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Classic Fantasy Adventure Continued

ID:mHcUzdu4 No.6008984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're Princess Eliana of the Kingdom of Brithnia. You lived a happy and peaceful life with your parents in the Brithnian palace until the day the kingsom fell to the forces of the evil witch Sinistira. You escaped the palace disguised as a commoner.
You began searching for the chosen one, the hero prophesied to defeat the witch and save the kingdom. But the forces of the witch are looking for you. You need to move in disguise.
You disguise yourself as the masked mercenary - Blade. Sinistira's agents will be searching for a Brithnian princess not a masked mercenary from the east. This disguise lets you move through the kingdom and search for the chosen one without being captured.
"The chosen one will find the sword of heroes and wield it to free the kingdom from the servants of evil. Then he will reign as the once and future king" the great wizard Kindalor the white made the prophecy before he disappeared twenty years ago.
"Where will I find this hero?" Your father had asked but there was no answer. Now it's up to you to find the chosen one.
As the legend foretells, the chosen one will wield the sword of heroes, marking him as a master swordsman. In this age, most great swordsmen make their living as adventurers.
"That's where I will start," you resolve to look for him in the adventurer's guild.
Upon your arrival, you introduce yourself as Blade - a mysterious masked mercenary.
The adventurer's guild has no shortage of colorful characters, many of them with their own secret identities, making you blend seamlessly into the crowd.
As you observe the throng of adventurers, your mind races, analyzing each one's potential to be the prophesied savior. "Could one of these adventurers be the chosen one?" you wonder, your gaze sharp and calculating, searching for your kingdom's only hope.
Prince Galiant - the proud second son of the petty kingdom of Phule catches your eye.
He most resembles the sort of heroic princes you grew up hearing tales of. He stands tall and confident. His blonde hair is styled impeccably, framing a face that seems sculpted by the finest artists. His eyes, a striking shade of blue, captivate all who meet his gaze.
His skin is clear and fair. A strong jawline, coupled with a well-defined cheekbone structure, accentuates his masculine features. His attire is nothing short of regal, meticulously tailored, and made from the finest fabrics, accentuating his physique.
"My brother, being the eldest, inherited the throne, so I set out to carve my own legacy," he confides in you after you share a drink.