioned as she used her tentacles to reset the board. Storm gave her an expectant look. <span class="mu-b">“And it would appear that you have forgotten your manners. Should you not introduce us, Callisto?”</span> Callisto shut her single remaining eye and let out a long, suffering sigh. <span class="mu-g">“Huntsman, this is Storm. You’ve probably seen her on tv. She helped me out a few years back, and we hang out every now and again.”</span> she said in a monotone voice. <span class="mu-g">“Storm, this is the Huntsman. For the past year, he’s been helping me and the rest of the Morlocks down by the Alley with a bunch of stuff. And once you get past all that smug arrogance, he’s a pretty decent guy.”</span> Storm smiled, exposing a row of perfectly straight, white teeth. <span class="mu-b">“My! That is high praise coming from her. Either you are an exceptional one, or she is truly taken by you.”</span> Callisto pointed the tip of her tentacle towards her open mouth and made a gagging expression. <span class="mu-r">“It might be both, actually. I think she’s just trying to act cool because her friend showed up. We were all just telling her how that ‘tough girl’ persona isn’t enough to fool us anymore.”</span> Callisto groaned upon hearing your words. <span class="mu-g">“I’m starting to remember why I don’t come up here anymore.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 09 May 2024 00:33:42 No. 5998777 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-b">“Come now, Callisto. It is a beautiful day out. A bit of sun and fresh air would do you good.”</span> Storm put in. <span class="mu-b">“And hopefully, it would do away with that dour disposition of yours.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Ooh, I like her.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Everyone usually does.”</span> Callisto muttered. <span class="mu-r">“I heard you played a big part in taking out a decent chunk of Doom’s robots during the attack. Thanks for that.”</span> you said, extending a hand towards the X-Man. Storm’s cloudy eyes widened a bit in surprise, but she quickly recovered and gripped your hand. <span class="mu-b">“Your gratitude is appreciated, but you do not need to thank me. This city is our home as well, and it is our duty to protect it.”</span> Holy shit. You did not expect to be shaking hands with an X-Man and weather goddess when you woke up this morning. It was one thing to expect the unexpected, but every now and then, the twists and turns in your life were severe and sudden enough to catch even you off guard. If she had a third friend hiding somewhere, you’d have enough for doubles tennis. It’d feel reassuring to have someone suffering alongside you when you inevitably got creamed. Misery loves company. <span class="mu-r">“You see? <span class="mu-i">This</span> is how you take a compliment.”</span> you told Callisto, still shaking Storm’s hand. The girl rolled her one good eye. <span class="mu-g">“Storm, can you just give him an autograph already so he can hurry on and get out of here?”</span> she asked, sitting back down in her chair. <span class="mu-b">“And what of your other guests?”</span> she said, looking at Joy and the Stacys. <span class="mu-g">“Right. Joy, this is Storm. She’s an X-Man, one of the mutant poster girls, and a generally decent person. Storm, this is Joy. She’s a clone of the girl behind her, and someone I’ve been looking after these past few weeks.”</span> Callisto explained. <span class="mu-g">“Oh. And the old guy is her dad, I guess. Or…they’re both his daughters. I’m not sure how all that works.”</span> she said, almost as an afterthought. <span class="mu-g">“Us neither.”</span> Gwen put in, laughing nervously as she turned to smile at Storm. <span class="mu-g">“Hi, I’m Gwen. Can I just say that I love your outfit?”</span> The two women shook hands, and Gwen’s dad shared a respectful nod with the weather witch. <span class="mu-b">“Thank you. They are custom made. I wonder if Maria Hill would allow you to make modifications to your own uniform.”</span> Storm said. Gwen stared dumbly at her for a moment, before the meaning of her words fully sank in. <span class="mu-g">“Huh? Oh! No, well…I haven’t exactly finished designing my costume yet, and since I’m on duty, I had to wear <span class="mu-i">something</span>, so…”</span> <span class="mu-b">“There’s nothing wrong with having a proper uniform, Gwen.”</span> George stated. Storm nodded her agreement. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 09 May 2024 00:37:58 No. 5998784 Report <span class="mu-b">“He is right. Professor Xavier stresses the importance of wearing our uniforms whenever possible. They send a message to anyone who sees them.”</span> Storm explained. <span class="mu-b">“If you are designing your own, then it is important to consider what it is that you want to convey to both your enemies and those you wish to protect.”</span>
She glanced at Gwen’s golden shield as she said that last part, and the blonde amazon took a moment to chew on those words of wisdom.
<span class="mu-s">“Can I touch your hair? It looks soft and fluffy like a cloud.”</span> Joy asked, inching closer to her.
<span class="mu-b">“Oh. No, I-”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Sorry about that. She’s still young.”</span>
Storm had a slightly troubled look on her face as she tried to politely refuse. You saved her the trouble of having to do so by dragging Joy back and explaining to her that it was rude to ask to touch someone’s hair.
<span class="mu-b">“Well, it is very nice to meet you all. I hope I am not interrupting anything.”</span> Storm continued.
<span class="mu-g">“It’s alright, Storm. We were just talking is all.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“Perhaps we should delay our game until your business is concluded, then?”</span>
Storm slid her fingers under the strap of a bag that’d been hanging off of her back. Callisto’s eye focused on it as it moved, and Storm didn’t miss that fact.
It looked like Storm wasn’t just here to play chess, after all.
What will you say/do?
>”We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.” >"By all means, continue with your game. But would you mind if we stayed to chat and hang out in the area?" >"If you don't mind me asking, what's in the bag? Does this have something to do with those 'plans' you were talking about?" >"I'd like to hear a little more about how you guys met. Callisto sort of just glazed over the details earlier." >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5998784 >”We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.” >"But hey, make sure you link up with Glass later. We're making some plans we'd love to have your input." Anonymous
>>5998784 >”We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.” Anonymous
>>5998784 >”We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.” >"But hey, make sure you link up with Glass later. We're making some plans and we'd love to have your input." >”I would like to hear more about how you guys met one day though. I’d like to compare it to my ‘kept me from getting shot way too many times’ introduction.” I’m wondering if it’s related to the drug stuff Glass is dealing with. Striking back at whoever is pumping it out? With less people to look out for it wouldn’t surprise me if Callisto was more willing to hit criminal groups targeting mutants. Storm is probably too high-profile to get away with it, but Callisto isn’t.
Which… would make her an active participant in the oncoming gang war. No better time to reach out and hurt someone than when they’re already fighting other groups.
Hopefully one of them bites on meeting up with Glass and we can talk to them privately for a bit on what the plans are.
I see you lining up these chess pieces, Scorekeeper. Not that it’ll stop you from lining up the rest. Anonymous
>>5998939 I won't lie, putting the hurt on some mutagenic dope pushers sounds good right about now. Would probably do a world of good for our reputation as well.
>>5998943 Depends on how “clean” the owners are. If they’re running under the shell of a mostly-legitimate business then it’d complicate the PR side. It’s less relevant for us since we are criminals after all, and if it’s being run by a rival group to the Maggia then we could do a trial run with our super-powered group to disrupt it.
Worst-case scenario would be if the Maggia were behind it, but anything less than that and we have plenty of options.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 09 May 2024 23:14:46 No. 5999873 Report Quoted By:
>>5998790 >>5998795 >>5998939 >”We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.” >"But hey, make sure you link up with Glass later. We're making some plans we'd love to have your input." Taking these. Writing...
>>5998939 There are many moving pieces in this game! And yet, some of the more dangerous elements have yet to reveal themselves... >>5998943 >>5999007 As far as you know, this is mostly just mutant drama, but it could very well develop into something more complicated later down the line.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 09 May 2024 23:44:09 No. 5999897 Report <span class="mu-r">“We can get out of your hair if you’re busy with something. We just wanted to drop by to say hi.”</span>
Callisto moved a blue eye to point in your direction.
<span class="mu-g">“It’s okay. We can catch up once I’m done here. I can’t promise that it’ll be a short game, though. Storm’s pretty good at it.”</span> Callisto admitted.
<span class="mu-b">“Do not downplay your own abilities, Callisto. You are an excellent strategist in your own right.”</span>
<span class="mu-g">“Thank you.”</span> she said, before turning to direct a smug grin at you. <span class="mu-g">“See? I can take compliments.”</span>
<span class="mu-s">“Can I stay and watch?”</span> Joy asked, glancing between Callisto and Gwen.
<span class="mu-b">“Of course. You seem like a far better conversationalist than my opponent.”</span> Storm said.
Joy beamed at her.
<span class="mu-g">“So much for mutant solidarity.”</span> Callisto grumbled.
<span class="mu-g">“I should probably get going too.”</span> Gwen put in. <span class="mu-g">“I’ve got other assignments today, and I’ve already spent too much time here.”</span>
<span class="mu-b">“And I’ve gotta get back and explain what’s been going on here. I’ll try and stop the police from storming in here, but I can’t hold them back forever. You’d do well to open this park to the public as soon as possible.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Which reminds me,”</span> you began, pointing to Callisto. <span class="mu-r">“You should link up with Glass later. We’re putting together some plans, and we’d love to have your input.”</span>
<span class="mu-g">“The Huntsman’s got another hare-brained scheme. Why am I not surprised?”</span> Callisto said, rolling her eye. <span class="mu-g">“And as for you two, stop worrying so much. Glass is the one taking care of Joy now. And he’s about the nicest person I’ve ever met. He won’t let anything happen to her.”</span>
Almost as one, the Stacys released a sigh of relief that you hadn’t been aware they’d been holding.
<span class="mu-b">“We’ll have to catch him another time, then.”</span> George said.
Then, the Stacys said their goodbyes, and you left the others to their chess game. All in all, you thought that went pretty well. Although, you were curious about what Callisto had been about to say back there. If she was planning to ease back on her duties as an overseer for The Alley, then what was going to keep her so busy?
What will you do?
>Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. >Join back up with Glass and the others. They should’ve come up with some ideas for the event by now. >Walk back with the Stacys and link up with Abe. He should be done winning everyone over to the mutants’ side by now. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>5999897 >Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. They’ve waited long enough.
>>5999897 >Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. It's time
>>5999897 >>Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. Anonymous
>>5999897 >>Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. joining the hivemind
I think we teased Callisto a little too much now
>>6000472 I’m inclined to agree. I think it has to do with Storm’s assists since I’m not used to seeing Ben tag-team with someone else on a friend. To be fair, very few people CAN effectively team up with him on quips and we didn’t know Storm could play along. Chalk it up to an experience issue.
Minor guilt trip aside, friends being dumb with each other is okay. If you can’t let down your guard around friends then when will you ever?
>>6000539 >If you can’t let down your guard around friends then when will you ever? yeah, but letting her guard down is something that comes especially hard for Callisto.
It felt like poking her just as she started to open up
>>6000565 Oh, I’d been talking about Ben more than Callisto. I figure he puts no real thought into how he decides to rib his friends since it’s natural for him and he’s got no problem dealing with return fire. His friends may not always be on the same wavelength though, and with the filter turned down/off that can be a problem.
It’d mean some foot-in-mouth shenanigans in his past social and dating life for sure, and this would be another addition to the pile if Callisto was actually put off by it.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 10 May 2024 23:33:02 No. 6000789 Report Quoted By:
>>5999908 >>5999946 >>6000193 >>6000472 >Meet up with the Thief Girls and Ember. You’ve got some work for them to do. Taking these. Writing...
>>6000565 >>6000623 You'll never know for sure unless you ask!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 11 May 2024 00:31:15 No. 6000824 Report Quoted By:
As soon as everyone else had left, you checked your phone for any messages from Araña. As it turned out, there was one waiting for you, explaining that they’d already arrived, snuck in, and were waiting for you to make contact with them. Somehow, that didn’t surprise you. —---- <span class="mu-r">“About time you showed up.”</span> Araña said, glancing up from her phone. She was wearing her usual sunglasses, but seemed to be sporting a new outfit. She wore a beige blazer, a khaki skirt, dark leggings, a white dress shirt and a black and white spotted tie. More interestingly, however, she was holding the leash for a small white bichon frise, which patiently waited beside her. <span class="mu-r">“Cute dog. Who’d you steal it from?”</span> you asked, bending down to check its collar for a dog tag. <span class="mu-r">“Actually, this is the new girl’s handiwork.”</span> she said, jabbing a thumb in Ember’s direction. She and Benga were sitting on a bench together, watching you and Araña from afar. By comparison, they were dressed rather casually, with Ember wearing gray sweats, and Benga opting for a pair of worn jeans and a simple black tee. <span class="mu-r">“Why’re they so far away? And why are you holding the leash of a fake dog?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-r">“We were trying to see how smart those plant monsters were. And in case you were wondering, the answer is: ‘Not very’.”</span> As she launched into her explanation, the other two got up and made their way towards you. Shortly afterwards, the cute little lifelike dog fizzled into glowing cubes and returned to Ember. As far as disguises went, she hadn’t put much effort into hers. She was only wearing a hat and a surgical mask, but it was enough to stop anyone from immediately recognizing her, at least. <span class="mu-r">“For one, they’re mostly focused on preventing people from getting in, not sniffing out intruders.”</span> Araña continued. <span class="mu-r">“Once we were in, they mostly left us alone. We put some distance between ourselves and avoided moving as much as possible, and they haven’t really done anything to kick us out, so I’m guessing that they don’t really have a good way of distinguishing friend from foe.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So you’re saying that they’ve got some holes in their security.”</span> you concluded. Araña nodded and clicked her heels together. Within seconds, the solid black pumps she’d been wearing shrunk down and remolded themselves around her feet to form a pair of black sneakers. She lost several inches from that alone, and was now the same height as Benga again. <span class="mu-r">“Oh yeah, big time. If someone wanted to sneak in here and do some damage, all they’d need to do is slip past the sentries and get out without getting caught.”</span> You made a thoughtful noise and rubbed at your chin, pretending to consider her statement. <span class="mu-r">“Uh-huh. And what were you planning on doing about the living spider cameras and the girl that can speak to plants? I’m sure they noticed people stomping around over on this side of the park.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 11 May 2024 00:32:16 No. 6000825 Report Araña drew her brows together in a frown.
<span class="mu-r">“Huh. Can’t say that I have experience with <span class="mu-i">those</span> kinds of security systems. Who did you say these people were, again?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Count yourselves lucky that both those guys are busy. One’s probably watching a heated chess match right now.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Then we can add ‘easily distracted’ to their list of problems.”</span> she said, sounding triumphant.
<span class="mu-g">“Morning, boss. What’s the job?”</span> Benga asked.
<span class="mu-r">“Good morning, Benga. And I’m glad you asked.”</span> you answered, glancing between her and Ember.
Upon seeing her up close, it became clear that she’d done something with her hair. It was a slightly different color now. Still, not a very significant change, but it was better than nothing.
What will you say/do?
>Ask Ember to create something for the Morlocks. (Write-in) >Meet up with the Morlocks and see what they need Ember to create for them. >Have the girls fetch something/someone for you. (Write-in.) >Tell them about the guys that have been pushing designer drugs on mutants in the area. >Guide the girls back to Callisto. If she’s making plans that she doesn’t want Gwen’s dad to know about, then she might have a use for their services. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6000825 >Meet up with the Morlocks and see what they need Ember to create for them. >Tell them about the guys that have been pushing designer drugs on mutants in the area. There's gonna be plenty of time for us to start gathering intel and busting heads. Might as well get a head start on it.
This drug ring's probably gonna have to go, but I'm sure Silvio would appreciate the lack of competition on his turf. Not to mention all the samples of Kick we might be able to procure for the start-up.
Please tell me Sublime isn't a thing in this timeline. I hate every fucking retcon they make as to why people are prejudiced against mutants. Anonymous
>>6000825 >>Tell them about the guys that have been pushing designer drugs on mutants in the area. Anonymous
>>6000825 >Ask Ember to create something for the Morlocks. An actual suit for Glass. It’d be nice if he could choose to only dazzle people metaphorically instead of literally, and it sounded like he didn’t consider it important so he might not ask for one himself.
>Meet up with the Morlocks and see what they need Ember to create for them. Don’t forget to remind the Morlocks that they have driver licenses too. I’m guessing none of them have one right now so any supply runs are best handled by this crew.
>Tell them about the guys that have been pushing designer drugs on mutants in the area. Anonymous
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 14:57:54 No. 6002356 Report Quoted By:
>>6000836 >>6000855 >>6000884 >>6001299 >>6001336 >Tell them about the guys that have been pushing designer drugs on mutants in the area. >Meet up with the Morlocks and see what they need Ember to create for them. >Ask Ember to create something for the Morlocks. (Suit for Glass) Taking these. Writing...
>>6000836 There are certain subplots and story arcs that I won't be adapting, just because of how complicated they become, and how much baggage they come with. We simply don't have the time to go through all of that, so I'll be picking and choosing which storylines we adapt, based on the amount of relevance to the characters that have been introduced, and the state of the city/world. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 17:21:35 No. 6002458 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Apparently, there’s a new drug out there called Kick, and it’s being marketed towards mutants. Some girl showed up today to push her product on the leader of this little community here, and I wanted to help them find the people responsible for making it.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“‘Kick? Never heard of it.”</span> Benga proclaimed, glancing at the other girls to see if they’d answer differently. <span class="mu-r">“We didn’t have that shit in Vegas.”</span> Araña confirmed. Ember just shrugged. <span class="mu-r">“Don’t look at me. I never got into any of that stuff. No one at ESU ever talked about a drug like that, though. At least, not to me.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“What’s it supposed to do, anyway?”</span> Araña asked. <span class="mu-r">“It’s said to temporarily boost mutant abilities, but it’s also highly addictive, with some mild psychoactive effects. Comes in the form of an inhaler.”</span> you explained. <span class="mu-r">“You got a sample we can look at?”</span> Araña asked. <span class="mu-r">“The leader of this community does. We’re going to see him right now, actually.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“The guy actually bought it off her?”</span> Araña said, sounding surprised. <span class="mu-r">“Nope. She gave it to him as a free sample. Probably to get him hooked.”</span> Araña scoffed. <span class="mu-r">“These guys sound like amateurs trying to advertise their startup. If they were here earlier today, then it probably won’t take long to find out who they are, and where they’re making the stuff.”</span> Benga nodded her agreement. <span class="mu-g">“Give us a few days. We’ll figure out what’s going on.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“That’s what I like to hear. I knew I made the right choice hiring you two.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’d say the feeling’s mutual, but I haven’t gotten paid, and I’m still sleeping on your couch.”</span> Araña said, rubbing at her lower back. <span class="mu-r">“I’d say that’s a small price to pay for pissing off every major power in Vegas.”</span> you shot back. <span class="mu-r">“Plus, my place is dry, and doesn’t have an infestation of giant bugs trying to eat you.”</span> Both girls shuddered at the thought of being attacked by the Brood, but Ember just looked confused. That was the first and only time you’d seen these girls being terrified of anything. They were tough, but they were still just kids. <span class="mu-r">“Point taken…”</span> Araña replied, her expression growing more serious. You sighed and shook your head. <span class="mu-r">“Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up. It must’ve been a traumatic experience for you two.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“It’s fine.”</span> Benga said, a little too quickly. <span class="mu-g">“You got us out, and that’s all that matters.”</span> Araña nodded. <span class="mu-r">“You helped out Gloria and saved our skins, so I’d say it's safe to sweep all that nasty stuff under the rug. Oh, and on that note, you should really clean that rug in the bathroom. I haven’t noticed a maid walking around, so I’m assuming that you don’t have one yet?”</span> Araña asked in a hopeful, high pitched tone. <span class="mu-r">“I’ll add it to my ever-growing to-do list.”</span> you promised. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 17:23:09 No. 6002460 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">“The maid, or the rug?”</span> Benga asked. <span class="mu-r">“Hopefully both.”</span> Araña muttered. <span class="mu-r">“Uh…”</span> Everyone turned to stare at Ember, who'd somehow been forgotten in the fallout of that banter bomb. <span class="mu-r">“What am I supposed to be doing, exactly?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’m glad you asked. I need you to make something for me.”</span> —-------- Upon returning to Cherry Hill, you were pleased to find that the Morlocks were still deep in their discussion about sprucing up the park. They hadn’t even noticed your return until Ester pointed you out. And judging by their reactions, they also noticed how you brought three more strangers into their midst. Murmurs rippled throughout the group of mutants as they gawked at their new guests. The Thief Girls took it in stride, but Ember seemed to tense at their scrutiny. <span class="mu-g">“Guys, it’s okay. Me and Iara know them.”</span> Glass announced, pushing his way through the gathering crowd. <span class="mu-g">“You’re Gloria’s fixers, right?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“We work for him now.”</span> Benga declared, inclining her head towards you. <span class="mu-r">“Glass guy! How’s it hanging? I didn’t know this whole set-up was your idea.”</span> Araña said, looking amused. <span class="mu-r">“I bet you miss staying at Gloria’s hotel. A soft warm bed, a roof over your head, free room service…”</span> The other Morlocks looked immediately envious. <span class="mu-g">“I will admit, it was pretty cozy. I’ve never stayed at a place that fancy before. Especially not for free.”</span> Glass said, ignoring the stares he was getting from everyone else. <span class="mu-g">“If you’re still in contact with Gloria, would you mind thanking her for me?”</span> A devilish grin spread across Araña’s face, then. <span class="mu-r">“Why don’t you do it yourself? Better yet, I think you should do it in person. I’m sure she’d love to have you over again.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to impose-”</span> Glass’ modesty held up for all of two seconds until Benga cut in. <span class="mu-g">“She said she’d handle your travel expenses and reserve a room for you if you ever wanted to drop by again. I think you should take her up on her offer.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’d be rude not to~.”</span> Araña added. Glass glanced between both of them for a moment, noting the intensity in their gazes. If he wasn’t fully aware of all the eyes on him before, he certainly was now. <span class="mu-g">“I, uh…I guess you’re right. It would be nice to stay at Gloria’s hotel again. Let her know that I’ll drop by after we’ve gotten settled over here.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Will do, boss.”</span> Araña said, pulling down her sunglasses to wink at the Morlock leader. At that moment, the mutant onlookers let out playful exclamations of excitement, as if they were witnessing something truly scandalous. Glass tried to get them to calm down, but there was no hiding his embarrassment at the situation. And it didn’t help that everyone was feeding off of Screwball’s frantic energy. You supposed she wasn’t an influencer for nothing. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 17:24:50 No. 6002462 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">“The maid, or the rug?”</span> Benga asked. <span class="mu-r">“Hopefully both.”</span> Araña muttered. <span class="mu-r">“Uh…”</span> Everyone turned to stare at Ember, who'd somehow been forgotten in the fallout of that banter bomb. <span class="mu-r">“What am I supposed to be doing, exactly?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’m glad you asked. I need you to make something for me.”</span> —-------- Upon returning to Cherry Hill, you were pleased to find that the Morlocks were still deep in their discussion about sprucing up the park. They hadn’t even noticed your return until Ester pointed you out. And judging by their reactions, they also noticed how you brought three more strangers into their midst. Murmurs rippled throughout the group of mutants as they gawked at their new guests. The Thief Girls took it in stride, but Ember seemed to tense at their scrutiny. <span class="mu-g">“Guys, it’s okay. Me and Iara know them.”</span> Glass announced, pushing his way through the gathering crowd. <span class="mu-g">“You’re Gloria’s fixers, right?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“We work for him now.”</span> Benga declared, inclining her head towards you. <span class="mu-r">“Glass guy! How’s it hanging? I didn’t know this whole set-up was your idea.”</span> Araña said, looking amused. <span class="mu-r">“I bet you miss staying at Gloria’s hotel. A soft warm bed, a roof over your head, free room service…”</span> The other Morlocks looked immediately envious. <span class="mu-g">“I will admit, it was pretty cozy. I’ve never stayed at a place that fancy before. Especially not for free.”</span> Glass said, ignoring the stares he was getting from everyone else. <span class="mu-g">“If you’re still in contact with Gloria, would you mind thanking her for me?”</span> A devilish grin spread across Araña’s face, then. <span class="mu-r">“Why don’t you do it yourself? Better yet, I think you should do it in person. I’m sure she’d love to have you over again.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to impose-”</span> Glass’ modesty held up for all of two seconds until Benga cut in. <span class="mu-g">“She said she’d handle your travel expenses and reserve a room for you if you ever wanted to drop by again. I think you should take her up on her offer.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’d be rude not to~.”</span> Araña added. Glass glanced between both of them for a moment, noting the intensity in their gazes. If he wasn’t fully aware of all the eyes on him before, he certainly was now. <span class="mu-g">“I, uh…I guess you’re right. It would be nice to stay at Gloria’s hotel again. Let her know that I’ll drop by after we’ve gotten settled over here.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Will do, boss.”</span> Araña said, pulling down her sunglasses to wink at the Morlock leader. At that moment, the mutant onlookers let out playful exclamations of excitement, as if they were witnessing something truly scandalous. Glass tried to get them to calm down, but there was no hiding his embarrassment at the situation. And it didn’t help that everyone was feeding off of Screwball’s frantic energy. You supposed she'd more than earned her status as an influencer. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 17:28:56 No. 6002470 Report Quoted By:
But, knowing how dense he was, you really had to wonder whether Glass actually understood the intentions behind Gloria’s invitation. She might get more aggressive in her romantic pursuit if he didn’t get the message. After a few minutes, everyone finally calmed down enough for Ember to step forward and present her gift to Glass. <span class="mu-g">“What’s this?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’s a suit. Huntsman said you might need it.”</span> Ember said. Glass looked at you, and you gave him a thumbs up. <span class="mu-r">“She made the one I’m wearing right now. It fits perfectly.”</span> Glass reached out to carefully accept the clothes from her. The costume consisted of a white and sea green jacket with a slightly raised collar and a black and green, sleeveless bodysuit. It was simple, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. <span class="mu-g">“I don’t know what to say…”</span> he said, astonishment clear on his face. <span class="mu-r">“You can start with ‘thank you’.”</span> Araña offered. <span class="mu-g">“Thank you...”</span> Glass uttered, looking back at Ember. “I don’t think I got your name.” Ember glanced back at you, and you nodded. <span class="mu-r">“Ember. You can call me Ember.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Thank you, Ember. I really appreciate this.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You should try it on.”</span> Araña encouraged him. He glanced up at her, and then at the mutants surrounding him. <span class="mu-g">“I…don’t have anywhere to change.”</span> he confessed, looking a little uncomfortable. <span class="mu-b">“That won’t be a problem.”</span> Iara said, speeding up to him and grabbing him by the waist. Glass cried out in surprise. <span class="mu-g">“Whoa! Shark, you can’t just-”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Relaaax~. I’ve got most of my old memories, remember? I already know what your shiny, see-through butt looks like.”</span> If Glass was capable of blushing, he probably would be. <span class="mu-g">“What!? No! That’s not-!”</span> But it was too late. Shark had already shot up into the air, and off into the distance, hurtling towards the gigantic tree that was Donny. Glass’ shouts of protest could be heard from an impressive distance, and you swore you could see Iara tearing off his old tattered clothes, mid-air. Araña whistled, her finger pressing against a dial on the frame that you hadn’t noticed before. <span class="mu-r">“So that’s what he’s got going on downstairs. It’s actually kind of pretty, like a shiny sculpture.”</span> she noted. Benga gave her a look that told you she didn’t want any more details. And for once, you were glad that the sun’s glare was preventing any chance of seeing Glass’ shiny crystal ass. <span class="mu-s">“I hope that doesn’t get my account banned…”</span> Screwball hissed. —------- While it wasn’t the most graceful display, that little exhibition did a fantastic job of breaking the ice for your new friends. The Morlocks were swarming Ember after she gave them a demonstration of her powers. Now that they were aware of her existence, the only limit to their proposals was their own imaginations. Or so they thought. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 12 May 2024 17:29:57 No. 6002471 Report Upon Beak’s suggestion of a ferris wheel in the middle of the park, Ember finally managed to hammer home the tiny detail of her power’s limits. She needed electricity to convert her pixels. And judging by the demands that were being made of her, she would need lots of it.
One of the Morlocks, a man named Pit, suggested that they track down a fellow Morlock and request their help in the matter.
The Morlock who had suggested the idea had a bizarre appearance. His face was wide, bone-white and oddly stiff. It was as if he was wearing a mask. A mask with sharp teeth and abnormally wide mouth.
His pink hair was long, straight and silky. It looked strangely well-maintained. He had been given the nickname of “Pit” due to his capability to store objects in his stomach and spit them back out. The others suspected that his mouth led to a pocket dimension, but no one knew for sure.
<span class="mu-b">“We should try and find Eve. She can shoot electricity out of her hands. She’d be able to give you all the power you need.”</span> Pit suggested.
The others nodded their agreement, but no one seemed to know where exactly Eve was. Or whether or not she was still in the city.
What will you do?
>See if the Thief Girls can’t track down Eve as well. >Go and fetch Storm. She should be able to provide you with more than enough electricity! >Bring Ember somewhere where she can leech off of electrical appliances and steal as much as she needs. (Write-in) >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6002471 >>Go and fetch Storm. She should be able to provide you with more than enough electricity! this can only end well!
Quoted By:
>>6002471 >See if the Thief Girls can’t track down Eve as well. We can't really depend on Storm to fuel the whole thing, nor can we start splicing into NYC's power grid and siphoning that much power without drawing scrutiny.
>>6002471 Question here, does our pocket dimension have places that are constantly stormy? If she can use actual lightning then we could pop her in there for a charge.
If not, then
>See if Squirrel Girl can ask a few of her furry friends where they’ve seen a girl with lightning powers. You can introduce her to a funny, charming guy on campus who can keep a secret, or return the favor some other way. No one thinks to hide from the squirrels.
If a tiebreaker is needed I’d go with
>Go and fetch Storm. She should be able to provide you with more than enough electricity! as long as we tell her in advance about Screwball and Callisto confirms it won’t start any drama. Don’t want too much action going in front of millions of viewers.
>You’re Gloria’s fixers Way to rat out friends and your connection to a major crime lord in a livestream, Glass. Not that most people will make that connection, but a few might.
Quoted By:
>>6002762 Honestly, even if people do make that connection between the girls and Gloria, it's not that big of a deal.
Gloria can't really be touched by the law and working for her looks great on a Metahuman merc's resume.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 14 May 2024 12:46:41 No. 6004442 Report Quoted By:
I'm gonna post an update as soon as I get home from work today. Sorry for the delay!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 14 May 2024 21:50:08 No. 6004999 Report Quoted By:
>>6002486 >>6002762 >Go and fetch Storm. She should be able to provide you with more than enough electricity! Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 14 May 2024 23:38:53 No. 6005087 Report Quoted By:
Just then, an idea popped into your head. You didn’t know if it was a particularly good one, but it was an idea all the same. <span class="mu-r">“You need power? I think I know just the right person.”</span> —-------- <span class="mu-b">“You want me to do what?”</span> Storm asked, sounding incredulous. She and Callisto had been in the middle of their game when you showed up. And while you didn’t know a whole lot about chess, you could tell that Callisto was holding a clear advantage. You guessed Storm hadn’t been lying about her skill. Both women, and Joy, were all looking at you strangely. Which was totally uncalled for. You've had way worse ideas. <span class="mu-r">“Like I said, one of my teammates came here to help remodel the park, and they need electricity to fuel their powers. They can normally sap it from nearby electronics, but there aren't a whole lot in the area, and she needs a whole lot of it to make what the Morlocks need.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“And you would like me to provide it for you.”</span> She phrased it as a statement, not a question. You nodded. <span class="mu-r">“Your codename is literally ‘Storm’. It should be easy for you. I've seen you conjure up lightning bolts before on TV.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Can your friend tank a lightning bolt? Do either of you even know how much electricity she can absorb at once?”</span> Callisto asked. <span class="mu-r">“I'm…not entirely sure.”</span> you admitted. <span class="mu-g">“Then this is a terrible idea.”</span> she concluded. <span class="mu-g">“You're just gonna end up roasting the poor girl.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Perhaps I should speak to your friend in order to learn more about the situation.”</span> Storm decided. Callisto frowned at her. <span class="mu-g">“Can’t this wait? We’re kind of in the middle of something.”</span> she said, gesturing at the board. Storm shook her head slowly, smiling at the Sewer Queen. <span class="mu-b">“There is no need. You most likely would have won in a few more turns. Here is your prize.”</span> She tossed a brown bag at Callisto, who easily caught it. You could hear two metal objects clanking against each other in the bag. Callisto opened it, peered inside, and nodded. Callisto sighed, somehow not entirely satisfied with this outcome. <span class="mu-g">“And you’re sure this thing works?”</span> she asked. <span class="mu-b">“According to Forge, it should. My only concern is whether you can find someone capable of operating it.”</span> Callisto looked up sharply and closed the bag, before throwing it over her shoulder. <span class="mu-g">“Don’t you worry about that. Thanks for bringing it.”</span> The two shared a nod, but neither seemed willing to let you and Joy in on the secret. A moment later, Storm lifted into the air, the wind swirling around her as if it were a living thing. <span class="mu-b">“Well then, shall we?”</span> —-------- Having concluded their chess game early, Storm and Callisto followed you back to Cherry Hill, with Callisto lazily trailing behind, a contemplative look on her face. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 14 May 2024 23:40:24 No. 6005090 Report Quoted By:
As soon as both mutants arrived, there was another stir in the crowd. Screwball didn’t even try to hide the fact that she’d been recording Storm’s entrance, and Ember was so busy gawking at the spectacle to notice that the wind had blown her hat off. Some of the Morlocks instinctually shied away from Storm, while others were gathering around, waiting to greet her as soon as her feet reached the ground. <span class="mu-b">“Hello. Everyone. It is good to see you again. I assume Callisto has been taking good care of you.”</span> The wording was different in the replies she’d gotten, but the sentiment was the same. They were all grateful for Callisto’s guidance, as well as the support she’d been getting from you and Glass. And almost as if he’d planned it, Glass and Iara showed up at that very moment to rejoin the group. His old clothes were gone–likely torn to shreds–and he was wearing the new suit that Ember had made for him. It fit him perfectly, just like you knew it would. <span class="mu-g">“Ororo! It’s good to see you.”</span> Glass exclaimed, running up to hug the weather witch. The two embraced each other, ignoring the looks that everyone else was giving them. <span class="mu-b">“It is good to see you as well, Val.”</span> Ororo said, smiling at the transparent Morlock boy. <span class="mu-b">“I hear that you have been chosen for the position of leader amongst this group of young mutants.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I don’t know if I’ve done anything leader-like lately. We’ve all been helping each other out.”</span> Glass said, modest as always. <span class="mu-b">“Do not sell yourself short, my friend. These people clearly love and respect you. Is that enough to want to follow someone?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’ll do my best to live up to everyone’s expectations.”</span> he said, returning her smile. Storm chuckled. <span class="mu-b">“You haven’t changed one bit since I last saw you. It is a shame that you decided to leave the mansion, but I’m glad that you seem to have found a new family.”</span> Storm panned her gaze around the park, looking from face to face as she acknowledged the presence of each and every mutant. When she got to Ember, her milky white eyes locked onto her, and stepped past Glass to approach her. <span class="mu-b">“You must be the one that the Huntsman mentioned. I hear that you are in need of ‘a boost’.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Uh…yeah, I am. But…”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Tell me, are you at all capable of absorbing the energy of a nearby lighting bolt?”</span> Ember blinked at her and started sputtering. <span class="mu-r">“Wha-! No! No the hell I can’t.”</span> she quickly answered. <span class="mu-r">“I’ve gone this whole time sapping electronics to make my pixels, but I’ve never even tried to absorb that much all at once, or that quickly. It would fry me.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 14 May 2024 23:41:31 No. 6005092 Report What will you say?
>”But how will you know if you haven’t tried?” >”Can’t you make something like a lightning rod or a machine that can hold a charge so you can absorb it after Storm hits it?” >”Maybe I can use my webs as a conduit to hold the charge while you sap it from a safe distance. They’ve gotten more heat resistant as of late.” >”Well, that idea’s out. Does anyone else have any better ideas?” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6005092 >”Can’t you make something like a lightning rod or a machine that can hold a charge so you can absorb it after Storm hits it?” >”Screwball, can you issue a chat challenge? Who can ship us a DIY lightning rod kit capable of standing up to mid-intensity Storm in 30 minutes or less? I can provide the glue.” Put Screwball (and her fans) to work. Up those engagement numbers! More comments, more views, more insane ideas!
>>6005092 >>”Maybe I can use my webs as a conduit to hold the charge while you sap it from a safe distance. They’ve gotten more heat resistant as of late.” How much bullshit can we do with webbing, lets figure it out
>>6005092 >>”Maybe I can use my webs as a conduit to hold the charge while you sap it from a safe distance. They’ve gotten more heat resistant as of late.” If there's risk involved, we're not letting Ember endure it alone.
>>6005092 >"Lightning is just static electricity from... like air molecules rubbing together, right? And the lightning happens when the charge difference becomes large enough to break through air resistance." (>"I've fought an electricity themed villain before.")
>to Storm "Can't you limit yourself to only build up a small charge without it releasing into lightning?" also this
>>6005143 Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 15 May 2024 22:25:00 No. 6006156 Report Quoted By:
>>6005143 >>6005521 >>6005259 >”Maybe I can use my webs as a conduit to hold the charge while you sap it from a safe distance. They’ve gotten more heat resistant as of late.” Taking this. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 15 May 2024 23:30:35 No. 6006224 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Maybe I can use my webs as a conduit to hold the charge while you sap it from a safe distance.”</span> you suggested. <span class="mu-r">“They’ve gotten more heat resistant as of late.”</span> And they take longer to disintegrate, but you didn’t really want to publicize that sort of information. Ember raised an eyebrow. <span class="mu-r">“Would that even work?”</span> she asked, looking between you and Storm. <span class="mu-b">“If we were to use another object as a lightning rod, and these ‘webs’ of his were connected to a grounded surface, I don’t see why not.”</span> Storm explained. <span class="mu-b">“We would just need to create enough pathways for these ‘conduits’ to evenly distribute the charge.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“We’d also need a lightning rod.”</span> Ember said. At the same time, you and a few others turned to stare at the Angel Statue. <span class="mu-r">“That could work.”</span> —------- Thanks to your web-shaping ability, it wasn’t terribly hard for you to connect multiple weblines to the statue, all of them leading to web-stakes that you’d placed at even distances from one another and stuck into the ground around the fountain. The Morlocks, and Screwball, watched with interest as you set all this up. Storm was also watching, albeit from much higher up, and Ember was nervously waiting near one of the stakes, her hand outstretched towards it. Glass and Callisto, on the other hand, were taking advantage of this momentary distraction to have a private chat while Screwball wasn’t paying attention to them. <span class="mu-b">“Are you ready?”</span> Storm asked, her voice somehow booming as it reverberated from where she floated up in the sky. Those clouds around her were forming a little too fast for your liking. You could only imagine what everyone outside of the park was feeling. <span class="mu-r">“Not really! But I’m guessing we’re gonna do it anyway.”</span> Ember shouted back. <span class="mu-r">“Let her rip!”</span> you agreed. Storm nodded and raised her arms above her head. The clouds rumbled and flashed ominously, giving you very little warning before a bolt of lightning streaked down from the sky and struck the angel statue. The bronze art piece flashed brightly, and arcs of electricity ran through your weblines, making them glow bright hot with the energy that was coursing through them. Ember took a hasty step back, but she didn’t retract her hand. Instead, she forcefully got her breathing under control, and allowed the excess energy to flow up her arm. She shut her eyes tightly and clenched her jaw, but when she next opened them, they were glowing bright yellow. Slowly, a layer of golden pixels formed over her clothes, reshaping them into another outfit entirely. Her sweats transformed into a pink and black-striped spandex bodysuit, with a small, low cut jacket that was only barely covering the armor padding over her chest. A pink half mask and a black visor formed over her face, leaving her colorful ponytail to flop around in the breeze. It honestly wasn’t a bad first attempt at a suit.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 15 May 2024 23:31:59 No. 6006226 Report <span class="mu-r">“Are you alright? Do you think you’ve got enough?”</span> you asked.
Ember blinked several times, her eyes darting around the area. You could tell, because her visor was projecting a pair of digital pupils in their place.
<span class="mu-r">“I guess we’ll find out…”</span> she said in a slightly processed voice. It would do well to hide her identity.
Ember pointed a hand at an empty plot of land in the distance, sending a cluster of pixels to their target destination. And in no time, she was already building the base for a ferris wheel. Quite easily too.
The other Morlocks cheered her on as she simultaneously constructed the theme park attraction and sapped residual energy from the statue.
<span class="mu-r">“This…this isn’t so bad.”</span> Ember admitted, her voice slightly strained. <span class="mu-r">“I was thinking of what you said earlier. About choosing my codename.”</span>
A futuristic looking gun formed on Ember’s toolbelt, as well as a cylindrical device that you assumed was a lightsaber.
<span class="mu-r">“I was thinking of ‘Pixel Pirate’ or ‘Bit Raider’. What do you think?”</span>
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Abe swinging towards you to rejoin your group. Joy must’ve noticed too, because she looked ecstatic.
What will you say?
>”Pixel Pirate has a nice ring to it. It’s simple and self-explanatory.” >”Bit Raider isn’t bad, but I think that one’s been trademarked already. Unless you’re planning on stealing the name for yourself.” >”How about this instead?” (Write-in.) >”Great work. Renovations will be done in no time with you here to help” >”There’s no need to rush. You’re handling a lot of energy right now, so it wouldn’t be the worst idea to take things slow.” >Signal Abe to come over and stand behind Ember. She’s in for a hell of a surprise when she turns back around. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6006226 >”Bit Raider isn’t bad, but I think that one’s been trademarked already. Unless you’re planning on stealing the name for yourself.” >"How about "Sister Shock"? Ya know, like "system shock", since you're a programmer and you run off electrical energy." Anyways...
>”There’s no need to rush. You’re handling a lot of energy right now, so it wouldn’t be the worst idea to take things slow.” Anonymous
>>6006226 >”I’m leaning Bit Raider. Pixel Pirate sounds like you’d be plastered all over pirate-themed restaurants as a mascot to attract teenagers. Nobody’s got time to burn them all to the ground for co-opting their awesomeness.” >”Uh-oh, trouble coming up behind us. Don’t turn around yet, just finish up with what you’re doing here. The guy’s polite enough to not interrupt someone doing something nice here.” >Signal Abe to come over and stand behind Ember. She’s in for a hell of a surprise when she turns back around. She liked Spider-man, better to not give her panic attack while she’s in the middle of constructing something.
Immediately afterwards? Appropriate.
Better than the names I was thinking just now. Lightcycle, Lensflare, Voxel Viceroy. >>6006232 Damn. Good name alternative there. I’d back it.
>>6006232 >system shock my man, great minds think alike
>>6006226 >>6006232 +1
>>Signal Abe to come over and stand behind Ember. She’s in for a hell of a surprise when she turns back around. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 16 May 2024 22:05:45 No. 6007138 Report Quoted By:
>>6006232 >>6006279 >>6006336 >>6007043 >”Bit Raider isn’t bad, but I think that one’s been trademarked already. Unless you’re planning on stealing the name for yourself.” >"How about "Sister Shock"? Ya know, like "system shock", since you're a programmer and you run off electrical energy." >”There’s no need to rush. You’re handling a lot of energy right now, so it wouldn’t be the worst idea to take things slow.” >Signal Abe to come over and stand behind Ember. She’s in for a hell of a surprise when she turns back around. Taking these. Writing...
Also now that I think about Ember's current costume, I wonder if she can't convert our current getup to a low-profile henshin belt.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 00:42:23 No. 6007277 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Bit Raider isn’t bad, but I think that one’s already been trademarked. Unless you’re planning on stealing the name for yourself. Which would be a pretty lame first score for a newbie such as yourself”</span> you said, glancing back at Abe and signaling for him to come closer. <span class="mu-r">“How about ‘Sister Shock’? Ya know, like ‘system shock’, since you’re a programmer and you run off of electrical energy.”</span> you suggested. Ember made a thoughtful noise. <span class="mu-r">“Huh. That’s not half bad. I kinda like it. Even if it would be a bit confusing since I don’t actually zap people.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“There’s literally nothing stopping you from creating something that zaps people.”</span> you put in. <span class="mu-r">“Good point. You uh…you don’t think the others are gonna laugh at me, do you?”</span> she asked. <span class="mu-r">“It can’t be worse than the names I heard them cooking up in case you couldn’t make up your mind.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Sister Shock sounds good.”</span> Ember quickly decided. As Abe drew closer, you made a shushing gesture and pointed at Ember’s back. <span class="mu-r">“Trust me, Sis. I’m not trying to set you up for failure. The last thing I’d want is to operate with a teammate that had a lame codename.”</span> you explained. <span class="mu-r">“And there’s no need to rush.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You’re saying that I should take more time to figure out a name?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“No. I mean you’re handling a lot of energy right now, so it wouldn’t be the worst idea to take things slow.”</span> you said, gesturing at the almost finished ferris wheel she’d been constructing. She was doing it in record timing too. Maybe it was because of all the energy that Storm had fed into her. <span class="mu-r">“Thanks, but…I think I’ll manage. As long as I’ve got a clear image in my head, I can make something like this, no problem.”</span> Not wanting to interrupt her progress or distract her, you and Abe waited patiently for her to finish. The end result was a fully functioning ferris wheel, with music and flashing lights and everything. Some of the more eager Morlocks tried to get on right away, but Callisto and Glass managed to stop them before they got too close. As hastily constructed as it was, there was no telling whether it was structurally sound or not. Iara was probably the only one brave and sturdy enough to test it out. Ember nodded to herself, looking satisfied with her work. <span class="mu-r">“I think that came out decent.”</span> she admitted. <span class="mu-r">“Great work. Up top!”</span> you said. Abe raised his hand instead of you, and you took a step back. So when Ember turned around to slap your hand, she instead high-fived her idol by accident. When the realization of what she’d done finally hit her, she froze up, her hand still hanging mere inches from Abe’s own. <span class="mu-b">“Nice ferris wheel. It really brings the whole park together.”</span> Ember started to babble, but Abe didn’t seem at all bothered by her starstruck behavior. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 00:44:39 No. 6007279 Report <span class="mu-b">“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we’ve met before. I feel like I’d remember a costume like yours. Are you a mutant too?”</span>
Ember continued to babble, but she somehow managed to squeeze out a few words to demonstrate that she was at least capable of forming a halfway coherent sentence.
<span class="mu-r">“I-I-I…you’re…Spider-Man…! Like…the REAL Spider-Man!”</span>
Abe spread his arms wide.
<span class="mu-b">“The one and only. Unless you’ve been buying into Jameson’s smear-campaign, or if you’re a crazy villain hell-bent on revenge. Then I’m someone far less respectable. Like the Huntsman.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Hey!”</span> you blurted out defensively.
Ember blew out a frustrated breath.
<span class="mu-r">“As if anyone with a brain would believe anything that windbag says. He literally spends all day printing lies and spinning stories about how you’re colluding with villains when you're clearly busting your butt to make this city a better place.”</span>
Ember sounded genuinely bothered by the idea of someone slandering your clone brother. That caught Abe off guard.
<span class="mu-b">“Right. Exactly. I’m glad <span class="mu-i">someone</span> gets it. I guess not everyone’s been brainwashed by J.J.J’s crackpot theories.”</span>
Ember looked about ready to squeal at max volume now that she’d managed to strike up a conversation with her idol. But she still looked like she was having trouble getting her words out. Abe might be an empath, but he wasn’t exactly a mind reader. Maybe your new recruit could use a little push.
What will you say/do?
>”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >”I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” >”Hey Spidey, how would you feel about getting a new costume? The one I’m wearing now was actually designed and created by this lady right here, and she even made one for Glass.” >”She’s the newest member of our team, Sister Shock. I think she’s got a bright future with the Desperados.” >Slip away while they're not looking and let the two of them have their little moment. They’ll probably be fine. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 00:45:39 No. 6007281 Report Quoted By:
>>6007224 She absolutely could!
>>6007279 >”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >”I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” Anonymous
>>6007279 >”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >”I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” Anonymous
>>6007279 >”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >"I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” Let nobody say that we don't adequately reward our team for their time and effort. Also, I forget, but don't Ember and Abe both go to ESU right now?
>>6007302 Not anymore, Ember is a fugitive currently.
>>6007279 >”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >”I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” I wonder if Abe has any experience dealing with fans yet? With the Jameson campaign going on and the darker moods Julia mentioned he may never have found/interacted with them before hurrying off somewhere else.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 21:42:38 No. 6008436 Report Quoted By:
>>6007295 >>6007298 >>6007302 >>6007389 >”She calls herself Sister Shock, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.” >”I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks. Is that okay with you?” Taking these. Writing...
>>6007302 >>6007329 She's currently wanted for questioning, since they don't know for sure what role she played in all this.
>>6007389 He definitely has fans, but he hasn't talked about having to deal with them yet.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 22:33:15 No. 6008477 Report <span class="mu-r">“She calls herself ‘Sister Shock’, and she’s actually a huge fan of yours.”</span> Abe’s eyes widened a bit at that. <span class="mu-b">“A ‘fan’, huh? That’s a refreshing change of pace. Most people who know me want to pound my face into the pavement.”</span> he said in a casual tone. <span class="mu-b">“Nice to meet you, Sister Shock. That’s a cool name…and a cool costume. Did you make it yourself?”</span> He gave her an appraising look. Ember nodded eagerly, the digital pupils in her visor turning into hearts. <span class="mu-r">“Uh-huh, yeah…”</span> she muttered, in a dreamy sort of voice. She was lucky that her mask covered the lower half of her face, or else your brother would be able to see that she was currently drooling all over him. Or maybe he could sense the genuine affection and admiration she felt towards him. You wondered whether that made him feel uncomfortable, or not. <span class="mu-r">“Oh! I love your costume too.”</span> Ember added quickly. <span class="mu-b">“Thanks. I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to sew and clean spandex in order to maintain this thing.”</span> he said, stretching the fabric around the black spider on his chest. <span class="mu-b">"It's probably the hardest part of the job."</span> <span class="mu-r">“I promised her that you’d take her web-swinging if she came out to help the Morlocks.”</span> you said, surprising the both of them. <span class="mu-r">“Is that okay with you?”</span> Abe looked between the two of you curiously. <span class="mu-b">“Sure, why not. It’s not everyday you run into your biggest fan.”</span> Abe declared, holding a hand out to her. Ember stared down at it for a few seconds, and reached out to tentatively grasp his hand, as if she expected it to disappear if she gripped too hard. With a sudden tug, Abe pulled Ember close to his chest and wrapped an arm around his waist. She let out a strangled yelp, but everyone chose to ignore it. Abe stared up at the sky, watching as the dark clouds that Storm had summoned were receding from the park, allowing sunlight to break through once more. <span class="mu-b">“Lucky for us, it’s perfect web-swinging weather.”</span> Abe said. He and Storm exchanged a quick wave, before he glanced back down at Ember. She was staring up at him, barely moving, and probably not even breathing. <span class="mu-b">“Relax. I’ve got you.”</span> he reassured her with a wink. <span class="mu-b">“Even if your hands slip, mine won’t. But if it makes you feel any better, hang on tight, and try to enjoy the ride.”</span> Miraculously, the tension in Ember’s shoulders seemed to melt away after hearing Abe’s words. It was probably his powers at work. <span class="mu-r">“Okay…”</span> Ember said, half-giggling, and meek as a puppy. <span class="mu-b">“Then off we go! Be sure to keep your hands in the vehicle at all times.”</span> Abe shot a webline at a nearby tree and pulled the two of them into the air, letting out joyful exclamations the entire time. And you were pretty sure you could hear Ember squealing on the way up. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 17 May 2024 22:34:16 No. 6008480 Report You watched them go for about a minute, noticing that a decent chunk of the Morlocks had been watching that interaction.
<span class="mu-r">“Is it safe to assume that he’ll drop her off at home too?”</span> Araña asked, watching alongside you. <span class="mu-r">“Cuz me and Benga are about to bounce. You know, to run those errands you were telling us about.”</span>
You didn’t need her to explain what exactly those errands were. You gave the two girls a nod, turned back around and waited for them to leave. Hopefully they’d be able to shed a little light on this little “Kick” situation.
In the meantime, you’d have to decide whether you wanted to stop Screwball and Shark from getting on the Ferris wheel.
What will you do?
>Talk to Glass and Callisto. There’s still a few things you wanted to discuss with them. >Signal Storm to fly down so you can have a word with her. It’s not everyday you get to meet an iconic X-Man. >Ride the ferris wheel with the Morlocks. >Wait for Ember and Abe to return so you can help set up decorations. (Progress the day) >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: Anonymous
>>6008480 >Ride the ferris wheel with the Morlocks. >Wait for Ember and Abe to return so you can help set up decorations. (Progress the day) Anonymous
>>6008477 >Signal Storm to fly down so you can have a word with her. It’s not everyday you get to meet an iconic X-Man. We may not get another chance like this for a while, and I want a bit of that Mysterium they got lying around.
>>6008480 >Talk to Glass and Callisto. There’s still a few things you wanted to discuss with them. >Ride the ferris wheel with the Morlocks. Why not both? I wonder if any of the Morlocks have a fear of heights.
>>6008480 >>Signal Storm to fly down so you can have a word with her. It’s not everyday you get to meet an iconic X-Man. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 18 May 2024 21:07:27 No. 6009454 Report Quoted By:
>>6008519 >>6008496 >>6008534 >>6008762 >Signal Storm to fly down so you can have a word with her. It’s not everyday you get to meet an iconic X-Man. >Ride the Ferris wheel with the Morlocks. Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 18 May 2024 21:41:21 No. 6009475 Report After considering it for a moment, you decided that the criminally insane streamer and the cyborg shark could be left to their own devices for a little while. That left you with nothing but time on your hands. And since you’d already settled on the idea of spending the rest of your day here with the Morlocks… You craned your neck to glance up at the woman flying overhead, and let out a sharp whistle. She and a few of the Morlocks turned to stare at you. <span class="mu-r">“Hey! Can we talk?”</span> She raised an eyebrow at that, seemingly caught off guard by the request. <span class="mu-r">“Yeah, you! For the moment, you’re the only non-plant monster occupying the airspace.”</span> you shouted, flagging her down with both hands. Without arguing, Storm slowly floated down and landed a few feet away from you. <span class="mu-b">“What is it you need?”</span> she asked. <span class="mu-r">“I’d love to tell you, but I was actually hoping for a little more privacy before I went into details.”</span> you said, turning to look at the active Ferris Wheel. Storm turned to look as well, caution, curiosity and mild amusement playing across her features. And to her credit, she didn’t ask whether it was safe before agreeing. —---------- Despite being a bit rickety, the Ferris Wheel seemed to be perfectly functional and structurally sound. You had no idea whether it would stay that way, or if Ember would need to conduct routine maintenance via pixel reinforcement, but you decided not to worry about that right now. Because right now, Storm of the X-Men was sitting directly across from you in your cabin. She sat with her legs together, her spine ramrod straight, and her hands folded over her lap. Even the way she sat was elegant. It gave you the uncomfortable impression of sitting across from royalty. It might’ve made a lesser man lose his composure, but after facing down the likes of Doctor Doom, you couldn’t bring yourself to flinch under her imperious gaze. <span class="mu-b">“So,”</span> she began, her expression stern. <span class="mu-b">“What is it that you would like to discuss?”</span> What will you say?>”I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.” >”I’m not sure how much Callisto and Glass have told you, but the Morlocks are trying to start a business. It would really help if they had the support of the X-Men.” >”You and Callisto seem to have history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that.” >”I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat. I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all the animosity is coming from.” >Write-in.
>>6009475 >>”I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat. I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all the animosity is coming from.” Anonymous
>>6009475 >”I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat. I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all the animosity is coming from.” >”You and Callisto seem to have history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that. I can return my own introduction if you’re interested.” Both of these feel like “leisurely chat” activities. Sure, the thought of recruiting her for some help or to connect us is there, but I figure we’re at our best when we drop by unannounced with gifts or requests anyway.
Though if we’re willing to broach more serious topics,
>”I have a kid I’m taking care of. Young, trained to fight from an early age, heroic, laughs off pain and serious injuries since she’ll heal quickly and so on. Long story short, got any advice on how to take care of them growing up? I’m sure you’ve seen more of those types than you’ve wanted to.” Anonymous
>>6009588 Supporting the Super Hero Parenting question as well.
>>6009475 >>”I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.” >>”I’m not sure how much Callisto and Glass have told you, but the Morlocks are trying to start a business. It would really help if they had the support of the X-Men.” >>”You and Callisto seem to have history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that.” Anonymous
>>6009475 >”I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.” Anonymous
>>6009475 >"One doesn't often get the chance to ride a ferris wheel with an A-lister, but don't get your hopes up, I'm in a relationship." >”I’m not sure how much Callisto and Glass have told you, but the Morlocks are trying to start a business. It would really help if they had the support of the X-Men.” >"This country has a shitty track record when it comes to people trailblazing their civil rights. They need allies from within and outside their group." >”I have a kid I’m taking care of. Young, trained to fight from an early age, heroic, laughs off pain and serious injuries since she’ll heal quickly and so on. Long story short, got any advice on how to take care of them growing up? I’m sure you’ve seen more of those types than you’ve wanted to.” I don't think that Xavier need to call in some rando like us to help with their problem solving
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 19 May 2024 22:37:45 No. 6010364 Report Quoted By:
>>6009526 >>6009588 >>6009619 >>6009803 >>6010075 >>6010136 >”I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat. I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all the animosity is coming from.” >”You and Callisto seem to have history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that.” >”I have a kid I’m taking care of. Young, trained to fight from an early age, heroic, laughs off pain and serious injuries since she’ll heal quickly and so on. Long story short, got any advice on how to take care of them growing up? I’m sure you’ve seen more of those types than you’ve wanted to.” >”I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.” Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:17:14 No. 6010427 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat.”</span> you proclaimed, leaning back in your seat. <span class="mu-r">“I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all this animosity is coming from.”</span> Storm’s expression grew pensive. <span class="mu-b">“There are...multiple theories as to the exact cause.”</span> she admitted. <span class="mu-b">“One such theory alludes to the fear and malice that stems from the lack of understanding towards our species.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“You mean that ‘Homo-Superior’ stuff? Is any of that even real?”</span> Storm nodded. <span class="mu-b">“A considerable number of lead researchers in the field of genetics have come to the conclusion that those who possess an X-Gene are an evolved form of Homo-Sapien; the next stage of human evolution. It has also been theorized that, if left alone, mutants would one day grow to be the dominant species on the planet.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“And is that what you believe?”</span> Storm’s lips flattened into a frown, and she leaned back in her chair as well. <span class="mu-b">“The theory is baseless. There are those that claim to be from some distant or near future where mutants have either gone extinct, or rule the planet. Very few of those claims are reliable enough to warrant an extreme reaction.”</span> she explained. <span class="mu-r">“Because the future is always changing.”</span> you concluded. <span class="mu-b">“Yes. Whenever someone travels through time, past or future, the timeline that they originate from diverges and proceeds to branch off to accommodate the near infinite possibilities that spawn from that single reaction. That is why we cannot use any information that comes from a potential future as a guideline to base our actions and decisions going forward.”</span> You’ve heard someone explain something similar before, you couldn’t remember where exactly you’d heard it from. <span class="mu-r">“Do you really think that all these people hate mutants because of a wildly unpopular opinion from a research paper? I don’t buy it.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Neither do I.”</span> Storm agreed. <span class="mu-b">“However, there is another side to this argument. There are those that believe mutants to be a kind of invasive species, meant to wipe out humanity.”</span> You scoffed in disbelief. <span class="mu-r">“That’s a crackpot theory if I’ve heard one. I’ve seen you guys saving people on the news all the time.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I am glad that you believe so, but there will always be those who hold close to their beliefs, no matter how irrational or improbable they might be.”</span> Storm said. <span class="mu-r">“I guess that’s true. What about those other theories?”</span> you asked. Storm stared deep into your eyes with those bright blue, cat-like orbs of hers. <span class="mu-b">“Do you remember the ‘Stamford Incident’?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Who could forget? You’re talking about that mutant that blew up that town and kickstarted the petition that led to the Superhuman Registration Act.”</span> Storm nodded. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:18:34 No. 6010429 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-b">“Even before then, there existed a…’stigma’ surrounding mutants. People claimed that they were dangerous, volatile, and incapable of properly controlling their powers. That event only served to further fuel the flames behind that movement, and the world has never been the same ever since.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“And people like Magneto and the Brotherhood haven’t been making things any easier.”</span> Storm shook her head sadly. <span class="mu-b">“Terrorism of any kind can muddy the reputation of any such ethnic group. Mutants are no different in that regard. And that brings us to yet another theory.”</span> —---- For the next few minutes, you and Storm revisited the events of the Genoshan Genocide, as the fallout that resulted from the tragedy. It was gruesome enough to spark sympathy for all mutants across multiple media platforms, and even started a trend in mutant representation in all forms of media. Which…didn’t go over well at all. People started to complain that mutants and mutant apologists were invading the entertainment industry, firing talented artists, and sowing the seeds for world domination. This led to multiple extremist groups being born, and a renewed wave of discriminatory crimes and devious actions taken against mutantkind. And while it was an interesting theory, Storm didn’t look like she was buying it either. <span class="mu-r">“And what do <span class="mu-i">you</span> believe?”</span> you said, having finally worked up the nerve to ask the important questions. Storm breathed out through her nose, crossed one leg over the other and began cradling her knee. <span class="mu-b">“Do you really want to know?”</span> You nodded. Storm’s expression grew stern. <span class="mu-b">“I believe that there are no rational excuses for the hateful behavior that non-mutants have shown my people. I do not believe that there is a villain or shadow-puppeteer behind everything that has happened. I think that people are scared and confused, and they take comfort in their ignorance. Because it is far easier to feel unified as a people when they have another group to discriminate against. Another group that is far-removed enough from humans where they can mistreat them without feeling guilty. Because if all of our societal issues are the fault of mutants, rather than our greedy, self-serving predecessors, then they can justify the persecution that they put us through, day after day.”</span> Storm explained, her clear blue eyes growing cloudy as heat crept into her voice. <span class="mu-b">“The same goes for those that would exploit mutants for their own benefit. For the sake of ratings and reputation, while hiding behind our community and using us as shields to protect themselves from public criticism.”</span> A quick glance outside told you that Storm wasn’t the only one with dark clouds hovering over her head. A rolling thunder rumbled through the roof of the cabin, and brief flashes of lightning could be seen at an uncomfortably close distance. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:20:24 No. 6010432 Report Quoted By:
Your spider sense wasn’t so much giving out warnings, as it was making you blatantly aware of the fact that a close-range lightning-bolt would be incredibly hazardous to your health. Then again, you doubted that Storm would let anything like that happen when there were multiple mutants riding the very same Ferris Wheel. Your suspicions were confirmed when Storm’s eyes cleared up, and the gathering storm-clouds had dispersed as quickly as they had arrived. <span class="mu-b">“But that is not something that is easily solved. Societal issues are often deeply rooted, and require the work of many people over the course of decades, if not hundreds of years to resolve.”</span> she said, sounding much calmer than she had before. <span class="mu-b">“And even then, there is no way to put a stop to it completely without taking direct action that would violate the rights of our fellow man.”</span> You nodded, still feeling a little shaken by the experience. <span class="mu-r">“Coexistence is key. I can’t say that I understand why people do what they do, but I hope we can find a way to create better circumstances for mutants going forward.”</span> Storm gave you a pleasant smile that was entirely at odds with her cloudy expression from literally one minute ago. <span class="mu-b">“As long as there are open-minded individuals such as yourself, I am certain that we will reach that point one day.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“While we’re on the topic of coexistence,”</span> you began. <span class="mu-r">“You and Callisto seem to have some history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that.”</span> Storm’s pleasant smile smoothly transitioned into an amused grin. <span class="mu-b">“And what would you like to know?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Like, how did you guys meet, and why do you still meet up to play chess in the park?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Hm. There was once a time when we were bitter enemies. When the X-Men and the Morlocks were at odds after Callisto gave refuge to one of our own after he had been wounded. When I went to rescue him, a great misunderstanding was born between us. I assumed that Callisto had kidnapped him, and Callisto, not having access to any media at the time, considered me as a threat to the life of the young mutant, and to the safety of her people.”</span> You leaned forward in your seat, completely engrossed in the story, even if she was skipping over some crucial details. <span class="mu-b">“This led to me challenging her to a duel for the custody of the mutant, and for our safe passage. But Callisto, proud as she was, put her own status as leader of the Morlocks on the line for the duel. And unfortunately for her, I was the victor of that duel.”</span> You weren’t terribly surprised by that outcome. Callisto was strong, but Storm was, well…Storm. <span class="mu-r">“Well, you do have the stronger power set between the two of you.”</span> you said, resting your head against your hand. Storm’s smile widened as she shook her head. <span class="mu-b">“You misunderstand. The terms of that duel restricted the two of us to hand-hand combat alone.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:26:57 No. 6010443 Report Quoted By:
Your jaw <span class="mu-i">dropped</span>. <span class="mu-r">“You…<span class="mu-s">beat</span> Callisto in a <span class="mu-i">fist fight</span>!?”</span> Having gotten your ass handed to you by the Sewer Queen during your sparring sessions these past few months made it hard for you to picture anyone beating her without difficulty. Which must’ve made Storm an incredibly skilled fighter. <span class="mu-r">“Forgive me for saying this, but you don’t look anything like a scrapper.”</span> you said. Storm didn’t look at all offended. <span class="mu-b">“My circumstances growing up were…less than ideal.” she admitted. “Let’s just say that my past granted me a unique set of skills that I still make use of to this day.” Well that was vague and mysterious. And also something that you’ve wanted to say ever since you were a kid. It sounded like something Liam Neeson or Jason Statham would say in one of their movies. <span class="mu-r">“Wait. Does that mean that you became the leader of the Morlocks after winning that duel?”</span> Storm nodded. “For a while, yes. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, I made it my business to see to it that the Morlocks were not engaging in any criminal activities.” <span class="mu-r">“I can’t imagine Callisto enjoyed being usurped.”</span> Storm let out a mischievous laugh. “You would be correct in your assumption. She and I did not see eye to eye on many things. And instead of avoiding me, she would follow me around, skulking in the shadows to make sure that I would not misuse my newfound power.” <span class="mu-r">“So what happened?”</span> “Once I confirmed that they were not deceiving me, I offered to give her the position back. And that made her even more upset with me. Instead, she challenged me to another duel to regain her honor.” <span class="mu-r">“And you accepted.”</span> “Yes. I was wondering whether she would try to cheat, or if I should let her win in order to quickly resolve the issue. But it turned out that that was entirely unnecessary.” <span class="mu-r">“What did she do?”</span> “She won. I had severely underestimated her ability to adapt and learn from her mistakes. I found myself impressed by her talent, ability and potential, and I extended an invitation for her to join the X-Men as an official member.” <span class="mu-r">“She refused, didn’t she?”</span> You knew the answer before Storm had even opened her mouth. “You know her well, I see.” Storm said, seemingly pleased by your amicable relationship with her. “Yes, she declined my offer. She claimed that it was because she did not wish to live under the same roof as me and the other X-Men, but I believe it was because she was not willing to abandon her people. We parted on decent terms, and I sometimes act as a mediator between her group and ours.” (Cont.)</span>
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:29:18 No. 6010445 Report Quoted By:
Your jaw <span class="mu-i">dropped</span>. <span class="mu-r">“You…<span class="mu-s">beat</span> Callisto in a <span class="mu-i">fist fight</span>!?”</span> Having gotten your ass handed to you by the Sewer Queen during your sparring sessions these past few months made it hard for you to picture anyone beating her without difficulty. Which must’ve made Storm an incredibly skilled fighter. <span class="mu-r">“Forgive me for saying this, but you don’t look anything like a scrapper.”</span> you said. Storm didn’t look at all offended. <span class="mu-b">“My circumstances growing up were…less than ideal.”</span> she admitted. <span class="mu-b">“Let’s just say that my past granted me a unique set of skills that I still make use of to this day.”</span> Well that was vague and mysterious. And also something that you’ve wanted to say ever since you were a kid. It sounded like something Liam Neeson or Jason Statham would say in one of their movies. <span class="mu-r">“Wait. Does that mean that you became the leader of the Morlocks after winning that duel?”</span> Storm nodded. <span class="mu-b">“For a while, yes. After the misunderstanding was cleared up, I made it my business to see to it that the Morlocks were not engaging in any criminal activities.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I can’t imagine Callisto enjoyed being usurped.”</span> Storm let out a mischievous laugh. <span class="mu-b">“You would be correct in your assumption. She and I did not see eye to eye on many things. And instead of avoiding me, she would follow me around, skulking in the shadows to make sure that I would not misuse my newfound power.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So what happened?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Once I confirmed that they were not deceiving me, I offered to give her the position back. And that made her even more upset with me. Instead, she challenged me to another duel to regain her honor.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“And you accepted.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Yes. I was wondering whether she would try to cheat, or if I should let her win in order to quickly resolve the issue. But it turned out that that was entirely unnecessary.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“What did she do?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“She won. I had severely underestimated her ability to adapt and learn from her mistakes. I found myself impressed by her talent, ability and potential, and I extended an invitation for her to join the X-Men as an official member.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“She refused, didn’t she?”</span> You knew the answer before Storm had even opened her mouth. <span class="mu-b">“You know her well, I see.”</span> Storm said, seemingly pleased by your amicable relationship with the Morlock leader. <span class="mu-b">“Yes, she declined my offer. She claimed that it was because she did not wish to live under the same roof as me and the other X-Men, but I believe it was because she was not willing to abandon her people. We parted on decent terms, and I sometimes act as a mediator between her group and ours.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:34:19 No. 6010450 Report What will you say?
>"Is that offer for letting Callisto become an X-Man still on the table?" >"Should I keep quiet about this? I'm not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders." >"Either way, you must be tough as nails to beat Callisto in a fist fight. What the hell did you go through as a kid?" >"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn't call on you guys for help more often?" >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 00:35:20 No. 6010451 Report Since this update was an absolute chunker, I decided to split it up and add the other two dialogue options in the next update.
>>6010450 >"Should I keep quiet about this? I'm not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders." I’d assume she would prefer to keep it secret so her group is less visible. Callisto likes her secrecy, and being associated with the X-Men doesn’t help that cause.
>"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Still, I’m guessing that whole ‘not seeing eye-to-eye’ difference keeps her from asking for more help your crew?” Seems a bit obvious why she wouldn’t reach out to the X-Men for everything. Someone always slips through the cracks to the streets so having a group that can help those ones is good, time spent helping her is time not spent helping others, and some mutants don’t want to be part of the poster children for the model mutant race or its opposite. Hell, the conflict between Glass and Callisto earlier is a microcosm of her relationship with the X-Men!
>”Maybe I should make an offer for her to join a lower-visibility hero group I know. Poaching a potential X-Men recruit would fill in one of my Bingo squares.” Kinda wondering if she’d be alright to include in the Order with Glass, or if she’d be alright in Maria’s secret “backup to S.H.I.E.L.D.” crew. The latter on the basis that if we ever get called in then we get to choose how the group is viewed. The X-Men and other established superhero groups already have reps, whatever we were given won’t.
>>6010451 We did vote for every option so no surprise there. Even my write-in won and I wasn’t expecting that.
>>6010450 >"Should I keep quiet about this? I'm not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders." >"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn't call on you guys for help more often?" Anonymous
>>6010450 >"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn't call on you guys for help more often?" Anonymous
>>6010484 >Poaching a potential X-Men recruit would fill in one of my Bingo squares Is that really special when we got actual former X-Men working for us sometimes
>>6010450 >>"Is that offer for letting Callisto become an X-Man still on the table?" >>"Should I keep quiet about this? I'm not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders." Anonymous
>>6010450 >"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn't call on you guys for help more often?" >"For the record, the flowers I asked the morlocks to grow are from fairies, and we sell them to Dr. Strange or WAND for their magical properties. I don't have them grow drugs." Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 17:45:22 No. 6011095 Report Quoted By:
>>6010492 >>6010587 >>6010771 >>6010484 >>6010893 >"Should I keep quiet about this? I'm not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders." >"It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn't call on you guys for help more often?" Taking these. Writing...
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>>6010595 Not especially, but he can’t stack his whole card on X-Men related things. Gotta spread out the risk and events appropriately!
I suppose I’m not rating Glass as highly since he feels easier to recruit on a permanent basis for any heroic team. The man would be a knight in shining armor if the armor was even half as shiny as he is. Getting Callisto to agree feels more like taming a wild leopard that may still claw your face out later if you upset her at a bad time.
>>6010893 I’d prefer to not bring up the flowers unless it comes up in conversation from Storm. It’s not illegal as far as we know, but I’m always hesitant to mention what’s probably a main income stream for her group unless we intend to play sales rep. I am now curious if she’s offered to sell/provide any to the X-Men though. Something to ask about later I suppose.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 19:01:57 No. 6011153 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Should I keep quiet about this? I’m not sure if she wants to keep the history between the two of you a secret from outsiders.”</span> <span class="mu-b">“I think Callisto would appreciate it if you exercised discretion here.”</span> Storm agreed. You nodded. <span class="mu-r">“It sounds like she has a better relationship with the X-Men than I thought. Is there a reason she doesn’t call on you guys for help more often?”</span> Storm turned to stare out the right side of the cabin, likely to where Callisto was standing with Glass. <span class="mu-b">“If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that Callisto enjoys her privacy and general anonymity. The more dealings she has with the X-Men, the easier it will be to find her community. And in the worst case scenario, our enemies may retaliate against her in hopes of hurting us.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So it’s for her protection.”</span> you concluded. Storm just shrugged. <span class="mu-b">“I do not know for certain, but you are welcome to ask her yourself.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Fair enough.”</span> you decided, glancing out the window with her. <span class="mu-r">“Actually…I had another question.”</span> you admitted. <span class="mu-b">“What is it?”</span> Storm asked, turning to give you her full attention. You took a moment to arrange your thoughts before you continued. It wasn’t a difficult question, but you were having some trouble getting the words out at first. <span class="mu-r">“I have a kid I’m taking care of. Young, trained to fight from an early age, heroic, laughs off pain and serious injuries since she’ll heal quickly and so on.”</span> you began, trying not to give out any explicit details. <span class="mu-r">“I guess what I’m trying to say is…do you have any advice on how to take care of someone like that growing up? I’m sure you’ve encountered those types a few times in your life.”</span> A ripple of surprise flashed across Storm’s features, but she quickly schooled her expression and replaced it with a pensive one. <span class="mu-b">“Ah. This young woman sounds like she was raised to be a warrior. Fighting has likely become as natural as breathing to her, and it would be quite difficult to convince her to do otherwise.”</span> Storm explained, speaking carefully. <span class="mu-b">“If that is the case, then I would advise you to create a support system for her to ensure that she has every opportunity to succeed and flourish. Physical care is important, but young people require mental and emotional care as well. The battles we fight inside can be far more gruesome than any injuries we incur on our flesh.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So…you think I should hire a therapist?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-b">“That could help. Or it might not. The effectiveness of therapy varies from person to person. The child must be willing to open up to the doctor, and they must be capable of listening to and accepting criticism. But most importantly, the one administering aid to her must be competent, and capable of understanding their patient.”</span> she said. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 19:03:00 No. 6011156 Report That might not be the worst idea. Cindy has gone through a lot, with losing her parents and her family home and all. <span class="mu-b">“But most important of all,”</span> Storm continued. <span class="mu-b">“She will need you to remain by her side, no matter what happens.”</span> You met Storm’s penetrating gaze. It was almost as if she could see right through you with those clear blue eyes. <span class="mu-b">“The girl will need someone who understands and accepts her, even if she has trouble understanding her own feelings. Even if she outright rejects you, you must continue loving and looking after her, even if it is from a distance. There will be times when the child will need room to grow as a person. You must be strong enough to allow her to act on her, and you must trust her enough to handle her affairs. And if she needs help-”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’ll be there.”</span> you answered quickly. <span class="mu-r">“Always.”</span> Storm gave you an approving nod and clapped her hands together. <span class="mu-b">“It seems that you already know what needs to be done. I am sure the two of you will be fine if you maintain that attitude, but if you ever need my council, Callisto has my number. As you’ve said, I have seen more than my fair share of problem children throughout the years.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Thanks. I really appreciate it.”</span> you said, trying to make sure you came across as genuine. <span class="mu-b">“Think nothing of it, Huntsman. I am starting to see why you and Callisto get along.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Is that what it looks like?”</span> <span class="mu-b">“Being the leader of the Morlocks, there aren’t many people that she considers to be peers. And for a non-mutant to be spending this much time with her…it is more than a little surprising.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I don’t care about any of that mutant or non-mutant crap.”</span> you said with a shrug of your shoulders. <span class="mu-r">“A friend is a friend, no matter what species. Human, mutant, or flying robot shark.”</span> That last one seemed to confuse Storm a bit, but you didn’t bother clarifying. <span class="mu-r">“Oh! I almost forgot. There was one last thing I wanted to talk to you about.”</span> you said, smoothly flicking a business card out of your sleeve and into your hand. <span class="mu-r">“I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.”</span> Storm frowned as she accepted the card and read the front and back. <span class="mu-b">“‘The Desperados’. You are a thief?”</span> she asked in a tone that you were having trouble deciphering. <span class="mu-r">“That’s only one of our many talents. I’d like to think of our merry band as a rag-tag group of mercenaries in the best of cases.”</span> Storm looked between you and the business card, a thoughtful look on her face. You might need to sell her on the idea first. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 19:04:01 No. 6011161 Report What will you say?
>”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” >”It’s never a bad thing to be good friends with a thief. Especially if they tell you that they’re a thief upfront.” >”Think of it like networking. I’ll introduce you to my friends, and you can introduce me to yours someday.” >”I don’t need an answer right away. Think on it for a bit and hold onto my card, just in case.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6011161 >>”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” >>”It’s never a bad thing to be good friends with a thief. Especially if they tell you that they’re a thief upfront.” >>”Think of it like networking. I’ll introduce you to my friends, and you can introduce me to yours someday.” Anonymous
>>6011161 >"Before you ask, we do actually have a code of conduct. No purse snatching, drug running, assassinations, or human trafficking. All strictly confidential too." >"We're professionals, and professionals have STANDARDS. Anyways..." >”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” Anonymous
>>6011161 >"You probably remember when those kids from Neverland were brought in, right? Well, WAND had hired my team for that, and I got Callisto involved." >”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” >"So if you ever need someone who can stick to walls really well, or make a ferris wheel, you know who to call." >”I don’t need an answer right away. Think on it for a bit and hold onto my card, just in case.” Anonymous
>>6011156 >”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” >”It’s never a bad thing to be good friends with a thief. Especially if they tell you that they’re a thief upfront.” I’ll also back the write-ins from
>>6011176 and
>>6011181 and toss in
>”You won’t get the crazy sewer lady rates, that’s a very circumstance-driven plan that entails deciding not to stab me in our first meeting when it would be in your immediate best interest. Not many qualify, unsurprisingly.” for added quip goodness.
I’d also support telling an abridged version of our meeting with Callisto since I’m sure the ferris wheel ride is nearing an end for us.
>>6011161 >>”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” contrary to appearances, Storm is more of a boy scout than most of her peers. which makes shillling to her of all people a mercenary team a bit of a stumble, but we know stuff like the X-force exists thanks to Glass so we can play on that
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 22:03:18 No. 6011315 Report >>6011172 >>6011176 >>6011181 >>6011244 >>6011264 >"Before you ask, we do actually have a code of conduct. No purse snatching, drug running, assassinations, or human trafficking. All strictly confidential too." >"We're professionals, and professionals have STANDARDS. Anyways..." >"You probably remember when those kids from Neverland were brought in, right? Well, WAND had hired my team for that, and I got Callisto involved." >”I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could benefit by having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team.” >”It’s never a bad thing to be good friends with a thief. Especially if they tell you that they’re a thief upfront.” >”You won’t get the crazy sewer lady rates, that’s a very circumstance-driven plan that entails deciding not to stab me in our first meeting when it would be in your immediate best interest. Not many qualify, unsurprisingly.” >"So if you ever need someone who can stick to walls really well, or make a ferris wheel, you know who to call." I'll try to weave these together to the best of my ability. Writing...
>>6011315 You could call up that Spiderman guy. I hear he’s good at weaving things together.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 22:24:25 No. 6011339 Report >>6011323 Spider-Man's a busy guy! I don't know if he has time to act as my ghost writer.
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>>6011339 Never say never my friend. After all...
everybody gets one. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 22:52:17 No. 6011369 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Before you ask, we do actually have a code of conduct. No purse snatching, drug running, assassinations, or human trafficking. All strictly confidential too.”</span> you explained, having rehearsed this bit in the mirror a few times already. <span class="mu-r">“We’re professionals, and professionals have STANDARDS.”</span> You made certain to punctuate that last part in big, bold letters. <span class="mu-r">“Anyways…”</span> you continued. <span class="mu-r">“You probably remember when those kids from Neverland were brought in, right? Well, WAND had hired my team for that, and I got Callisto and Glass involved as well.”</span> Storm's eyebrows shot up at the mention of the Neverland kids. <span class="mu-b">“That was you? I remember Val dropping them off and saying that he and Callisto had gone through quite the adventure to rescue them.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“That we did.”</span> you confirmed. <span class="mu-r">“I know the X-Men have multiple teams to handle different kinds of problems, but I think you could stand to benefit from having a group of non-mutant allies that aren’t directly affiliated with your team. It’s never a bad idea to have a good relationship with a thief. Especially when they’re upfront about being a thief.”</span> Storm folded her arms and sat back in her chair, one perfectly manicured fingernail tapping against her leather jacket. <span class="mu-b">“And how much do you charge for these services?”</span> Storm inquired. <span class="mu-r">“You won’t get the ‘crazy sewer lady rates’. That’s a very circumstance-driven plan that entails deciding not to stab me in our first meeting when it would be in your immediate best interest. Not many people qualify, unsurprisingly.”</span> Storm let out a noise that might have either been her scoffing or chuckling. <span class="mu-r">“So if you ever need someone who can stick to walls really well, or make a ferris wheel out of thin air, you know who to call.”</span> It was the best sales pitch you could conjure up. If she wasn;t convinced by something like this… Storm took another moment to examine your business card, turning it over a few more times, before finally tucking it into her jacket pocket. <span class="mu-b">“Very well. I will consider it.”</span> YES! That was better than a flatout rejection. You waited for her to elaborate further on her opinion of your pitch, but you didn’t get much more than that single statement. Considering how reclusive the X-Men were, just getting your foot in the door was a victory in your book. If there ever came a time when the X-Men needed a specialized non-mutant team to undertake a potentially dangerous mission, you were confident that your team’s name would be near the top of the list. Or at least, that’s what you liked to believe. —-------- Soon after the Ferris Wheel came to a stop, Ember and Abe came swinging back around to land near the large gathering of mutants. Your brother looked oddly refreshed, and Ember looked like she wouldn’t have minded if Galactus swallowed up the whole entire planet at this very moment. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 20 May 2024 22:53:18 No. 6011371 Report Apparently, Ember was a good influence on your brother. Whatever good vibes she’d been putting out, he was able to leech off of them to improve his own mood.
While you were busy teasing both of them about their little joyride, Storm said her goodbyes to the others and took off into the sky, giving one last wave back at you and the Morlock leaders before she went.
It didn’t take long after that for Ember to be swarmed by mutants with new requests. She was overwhelmed at first, but Abe helped calm the crowd and gave her a boost of encouragement to regain her footing.
And that’s when Ember reminded you and everyone else there of an extremely obvious fact that you’d nearly forgotten.
Halloween was fast approaching, and someone would have to handle decorations. And seeing as how the park was currently closed, it was going to have to be the Morlocks.
What will you do?
>Suggest some sick Halloween decorations to place around the park. (Write-in.) >Talk to Glass and Callisto. There’s still a few things you wanted to discuss with them. >Check your messages. Maybe Sable finally managed to get back to you. >Let everyone else decide on what to do. This is their project, after all. (Progress the day) >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6011371 >Suggest some sick Halloween decorations to place around the park. (Write-in.) Moving trees when you aren’t looking is obvious. Coating them in spider webs, also obvious. Having spiders darting between them, super obvious. Spiffy hats for the spiders? Less obvious, but if anyone can succeed at cute Halloween spiders it should be Joy.
Dunno about others. The sky’s the limit if Ember is involved, so they can get creative. Maybe something like a Lost Woods attraction? Not sure how well Ember can make constructs that look like a mirror to somewhere else.
>Check your messages. Maybe Sable finally managed to get back to you. >Talk to Glass and Callisto. There’s still a few things you wanted to discuss with them. A contact from Sable would go hand-in-hand with talking to them, and if not then we can touch base one last time.
>>6011371 >Suggest some sick Halloween decorations to place around the park. (Write-in.) >As far as ambience is concerned, fog is a must. Some animated faces on the trees and some wailing spirits flying in the air too, and you have the scene set. >For the main attraction, see if Ember can't whip up some digital amalgams of famous Horror movie villains to walk around and interact with the visitors. People are gonna flip when they see Dracula and Jason Voorhees walking around. Surely nothing will go wrong with this. Surely. Anyways...
>Check your messages. Maybe Sable finally managed to get back to you. >Let everyone else decide on what to do. This is their project, after all. (Progress the day) Anonymous
>>6011537 Ooh, good idea with the horror movie stuff. Headless Horseman is another must.
Wonder if she can set up attraction areas for a few of them? Play chess with Victor Frankenstein, play hide-and-seek with Dracula and his dozen of bat friends, pit Freddy and Jason with teenaged teams (each one is a team captain? teenagers vs. both at once?) with light guns and suits like laser tag.
Having fake vamps here is begging for an early showing of the vampire invasion. Anonymous
>>6011371 DUDE. Halloween?! We REALLY should have brought Morbius for this.
>>6011537 >>6011397 Plus 1 to these
>>6011595 You don't think Morbius and his people have their hands full with their own business right now? Halloween is probably the most profitable time of the year for small Vampiric communities like that.
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>>6011618 Well this could be profitable for them too, our schemes got like an 80% success rate and this is shaping up to be beeeg
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 22 May 2024 21:51:03 No. 6013483 Report Quoted By:
>>6011397 >>6011537 >>6011565 >>6011595 >Suggest some sick Halloween decorations to place around the park. >Check your messages. Maybe Sable finally managed to get back to you. >Talk to Glass and Callisto. There’s still a few things you wanted to discuss with them. Taking and combining these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 22 May 2024 22:51:13 No. 6013511 Report Quoted By:
And so, you and the Morlocks took it upon yourselves to explain to Ember in great detail what it was you wanted for the park. People seemed to be rather impressed by your suggestions in particular. Ember created fake trees with scary faces that would move when you weren’t looking, wailing spirits that flew through the air, and large spider webs filled with similarly large hairy spiders that wore spiffy hats. That last part made Joy smile, so you couldn’t resist telling Ember to leave it in. Any and all spider-related design choices were left to the clone Morlock. But most impressive of all, Ember managed to create a number of walking, and sometimes talking horror movie icons and ordered them to roam the park. Jason Vorhees would approach people from afar, ominous and slow as ever. Michael Myers and Ghostface would stalk people on opposite ends of the park, but they avoided getting too close. And with a bit of effort, Ember coded in some unique interactions with specific horror icons. If Freddy and Jason ever crossed paths, they would initiate a tense stand-off, allowing people to gather on either side of them, where a number of light guns and vests would materialize in front of them. Once both teams were formed, the fearsome duo would engage in brutal combat, and a thrilling game of laser tag would commence. Count Dracula had a minigame where the younger ones could try and count all of the little bat friends he had flying through the air. Plans were made to have Victor Frankenstein challenge people to chess, but that part required Callisto’s help, so it was momentarily set aside in favor of creating a set of monsters that would perform classic Halloween jams. Somewhere around the time when Ember was constructing the Creature from the Black Lagoon, you checked your phone for any messages that Sable might’ve left. And according to your phone, you just missed a call from her. You dialed her number, waited a few minutes to get past her operator, and perked up when you heard her voice over the phone. <span class="mu-s">“Hello, this is Sablinova.”</span> she said in a thick, Symkarian accent. <span class="mu-r">“I know that, Sable. I’m the one who called <span class="mu-i">you</span>, remember?”</span> <span class="mu-s">“Is there something you need, Huntsman?”</span> Sable asked, a note of irritation entering her voice. <span class="mu-r">“Do you remember when I told you I might have some new recruits for you?”</span> <span class="mu-s">“Yes, I remember.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Well, I’ve got them here with me now. Two of them are incredible fighters, and have some experience leading a team and undergoing dangerous missions. And the other’s an absolute powerhouse.”</span> Sable made a thoughtful noise that was hard to decipher. <span class="mu-s">“They are there with you now?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Yup. Do you want to speak with them?”</span> <span class="mu-s">“If it would not be too much trouble.”</span> she answered. With that confirmation, you swung over to where Glass and Callisto were standing and offered them the phone. They gave you questioning looks. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 22 May 2024 22:52:14 No. 6013512 Report <span class="mu-r">“I’ve got Sable on the phone. Says she wants to talk to you guys.”</span> you explained, putting your cell on speaker.
<span class="mu-r">“You’re on speaker, Sable. I’ve got two prospective recruits here with me.”</span>
<span class="mu-s">“Take me off speaker, Huntsman. I wish to speak to each of them separately.”</span> Sable demanded.
You all shared a glance, before Glass extended a hand to take the phone.
<span class="mu-g">“I’ll go first.”</span>
You nodded, took the phone off speaker and handed it to him. He then started walking away from the group of Morlocks so that he could hear better, leaving you alone with Callisto.
What will you say?
>”Are you still okay with the idea of doing some work for Sable on the side? They could use a lady with your talents.” >”Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.” >”What was up with that exchange you made with Storm earlier? Is it something important?” >”Things are really coming together now that Ember’s helping out. I doubt they’ll want to kick them out when they see all the money we’re about to bring in.” >”How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split?” >”How’s Barkley adjusting to his new home? Is he getting along well with others?” >Call over someone else to speak with Sable once Glass is done. (Who?) >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6013512 >>”How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split?” >”Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.” Anonymous
>>6013512 >>”Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.” >”How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split?” >”How’s Barkley adjusting to his new home? Is he getting along well with others?” Anonymous
>>6013512 >”Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.” >”Also, I’m sorry for taking away the chance to choose how to present yourself to the Stacys. Teaming up with Storm was a bit overkill.” >”How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split? New mutants trickling in?” >”How’s Barkley adjusting to his new home? Is he getting along well with others?” The expected stuff.
>”What was up with that exchange you made with Storm earlier? Is it something important?” The interesting thing now that others aren’t around.
>”All the work they’re putting in is going to lead to some big paydays. Any worries about how the cash and attention will change them?” I could see this as a concern, and I’d bet she doesn’t have anyone she’d feel she could vent a worry like this at.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 23 May 2024 22:24:33 No. 6014602 Report Quoted By:
>>6013528 >>6013537 >>6013557 >”Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.” >”How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split?” >”How’s Barkley adjusting to his new home? Is he getting along well with others?” Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 24 May 2024 00:10:44 No. 6014710 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Sorry if I interrupted your chess game with Storm back there. I didn’t expect to bump into you today.”</span> you said. Callisto blew out a breath and rubbed the back of her neck. <span class="mu-g">“Nah, it’s whatever. She’ll probably be back sometime later to see how they’re settling in, so I’ll see if we can squeeze in a few games around that time.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“She spoke very highly of your chess skills.”</span> you noted. <span class="mu-g">“It’s just one of the hobbies that I kept from my previous life. There aren’t a whole lot of people that can challenge me, and Storm just happens to be exceptionally good at a great number of things.”</span> she admitted. <span class="mu-g">“She’s sort of a badass in an irritating ‘holier than thou’ sort of way. Even if you don’t admire her, it’s hard not to at least respect her.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Have you ever said any of that to her face?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-g">“Hell no. Her head’s already big enough as is. What with you pulling her aside for a private interview, and that noisy ‘streaker’ chick begging for her attention before she left.”</span> she said, glancing in Screwball’s direction. She had come off as a little desperate there. <span class="mu-r">“You mean ‘streamer’.”</span> you corrected. <span class="mu-g">“Yeah. What’d <span class="mu-i">I</span> say?”</span> she said, still not meeting your eyes. It was hard to tell whether she was kidding or not. You decided to let the matter drop. <span class="mu-r">“How’re things down by the Alley? Has there been any friction since the community split?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Quite the opposite, actually.”</span> Callisto said with a snort. <span class="mu-g">“With this new solution of ours, everyone gets what they want, and they even have the option of going back and forth between both communities. There are a few people who didn’t want the split to happen at all, but it’s a better alternative to letting the arguments devolve into infighting.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Glad to hear it. Have there been any new mutants trickling in since then?”</span> Callisto nodded. <span class="mu-g">“A few, yeah. Some of the ones that stayed behind are showing promise, and the flakier members have been spending more and more time with us since the split.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“What about Barkley?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-r">“Is he adjusting well?”</span> Callisto shrugged. <span class="mu-g">“I think so. He eats, sleeps, and crawls all over the place when he isn’t chasing rats. The others are pretty much treating him like a dog, so I have to assume that he’s enjoying the simplicity of his life.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Sounds like he’s in a much better state than the way we found him.”</span> you observed, carefully avoiding the bit where he’d been killing and consuming zombies. <span class="mu-r">“You should’ve brought him along with you. The little guy could probably use a little sun.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 24 May 2024 00:12:24 No. 6014714 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">“Now, I know you don’t think much of my fashion sense, but I’m pretty sure ‘smelly swamp monster’ isn’t exactly ‘in’ this season.”</span> Callisto said, gesturing at her well-worn clothes. <span class="mu-g">“I can’t just go around wearing the little face-hugger around my neck like an ornament.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I don’t know. You might just start a trend if you’re seen wearing him in public.”</span> you put in. <span class="mu-r">“I can almost picture you on the cover of ‘Sewer Mutant Monthly: Grunge Edition’.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“At least I’m not scared to show my face for a photoshoot. You wear that mask so often that it's probably either bonded to your flesh, or you’ve got a serious case of mask rash.”</span> Callisto said, fighting a smile from forming on her face. <span class="mu-r">“Baby powder helps to solve that second issue, but it does get itchy every now and again.”</span> you casually mentioned. <span class="mu-r">“But you’re right about one thing. The greatest crime I’ve ever committed has been depriving the world a glimpse of this beautiful face, day after day.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“The most powerful lies are the ones we tell ourselves, Huntsman.”</span> Callisto replied with a look of mock pity. <span class="mu-g">“But I suppose it’s a necessary defense mechanism to protect that massive ego of yours.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’d say my defense mechanisms are entirely warranted, on account of the sharp tongue on that crazy, one-eyed sewer lady.”</span> you shot back. <span class="mu-r">“Which is, if we’re being entirely honest, another defense mechanism.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’ve never seen a man swing to and from conclusions that quickly. Is that another superpower of yours?”</span> There was an amused grin on Callisto’s face now. You were about to hit her with another one of your quick-witted quips, when Glass returned with your phone. <span class="mu-g">“It’s your turn.”</span> he announced, pointing it at Callisto. The woman sighed and lazily accepted the phone. <span class="mu-g">“This isn’t done, Huntsman. Don’t think you’re getting off that easy.”</span> Callisto said while glancing over her shoulder. <span class="mu-r">“Bring it. I’m ready whenever you are.”</span> you challenged. Both you and Glass waited for her to be out of earshot before the two of you started talking. <span class="mu-g">“So, how’d it go?”</span> you asked. Glass nodded and gave you a slight smile. An action that required the entirety of his face’s seemingly rigid structure to reshape itself in the blink of an eye. Was that a conscious effort on his part, or was he doing it all without realizing it? <span class="mu-g">“I think it went well. She wants to hold another interview sometime soon before we meet in person, though.”</span> Glass said, his eyes swiveling in his head to glance at his surroundings. <span class="mu-g">“Also, we should probably call Iara over after Callisto’s done with her call. And since Robbie isn’t here today, he’ll have to schedule his interview for another day.”</span> You wondered whether that would involve each of them having to borrow your phone every single time. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 24 May 2024 00:17:19 No. 6014716 Report <span class="mu-g">“I just hope this isn’t anything like X-Force.”</span> Glass continued, looking slightly troubled. <span class="mu-g">“I don’t want to be pointed at other people like a gun, and I definitely don’t want that for the others.”</span>
What will you say?
>”It won’t be. You’ll be subcontractors hired to help out Sable’s people, not a bunch of goons that she can just order around.” >”Sable’s trustworthy. She makes it her business to catch criminals. Something I’m sure that you’re personally interested in.” >"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I'll handle it." >"This is as much about 'image' than it is about 'action'. If people see mutants in law enforcement, then maybe their perception of you might change." >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6014716 >”Pointing merc squads like guns is all fun and games until that gun gets pointed back at you. Sable’s been around long enough to know better.” >"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know and I'll leave her crew a very harsh review online. Maybe round up some people to firebomb her house. Depends on how spicy I’m feeling that day.” Anonymous
>>6014716 >"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I'll handle it." >”Sable’s trustworthy. She makes it her business to catch criminals. Something I’m sure that you’re personally interested in.” Anonymous
>>6014716 >>"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I'll handle it." Anonymous
>>6014716 >"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I'll handle it." God, we really should of went for Callisto, if we get comics shenanigans out of the relationship with Ana then Callisto would be a great partner.
>Captcha: SAXX Glad Captcha agrees with me
>>6015062 Well, with Flint going out amongst the stars we will have an open position for “best friend” available.
Is there anyone else who’d be in the running for that? Ana’s in her own category since we’re dating her. Abe would be top of the list but feels like he’s cheating since we share decades of memories. The upcoming gang war will make things awkward with our other hero friends pretty soon. We haven’t hung out with other Desperados in our off-time very much. Am I missing some obvious contenders?
>>6015062 >God, we really should of went for Callisto Bu-but big shark woman?!
>>6015378 Well, I'm also ride or die for Gwen, just getting her into our shenanigans is so much fun
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 24 May 2024 22:18:14 No. 6015675 Report Quoted By:
>>6014739 >>6014872 >>6014947 >>6015062 >"No one can make you do anything that you don't want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I'll handle it." Taking these. Writing...
>>6015062 I'll try my best to make it so that the inevitable relationship drama doesn't feel manufactured.
>>6015378 >>6015405 >The best friend auditions are already beginning... Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Fri 24 May 2024 23:05:35 No. 6015717 Report <span class="mu-r">“No one can make you do anything that you don’t want to do. And if they try, then let me know, and I’ll handle it.”</span> you declared with absolute confidence.
Glass flashed a dazzling smile in your direction. Seriously, the guy might’ve made decent money if he got hired as a model for toothpaste commercials.
<span class="mu-g">“I appreciate that. We’ll do the same if you’re ever in trouble.”</span> Glass promised. <span class="mu-g">“Although, I’m not sure how high up we’d be on your list for people to call. I hear you’ve got a lot of friends.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“There aren’t a whole lot of people that I’d consider to be as reliable as you guys.”</span> you confessed, returning his smile with one of your own, even if he couldn’t see it through the mask. <span class="mu-r">“But if I can help it, I want to try and keep you all out of trouble. There’s no point in roping you into my problems.”</span>
Glass let out a laugh and shrugged his shoulders.
<span class="mu-g">“We’re always getting into trouble.”</span> Glass said, with a surprisingly lighthearted tone. <span class="mu-g">“If we’re going to run into problems, then I’d rather solve those problems with someone I can trust.”</span>
It was weird how easily he spat out those cheesy lines.
<span class="mu-g">“I guess I should lead by example, huh? I’ve gotta try to look more confident with these decisions, like you said.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Right on. Fake it til’ you make it, buddy.”</span>
The two of you bumped fists, and Glass’ hand made a sort of hollow “ding” as it made contact with your own. It was kind of a fun sound.
The Morlock leader then turned to ask a passing mutant to fetch Iara. She was the only other person here that had been interested in Sable’s offer, to the best of your knowledge. But it would probably be a while longer before Callisto was done with her interview.
What will you say?
>”Hey…did Callisto seem like she was in a bad mood today? I’m worried that I might’ve pissed her off earlier.” >”I’ve always wondered, but how’re you able to move your face and limbs without breaking your skin? They look like they’re made of solid crystal.” >”I assume you’ve talked to Callisto and my two new employees about the whole ‘Kick situation’?” >Pass the time with small-talk. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6015717 >>”I assume you’ve talked to Callisto and my two new employees about the whole ‘Kick situation’?” Anonymous
>>6015717 >”Hey…did Callisto seem like she was in a bad mood today? I’m worried that I might’ve pissed her off earlier.” I don’t think she was after the roasting session we had, though the mask seems like something thats been bothering her for a while. She hasn’t seen us with it off, has she?
But last time we asked about Callisto we learned she gussied herself up a little anytime she knew she’d run into us. OOC I’m hoping for more dirt like that.
>”I assume you’ve talked to Callisto and my two new employees about the whole ‘Kick situation’?” No-brainer.
>”I’m new to this whole ‘people under you’ thing too so, one aspiring evil overlord to another, I’d appreciate any tips you hear too.” Always joke time.
>>6016334 +1
>mask thing honestly? if it had been an option right there, I'd have pulled it off. She would have earned it.
(not like she wouldn't be able recognize us from smell)
>>6016568 If they’ll be in the park for a while then we could always visit it as Ben with Cindy one day. Joy knows who we are, she could call Callisto up to play chess or tennis against/with some strangers in the park. One of which happens to be us.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 25 May 2024 21:32:16 No. 6016809 Report >>6015733 >>6016334 >>6016568 >”Hey…did Callisto seem like she was in a bad mood today? I’m worried that I might’ve pissed her off earlier.” >”I assume you’ve talked to Callisto and my two new employees about the whole ‘Kick situation’?” >”I’m new to this whole ‘people under you’ thing too so, one aspiring evil overlord to another, I’d appreciate any tips you hear too.” Taking these. Writing...
>>6016334 She has yet to see what Ben looks like under the mask. Shark and Glass have because they were there during that whole thing with The Brood.
>>6016568 >>6016661 The Write-in option is always there if the desire ever strikes you.
>>6016809 >The Write-in option is always there if the desire ever strikes you. Glass interrupted us before we would have had the opportunity this time, but I would have written that in
Quoted By:
>>6016811 Thinking over it more, I’d back having Ben visit saying he spoke with a masked hero for a while and learned one of the mutants saved some people close to him but wouldn’t give up a name. Queue Ben deciding to visit the park and meet every mutant there in the park figuring that he’d find them eventually. He can play the clueless normal person dipping his toe into mutant society.
Internal laughter ensues from everyone who actually knows who Ben is.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 25 May 2024 22:50:56 No. 6016881 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Hey…did Callisto seem like she was in a bad mood today? I’m worried that I might’ve pissed her off earlier.”</span> Glass glanced towards the woman in question. She was currently leaning her arm against a tree with your phone wedged between her cheek and shoulder. <span class="mu-g">“She doesn't look that upset to me. At least, not any more than usual.” Glass corrected. “Why do you think she'd be mad?”</span> That was just a polite way of saying: “What'd you do?” <span class="mu-r">“I…<span class="mu-i">may</span> have interrupted her chess game, ruined her image with Joy's family, and joked around with Storm at her expense.”</span> Glass’ eyebrows drew together with a slight <span class="mu-i">cracking</span> sound. <span class="mu-g">“That does sound like something that might piss her off. I didn't get the impression that she was mad at you, but she can be pretty good at bottling up her emotions, and I wasn't there to see how she's been acting around you today.”</span> the transparent Morlock reasoned. <span class="mu-g">“If you're worried about it, then why not ask her?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“But what if me asking her about it ends up making her even more mad?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“You'll never know for sure if you don't ask.”</span> Glass replied. <span class="mu-g">“I’m sure the two of you will be able to talk things out. She’s not unreasonable, and while she won’t say it directly, she actually likes having you around. I think she needs people that she doesn’t feel responsible for, and you’re definitely one of them.”</span> You pondered that statement for a bit, glancing in Callisto’s direction. Between the two of you, three eyes met, and you looked away in what you hoped was a natural movement. Callisto seemed like the type to get mad at people staring at her. <span class="mu-r">“I’ll think about it.”</span> you promised. <span class="mu-r">“I assume you’ve talked to Callisto and my new employees about the whole ‘Kick situation’?”</span> Glass nodded, thankfully not mentioning the change in topic. <span class="mu-g">“We talked about it while you were busy with Ember and Storm. The girls are gonna look into the matter, but Callisto told them not to move on the drug dealers if they uncovered something. She said that either she or you would handle the dirty work.”</span> You nodded as well. It was no surprise that Callisto wanted to get involved. <span class="mu-r">“That sounds about right. The real question is whether they’ll listen to her advice or not.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’m wondering the same thing.”</span> Glass agreed. <span class="mu-g">“They’re competent and smart, but they’re still just kids. I’d hate to see them get hurt because of us. Can you keep an eye out for them, just in case?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’ll try and monitor their progress. If it looks like they’re in trouble, I’ll pull them out myself.”</span> Glass gave you another gleaming smile to show his appreciation. And he toned it down as soon as he saw you shielding your eyes from the glare. <span class="mu-g">“Sorry.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 25 May 2024 22:52:54 No. 6016885 Report <span class="mu-r">“It’s cool. It’s just another one of the things that I’ll have to get used to.”</span> you said, leaning a bit closer to him. <span class="mu-r">“I’m still new to this whole ‘underling’ thing, too. So from one aspiring evil overlord to another, I'd welcome any pointers that you can give me.”</span> Glass shook his head. <span class="mu-g">“I have…no idea what you’re talking about. But I’m probably not supposed to. Callisto did say that you liked to ‘talk nonsense’.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“It’s the only other language that I’m fluent in. According to my brother, though, that actually isn’t a great thing to slap on your resume.”</span> Glass shrugged his shoulders at you. <span class="mu-g">“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had to make one before.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Some people have all the luck…”</span> you said with a sigh. That earned you a chuckle from the crystalline Morlock. <span class="mu-g">“Alright. I’m done with my interrogation.”</span> Callisto announced, tossing your cell phone back at you as she rejoined the group. You caught it easily. <span class="mu-g">“How’d it go?”</span> Glass inquired. <span class="mu-g">“Great, actually. We have a lot in common, and she wants to meet for brunch and pedicures tomorrow.”</span> Surprise flashed across Glass’ face. <span class="mu-g">“Really?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“At the same time?”</span> you asked, at the same time Glass asked his question. Callisto rolled her eye. <span class="mu-g">“No.”</span> she replied, swatting her gullible friend in the stomach with the back of her hand. If Glass felt that at all, or was discomforted by it in any way, he didn’t show it. Callisto turned to you next. <span class="mu-g">“And no, but…that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe we should include that in the list of park renovations.”</span> she suggested. <span class="mu-r">“I’ll put it at the top of my list.”</span> you promised. <span class="mu-r">“Right after I convince Ember to create a pen and paper so that I can write down everything that I remember.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“So it’s not gonna be a very <span class="mu-i">long</span> list, then.”</span> Callisto concluded. <span class="mu-g">“Are you ever gonna to tell us how your interview <span class="mu-i">actually</span> went?”</span> Glass prompted. <span class="mu-g">“It went alright, I think. She says that she wants to meet me in person so that she can verify a couple things.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Sounds like someone skipped over the second interview.”</span> you said, giving Glass a meaningful look. <span class="mu-g">“All that means is that she wants to get to know me a little better.”</span> Glass protested. <span class="mu-g">“Well excuse me for having a shitty personality.”</span> Callisto said, sounding mildly offended. You were about to say “You’re excused”, when the three of you noticed a commotion happening in the direction that Ember and Screwball had gone in. <span class="mu-g">“What’s going on over there?”</span> Callisto asked. <span class="mu-g">“I don’t know, but I should check it out.”</span> Glass decided. <span class="mu-g">“Stay here in case Iara shows up for the interview.”</span> And before either of you could say anything, he jogged off to investigate the situation. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sat 25 May 2024 22:53:55 No. 6016886 Report What will you do?
>Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up. >Follow Glass to find out what’s going on. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6016885 >Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up. Glass can handle whatever nonsense Screwball's cooked up.
>>6016886 >Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up Anonymous
>>6016886 >>Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up. Anonymous
>>6016886 >Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up. I don’t actually know if Glass can handle Screwball, but I also don’t know how well Callisto reacts to Shark nowadays. I’ll go with the flow.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 26 May 2024 16:24:31 No. 6017594 Report Quoted By:
>>6016898 >>6017091 >>6017350 >>6017451 >Stay and chat with Callisto until Shark shows up. Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 26 May 2024 16:48:27 No. 6017622 Report As curious as you were about what Screwball could possibly be up to, you decided to stay and wait with Callisto until Shark showed up.
<span class="mu-g">“Wonder what that’s about.”</span> Callisto thought aloud.
<span class="mu-r">“No clue. Maybe we’ll find out if we hop into Screwball’s stream.”</span>
<span class="mu-g">“You can do that?”</span> Callisto asked, sounding a bit impressed.
<span class="mu-r">“You can if you’ve got a decent smartphone. Ever think of getting one?”</span>
Callisto shook her head.
<span class="mu-g">“I don’t really have a bank account anymore. Besides, the service would suck, even if I did want one.”</span>
You supposed that was a fair argument.
What will you say/do?
>Use your phone to view Screwball’s stream. It should look good on the latest Ozberry. >”Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone. I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.” >”Yeah, you’re probably better off hiding your money under your mattress like I do. There’s been an uptick in bank robberies lately.” >”Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.” >”Are you and Shark still not getting along? I remember you saying that she was one of the ones who wanted to leave the most when the Morlock split happened.” >”Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.” >”If you don’t mind me asking, what was in the bag that Storm gave you earlier? Does it have something to do with you spending less time in the Alley?” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6017622 >"Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone. I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.” >”Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.” And uh...
>”Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.” Anonymous
>>6017622 >>"Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone. I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.” >>”Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.” >>”Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.” Anonymous
>>6017622 yeah, I'm gonna join the hivemind
>"Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone. I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.” >"I'll help you install some online chess app." >”Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.” >”Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.” Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 27 May 2024 18:19:11 No. 6018690 Report Quoted By:
>>6018041 >>6018320 >>6018654 >"Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone. I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.” >”Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.” >”Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.” Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 27 May 2024 20:16:55 No. 6018824 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Come on, it’s not that bad. You should have a decent phone.”</span> you argued. <span class="mu-r">“I can put you on my plan, and you can pay me back whenever the fairy flower business takes off.”</span> Callisto blinked in surprise. <span class="mu-g">“Come on, man. You don’t have to go and do that. I’ve got the sewer phone.”</span> she said, as if that made it any better. <span class="mu-r">“I know I don’t <span class="mu-i">have</span> to.”</span> you said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. <span class="mu-r">“I just think you could use a phone for private use. It’s pretty liberating when you don’t have to wait in line to make a call. And think about all the texting time you’ve missed out on!”</span> Callisto bit her lip and let out a thoughtful hum. <span class="mu-g">“I will admit, the sewer phone isn’t the most…convenient form of communication.”</span> she said in the most diplomatic way possible. <span class="mu-g">“And it has been acting up ever since Donny settled into this park. I think it's something with the wires.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“So is that a yes?”</span> you asked hopefully. Callisto averted her eyes and bobbed her head up and down in a lazy nod. <span class="mu-g">“Sure. You make a good point. A decent phone would be nice to have.”</span> she conceded. <span class="mu-r">“Cool. Any idea of what kind of phone you want? Do you have a make, model or OS that you prefer?”</span> Callisto put a hand up to stop you before you could gain any momentum with this topic. <span class="mu-g">“A normal one is fine. I don’t need anything fancy. So long as it doesn’t look ridiculous and doesn’t have a ton of useless features, I’m good.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Well there goes my plan to get you a hot pink Ozberry 11.”</span> you said with a sigh. Callisto gave you a mock glare, but it quickly transformed into a devilish grin. <span class="mu-g">“Well, if you did that, then I’d have to kill you and anyone else who sees my phone until I decide to get a new one. I couldn’t live with the embarrassment of someone else knowing about it.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I’m sure that’d make a great campfire story someday.”</span> you countered. <span class="mu-r">“All you need is a hook for a hand, and we’re in business.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“I’m glad that my horrible disfigurement pleases you.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“I wouldn’t call it ‘horrible’…”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Now isn’t <span class="mu-i">that</span> what every girl wants to hear.”</span> The two of you shared a brief laugh, before you decided to ask one of the two important questions you’d prepared beforehand. <span class="mu-r">“Glass told me that you’re planning on getting involved with the ‘Kick’ distributors.”</span> Well, it wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement. Callisto didn’t bother to deny it. She simply folded her arms over her chest and looked you dead in the eye, all shreds of mirth gone from her solitary orb. <span class="mu-g">“I am. It only seems right if there’s a new operation targeting mutants. The X-Men won’t dirty their hands with something like this, and I don’t trust the cops to move fast enough to get this garbage off the street.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 27 May 2024 20:18:51 No. 6018827 Report Quoted By:
You raised your hands in a placating gesture. <span class="mu-r">“Relax. I’m not gonna tell you what to do.”</span> you said in a reassuring tone. <span class="mu-r">“I’d feel more comfortable with you on the case instead of just the girls. Especially if things get too hot, and they need someone to pull them out of the fire.”</span> Callisto stared at you in silence for a long moment, before nodding her approval. She seemed to be mildly mollified after hearing you out. <span class="mu-g">“If they’re as competent as Glass says they are, then I’ll leave the investigative work to them. But when it comes time to bring down the hammer, I want to be the first one through the door.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“The back or the front?”</span> you asked. <span class="mu-r">“And what if there’s a skylight to crash down through? Does that count?”</span> Callisto stared at you unblinkingly. <span class="mu-r">“Fine. That sounds reasonable. I know this technically qualifies as a ‘mutant problem’, but I want these guys gone just as much as you do.”</span> you declared. The look Callisto gave you told you that you were vastly underestimating her anger at the situation, but she accepted your words for what they were. <span class="mu-g">“Right. I’m glad we’re on the same page, then.”</span> she said, releasing some of the tension that had been building in her shoulders. <span class="mu-g">“And…thanks. I know you just wanna help.”</span> You nodded to yourself, making the appropriate mental preparations so that you could broach the next topic that’d been bothering you for the past couple minutes. <span class="mu-r">“Hey…are we cool? I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t piss you off earlier with Storm and the Stacies.”</span> Callisto gave you a perplexed look. <span class="mu-g">“What? You mean back when I was doing that meet and greet with Blondie and her dad?”</span> Callisto asked. She gave you a slight shrug. <span class="mu-g">“A little, I guess. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve pissed me off. Probably won’t be the last, either. I don’t know how much that says about me, or about you.”</span> You supposed you deserved that. <span class="mu-r">“But, overall…you’re not mad?”</span> Callisto arched an eyebrow. <span class="mu-g">“Contrary to popular belief, I’m <span class="mu-i">not</span> always mad. I’ve just got a mean case of ‘resting bitch face’, I guess.”</span> As much as she pretended to laugh it off, you didn’t think it was that simple. You might not be an empath like Abe, but even you could tell that Callisto’s been through some shit. Way more than you, or anyone else you knew. It was that look in her eye. That look someone had when the world had beaten them down, and their only recourse was learning how to fight back. <span class="mu-g">“But if you really need it put into simpler terms,”</span> Callisto continued. <span class="mu-g">“Yeah, we‘re cool. On rare occasions, you’re actually worth putting up with.”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Mon 27 May 2024 20:19:53 No. 6018829 Report What will you say?
>”Love you too, Callie.” >”It’s a bad habit of mine. Be sure to let me know if I’m seriously getting on your nerves one of these days. I’ll back off if you need your space.” >”I know that, unlike our mutual friend, you’re not literally made of Glass, but I wouldn’t feel entirely comfortable disregarding your feelings.” >”That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. And believe me, I’ve been keeping track.” >”Careful, Queenie. Any more sweet talk and I might just start swooning.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6018829 >>”Careful, Queenie. Any more sweet talk and I might just start swooning.” Anonymous
>>6018829 >>”Love you too, Callie.” Anonymous
>>6018829 >"Daaawh. How sweet. That calls for a hug." >initiate hug, but slow enough for her to opt out of it >"When was the last time you had one of these." Anonymous
>>6018829 >”Good. I joked with Storm it would have been more sensible for you to stab me in our first meeting. That wasn’t the joke, and knowing you’d have no problem in dumping my body makes sheltering me really mean something.” >”You’re a good woman, Callisto, in ways few people get burned enough to even begin to prove. I know I can’t fix all your problems, but I really don’t want to be one of them. I’d like to keep telling myself I’m a better person than that before I go to sleep at night.” Eh. Turn off the jokes and hit her right in the feels like the true asshole we are.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Tue 28 May 2024 15:55:57 No. 6019580 Report >>6018841 >>6018847 >>6018858 >>6019055 We've got a lot of different votes here. How would you guys like to handle this? Switch votes? Support another vote along with your own? Wait for another vote to appear?
>>6019580 I can switch to support my other write-in friend with
>>6018858 .
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 29 May 2024 02:01:56 No. 6019950 Report Quoted By:
>>6018858 >>6019762 >"Daaawh. How sweet. That calls for a hug." >initiate hug, but slow enough for her to opt out of it >"When was the last time you had one of these." Very well! Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 29 May 2024 02:34:52 No. 6019968 Report <span class="mu-r">“Dawww, how sweet. This calls for a hug.”</span> you declared, opening your arms and slowly approaching the mutant leader.
Callisto did exactly what you expected her to. She took advantage of the massive opening you left for her, slipped underneath your arms, and came back up behind you.
<span class="mu-g">“I don’t think so, buddy. You wanna get handsy? You save it for combat training. Which is something you’ve been flaking out on.”</span> she said, flashing a confident grin in your direction while backtracking.
<span class="mu-r">“I’ll find some time to drop by later.”</span> you promised, arms still open as you turned to face her. <span class="mu-r">“When was the last time you had one of these?”</span>
You beckoned for her to come closer with both hands. Callisto shook her head slowly, her single eye fixed upon you as you circled one another. From the look on her face, you could tell that she was having fun.
<span class="mu-g">“I dunno. A while, probably. The open road and the sewers aren’t exactly the best places to receive warm hugs.”</span> she said with a shrug.
<span class="mu-r">“Well you’ve been missing out. I’ll have you know that I give great hugs.”</span>
<span class="mu-g">“I’ll take your word for it, then.”</span>
<span class="mu-r">“Come on, bring it in.”</span>
You took a step forward, but Callisto didn’t retreat this time.
<span class="mu-g">“I’m warning you, Huntsman. I can’t be held accountable for what happens to you if you invade my personal space.”</span> she warned, her smile caught somewhere between ‘teasing’ and ‘predatory’.
Before you could respond, the familiar sound of Iara breaking the sound barrier drew Callisto’s attention upwards and away from you.
What will you do?
>Now! Hug her while she’s distracted! >Initiate a friendly chase. This would be a good opportunity for the Sewer Queen to stretch her legs. >Keep your hands to yourself. For now. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6019968 >Initiate a friendly chase. This would be a good opportunity for the Sewer Queen to stretch her legs. Anonymous
>>6019968 >>Initiate a friendly chase. This would be a good opportunity for the Sewer Queen to stretch her legs. Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Wed 29 May 2024 23:26:09 No. 6020671 Report Quoted By:
>>6019981 >>6020083 >Initiate a friendly chase. This would be a good opportunity for the Sewer Queen to stretch her legs. Taking these. Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 00:31:01 No. 6020729 Report Quoted By:
While she was distracted, you lunged forwards, but not so quick that you might end up tackling her. In an impressive display of elegant footwork, Callisto easily stepped out of the way of your charge and hopped several feet away from you. <span class="mu-g">“You’re gonna have to try harder than that if you want to catch me off guard. Or take lighter, less clumsy steps. Whichever comes first.”</span> Callisto said in a mocking tone. <span class="mu-r">“Is that a challenge?”</span> you asked, inching closer to her. <span class="mu-g">“I’d say that it roughly falls into the category of ‘much-needed advice’.”</span> Callisto clarified. <span class="mu-r">“Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is? And I won’t accept ‘I don’t have a bank account’ as an excuse this time.”</span> Callisto nodded to herself as she chewed on her cheek. <span class="mu-g">“You must not be as fast a learner as I thought. Because it looks to me like you haven’t learned a damn thing from those training sessions.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Mama Huntsman always said that I was hard-headed.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Sounds like a wise woman.”</span> <span class="mu-r">“She also told me never to put my hands on a woman.”</span> you added with a shrug. <span class="mu-r">“And yet…”</span> You burst into action, lunging straight at the Sewer Queen. Callisto’s eye widened, and she narrowly avoided getting caught by transitioning from a cartwheel to a springing somersault. You turned on a dime, and leapt in the direction you thought she was in. You guessed right, but Callisto still managed to duck under your grasping arms and spin away from you. You dug your fingers into the ground and catapulted yourself at her, only to find the mutant woman rolling off of your back and landing behind you. And that’s when you decided to show her some of the new moves you’ve been working on. The moment you made contact with the ground, you became a sprawling mass of limbs moving at a dizzying pace. You turned end over end, contorting and stretching your arms and legs so that you never had to slow down while making a quick turn. And before either of you knew it, you were right in front of her again. Callisto’s eye widened, and you went to grab for her again, only to find that your hand had been swatted away by her own. Then began the blinding exchange between master and student, your arms moving so fast that it might’ve looked like a quarrel between two multi-limbed combatants to an observer lacking a keen eye. Unlike most of your training sessions, Callisto didn’t separate her arms into squid-like tendrils. That would’ve just given you more opportunities to grab a solid part of her body. There was a strange rhythm to the exercise. You would reach for her hand, she would swat it away. You would reach for the hand that had just been used to deny your previous attempt, and Callisto would either jump away or shove some part of your body to throw off your balance so she could pull her arm back. It was frustrating to say the least. But more than that…it was invigorating. (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 00:33:13 No. 6020733 Report It wasn’t often that you were able to cut loose with someone this fast and this skilled. And you could tell from the look on her face that she was enjoying herself too. She’s been far too cooped up in those underground tunnels, for far too long. And unfortunately for her, that meant that you were far better at utilizing your terrain. Callisto seemed capable of countering most avenues of attack you directed at her, but there was one thing she had absolutely no control over. And that was the fact that there were certain parts of the lawn that were far more slippery than others. You didn’t know if it was because Nature Girl had been watering it, or if her and Ember’s tampering had altered it in some unforeseen way, but you didn’t particularly care at this very moment. The point was, your feet could grip anything. You couldn’t say the same for Callisto’s boots. The moment her foot slipped, you pounced on the opportunity. Quite literally. Your outstretched hand made solid contact with her flank as she struggled to regain her footing in time to avoid it. You were about to let out a victory cry, when Callisto grabbed the offending arm and flipped you onto your back. Unluckily for her, your bodies were so tangled at that point that there was no way for her to avoid going down right alongside you. The two of you then proceeded to tumble down a hill, neither of you relinquishing your grasp on the other as you did. When you finally stopped rolling, Callisto was flat on her back, with your body hovering over hers. At first, it started as a collection of coughs and pained grunts, but it quickly developed into a fit of bubbly laughter so contagious that not even the Odinforce could stop it. You both laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. It was impossible not to. Here you were, a thief/mercenary and sewer-dwelling mutant rolling in the grass and playing in the park like a couple of kids. Callisto stared up at you, and you stared down at her. For all her scars and brusque mannerisms, you couldn’t help but feel that the woman had surprisingly delicate facial features when it wasn’t locked in a constant scowl. It didn’t take long for the laughter to die down once the two of you were made to the compromising positions you were in. The sound and heat of your breath filled your mask, reminding you what you’d had for breakfast that morning. And Callisto’s was…surprisingly minty. The second thing you became aware of was the feeling of your hearts pounding in your chests. You could actually feel her pulse when her chest rose to meet yours. Almost as one, your breathing slowed, and your eyes met. Callisto’s eye was searching your face. No…it was searching your mask. Callisto had no idea what you looked like, but you couldn’t help but think that you wouldn’t mind her knowing your secret. Actually, why were you still on top of her? (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 00:36:13 No. 6020738 Report What will you do?
>Stay there for a while longer. You both could use a moment to catch your breath. >”Do I get a prize for winning?” >”This must be pretty embarrassing for you. After all that gloating, I mean.” >”You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair. Let me get it for you.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 00:40:19 No. 6020745 Report What will you do?
>Stay there for a while longer. >”Do I get a prize for winning?” >”This must be pretty embarrassing for you. After all that gloating, I mean.” >”You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair. Let me get it.” >Climb off of her and offer her a hand. Hopefully you didn't make things too weird. >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6020738 >”You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair. Let me get it for you.” THE TEMPTATIONS
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 00:42:49 No. 6020749 Report Quoted By:
Apologies for the last minute post deletion. I don't like doing that for the final post, but I want to try to have a decent amount of options in certain posts.
>>6020745 >”You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair. Let me get it.” >Climb off of her and offer her a hand. Hopefully you didn't make things too weird. >”This must be pretty embarrassing for you. After all that gloating, I mean.” >Write-in. >Look around. Check for screwball especially. >Take off mask. >"Well, in exchange for invading your personal space, uhh, my name is Ben Parker...I know, I know, even better looking than you could have imagined. It's honestly a curse." You ever suddenly have a vision of a blonde woman sitting in a 19th century trophy room staring into a fireplace while a spiderman head sits mounted conspicuously above the mantle? No reason.
>>6020745 >Climb off of her and offer her a hand. Hopefully you didn't make things too weird. >”We, uh, should get you out more. You’ve got to cut loose with people you aren’t responsible for.” I wouldn’t have minded Callisto, but anons went Ana first and I don’t have a reason to break that up. Also, we should de-escalate before she pounces. And find her someone she can hook up with outside the sewers.
She probably sees dating one of the Morlocks like a mom dating her own kids would.
>>6020747 >”My Girl” kicks on in the background. Anonymous
>>6020784 >The Morlock Doo-Wop Quintet starts singing from behind the bushes Anonymous
>>6020745 Should have refreshed after I finished my post. I’ll add in the mask reveal from
>>6020782 to
>>6020784 .
I now have a vision of a 19th century trophy room that was obviously taken apart and relocated deep into the sewers for some odd reason. Weird how that works.
Ben has a kink I guess. Clearly he can’t feel excited without his spider sense screaming internally at the latent danger of his love interests. Anonymous
Quoted By:
I learned nothing.
>>6020788 The only reason they wouldn’t start screaming when Callisto moved towards them is because Ember wouldn’t have programmed it in.
None of them would be brave enough to interrupt Callisto’s playdate. But once they found out Ember could make hardlight people I’m sure one of them would get the idea to troll the sewer queen from somewhere far enough that she can’t guess they were responsible for it.
Quoted By:
>>6020733 >Climb off of her and offer her a hand. Hopefully you didn't make things too weird. >”We, uh, should get you out more. You’ve got to cut loose with people you aren’t responsible for.” WE ALREADY HAVE A PROMISED ONE!
>>6020782 +1, though I'm still team Callisto, if something's happening with her we'd have to break things off with Ana first
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 22:13:02 No. 6021518 Report Quoted By:
>>6020782 >>6020791 >>6021040 >>6021503 >”You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair. Let me get it.” >Climb off of her and offer her a hand. Hopefully you didn't make things too weird. >”This must be pretty embarrassing for you. After all that gloating, I mean.” >Write-in. >Look around. Check for screwball especially. >Take off mask. >"Well, in exchange for invading your personal space, uhh, my name is Ben Parker...I know, I know, even better looking than you could have imagined. It's honestly a curse." Taking these! Writing...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 23:16:37 No. 6021553 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“You’ve, uh…got some grass in your hair.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Oh.”</span> was Callisto’s only response. <span class="mu-r">“Here, let me get it for you.”</span> you said, brushing a few blades of grass out of her dark hair. <span class="mu-g">“Thanks…”</span> she said in reply, an unreadable expression on her face. You carefully climbed off of the Morlock leader, and offered her a hand. She took it, and you easily pulled her to her feet. The two of you then took a moment to clean yourselves up and regain your composure. You hoped that little incident hadn’t made things weird between you. You needed an icebreaker, and fast. <span class="mu-r">“This must be pretty embarrassing for you.”</span> Callisto spun to regard you, looking momentarily confused. <span class="mu-g">“Huh?”</span> <span class="mu-r">“Losing. After all that gloating, I mean.”</span> you explained. Understanding filled her gaze as the memory of your challenge returned to her. <span class="mu-g">“Yeah, well…don’t get used to it. All you did was end that mile-long losing streak of yours.”</span> she shot back. <span class="mu-r">“Really? Because I think it’s the beginning of something beautiful.”</span> <span class="mu-g">“You sure you didn’t hit your head on the way down?”</span> she asked, a bit of humor re-entering her expression. Callisto was a good friend. One of the best you’ve had in a while, actually. And despite that, there was a huge secret that you were keeping from her. That was going to end today. You didn’t know when you decided that, but it felt right. Your head turned from side to side, scanning the area for any witnesses(Screwball in particular), before turning back towards Callisto. Once you felt reasonably assured of your safety, you reached up and yanked off your mask. Callisto’s eye went wide as you revealed your face to her. <span class="mu-r">“Well, in exchange for uh, invading your personal space…my name is Ben Parker.”</span> Callisto was speechless. You’d clearly caught her off guard. <span class="mu-r">“I know, I know. Even better looking than you ever could’ve imagined, right?”</span> you said, running a hand through your hair and letting out a mournful sigh. <span class="mu-r">“It’s honestly a curse.”</span> That last comment was all Callisto needed to shake off her initial shock and bark out a slightly mocking laugh. <span class="mu-g">“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem all bad.”</span> Callisto said, eyeing you appreciatively as she stalked closer to you. What was- <span class="mu-r">“All this time I’ve seen you wearing that mask, and your face is rash free. Smooth as a baby’s bottom. Maybe there’s some truth to that ‘baby powder’ remedy of yours.”</span> Callisto remarked, reaching up to pinch your cheek. You swatted her hand away and returned her smile. <span class="mu-g">“So…’Ben Parker’,”</span> she began, sounding the words out as if she was testing them on her tongue. <span class="mu-g">“What brought this on?”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Thu 30 May 2024 23:19:37 No. 6021556 Report What will you say?
>”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” >"I felt bad that you haven't seen my face until now. Didn't feel right after everything that's happened." >”You’ve more than earned my trust. And you being…who you are, you can appreciate the need for secrecy and discretion.” >”Dunno. I just…felt like it.” >Write-in. Pastebins:
Character Sheet: Equipment and Gear: Contacts: 10 Commandments of the Desperados: Costumes: The Huntsman’s Travel Guide: Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe: Anonymous
>>6021556 >>”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” Just like that?
Just like that. Anonymous
>>6021556 >>”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” Anonymous
>>6021556 >”Feels wrong that you let me crash in your home, trouble right behind me, from day one and you still hadn’t really met me.” >”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” When we’re ready to do another joke,
>”Besides, my best friend is going on an adventure with my sister since she wanted more excitement in her life, and the drive is a bitch when it’s measured in lightyears.” >”Can’t have you applying for his position unless you’re mission-capable of hanging out when I’m an average Joe.” Anonymous
>>6021556 >"Kinda wanted to do it earlier when we talked about it, before Glass interrupted." >”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” >"You've had my trust for a while, and it's not like you couldn't recognize me by scent." >"And, for the record, as romantic as our little tumble there was. I have a girlfriend, and I'm terrified of the prospect of what would happen if the two of you were to gang up on me." if she jokes on the romantic thing, we can tell her we have a type. Since we're a bit of a control freak, our type is a woman who can hold her own against us
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>>6021858 I think a better joke might be that he’s afraid they’ll start hanging out and decide they have more fun with each other than with Ben. It’s hard to find good people who are also comfortable ripping several dudes apart and dumping the bodies afterward after all, and I’m sure Callisto could surprise Ana with some upper-class knowledge. She mentioned she came from a wealthy family before after all. Some things may have stuck.
>”Now just because we both like people who could tear us apart doesn’t mean you’re allowed to poach my girlfriend once we hang out. We’ll need to get you a different kink. Overly-muscled dudes? Goody-goody hero types? Redheads? We’ll workshop it later.” Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 00:12:39 No. 6023224 Report >>6021606 >>6021718 >>6021747 >>6021858 >”I told you before. You’re my friend, and I trust you.” Out of all the votes, this seems to be the most agreed upon option. Would you guys like me to proceed with this, or would you like to back another vote as well?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 00:14:38 No. 6023226 Report Quoted By:
Also, this next post will be the last one for this thread, since we're on page 10. After this, I'll be taking a week-long break for a trip I have planned. If this thread somehow falls off before the update comes out, then I'll merge the new update with the opening post in the new thread.
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>>6023224 I'm fine with this personally.
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>>6023224 Works for me! Joking about recognizing us by scent seems uncontroversial too.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 14:56:56 No. 6023757 Report Quoted By:
You looked Callisto dead in the eye and gave her a warm smile. <span class="mu-r">“I told you before. You’re my friend and I trust you.”</span> you said. <span class="mu-r">“Also, you could probably pick me out of a crowd by scent alone, so it didn’t seem like too much of a stretch to go the extra mile.”</span> Callisto tried, and failed, to suppress a wry grin from forming on her face. <span class="mu-g">“Normally, people don’t try this hard to cozy up to sewer-dwelling mutants. And coming from anyone else, I’d be hard-pressed to trust a single word that comes out of their mouths.”</span> Callisto admitted. <span class="mu-g">“But coming from you,”</span> she continued. <span class="mu-g">“Well…consider me convinced of your authenticity. I respect the leap of faith, Hunts…Ben.”</span> And just like that, another wall was torn down between the two of you. Callisto was far from the sentimental type, but you got the distinct feeling that she wasn’t used to non-mutants being this open with her. You hoped that, in her eyes, you were a reliable ally, or at least a good friend. At the very least, she wasn’t put off by you putting a definitive label on your relationship, so you took that as a good sign. You were about to say something else, when a large shadow descended from the sky to hover directly above you. Looking up, you saw Iara, hands on her hips and a large, shark-like grin playing across her face. <span class="mu-b">“Am I interrupting something?”</span> she asked. Callisto glanced between you and Shark, and her expression changed as realization dawned on her. <span class="mu-g">“She already knows who you are.”</span> It wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement. Shark nodded enthusiastically. <span class="mu-b">“Uh-huh! Glass does, too. Welcome to the party.”</span> Callisto folded her arms and frowned at her. <span class="mu-g">“Oh no, I’m just grateful to be included. And here I thought you’d all forgotten about little old me.”</span> Callisto said in an overly sarcastic tone. <span class="mu-r">“It was sort of a ‘make-a-wish’ kind of situation. Iara was dying, and I didn’t want her to go without…knowing who I was.”</span> you said, your tone growing solemn. Upon hearing your explanation, all of the heat drained away from Callisto, and she directed a horrified look at Iara. The amnesiac shark didn’t seem at all bothered by the issue of her near-death experience being brought up. <span class="mu-g">“Oh.”</span> That was all that Callisto said. <span class="mu-r">“Don’t worry about it. We’re past all that already.”</span> you said, trying to make her feel better. <span class="mu-r">“Anyway, you’ve got a phone call, Shark.”</span> Shark’s eyes goggled at the outstretched arm holding your phone. <span class="mu-b">“Someone’s calling me? Who is it?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“It’s a phone interview for a mercenary company. Benny boy here thinks you’d be a good fit.”</span> Callisto explained. Iara suddenly took great interest in the phone and carefully accepted it from you. <span class="mu-b">“Ooh! Are they on the phone right now?”</span> (Cont.)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 14:57:57 No. 6023758 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">“Yeah, but you’ll have to unmute it. Here, let me show you.”</span> As you did so, you and Callisto made sure to give Shark a quick rundown of proper interview etiquette. You had no idea if any of that was going to stick, but you hoped that she would at least make it to the second interview. <span class="mu-b">“Got it.”</span> She started to drift further away, presumably so that her interview couldn’t be overheard, when her face lit up all of a sudden. <span class="mu-b">“Oh! Did you hear?”</span> <span class="mu-g">“Hear what?”</span> Callisto asked. Iara’s grin widened, exposing a full row of razor sharp teeth. <span class="mu-b">“Donny’s back! And he looks so much cooler than I remember!”</span> —------ (To be continued…)
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 15:01:47 No. 6023761 Report And that'll be all for now. I'm gonna have to rush this one, since I'll be leaving soon. I'm archiving this thread as we speak. If there's any questions you have, or any comments you'd like to make on what's happened so far, I should be able to see and respond to it over mobile once I reach my destination. Once more, I thank you all for playing, and I'll be back to run this quest on Monday next week! Until next time!
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:0TtgglzX Sun 02 Jun 2024 15:03:35 No. 6023763 Report Quoted By:
>>6023761 Thanks for the thread Score, here's hoping your break is a good one.
>>6023761 Enjoy the long break! I should take more of those myself…
I wonder if Shark will mention she’s currently on what’s called a “stream” and if Sablinova joined with “chat” she could see some of what she’s capable of.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:hDJVUJ5f Sun 02 Jun 2024 20:25:44 No. 6024044 Report Quoted By:
>>6023767 >>6023925 Thanks! I'm gonna try and enjoy myself while I'm away.
>>6023925 That's defintely an option if you want to bring it up in the next thread.
>Be resident Callisto fag >Miss this thread, which might be the most defining part or our relationship with her AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:hDJVUJ5f Mon 03 Jun 2024 03:59:42 No. 6024311 Report >>6024307 Better luck next time, anon! All you need to do is accidentally manufacture yet another surprisingly romantic moment!
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>>6024311 You bet your ass I will! Thanks for running
>Captcha: HAXX Damn right it's hax