Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
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>>6029851 >What is a quest? An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure
Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv >Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU >Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja >Old pastebin containing advice for QMs: https://pastebin.com/Z78p8gXf Badly in need of renovation.
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>QM question: Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run?
>Player question: Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist?
>General question: What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest?
>Lurker question: Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people?
>Miscellaneous question: What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/?
>>6063690 cause some stupid ass made a second one eight minutes after this one
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>>6063680 why there's 2 threads ?
>>6063686 Anonymous
>>6063680 >>6063686 Alright you two, fight to the death for the right to be the /QTG/.
>>6063692 I thought you guys coordinated things in the discord
now I'm using this space to ask Mutant!Quest QM to return. it's been 2 years my dude, we need our fish girl kino.
>>6063696 You act like anons are more easily herded than cats and won't just rush to do shit cause it'll give them a steady stream of (you)s and serotonin
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>>6063694 they do, that one is the official one (controlled by qtg cabal) so expect this one to be deleted soon.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
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>QM question: My very own!>Player question: Yes!>General question: I don't watch movies or TV or play video games, but I would like to see more quests with the Kids on Bikes system.>Lurker question: I don't share what I'm reading with other people, everyone has their own tastes, and they intersect mainly on one thing, enough for a quest master to have a quest player.>Miscellaneous question: /jp/ and /vg/ and pornboards.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Mon 22 Jul 2024 02:25:40 No. 6063702 Report Quoted By:
>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? I've had an idea stuck in the back of my brain for a while of a quest from the perspective of a schizophrenic with unreliable narrative as a feature, but I don't really think I could do it justice.
>Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? It's old but gold, but I'd love to see German Hollow Quest again. Just a revised version of it, really. A lot of quests, especially from the /tg/ era, could benefit from a revision - writing can take a bit of a hit with the time constraints of that era. You either wrote quickly or you fell off.
>What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? I've only seen a single quest set in the Half-Life universe, which is surprising given how rabid the fanbase is for more half-life content of all kinds.
>Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? If I don't have the energy to vote, I don't have the energy to do that much. Sometimes I share if a quest is good enough.
>What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? I glimpse at /tg/ every now and then just to see how much of a dumpster-fire its become. Occasionally /g/ to see if there's any new tricks out there.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
Hey you! Yeah (You)! Do you like Dragon Ball? Do you like Detective stories? do you like delving into the worst of the human spirit's depths
Then have I got a quest for you!
>>6063050 Please come play the Tuffle Quest
unpermitted, QM disavowed, outright hated spinoff, Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Peche! You as the Inspecter will dive into the mysteries that have plagued Son Peppa ever since Valentine's Day, which then culminated with her brother Son Gohan getting brutalized on March 14th!
The other threads in the series are Chocolat Noir then Blanc which you can find on suptg!
>>6063680 A qtg thread at this time of year all locates in the corner of the /qst/ board in
4channel.org ?
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>>6063697 Hey did you say (You)? How many of those you got man? Man don't hold out on me here. Stop fucking hogging them bro.
Read my quest. No I won’t tell you what it is, that’d rob you of the journey of discovery.
>>6063711 Is it The Prince or Black Ocean Quest?
>>6063704 >Please come play the Tuffle Quest unpermitted, QM disavowed, outright hated spinoff, Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Peche! but I thought the og qm was ok with it
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>>6063729 >nu qm: I consent >og qm: I consent >players: I don't Anonymous
>>6063712 Why would I tell you if you got it or not? It would turn your journey into a game of Hot n Cold or Marco Polo.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
>>6063729 A year or two ago she was, we had a falling out since then. Last I heard she wanted nothing to do with it, but she also didn't say anything like "take that shit down right now" so ehhh?
>>6063712 Prince is full, we don't need any more readers. DON'T read this quest.
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>>6063742 Ok, you're Bananas. Thanks for letting me know.
>>6063756 Mark my words, this asshat will be corrected.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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Looks like you'll have a small heart to heart with your fellow Hogwarts teacher! whats your story?
vote now to find out!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 (i dont know which general is the real one, so im posting this in all 3)
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>>6063696 >I thought you guys coordinated things in the discord I don't frequent the Discord.
>>6063697 I waited a little over half an hour after someone called for it to post one.
>>6063744 >A year or two ago she was, we had a falling out since then. Last I heard she wanted nothing to do with it, but she also didn't say anything like "take that shit down right now" so ehhh? but the first time you started was still on this year. how did you guys fell off and why ?
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
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>>6063780 Arguing, arguing, arguing. We both wanted to be right more than we wanted to be on good terms. But it's not like I hate her, I just have different ideas I wanna explore independent of her quest.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
>>6063780 By the way, Tuffle Quest Kai is nearing a finale, but check out Tuffle Quest Super when it runs, commissioned this for it.
>>6063783 Why does the left one look so familiar? Probably porn. I'm guessing porn.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6063805 >>6063805 >>6063805 Solarpunk update! A high ranking member of the Stormwatch tells you about your next target; the perfect termite that knows only its endless hunger that has escaped captivity; it would be an ecological disaster if permitted to live as it pleases.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
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I don't like the idea of Milhouse having two QTGs in the same board
What kind of fantasy Quest do you most want to see?
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>>6063887 The one where we're all happy. What a fantasy that is.
>>6063680 >QM Question: I've had an idea in my head for a while now about a Fear and Hunger quest that leans into the harshness of the games. Making Player death a frequent and almost expected occurrence. Continuing with a brand new PC to explore but now armed with a slight meta knowledge. The main reason I don't think I can run it is because F&H is basically known for leather trenchcoat levels of edge and I struggle to think about how I can keep the steady stream of Fodder PCs interesting without it becoming a group of people just trial and erroring their way through a dungeon.
>Player question: I'd enjoy seeing something like the Dead Rising quest from a perspective other than one of a previous series Protag, I feel like it kinda takes the most fun thing about quests away. That being getting to shape and build a character with others over the course of time. It would also be fun to see it from an 'Antagonists' point of view. Like a Psycho who breaks due to an outbreak and stumbles into the plot. (Think Adam the Clown unicycling after Carlito's Bomb Vans from DR1)
>General Question: Very early 2000's coded response to this but: Supernatural. I like the early seasons before they became Tumblr bait and even the later seasons had their rare moments of things I just found interesting. It's a series with a lot of lore and meat to work with but also is still free enough to do a completely independent story that never crosses paths with main storyline shit. It also can be a background for something as simple as 'Monster Hunter: Detroit' up to 'High level DnD campaign but with guns'
>Misc Question ck, x, and tg
New Gotham City Beat Cop Update:
>>6063873 Come join us as we plan our next move following a masterful interrogation.
>>6063901 Dont start with one character. Instead you start with a group of them. And switch their POV around. Also don"t limit to 4 the group. Group of mercs ? Possible. Group of holy knights ? Possible etc...
The enemies can be far more, and the dungeon can be bigger than what they are in game. Being alone sound like a great way of immediate death. A group has a better chance to win fights even if the dungeon would ensure many die, are terribly wounded, poisoned, tricked, transformed, insane, corrupted etc....so losing is still very possible. The cleavers of the first ""guards"" could still cut through with ease in a shield wall and take away arms too, making a groups of veteran soldiers more a group of new crippled that begs for food in a city. That is if the ""guards"" didn't catch them and they didn't bleed to death along the road.
I would prefer if there is no meta knowledge gained if a character/group dies. The dungeon should change things around with each new start, and depending how much progress previous characters/groups did changes could be based on that too.
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>>6063887 I'd love a Warhammer Fantasy one. Or really any kind of Dark Fantasy that doesn't lean too much into the edginess.
>>6063887 I wouldn't mind a LOTR one. The one of the northern dragon was very nice (cant remember the Qm name).
Or one set in the world of Legacy of Kain. Just some personal preferences. I dont really mind, if its a nice fantasy quest i usually play it.
>>6063967 A quest in Nosgoth would be great to see
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>>6063901 There should be a group of PCs, but limit it to 4 or 13 like in 1 and 2 or something. Time Loop off of that, but don't forget to have each potential PC act according to their own agenda, even if it goes against the current PC.
>>6063950 Meta knowledge is a must for a Funger game, knowledge is what players gain and use to traverse the dungeon.
Honestly, you'll have to worldbuild a new world but style it after Funger because it needs to be a new well of metaknowledge to dive into, and it's best to have a well you have full control over and all the "answers" to.
A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u
A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u ID:cj5bo9oR Mon 22 Jul 2024 13:36:31 No. 6063992 Report Quoted By:
>>6063991 >>6063991 Come play with roaches! You know you want to.
>>6063991 >>6063991 BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6063680 >QM Question Honestly? Dungeon Crawls. Partially because it isn't conducive to this board and partially because I'm not good at close ups and extreme attention to detail and keeping track of every object or small piece of a scene or map. I do not like having large overhead. While not exactly the same, managing the ship in Black Ocean Quest is equally annoying, but abstracted enough that I can handle it (or just let the players do it). I also don't feel I could run a really good character drama or realistic thriller type of Quest, mostly because I care alot more about the fictional elements. While I do think I can handle it, I'm also somewhat wary on a full journey or exploration style Quest that isn't island-hopping tourism.
Stylistically; my art style works well enough for most quests, with one exception. There is one specific Quest concept I have I don't think I could do justice for with my art without either a lot more practice or using outside art instead of making it myself, that being a
Paper Mario Quest where you play as someone other then Mario. >Player Question I don't really read other people's quests, but I think a lot of quests could benefit with more experimentation in the medium. The vast majority of Quests are single character/single player linear stories, where as a more anthology series or zoomed-out bits of creative writing or worldbuilding could be useful. However, skirmish games already sort of fulfill this, I simply choose not to burden these QMs as a player in case I flake on them for whatever reason.
>General Question I'm surprised Alt-History isn't more common then it is, given the width of human history to act as a jumping off point. I can't think of any franchises in particular, other then a GoT Quest that doesn't suck and flake. Oh and before you ask, yes I know I do dynastic political stuff myself, I'm too much of a wiki-warrior and secondary to ever even attempt ASoiaF Quest. I would have to do it in my own setting so I can really "keep up" with everyone else. I'm only saying this because everyone else complains about it. Oh, that and Conan.
>Lurker Question I don't lurk if I'm in somebody else's thread, I'll usually just skim around to get some descriptions to draw some fanart instead.
>Miscellaneous Question Mostly /v/ (video games), /an/, and /tv/ (for the funny shitposts). I will occasionally go to /lit/ or /tg/ for fantasy recommendations or worldbuilding/writing stuff, but tend not to stay. /lit/ is a very intelligent board so I don't feel qualified to stay there long, /tg/ is the opposite, so I leave out of choice.
>>6063901 Not to shill, but my current Quest, Black Ocean Quest, is basically a cheap rip-off of Funger. The dark world, multiple distinct gods with benefits for their followers, characters losing eyes/limbs, and even stealing the lucky coin mechanic wholesale. Basically plagiarism, but I wanted pirates.
>>6063887 I would just like a fantasy quest where we're actually the big bad guy, doing evil shit, conquering the world, monolouging in front of stupid heroes etc. Unfortunately this board always, always take the pragmatic approach to everything which in turn leads to any evil quest becoming milquetoast garbage where we never do anything truly evil. I just want one evil quest, just the one. But that's apparently too much to ask for.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Mon 22 Jul 2024 14:05:03 No. 6064006 Report Quoted By:
>>6063978 Who could possibly match the level of prose needed?
I too yearn for such a quest, but you'd definitely need a high quality writer as the QM.
>>6064001 We've had the odd evil quest over the years, but waifu-based degeneracy tends to ruin those too. Neckbeard Warlock seemed like a great evil candidate until the QM flaked. It would be nice to have one succeed...
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6064001 >>6064010 Guys, I'm LITERALLY right here.
>>6064012 Okay but I want a GOOD evil fantasy quest, not a Bananas quest.
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>>6063996 I'll check it out. Looking forward to reading it.
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>>6063887 Poe-esque dionysian mystery horror. Descending the concious in flight of what lurks beneath. Dishonored 1 with fewer clues and also it gets infinitely worse.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
Curse Carrier DM
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>>6064001 I think the only game where I remember being the standard evil JRPG villain was an RPG maker called Umbra Soul. Like there's games where you can play as the western RPG villain like overlord and tyranny, but umbra soul really embraced all the shitty tropes a villain would use and plays them straight. You even get to fight heroes and see them use the power of friendship against you, and you can blackmail them and force them to get the macguffins for you.
It's not perfect, it's still RPG maker slop, but it's fun.
Olympus QM
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>>6064001 Atë, the MC from Olympus Incarnation Quest pretty evil, if something more modern isn't that big a turn off
>>6063887 The LadyKnight quest, but I think the QM was driven off by the latest anti-hornyposting campaign by the jannies.
There were two other hornyposting quests (Tyrant Death, Paladin Dilemma) that got deleted that I had more than a little sentimental attachment to.
Damn shame.
>>6064066 Wasn't Paladin's Dilemma literally a shitpost about having sex with an orc in public while a Jewish gremlin chanted 'race-mixing! race-mixing!' or something?
>>6064090 Kino slop of the highest order
>>6063887 A continuation of A Lust for Adventure, even though it's probably not happening... I know Qoomer's doing Escape the Dungeon now, but it's just not hitting the same for me, and I really, really wish it did... Anonymous
>>6064012 Space Monke is literally the face of pragmatism, though. For every blatantly evil decision there's something completely opposite to that
See: the entire last thread and our treatment of the new aliens
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>>6064090 Yes and it was hilarious. I even did amateurish art for it.
>>6064217 You're on 4chan pal, everybody's a sex freak here.
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>>6064226 Hey hold on, some of us aren't freaks. We're fiends. Get it right.
>>6064001 Okay anon, you want a quest where you play a REAL piece of shit? Here goes
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5075383/ This one was good
>>6064001 Most people just don't like playing a character they find entirely repulsive and without redeeming characteristics. Scumbag Antipladin had the worst, grossest, most awful MC I've seen in a while, but even he was 'nice to his necromancer girlfriends and cowardly orc buddy.
That said, we have several quests right now with variously-villainous MCs, including:
>Olympus Incarnation >Solarpunk Cleanup Agent One likely soon to return:
>Supreme Space Monke Ruler A couple that (unfortunately) seem to be dropped:
>Goblin King >Goblin Cultivator And one recently-ended:
>Haunted Game Plus LOTS of morally-grey or antiheroic MCs, to the point that I think it might be more common than stalwart, purely-heroic ones, including:
>Lodestar >Seekers of the Esoteric >The Pale Inheritance >Disappearing Hogwarts (Arguably) Anonymous
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>>6064290 hehehe i remember that. Played it too
very evil
though i am not sure if thats what the anon wants. This is very evil not just evil. Also the kind of evil, that well.... you genuily don't like the guy. The only reason to play is for the see the hell made on earth.
I think that anon might want something towards more sauron or more comical/antihero like. Which is a different kind.
>>6064186 Isn't Space Monke infamous for attracting a lot of autistic bickering because of weirdos who think that heartless AI-guided fascism and eugenics is practical, pragmatic, intelligent and objectively superior to any other form of governance?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Mon 22 Jul 2024 23:22:26 No. 6064372 Report >>6064339 I'm not so sure I would pin the Lodestar trio as morally gray or antiheroic - they're pirates, but explicitly the kind that only strike at less upstanding pirates, military forces, or generally corrupt individuals. They're called Blue Pirates in-setting, but essentially they're more like rebels that refuse to be bound by the constraints of law and use their well-valued freedom for generally good purposes.
Unless I misunderstood your claim and you were in fact listing the purely-heroic ones rather than the grey ones. In which case, ignore me, I'm a dumb retard.
>>6064356 I assumed that what anon was talking about by pragmatism was specifically the kind of 'evil' where you do non-evil stuff that any evil person wouldn't have done because it's just blatantly more effective, something that has happened enough times that bananas actively banned write-in votes in some occasions because they're "boring"
>>6064372 I view them as morally grey because while they seem like alright gents, they're also thieves, not very loyal (teaming up with the guards one minute, staging a breakout the next), and often motivated by purely selfish pursuits. They're not villains, but they're also not selfless paragons, and they happily lie, cheat, kill, and steal when they can justify doing so.
...Actually, Seven Against Thebes is another good example. I hope that comes back soon.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Mon 22 Jul 2024 23:38:03 No. 6064385 Report Quoted By:
>>6064377 True, but consider that those guards
are interested in staging a military coup that will most certainly result in Total Pirate Death , and that everyone the trio has stolen from, cheated, or otherwise killed has been aptly described as 'scum'. The alliance is a purely pragmatic one to enable a decisive strike against Silversmith, and I have no doubts that the players will seek to dissolve this alliance to dish out cold hard justice and put an end to the Guard's ambitions once Silversmith is handled.
Or perhaps during the handling. Who knows! My players have surprised me with the direction they've taken things more than once so far. I'm honestly looking forward to the eventual Assault on Silversmith, with so many different alliances in play and choices to make regarding them. The consequences of every choice will be a ton of fun to see play out.
>>6064339 Where would you put Cleaner Quest's?
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>>6064387 I didn't play long enough to say, but they seemed to be more villainous in he first thread at least.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6064186 >>6064339 >>6064356 >>6064373 "Evil" is an abstract word. For most, pure practical or utilitarian thinking IS evil, as it disregards the (irrational) emotional attachments we have to laws, customs, or moral constructs of a society or culture. I don't think anyone can argue that mass murdering your enemies, settling their lands, and turning their bodies into fertilizer isn't evil, but in the cultures where such things are practiced, it would not be considered evil, but moral and good. The righteous end to a hated enemy.
Your existence is inherently burdensome to someone and something; you are evil to a mosquito because you won't allow them to drink your blood. You define yourself as not evil, because you have a bias towards yourself, your genetic relatives, and your cultural/societal construct in which you live. Therefore, evil can only be defined subjectively. Truly evil MCs cannot exist unless it is defined in universe artificially (the "ontologically evil orcs" argument) or if they act psychotic or pantomime evil like a stereotype for player fantasies, like a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain, wearing a skull helmet and going on about EVILLLL!!!! while baking cookies to raise money for the next evil robot army. I don't see the appeal.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6064387 From how the players have played her and my own perspective, Nicole (Cleaner's MC) more goal oriented and self serving than outwardly malicious.
She does help people when it's not strictly necessary but she's also willing to kill you if you're too much of a hassle or threat to her.
Comes with the territory of being a merc working for a random rich dude, after all.
>>6064339 >to the point that I think it might be more common than stalwart, purely-heroic one. I think that comes with the nature of players picking what they think is the most interesting of beneficial to them. Unless you push them in a certain way, I imagine a lot of MCs will eventually lean far more into morally grey or antiheroic than super duper goodie two shoes.
Granted, you can write a quest about a stalwart purely heroic MC but you sorta have to set that precedent early on.
>>6064415 >"Evil" is an abstract word. The concept of evil being abstract only works in a purely relative, atheistic worldview where nothing really exists and everything is what you decide it is. While that may certainly be an popular theory nowadays, it has not been so for most of human history. You might argue "Oh, but it depends on the culture", and sure, different cultures might have different outviews, but at the same time, that's just not how things are written. The truth is that nearly every single work will be written following some manner of cultural set. Monke quest, for example, clearly possessed 20th and 21st century overtones, whether thats the genocide and eugenicism or capitalims or communism or whatever the hell. Its a blatantly modern era work where religion is pretty much a non-factor, to the point where the only people left who practice it are an singular client species in an libertarian ancapistani capitalist nation. Yet other quests have very blatantly different sets of values. Therefore, saying "Oh, there's no such thing as an evil MC" is completely asinine and reductive.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6064419 >The concept of evil being abstract only works in a purely relative, atheistic worldview where nothing really exists and everything is what you decide it is. Anonymous
>>6064415 >"Evil" is an abstract word Anonymous
>>6064422 ...And as I said, that's not how fiction actually works. You can't look at someone like DIO from JJBA and say "Uhm, well, technically, from the vampires standpoint the humans are the evil ones for not letting them feed" and think that makes sense.
>>6064419 >>6064415 >moral relativism I think that's why
>>6064001 went on to specify what he meant: he meant quests where you play as a character that would be the evil villain i n most modern fantasy works. You know: a greedy, destructive, malicious, hedonistic, selfish conqueror who doesn't give one iota about justifying his actions or how anyone else feels about them. Pretty much no quest of any length sticks with that, and I think it's for obvious reasons: if it's a character-driven quest, and the NPCs are written with any degree of sympathy, depth, or emotional nuance, players feel bad making pleasant and friendly people suffer. This goes double if they're cute, sexy, or cool.
>>6064429 Unless making cute things suffer is the whole point, then it's kosher. Scumbag Antipapadin had Melvin and his orc rape,torture and kill a boy's family and village before kidnapping him and trying to groom him into evil
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6064429 I find that boring. I much prefer letting the players do the evil themselves, or the "reader" come to the evil conclusion. It's more satisfying that way.
And when people choose to do Good despite of that, is all the more sweeter. Anonymous
>>6064427 You 100% can do that. Vampires in fiction do that all the time, to varying degrees: asserting their primacy is part of a natural order or hierarchy of strength, and 'weak' humans leaning on technology or God or whatever is essentially some sort of fundamentally-bullshit, anti-competitive communist bullshit for stupid, short-lived, weak dullards who can't git gud on their own. Pic related's ideology, but with more blood drinking and less, uh, milk.
It's just we live in a society where saying that natural aristocrats should be allowed to do whatever they want to their lessers by right of conquest is not a popular sentiment in fiction anymore, and requires caveats, limitations, and contextual justifications to make it acceptable to most people. However, this wasn't ALWAYS the case: even relatively recently (as in the last few hundred years, maybe even the last eighty if you frame it right) 'they were doing civilization wrong and they were weaker than me, so I killed a bunch of them, enslaved the rest, and if they seem too backwards and it's a lot of hassle I might just exterminate them' was a perfectly fine thing to just say in your fiction, and your average reader wouldn't even bat an eye at.
>>6064432 >Unless making cute things suffer is the whole point, then it's kosher. Again, though, even THEN, Melvin softened from where he started to where he ended up as soon as a 'bro' and 'waifu' were introduced. Melvin from the start of that quest NEVER would have given too shits about how a woman felt, or tolerated an ally/minion fleeing battle.
>>6064435 >spoiler Agreed. I get some of my favourite moments to write out of moments like that, where players play 'suboptimally' because they simply aren't willing to violate a specific principle or hurt a specific character.
>>606443 >You 100% can do that. Except no, you fucking can't, because he's DIO, and being a western-inspired story that Heavily leans on the concept of good, fate, and justice, he is objectively evil. You'd have to completely ignore everything in the story to say "It's relative!"
>b-but the culture No work exists in a vacuum. Not only are they written following a specific future, the readers themselves exist within a cultural reality - specifically in our scenario, Western Culture (we literally speak english)
While you can say all sorts of things about how different people in different situations might see different things, not a single quest exists in this vacuum of relativity. Every single culture has some manner of concept for good and evil, even if it's literally just "What personally benefits me"
There will never be an quest where a guy who cannibalizes innocent children for no reason is seen as a good guy unless you somehow manage to bring a fucking aztec back to life or some shit to vote in your quest.
>>6064436 Anon I'm pretty damn sure Melvin still treated her like an object. He got his "waifu" by fucking her on her brother's dismembered corpse and even after that he poisonned a city's well with that addictive honey he got from the dark god. Near the end he sacrificed a priest to himself and got cucked out of his soul by a good god. Maybe he wasn't as wild but "rape,rape,rape" gets a little stale after a while. Way I see it he was still super fucking evil but he was slightly more organized about it.
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>>6064440 >No work exists in a vacuum Well now that just isn't true. Just last week I sucked up a screenplay by mistake but it was definitely in there. Shop vacs don't fuck around with their pull.
>>6064440 >Except no, you fucking can't Characters give speeches like that all the time. Are they usually villains? Yes. Are they always? No. But I agree that you can't depict them doing stuff like cannibalizing innocent children for no reason. Wiping out children, though? Yes. It's all about framing. You just have to make it clear the children are ugly and will never amount to anything good. If they were less humanoid, eating them would even be on the table. Morality has an aesthetic dimension, as they (Nietzsche, I think, originally?) say.
> Every single culture has some manner of concept for good and evil, even if it's literally just "What personally benefits me" That's just moral relativism and a rejection of objective morality, so... Yes? I guess we agree? By the point you're accepting pure self interest as a workable definition of "moral goodness", I think you've stretched the concept to the breaking point, but if you ARE accepting that definition, then someone doing the baby-eating absolutely counts.
>While you can say all sorts of things about how different people in different situations might see different things, not a single quest exists in this vacuum of relativity. Yes, but that's back to cultural relativism again, as
>>6064415 said. You've drifted from some MCs being objectively, undeniably evil to Bananas point of it all being relative and contextual.
>>6064444 IIRC, didn't Melvin eventually start asking his similarly-evil GF what she wanted from life, presumably with some intent to help her achieve it? Yeah, Melvin never went good or even neutral by any sensible moral standard. I'm just pointing out that /qst/, on aggregate, will NOT let a MC stay 'pure evil' without sympathies and sympathetic characteristics of SOME sort. I'm not sure
>>6064001 will ever get his wish, if the MC who just kicks puppies and eats babies and rapes captives or whatever and never holds back or feels bad. Villain protagonists have to be likeable as protagonists on some level for most people to want to inhabit their headspace and direct their actions for any length of time.
Maybe that Craigslist Killer Quest might scratch the itch? I couldn't stomach it, myself... Anonymous
>>6064452 >Characters give speeches like that all the time. But not in the story.
>That's just moral relativism and a rejection of objective morality, so... Yes? >You've drifted from some MCs being objectively, undeniably evil to Bananas point of it all being relative and contextual. My point from the beginning was that there is no such thing as relativism in a piece of fiction because every single piece of fiction belongs to an cultural framework, and so does every relder.
The point of the cannibalization example is that there will literally never be a quest where it's considered a good thing because the cultures who considered such a thing to be permissible have been wiped out for centuries. You will not find someone who follows them to vote for you. Therefore, to say that evil is relativistic is completely pointless and asinine. If you make a quest where someone cannibalizes children, they are evil. Everyone will agree they're evil. The writing will, outside of someone trying to make a purposeful joke (AKA not actually believing it), portray it as evil. Therefore, for every single intent and purpose, it is evil.
>>6064457 >My point from the beginning was that there is no such thing as relativism in a piece of fiction because every single piece of fiction belongs to an cultural framework, and so does every reader. Yeah, that's relativism. The character is good or evil RELATIVE to the intentions and understandings of the creator and audience.
Based on
> Therefore, to say that evil is relativistic is completely pointless and asinine. If you make a quest where someone cannibalizes children, they are evil. Everyone will agree they're evil. I think what your'e saying is that everyone here has approximately the same relative moral biases, so we all recognize the some behaviours as 'evil' and we cannot realistically expect a character written as evil by the QM and understood by some of the playerbase as evil to have any defenders.
However, just as an example, I know you will get anons who will argue that Akule, Wrix, and Hass (the most genocidal, baby-killingest Space Monke rulers) aren't evil. Some of them will say they're not evil because of why they did what they did, or because of the nature of their victims, or because their evil was outweighed by some other good those leaders did outweighed, offset, or justified that evil. Others will find boiling or drowning even one innocent renders those characters irredeemable.
To give Monkequest and Bananas a break, I've seen enough arguments in my own quests to know players can be pretty morally flexible. By any reasonable definition, the MC of Reptilian Infiltrator is a rapist and murderer, but she's also devout and loyal to her government, and has limits (ironically, cannibalism and killing children), and I'm SURE some of my old players would defend her honour. Dragonborn Antipaladin's MC has killed children, enslaved people, and continues to commit cannibalism (sort of), yet he would NEVER commit rape-by-force, he dialed back the severity of slavery and race/caste divisions in his society out of a sense of sympathy and fairness, and genuinely thinks he's improving the world, and I KNOW some of my players are adamant that he isn't "really" evil. I know at least one anon who quick in moral outrage and disgust after the MC of Seekers of the Esoteric committed a few justifiable killings of fellow elves, while up to the current thread, some anons continue to talk about stupid and bullshit it is that we didn't do so sooner, or feel at all bad about it, or aren't dealing with other enemies and obstacles with the same violence, and THIS main character has been consistently characterized as "good", without even the same "bad guy" background as the other two.
tl;dr: I think we're engaged in some linguistic confusion, and what you're calling "not relativism" is just "the shared, common moral relativism of the people who read and play here", but even then I think there's more wiggle room here than you're willing to admit.
>>6064463 >I think what your'e saying is that everyone here has approximately the same relative moral biases, so we all recognize the some behaviours as 'evil' and we cannot realistically expect a character written as evil by the QM and understood by some of the playerbase as evil to have any defenders. I'm saying this is the case in literally every single scenario. "Evil is abstract" never works in practice because everyone will always have a definition of evil. Even if it's different, it's always going to exist, and therefore, it will not be "abstract". Calling it such is therefore completely pointless because there's never going to be a scenario where it actually is.
>However, just as an example, I know you will get anons who will argue that Akule, Wrix, and Hass (the most genocidal, baby-killingest Space Monke rulers) aren't evil. Because by the definition of our values, ALIENS are not extended the same definition of basic rights as humans. That's not "relativity", that's just the moral values of current society.
My point, as from the start, is that "Evil is abstract" has no scenario where it actually is. In every single scenario where you could be writing a story, the writer and reader will have some definition of evil hailing from their background. Therefore, to them, evil won't be "abstract". And the same happens every time, in every culture. Even in monke quest, where people can condone genocide, nobody, not even bananas, respects or likes the worm people, even those whose civilizations they control, because who guessed it, not even a cynic, modernist viewpoint will condone literal flesh eating vermin.
>>6064474 >"Evil is abstract" never works in practice Nobody's calling evil abstract, though. They're calling evil an abstract word in the sense that it's relative, rather than objective, in the absence of a supreme enforcer of the definition (ie. an active God or agent thereof punishing or correcting those who sue the wrong definition).
>Because by the definition of our values, ALIENS are not extended the same definition of basic rights as humans. That's not "relativity", that's just the moral values of current society. Every character in Space Monke is an alien/nonhuman. When they do good things for aliens the players think of as "good" or sympathetic, players call these actions and characters good. When they commit awful acts against aliens the players don't like or think "deserve" it, or for "the greater good", some call it evil and some don't.
In my quests, humans have suffered similar fates and hate players justify the act (or at least the character committing the act) as not evil.
>My point, as from the start, is that "Evil is abstract" has no scenario where it actually is. In every single scenario where you could be writing a story, the writer and reader will have some definition of evil hailing from their background. Therefore, to them, evil won't be "abstract". And the same happens every time, in every culture. If people disagree about what is evil, or HOW evil something is, then evil might not be "abstract", but it's also not objective.
>Even in monke quest, where people can condone genocide, nobody, not even bananas, respects or likes the worm people, even those whose civilizations they control The opinions of the fictional characters are sort of irrelevant to this discussion, I think. I think you've been on this site (and the internet) long enough to know that
>not even a cynic, modernist viewpoint will condone literal flesh eating vermin is false, though. Come on, anon, vampires are a COMMON fetish.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6064479 >who sue the wrong definition *who use
>and hate players justify the act *and have
>>6064481 I'll bow out. Sorry.
>>6064479 >They're calling evil an abstract word in the sense that it's relative, rather than objective, in the absence of a supreme enforcer of the definition And I'm saying that this will never practically be the case. Because there will always be a cultural background that defines it. Even if the background itself is different, it will *always* exist.
>Every character in Space Monke is an alien/nonhuman. Yes, and because of that, they're given more leeway. When a voter said "Hazaar are biologically scummy bastards and will never stop", the others couldn't simply reject it on the basis of them being of the same species as them. The exact same thing works for genocide of other human races - under the specific cultures where it is considered to be an acceptable view.
>If people disagree about what is evil, or HOW evil something is, then evil might not be "abstract", but it's also not objective. Isn't it? Again, go back to the cannibalism argument.
>Come on, anon, vampires are a COMMON fetish. LITERAL vermin, anon. Not a pale hot girl in a leather corset suckling on your neck, but disgusting maggots who shit their eggs in a living animal and eat their host from the inside before emerging to continue being disgusting and eating meat.
Anyone got a link to a good space mercenary-ish sci fi quest archive? been reading pic related and I want something like that
>>6064488 https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Kingdoms%20in%20the%20Stars This and there's an old one I remember where MC owned a ship and flew around doing odd jobs. I remember one crew member would not take off his gas mask, the doctor(?) was taken on as an intern so we wouldn't have to pay her, and MC drunkenly married the soldier girl while black out. If this rings a bell for anyone please tell me, I've been meaning to reread it.
>>6064486 >LITERAL vermin, anon. Not a pale hot girl in a leather corset suckling on your neck, but disgusting maggots who shit their eggs in a living animal and eat their host from the inside before emerging to continue being disgusting and eating meat. I don't want to continue sucking all the air out of the /qtg/, but I'm sorry to say that there is a fetish for that, too. Or, more innocently, there are etymologists and other scientists (or enthusiasts thereof) who find parasitic larvae cool and good.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree about the nature of intrinsic evil, and whether it exists IRL or in fiction, but I respect your opinion and acknowledge you could be correct and I could be wrong.
>>6064493 >there are etymologists and other scientists (or enthusiasts thereof) who find parasitic larvae cool and good Probably because they're not giant psychic albino space demons who infest magical jedi whales.
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>>6064497 Yes, anon. I'm sure making the bot fly cooler and giving it magic powers would make them like them less.
Olympus QM
>>6064486 Dropping in my two cents about capital E evil, I think that there are some things which are more 'intrinsically evil' which generally never occur except in the case of extreme dehumanization regardless of cultural norms, and some things which are 'taboo', which generally can and will vary drastically from place to place.
Murder, for example, is generally in the former category. Obviously exempting cases of war and self defense, essentially no culture on earth has or ever will place the senseless killing of a fellow citizen as not morally abhorrent- our distaste for it is biological or, if you believe in that sort of thing, god given.
Cannibalism, meanwhile, falls under the category of taboo. Many cultures permit, or even mandate cannibalistic practices in specific situations. Though we have a biological aversion to such on some level, humans are more than capable of overriding it given specific circumstances.
From a literary context, good and evil are generally defined by the standards and laws of modern first world nations: moral grays obviously exist, and may be explored, but killing innocent people for fun or profit will essentially be considered "objectively evil" for the sake of any given narrative by most if not all people. A pragmatic monster is still a monster indeed
Fuck this job. Work long hours get sore all over and too tired to write anything good.
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:2sR4OPYL Tue 23 Jul 2024 04:38:50 No. 6064538 Report >>6063887 A day-to-day fantasy set in the early modern era— oh wait a minute. I’m literally him.
Loveless Gal thread 3 currently in production. Indonesian Gentleman
>>6064522 Human sacrifices exist in several cultures, and even in some cases, people volunteer to be sacrifices because they believed it would bring good to their society/thwart evil. So murder, at least ritualized murder, can be seen as morally grey.
I recall a story about one of the last headhunted man in Borneo. To give context, the local Dayak tribes used to do headhunting raids - literally going to a neighboring village, decapitate people, and take their heads - because they believe the heads bring magical power and protection to their village. This practice died out during the Dutch colonization era, but here's where the story starts.
So, apparently during that time, Chinese traders were already making trade posts on the Borneo coast (look up Lanfang Republic), and sometimes manage to penetrate inlands into headhunter Dayak territory. Story goes is that one such Chinese merchant got lost and were taken in by a destitute and starving village of Dayaks, who were languishing due to the lack of magical protection - their taken heads have lost their power and the hunters cannot headhunt due to the restriction placed by the Dutch. So this Chinese merchant, for reasons unknown to us now, offered his own head - and the village were saved from famine.
Tl;dr: good and evil is mostly quite subjective.
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>>6064573 The Chinese will do literally anything to avoid reporting directly to the emperor baka
Olympus QM
>>6064573 Almost every recorded instance of human sacrifice has been either a punishment for a criminal or an act committed during or after war to an enemy tribe or nation. Aztecs sacrificed prisoners of war, Druids in transalpine Gaul sacrificed criminals in their wicker men and, as you mentioned, many nations sacrificed prisoners of war captured in raids.
Murder, as I alluded to but maybe didn't clarify enough in the post, is a killing within the ingroup without provocation. That is to say, a fellow countryman and not a member of an external outgroup. This is almost never seen as ethical regardless of the society or culture
>>6064538 Get hype!
Though young Gal has that Bobby Hill energy. I'll dd it to the already quite-respectable list.
>>6064523 Feel better soon, anon. Sometimes it's worth quitting and finding a new job, if your circumstances allow.
>>6064581 Once I save enough money I'm sending in my notice and coasting off that until I find something else to do. One day I want to see my own quest on one of those lists, but that isn't going to happen at this rate.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
>>6064581 Thanks for enjoying my quest anon
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>>6059902 >>6059902 Shamelessly shilling my quest, so shameless I linked twice. If you don't mind shit art and fighting as a monster then this could be the quest for you.
>>6064666 Hey, thanks for running it!
And Frogcore and Onion Adventures >>6064610 When you can afford it, quitting on a job you don't like, where the bosses clearly think you're 'locked in', can be a very freeing feeling.
>>6064581 Oops, I also forgot one: Black Ocean, which ought to be in S tier. Just too many good quests!
Olympus QM
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Atë faces off against a ghost from her past, the <Postmortal> fury Tisiphone! Will she flee and plan for another day, or will she try and put her down for good? Vote now in Olympus Incarnation Quest:
>>6064768 (To those who dropped it during the most recent thread, you can catch up pretty quickly since it's mostly been a training/development arc)
How do you all balance moving a quest along and allowing players to dictate where things go? I want players to largely control the story, but this format doesn't seem conducive to doing a poll on every little thing. Any tips?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6064850 I'm currently doing something similar with Black Ocean Quest. I think a good solution is to have multi-prompt updates (letting you get smaller details or more then one choice done at a time so as to keep up the pacing) and secondly the QM has to create situations that force the players to pick sides or advance the main plot. This is somewhat restrictive, as letting players do what they want is good, but having mutually exclusive choices (you can sit next to THIS clique or THAT clique at lunch), and time urgent or important-feeling choices to reduce the dillydallying.
>>6064850 Always include a write in option when applicable, hold a second round of voting if there's a split between two choices
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
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>>6064850 For me it depends generally on the alignment/personality of the MC. If it is a goody two-shoes hero then good-aligned choices should take precedent (With maybe one or two morally-gray choices sprinkled here and there).
On the contrary if the character is just a plain villain or assassin or something like that then I'll put the most likely evil options first with a few good options here and there.
Another good way to limit the options is to find the most likely things the character/civ/MC would think of doing based on what they know, their personality, defects and the situation they are in.
And lastly, if anything of the above still leaves you with plenty of open options then a healthy plot-hook here and there is always healthy to keep the story moving forward. Always leaving a write-in option seems healthy to me too.
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>>6064850 Early in a quest, players tend to not respond to write-in only very well. They get confused and directionless. It's best to give them a few prompts where you clearly choreograph where it will take them. As they get a celarer sense of the world and the character, they'll become mroe comfortable in deciding for themsleves on goals and methods with less handholding... Sometimes.
>>6064867 Outside of very contentious choices with a very split vote, I personally find this unnecessary, and that it can cause things to drag pacing-wise. Hw do you avid that problem, anon?
>>6064850 I would differentiate between 'strategy' votes where players dictate the broad goals and 'tactical' votes where players are actually trying to make those goals happen. Once the strategy is set, it's set, and the characters are focused and driven toward acomplishing it, from there you just call votes to decide how to make it happen, unless something significant enough to warrant a strategic chain occurs.
>>6064856 >have multi-prompt updates Definitely this. Prompts that dictate internal psychology/mere character relationships can be paired with prompts about the next action. Or, as we see in quests where the players simultaneously run an organization and pilot an MC, "personal" votes and organizational votes can take place at the same time.
You know what? FUCK bananas QM, there I said it. It's out in the open now, it can't be unsaid. Everyone has to live with it.
>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? I have a couple.
>1 There's a cyberspace setting I have that I can be severely autistic with talking about, especially in terms of the powers and "elements", and I'm confident I could effectively make a sandbox quest where the players could be just about any occupation, any creed, etc and write to an eventual conclusion. I am not confident in my ability to keep it interesting, however.
My problem with this one is I know that how I've made the setting is well outside the zeitgeist, and cyberspace isn't particularly a mainstay genre as it is; people won't have a proper frame of reference and familiarity to engage with it, they'll only have what bits of information I drip-feed them, and there's always the risk of miscommunications, as well as a lack of relatability.
>2 Essentially, a light-hearted and pseudo-comedic quest that follows a girl trying to work her way up in competitive fighting involving energy blasts, people piloting robots, and warlocks who devote their hearts to darkness as a shortcut to power. The focus would be less on actually winning fights, and more on building and maintaining an image for in-world social media and working with the best sponsors for fun and profit.
This one I actually posted a pitch for a few threads back, and I got a surprising amount of praise/eagerness for it. I still don't have confidence, because I'm not sure I can maintain its tone or keep its humor from getting stale.
In general, I'm just not confident in myself as a writer, and I've already flaked on a few quests as it is, so the moment someone recognizes my art, they'll (justifiably) expect me to just drop that one too.
>>6064891 But I don't wanna fuck the funky monkey man
>>6064850 Keep in mind that players shouldn't control the story; players should control the actions of the main character. These concepts are related but not identical. If you try to give them too much granular control of everything that's happening, you're going to bog things way down.
Additionally, every choice should ideally be meaningful in some way. You're not going to be able to wrangle this every time-- you're human, and sometimes you're going to have to bang out some low-effort options to keep things moving-- but there's no reason to offer choices if 1) they'd all lead to the same or very similar result or if 2) there's something the MC would pick automatically in there. Just have the MC pick it automatically and move on until you get to an actual thought-provoking split.
Multi-vote updates are also great and I use them all the time.
>>6064867 >hold a second round of voting if there's a split between two choices I don't agree with this, unless it's an incredibly important choice people would hate leaving up to chance. Just roll for it otherwise to save time.
>>6064917 >I don't agree with this, unless it's an incredibly important choice people would hate leaving up to chance. Just roll for it otherwise to save time. Agreed, if its dead even then it shouldn't matter what option is picked so long as it isn't pants on head retarded. Just tie break with dice because the choice usually isn't impactful enough to have half of your readers leave, being slow with updates will have readers leave
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>>6064881 >>6064884 >>6064917 Thank you all this is very helpful advice.
>>6064924 I don't get why or how speed makes or breaks quests. /qst/ is already a fairly slow board as is, with no way to know if the QM, such as myself for example is really there, unlike akun. I guess people think long periods between updates equals more likely to flake. I should be believing that at face value seeing as I would call my quest derelict, except for the fact I flaked a quest long ago that had more readers attached to it despite a similarly slow update schedule. Oops. Guess I should've cherished that as an exception rather than the norm.
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>>6064914 It's just a scratch, she will come back like she did in chapter 2. It rymes, like pottery
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>>6064892 What quests have you run in past? Both thsoe confepts sound pretty interesting. I'm especially interested in the cyberspace one! I have my own ideas for such a thing, too, but I think I'd rather play it than run it...
>>6064910 Unfortunately, it seems we've been offered no choice.
>>6064930 If a quest is very slow to update, I'm mroe likely to forget it exists when I'm checking the catalogue. I'm also less likely to feel invested. The exceptions tend to be quests I got into when they were faster, and subsequently stuck with.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6064958 >>6064958 >>6064958 Solarpunk update!
Target verified. Commencing hostilities.
>>6064917 There's something to be said for leaving mundane or inane decisions in for purely characterizing moments. Especially earlier in quests or when subjected to big changes or new concepts to a character. There is value in making players choose some of that stuff to get them to internalize certain traits. We've all seen those "We voted to X back when Y, so now we should do Z to stay consistent" or "it's in character".
>>6064975 Interesting perspective. I feel concerned that I am not hooking people enough when I do stuff like this lol
>>6064983 Try doing a vote to pick out an outfit. Its catnip for anon's
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
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>>6064551 >>6064551 >>6064551 Rarely shill my own quest after the opening post, but there's a pretty important vote going on in Disappearing Hogwarts! If you follow the quest, it might be a good time to go take a look (because the thing is real close to tied right now!)
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>>6064991 A good thing is also downtime stuff. What the character does when there is nothing going on. Single-minded training or practice? Gardening? Popsicle stick bridge building? Simply sleeping and relaxing? Combine that sort of thing with the modus operandi when the character is on uptime and you can come up with some pretty spectacular traits and the justifications that come with them.
>>6064975 In my experience, players make plenty of inane and characterful decisions even within the bounds of meaningful option slates. There can certainly be points in the quest where the choices are less "important" than others (for me: when I'm sleepy and can't think of anything good, or when I physically don't have enough time to write until the next good option), but I don't see a need to put them in intentionally outside very early on or other rare circumstances. Quests run for a LONG time, and every time you write an update that doesn't advance anything, you're adding one more update on before you can reach the end. Time isn't infinite, and flakiness claims even long-running QMs. Be kind to yourself and keep things pacey.
>>6064930 >I guess people think long periods between updates equals more likely to flake This is objectively true in my experience. As soon as a QM's update schedule starts slowing down, I immediately start uninvesting myself, because I know the quest will be dead within the month.
>>6065066 >Time isn't infinite, and flakiness claims even long-running QMs. The curse, maybe, but not flakiness. I've not flaked yet, and I know at least a few other QMs who haven't.
>>6065070 Again, not always. Kobolt Klan Adoption, Forgotten Realms, Jail, and Batquest all slowed down without stopping. Even my rate of posts has decreased from my old multiple-per-day to one-a-day even on weekends nowadays, but I'm nto going anywhere. Give communicative QMs with a good track record a chance.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Tue 23 Jul 2024 22:57:14 No. 6065133 Report Quoted By:
>>6064573 I quite enjoy the logic behind Aztec ritualistic sacrifice. They believed that the Gods required blood to live, and that those very same gods were the only thing standing between them and countless eternally-hungering star-demons that wished to devour the world and everyone in it. They also believed that it wouldn't be the first time the entire world had been destroyed.
Just think what it was like, to look up at the stars and imagine each and every one of them to be a threat held at bay only by your gods. It must have been terrifying.
>>6065066 Some people have fun when doing stuff that isn't super serious important business. What point is there to sowing and harvesting if one never partakes of the fruits of their labor, right? Sometimes it is just nice to have the characters sit down and just chat over a pizza or something debating whether sharks or trees are the more successful organism.
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>>6064975 Even outside of votes, OOC player discussion in every update can be a really valuable source of characterisation. Consistently incorporating the theories, thoughts and comments people make alongside their votes and in discussions into characters' internal monologues to establish their values and internal logic about the *why* of their choices as opposed to just the *what* as tidbits of characterisation can really add up over time without having to dedicate updates specifically to inane things or engineer scenarios to force it, as well as making voters on the losing side feel less bummed if their point of view is given due consideration in the character's thoughts in line with the arguments they made for it rather than simple ignored. While big decisions can establish key personality aspects, I feel this kind of gradual character building alongside simply keeping an eye on where routine votes consistently go can fill out a character much more comprehensively and organically - the best kind of character-building is when players aren't consciously trying to do it.
>>6064991 Truer words have never been said. I remember when we had to pick what our FeMC looked like after magic-puberty in Child of a Dead Empire and good god, I've never seen so many people come out of the woodwork to decide whether we would be thin, thicc or bricc.
StrangeQM !fz3POlcgVk
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>>6064507 >>6064507 >>6064507 New thread of the Isekai Inquisition. Feel free to come and enjoy Lorina's rather autistic ride!
Mawmaw !!leoMR44RyCR
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282 KB
Imperium of Man Princess Quest is updated.
Stoy so far:
To get recognition from her dear (and absentee) father, The Emperor of Mankind, Pangea snuck into the Lion's Gate Spaceport to find any evidence of corruption. Pangea finds a Unification War artifact. She discovers the artifact was owned by the High Factorum, which he used on the serfs as his test subject. Now, Pangea is on the run to deliver her discover to her mentor, Malcador.
>>6052620 >>6052620 >>6052620 Anonymous
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> Need to tell the players I just don't have time for this > Only time I have to tell them I accidently write another update
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>>6063680 Still waiting for that MF Vegeta's Quest to continue!
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
>>6064776 Glad you enjoyed my one shots too Anonymous
>>6063887 One where we're actual adventurers going on adventures. Leaving our home town. Doing shit. Heavily action focused.
>>6064169 A Lust for Adventure? What's that? Can't find it in the archives.
>>6064426 Retard spotted! Requesting backup immediately!
ALERT: 99.99
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>>6065406 You have my crayons!
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6063887 >>6065402 As long as it's a human male fighter, right?
>>6065417 >not playing half-orc wizard and only using melee attacks and touch spells Bitch made. No balls. Missing spine. Zero willpower. Absent determination.
Want to ask rgMHqOPv and don't want to shit up
>>6063746 You seem to be pretty well-versed in builders. Could you please give example of at least ONE SINGLE builder run solely on boards (no discord or other platforms) which got successfully finished? And if there is one, could you please explain what does OP have to do for a builder to thrive?
I'm asking cause I like the idea of builders but everytime I join one it just inevitably crashes and burns. I have been thinking about running a builder but I don't want it to fail.
>pic unrelated BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 24 Jul 2024 11:07:19 No. 6065483 Report Time to confess your sins /qst/ I'll start : I'm currently running Pokemon : South Kalos on another website.
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>>6065483 I didn't cry when Spike died at the end of Cowboy Bebop.
>>6065483 I am a shit qm, probably going to flake and try again next month, hopefully learning from my failures.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Wed 24 Jul 2024 11:39:19 No. 6065498 Report >>6065483 I sometimes wonder if I ran on the wrong website because of the relatively small playercount on /qst/. I've seen quests with 600+ active voters on other websites before, but it was also one of THOSE websites. I'll be damned before I stoop to that level.
But damn if I don't want the kind of dopamine hit that comes with sheer numbers like that...
I just want /qst/ to flourish, bros. We need more blood. More active players. You don't gotta run a quest! Just participate in the ones already out there!
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 24 Jul 2024 11:41:47 No. 6065500 Report >>6065498 To provide more context, I'm running this iteration of South Kalos in my native language.
I'll swear to you guys it will run again there someday. I miss deeply Bubbles sweeps
>>6065498 But the quests out there arent what I want to play and the one I'm running is unpopular! God bless those who's reading though.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Wed 24 Jul 2024 11:55:56 No. 6065505 Report >>6065503 Read my quest and I'll read yours, anon. I might already be reading yours, who knows.
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>>6065505 My fragile ego can't handle read trading. If I couldn't get an readership from merit alone it isn't worth running.
Also I accidently copied my inspirations more than I wanted to just homage them so I had to shelf most of the update I was just working on.
Also I forgot to say I was updating in my quest. Oops.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6065483 I only run Quests for the (You)s.
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>>6064522 its also just natural selection due to whats often seen as the most evil is just objectively bad for forming a society and just dying out on there own or from rivals from what is impractical
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 24 Jul 2024 12:40:52 No. 6065533 Report Quoted By:
>>6065384 You had one-shots? I didn't know. Link them and I'll read
>>6065483 >>6065500 Link? I remember liking South Kalos a great deal. It was a nice take on the adventure
>>6065423 Dedication mostly. GMing builders is a thankless task where you exist primarily to crunch numbers and arbitrate. Some ones run to completion are Bobski builders found in the /tg/ archives. He ran 4 and I believe all of them (except perhaps space) ran to a completion.
That being said, completion itself isn't a necessity for fun. Unless you design your game with an actual win condition, it's largely just a sandbox experience with no real end point. If you want there to be one you have to make it at the start otherwise there's little practical difference between throwing out an epilogue turn at turn 20 and just leaving the game.
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>>6065483 I have been struggling with being quite mean to myself in regards to my own story quality, to the point it's definitely affected more than one update.
Worse I ever did was just push something out I wasn't even satisfied with in the moment, I just wanted to get it out of the way. Thankfully, it's passing, but that blemish still irks me.
Make sure you take breaks when you think you need em fellow QMs
>>6065483 I have been LARPing as a guy here for several years, and no one’s been the wiser. 99% of the people I’ve interacted with still haven’t figured it out, but I feel a need to carry on the ruse just to see how far I can push the envelope for nothing but pure shits and giggles.
Maintaining the LARP is a bitch at times, but whatever. I think it’d be weirder to tell the truth.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 24 Jul 2024 14:21:52 No. 6065588 Report Anonymous
>>6065585 >Imma girl btw teehee Nobody is falling for that, grils do not come to /qst/
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
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Shameless plug of my own Quest so here it goes, let me put on my Billy Mays voice:
Do you like RWBY? Do you hate RWBY? I got you. I'm running a quest focused on the universe of RWBY, timeline set roughly in Volume 1 and in the same world, but I'm exploring (somewhat) unused locations with new plotlines, original characters and a brand new story that, depending on what happens, could really shape and alter the original course of things! (For good and bad, depends on y'all)
Do you like intrigue? Do you like combat? Do you want a realistic approach to situations avoiding cartoony logic? Do you like morally gray choices? Then take a look. We got guns, we got swords, we got soldiers, we got 'magic' and we got an original story with original characters not made of wet paper! Come check it out.
Advertisement over
>>6049681 >>6049681 >>6049681 Chartman !!RtTRSNxm597
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That Void Wyrm aint right, Sir. Do we aim for the machine or the creature?
Voidship Bridge Simulator needs command input.
Geez anon, your mom lets you have two /QTG/s? >>6065589 >>6065590 Anonymous
>>6065575 Why do you keep being toxic in that thread btw and not just quitting. Or at least posting a ruleset which works?
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
>>6065496 What is the problem? Your quest is good and unarguably one of the more successful ones I’ve seen you run if you are who I think you are.
>>6065592 I would agree that no grill in their right mind would be here. I bet pots and pans would show up though, maybe some wood stoves and fireplaces as well.
>>6065417 If you were based, you cook up a pure adventure quest where we play a battle master.
>>6065498 The discord culture and cabal have to go for starters.
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>>6065626 >What is the problem? Your quest is good and unarguably one of the more successful ones I’ve seen you run if you are who I think you are. You probably have a different guy
>>6065588 Interesting, what's a turbo-celestin 0-tout? A french term on jeuxvidéo for minmaxxer or something?
>>6065483 I don't know if this counts as a sin, but I always wanted to run a detective quest here but constantly ran into some gay self-doubt that caused some strong aversion to writing in general. I either don't feel confident enough in selling a branching mystery that forces the anons to use their brains a little, make it narratively interesting, or sell it to the anons in a way that doesn't get my quest ignored after a while. Plus, this place isn't the most active, and I don't want to interact with off-site stuff or Discord. I like this place because limits are relatively loose, so you can write appropriately dark situations without "triggering" someone, and you can have a tasteless anime harem quest every once in a while.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 24 Jul 2024 15:59:45 No. 6065662 Report >>6065658 Jeuxvideo.com is not french. It's like our local 4chan.
A Célestin is the archetype of the forum dwelver : Ugly, a bit idiot.
0-tout mean 0-everything.
0 Kiss. 0 Friends. 0 Girlfriend. 0 Hug. 0 messages. 0 calls received. 0 job. 0 invitations to a wedding or a party.
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>>6065661 >constantly ran into some gay self-doubt that caused some strong aversion to writing in general. I struggle with this too. Recently I watched the movie Pig, with Nick Cage and this scene in particular hit hard:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-AiTHogbcc&ab_channel=MadmanFilms I'm reminded of it now whenever I feel that doubt.
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>>6065662 0 doubt, 0 worry, 0 problem, 0 money, 0 time, etc
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6065648 I've got a lot on my plate right now, but I appreciate the suggestion. I've been kind of itching for a fantasy Quest after all this sci-fi and modern and post-apocalypse gonzo stuff...
Olympus QM
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>>6063680 >QM question I've had this idea for a drawquest rattling around in my brain for a couple of weeks, but I don't know if I can run it alongside OIQ (which I have no intention of putting on haitus), and I don't think I have enough time to reach a satisfying conclusion in a reasonable pace
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>>6065483 I flaked on a popular quest long ago because I'm a bitch who can't handle criticism
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>>6065483 DynamicQM did nothing wrong.
The Loom
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>>6065701 >>6065701 >>6065701 Exalted: Dragon's Rise continues with a new thread
>>6065592 We have two or three FemQMs.
>>6065651 What makes you think this would increase our pool of active QMs and players?
>>6065483 I've experimented with using AI aid to run 'throwaway' quests.
Always with editing to make sure they make sense, though, and I've never flaked. Anonymous
>>6065759 >AI “quester” YWNBAW(riter)
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Wed 24 Jul 2024 18:10:53 No. 6065778 Report Anonymous
>>6065777 I also write a quest without any AI, actually. I only use it for testing the waters with low effort quests.
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>>6065778 This reminds me that I should run a BTTF quest after I figure out how to iron out time travel rules for maximum fun.
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>>6065803 No. Wuxian reliably flakes within a few posts unless it's a TTRPG module modified to be about Evil Jews.
>>6065483 I was this guy in the very first Solarpunk thread:
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5806419/#5806480 It wasn't my intention to derail the thread, nor was I involved in any of the weirder stuff that apparently happened. The accusations I got weren't appreciated, but I should have known better than to feed the other guy that was likely trying to get a reaction out of me. I felt like I wasn't wanted by the other posters in the thread, so I dropped from the quest before it really began. I'm not sure how to apologize at this point.
>>6065819 That's a great way coming forward. Now repeat after me : "I apologize to other players. My behavior was not OK and I shouldn't had fed the Troll."
I apologize to the other players in the thread for the needless pedantry and for feeding the troll
>>6065829 >Now repeat after me No way, Dragonfag.
Jokes aside, thanks for the needed pick me up. Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6065483 I struggle actually reading quests. Long-form binge reading is hard for me to focus on. Maybe its how I usually try reading quests in bed on my phone while failing to fall asleep and clonk out 5-15 updates in but still.
>>6065819 Not everyone falls for the same bait, but we all fall for bait, anon. There's nothing to blame anybody for at this point, it's been nine months (holy shit) and whatever shitshow that started has calmed down, at least from my perspective. You don't have to come back if you don't want to, but I can understand the mishap.
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>>6065836 Thanks man, it means a lot coming from you. I'll try to hop in when I have the chance.
Maybe I'll read the previous threads to catch up, but I have a similar issue to yours with reading long quest threads, kek. Book pages are easier on the eyes over longer periods of time. Anonymous
I don't want to give up on my quest. I feel like I am because I was winging a lot of things. Kind of wrote myself into a wall all of a sudden and I don't see a good way to go forwards. Now after drafting several attempts of this update, It's clear I have to rewrite stuff and actually plan to realize the idea I had in mind. I really do like the idea of questing, of having reader involvement as its written, but writing fanfiction is so much easier. Hell, I haven't really completed a quest without abandoning like this. It feels like it sucks, it feels like I suck. Maybe it'd be easier if I use a IP to save myself the worldbuilding, but I do want to write things of my own. Better I shelve this now while its still in the 20s in post count rather than drag its feet. To challenge myself and get more experience running, I'm gonna refrain from restarting the idea until I finish one idea to completion, since I have a horrible habit of outlining stories more than I do actually writing them, and I'm sure I'll do the same for a quest. I still won't tell what quest it is since I want to be saved the shame of flaking and keep my right to shitpost, but to the reader, if you're in here, sorry. Now if only you can delete threads so late in their lifetimes...
>>6065835 Were you the one who kept saying it didn't really count as "punk" and OP was suffering the "consequences" of misusing the term? That's the only person involved in that discussion who I think anyone had a real problem with.
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>>6065819 try and keep being better. this is a good start.
>>6065845 Looking through the page, I don't think I did, kek.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6065845 he linked the exact post in the archive
>four separate cultivation quests all active at once Four years ago, no one said a thing about this genre, but it seems to have gotten a popularity surge out of seemingly nowhere. What's the reason for this?
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>>6065857 >What's the reason for this? China
>>6065851 Yeah, but that post was utterly inoffensive. I was wondering if he was one of the hostile 1post IDs.
>>6065849 Doesn't seem like it, though. You're all good.
>>6065844 As for this vaguepost, I don't really see the point if the anon doesn't even know to stop waiting for you because they don't know which quest it is. Is it at least cathartic for you?
>>6065857 I think there was a popular Steam gane about the subject. Also, yeah, China (and South Korea).
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>>6065835 You're welcome. Happy to be a positive influence of my online community and using the magic of words to make people feel better. Anonymous
>>6065873 No I actually thought I'd go alot further than how I did.
>>6065899 If you apologize in the quest proper, I'm sure your anon(s) will appreciate the heads up. Maybe they can even help you brainstorm a way past the wall you hit?
When is the appropriate time to make a new thread for a quest. Is it like chapters in a book? Or once it hits a certain number of posts?
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6065908 I say making a new one once your thread hits Page 9-10 is probably a decent rule of thumb because you otherwise might risk your thread being bumped off by someone else making a new thread or someone launching a new quest.
>>6065585 I bet you are behind one of the quests where QM unapologetically pushes protagonist into being a manwhore and feed on the drama both in the story and between anons.
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>>6065908 I usually do what Handler said, though if it's been 30ish days and t seems like a good place to end off thematically/narratively, I sometimes do that.
>>6065906 If I'm hitting a wall that early in a concept its clear to me there's something wrong on an fundamental level that I need to work out.
As for why I don't own up to it, there's a saying about writers that use subtext, they're all cowards, such as myself. It's just some quest, written by somebody, somewhere. Why does it matter to you?
>>6065927 >male protag >man whore male protag This would only be acceptable in a “yowee” context iykwim. why should one want their female leads to get together with a guy with a used noodle?
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>>6065857 Cultivation is fun. And if I recall, the longest running of the four, Heretic, started cause the QM got annoyed other cultivation quests that came before it had a habit of dying after a few updates
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>>6065937 I've been that anom holding out hope, in other quests. An official update that the ride is over would have been nice, on those occasions. That's all. Maybe another anon will even adopt the abandoned premise?
When was the last Skirm Jam? When is the next Skirm Jam?
>>6065403 archived.moe only. It got culled for ERP.
>>6065759 It would push newcomers to the general, where they would get actual information/help/direction with all things quest related. Rather than trolled into oblivion. It would also increase the quality of quests in general because brigading would be less possible and effective. No cult personalities and such.
>>6065857 Because it's a highly based genre. Imagine a world where anyone can be Goku if they put in the work. It's what got me into the Cradle series of novels.
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>>6066091 Thank you, anon.
>>6066110 My wishes over your airspace.
>>6066116 The guys who run the most popular quests aren’t even in the discord (i.e Forgotten, notapaladin), so that’s a moot point. Are you one of the anons who got bullied out?
I know it's complete but I miss the Three Houses quest so much man......
>>6066127 I'd be happy to follow another three house quest. The first was amazing
>>6066118 Isn't a staple of the genre that some people are just untalented trash who will never amount to anything?
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>>6066122 Point proven.
>>6066143 Huh???
>>6066143 Yes, but often the MC is also "untalented trash"
>>6066149 Who then finds out they're actually just misunderstood and were really prodigies all along. The ugly duckling with karate. Not that I'm hating mind you, I like the genre.
>>6065342 >>6065342 >>6065342 The Graverobber's Daughter continues! Chlotsuintha squares off with her most steadfast foe; time. Seven days ago, her father woke her in the middle of the night to caution her that if he didn't return from his knock-down, then she must leave the Mount within a week. Now overdue, she still has long, arduous hours of work to get herself off of the Mount - and while the city becomes less and less safe as she becomes more familiar to more and more of its denizens, she must reevaluate her plans and schedule, weighing what is safe enough against what is quick enough.
>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? I have something approaching an outline, as well as a few planned endings for a mystery one-shot in the Graverobber's Daughter setting, where an Inquisitor interjects himself into what appears to be a mundane murder investigation, simply for something to do. My concern is integrating the actual mystery; I'm worried that I won't be able to get into that sweet-spot between too obvious and too hard. Is there anyone in the general who could recommend a good example of a mystery quest, or a good implementation of a mystery in a non-mystery quest? I'd be much obliged.
>Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? Any of Mr. Wong's quests, with the twist being that Mr. Wong is back to run the quest.
>What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? A civilization-style quest - with a delineated end condition stated right at the beginning - where you play as Andrew Ryan (from Bioshock) building Rapture into a self-sufficient city.
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>>6066151 Or they get given an OP technique they have the perfect mindset/ physique for by some hobo on the street
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>>6066071 We had one in January of 2023 from what I can find. Next one is whenever someone makes one. That can be you!
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>>6065942 Then again I suppose maybe not.
I wasn't imagining a QM that empathises with her female cast but rather views the story as a vehicle for highly emotional confrontations.
I suppose if your view is as outlined, that is not going to be your case.
>>6065483 I always feel the urge to include toxic yuri in my quests.
>>6066152 >Is there anyone in the general who could recommend a good example of a mystery quest, or a good implementation of a mystery in a non-mystery quest? Sadly, they often seem to die before ever resolving the mystery. One Life does a good job with that sort of vibe, and Jacob's Ladder had a bit of that in a more chill atmosphere. Hobo's Epic was maybe more 'unreliable narrator' than 'mystery', but there was a sense of unfolding understanding and revelation. While it got flaked on, You're Invited was EXCELLENT at that.
>>6066233 >Is there anyone in the general who could recommend a good example of a mystery quest, or a good implementation of a mystery in a non-mystery quest? I have tried this many times, it doesn't really work if you think the players will solve the mystery. You have to have the characters solve the mystery and the players are just along for the ride. This makes it hard to figure out what to give the players to do in a mystery quest.
You have to understand that from the players perspective, they are not as invested in the quest as you the QM. People are not going to remember minuet details and piece a mystery together when a quest can take MONTHS or even years to play out. Most people cant even remember what they ate for lunch 4 days ago do you really think people will remember a hint you dropped a month ago and remember its relevance?
You basically need a wave of NEW readers coming in to read through the whole story all at once to catch stuff like that and then also they need to post about all the stuff they noticed and the other readers need to read it. I have had situations where some guy comes in and explains everything he noticed but all the other players just scroll past and vote for the wrong option anyway.
Olympus QM
>>6066265 I've found that 'mystery elements' in quests are best left to intrigue: questions to which you provide hints but do not penalize the players for failing to answer (but do reward players for catching onto your tricks). Questions keep readers invested, and as long as the answers are plausible and satisfying people will enjoy them
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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BIG UPDATE for the Caretaker quest
will you do something about the vision you just had? will you look for help? or will you deal with this yourself in order to not involve more people?
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 (i think this one is the correct general, right? the other one doesnt look as active as this one)
SuperBusy !!r0G0pXK2t+6
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>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Mass Effect\BattleTech crossover.
Alternatively, Mass Effect\Destiny crossover.
Both of those have the capacity to be insanely interesting in their own ways, but might also be better off being just straight stories, which I don't have the time for.
And BattleTech requires *way more* research than I really have the time for.
>Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? I kind of covered this in Pokemon Trainer Quest a couple of threads back, but in short - I'm autistic about writing style and grammar (hypocritical though that might be and I'm self-aware enough about it to realise that it's generally better to just not comment on those things, since people generally try their best) and it's rare I find a quest I'm interested in, so I read *very* few.
And I get anxiety about coming off as an asshole if I say the wrong thing.
Meanwhile for the curious:
>>6064653 New Pokemon Trainer Quest is up for those who missed it or want to have a look.
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>>6066266 >>6066265 >>6066233 Thank you all for your input; I'll definitely take it to heart. I'm still enamored with the idea, though I don't know if I will ever run it.
>>6065344 My quest has been stuck in a three-vote, three-way tie for more than twenty hours now. If someone here was willing to pop into the thread and break it, I'd be able to get writing again soon.
What are some common traps that newbie QM's fall into that cause them not to hook people/ maintain players?
>>6063680 >QM question ASOIAF quests
>Player question Sworn to Valor from a different perspective would be extremely interesting also some sort of Bad end or fantasy apocalypse quest like the end game Black company quest set up could be amazing material.
Whatever happened to Ouro anyway? Lamplighter was an amazing concept, I'll forever love Witches eating soil as a image.
>Miscellaneous question: Mostly /co/ these days but I'll gander and /tg/ and /a/ when I actually wander off quest.
>>6065483 I've dropped my quest twice and despite wanting to return to it have struggled to commit to its return for a increasingly absurd number of reason.
>>6066517 Falling for the "write what you want" meme.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6066517 From personal experience and noticeable trends,
>Write-Ins too early or being the only option >Too long character creation (a little bit is ok, doing it as you play is best) >Too harsh of a player setback early (double edged sword, can be very engaging if they're already bought in or drive them away) >Low or slow first few updates (low effort/short updates after first post indicates flaking) >Uninteresting premise or running an unpopular setting/franchise Quest (varies, OC doesn't seem to have this issue, but needs more data) >Too complex rules early OR too big of a lore dump in first few posts (basic writing advice?) Anonymous
>>6066542 I'm writing what I want and it works for me.
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>>6066517 >an early choice that alienates/fractures the playerbase Character creation is the usual example of this, where selecting one character over another means a completely different flavor of quest, so all the people that didn't vote for the winning choice will just bail.
>too many early failures Failing over and over usually discourages further participation. Later on it's fine, but without that early dopamine hit, it's hard to hook and keep players. Always lean toward partial success instead of full failure.
>>6064850 >>6065908 >>6066517 These are all me btw, I'm just phoneposting so I keep getting new ID's. I have been a semi-successful GM both live and play by post and even had some ok success on Akun, but I feel I'm struggling with this format, so thanks for your answers to my several questions. Something about this format is really attractive to me, as it allows things to flow a bit more freely than a party based ttrpg, while still hitting that collaborative story telling itch. I guess maybe I just need to lurk more.
>>6066583 Good for you.
That doesn't make it work for everyone else.
>>6066609 Don't, really.
Try. Your first quest might not work as much as you want, but as we french say : Its by forging than one becomes a blacksmith
>>6066609 >another Akunfag Why don't you just stay there?
>>6066617 I was thinking being black was the biggest component in being a black Smith.
>>6066618 I actually used to lurk here first, discovered Akun through /qst/, and came back because I realized I liked the stuff here more.
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
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>>6065429 >>6065435 This week on chocolat mystery, come fight a spooky dinosaur with bad breath!
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>>6066618 > Me, reading quests on multiple sites Why not both?
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>>6066625 I hope you pay your fair tithe of (You) by voting in quests.
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>>6066542 >you are a QM on a /qst/ image board Anonymous
>>6066517 Besides what other people have mentioned:
>Poor grammar, frequent typos: standards for writing quality are pretty low on /qst/, but basic readability is required >Starting off the OP post with a preamble like "hi guys, it's my first quest, sorry this will suck": just get right into it, don't shoot yourself in the foot >Reboots and sequels: it's not impossible to do these, but odds are you'll drive off some people who feel like they need to read the original to understand >>6066542 >>6066610 Brainlet take. "Writing what you want" isn't about gaining the most players. It's about keeping your motivation up enough to consistently update and finish the quest. QMing is difficult, time-consuming, and often unrewarding-- if you don't have the strong intrinsic motivation of loving your quest and wanting to see it continue, you're setting yourself up for failure from the start.
>>6066541 >Whatever happened to Ouro anyway? Flaked for good. Working on a RPG maker game last I'm aware.
>>6066609 >>6064930 wtf is akun? let me guess, some reddit competitor to /qst/
AA !wVlGsCu6Co
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>>6066667 >Reboots and sequels: it's not impossible to do these, but odds are you'll drive off some people who feel like they need to read the original to understand Oof...
>>6066678 If we're being honest, QST and Akun are a lot like Root Beer and Coke.
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>>6066678 Better known as fiction.live, but pretty much. It's got... Well, it's got quests.
>>6066694 But if that's true, then what's the Ice Cream?
>>6066696 >One of these things is not like the others /tg/
>>6066678 You'd be surprised
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>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Demon Negotiator Quest: SMT, Oops All Negotiations Edition. I've run a couple of quests in the past, but I'm rusty and only finished one. Making negotiation the primary mechanic of the game would make a quest very character-based and allows conflict to be a mix of resource management and puzzles. I always found combat either anticlimactic or slow in quests.
>>6066697 Coke Floats and Root Beer floats are good, you should have one!
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>>6066738 Cream soda and some seriously strong dark chocolate ice cream.
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>>6066711 Had no idea Spacebattles was born of tg, though I can't say I'm surprised.
>>6066696 Smut. Terrible for you, shouldn't spend all day consuming it, but delicious.
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
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The (as far as I know) current RWBY quest has updated! You are aggresively and formally invited to join in with us.
Remember everyone to drink plenty of water and eat your veggies. Or else.
We have guns, swords, fights, magic, intrigue, somewhat open-ended storyline and enough original material to create something cool and stuff.
I'd advertise my quest more but drunkeness is not really my ally today.
For that reason I'll keep it short. JOIN AND YOU HAVE A SMALL (zero) CHANCE TO WIN THIS PENNY PLUSHIE
Big Salutations. Roger and out.
>>6049681 >>6049681 >>6049681 Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
Quoted By:
Requesting for someone to break the tie in my quest. Thank you.
>>6051229 Lesches !!oJEPr0mjkw6
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New update in UTUTU Quest!
>>6066924 >>6066924 >>6066924 Apologies to my players for the delay, life got the best of me for a while.
I have no idea which /qtg/ is the "real" one, so I'm posting in all three.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>6064577 Late reply but you're wrong about the claim that every instance of human sacrifice being a punishment for criminals or after a war. Those do not explain the Andean child mummies, where they were taken to a mountain peak then drugged to oblivion - their parents chose them. Then there's the more recent case of the German cannibal whose victim hooked up to literally get eaten. That's both human sacrifice and cannibalism in the internet age.
>>6066542 The trick is finding something that you want to write and other people want to read. When you find that sweet spot of shared interests, you have a successful quest where people have fun and get passionate.
>>6066517 Underpreparation is a big one. if you have a basic premise and opening post but no idea what to do after a couple updates, or any sort of 'midgame' or 'endgame' scenes or ideas you want to visit, you're directionless and it will show. My first couple quests were like that, to the extent that it took 3 or 4 threads for Reptilian Infiltrator to find its footing and get more consistent in tone, theme, and actual objectives.
Treating the medium like a book, or like D&D, is another big one. This medium has elements of TTRPG and of literature, but it's neither. You can't just write your own novel and offer people meaningless, empty choices; if your prose is really good it may work for a while, but people will eventually cotton on and you'll at least lose SOME interest. You also generally can't make every single round of combat or every line of dialogue a full update, though, unless maybe you're running a rapid session-style quest; it will drag and get tedious across a span of days and days per encounter. There is a sort of pacing to progress that suits this site and this style of storytelling, and you only learn what that is by playing/lurking or QMing. That was another lesson I learned, when I abandoned RIQ's fixed morning-afternoon-evening-night cycle from early threads.
The last one I'd say is a meta one: reader/player interactions. Every thread and QM is different in this regard, but I've seen some QMs die on the vine for lack of discussion, while others drown in seas and seas of salty responses by IDs waging barely-relevant debates across multiple updates, ad infinitum, pushing their in-game or IRL agenda. The QM can often feel tempted to either stand back and say nothing, or to wade in directly and start shitposting, too. If you stand well back while drama is brewing, though, or PARTICIPATE in that drama, expect a much more active thread... For better or worse. Decide on the level of civility and tone of discussion you want in your thread, and encourage it. Don't feel animals if you don't want to run a zoo.
>>6066940 >Then there's the more recent case of the German cannibal whose victim hooked up to literally get eaten. That's both human sacrifice and cannibalism in the internet age. Yeah, and it was seen as completely unethical at the time by the contemporary society in which it was done, and the guy was arrested and sentenced for a crime. He's literally a case study in a book about quantifying evil, called "The New Evil: Understanding the Emergence of Modern Violent Crime" (good book, would recommend)
Regarding the Andean child mummies, people don't really know what the circumstances were surrounding that- some assume religious practices, which if true was probably seen as something of a necessary tragedy which would be considered evil if done randomly or senselessly. Like this
>>6066770 bushido practice (though most samurai would consider 'dishonor' to be acts which would get you in trouble regardless) being exceptions rather than the rule. All general guidelines of this nature have exceptions, such is the case in sociology
Cannibalism specifically without the aspect of murder falls more into taboo than into ingrained biology conceptions of evil and is much more prone to vary from culture to culture
>>6065483 Been sitting on this one for a long, long time. To the point that I’m not sure anyone else who played quests during the /tg/ era is still around, much less migrated over to /qst/ when they were kicked off there…
…well, enough stalling. Any of you anons played in Shadow Quest when it was running?
I was Barman Andrews. A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u
A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u ID:cj5bo9oR Fri 26 Jul 2024 07:11:00 No. 6067033 Report >>6066517 Related to this question, I wanted to get feedback and an open forum dialogue on a system I'm implementing in my quest. Has it been done before? Here's the long and short of "Roach Rolling":
>Step 1 -Players provide write-ins with their best argument for why our quest should continue in the fashion(s) they would like.
>Step(s) 2 -Players may discuss and vote for each other's write-ins or their own. The suggestion with the most votes makes the decision.
-Once one or more write-ins have been suggested, any and all players can also roll 1d20 for a particular suggestion - with unique rules: 1 is a critical success, 2-20 are all failures. If a 1 is scored, that choice is automatically chosen. If a 2-20 is scored, instead of a +1, that suggestion receives a -1. -1's from rolls and votes for suggestions are weighed separately.
>Rules: -Each player gets 1 suggestion, 1 vote and 1 roll per official quest update. Votes are weighed higher than rolls,
and rolls serve 3 roles: (1) to let players have more chances for luck and agency by giving their responses more power (less QM intervention via ties, more random chance w/ rolling), (2) to allow players a second but consequential attempt at a "Hail Mary" crit roll for their favorite suggestion, and (3) also allows players a chaotic chance to cause mayhem by trying to purposefully poo-poo a tied suggestion they don't like by rolling a non-crit to push it over the edge. -The write-in that rolls a critical, has the most positive votes, or the least -1s from rolls is chosen, in that order.
-If votes and -1's are both tied and no clear decision can be made, the double-tie will be broken with a QM dice roll.
-Be honest - no rerolling!
-Roach Rolling segments will be clearly labelled and may or may not be used for the duration of the quest.
Roach Rolling was hastily devised in hopes of sparking more dialogue between players and QM's - these are OUR quests, after all. Hopefully this inspires more participation, deeper immersion, group dynamics in voting, and more activity on /qst/ in general. I am aware this may not work as planned, since it requires write-ins. Please share your critique, criticisms and suggestions regarding "Roach Rolling".
Here's how it's being implemented in Roachsylvania (We're only a few posts in, if you are looking for a new quest to join):
>>6067017 >>6067018 If other QM's wanted to try out or tweak "Roach Rolling" (or just help word the sections better), let us know what you find.
t. A Humble Roach Narrator
Indonesian Gentleman
>>6066946 And there be the shifting of the goalposts, if you consider religious practices as some exceptional event. You're still thinking of good and evil in modern, judeo-christian-derived context, and applying them to other cultures that doesn't even think that way.
What is the best way to balance?>wait too long before updating, people think you left, not exciting vs>reply too fast, no opportunity to vote Especially for the start of a quest when you do not have an established following. Say you are unknown and want to get a good start.
>>6065423 The actual anon this question was asked to (sorry, didn't notice it initially). Grab some more smugness as compensation.
>ONE SINGLE builder run solely on boards (no discord or other platforms) which got successfully finished None. Not because none ever finished (as the other anon pointed out, Bobski ran his games to completion, and they pretty much defined what builder even is), but pretty much from the start mibbit (browser-based IRC if you're a zoomie) was in use. This allowed people to ask all the questions without shitting up the thread itself and in many cases, also unlocked option for secret moves and deals, for better and worse.
But I will give you that the switch from mibbit to discord was disastrous - half of the regulars didn't switch on a principle since, unlike mibbit, discord requires a fixed account.
>I'm asking cause I like the idea of builders but everytime I join one it just inevitably crashes and burns If you don't mind the game being "line goes up", the other builder seems to have the things you ask for, and first and foremost, is the most public builder I saw since, dunno, 2018? 17? It started around Easter, OP went twice for some work delegation in the meantime and had a hiatus due to an accident, yet always returned on the announced schedule. His initial players flaked left and right (me included), yet despite being an affair for just 3 factions at this point, it is still on and still has regular updates. That's by itself impressive as fuck, even if the game is kinda meh. The game itself is a weird mix of schizoid approach, line-goes-up gameplay and a really bad, mid-10s ruleset (particularly the combat resolution, which you can look up in archives, where just about everyone was groaning, including OP). And as far as I know, there is no communicator, yet it is still running without major problems, which is just uncanny.
>>6065612 Ok, this is going to be veeeeery long
First of all,
>>6065575 is not me.
As to your questions:
>you keep being toxic Bunch of things to list
Right from the start, where OP started to make basic stumbles, I realized most of his set is just smoke and mirrors. There are no actual rules, it's all ad hoc. And even if he miraculously has some sort of solid and elaborate ruleset that allows to keep it going on both the scale and level of anal details (who the fuck runs a game with pre-defined provinces on a fucking imageboard!?), OP doesn't keep track of things in any kind of notes, not to mention sheet. So I riled him up to see the reaction. It was beyond predictable...
... but i the same time he both has experience (at least as a player) and should know better, making it just weird. It's like an old timer had a free day, decided on a whim to run a complex game on the wrong platform, then instantly ran out of steam and decided "fuck it, players gonna flake anyway".
So I switched to talk mechanics with him, given the game was already in a freefall. Turns out there are rules after all - and they are completely borked, since they are not only pointlessly anal for the capabilities of what 4chan can even carry (or even its dice generator pull off by itself), but are all run by regular, mind computation. And OP is not a math savant. Meaning he is going to mess up time and again, and he wasn't joking when telling that he wants players to self-manage and pick up his slack and fix it.
Other than that, there is a matter I'm trying to figure out who he is and nothing helps more than getting people pissant. I know the majority of old guard personally. Some I even met irl. And as you noted yourself (assuming you're the angry elf guy), ego gets easily in the way of running those games and being an arbiter. I was genuinely hoping that OP was going to reveal himself as Mudkip, but unfortunately, nope. Which only adds to the reason why to take the piss out of him - he knows Mudkip, he more or less knows his rules, yet clearly doesn't take into account Mudkip games had a level of mechanical complexity from a PC 4X game and openly relied on automation via sheets to even make it feasible to get an update more than once per day and keep track of shit in the long run
>1/? Anonymous
>>6067088 >quest Update on fixed intervals of time. People voted - good. They didn't - move on on what's posted. Depending on your own time and period of the year, update every 3-4 hours is fine, no point waiting
>builder Have catch-up rules, mercilessly keep a time-table. Nothing worse than a game that is irregular/slow/yes
>>6067125 >I have been thinking about running a builder but I don't want it to fail. As noted by the other anon, the majority of those games are just sandbox exercises, going on as long as there are either active players or the OP keeps updating.
But if your goal is completion, then Underworld Builder is a good example of a "short and compact" (literally) builder: everyone starts with some pre-build on a very small map (say, 5x5 tiles with 10 players in it, 4x4 with 8, and I even saw a 3x3 map in a game with just 5 people in it), where you have three goals:
- survive, when everyone is against everyone and alliances are barred
- exterminate the competition, since this is the D&Desque Underworld
- expand and keep hold of your ground, because your production and military capability are almost entirely dependent on your size
This makes for an absolutely BRUTAL game, but it can be resolved entirely in less than 100 turns with a clear victory condition and a winner.
But if you never run a builder yourself, there is no more important rule than KISS. Don't overthink shit, don't create complex elements, and unless you absolutely know what you are doing and are 200% sure you can handle the related level of math and automate it, never steal from video games. Because your brain and a dice generator are NOT going to replace even something as basic as the original HoMM or Colonization, to say nothing about more complex and recent games.
>2/? Anonymous
>>6067128 Some general tips for a newfag running builders
1) If you add an element to your game, ask yourself if it is really useful and important
Consider this: you decide to throw in a map... but is territory physically occupied in your game important for anything, tie with any mechanic, or impact anything at all? Or you are overburdening yourself with map and map updates just because other games had maps? Or you add population. Does it actually do anything, or is just a number to go up and down? How does it grows (and if it grows). And so on and forth.
2) As the other anon stated, if you plan to have a "complete" game, set up a clear goal right off the bat
Preferably just one, to keep shit simple. Dunno, there is an ancient throne to claim, or each faction starts with a piece of an ancient crown to be assembled by conquest, or take over a quarter of the map and the four corners of it (when it is super-small and packed), or, really, whatever. But have one, clear goal that is openly stated and can't be easily achieved in given circumstances
3) Fluff is but a window dressing
It doesn't matter what players are declaring, since most of them are cheating fucks trying to break the game. Fluff is just fluff. To give you an example: one player runs a stone-age tribe, the other runs a magocracy of space engineers. So of course, the magocracy has a massive edge and is going to stomp the primitives by fluff alone, right? WRONG. And you are a fuckwit if you had to be told that. So when someone has a Gatherers Tent lvl 3 and another player has Resource Teleporter lvl 1, but both are just a structure for basic materials and their logistics, the only thing that's different is the name. In crunch terms, the tent is better, but also took longer to build and more time was put into it. Think about "what it does", not "what's the name"
4) Standarize
This cannot be overstated. Even if you are running a complete free-form game, keep stuff consistent. Player 1 develops sailing vessels. Player 2 develops builds a galley. Player 3 has hydrofoils. That means all three players were developing Shipbuilding tech, rather than each of them having their own thing. This way you don't have to constantly look up what's what and why, speeding up your updates and easing on the bookkeeping and sheets you're writing. This also allows to avoid issues from point 3
>3/4 Anonymous
>>6067132 5) You're a newfag, don't dig old rules
The majority of old rulesets have their flaws, some more obvious than others, and require careful tinkering to unfuck them - if that's even possible in the first place. Knowing which and why is bad comes only from experience and practical, on-hand familiarity with them or their close relatives, while you can effectively lock yourself in a cycle of suffering (I think this is what happened with the Easter builder - OP took a ruleset he doesn't know and everyone is suffering the consequences) by picking a flawed or outright broken ruleset from the past. The modern rulesets are either super-complex to run, if not impossible on imageboard or are mash-ups of rules of the old with tweaks and modifications that only make sense if you have played the original a few times first and know why what was changed.
6) Steal from vidya
Yes, I know, I said not to do this, but I'm not talking about 4X genre here. I'm talking basic shit like Settlers (particularly 3 and 4, rather than the iconic 2) and city-builders or any given base-building RTS. This offers a clean, neat, simple framework to base your game on, so when you're gunning for a goal, you can think in terms of those games, rather than if you should include delta in your combat resolution calculations (no, you shouldn't).
7) There are game elements best avoided, especially as a newfag
The list includes: alliances (especially with more than 2 memebers), tech-trading and, in extreme cases, research itself. There is a plethora of exploits and loopholes with those, especially in barebones rules (but complex ones also can create loops), and as a newfag, chances are, you're going to fall for all of them in the hands of your (even also newfag) players.
Granulation is borderline and I argue against it to newfags. Consider the current builder you're dissatisfied with: despite it complex look, it's non-granular. Any roll above 25 is progress, any roll above 90 is great progress, and at least nat100 does fuck all, so crit-fails probably aren't too severe either. This means you don't have to overthink the final results too much and the game runs much faster, too. Especially since this particular builder seems to run on simple cost progression: 1, 2, 3 and so on, so it's super easy and clearly geared for quick game (ahahaha) and lots of combat.
8) Go find "The Quiet Year" and read it general conceptualization
People shit on it (and they are kind of right, since this shouldn't cost a single cent, not to mention its actual pricetag and C&D hunt all across the net), but this is not a board game and most definitely not an RPG. It's a builder to play at parties with drunk nerds. And it still has more understanding on how to run those things that some people playing and running builders for over a decade
>4/4 Anonymous
>>6066945 >The trick is finding something that you want to write and other people want to read. Yeah, that's what makes "write what you want" just a meme; it isn't actually about writing what you want.
No shit you should write something you want to write about, who the fuck wants to write something they hate, but that isn't the complete picture despite being the only thing said. Then, that leaves the "advisor" an opening to blame the person seeking the advice for doing what they said if there's a problem with it in the future.
That's why it's a meme; it's perpetual entertainment starting with misleading noobs with fortune cookie insight, then gaslighting them if they get mad and treating them like a villain.
>>6067139 >Yeah, that's what makes "write what you want" just a meme; it isn't actually about writing what you want. Only if you are retarded autismo.
Try being less shit next time when your own quest dies in 3 updates, because players picked the "wrong" option
Curse Carrier DM
>>6067142 I remember a quest that ended in 2 updates because the players picked the wrong 'evil' choice. It wasn't even an obvious death flag thing there was a legitimate argument for that choice being picked. Then they basically had to restart the quest with the 'correct' choice which was kinda lame.
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>>6067168 Classic mistake. Never make a prompt you aren't willing to write.
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
>>6067142 As a QM you must know that, given the opportunity, the most likely thing your players are going to do is grab your worldbuilding and chew it as if it was a squeaky toy.
As a QM you must learn to enjoy this and laugh with them, otherwise you're going to suffer a lot as you see your own 'creation' being eaten alive. Sometimes its fun when the big bad baddy gets trolled
>>6067139 >all this woe-is-me selfy-pity bullshit over not getting enough (you)s Oh hey, you're that guy from the Independence Day QTG. Based on your carrying-on in this thread and last, you just suck at writing quests, anon. You're not a villain, just sort of lame.
>who the fuck wants to write something they hate You again fail to grasp the actual insight being offered here. Nobody sets out to write something they hate, but many people seem to start quests they don't really enjoy for their own sakes. If you're writing a thing only for attention/participation, and not because you genuinely enjoy the subject and the process on its own, you'l burn out and be reduced to moping around the QTG wailing about how you were LIED TO and TRICKED into becoming a VILLAINOUS FAAAILURE WAAAAH.
>>6067193 >Oh woe me, people interacting with my fiction! The horror!
Except I'm not autistic. So none of the things you've listed is my problem.
If you can't handle interactivity, maybe don't run fucking interactive story, you dumb fucking faggot, and go back with filling your drawer with (not at all) unique story and setting?
Lorefags deserve a rope, in each and all contexts.
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
>>6067199 I wasn't disagreeing with you at all there with my opinion lol, was just pointing out something that could be considered helpful advice to those that don't want their quests trolled, no need to get so defensive about it
>>6067201 Are you by chance a Slav?
Because that's literally the only context I can think of where "You must embrace the (non-existing) suck as part of the job, for it is (not) masochistic" can be considered an advice
>>6067088 Initially, I'd qait at least a few hours or until you have the numbe rof votes you're satisfied with, whatever happens first. Eventually, you'll end up with a more consistent number of anons who will vote reliably. At that point, you can just update as soon as most or all of them have voted, or enough to form a clear majority.
>>6067049 A general taboo against murder DOES exist and IS probably deeply ingrained. The caveat here is that many cultures allow killing of in-group members for a variety of reasons, which then make them "not murder". Honour duels, punishing subordinates or family members for technically legal but frowned-upon activities, wars or petty feuds, sacrifice for religious rites, punishment for a crime, just being a disposable slave or lower caste and thus not 'technically' in the in-group (I see you, ancient Sparta and Judaea), and more.
>>6067033 So it's regular voting, but with write-ins encouraged, and an element of chance as to which one gets picked? Seems like it would work for a mroe wacky or lower-stakes quest, but less so in the sorts of quests where people get really invested in making the 'right' (optimal, in-character, immersion-preserving, etc) choice.
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
>>6067207 Not exactly but from a place with a similar mentality yeah
And yeah I agree that it is somewhat of a masochistic train of thought but it works when everything is shit, it is a good defensive meassure and makes everything far more enjoyable when you have a healthy dose of "chaos and bullshit is fun" mentality
>>6067215 Go touch grass, then. Preferably on the other side on the globe, you sorry fuck
People who tell themselves they must be miserable as a pre-emptive cope over issues they then proceed to create in their fucked-up heads also deserve a rope.
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
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>>6067218 Based and /qst/pilled
Olympus QM
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>>6067049 I wouldn't say I shifted the goalposts, I was establishing a general rule to which exceptions obviously exist. The former example is a religious practice- which often override what one might call 'human nature'. The second isn't murder, but rather an 'execution' more analagous to lese-majeste than murder.
Obviously morality varies from culture to culture, but a lot of the fundamentals are biologically ingrained: don't take what isn't yours, don't kill your tribe, etc. These moral impetuses are genetic, back from the days when we were apes- obviously humans are capable of 'outsmarting' our own impulses, but the fact that they exist is pretty evident
Is using AI to generate images for a /qst/ considered in bad taste?
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>>6067242 You should commit seppuku
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>>6067242 Nobody really cares, they're pictures to help serve the narrative, they have a utility the same as any other pictures be they searched up on google or photographed. So long as you don't expect congratulations or high praise for it, though you shouldn't expect that for drawings either.
Olympus QM
Quoted By:
>>6067242 Eh, I don't think it's an ethical issue or anything (you aren't trying to monetize it, after all), but I unironically believe that even shitty mspaint doodles are more appealing and a better tool for conveying tone and emotion than any AI image could be. /qst/ is all about rough but genuine art, generally written but also occasionally drawn or even animated, and as such most on the board would rather see scribbles with heart than a perfectly rendered portrait spat out by a soulless machine
>>6067196 >pointing out the bullshit is whining/moping/woe-is-me Yes, this is certainly sound logic that will remain consistent when it's used against you.
You can't let any slight against your sagacity be tolerated; it'd be one thing if you were actually anonymous, but people know you're Reptoid, and you have to save face. You must make your detractors look as ridiculous as possible, otherwise, people might realize you're a retarded faggot who doesn't actually know what he's talking about.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6067242 AI creations are ontologically evil, so no, you should not use them.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Fri 26 Jul 2024 16:59:06 No. 6067309 Report >>6067193 As a QM, I put some delicate ecosystem and characters I love dearly on the cliff, ready to make one leap forward with a bad roll.
'Tis my roll as the Bipolar Dice God. The Entertainment Vampire Quest Master.
Speaking of, SOME of my players should start getting worried about right now.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Fri 26 Jul 2024 17:00:21 No. 6067312 Report Quoted By:
>>6067242 I'm doing it for quick illustrations. It's deceptively hollow and cheap eye candy that is less interesting than the worst of my draw-in, but as most player just glance at miniatures anyway it's ok
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Odysseus has once more reawakened into a changed world come and try to guide him in the grim darkness of the 41st millennia:
>>6062086 The colony has lost one of its leaders, but it is still going strong in the civquest of Unbroken Empire: New frontier:
>>6038999 Anonymous
>>6067309 I'll be honest I've been on the verge of quitting for a while now anyway, so no worries.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Fri 26 Jul 2024 17:15:25 No. 6067326 Report >>6067324 If we're talking about 40k quest, I'd kindly ask to bear with it for the end of the thread/half a new one.
Quoted By:
>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? An isekai quest that I had seen done before where (You) become Joffrey in ASOIAF, also kind of want to try the same concept with Viserys the Beggar King. I just do not think I could do the setting justice, plus quests in this setting just seem to implode spectacularly for some fucking reason. There's also the fact that I would have to fully reread the books to ensure I get all characters on point which would be a lot of effort.
>Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? Wouldn't be playing it if I wanted to twist it. If I could, I would like to see Malal getting a better PC and internet connection.
>What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? Witcher. Genuinely surprised that there are not a bunch of quests going for it. There's plenty of stuff to explore there, of course you can be a Witcher, but what I would find the most interesting would be being a Nilfgaardian soldier. Just some random fuck that has to deal with monster infestations without any superhuman abilities just because he was ordered to do so. Of course, you could also make it a survival quest, you are just a peasant trying to survive one war or another, monsters are running rampant, food is scarce. Added difficulty if you have a family to look after. Plenty of stuff to explore there.
>Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? I read very few quests, but I tend to be active. And no on the second part, questing is pretty niche I have found.
>What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? Occasionally visit /tg/, rarely check up on /pol/ cause there's so much schizoid posting there that it is pretty funny. But I mainly just stay in /qst/
>>6065612 >>6067134 desu if you're not going to go hard on rules then just run a risk game. The only real differentiator between risk and a builder is complex rules. That was exactly how they differentiated between the two on /tg/ and even then it wasn't a clean break. Each game built on the other, growing more and more complex until eventually they hit a breaking point and scaled back down to being risk + research or risk + buildings. You can actually see a very clear progression of complexity by looking at the archives of Bobski's builders. The first one was classic builder. Virtually no rules for anything. One player had EVAs by turn 12. Romans turned into zombies. Some player summoned God and the game inadvertently turned into Evangelion. Was it fun? Yes. Did it make sense? No. Bobski's next builder pared down the insanity by adding more standardization. The system builder then the colony builder were both way more complex in mechanics until we got to Space Builder which had a 20~ page rulebook (that I kept). I don't know if he ran one after that.
The advantage to a risk game is that they're simple as shit to run. The disadvantage is that unless people really want to roleplay in it, they're also aggressively boring. In either case, the GM usually gets bored and leaves or the players get bored with nothing exciting happening and also leave. On the flipside, getting a group of the same dedicated people always leads to meta-issues within the game itself. It's fun to play a backstabbing little shit. It's less fun when everyone remembers you were a backstabbing little shit last game and works together to stomp on you before anything else happens, or refuses to trust you in one game based off what happened in another. Even holding grudges in the same game months after the fact can get irritating. It is the one big advantage I've seen to playing games under anonymity. It lets players be absolute shitheads to one another and that can lead to some spicy turns. Throw everyone into irc or mibbit or discord and that illusion is shattered. Everyone remembers when Chucklefuck#9910 committed a Red Wedding and you can track their ass from game to game. It's harder when all you see is 5plb6y9u in one thread and 8814suckmynuts in another. It makes it difficult to even encourage aggression between players unless the GM or the rules force people into fighting as nobody wants to knock someone out Game 1 then 8 months later get kicked in the teeth turn 3 in a new game by that same person with no rhyme or reason because they'd fought once last year.
Pokenuke !!w58WRl7ypiG
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 10 (10d1) >>6067336 remembering how to roll dice in prep for quest, ignore
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Fri 26 Jul 2024 18:00:49 No. 6067348 Report Quoted By:
>>6067344 >Pokequest Oh boy. OH BOY!
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>>6067339 >>6065423 I encourage people to develop new rulesets. It's the only way the game really evolves. Maybe you stumble across an idea that actually fucking works. Perhaps its a solution to actually balancing alliances. No way to know unless you throw it into a game and get people to smash their head against it or you farm out advice on a game building discord/tg thread. I've gone through six iterations of different economic rules before realizing that the thing I want required actual programming and I needed to scale it down because I can't program and if I am going to learn how to program just to run a builder I needed to go touch grass. Every experienced builder player knows what it feels like for a game to simply blip out of existence. It happens all the time. I only get salty about it when all of my rolls are good and the next game they're all trash.
>>6067120 I didn't even know the old builder mibbit moved to discord. I can't say I'm surprised though. I am surprised most of them even gave a shit it's not like we ever changed our mibbit handles either.
>>6067339 >Did it make sense? No Who fucking cares if game's setting makes sense?
There is nothing worse than a builder that tries to enforce on players the setting of the game. Like the infamous Post-Apo Builder, based on Strielok's Post-Apoc Civ Quest. It wasn't bad, because it was post-apo. It was bad, because it imposed both mechanical factions on players AND what each of those could, missing a memo this is not a Civ Quest anymore.
Go kitchen sink, or go home. And if your rules can't handle that - get better rules
>It's less fun when everyone remembers you were a backstabbing little shit last game and works together to stomp on you I mean third of post-/tg/ builders have notes in their rules in tune on "Be careful with research, or Bazz will show up and start meta-fucking your game". And he did that shit anonymously back in 2015, yet here I am, talking about it. And worse for him, everyone could recognise the little fuck (I'm also semi-certain he's one of the regulars in the Easter builder, the one with +5 research)
>>6067354 I prefer a consistent tone. Having a civilization of insane clowns that do annoying shit isn't really any different from the one players who makes the edgy tryhard orphan eating rogue in a noblebright D&D game. It won't break the game and the GM can definitely deal with it, but it doesn't make it any less obnoxious to have around. Before you ask, yes there was a builder that had a race of insane clowns that did annoying things. Everyone ganged up on them and wiped them out because we hated them.
I love baz though. I respect a man who refuses to change after more than a decade. I honestly don't know how NRPs deal with him given their complete aversion to anything resembling mechanics.
I just want more (you)s, is that so wrong?
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>>6067370 The obvious solution is to gatekeep the best outcome to the number of (you)s the update got
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>>6067088 You need to strike a balance, its okay to tiebreak by dice as you should aim to update 3-4 times per day at the start of the quest. Update less and they will think it is going nowhere
>>6067242 /qst/ doesn't have high standards for art, just make your own even if it is shit.
>>6067326 Ahh no worries, I'm not going anywhere until we at least settle nurgles hash. Or die trying.
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>>6067357 >I prefer a consistent tone. Having a civilization of insane clowns that do annoying shit isn't really any different from the one players who makes the edgy tryhard orphan eating rogue in a noblebright D&D game. It won't break the game and the GM can definitely deal with it, but it doesn't make it any less obnoxious to have around Unironically depends on how it's handled by player.
Insane clowns being annoying is one thing, but I remember once having a super-serious, try-hard builder where everyone was Donut Steel real-life rip-off... and half-way through a guy showed up and asked if he can play as surfer dudes on a beach. Turns out, he was cool. So fucking cool, it was
And the game managed to handle him, despite everyone else having stick in their arse and playing super-serious 4X.
>NRPs Those aren't games, so it honestly doesn't matter, even if he runs wild with those. In the end, there is simply a corner of the world that can be best described as A Wizard Did This™, while everyone had their fun in their spots.
I mean if you think about it, NRP is better equipped for handling Baz than any builder ever - because there are no rules for him to abuse.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 26 Jul 2024 20:31:41 No. 6067429 Report alright, I think i'm all set up and ready to go in an hour or two. I've not run one of these before- not to any successful degree, anyways- and I'm looking for some tips if you've got any. I'm planning on keeping the quest dice-light, the tone semi-serious, and my updates loose (since my schedule is still rather tight). Anything quintessential I should know before making my first post?
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>>6067286 Not all my detractors. Just the guy who literally comes in here accusing people of tricking anons and making him a villain and thinks giving advice based on perosnal experience is equivalent to claiming "sagacity". Just you. You, in particular, are a sad little man.
>>6067429 Don't give options you're not confident to assume in the long run. It's ok for the "starter" to be one of three Pokemon you particularly enjoy and, for example, forsake Oshawott as an option if you find that thing stupid.
>>6067429 Also, post sooner rather than later.
I'd like to vote, participate and it's late in Europe
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 26 Jul 2024 22:08:06 No. 6067471 Report Quoted By:
>>6067441 >>6067449 It's up now if you're interested
>>6067467 >>6067467 >>6067467 Ignore that I used the wrong formatting for the OP, I completely forgot BBCode even existed. That's the formatting standard here, right?
A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u
A Humble Roach Narrator !!Q/DYB1Ue15u ID:cj5bo9oR Fri 26 Jul 2024 22:43:51 No. 6067490 Report >>6067211 I guess it's more like "write-ins mandatory with optional dice rolls, with some goofiness/shenanigans". Probably doomed for failure since "write-in only" basically never ever works, since the majority of questers seem to prefer choosing prewritten options than actually contributing to group story development, but oh well. C'est la vie
>>6067490 >since the majority of questers seem to prefer choosing prewritten options than actually contributing to group story development As a player, I can tell you it's because often the quest doesn't have enough context established for me to understand what I can and cannot do within the fiction. Since quests have a slow turnaround, I can't just ask or have a discussion about what those limits are either.
As a QM, I've noticed that once that context is adequately established, players will indeed start doing write-ins.
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>>6067505 >As a player, I can tell you it's because often the quest doesn't have enough context established for me to understand what I can and cannot do within the fiction. This. Players need preexisting goals, be they narrative or mechanical, to guide decision-making.
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>>6067505 100%. Plus, it's much easier to particopate throughout the day (on kunch break, etcetera) if you can copy and paste or +1 an option, to be frank. It isn't always a lack of engagement so much as a practical necessity if the voting window is limited and at a bad time for me.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 27 Jul 2024 00:58:49 No. 6067555 Report Quoted By:
I'm so glad my players chose the best option for setting ever. I would've been happy with any of those three but god the Wild West is gonna make it so much more fun.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
Apologies to my players but due to my computer finally croaking, I had to spend the last few days getting a new one and redownloading some stuff. Next thread will be up sometime Monday. So my week long sabbatical is more like a week and a half. See you then.
>Tried starting a quest two or so months back >Had a blast doing it, and it was fun seeing people enjoy what I write >Quest went to shit and died from a mix of getting too busy with life and getting burnt out since I'm not used to writing so much >Every day the desire to give the quest another shot with fun story/character ideas that I want to write grows, but hesitant to get burnt out again and let everyone down a second time What should I do, bros? Would people be willing to give my quest another shot if I just reappear out of nowhere? How do I keep myself from burning out? I've been thinking I might simplify and shorten each post, for one. It was fun writing out massive blocks of text, but maybe I can still get the story and characterization across without spending what little free time I have overdoing my writing and eventually getting sick of it. Any tips for a fresh QM to stay afloat are greatly appreciated.
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>>6067570 I fee that. My computer fried in the heat. I've been suing my backup laptop ever since. Sorry to hear about yours.
>>6067590 I've start with a lighter quest or oneshot. People will play, though. Even notorious and well-known serial-flakes still get players here.
>>6066711 SV is a spin off of SB? How???
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>>6067823 It was a long time ago and I don't remember it well but the short story is that some mod got exposed for doing shady shit so half of the playerbase created a new site where the mods can even be more tyrannical.
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>>6067590 Whats the quest name.
Any good "Nah, I'd win" style moments in quests you remember?
>>6067986 Where a character is arrogant but then becomes immediately proven wrong in a punishing way?
Chartman !!RtTRSNxm597
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Sever those wires LCdr. Annon. Before that AI can finish scanning your brain!
Or we fall off page ten... >>6067996 >>6067993 Anonymous
First draft of my builder ruleset:
https://pastebin.com/7AG9SeZ2 >>6067134 >>6067339 could you please take a look at it?What am I trying to do:
>as little load on GM as possible >rules nudge you into interacting with other players asap >players only need to post once to resolve their turn >players resolve all their actions in one single roll >clear win condition >around 15 turns to finish and can carry over board state into new game easily Two most glaring issues right now are:
>When you attack you are interacting with opponents forces as they were last turn This is the big one. It creates issue where whoever posts the last can make the best decisions. Right now I'm solving it with mechanical bonuses awarded the following turn to players which post first. I know it's weak solution and this issue will never be fully solved but I think it's worth it considering it enables smooth gameflow.
>Act roll is incomplete/doesn't make much sense/is not very easy to understand I wanted something which rakes your units a little bit each turn, and which counters linear tactics where whoever sends the most units will win the conflict. I went with d6 sum of two best opposed roll but I know it probably is a poor choice. What kind of roll and resolution mechanic would be better?
I know there are many other issues like lacking perks, too much extermination relative to expansion, perks being rotated in and out too often, etc. but these can be finished only when the action roll is fleshed out.
Any feedback pls?
>pic unrelated Anonymous
>>6067590 Do you think anyone will still remember who you are?
Learn the lessons from your last quest and apply them, might be better to completely start over.
Don't write for the sake of writing, post when you are happy with the update
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>>6068014 If whoever posts lasts gets an advantage perhaps both reward posting first and penalize posting last? That will speed up rounds altogether too I'd reckon.
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>>6067990 Yes, ideally in way that subverts reader expectations (because they were justifiably arrogant)
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>>6067590 DesertQM is that you?
Imperial Jester
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>>6068069 >>6068069 After ample exposition, the meat and potatoes of this quest has finally started.
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>>6067986 Tips in Seekers of the Esoteric just tried to solve the dilemma of creating an evil clone of his girlfriend by creating a clone of himself, only to wake up as the clone, without a soul, magic, femboy good looks, fiance, or social status, but with all his memories. He's... Not taking it well. Such is the lot of mad scientists, sometimes.
>>6068034 >post when you are happy with the update I have the worst tendency to re-read my post, say
>yes, print and then immediately as I re-read it once posted see the glaring grammatical/word choice error that I didn't see when writing it.
C'est la vie.
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>>6068262 I feel you. I am garbage at proofreading my own work until at least an hour has passed. I read it as I intended it, not as it is. I also have an awful habit of making last-minute edits after I typo-correct, and they ALWAYS add more typos.
>>6068262 >press post >the exact nanosecond before the request is processed notice a small error >pray to god no one notices >someone always notices Anonymous
>>6068262 Try using a spellchecker, can get rid of some of the problems with writing
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>>6068287 I try spellchecking, but with some quest formats it's easier to use vanilla Notepad++ and a lot of my errors come down to seeing something that I think is fine but isn't. The spellchecker here tends to get a lot of the more egregious mistakes.
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>>6068271 You know what to do, anon
Hey guys can I get some (you)s? Free of charge?
>>6068346 Only if you say "Thank you, anon.".
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>>6068365 "Thank you, anon."
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Rolled 6739 (1d8192) test>captcha: ARRHG
>>6068346 One of them fucking days eh? Or weeks, or months, or years, or decades...
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>>6068429 >>6068415 >>6068376 Thanks guys, but these just ain't hitting the same. Have to update my quest I guess
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>>6064001 Snake Quest was and is and always will be the best Villain Fantasy Quest because anons did it by mistake.
Hollow Quest Redux was batshit insane and honestly garbage except the QM was a) actually a really good QM and writer and b) willing to roll with whatever retardation the players voted for leading to c) oh no the consequences to my own actions resulting in several save scum retcons. The seething levels of salt made Banished Quest look like white person cooked chicken.
There was an Evil Sorceress quest where the FMC raped and seduced and betrayed and butchered her way through the game.
Also we had Black Company quest where there was filicide and war crimes as and so many dead children. Just. Wow. Really the most dead kids I've ever seen and it's still complete fucking bullshit how that one little girl got railroaded into a bad ending when the QM fucked up hard on the crunch resulting in her dying and having even a critical success be a worse than death result in his apology roll.
I hope you have a daughter Forgotten and think about what you did to legless Jenny when you hold her in your arms for the first time. 10/10 writing years later I'm still mad about it.
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>>6067986 Mecha Space Pirate quest was this but the MC did win. So long as a love interest was involved, fucking Crits for days. An actual rpg system was used too, so it wasn't just the QM going "you rolled a 20? Anything can happen!"
Okay grapple-chan was OP. I can admit that now.
>>6067242 Nah, quests with images get better traction and unless you as the QM WANT to learn how to draw it takes energy away from actually running the game.
People will say shit like "It's ontologically evil" but if it bothers them so much then they can provide you with art at a comparable time/money cost. Oh wait that's not feasible.
So yeah using AI for your quest is a net gain in quest quality and productivity without any associated cost outside of your quest.
>>6068701 Hard disagree, high quality artwork isn't necessary here, images should convey a story and AI doesn't do that well.
>>6068705 It can with proper guidance, IMO. Cutemon sues AI art and collage-work tehreof to great effect and with remarkable consistency.
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>>6068705 I'd include hand-drawn images if I wasn't a talentless hack that can't stand the idea of not being instantly good at something.
>>6068701 I agree, ai slop is pretty damn good nowadays. Even big artists I follow repost ai every now and then not realizing it's ai. It's pretty much over for artists unless you specifically enjoy the act of drawing. I'm sure it will hit a diminishing returns stage where every year stops being so much better then last in terms of quality. But I don't think that's going to be for a while.
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>>6068790 Meh, good artists will transition to using AI as a tool. Great artists will transition to using AI to launder money, because is it really art if your gallery isn't a criminal front for laundering money?
>>6068705 >Claims high quality artwork isn't a requirement here > Proceeds to argue that AI art isn't of high quality so it doesn't work here. Cope and seethe. Wait until you realize most artists can't draw hands or feet IRL either.
>>6068809 I didn't argue that AI shouldn't be used because of the quality, just that the scene in your head and the scene spat out by the AI will be very different. People who put effort into their work will be more respected than people who don't, a stickman op has more soul than a generic AI image
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Sun 28 Jul 2024 20:57:34 No. 6068842 Report Quoted By:
>>6068816 Picrel generated way more engagement than any AI slop I used
>>6068816 Yeah. I like my doodles because I get to draw what I like, almost directly from my brain, and asking someone else to do that the way I imagine it is impossible.
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>>6068809 AI will supplant writing before it supplants well-done visual art, IMO.
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>>6068855 This is the biggest issue I've had tinkering around with AI: it never does things exactly like I want, and the process is deeply frustrating even in the cases where the output is technically better in almost every way than something I could draw
90s MG Villainess
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>>6068346 Have one to perk you up.
I had a great day today because I watched the Utena musical.
If you don't join our thread, Mr. Mason is going to shut us down. Join mystery club.
>>6068946 Anonymous
>>6063680 >Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? Lurker here, well actually I am a newfag and only started to check this board 5 minutes ago (I usually just use /a/ and /vg/ so I am still getting my bearings about qst, I am waiting my stomach to feel better after eating too much, then I'll probably check out the threads.
>>6069012 Welcome aboard! good to have you here. What brought you to our little hermit kingdom?
>>6069052 Naming it a hermit kingdom makes me think it is the turbo-niche North Korea of 4chan. I'm also new here (only having been here a day or two) but I have been enjoying myself a lot. Surprises me it isn't more popular (glad it isn't, though).
>>6069052 Thank you, boredom brought me here really, my rp partner is busy working as a barrista so during the timeoff I was checking out for a different board.
>>6069059 My two cents as a total newcomer is that the format might be a little more intimidating for anons new to writing/cyoa, so that lends the board to be extra niche, I am more surprised I never bothered to check this board before actually, this place sounds more my thing given I writefag daily (either with my rp partner or with chatbots).
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>>6069059 >Surprises me it isn't more popular Collective CYOA with daily chapters as a form is super obscure, I would guess largely because QMing for free is crazy but paying for a QM is also weird
>>6069059 >(glad it isn't, though) That is why I'm sometimes GLAD we're a hermit kingdom in this land of 4chan. Bit of a double-edged sword, though. I'm always grateful to see more people discover or discover this place, like you and
>>6069064 .
>my rp partner is busy Hey, that's part of how I ended up here!
>>6065483 I promised to come back by end of june and didn't. I really want to go back and continue my quest but I don't think I'm cut out for it. I feel like I'm just going to dissapoint in the end. Also I'm very slow, most likely somethings wrong with my brain.
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>>6069121 Hey, don't beat yourself up. A quest is never an obligation. it's a fun thing we do together. I liked your quest a lot, and I hope you return to it in some form, but you should take care if yourself first and foremost before you worry about making moving pictures and CYO prompts for us on /qst/. I hope you find a way to feel better soon.
Curse Carrier DM
>>6069071 I sometimes considered going to other quests websites for the higher number of (you)'s but this place honestly feels like home by now, and it'd feel wrong to leave it just for more interaction. besides, I tend to get overwhelmed when there's too many votes anyway, and I like most of the community here.
>>6069052 You didn't ask me shit but I've always wanted to share how I found /Qst/
All because of this video:
https://youtu.be/n0wqhdZn4v0 I always enjoyed reading and the idea of collaborative stories was really interesting. After getting some Lamplighter, Bully Quest (before it got weird), and Earthbender Quest I figured I would take a stab at running my own XCOM Quest.
I've enjoyed my time on the board and am also sort of glad for the population staying kinda low, in an Internet where everything is just filling with fluff and trash it's nice to have a place still feel local. Still always happy to see new voters or QMs, of course. I do sometimes miss the live sessions though, getting 2 or 3 updates in the span of 2 Hours or less. Simpler times
if you didn't re-read it 6 times before and after posting, did you really even post it?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6069255 Me FURIOUSLY typing an update with art 2 minutes before I need to leave for work with bold, italics, and color-text only to notice a mistake 3-5 hours later on my break checking it on my phone
You ever in a situation where you wish a quest you really liked was more popular but at the same time are afraid that this could lead to retards ruining your votes and choosing stupid decisions?
>>6069071 >That is why I'm sometimes GLAD we're a hermit kingdom in this land of 4chan. Bit of a double-edged sword, though. I'm always grateful to see more people discover or discover this place, like you and >>6069064 . Feelsgoodman, to be honest I saw a few of the threads and ngl I do feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of story written already (like having 20#~ something threads and me going crazy if I don't read the whole backstory to catch up if I pick one of those to participate), nevertheless I'm excited, I was wondering if someone has any tips for someone who just joined qst, not by doing QM my irl job doesn't lend me the time to focus on that unfortunately, but I was wondering if there is anything a newcomer ought know or any unwritten rule?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 29 Jul 2024 14:32:42 No. 6069354 Report >>6063680 Didn't see these questions til now. Might as well answer them while I try to distract from my typos.
>QM question: >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Not at the moment. I'm too cocksure to say I wouldn't be able to run any idea I get. Maybe if I dream up something that's a lot more mechanic-heavy I'd not be as great with it, but I have yet to do that.
>Player question: >Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? I sometimes wonder what Disappearing Hogwarts would look like had we gone with Lily instead of Arty. Would be neat to try some alt-universe spin-off thing where that happened, especially considering how that ended in this timeline.
>General question: >What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? My immense bias for monster taming games tells me Fossil Fighters would make for an awesome shitpost quest. Dinosaur alien ladies to bang, hot-rod t-rexes to fight with, and giant space fish to destroy? Even just following the original game's plot would be greatly entertaining, let alone whatever a QM could do with the worldbuilding or premise.
Does it still count as multimedia if it only had two games and a manga? >Miscellaneous question: >What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? None anymore, but I used to haunt /vp/, /tg/, /int/, /an/ quite a lot a few years ago. Nowadays /qst/ is the only board I can tolerate and I much prefer it to anyplace else on the site.
>>6069012 >>6069059 Glad to see some fresh blood arriving for the ritual sacrifice. Enjoy your stay and don't mind the daggers.
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>>6069354 I would be up for a dinosaur cock fighting game, most monster taming quests are just pokemon
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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The Caretaker Quest has been updated!
can you hold your your curse at bay and resist the charm of Lily Potter in the middle of the Great Hall filled with students while keeping an eye on Elliot?
roll to find out!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 Anonymous
>>6069340 >but I was wondering if there is anything a newcomer ought know or any unwritten rule? For a player:
>Sort the catalog by Last Reply, not bump order: quests keep running long after the bump limit >Vote! If you don't vote, only read, the QM literally doesn't know you exist >You're welcome to simply post the vote options and leave, but including your reasoning or discussing the options with other players will make the QM want to have sex with you (and if they're a good QM they may factor in your discussion even if the option doesn't win) >If it wasn't obvious, don't namefag and don't samefag (reset your IP to vote multiple times); one's tacky and one's cheating, and both are frowned upon (for players, QMs essentially have to namefag) >If you see a long running quest that looks really interesting, you can often get away with hopping into the most recent thread, asking the QM or other players some clarifying questions, and just start voting: most quests have small voterbases, so most QMs would never object to fresh blood, and other people are voting alongside you so it's hard to singlehandedly screw things up >Ask QMs questions in general, you have to be super autistic to run a quest for a long period of time so you'll probably make their day and get detailed answers back >Upvote threads you liked in the archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html . It doesn't do anything in a practical sense but it's nice anyway Anonymous
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>>6069509 thanks for the tips I found two thread qst for me to hop on and vote about so having this to take note of it helps!
>You're welcome to simply post the vote options and leave, but including your reasoning or discussing the options with other players will make the QM want to have sex with you (and if they're a good QM they may factor in your discussion even if the option doesn't win) it would feel boring to just vote and not interact a little with the qm and the players so knowing that it is encourged is even better
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>>6069509 >Ask QMs questions in general, you have to be super autistic to run a quest for a long period of time so you'll probably make their day and get detailed answers back I'd act like an anime girl who was just hugged by her senior classmate crush if someone asked probing questions about the setting and characters. Powerful stuff interest.
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>>6069340 >I saw a few of the threads and ngl I do feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of story written already The good news is that new quests start up pretty often, so you usually can get in on the ground floor of SOMETHING cool, or near enough, every month or two.
> I was wondering if there is anything a newcomer ought know or any unwritten rule? As a QM, I appreciate when even basic "support" or "+1" votes get linked back to my vote prompt post. It makes them easier to count. I think
>>6069509 covered almost everything else.
>>6069231 >this video Man, imagine having someone do this for one of your quests? I don't even know how I'd handle it.
>>6069354 >A Fossil Fighters quest Fuck yeah. Would play!
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
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>>6063680 >QM question: >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Noir detective on a fae-filled world, narrated in the hammiest, most cliche way possible.
"I knew she was trouble the moment she walked in. Legs that went on for days, so it took her a long while to finally fit all of it in my office. Not really sure where the brain is in a creature like that, but I've learned not to question these things."
Just trying to find a good way to make things work mechanically and thematically (and I also need to finish my current quest, which might take a while)
>>6069340 Welcome!
>>6069509 covered most bases, but I'd add that if you are interested in a quest and want to read it from scratch, take your time. Most established quests update once a day or less, so there is no rush to try to read it all so you don't miss anything. Sometimes a week passes and the MC is still on the same date with their girlfriend and nothing of massive importance will have happened other than some character building.
Also, do theorycraft about the stuff that is going on in the story. QMs love to see it (or at least I do)
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>>6067357 yeah I remember you fucking tools, they werent insane I was just trying to build them into the world but no one wanted to work with me except the dude who actually put in effort and made art too, I just wanted a fun humanoid race that and worked with the 2 moons and have them only really start shit with other clowns civil war shit
90s MG Villainess
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>>6069014 >>6069014 >>6069014 Need a tie breaker for Shoujo Villainess Quest
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>>6063680 >Player question Not that I’m currently reading since I’m only in two right now. I keep burning out as I try to expand.
>Lurker I do chime in, but I’ve never really spoken about my questing habits with others. Been a while since I’ve hung out in real life, much less with people who would be interested in this. My online presence is pretty negligible too.
>Misc None. I did go on /tg/ before the split, but I haven’t had a reason since then. The only other one I have even partial exposure to is from a Christmas Ball between boards (/tg/ was with /x/ at the time) where I helped edit/write a couple short stories for the event.
On a related note, two reviews can be requested then the booth is closed. I’d like to contribute again, but I don’t have the energy to do more than that without flaking again.
>>6063680 >QM A Star Wars bounty hunter quest or some form of Battletech quest.
>General Battletech. The franchise lends itself well to min/max autism and all sorts of narrations.
>Lurker Aversion to social interaction even on an anonymous imageboard.
>Misc K, tg, sometimes lit. I'd rather spend my time actually doing my hobbies rather than look at people talk about them.
>>6069756 >Battletech Noted, I'll see about getting on that when my current project is done. In Blake's Name!
I suppose being the actual setting rather than an OC knockoff does bring players who wouldn't be into it otherwise.
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>>6069761 >WOB No one does religious extremism better than the Wobbies. I'm a Marik and Davion fan myself.
>OC knockoff Nothing wrong with OC, just won't have the traction that a more establish setting has.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Tue 30 Jul 2024 03:03:09 No. 6069780 Report Does anyone remember when that Cyberpunk quest was supposed to return? I miss it. Same for Downerquest and Versequest. And Feeling Blue. And Dragon of Middle Earth. Basically I'm calling all of you niggas out. Start new threads! Don't let your quests die with a whimper.
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>>6069780 Downer and Verse are deeply missed.
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>>6069780 I miss that Middle Earth quest as well. On that note, is Aurebesh still alive?
I just reread my quest, and damn, I'm actually proud of what I made. It's not a masterpiece but It's definitely encouraged me to get back at it. I haven't drawn since then. Had a big change at work, used to work mornings and now I only work evenings. Being full time and doing this sucks big time but, I have to find a way. It's becoming a burning desire again!
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>>6069780 I miss Interregnum... shame I don't think it's coming back anytime soon.
Also, bring back L5R Chanbara and Holy Sword.
And Deniable Assets.
And Magical Girl for Hire.
And Fallout Trader. BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
We just wrapped up Black Ocean Quest, hope everyone (secretly) voted for it liked it!
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5672100/#5682717 >>6069760 I quite enjoyed the nautical and adventure themes; but is a 45 day old thread, yikes. They really do last a long time on here now huh?
>>6069830 Please come back!
>>6069830 >>6069905 Im very much thinking about it!
Wonder if a Wilding Quest would last longer than the last few ASOIAF quests
>>6069948 The last died before getting off the ground in any real way.
>>6069952 Do you mean Asoiaf in general or was their a wilding quest before?
I still want the celtigar one to make a comeback, the one where we fucked a mermaid.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>6069780 Versequest and Downerquest will be coming back, don't worry. These last few months have just been slightly busier and more dramatic than I thought they'd be for personal reasons. Ideas and plotlines for both quests are still being worked on, and since I've had some time I've actually been able to write them down in notebooks and such. I've also been doing some reading and working on my writing, so hopefully I'll be on my A-game when I get back to it.
I'll probably finish Downerquest first, since its scope is way smaller, unless you'd all prefer a Versequest thread first in which case I'll do that.
In the meantime here's a little drawing.
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>>6069953 Plasma who ran house Harrock tried running a wildling quest a few years back.
As for the Celtigar quest I guess we'll see.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6069912 >>6069912 >>6069912 Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest returns! From a break that frankly should have been shorter.
Fiona has been unilaterally chosen to assist in the live capture of an ever-starving creature known as a Nalkainen. Provided with an experimental bodysuit, she can almost match its strength and speed, but as it draws power from her metabolism, she is beginning to feel the Nalkainen's hunger as well...
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
I do not care for the ASOIAF's setting.
>>6069959 Why'd you word it like that? The a song of ice and fire's setting
That's weird
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6069961 I don't know what the world in that is actually called lol
>>6069964 If people have to call the setting anything other than ASOIAF, they tend to say Planetos because George has a very clear naming convention for continents with Westeros and Essos. Oh and Sothoryos , I just realized, even though no one cares about Sothoryos except fan theorists and fan fic writers, who usually only use it to add velociraptors to their fics even though there's nothing saying in canon there are fucking dinosaurs in Sothoryos
But officially, it has no name, but I wouldn't put it past the fat man to call it Earthos or some shit,
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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I do not care for "Earthos".
>>6069864 What's next now? More monke? Another new quest? A continuation to one of your other quests like the hero one?
How do I improve my prose and descriptions when writing during a session? I feel under pressure and find it hard to "lock-in" in comparison to when I just write for the quest before the session. I also feel as if my writing is "wooden" and lacking in something substantial in comparison to other QMs but I hope it's just a matter of time and experience.
>>6070003 >I also feel as if my writing is "wooden" and lacking in something substantial in comparison to other QMs but I hope it's just a matter of time and experience. Improvement doesn't happen overnight, take every mistake as a new lesson to learn from
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6069986 Honestly? I think I'm gonna run something just for myself this time.
>>6070010 ..What does that even mean? You're going to write an adventure and then run it solely with yourself? That's just called writing, bananas.
>>6070003 Just write more and read more. Improvement comes with the miniscule and gradual refinement of your own writing process and by reading. The 'wooden' feeling might go away or it might not, it's a matter of how you yourself perceives your own writing.
>>6070008 >>6070017 So I shouldn't hold it against myself so much at this time, just keep writing and trying to slowly improve.
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>>6069830 It was nice. I'd love more.
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>>6070010 I don't believe you.
You're too addicted to (You) for that.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Tue 30 Jul 2024 13:48:39 No. 6070045 Report Quoted By:
To the anon theorycrafting and posting research in my thread: I WILL find you and I WILL kiss you. You make my day every time you post.
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>>6069954 I enjoyo both, but Downerquest has me more gripped at the moment.
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>>6070012 That is a thing the main character of Cement Stratosphere did, isn't it?
So many narrative-voting quests, very few collaborative world building games. It's sad, back when tg hosted these there were a few games that I regularly participated in for a couple years. Ah well.
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>>6070096 Someone tried to start one, but offered no guidelines or limits and immediately abandoned it when it got lolrandom.
>>6070096 How do you feel about a collaborative gacha development game?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Tue 30 Jul 2024 19:46:18 No. 6070140 Report Quoted By:
>>6070096 There is the 40k minor Xenos thing i'm running.
Olympus QM
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Olympus Incarnation has entered its seventh thread!
>>6070163 >>6070165 von Adlershorst
Adlershorst Dynasty Update
A depiction of lore and whatnot
>>6070160 >>6070161 >>6070164 >>6070169 Anonymous
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>>6070010 ah, prince fanfic incoming. About time honestly.
>>6070110 I would give it a try. Playing as a team of developers
>>6069966 >though there's nothing saying in canon there are fucking dinosaurs in Sothoryos? People just love dinosaurs.
>>6070197 Any world is made better by having dinosaurs. This is a known fact. The only people who disagree are lizards wearing human skinsuits. This is also a known fact.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Tue 30 Jul 2024 22:28:16 No. 6070216 Report Quoted By:
>>6070210 The monkey's paw curls and you get feathered chicken dinos. Even on the ones that most likely didn't have them.
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>>6070220 That is fine. Feathers on dinos are an aesthetic.
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>>6070220 Do they taste like chicken too at least? It's a nice tradeoff in that case
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>>6070210 >The only people who disagree are lizards wearing human skinsuits. No, I'm with you, dinosaurs rock.
Mike Tapper
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>>6070210 I want to disagree, but I CAN'T!
OBA-337 !!4mnDVUrwiI8
Sorry for the two anons that were following M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest, I've just not been feeling well lately. Those that play my stuff know that I already have a slow upload schedule normally, so any debuffs applied on me would just immediately kill a possible thread on arrival. In other news, I watched the new Deadpool movie yesterday and can't stop thinking about the intro section, now I really want an isekai story about an overpowered protagonist guy who escapes the magical reincarnation purgatory and has to jump through worlds to escape the reincarnation police while using the extremely resiliant dead body of his designated isekai goddess waifu as his only weapon.
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>>6070256 >characterizing Wolverine as Deadpool's overpowered waifu I'm sure Wade would be all in on that, but Wolverine don't swing that way!
It's not gay if it's Cyclops Anonymous
>>6069954 Wait, Downerquest? Please link, I must have missed that
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 31 Jul 2024 01:48:27 No. 6070286 Report After a hundred posts, Walter is finally getting to... choose his starter!
>>6070276 >>6070278 >>6070279 >>6070280 >>6070282 >>6070284 Who coulda guessed that something as important as finding shelter in an apocalypse would've delayed such a touchstone moment.
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>>6069227 WE LOVE YOU
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>>6070285 https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5998869/ >>6070010 Looking forward to it!
>>6069227 Same, honestly. The cozy vibe here is part of the draw, even if it's maybe a LITTLE slower than I'd like at times.
Maybe when I'm satisfied that I've finished playing with my /qst/ setting I've created, but I can't imagine carrying on elsewhere with what me and my players shaped here would feel right.
>>6070256 Oh, and I forgot to say: I'm excited for MGQ to come back, but at your own pace, please. Feel better soon! Anonymous
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PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 31 Jul 2024 02:37:17 No. 6070305 Report >>6070210 Aren't lizards wearing human skinsuits also dinosaurs if you squint hard enough?
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>>6069909 This drawing of Rue deserves more (You)s
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>>6069909 I'll keep an eye out for it.
>>6070305 By this logic, is Mark Zuckerberg a dinosaur?
>>6070030 Yes. Hell I’d imagine if you asked established QMs to reread their first thread, half of them cringe themselves into a coma
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:xgFVJ5iG Wed 31 Jul 2024 09:52:20 No. 6070451 Report Quoted By:
>Tfw waited months for Blood and Seed to get a second thread >Thread died in the middle of thread 2 I wonder when we'll get another quest where the goal is to have children
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>>6070525 Well it's not the goal, but Curse Carrier kinda turned into a child-raising simulator story about halfway in.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 31 Jul 2024 15:43:54 No. 6070585 Report Quoted By:
>>6070286 Looking for a tiebreaker for this vote! Last-minute, someone changed a vote and another person added a vote to the option that'd been switched.
It's up to one of you to decide whether Walter befriends an Aron or Mareep first.
Chartman !!RtTRSNxm597
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Final update for Voidship Bridge Simulator Thread #3.5.
Thanks for reading everyone and I'd appreciate any feedback. I'm always looking to improve my writing.
>>6070595 >>6070598 >>6070599 >>6070627 >>6070644 Anonymous
>>6070432 100%
>>6070331 Mark Zuckerberg is a robot, not a lizard.
>>6070525 The main character of Reptilian Infiktrator had two* kids who factor into Dragonborn Antipaladin and Seekers of the Esoteric. The main character of Dragonborn Antipaladin had 11 kids. The main characters of Seeekers have... Uh, clones, so far, but the MC regards one as sort of like a daughter.
>>6070686 Then please nominate the most dinosaur-like human being using the aforementioned logic.
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k ID:HYcKsdXZ Wed 31 Jul 2024 23:31:09 No. 6070794 Report Quoted By:
Hello Cutie G, just noticed there were two /qtg/s on the board. Players please note
>>6070761 Anonymous
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>>6070786 George SAURos, obviously. And Mitch McConnell is a turtle-man.
It has now been two years since the last thread of The Little Dungeon That Could.
I want a GOOD dynasty quest
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>>6070902 Didn't that QM pop in last QTG to say they were sticking to a quest elsewhere and not returning to Little Dungeon or Matsuno Idol Agency?
A shame to lose such a talent on the board. That QM put in SERIOUS effort.
>>6070904 We all do, bro. What would be cool would be a cursed bloodline quest. Some Gothic horror shit.
Start with the first character fucking over his decendanrs through a deal with dark powers, being bit by a weird God, or fucking one too many native priesteses in their temples or however the chooseable inherited curses might start
>>6070904 what do you mean by Dynasty quest? and how would you execute it?
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>>6070902 Anyone remember the Cupanon threads on /tg/? It's been over three years since the most recent thread. We never got to see Perturabo's frown turn upside down.
The Loom
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>>6065701 >>6065701 >>6065701 Come watch my players immediately regrt their decisions as they struggle to deal with a fae
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:DGTusAbp Thu 01 Aug 2024 08:34:25 No. 6070991 Report >>6070922 I already have enough invasive thought quests, don't do this to me.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6070922 /qst/ players don't like tragedy. Being faced with an inevitable defeat or decline even when it is logical or thematically appropriate doesn't "feel good".
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6067570 Yeaaah that took longer than I expected.
However, no fear. I'm back on the infinite grind. 100000 years of Nicole. Cleaner Quest is back up. It's time to wrap up this wild goose chase over a corporate briefcase the many secrets inside of it.
>>6071059 >>6071059 >>6071059 Anonymous
>>6070930 A quest where you control a ruling dynasty. Basically crusader kings the quest, where you control the current head of the dynasty and make decisions regarding your realm. Most stand out examples were 40k planetary governor quest (Heavy on the eugenics, where players wasted a generation by marrying a super simp with their current, genetically mod fifed hot piece of ass, who took their ruling powers away until the next heir took power, which was funny) and the incredible Simple space empire quest
I want a Bleach Quest that has Three Days Grace as a sound track.
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>>6071079 this seems something you would like
>>6070173 this is a war the heir joined
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>>6070733 >>6070733 >>6070733 The Graverobber's Daughter continues! Having decided to overstay her father's deadline - which by the strictest interpretation she had already failed - she now finds herself with at least twelve more hours before her departure. At least some of the time will be spent preparing to 'move house', but the remainder weighs heavy in her thoughts. The act of 'moving house' and escaping Midden and Mount will be serious exertions, and she has only had naps and snacks for the past two days now - but at the same time, there are leads and potential clues all over the Mount as to her father's whereabouts and activities. When she was trying - and failing - to keep her schedule, she had to turn her back on them, but there is time now, and his trail is never likely to be any warmer. Of course, the situation on the Mount and especially on the Thoroughfares leading to and from it are deteriorating - if she tries to quit the Mount strung out, she may find herself being strung up. Or much, much worse ...
TreeHouses QM
>>6066127 >>6066129 >>6066445 Appreciate the kind words, and sorry I'm just seeing this now. I've actually been working on "something". I really want to have a lot more fleshed out before I post anything though. Three Houses Quest was essentially started on a whim and I just went from there. And while that was fun, there were certain times I was racking my brain because I hadn't done enough planning. I'm especially trying to figure out a good way to do combat that doesn't require as much crazy number crunching. But I did decide that I want to do a "sequel" set about 20 years later. I'd hope to have something up later this month or early September even. At least as soon as I get around to learning portrait splicing...
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>>6071003 Players don't like feeling blindsided or helpless, but a tragedy that they understand is of their own making or the whims of uncaring dice bothers them less. It's the 'inevitable' but that's the rub. Players (well, some) crave AGENCY more than victory. That's my experience, at least.
>>6070922 I'd play this, as long as we still got to make meaningful choices. Technically, this is an aspect of at least a few quests (including mine), but none have really focused on fighting against or overcoming a curse across generations (or learning to live with it?) as their main driving force. Sounds moody!
>>6071085 Is it because of an AMV?
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:aVPeLvbQ Thu 01 Aug 2024 16:15:31 No. 6071170 Report Loveless Gal returns tomorrow. If you’re interested in a day-to-day fantasy set in the early modern era, with an undercurrent of criminality, be sure to check it out! Certified kino by RQM - and - Archivebro.
>>6071168 It's because of a memory of watching an amv as I sit in an office bored out of my mind.
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At least our hockey slags are doing well I guess
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>>6071172 Not a bad thing.
Well, being bored is, but not the other thing.
Greenwood !!2IhCLnnO0Db
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After an unexpected hiatus, I Forgotten Realms Adventures has returned.
>>6071179 Anonymous
>>6071170 >I'm getting used as a selling point like I'm the New Year Times Bestsellers list or something Hyped for the finale of the quest, though!
>>6071170 And here I’d been thinking I had missed the end while I crawled into my hole for a while. I’ll need to finish what I missed in the second thread.
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I need enough votes to break a tie in Solarpunk!
>>6070950 >>6070950 >>6070950 Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Fri 02 Aug 2024 04:59:37 No. 6071550 Report Good evening everybody. I have some less than fortunate news about Lodestar, but not as unfortunate as it being shelved forever or anything like that. My health has only deteriorated further since the end of this last thread, as evidenced by a possible transient ischemic attack this morning. It shared virtually all of the symptoms of it, but there was no apparent permanent damage during preliminary testing. I'm going to be exceptionally tied up with medical things in the coming days, and frankly speaking I don't have the time to run when I have the energy and don't have the energy to run when I have the time. What does this mean for Lodestar? It means we're going on a Hiatus until my gay ass sick faggot body stops being so sick. I'd love to keep running it, I'm utterly obsessed with it like always, but it's just not going to be possible to run it in a way that either you readers or I would find satisfying - updates would be increasingly sporadic, and I'm sure quality would begin to suffer. I'll still be frequenting the /qtg/, and I'll announce our inevitable return there. Please keep an eye out for it if you've been enjoying the quest so far! TL;DR: OP is a sick faggot and needs to take a longer break than expected. It could be a few weeks, or a couple months.
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
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>>6071553 >>6071553 >>6071553 We're back at it in Disappearing Hogwarts! After months of avoiding it, Elliot has no choice but share something with the man prophesied to end the world if he knows too much.
But, then again, Elliot *has* been prophesied to tear apart the very stars from the heavens, so who is he to judge?
>accidentally click /pw/ again >"huh, thats a lot of wrestling quests." >"where the fuck is the qtg"
>>6071597 Kek.
>>6071550 Decidedly LESS fun than the other post. Really sorry t hear it, WftC. I hope you get well soon, and they sort out the cause get you back to top form.
Levelman !rnYhP.nKQo
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Running a Beerus centric oneshot quest in which you get to unleash your inner Gordon Ramsay.
>>6071595 >>6071595 >>6071595 Anonymous
>>6071550 Your health takes priority. Get well and be safe.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
Quoted By:
The Caretaker Quest has been updated!
We got first contact with...something!
Can you help whatever that is?
Would you find out what THAT is?
Will your Irish Coffee be completely gone after this?
Roll to find out!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 Anonymous
>>6070210 >Any world is made better by having dinosaurs This is NOT TRUE; Killzone was ruined after they added the robot dinosaurs, I weep, pic related
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Solarpunk Skirmish oneshot. Set as a sort of prequel with DCC level 0 meatgrinder lethality, but there's a bunch of reasons I'm not currently running it instead of Solarpunk #6.
>What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? I'm not very much a fanfic fag personally, though I haven't noticed any Final Fantasy themed quests. No quests where you play as beady eyed black mages? No knife-totting Tonberries? No Ivalician Judges? Not even Elpis/Amaurotine Slice of Life? Just no fans of the series, I presume.
>What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? Mostly /v/, /vg/, /vrpg/, and /vst/. /tg/ has been content farming central for over five years now and unusable.
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>>6071687 Hey just cause those two ugly dudes are identical doesn't make it the same universe.
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>>6071687 Sadly true, my fellow Son of Helghan.
>>6071550 Hope you get better soon QM~
The Loom
>>6071550 You're a real nigga and I'll eagerly await when you come back. Now get your rest and get better, faggot
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
Quoted By:
Salutations! The RWBY "Tales of Kuchinashi" quest has updated! You are formally invited to vote and help us derail the main storyline! You're not obligated to, but it could be fun.
Also it is somewhat likely our protagonist is going to join a terrorist faction soon so if you want to stop/encourage that then get right in!
>>6049681 >>6049681 >>6049681 Anonymous
>>6069780 I miss feeling blue as well
And Interregnum
There was this Star Trek Honolulu quest I remember having some potential Still holding out hope for Contolist’s gundam quest coming back but it has been a bit
>>6071550 Damn. Sorry to hear that, Watcher. Hope it all stays at “no permanent damage” as you bounce around in the healthcare system.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>6071550 Wishing you a speedy recovery, man. Gonna miss your shit, but I want you to get better first!
>>6072059 Kaz's Star Wartz Interregnum, Drunk QM's Sunbelt Crusaders, so many other good quests too.
Quoted By:
>>6071386 >>6071438 >>6071447 Stomach ache. I’ll have to delay the thread for a bit. Here is a sneak-peak of the first update, though.
>>6063680 Day 656 waiting for Vegeta's Quest to return...
>>6072224 1,168 days waiting for Chanbara Quest part 2. Get on my level.
Actually, no, don't, it fucking sucks here.
>>6072229 >it fucking sucks here. We talking vacuum or $20s is $20s level of suck?
>>6072238 Like this but slower.
>>6072238 In all our talk across the QTGs as to how revitalize /qst/, we never before did chance upon "what if we used it as a way to proposition forlorn players for oral sex," until now. Kek.
What happens first, the janitor does his job or the faggot gets bored?
>>6072369 No clue, but I hope it's soon
>>6072238 >>6072240 >>6072249 you get this intimate oral moment
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>>6072369 >>6072380 It appears janny woke up. Thanks janny.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Sat 03 Aug 2024 12:28:29 No. 6072402 Report >>6071601 >>6071634 >>6071958 >>6071979 >>6072125 >>6072142 Thanks for all the well-wishes, brothers. Just remember to take care of yourselves, too. It's easy to get wrapped up in life and keep putting your health off until it culminates in something terrible - don't let it happen to you. Even if you've got a phobia or whatever, push through it, get your regular checkups, report any problems you've got to your doctors. If you're a forgetful faggot like me, write your issues and incidents down somewhere and bring it with you to the doctor so you can actually remember. You won't be young and healthy forever, assuming you're young and healthy now.
Anyways, my government-mandated PSA aside, redpill me on your quests, fellow QMs. Sell me on them. I might pick up some more while I spend an eternity in endless waiting rooms.
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:xKQVsu7+ Sat 03 Aug 2024 13:06:22 No. 6072415 Report >>6071075 No. I require more power first.
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:xKQVsu7+ Sat 03 Aug 2024 13:14:54 No. 6072417 Report Quoted By:
>>6072415 That's not the right formula for the joke, but I'm too drunk to care.
>>6072402 >Demon Negotiator Quest I mean... There was a parrot with two heads. That was pretty cool.
>>6072402 I was following a pretty good quest called Lodest- shit, nevermind.
I still main Core of Steel and Maximum Spider. Picked up Poképocalypse on a whim since it was started just a few days ago. Anything else from my prior reviews still stands, of course.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 03 Aug 2024 14:35:48 No. 6072458 Report Quoted By:
>>6071550 Dear Lord that's cruel. I hope your recovery is swift, safe, and inevitable.
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>>6071550 Sorry to hear that, mate. Hope your health picks up soon.
Working on a thing for a future quest I might run. Can I get some help from anons? Just need 15 people to reply with objects/things that they like, 1 each. Something that brings you happiness or enjoyment.
>>6072479 Scented candles.
>>6072479 How about you come up with your own ideas, asking for 15 people to give you ideas is a bit much.
>>6072486 I can generate 15 random objects with chatgpt in a second. The point is to have a human brain behind the randomness. It's a single word.
Quoted By:
>>6072487 No11kL6I's word is clearly 'contrarianism'.
>>6072487 Water
You will run liquid quest and you will like it
>>6072479 Tall nearsighted women
>>6072479 Books. Kinda obvious given the board!
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 03 Aug 2024 15:40:58 No. 6072501 Report >>6072402 They're not mine, but Disappearing Hogwarts and Maximum Spider are really really great quests that I'd recommend to anyone so I might as well mention them to you. If you want a shorter read, there's also the old one-shot A Good Man? (
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2016/21435/ )
>>6072479 Books were already mentioned, so I'll bring up obscenely huge tabletop games with rulebooks thicker than most peoples' heads, be they board-based or campaign-focused.
>>6072479 Cars! Especially the history of Peugeot.
>>6072479 Femboy, there I poisoned the list
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>>6072571 Please retreat back into the cave, hole or crevice from which you came.
>>6072480 >>6072483 >>6072484 >>6072489 >>6072491 >>6072496 >>6072497 >>6072501 >>6072531 >>6072536 >>6072551 >>6072570 >>6072571 >>6072578 Thank you! Much appreciated. Now there's a part 2 to this little request, and that's all I'll need. Sort of a pre-vote before the quest even comes. I'd like to request that for each answer on this list, somebody list out something that can destroy it. No overlap if possible, and you can answer for your own input.
And you can lie. archivebro
>>6072579 For my own, Fire would work. For something with the added bonus of already being on the list you could instead use Water.
>>6072579 Regarding
>>6072578 ...
Fat asses.
If you have to ask what beats fat asses, it's long legs, which are then defeated by, you guessed it, fat tits.
>>6072579 Bicycles beat cars
>>6072579 >Kamen Rider Build Quest MY NIGGA
For the complicated TTRPG mentioned
>>6072501 , computers
>>6072579 For Tea, bad water
>>6072579 >Something that can destroy God Well then. While I could put my JRPG hat on, I'll go with the Greco-Roman clsssic and say his strongest Son
>>6072579 Waters weakness is sponge because it absorbs it
>>6072579 The opposite of a good Rye Whiskey is probably something awful like Malort.
Souv idk if you're still checking the UPYR thread, but I posted my feedback there, would appreciate if you answered questions. Posting this in both qtgs.
>>6072579 Paper
but really, a navvy with a pickaxe
Quoted By:
>>6072579 Horse for the opposite of cars?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>all these people posting opposites and not things that can destroy them Cars are destroyed by Telephone Poles Rye Whisky is destroyed by Ice Scented Candles are destroyed by Methane Gas Leaks Rule-dense TTRPGs are destroyed by Group Scheduling
Quoted By:
>>6072479 >>6072579 These:
>>6072497 >>6072536 >>6072570 >>6072571 >>6072583 >>6072584 >>6072682 Ship building, manufacturing logistics, and knights with guns as well.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 03 Aug 2024 22:23:34 No. 6072807 Report >>6072597 >>6072712 settle down girls you're both right
Honestly practically anything could destroy a TTRPG like that, hell just losing the rulebook could render the entire thing unplayable, so the aspiring QM could probably spin a fucking wheel of hazards and land on something that'd prompt the system to go bust. It's part of the fun imo.
But yeah, I suppose a discordant group would tear them apart more than most things. I guess group scheduling, infighting, etc would all work.
As for board games-- well, they're kind of in the same situation, but if you lose the board for the board game it's pretty much over. You could try to substitute, but it's not the same.
Quoted By:
>>6067385 >>6072145 Hey! We need more voters in The Emperor's Game.
>OC Fantasy Setting >MC is a Pirate Sorcerer Prince >Contest between 12 Champions to inherit the Imperial Throne >Compete in challenges to obtain gemstones >Discover the secrets of the Imperial capital >Forge alliances to aid you in your quest for the throne. Anonymous
Quoted By:
My Hero Academia has finally ended! STANDOQM! Present Mic! Get back here and finish what you started!
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>>6072712 Adding Malort to rye will 100% destroy it worse than ice, which some people (if you can call them people) actually add on purpose.
Mawmaw !!leoMR44RyCR
Quoted By:
Imperium of Man Princess quest is live, come check it out!
>>6052620 >>6052620 >>6052620 Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:xkZTO3e8 Sun 04 Aug 2024 00:03:17 No. 6072906 Report >>6063680 >QM question: I've been cooking up an idea for an American Kamen Rider Quest in my head for a while now, but I don't think I'd be able to run it for a very long without making some interesting mechanics for different forms and upgrades. The plot would center around a boy/girl who owes a shit ton of debt to a corrupt multi-million dollar company based in Japan. Their debt collectors are villainous riders who swipe credit cards on their belts, so there aren't a whole lot of people who can stand up to them. This has been happening all across the world, and the only ones who are able to fight back are select individuals who've been granted a Kamen Rider belt as a "loan". The beings loaning these belts out are actually aliens called "Dealers" that have been betting on the performance of these Riders, and they receive a bit of currency called "Kamen Coin" with every victory they achieve. The core themes of the story were going to revolve around gambling, debt, and the ways those two concepts can distort your life.
>Player question: Unfortunately, I'm so wrapped up in my own stuff that I don't have a whole lot of time to keep up with many quests. I do think it's very cool when a QM has the drive and initiative to do a spin-off of their own quest.
>General question: A good G.I. Joe or Transformers quest would absolutely rock. But not like the ones where you get the choice of Autobot/Decepticon. I want a good Transformers quest from the perspective of a human, for a change. The QM could spice things up with the involvement of Headmasters and Targetmasters to beef up the human's ability to take care of themselves in a pinch. Maybe adapt an alt-history of something similar to The Last Knight's concept of "What if Cybertronians grew alongside us as a species.".
>Miscellaneous question: To my great misfortune, my interests are generally aligned towards the intended purpose of the /co/ board. A good chunk of the people there only want to shout about how much they want to fuck fictional characters, which is pretty in-line with board culture for some of the other boards, but there's simply no interesting discussion to be had with a topic like that.
>>6063901 A Supernatural quest would go hard. Or just a monster-hunting urban fantasy in general.
>>6066118 As someone who's recently read through the whole series, Cradle is pretty amazing for a cultivation series.
>>6072402 You should give Maximum Spider a shot! I'm sure it'll be remembered as one of the best Spider-Man/Marvel quests one day! Hopefully.
I also hope you get well, soon.
>>6072452 >>6072501 Thanks so much for telling people about my quest, guys! I'm glad you still enjoy it.
Here's a new thread for you! Feel free to swing on by!
>>6072777 >>6072777 >>6072777 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6063680 I hereby give you all an IRL quest. Do 10 push ups in a row. Take as long as you need just complete the quest. More directions will follow some time after you are done.
Narrator Nara !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Nara !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:GzJjLaVy Sun 04 Aug 2024 03:28:57 No. 6073017 Report Quoted By:
“Loveless Gal in a Bind” is up! A day-to-day fantasy set in the 17th century featuring a suicidal gooner trying to be less of a loser.
>>6072630 >>6072634 >>6072636 Anonymous
>>6072582 >>6072583 >>6072586 >>6072597 >>6072600 >>6072607 >>6072609 >>6072629 >>6072682 >Book-Fire >Fat tits-Fat Asses >Peugot-Bike >RPG-Computer >Tea-Bad Water >Water- Sponge >God-Jesus >Whiskey-Malort >Rocks-Paper >Candle-Gas I just took the first response for each. Thanks! Will keep watch for replies to the remaining items.
>>6072906 That sounds fun! More Kamen Rider quests are always good.
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
Quoted By:
>>6072654 Thank you very much for your kind feedback and questions, yay! I replied to as many as I could, hehe Overall the anons played really well in the game setting with many inventive responses and ideas, I think you all won / survived this one, yay
>>6037279 Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
>>6072807 >what could destroy ttrpgs?? I am extremely confident in the management of HAS US, after all it is led by this man, we all know Nomen Est Omen, nominative determinism etc half the effort in any rpg setting is inventing and generating appropriate fantasy fiction names, so his name is Chris Cocks
Quoted By:
>>6073099 Truly you cannot stop the Cock.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6072807 Any GOOD video game is about infinitely more enjoyable then almost any TTRPG. TTRPG effort to return ratio is so bad it's insane. Even Quests offer better rewards. TTRPGS are just bad, only the mechanics are interesting and only to steal them for your own (bad) TTRPG nobody will play.
>>6073102 Maybe you would have a much more informed and intelligent opinion if you played something other than DnD 5e, CoC, and WoD as well as spent time with people that aren't antisocial or problem players. This is such an astoundingly ignorant take, I'm convinced this is bait, but I'm not surprised that it comes from the same guy that tried to submit a character from a quest that hadn't even started to the 2024 King and Queen of /qst/ Tournament.
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
Quoted By:
>>6073102 I think the dream ttrpg scenario is to play with other DMs or people who deeply understand fantasy/horror/scifi genres, fiction films videogames etc. The average person doesn't really know how to immerse and interact and manipulate characters in fantasy worlds they are either too timid / inhibited / unadventurous and shy to try anything, or conversely attempt insane nonsensical chaos action violence etc. Also inevitably in real life people keep dropping out of games or even worse hopping in and out of game schedules it is really hard trying to finish a campaign with any players. The best ttrpg group is if you can find and play with other DMs or GMs who know how to worldbuild and roleplay, who can bring in their own imagination and inventiveness to add coherence to your setting and who understand the pacing / dramatic pressure of scenarios and what may be needed (including the comment here about tragedy)
>>6071003 when masochistic loss / sacrifice or death is appropriate to the demand of storytelling
The painting in pic related, Ahasuerus the wanderer at the End Of The World depicts the trials and tribulations of an old man DM running a ttrpg
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
Quoted By:
>>6073035 >WHAT DESTROYS RPG?? of course researching the tech tree in 4X games or even playing lots of artillery tank cannon mecha games teaches you that explosive reactive armour destroys rpgs. Hopefully no infantry is sitting / side riding "tank desant" when this happens
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
>>6073102 >VIDEOGAMES ARE BETTER I don't know what happened to Unreal Tournament 2004 it got really weird 20 years later, all the weapons shoot rainbows and the scifi world setting is the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, now you get to play as this lady from Sony Playstation hero shooter Concord
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
>>6073143 This actually makes me a bit sad and nostalgic for Unreal Tournament 2004 it is shocking how there are barely any screenshots or fan community pictures of it indexed by unuseable googl search anymore (I think some of the old beyondunreal lliandriarchives wiki website went offline now?) so all you get is this lamentful picture of Juggernaut Gorge staring at the toilet car easter egg hidden vehicle.
ut2k4 was actually surprisingly diverse back in the day (arguably the main character since ut99 was a black man,
https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Malcolm is he named after Malcolm X ? lol ) there were also women of all ethnicities and body shapes fat / lithe etc except it wasn't even a big deal, one of the common AI bot kill taunts in deathmatch was "YOU WHORE..." lol it was funny whenever that played on autotaunt. Later when CliffyB moved on to Gears Of War I remember more and more videogame controversy like when they had female characters in GOW multiplayer and people were worried about being allowed to chainsaw girls with the lancer rifle serrated bayonet etc none of this was an issue fragging men women aliens robots in ut2k4 deathmatch on Deck16, everyone gibbed each other happily and watched flaming roasted rocket blasted limbs and body parts bouncing along to the new game physics engine against the futuristic textured meshes all in perfect communal harmony
I was actually playing ut2k4 casually the other day as I got it configured and running via winlator emulation on my phone, so you get this music, I always think of it as an anthem to when the internet and online multiplayer gaming was a different and better place
UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2004 Hyperblast / Deck 17 Theme
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aup9SAnt6lQ BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6073106 >Maybe you would have a much more informed and intelligent opinion if you played something other than DnD 5e, CoC, and WoD >as well as spent time with people that aren't antisocial or problem players. Oh so, not the 99.9% of all tabletop games? I stand corrected, I concede your point.
My D&D Homebrew is wayyyy better then yours though, and that's a FACT.
>I'm not surprised that it comes from the same guy that tried to submit a character from a quest that hadn't even started to the 2024 King and Queen of /qst/ Tournament. He wouldn't have won but he would have made at least semi-finals.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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Its time for the caretaker to impart some justice!
chose what you think is the best way to deal with a pureblood brat!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Sun 04 Aug 2024 12:51:30 No. 6073302 Report >>6073289 I know you're shitposting, bananers, but you should unironically try branching out with your tabletop games. In fact, have you ever heard of the ONE ROLL ENGINE-
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:xkZTO3e8 Sun 04 Aug 2024 13:23:31 No. 6073311 Report >>6073289 >>6073302 I've been having a bunch of fun with Pathfinder campaigns over this past year. I think a big part of whether you enjoy a TTRPG is finding the right group. I've lost track of how many games me and my old group went through because our schedules didn't match up. It's just something you have to keep trying at if you want to have fun with it. There's a certain level of engagement that's necessary in order for you to enjoy it. You, your fellow player, and your DM all have to care about what's going on.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6073302 I quite like the idea of ORE, even though my experience is limited, I feel its execution is a bit lacking. I get what they're going for with the "width" and "height" thing, but I feel where it falls flat is the player-approaching strategy or rolling tactics, where rolling more dice is just "better" regardless of outcome. It's not like you can intelligently try to plan for a "high" roll or build a character to go more for "wide" rolls. The vast majority of tabletop rolls are binary success/fail rolls anyway, so having this much extra information to parse on a roll isn't useful IMO. It also feel weirdly limiting when the die roll is supposed to tell you how "fast" or "well executed" whatever you were trying to do is; shouldn't that be something roleplayed or inferred through play? Only tangentially related, but I was seething that Lodestar's QM stole using a dice-pool system for Lodestar before I had a chance to try it myself.
Mechanically speaking ever since NWS I've been (secretly) working on my own /qst/ flavored take on ORE, with the players getting to pick the size and number of dice rolled to try and optimize different possibly rolls. Example? Kung-Fu or Vigilante style Quest where each pair is an opponent knocked out, but a higher pair can beat stronger opponents. So against a bunch of mooks you'd want to roll many numbers low to defeat a crowd but against a big boss you'd want to roll less dice but with a higher possible pair. Once again, this falls flat here because of the dice mechanics; you can't exactly roll a die only on its "upper half", die can only be 1 to X number, so more dice is always just going to be better regardless of the die's size. It would require some other point or risk/reward system to incentivize taking risks instead of just full sending every time, thus removing any possible strategy this complexity could even bring. It would not be a useful /qst/ing mechanic.
>>6073311 Also I wasn't kidding when I was shit talking TTRPGs earlier, but my experience has been soured too much, and I've found the replacement in /qst/. Lets me do everything I like about TTRPGs without the hassle; artistic handcrafted worlds and campaigns, mysteries and fun characters, with player feedback and engagement, but without dealing with (other) big egos, annoying scheduling woes, and letting me run literally whatever I want. I have never found a TTRPG with rules that were not bloated or annoying in some way, idk I might just be a huge contrarian. I think making rules is more fun anyway.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Sun 04 Aug 2024 15:00:45 No. 6073348 Report >>6073342 >It's not like you can intelligently try to plan for a "high" roll or build a character to go more for "wide" rolls No, you explicitly can! It's all about what you include or don't include in the system.
We haven't seen much of it in Lodestar yet, but I plan to have choices for 'feats' and such later on. We actually have a slight glimpse of it in the character sheets, but those are more tuned to specific tasks suited to each character.
Anyways, the toolkit here should help with your plan!
And you snooze you lose, pal! PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 04 Aug 2024 15:50:11 No. 6073375 Report Quoted By:
I'm trying to do a sort of "marathon day" over in Poképocalypse! I'll be writing up more replies than usual and leaving votes open only for an hour before starting to write. If you're interested, I've already made my first post of the day and began the newest vote over here.
>>6073371 >>6073372 Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
>>6073302 >>6073342 >>6073348 I have read about the One Roll Engine dice mechanic width (matching numbers) x height (value of the matching set) before, it is highly engineered, very clever.
We have online dice rollers, apps, but players carrying 10d10 per person around is quite a demand (unless they are super dedicated, in which case you are very lucky the session will be good regardless of what ruleset dice mechanic or game system you use). The DM needs 15d10 lol I am pretty obsessed with rpgs, I don't have 10d10 lying around I have probably 8 (not counting the d00).
Hence the Vincent Baker pbta and dungeon world 2d6 type roll is more feasible as 2d6 might be useable / salvageable from some board game, if you hate pbta just imagine the 2d6 as the old Fighting Fantasy gamebook Skill Luck Stamina. I am also a believer in 1d100, because in fact all dice rolls are 1d100 roll under, which is transparent from a probabilistic standpoint, everytime I read a clever dice pool system like that Alien rpg / Blade Runner / Free League, Burning Wheel d6 variant of the old Prince Valiant coin flip pool system or Ironsworn with 2d10 1d6+mod interval roll mechanic I mentally just think, it would be more fair to give players percentile probabilities 0-100% ie a 1d100.
At the table there is a tactile gameplay element (rolling pooled dice feels nice, there is suspense drama intimidation when dumping a massive clattering dice roll on the table, I myself used to have a rule of how if you held your weapon dice in your hand before a battle starts you could not be ambushed, as an EVIL DM you should combine this physical trick with fantasy in-world twists like you are climbing a siege ladder, or scaling an ice crevasse, or balancing along mast tightrope rigging... how come you are holding the battle / weapon dice...? muahahaha) but the physical / tactile element returns to the feasibility of gathering a pool of engaged players with actual dice ready at hand etc.
Finally much as everyone hates pbta and associates it with pic related
>>6073143 I adopt the idea of FICTIONAL POSITIONING and the notion of how dice cannot make you succeed (or fail) at actions which countermand the fictional / dramatic situation of the genre. The classic example is in a battle you end up with a mangled leg, you cannot ROLL A CRITICAL SUCCESS AND JUST RUN AWAY because the fictional situation has already established that you are immobilised / injured(obviously, the situation should be scaled to the capabilities powers potency of the characters according to the setting genre, maybe it is different if you are an alien or superhero etc).
I think this is often overlooked with ttrpg THREE HUNDRED PAGES OF DICE RULES FOR EVERY PHYSICAL STUNT AND COMBAT FEAT AND MANOEUVRE if a fictional predicament was established in the game world for believability and GM credibility, no dice roll of failure or success can "overturn" it in order to maintain the rigour and narrative coherence of the game world
Souvarine !!NU6pWV7z9Pv
>>6073427 In case you have never seen it, the Prince Valiant (1989) game system using coin pools, the progenitor of all game systems with dice pools eg Burning Wheel (with the d6 ignoring all the grey shades mechanics etc is basically a more complicated verbose version of this 1 page explanation lol). I also believe this 1989 rpg was the first ?? to introduce narrative "traits" in character creation, eg giving your character descriptor tags like cowardly or noble, cautious, merciful or chivalrous or cruel etc these days it is copied by many many ttrpgs and in fact even many videogames and 4X games (civilisational traits etc) I was reminded of the highly simplistic yet functional and influential Prince Valiant rpg d2 / coin flip system by BananasQM Black Ocean game setting which had a fictional in-world coin flip luck mechanic
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>>6073442 I love prince valiant, classic fantasy kino
>>6073342 For something like a kung-fu quest, you could allow for very different rolling styles attached to the various martial arts disciplines themselves. A style for sweeping large numbers of enemies reduces the upper value of your die by -x (more sets expected as a result), a conservative/reliable style loses 2 die but gets an automatic pair of x height, a style focused on taking down single targets gets +x added to the final results of every die, or automatically rerolls any die below x value (rolling the “top half” as it were).
In order to avoid multiple rerolls for the “top half” since it’s against ORE’s spirit, just roll extra die and ignore any that are under the value until you have all the die you need. It’d definitely be unreasonable to roll 20d10 in real life, but here and with online rollers that’s not as much of a concern. It also won’t always work, but if you need a second roll at that point then so be it.
Play around with the numbers for the styles and you will end up with certain combinations being better even if they had to sacrifice die as part of the style as well. Someone who loses 20% of their die to cut their range of values in half will average more sets than the unaltered die would.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 04 Aug 2024 19:16:51 No. 6073523 Report Quoted By:
In need of a tiebreaker over in Poképocalypse! Players can't decide whether to look in the river or the town.
>>6073463 Anonymous
>>6073516 Gamey mechanics are bad in quests because the QM curves the difficulty so it never actually matters what you do. It works in a game because the boss is always the same and you feel rewarded for having a coming up with a "good" build.
That said, I think it could work if you have every opponents "build" premade and shown to the player. Maybe it could be a tourney style quest. It would make everything feel much lass arbitrary.
For example, you are half way through the tourny and you look at the remaining enemies and can see they have high defense, so you pick the level up option for your style that gives it more armour pen. I think you could make the gamey aspect work in this situation.
>>6073574 >Gamey mechanics are bad in quests because the QM curves the difficulty so it never actually matters what you do. You should try the Gravedigger's Daughter quest, I believe you will find the challenge you seek.
>>6073701 I would if it wasn't 2000 threads in already
Quoted By:
>> 6073727 >> 6073727 >> 6073727 The Graverobber's Daughter Continues! For the second time in three days, Chlotsuintha finds herself in great peril inside a conveyance. This time around she fell asleep during a short trip, positioned in such a way that the Glamour which conceals her true, blanked eyes failed. If her eyes were to be seen by anyone in this state, she'd be immediately known as a Witch! For the next two minutes as the Scarification Glyph spools up, she must remain unseen - while at the same time, trying to figure out where exactly she is. The view from the windows in either of the doors was far afield from conclusive. An opportunity - and a much better vantage point - does eventually present itself, but it is not without risks. Though she might not learn as much, perhaps listening rather than looking would be the smarter play, though there are even bolder options available.
>>6073701 >> Gamey mechanics are bad in quests because the QM curves the difficulty so it never actually matters what you do. > You should try the Gravedigger's Daughter quest, I believe you will find the challenge you seek. I appreciate the plug, but from what he says in
>>6073574 , I'm not so sure. There aren't builds in the Quest - at least yet. It is a bit more simple. There are tools, weapons, outfits, casts and Mysterious (magical) implements that must be chosen situationally, and nothing is without cost or complication. For example, Chlotsuintha recently got an expensive riding dress made. Paired with her best approximation of good manners and wit, she is able to enjoy much more freedom - and respect - than she would wearing one of her cobbled together canvas dresses, or her Spotted Cloak. However, the dress is unique, which makes her more outstanding that she usually is, and the sleeves are so tight that she cannot set the Socketing Needles in the crooks of her arms that she needs to operate her Wand of Head-Knocking, which she relies on as a last resort. More generally, casting, calling upon, or otherwise dabbling with Mysteries will typically make one's eyes glow, marking them as a either a Witch, a Witch-Thrall, or a Stranger.
As far as gamified combat goes, there has been very little across the sixteen threads of the Quest - and save for a fight with a sow during a piglet theft, it has all been attacking enemies either unaware or otherwise flatfooted and disadvantaged. Really, that is all that Chlotsuintha is capable of at the moment.
>>6073736 Just seeing this now, after writing everything out. Heh. That said, assuming Chlotsuintha makes it out of Scrimshaw Mount alive, I'm planning on running a one-shot in the setting, with a completely new character. You might be interested in trying that.
>>6073727 >>6073727 >>6073727 You'd think a QM would know how links work ... The Graverobber's Daughter Continues! For the second time in three days, Chlotsuintha finds herself in great peril inside a conveyance. This time around she fell asleep during a short trip, positioned in such a way that the Glamour which conceals her true, blanked eyes failed. If her eyes were to be seen by anyone in this state, she'd be immediately known as a Witch! For the next two minutes as the Scarification Glyph spools up, she must remain unseen - while at the same time, trying to figure out where exactly she is. The view from the windows in either of the doors was far afield from conclusive. An opportunity - and a much better vantage point - does eventually present itself, but it is not without risks. Though she might not learn as much, perhaps listening rather than looking would be the smarter play, though there are even bolder options available.
>>6073701 >> Gamey mechanics are bad in quests because the QM curves the difficulty so it never actually matters what you do. > You should try the Gravedigger's Daughter quest, I believe you will find the challenge you seek. I appreciate the plug, but from what he says in
>>6073574 , I'm not so sure. There aren't builds in the Quest - at least yet. It is a bit more simple. There are tools, weapons, outfits, casts and Mysterious (magical) implements that must be chosen situationally, and nothing is without cost or complication. For example, Chlotsuintha recently got an expensive riding dress made. Paired with her best approximation of good manners and wit, she is able to enjoy much more freedom - and respect - than she would wearing one of her cobbled together canvas dresses, or her Spotted Cloak. However, the dress is unique, which makes her more outstanding that she usually is, and the sleeves are so tight that she cannot set the Socketing Needles in the crooks of her arms that she needs to operate her Wand of Head-Knocking, which she relies on as a last resort. More generally, casting, calling upon, or otherwise dabbling with Mysteries will typically make one's eyes glow, marking them as a either a Witch, a Witch-Thrall, or a Stranger.
As far as gamified combat goes, there has been very little across the sixteen threads of the Quest - and save for a fight with a sow during a piglet theft, it has all been attacking enemies either unaware or otherwise flatfooted and disadvantaged. Really, that is all that Chlotsuintha is capable of at the moment.
>>6073736 Just seeing this now, after writing everything out. Heh. That said, assuming Chlotsuintha makes it out of Scrimshaw Mount alive, I'm planning on running a one-shot in the setting, with a completely new character. You might be interested in trying that.
>>6073771 Honestly, the number of threads isn’t that big a drawback. There’s plenty that have run for longer.
The bigger problem is the second-hand anxiety that playing Chlotsuintha brings. Just reading her story is a stressful experience, much less voting on a course of action. Kudos to your writing style for effectively selling the panic she’s almost always under.
>>6073035 Awesome that someone in qst of all places remembers Peugeot was a bike business before making their first car. It's actually an ancient company, going back to Napoleonic times.
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>>6073830 We really are the braintrust of 4chan. Or at least so it seems to me.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
I want my Player Character to be a detestable, delusional, angrily jealous excuse of a person and the only reason why they're in any sort of positive light is because they are the viewpoint and narrator. Now how do I make the players vote accordingly to such a character without letting them know they are?
>>6073871 Isn't that the premise of Olympus Quest and Goblin Cultivator Quest?
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>>6073872 That would require I read other quests on the board, and I can't do that, I'll just steal every idea I like.
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>>6073871 Sounds like Bastard of westeros
minus the incest Anonymous
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WELP. There goes half the audience for THAT quest.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6073871 The viewpoint and narration, like you said. Make the delusions make sense, rationalize the jealousy as viewing the person in question as unworthy and too much of an undeserving fuck-up to have the things they do, be up front with your QMC's preconceived notions of other people. When providing options, depict the hostile actions taken against others as positive things.
Don't "spread gossip" about someone, instead "warn others" about them. Don't "blow the situation out of proportion," be a "whistleblower." Don't "manipulate others to tell you what you want to hear regardless of whether it's true or not because you are appealing to their lust," you're just "investigating," because that's what investigations are, interacting with the people involved to find out the answers, right?
To persuade players who are inclined to play nicer diplomancers, the narrator has to be the player character's perspective of the world, their conscience and justifications for everything they're doing. It has to be as warped as their set of morals so that what they're doing doesn't seem bad.
What is the worst /qtg/ take that you believe to be true? women and fags write the best quests and their inherent advantage in left-brained pursuits gives them an edge over normal males.
>>6073960 Reptilian Infiltrator
That one quest with the gold woman
Tuffle Kai
That other quest I don’t remember
Even any soj quest in its unfinished state is more compelling than a standard male-written quest
I don’t make the rules its just how it is
>>6073977 >Soj on the "list of women and fags" kek
>>6073960 >>6073977 i also want to add the so-called “best” normal male-written quests that I will not name were a slog to read and are balls awful. Wonen/fags just seem to understand how to write better, more compelling stories and it shows.
Not Forgotten’s. his was like Miura-tier good stuff. Maybe he also is gay or female.
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>>6073958 >>6073977 >>6073982 These QUESTS ALL SUCK
Drowned is okay
Never utter another take in the thread again, пидop
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
No...it can't be...my malebrained quests.... It's over : C
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>>6073958 >>6073977 >>6073982 hahahahahahaha this is quite the worst take.very funny .
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6074007 It's over for us malebrained chads....
Suicide may be the only option....
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 05 Aug 2024 08:05:21 No. 6074040 Report Quoted By:
As all slander on this /qtg/, I don't care. Like that time one guy told me I was losing my time running for 2 and a half player in Dragon's Dungeon and one of you fine lads made me this
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>>6074027 There is another path
but indeed all roads lead to Rome
Should oneshots be railroaded? The quests at the bottom of the ‘log are 56 days old, so you can get from 25 to 50 updates in depending on how much life gets in the way. If you think of your quest’s plot in terms of the hero’s journey then you only get 1.5 to 4 updates per stage, which is a tight budget with little room for frivolous shit
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>>6074062 Yes. If you seriously intend to write a complete story in one thread, you have to keep things moving. I wouldn't say you need to "railroad them" (player choices should still impact the story), but constraints should be tighter than they'd be on a comparable regular quest.
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>>6073958 At least you have the self-awareness to admit this is the worst take you have.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
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Al-Kimia Story thread 2 has concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated.
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BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6073958 Draw quests are the only "real" quests.
The mods/jannies do a really good job with this board (they're still fags tho)
Most Quests use dice and dice-mechanics incorrectly. (Dishonest gameplay)
Skirmish, Builder, and Civ games are criminally underutilized, linear single-character second person traditional Quests are oversaturated. CYOA games/images and discussion belong on /qst/ and should be encouraged.
Lack of quality players is what's killing /qst/, not bad or flaky QMs.
There should be more general /qst/ threads, not just the /qst/ and /qag/ once in a blue moon. There should be at least one "drop in drop out" QM-less Quest up at any given time and the fact there is a moral failure on this board's part.
/qst/ still has not had its "Masterpiece" that defines the board standard for quality and culture. All of the old quests that are supposed to be that standard are too outdated and aren't very good. Ruby Quest is user base.
Splitting from /tg/ was fine and actually helped /qst/ in the long run.
Nonhuman MCs are inherently more interesting then human MCs.
BananasQM !!CftNtHP6BHn
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>>6074193 That, I actually agree with. People always say the really old quests are the beeeest just by virtue of being first, and that the anons who made them are the beeeest QMs. But they're really not.
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>>6074192 >I will just say things without actually substantiating any of them. The absolute state of [current year] /qtg/.
Does anyone wanna give me an excuse to shill a quest i like?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 05 Aug 2024 15:48:19 No. 6074281 Report >>6074275 Here's a (You) for shilling purposes. Spend it wisely
>>6074281 I was waiting for an opportunity, but not a single one popped up and i'm tired of waiting. I want to shill Magically Challenged Quest. It still hasn't been mentioned in this general. It's at 1200 replies and the author is not a flake, so it's got pretty good chances of going till the end.
I really like the quest. It's about an fantasy high magic setting where humans are so garbage at magic they basically took the role that dwarves usually have, high tech and all that. You play as a young human guy who despite having the world's worst magic aptitude, decides to enroll in a magic school. Aside from the characters, which are pretty fun, and the fact that the QM completely avoided any waifu wars despite presenting us with a lot of options by letting us lock in rather early, what i really like about it is the fact that the magic learning itself is the main pillar of the quest, and it's pretty 'fluid'. You can mix just about any single spell you have as long you're skilled enough and it'll do something entirely new.
The real challenge, though, is that because the protagonist has less a tenth of the mana than an actual newborn from the other races would have, you're basically managing resources. You can only cast a few spells at a time without someone to help you recharge, so when you have a challenge to solve in the form of a puzzle dungeon (the school's equivalent to exams) or a magic duel, you have to get pretty creative. An example is how one time we had to climb a wall using a spell that lets you basically superglue stuff to any surface, but the only item we had couldn't be used because we didn't have the 'unstuck' spell, so we basically took out our shoe and used it as a stepping stone.
It's a real good quest. I'd reccomend it to anyone, as long as they weren't stupid voters.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
Hello! I plan on getting back into questing somewhat soon, and while I already asked this question in the post where I explained my absence, I feel I should ask it again to make sure I'm ready for when the time comes. Would you guys prefer a new Downerquest thread or a new Versequest thread? Downerquest is a much smaller project, so I've been thinking of maybe doing a Downer thread first since more progress will be made, but I know it's been a considerably long time since the last Versequest thread, so maybe I should do that instead. Tell me what you anons think, anyway!
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 05 Aug 2024 16:32:26 No. 6074321 Report >>6074291 Nice shill. Now link it there.
>>6074291 Acceptable shilling and description acknowledged. I’ll pop in for a bit since I appreciate seeing reviews myself.
>>6074484 Remember to only vote for the things i agree with or else you're a stupid loser retard dumbass meanie who should be banned forever from the internet.
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>>6074486 Don’t worry, I remember the rules! /qst/ guidebook, section 4.3 a) and d) regarding approved quest interactions when someone directs you to a new quest through a /qtg/ thread.
Maybe it was 4.5, I’m too lazy to check. Point is I remember the rules if not the order!
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>>6073908 It's worked for me in the past, so I can attest to its effectiveness.
>>6073977 Th-thanks?
Oh god, Wuxian, is this you again? >>6073979 I have no idea if Soj is a woman, man, or enby of some sort, but he (they?) clearly appreciate male and female bodies and thus are a safe bet for this strange theory.
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>>6074294 Either would be greater, but I personally was really enjoying the uniquely grungy, down-to-earth vibe of Downerquest.
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>>6074294 Downerquest. I want to see how it ends. We had a nice thing going with our crazy psycho girlfriend.
>>6074442 >>6074442 >>6074442 New thread's up, too, if anyone wants to join in my particular brand of dubiously-recommended fantasy nonsense in time for the final chapter of this quest.
Olympus QM
>>6074027 >>6074007 Gentlemen, stand proud. Autistic powergaming, badass fight scenes, and rule of cool schlock is fun as fuck and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. Malebrain quest ""flaws"" are absolutely, undeniably based
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>>6074593 I can't into powergaming on /qst/
I find it frustrating trying to seriously manage a build or combat strategy with a bunch of anonymous strangers , but I agree 110% about the rest. I wouldn't take that take seriously.pretty sure it's bait anyway.
Levelman !rnYhP.nKQo
>>6074590 >S Rank Appreciate you, Anon. Thanks for reading!
>>6074590 if you liked Haunted Game Quest, you should see Magically Challenged Quest since it's from the same guy, that also did the Curse Carrier Quest.
>>6074756 Oh shit, really? Getting started right now. Thanks for the tip-off!
>>6074733 >>6074735 De nada. Both are very fun, cool quests!
>>6063680 Thinking about running another session of space merc. This time its squad focused. You get a set amount of points, and are making a run through a dystopian cyber city, start with either a well-rounded squad, a large horde of disposable trash, or a single mech.
As you attempt to move forward, your units and equipment will influence your chances at each map node, and your dice rolls aiding in telling the story.
Given that you will use your units as your avatar, and may customize them at the start and as the story unfolds, people will need to be able to edit a picture. I made the sprites in a way that should be accessible to the whole audience, as in years and quests past, the "drawfag circle jerk escalation cycle" made it so normies felt like they couldn't join in and shitpost.
All my quests are usually just dice+#d100 or #d20 with GM assumed modifiers for the situation and characters. A low roll isn't always a crit fail when your goal was to smash a civilian crowd with a mech.
There really isn't a limit to player count. I can usually be counted on to respond once or twice a day at minimum, and while "getting to the end" is the goal, a player who plays a lot and a player who only plays a little still will have their own story arc. It's just going to be influenced by what is going on in the world.
with that preamble out of the way, who's interested?
>>6074768 >Oh shit, really? Getting started right now. Thanks for the tip-off! I'm surprised you didn't recognize his artstyle nor saw his qm name, kek
>>6074768 >De nada. wait, you know portuguese ?
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>>6074783 >I'm surprised you didn't recognize his artstyle nor saw his qm name, kek I never really clicked it our gave it a second glance until now, to be frank. Glad I did, though. This is a really neat setting!
>wait, you know portuguese ? I remember a small amount of high school Spanish.
>>6074777 I remember playing the original, I was cowed out towards the end because my drawing skills were near nonexistent but a smaller squad game sounds like it could be an interesting change, I'd play
>>6074777 Looks and sounds fun, I wanna play
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Tue 06 Aug 2024 05:15:02 No. 6074874 Report Quoted By:
https://wheelofnames.com/24u-6xw For absolutely no reason other than boredom, I put most quests on the board (that weren't immediately visible as DOA) into a wheel of names.
Roll on it to decide which quest you want to read or shitpost in. I don't care what you do with it. Maybe just spin it for the sheer fun of spinning a big wheel.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
>>6074590 thanks for enjoying my quest, anon
QM !btT653GUa2
Never forget, my friends. Also, the update for SSE is coming soon. It's going to be a lot larger than usual- the ensuing incident is likely going to consume the rest of the thread, and possibly some of the next. That should be fun to take care of.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>6074964 Downerquest #2 is up!
Finishing up a New Vegas replay to get some lore fresh into my head before writing more for a Steel Plague quest. I have a bit written but my current outline is the high elder abdicating the position to the first create a character. I thought it'd be a good way to get the BOS restructuring and the conflict with the young NCR started for the player, but now I'm worried it's too much and I'd be better off letting the players have more choice in the setup. But I don't like that idea as I want to preserve what little we do know from the FO1 ending slide and keep the given times lined up. I'd like to know if anyone has an opinion or would like more elaboration on my part.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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Its time for a broomrace at The Caretaker Quest!
and it seems that there might be some stakes!
what stakes you ask? WHATEVER YOU WANT! nominate whatever you wanna bet in this race and if you win, then you´ll get whatever you bet in it. The mythical "No backsies" law has been summoned!
nominate and roll for it!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 Anonymous
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>>6074970 You are the guy that was on the previous thread writing about making a BOS quest correct ?
I don't think is too much, but it would be best if you are comfortable with the start you want to make. If you want to preserve that portion do so.
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>>6074970 Nah, the way you have it is fine, preserve that shit. The current outline sounds fun to me at least. And if you let anons decide the initial stuff, they aren't going to go anywhere near steel plague
You'd end up with Buck Rogers BoS if you let them adjust the starting position overly much
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Tue 06 Aug 2024 13:11:09 No. 6075021 Report Quoted By:
After a brief hiatus due to some irl troubles, Poképocalypse is back! Walter's gotta call his starter something, after all, and I'm hungry for some neat write-ins.
>>6075015 >>6075017 Anonymous
>>6074777 I would be interested
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>>6074752 Two days to go, drawfren
Into the reaction folder it goes Anonymous
I'm going to resurrect a long dead OC capeshit quest next week. I expect zero players. Should I do a recap thread or something first? the whole thing was pretty plot/lore heavy.
QM !btT653GUa2
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>>6071079 You humble me more than I can say, anon. Seriously, it staggers me to read the /qtg/ and see how many people like Simple Space Empire.
>>6074956 The update is out
>>6075424 . The results ought to be interesting to see happen.
>>6075494 With Great Power
>>6075527 Ah, darn. Don't know that one, so I can't really offer any concrete advice. If it's been gone a while, though, I suspect a recap wouldn't go amiss.
Herald !!w3mcPdBO8Df
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Westeros: Interregnum returns on the 17th!
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6075573 >>6075573 >>6075573 Solarpunk update!
Agents of the Stormwatch, the local Finnish deathsquad who employ chemically treated wood and Finnish paganism to kill illegal squatters, meet the Deathwatch, the global environmental regulation committee deathsquad who augment their wetwork with .45 ACP at 1000 RPM and probably satanism.
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>>6070902 >2 years since The Little Dungeon >have done nothing of note or changed significantly since then I hate the passage of time I fucking hate it so much
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>>6075531 yeah I didn't think anyone would, so a recap thread probably is the way to go.
>>6074909 >>6075636 Thanks for running such good quests, QMs!
>>6074756 Ad thanks again for this rec. Should be caught up within another day or so, but I'm loving this. So many weird, unique races
And a waifu whose internal workings make Glowie from DAQ look tame I really enjoy the cast and the magic system, too. Just generally a blast to read through.
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>>6075667 Mystery club is a kino quest so far, wish the op found a more interesting op imagine to drum up readers.
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Didn't mean to give you that (you), it's supposed to be a stand alone post
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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You discover an abandoned house and get a small fright in this update of Downerquest...
>>6075833 >>6075833 Local Lord
Oyez oyez, good lords, noble ladies and pious monks for those of you who know how to read and write learn that you will probably see the Local Lord Quest returning very soon after the holidays of it's writer. Charles's adventures will be continued, I am currently writing the prologue. I am glad to be back.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Wed 07 Aug 2024 14:03:53 No. 6075887 Report Quoted By:
>>6075876 Based french QM.
Wuxian 无仙 !!wUx72vLQz5Q
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>>6074192 Skirmish games are too complex and no one understands what they are about or how they work. A masterpiece would explain them in simple terms, like they do with popular science.
You know those apps that "gamify" your life? Are there any generals here that do the same thing while interacting with other anons?
>>6076056 Anon, I read your post 3 times and still have no idea what you're asking for
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>>6076056 This is for interactive fiction.
>>6076070 I guess he's looking for, "Get an anon to ask you a question." Like how every so often we'll get a post that asks for us to go on a quest to raid some guys social media.
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>>6075480 I've been hankering for some good old-fashioned OC capeshit, nice
1.) You play as a ressurected Dark Lord several centuries after your conquest has failed 2.) You play as a low level Necromancer in a society where its more or less a regular slice-of-life occupation 3.) A space Civ quest where you don't create a government but instead inhabit one with its own history in an OC setting. I like all of these ideas more or less the same and if I don't pick one I'll never run anything and just waffle for another year. Can anyone toss me a tie breaker? Also, can anybody remind me how to format a password protected name in the name field? Thanks in advance, kind soul.
>>6076424 >1.) You play as a ressurected Dark Lord several centuries after your conquest has failed >3.) A space Civ quest where you don't create a government but instead inhabit one with its own history in an OC setting. I like these two
>Also, can anybody remind me how to format a password protected name in the name field? format iirc is name##password
>>6076424 If you mean a trip I think you just put name#(password)
But elaborate more on the space civ I don't understand what you mean by inhabit one? Like would it be a game where you start a colony under the purview of an already established OC government?
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>>6076424 >3 I'm always up for high/medium/slightlyabovelow effort civ quests.
>>6063680 i would like to run a mix of pretty blood and fear and hunger, currently im thinking about the combat, what system do you guys use? also i was reading some of the posts, how long do you guys think a combat should take, i mean in posts?.
currently im figuring out the gods and how the player can get its hands on a weapon, and the types of enemies that i could use
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6076443 Fear & Hunger is defined by its skill over stats combat system, knowing what to do is far better then how good your character is at doing it. For a simple way to export this into Quests, a prompt with different choices and lacking most mechanics (except for a coinflip or similar random chance mechanic) could be a good way to port a similar system. It should also be noted that Fear & Hunger is known for its difficulty and heavy losses to your characters (random common monsters can sever limbs with a single attack), so for a /qst/ format which typically follows only a single character or small group this might be too punishing and need certain adjustments to fit into the format.
Personally, I prefer combat to be wrapped up in one or two posts tops. This also depends on update speed. As someone who likes to update exactly once every 24 hours multiple turn combat can feel very slow and boring. Instead, consider breaking the combat into moments for multiple updates, such as the first post being how to react to an ambush, and the second being the actual combat encounter, or the first post being your attack, and the second being if you focus on grabbing captives or scavenging equipment in the aftermath instead.
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>>6076424 >You play as a ressurected Dark Lord several centuries after your conquest has failed Give me the BBEG quest or give me death!
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New Gotham City Beat Cop Thread ->
>>6076455 I am back from vacation, well rested, and looking forward to continuing our story exactly where we left off...
Perception Jacking a man who we know ends up with multiple gunshot wounds. Join us if that sounds neat to you.
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>>6076433 One hashtag makes a regular trip, two hashtags makes a secure trip. No reason not to do the latter.
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>>6076443 Run the Sworn to valor combat system, if you want more viscerality to it maybe make the consequences/effects whatever more brutal.
If I were to run an Exalted quest, which Exalt type would interest readers the most? Solars, Lunars, Dragon-Blooded, Abyssals, Infernals, Sidereals? They all sound fun I'm different ways but I'm having a hard time deciding which.
>>6076433 >But elaborate more on the space civ The game would be set in a single solar system previously seeded with humanity. This system would have developed into a number of distinct polities, one of which you would take control of.
This is instead of the classical Civ structure where you pick a race/location/etc and built a Civ up from nothing.
>>6076431 Thank you for reminding me about the name but it looks like the votes are tied again between options 1 and 2.
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>>6076657 Sounds pretty neat, but 1 reminds me of something I've been brainstorming and sounds like a fun quest to run, especially if we get to see what remains of however stopped us millenia ago
do you guys think that the quality of the images or lack of them affects the quest? or it can be run solely with text or poorly made edits?
>>6076685 I think it depends on the type of quest. Numpty has ran one of the best civ quests ever imo with nothing but a consistently updated spreadsheet and very infrequent maps and I’ve never had a problem engaging my imagination.
Maybe it is different with a more personal quest with more individual characters though I do not know.
>>6076691 what does civ mean?
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>>6076692 Its short for Civilization, which is a type of quest where you dont control and write the story of an individual character but rather an entire civilization over an extended period of time.
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>>6076692 Since we’re talking about it anyway here’s some show to go with my tell.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5691682/ Anonymous
>>6074777 You brought this upon yourself.
Just like the dude in the picture. Anonymous
>>6076424 1 or 2 have the most appeal to me. 3 could be good, but I'd really need to know more about the civ to say.
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>>6076733 I suppose that’s it then, 1 wins, thank you everyone for helping me out of the deadlock.
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>>6076616 Dragonblood. The Thunder-themed Ranger/rogue hybrid Arcanic Archer actually an orphaned bastard of nobility
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It's okay, Aurebesh. I understand. Thank you for the quest.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Fri 09 Aug 2024 05:15:12 No. 6076965 Report Quoted By:
>>6076616 Disregard Exalts, become a Dragon-King chad. Fight to regain your memories, struggle to bring your people back up to where they belong, give worship to the Unconquered Sun, navigate an unfamiliar world that clashes with the memories of a creation far grander than the ruins that you dwell in today, deal with the Traitor Exalts that betrayed your Gods,
Find a God you can fuse with to become a far greater being. Anonymous
>>6076685 I include Googled or AI-made images occasionally for mood or jokes, and character art as a reward for my players and a memento for myself. Lately I haven't done it as much because searching up images takes a surprising amount of time, and at the tail of my quests I tend to get lengthier and more flowery in my writing already. My players could probably tell you if any of that has genuinely impacted their enjoyment one way or the other.
As a player, I enjoy a good drawquest quite a bit, but I've never minded a well-written or simply fun/goofy romp without them. Good art CAN cover for bad pacing or basic/mediocre writing, though. Without it, you'd better have decent prose or a really entertaining hook.
>>6076969 >good >bad >basic/mediocre >decent >really entertaining And who decides what quantifies these things?
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>>6076685 No and yes.
You don't need good quality images to necessarily communicate what's coming across in text, and I don't think people genuinely care about how they look either as long as they're not like irrelevant nonsense.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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we have a smaller update than usual in The Caretaker Quest, more will come tomorrow tho! read now to catch up with it before the next choice comes!
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 Anonymous
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>>6077048 The collective hivemind
The Loom
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>>6076616 Sidereal or no balls
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 09 Aug 2024 13:51:52 No. 6077136 Report Experienced QMs: do you tend to have a plot outline for how you want things to go or do you completely wing your stories? I've got a list of bulletpoints, but I don't want to expand on them too much because it could lead to railroading or be rendered irrelevant by a choice or two.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6077136 Depends on the quest but if you're not doing a one shot?
Don't bother having anything more than bulletpoints or rough ideas to help guide you and prevent you from going "uh shit I didn't get this far guess I'll take 5 days to think on what happens"
Trying to force your players to go in a certain direction will never work so always expect them to do something you don't expect.
But also, you need SOME level of structure lest you want to burn yourself out constantly having to put new rails in front of the speeding train that is your story.
>>6077136 I make rough flowcharts for how I expect threads to go and adapt them as players deviate from expectations. Any amount of planning is fine as long as it 1) keeps your updates smooth and relatively stressfree and 2) doesn't obstruct your ability to react to player choices.
>>6077136 It's best to have some outline or plan. Not so you can stick rigidly to it, but so you know what's happening and why, and how the progression of the story affects that. Unless the player character is literally God then other characters, factions, and the world in general is going to have its own stories going on, rather than being singularly reactive to the player.
>>6077048 The readers and players, because these are all largely subjective measures. Who else would it be?
>>6077141 This is the best approach, in my experience.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>6077136 Definitely know what you want to do at the start, and at least know one possible ending within the first thread. Wing the rest. Keep in mind that the ending might change a lot.
An observation regarding choices and setting: it's kinda like watering certain branches of a tree, or a plant. When they're buds - choices before anyone picked one - they're all equally vague, equally important. Until the players choose. The watered choice blooms into a sturdier branch as it gets written down. That choice, and the lore/setting/characterization that's linked to it, gets more prominent. And it then grows yet more buds of choice, ready to begin the cycle again until an end is reached.
But does this mean all the unwatered buds shrivel and die? Not necessarily. A good QM knows how to recycle.
>>6077136 Given the setting you have, I’d say it’s safe to list out some bullet points on what’s going on in the rest of the world every thread. If none of it would affect the players then you don’t need to expand them at all, but if they should then you can take some time to figure out how it’ll hook in.
Something like “the national guard is deployed” is something that anons can’t control, and just about any path they pick should eventually lead to seeing that event. Spell out the basics for what the Nat Guard MO will be and you have what you need for an encounter if it makes sense to have one somewhere, or trigger it yourself by having them show up at the town they’re in.
Midas' Icarus-QM
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>>6077358 Orange Lantern Quest
>>6077136 This guy
>>6077137 gives good advice. The more "distant" something is from whatever the players are doing, the less need there is for autistic details and whatnot. General ideas are good enough and could be further defined as it becomes more relevant to what's happening in the campaign or quest.
The Emperor's Game has begun! Come play as Pirate Prince Marshall Kabot in his nascent quest to take the throne.
>>6067385 >>6067385 >>6076788 >OC fantasy setting >Updated most days >Overcome challenges, form alliances, and discover the secrets of the Imperial Territory. Anonymous
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>>6076424 The first one reminds me of that quest from a few months back where we were a commander looking to take over the world with our army.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 09 Aug 2024 22:43:26 No. 6077466 Report >>6077137 >>6077141 >>6077143 >>6077152 >>6077277 >>6077346 >>6077388 Thank you all for the advice! I'll definitely look into that flowchart suggestion, and the plant-growing analogy is a great way to make this stuff stick.
>>6077346 I'll consider this especially. Not the National Guard bit (since that doesn't exist yet), but the bulletins. Could definitely do that through newspapers when we get to more well-connected areas. Lord knows I'd have a lot of stuff to put in them haha.
>>6077466 I had wondered about that after I posted, but the intent was there! If you want to have your fun then you can do some OOC anyway. QMs are allowed to indulge too.
>Sea Dragons Spotted In Lake Huron! >Eruption In St. Augustine! Government Blames New Creatures >New Religious Movements Founded, Promises Of Hellfire And Salvation Abound! Mike Tapper
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>>6063901 Had a similiar idea a while back. Played around with the idea of the characters being a group of orphans aging out of the system as they get released into the world.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6077136 I have a premise and a few concepts of resolution/multiple endings. I have write-ups on characters, their flaws, their secrets, which in turn feed my mind reminders of the story and situations I want to have players resolve. I have supporting characters who have opinions on what the players should do, who provide the players with different paths, optional content, and things like that. I provided a cheap way out for a bitch ending for a Tief's Quest of simply leaving the barbaric island behind and letting its problems be its own, which they didn't take and the shunning of the option is something of an important point of character development, but I have not presented the coward's way out in Solarpunk yet. I should, because the quest was supposed to be short but it's approaching a year old. Help.
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>>6077650 >I have not presented the coward's way out in Solarpunk yet. I should, because the quest was supposed to be short but it's approaching a year old. Help. I like the quest and don't mind it continuing, but if you want an 'out', I'd consider maybe having the fight with Lorppo being ultimate 'boss battle', with Fiona having the promotion necessary to have her kid dangled as a reward.
If you had any plan to establish who a father could be, may want to seed and focus a bit more on that, too, as the battle approaches. Anonymous
Many QM's, many many many Qm's, wish the curse on me.
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>>6077654 You do seem to like drama, but I only wish you well.
>>6063680 >What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? A Cells At Work quest would actually be pretty awesome. Was just thinking this today.
Or Osmosis Jones, kek. Anonymous
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>>6071125 Welcome back Tree!
>>6077654 I wish you many (You)s and hot husbandos.
>>6077418 Vouching for this. High-Effort and QM hasn't flaked even with low player count.
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>>6077654 Who the fuck are you
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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The Caretaker Quest has been updated, and this time...would it be a party night or a private date?
Up to you!
also, an important update for those who are palying, so please, let me know what you think
>>6038711 >>6038711 >>6038711 von Adlershorst
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Adlershorst Dynasty update, this time with the glory that was the old empire.
>>6077852 >>6077856 >>6077858 Anonymous
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>>6077048 >>6077048 >GOOD >EVIL >WHO DECIDES THESE THINGS??? According to Bioware, not only have they advanced from the unsubtle chromatic shades of morality Paragon blue BLUE IS GOOD VOTE BLUE CHOOSE BLUE Renegade red RED IS EVIL, RED LIKE COMMUNISM they have now decided blood is just too evil presumably because it is just too red, so it would be sensible for safeguarding purposes to remove any semblance of player choice entirely, pic related
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 10 Aug 2024 17:38:05 No. 6077999 Report Quoted By:
>>6077545 Haha, that's news to me. I'll definitely think about it, then. Was just worried that doing meta stuff would distract from the main plot.
I've done so much stupid worldbuilding though, I gotta sperg about it somewhere.
>>6077778 Damn, one off. I'll give it a look, though. It's not a collective game? (Figured it was more like evo games where multiple players controlled their own factions.)
>I probably should continue my quest but I am so busy I kind of think it'd be best if it just dies
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>>6078253 What quest? Why not just put it on hiatus or hand it off to an anon?
>>6078253 Please don't be Kaz, please don't be Kaz, please don't be Kaz... Anonymous
I'm fucking triggered by what just happened over in Yet Another Civilization. GM decided to drop massive natural disaster without any kind of warning, foretelling or any framing really. What is also triggering me is that other players seem to not mind this development. I hate myself for being that one guy chimping out apparently alone and for no good reason.
>>6078404 Isn't that how natural disasters often be like? Especially before satellites and plate tectonics or whatever the local equivalent? I don't play the quest, though, so maybe I'm missing something.
>>6078404 I agree it sucks, but I'm not going to chimp out unless there's no silver lining/chance to rebuild even better. If we just get dumped into the dirt and lose all the thread's progress for no reason, I will be kinda mad. I mostly wish the OP would explain why it happened (bad dice roll? it was always going to happen on Year 500? shits and giggles?) and if we could've predicted it or done anything better if we made different choices. (Maybe reinforcing the buildings in Ancron would've saved the leadership? Were we supposed to build the central city away from the lake?)
>>6078409 What's the point of dropping it in first place? It just doesn't make any narrative sense. Was OP dissatisfied with our progress, or map, or just wanted to restart or something? If yes, there are better ways to do it aren't there?
>>6078406 >Isn't that how natural disasters often be like Just because something happens in real world doesn't mean it works as a plot element in a story.
>>6078406 i just checked, and i have to agree with
>>6078404 there was no foreshadowing or anything that could be used to warn the players about it, it says:
"In a matter of minutes and with a thunderous, deafening roar, the river and the lake both explode upwards and outwards"
no way to prevent it whatsoever, no strange behavior on the water nor strong winds, i would understand an earthquake, but not this
>>6078276 who's kaz and whats the issue with them?
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>>6078431 >What's the point of dropping it in first place? It just doesn't make any narrative sense. My gut instinct is that it was a the worst result on a behind-the-scenes event table. If it's not that, and the QM did deliberately make the choice to nuke us, I think that was a questionable decision but I'll ride out the rest of the thread to see how it plays.
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>>6078431 >Just because something happens in real world doesn't mean it works as a plot element in a story. Fair, I guess, especially if your'e not being hyperbolic and it did erase all your progress. I could see me being frustrated in such a situation.
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>>6078404 I'm one of the participants in Yet Another Civilization Quest, and I personally think it's an interesting and engaging situation. It's terrible for the civ, yeah, but the reunification of it will be action-packed and we weren't the only civ that got slammed. I think this will be fun to see happen.
>>6078446 >who's kaz QM of Star Wars: Interregnum.
>and whats the issue with them? He's currently doing a Berserk Reanimated project with other people which has been taking up his free time. Last thread fell off the board over a year ago, and the only Berserk Reanimated thing I saw on YouTube said it was coming out in the Summer.
...of 2025. Anonymous
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>>6078455 sorry anon, i dont see the issue, could you be more specific?
Numpty !snqjf0En4E
>>6078404 >>6078431 That's all fair criticism. I posted a response in the thread (
>>6078479 ) but it boils down to:
>I fully understand why readers might not enjoy it and that I committed a cardinal sin of QMing by introducing a significant setback that couldn't be predicted or stopped, only reacted to, but it's something that I wanted to write. If that frustrates you to the point where you want to drop the quest, I get it.
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>>6078491 Losing agency IS the thing anons generally hate the most, but I think in the context of a multi-generational civquest format, I wouldn't mind it as much. Tricky balance to strike, though.
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>>6078491 All good.
I see the civ thread as a storytelling, and as civilisations realistically and historically have setbacks both preventable and unpreventable, I don't mind and actually prefer events like that taking place.
An another note. Anyone here around waaay back when a QM ran a quest of early human civilisation in Mesopotamia? They developed east and had a ship land in the Americas, bred with the locals to become devilskins, and invaded North Africa from the west with that force.
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If you wanna play as a nazi in another world, here.
>>6078574 Anonymous
How do I create a Quest which is not only well-liked but is something will talk about for years to come? How to create something that is so enthralling that people trawl the archives and refresh the page hoping for a new update?
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>>6078668 Flake on it after six months.
>>6078668 It's very easy
>Interesting concept >Consistent updates (Even one a day is fine if you're consistent about it) >Make it a draw quest, even if the drawing is bad And this is the part that everyone seems to forget when saying this stuff...this is what I'd say is the most important to be memorable
>Make it interesting to talk about A lot of quests have an issue where they are great, but there's really nothing much to talk about. So most of the thread is just votes and waiting. This doesn't mean it's not good, it just means people aren't going to talk about it as much.
An example of being memorable is Monke quest - regardless of your opinion on how good it is, people talk about it a lot solely because of the sheer number of discussions that come from it. Why? Because it's a political quest about running a nation. And thus you have infinity+ discussions of people with different opinions on what they should do
>I support xenos! >I want to kill the xenos! >I want to oppress the xenos! >I want to fuck the xenos! And so on and on. This is not to say that the only way to make a quest memorable is politics, but rather, that if you want a quest to be talked about, you need to give people *something* to discuss in the first place - not just react to the story and the characters.
>>6078672 Wise words, IMO.
>>6078668 Controversy keeps people talking. That is to say: difficult decisions with dramatic results resulting from a contentious vote; regret for votes not made or great relief at avoiding a doomed outcome; or sometimes controversial decision made by QM fiat. I think the only time my quests got much spillover chatter here was when the MC of the second fugged a bugwoman, or when his shortstack waifu died. That or when puritan-anon got mad and tried to have me banned over 'pornographer' accusations.
Actually, now that I think about it, two other ways to ensure your quests are memorable are waifus (art is strongly advised to lock that one in) or metatextual drama. Up to you if you want THAT kind of attention, though. I usually try to avoid the latterat least in relation to my quests.
>>6078681 It's not just 'controversy' anon. If you try to write like Tatsuki Fujimoto or Gege Akutami, you're probably just gonna get people to abandon your quest.
Just stirring up shit isn't enough. Monke quest does it, sure, but it still has a bunch of other stuff. Even Bananas did stuff like giving the players the opportunity to finally erase the race everyone hated, and brought back the ones that most people liked. You can't just attack the player. They still need a reason to keep playing.
>Actually, now that I think about it, two other ways to ensure your quests are memorable are waifus Waifus definitely work, but they need to be memorable too. One recent example of an waifu that gets discussed a lot in the quest thread is Table from Magically Challenged - who is basically an weird shape-shifting worm creature who is cursed to be forgotten by everyone. People talk about her because she has an interesting background (Basically an entire race of that one "Forget me Not" x-men character) AND she has a strong personality that leads to fun interactions.
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>>6078668 Read Goblin Quest keke that was basically it's entire existence.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 11 Aug 2024 16:14:33 No. 6078697 Report Quoted By:
>>6078672 Very well-said. I'll that I personally think always having some objective to strive towards is a great way of keeping players engaged.
An overarching goal helps keep things focused instead of letting your quest devolve into idling when it's supposed to be plot-focused. I can't speak for SoL, I've never read those kinds of quests before and don't plan on starting anytime soon, but I find that any quest with a definitive overarching goal tends to keep me pretty invested when trawling the archives, even at a quest's lowest.
Side goals also help-- hyperfocusing on the main objective can make things stale, so I appreciate when a quest has a few alternatives you can work on that aren't just that, though it's a little harder to pull off because it can quickly lead to a lot of unresolved plot strings that kind of just taper off instead of ever being resolved.
Alternatively, you could go the route of a ticking time bomb and give players no choice but to hyperfocus. If you're good enough you can even force them to balance this hyperfocusing with more interesting side goals, but that can end up turning the main plot into one of those unresolved plot strings so it'd need to be done with a very solid idea of wtf you're doing.
I'm a pretty amateur QM at best so take this with a grain of salt; I'm mostly coming at this from the perspective of a player, and the other guy got down most of what tends to keep me invested.
Interesting concepts/premise, consistent updates, easy opportunities for extensive discussion.
Characterwork is also very very important (as the plot is too malleable to make certain of its quality), though arguably optional for some types of quests (ie evogames, civ quests) and therefore not really as much of a staple.
I wish you luck with any quest you plan on running!
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 11 Aug 2024 16:16:06 No. 6078699 Report Quoted By:
>>6078672 Very well-said. I'll that I personally think always having some objective to strive towards is a great way of keeping players engaged.
An overarching goal helps keep things focused instead of letting your quest devolve into idling when it's supposed to be plot-focused. I can't speak for SoL, I've never read those kinds of quests before and don't plan on starting anytime soon, but I find that any quest with a definitive overarching goal tends to keep me pretty invested when trawling the archives, even at a quest's lowest.
Side goals also help-- hyperfocusing on the main objective can make things stale, so I appreciate when a quest has a few alternatives you can work on that aren't just that, though it's a little harder to pull off because it can quickly lead to a lot of unresolved plot strings that kind of just taper off instead of ever being resolved.
Alternatively, you could go the route of a ticking time bomb and give players no choice but to hyperfocus. If you're good enough you can even force them to balance this hyperfocusing with more interesting side goals, but that can end up turning the main plot into one of those unresolved plot strings so it'd need to be done with a very solid idea of wtf you're doing.
I'm a pretty amateur QM at best so take this with a grain of salt; I'm mostly coming at this from the perspective of a player, and the other guy got down most of what tends to keep me invested.
Interesting concepts/premise, consistent updates, easy opportunities for extensive discussion.
Characterwork is also very very important (as the plot is too malleable to make certain of its quality), though arguably optional for some types of quests (ie evogames, civ quests) and therefore not really as much of a staple.
I wish you luck with any quest you plan on running!
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 11 Aug 2024 16:18:26 No. 6078701 Report Quoted By:
>>6078672 Very well-said. I'll add that I personally think always having some objective to strive towards is a great way of keeping players engaged.
An overarching goal helps keep things focused instead of letting your quest devolve into idling when it's supposed to be plot-focused. I can't speak for SoL, I've never read those kinds of quests before and don't plan on starting anytime soon, but I find that any quest with a definitive overarching goal tends to keep me pretty invested when trawling the archives, even at a quest's lowest.
Side goals also help-- hyperfocusing on the main objective can make things stale, so I appreciate when a quest has a few alternatives you can work on that aren't just that, though it's a little harder to pull off because it can quickly lead to a lot of unresolved plot strings that kind of just taper off instead of ever being resolved.
Alternatively, you could go the route of a ticking time bomb and give players no choice but to hyperfocus. If you're good enough you can even force them to balance this hyperfocusing with more interesting side goals, but that can end up turning the main plot into one of those unresolved plot strings so it'd need to be done with a very solid idea of wtf you're doing.
I'm a pretty amateur QM at best so take this with a grain of salt; I'm mostly coming at this from the perspective of a player, and the other guy got down most of what tends to keep me invested.
Interesting concepts/premise, consistent updates, easy opportunities for extensive discussion.
Characterwork is also very very important (as the plot is too malleable to make certain of its quality), though arguably optional for some types of quests (ie evogames, civ quests) and therefore not really as much of a staple.
I wish you luck with any quest you plan on running!
[ignore that I posted this thrice; I somehow managed to miss the same grammatical error all three times despite proofreading...]
>>6078686 Table is pretty great, yeah.
As to your first point:
>You can't just attack the player. They still need a reason to keep playing. I agree. If you just make people annoyed and miserable, that's not 'controversial'. That's just a slog. For it to be controversial, there need to be people who also feel a given vote or QM narrative choice was good, actually, and they need to be invested. Perhaps a better word would be 'polarizing'.
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>>6078703 Correct. Just being controversial isn't enough, and it can also be too much. I think the only reason why monke quest manages to not burn down despite all the shitstorms is because the characters end up changing and dying every now and then. If a character in a normal quest were to have something really controversial, you're stuck with that permanently. At least with a rotating cast, they can eventually just die and you can mostly forget about them.
Of course, this isn't really necessary if you're not actively trying to cause shitstorms and annoy people like bananas often is.
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>>6078491 I haven't read your quest, but from my experience players don't mind it as much as long as they have the chance to save *something*. They might fail, but as long as they can hold on to something they could have lost (their castle, their children, their wife) the players will either cheer it as their impossible miracle or as their great failure which will come to define the character
>>6078491 Don't listen too much to the naysayers, I think apocalyptic floods are cool.
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>>6078668 >something will talk about for years to come? How to create something that is so enthralling If we knew we'd be rich. There're thousands of books on the subject.
Bullpen !!h15+BsQodN2
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the promised recap thread:
>>6079011 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 12:24:32 No. 6079253 Report Rolled 91 (1d200) rolling here because I forgot to do it in my thread when locking in the vote
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Adlershorst Dynasty update.
>>6079248 >>6079249 >>6079251 archivebro
>>6079253 Did you intend for it to be a d200?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 14:33:30 No. 6079305 Report Quoted By:
>>6079304 Yeah, but the 200 was a compromise due to some shitty planning on my part. I've really gotta redo my encounter tables, they're formatted pretty terribly.
desu im nervous to start my own, how much do you guys prepare before starting? i mean map, npcs, etc.
Local Lord
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As promised good sirs and fair ladies here is the quest, the thirteenth chapter of the adventures of Charles de Villeroi, Lord of Local. May you find here glory, mirth and a fair bite of war and courtly love (and unfortunately intrigues of vile men and petty upjumped commoners who simply deserve to be beaten with sticks).
>>6079405 >>6079405 >>6079405 I am glad to continue this adventure, join us if you want. Passavant li meillor !
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6079352 I say only prepare enough content to last you through your first thread. See how things with how your players vote, what they focus on, and what plans they make and go from there.
Don't plan TOO much out but have enough where your players can enjoy a small taste of what the rest of the quest would be.
Let's say, for the sake of example, you're running a quest where you're some Fallout wastelander doing odd jobs. Write a handful of odd jobs the players could be interested in and the rough layout of two or three towns they could visit.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 19:34:23 No. 6079461 Report Rolled 3 (1d200) >>6079253 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 19:35:26 No. 6079463 Report archivebro
>>6079463 Ah. In light of our decision to go in without reinforcements, that seems bad.
I’m, uh, guessing you don’t do roll under for your system.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 19:49:37 No. 6079469 Report >>6079467 I do not because I do not know what that means
however, you might be happy to know that this does not mean anything bad (for you)
>>6079469 Roll under is that you’re trying to roll under a target DC, not over. In general, lower numbers are better there.
That fell out of style a long time ago as far as I’m aware. Last quest I remember seeing that in was a Persona quest where bond checks were roll-under. It was more convenient since the bond level went up from 1 and rolling under the check meant it’d be easier as you leveled up a bond rather than harder. Outside that I’ve seen 40k quests do it as a general rule when playing Chaos as a thematic choice.
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:xkZTO3e8 Mon 12 Aug 2024 20:11:50 No. 6079484 Report >>6079480 Some of those 40k quests might be doing it because the official 40k TTRPG uses roll-under mechanics.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 12 Aug 2024 20:12:12 No. 6079485 Report Quoted By:
>>6079480 Ah, maybe that's why I haven't heard of that.
Yeah, I'm not using it. I can see how it'd fit some niche scenarios but I think most of the ones in my quest would be better off with roll over lol.
Thanks for letting me know though. My search engine just brought up a bunch of reddit posts discussing the benefits of it or whatever. Never clarified. :/
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>>6079484 Ah, it’s more alive than I thought! Go figure all of my 40k exposure is from quests and video games so I never learned that.
>>6079480 It still seems to occasionally show up on an ad hoc basis here and there as well. The Fall of Hyrule uses roll-under, for example.
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>>6079540 Voidship Bridge Simulator, too, for its relationship-building mechanics.
>>6078491 I'm a third party here, but I don't see a problem with this. Natural disasters should be sudden and unexpected. Green lines should not always go up. The only thing I can think of to consider for next time, and forgive me if this doesn't fit as I'm not familiar with this type of civ quest, would be to include word of a soothsayer freaking out and predicting doom or word of some sort of doomsday cult gaining traction and then giving the players a chance to react in some way to that little tidbit or to otherwise ignore the news. But that's me coming in with ideas after the fact.
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>>6079480 StV, one of the most popular quests around here, tends to also use a roll under system.
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>>6078491 >>6079625 Third party chipping in: Another option is to have a small unavoidable disaster early to make it clear that unavoidable disasters are indeed unavoidable, so the players have some backup plan for preservation/survival.
You need to signal to players what kind of hame they're playing as early and as often as possible.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6079523 >>6079523 >>6079523 Solarpunk update! Instead of getting executed for seeing too much, Fiona has been cursed with a promotion.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6080010 >write this massive route for your players to entirely ignore Anonymous
>>6080010 Are you actually going to make a thread?
>>6080010 The problem as always is that the players are too uninformed to make the choice the QM likes the most (read: the risky one).
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>>6077650 How about you quit the fucking whiny, woe-is-me bullshit and get over it? Being a little bitch in the /qtg/ isn't going to solve your problems.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:I8I2CIl1 Tue 13 Aug 2024 18:24:20 No. 6080089 Report Quoted By:
Sorry for letting the thread 4 dying without launching the fifth.
Anyway, the last part of the Skirmish against chaos is up just there :
>>6080074 The plan of the thread is purging chaos, maybe a few last development, and creating the basis of Hunterkind for the next phasis : 40k Minor Xenos Quest : United Xenos Prespatial Civilisation
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>>6080073 If they want the players to take the risky option, maybe they shouldn't use it as an opportunity to dunk on them hard. Players take the option without risks because losing is not fun.
Levelman !rnYhP.nKQo
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Beerus oneshot officially finished.
>>6080169 Anonymous
>>6080053 What will we do when Bananas moves to SV because of our hatred?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:I8I2CIl1 Tue 13 Aug 2024 20:38:58 No. 6080210 Report Quoted By:
>>6080208 You'll play my shitty offshoot Supreme Space Hunder Unter quest of course.
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>>6080208 Then i'll steal monke quest and inject my shitty fan ideas into it like a modern capeshit writer.
I'm feeling like I want to run a quest. Out of the two, which would be the the one more people are interested in?>JJK: The Next Generation. JJK in a world where we assume that the protagonists got the (relatively) good ending, and you are a young sorcerer, ready to take on the next generation of threats. Choose from a pre-determined set of protagonists who the PC is.>Demon Slayer Quest. Demon Slayer set in about the time period that Demon Slayer takes place, but with me... "readjusting" the setting to make it make more sense as to why the Slayers both haven't been wiped out and why Muzan hasn't been jumped at a previous point in time. Create-a-slayer workshop, going to steal Forgotten's system for it.
>>6080343 JJK is a bit lame setting wise, most curses are just completely inhuman. I'm not a big fan of demon slayer though, it's basically just JJBA's first two parts but written by a woman
>Ancient demon vampires who are afraid of sunlight >Villain is one of them, wants to conquer the sun >The protagonist is a kind guy whose sibling gets turned into a vampire >In order to beat the monsters they then proceed to learn magic sunlight combat powers Anonymous
Instead of dressing up a property and pretending it's my OC, I should just run the quest under the IP straight up. Now how would a DDLC quest work? When I figure it out I'll run it then.
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>>6080344 Well, there's a good reason why JJK takes place when there's curses that AREN'T just inhuman animals running around. I'll bullshit something to make it interesting either way.
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>>6080343 The JJK one is more interesting to me, mostly because of how underutilized the curses are in my opinion: they're supposed to be representations of human resentment and other negative emotions, but the effects they have on the world and the means of finding and stopping them have always been a bit one note to me. A lower power level setting with more focus on that would be a good fit for that sort of plotline
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>>6080343 I'd play either, desu
>>6080346 Cute girls doing things, make sure to layer things so it’s obvious they have deep-seated problems but are generally functional in spite of it. Refuse to allow any choices that don’t stamp all over their neuroses for extra pain. For the metahorror aspect, Visual Novel Quest! probably has the best format for a quest thread.
I haven’t been able to bring myself to play DDLC+ yet. I purchased it to support the devs, but watching Sayori’s interactions with the MC hit way, way too close to home in the base game alone. I’ve had anxious friends say the same thing about Yuri. The Monika stuff was honestly a relief after the regular slice-of-life stuff.
>>6080364 >Refuse to allow any choices that don’t stamp all over their neuroses for extra pain You know this gave me an actual idea - what if a quest gave the players a *limited* amount of write-ins?
Like, imagine it's a quest where normally, you only have the allowed options, BUT you're given a few "coins" to spend on write-ins that you could use. I guess an equivalent in this DDLC scenario would be taking Sayori while she's during her depressed hours and staying home comforting her instead of just going to school.
>>6080010 Was that one mystery box in fact a landmine?
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>>6080386 Mystery box from where? I don't remember a mystery box in neither monke quest nor black ocean
>>6080370 That sounds like a horrifying idea bound to brew a lot of player angst. Yes, it’ll work. Add salt to the wound by second-guessing player decisions whenever they use (or don’t use) one of the write-ins.
Well, this’ll make her feel better. But she’s toughed out these times before. Will she need the help more later? Ah, isn’t it so much fun seeing them squirm? He can’t see it, of course, but you lot can. Is that what you’re breaking the rules to say? Really? And here I thought I was the cruel one. The real rub is figuring out what the endpoints of the quest are. The main draw for DDLC (for me, at least) is that the characters WERE functional. The MC wasn’t going to save them, but they’d also get along fine without him. Monika had to screw with things to force those results. So the quest can’t end by fixing all the problems, but if it’s obvious everyone is going to die by the end then why bother playing in the first place? We’ve already seen the story before after all.
Maybe it’s like a survival horror in a way? Set up a limited number of “interaction days/weeks” throughout the years, where anons get to interact with the MC and the girls. How they behave will set the general tone for actions during the “timeskip” sections. In the meantime, the creator/demon/QM makes things progressively worse during those off-camera segments. Characters have their personalities distorted, events that make no logical sense occur, entire events and their results are retroactively changed unless a write-in or clever maneuvering in the story force a reset. The number of changes is limited in severity and quantity, but ramps up in ways spelled out in advance. The point is to try and save as many characters as possible by the final event… or decide to cut some out early to really be sure the fan favorites can make it to the end.
Give anons information about the days to keep things transparent. No past events have been altered! Two characters have had their personalities changed! There are three options that will damage the character over the timeskip! In either this round or the next, I’m lying about one of these bullet points!
At that point you’ve just made a weird resource management sim I guess. One that’s rather gleeful about pitting QM against the players. Do a short three-event practice round with two girls to showcase what to expect in the beginning, middle, and end, then launch the main event.
I won’t be touching the quest for the sake of my heart, but you could make it work.
>>6080370 I suspect that would work, but if you're the sort of QM who likes creative discussion and solutions, I'd think twice before instituting it. Players are always paranoid to use ANY finite resource, even to the bitter end, and they usually hate the idea of being 'punished' for sub-optimal play.
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>>6080428 That's why you don't make it completely finite. Dark souls fixed the "People don't want to use healing potions" issue by making Estus refill every time you get to a bonfire.
Make it so the "write-ins" can be refilled at certain points. You'd still have to time it well because those points would be far apart, but at the same time you wouldn't want to be too conservative or else you'd waste them.
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>>6080364 >>6080410 I didn't know DDLC+ was an actual official rerelease and hurriedly absorbed all I can on it before I realized I could just ignore it. It just seems to be more build up for Project Libitina, anyways.
A difficulty that comes from fully pegging myself to the game is that the cast of characters is sparse. There's only the 4 of them, and depending on how you look at things, 5 or 6 with the addition of the Player and MC, but they're hardly defined as is. I know I just dismissed canon as I said above, but when I write with another property, I like keeping things in the realm of possibility, like it could happen as a What If, and not needing to invent new characters to facilitate the idea. I could explore characters adjacent to the current cast, but to truly shake things up, there'd need to be a new dynamic at play.
I write things that are more about exploring a narrative rather than managing game mechanics. Not opposed to the idea, I just feel like I'm stronger doing the former. There was this port of DDLC on Roblox of all places, and despite it allowing you to move freely and speak to the girls in any order, nothing deviated from the original except when censors were involved. It was just the VN again, except you had to manually haul ass to the next part of the script. So I guess my idea can be boiled down to DDLC, but the MC is aware. That doesn't sound all that interesting and is probably already on Ao3, but I do have a few curveballs to throw in the way of expectation, another thing I like about writing with an IP.
does someone have a working link for the discord?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6080208 >The Fall Insipiring /qst/ kino.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6080607 Don't worry, as soon as someone starts a new thread of a quest i like, every other quest i like will appear too. For some reason they always appear together.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 14 Aug 2024 14:03:29 No. 6080613 Report Did anyone else's ability to post just die for four straight hours? I was going to lock in the votes on my quest but it seems like my audience lost a lot of voting time. Might let it run a little bit longer assuming that this wasn't just a strange issue on my end.
>>6080613 Happened everywhere. Went to 4stats and it showed that no one was making posts for around four hours. Something happened on the end of 4chan itself.
>>6080613 No, sitewide. Hack attempt, maintenance, or glownigs doing shit
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 14 Aug 2024 14:20:51 No. 6080623 Report >>6080619 >>6080620 Oh damn, alright. Thanks for letting me know. I guess I'll wait.
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>>6080623 We shall eagerly await the continuation (because this inconvenience is happening at quite the interesting time in the quest).
Hot Take: All quests should start with a SYNOPSIS and it should become the NORM for /qst/
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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By popular(?) demand, it continues!
follow up with the story of Hogwart´s new Caretaker!
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 Anonymous
>>6080776 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and then the Earth. You don’t know that but I do.
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>>6080867 In the times of yore. When man had yet to walk. The sky would sing praises of the most supreme. All of the beasts of the land and seas and clouds bowed their heads in fear and deference and awe. Those days when the caves fed to the very roots of the world and its bounty was claimed by things so ancient that man would have no words for their kind. Then was a dream of the world to be and change thereupon would come.
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>>6074777 >>6077746 This is the
un official Space Merc 3 Bump. The warcrime autism is healthy and slowly gaining momentum. There are no restrictions on player count or how late you can join in, so come whenever you're ready.
Just grab MSPaint, a pixel dude with gun of your choosing and deploy your very own pawn into the coke-covered dystopian megacity streets to cause as much chaos as possible, or die because you rolled a crit fail while performing knife tricks to impress a local prostitute! The opportunities in Space Merc are endless!
>>6077714 >>6077714 >>6077714 Anonymous
>>6080867 False. At a time far far after the "beginning", the Demiurge created the things you perceive to be then Heavens and then the Earth. You didn't know that, but now you do. Spend this esoteric knowledge I have granted you well.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6080776 Partially related but I've started adding a short synopsis to the end of some of my threads (mostly monke quest) which makes archive trawling for the most up-to-date timeline information extremely useful. Even if you don't have a full plot synopsis at the start of the quest and just wing it, you can still get the same use as a synopsis but can put it at the end of each thread instead.
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need some people to roll some dice here:
>>6080901 Anonymous
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>>6080776 I don't think that's much of a hot take given how many that do.
>>6080867 In between the verses of Genesis 1 and 2, did you know Lucifer and his third of the Angels held a doomed rebellion against God that ended in his falling out and before descending into hell, spited God by destroying the Earth's surface?
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Loveless Gal has - finally - updated!
>>6080766 >>6080769 >>6080772 >>6080773 >>6080774 Our slice-of-life day-to-day fantasy mystery investigation is nearing its end. Recap available.
>>6080776 Recap is a chore when you’re writing in FPP…
>>6077136 >do you tend to have a plot outline for how you want things to go or do you completely wing your stories? I've got a list of bulletpoints, but I don't want to expand on them too much because it could lead to railroading or be rendered irrelevant by a choice or two. Yes. I usually have a couple bulletpoints, certain events I have in mind when writing. Structure is really important - for me, someone who does quests which are 1-3 threads long - but longer quests benefit too. The problem with winging it is setup and payoff. You might not necessarily be able to do that as well.
As for railroading, the definition can vary quite significantly depending on the QM you talk to, but honestly, as long as the choice chosen has an impact (or appears to have it), you should be fine. What you DONT want to do is to override that choice when writing that update. It may be overriden in the future depending on what the players do, but yeah, don’t do that.
There’s nothing wrong with limiting the scope of your quest, though. Stand your ground on certain matters. If you want a slice-of-life, you stay there.
>>6077277 +1
>>6081072 Yeah, and if you believe Milton each of the traitor angels used a literal cannon in a firing line to decimate Michael's first charge of loyalist angels.
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:cDPsvhu3 Thu 15 Aug 2024 17:07:55 No. 6081353 Report Quoted By:
The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! is back, please find the new thread below:
>>6081348 >>6081348 >>6081348 Anonymous
>>6081103 Milton made that shit up bro, he never claimed to be a prophet. Its literally fan fiction.
Olympus QM
>>6080908 Based and gnosticpilled
>>6080010 Unironically got the opposite issue, like:
"Hey, I got some neat action setpieces, and a huge pile of character interac-"
>>6081406 I have been deep diving into all sorts of esoteric insanity for the past week so I can have better LORE for my new head canon setting that will never see the light of day.
You know, typical QM shit.
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>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Two actually, first one is in hell because the series it’s based on I’ve started to become too autistic about due to the influence of other, similarly autistic, people and the latter because part way through I realize I just made a gender swapped version of something I watched and felt like a hack.
What do you think the minimum level of regularity is needed to retain interest in a quest?
Yo fags, update your shit
>Urgent: >All Windows users should immediately update their computers. An exploit rated 9.8/10 (CVE-2024-38063) compromises all devices running Windows with an IPv6 address. >https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/en-US/vulnerability/CVE-2024-38063 >>>/g/101911631 Anonymous
>>6081606 I have absolutely no idea what an 'IPv6' address even is. I use windows 7.
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>>6081606 Don't care, didn't ask.
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>>6081606 Can't. Computer isn't Windows 11 compatible. Also, I hear it's shit.
>>6081608 It’s how your computer finds things (and is found) on the internet. The alternative is IPv4.
Just run Windows Update when available and you’d be fine. That’s assuming you’re even using it, and you may not be.
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>>6081647 God I love soft monopolies and tech shadow empires.
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We'll, I appreciated the heads up
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>>6081654 I mean, give it 80 years and you’ll definitely have your wish by then. Probably earlier, I don’t expect to break any old age records personally.
>>6081416 Is this a spin off of The Place Beyond the Pines?
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>>6081522 Once a day probably
How would you emulate metal gear style gameplay in a quest, I’ve never fucked with quest gameplay much outside of simply voting on choices and maybe the odd dice roll. I don’t feel like drawing a ton outside of a couple visual aids to give a picture of the characters and locales at play, but I still want an involved stealth gameplay system. Any advice?
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>>6081722 fuck that movie, it baits you with the goose then kills him off 30 minutes in
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6081839 >>6081839 >>6081839 Solarpunk level up update part two, schizobabble boogaloo
>>6081773 >METAL GEAR SOLID pic related shows the manner of achieving this
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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Its time for the Caretaker to "Take care" of his first enemy in a wizarding duel! but you are not alone!
defend the unconsious boy from the attacking wizard! can you do it? roll to find out!
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:DGTusAbp Fri 16 Aug 2024 12:42:21 No. 6081942 Report >Late on an update >Browser dies >Browser dies again JUST
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
I think we really need more Quest synopsis made for each active Quest on the board BUT used to advertise the Quest and explain what it is about along with reviews/recommendations. The problem is these are always found in posting format and usually unarchived in the /qtg/, and anything like a pastebin becomes outdated quickly over time. Instead, image macros may be better, similar to the 'tier lists' people have been making recently, but perhaps with more information.
>>6081773 >>6081879 >METAL GEAR SOLID Of course the moral essence conveyed by Kojima is a focus upon the futility and immorality / betrayal of war and militarism, essentially it is a message of pacifism, harmony and peace, also how you should wear a bikini to expose your bosom cleavage maximise exposed skin surface area in order to facilitate photosynthesis like a plant or something, pic related, Kojima is so weird and perverted
In contrast, vengeful warmongering anime-obsessed fanatic Palmer Luckey, formerly of Oculus Rift VR and now of Anduril weapons manufacturing, appears to envision endless warfare possibly as a form of total addressable market expansion for his company but also perhaps because he has misconstrued the morality of some of the anime he has been watching or cosplaying. Pic related demonstrates the importance of cosplay in US national security defense doctrine modernisation
You can tell Palmer Luckey feels triumphantly reconciled to his firing by Zuck at Facebook, he is not at all bitter or vengeful he only mentions it every other paragraph in this insanely long interview article with Israeli Tablet magazine:
https://www.tabletmag.com/feature/american-vulcan-palmer-luckey-anduril Incidentally Palmer Luckey mentions at the end of this cloyingly sycophantic glorification interview he is apparently working on a subterrene (not a submarine, a subterrene is apparently some form of nuclear rocket drill ship - not a tunnel borer machine, but a fully manoeuvrable pilotable vehicle) presumably because world war 3 will have full saturation satellite surveillance coverage of the ravaged irradiated wasteland surface cannibal mutant-infested ruins above, so ww3 will instead resemble the Locust and Emergence Day from Gears Of War, the only means of survival and victory will be to re-enact that subterranean scene where Dom finally reunites with his wife in Gears Of War 2
>>6081943 I hate to say this because its been tried and failed, but some kind of wiki would be helpful
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>>6081943 I have to agree on this one, having a bunch of synopses for active quests would probably encourage people to find stuff they're interested in.
>>6081964 As long as it's not a 'fandom' wiki. Those faggots are nuking anything 4chan related for absolutely no reason.
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>>6081943 Have them displayed like TV posters but with more text.
going from top to bottom:
Quest Image
Brief Synopsis/Elevator pitch
Number of threads - Date
Would easy enough to update by just wiping the date and Thread # section to be refilled. Not to say they couldn't be redesigned or the synopsis touched up seasonally.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k57aA5XHww Also; for me? It's Dungeon Synth. The BEST /qst/ing musical genre.
>>6081982 Sequel to Moaning Mountain/Night Without Stars when?
>>6081982 >DUNGEONSYNTH I saw this random product link featured the other day, it is a dedicated medieval electronic synthesiser
https://teenage.engineering/products/ep-1320 lol someone has been watching Jodorowsky Dune, in the promotional video:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LVLsRvGMwMk The aesthetics feel reminiscent of Ultraviolet Grasslands the Luka Rejec illustrated rpg books or maybe Vaults Of Vaarn hehe
Not sure about the weird digeridoo?? lol type effects added from that video the original and catchier music sample is actually the fourth link (scroll down from the top) it is called Demus 2 Harvest Dance
Weirdly enough when I think of dungeon synth I don't immediately think of the OSR type rpg music soundscapes but actually this piece below the menu intro from Final Fantasy IX. As you know I am terrified of anime I have never gotten past the first disc of this game, the massive eyes pointy triangular noses are too unnerving but even I concede the opening intro music feels truly evocative, the woodwind contrapuntal voices make it sound like an authentic historical piece
Final Fantasy IX Intro music - "A Place I'll Return To Someday"
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1WcN35Y_hpw BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6081987 It is nice of you to say you're interested in the side projects. Makes me feel appreciated more then just for my one "thing".
To be completely transparent I was going to start the newest monkey thread either last week or this week, but I have a scheduled trip out of town with family where I will be away from the computer for at least 4 days at the end of the month and just now I've had a minor Health "thing" causing me problems and made me really not want to start a quest right now so, hopefully we'll see.
Next thread is 100% Monke btw.
>>6081982 >>6082000 There was a piece of music I considered using for my game setting UPYR, but in the end I left it out lol too avant garde. Here is the Dolcissimo by Peteris Vasks, I believe he is from Latvia, I think it would work very well in a modern mystery or horror game, Cthulhu or folklore or even traditional fantasy, it cuts across genres:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rr8PsgiHVxU (There is a live performance also, but it has applause and coughing etc versus the above recording)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1X_HLgJqha8 I thought about increasing the classical music content, to be honest the standard videogame fantasy rpg music by Jeremy Soule and Inon Zur etc the morrowind or icewind dale stuff already works really well, there is no need really for classical repertoire. It is hard to describe what makes dungeonsynth distinct from the standard fantasy rpg music (dungeonsynth is more 80s? or electronica type inspired? but some videogame soundtracks also adopt that soundscape?) I think if you were doing a DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS DIRECTED BY KUBRICK ie look I use Rossini La Gazza Ladra in a RAPE SCENE it might be amusing lol to match some standard rpg scenarios with famous classical music accompaniment. I think another option might be to use contemporaneous period pieces so actual medieval or Elizabethan type music, I always think of the dance scene from the Shekhar Kapur Elizabeth (1998) in any court intrigue scenario, or Warhammer etc
Tielman Susato, Rondes I, Dansereye from film Elizabeth (1998)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GkdlAPbX5es Another charming dance scene is from the amazing 1981 fantasy film Dragonslayer, this one:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qiwvLTZnEns This film is however ruined once you realise the main wizard apprentice hero is that actor from Ghostbusters II and Mr Bean
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>>6082004 >Next thread is 100% Monke btw. Cool, I like that one too, whanever it happens
even if next thread is probably gonna be one of the more argument filled ones from what you've already said Anonymous
>>6082005 It is fantasy by Neil Gaiman, on a cloud sky galleon. So they chose one of Dvorak's Slavonic Dances. Claire Danes looks strange with fake blonde hair, but she is also glowing because of the starlight, you see she is a star etc. Any sense of cultural and musical edification is then ruined by the credits, when boyband Take That plays their outro song. In this film you also get to see Mark Strong that bloke from the Warhammer Space Marine game who has a cool villain voice, also Robert de Niro is a pirate transvestite just like in real life
Stardust Dance Scene, Dvorak Slavonic Dances Op 46 no 6 "Sousedska"
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EGWAErBCkqE ok I link the Take That song, it is cringe but Stardust is the happiest fairytale film, so here it is
Take That "Rule The World" Stardust film outro credits
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HbRhriXYQLI Anonymous
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>>6081522 It depends on what the players are interested in.
>>6080776 What's wrong with in medias res?
>>6082017 There's nothing wrong with it, but i think that having some manner of 'synposis' to basically summarize to any newcomers what the quest is about would probably help quests get more players.
>>6082011 Personally more a fan of Op. 72 No. 2 (Dumka) of the Slavonic Dances.
Isn't it strange that for such a large IP franchise warhammer 40k has no music theme? Everyone knows that Schindler's List is the orchestral theme of Star Wars and Halo has the Gregorian chant ah ah ah... I personally prefer the Titanfall 2 music intro as my space opera soundtrack, Endless Space 2 has godlike amazing music, I can even hear Bioware's failed Anthem game music trumpet theme lol but Warhammer 40k... nothing. Maybe there is one and I am not aware?
I thought about Dawn Of War 3 (I have not played it) as the wh40k soundtrack, it is made by the bloke who did DREDD the amazing music in that film, but in my opinion his music for DoW3 is not as good it is a bit monotonous and disappointing. I suppose it is basically just an air raid siren AIR RAID SIREN it sounds good and dramatic the first time you hear it, but that is it, there is nothing else just that long wailing noise:
Where There Is Darkness, Paul Leonard Morgan Wh40k Dawn Of War III
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c_8SqBTiJjg It is ok I guess but it doesn't capture the rich panoply and depth of the 40k universe, I thought it would be clever if he did some baroque stuff with harpsichords and things evoking decadent Rogue Traders etc or a gothic sensibility but you just get the pounding wailing imperial blaring horn / air raid siren etc. The DREDD soundtrack he made was far better. There is also this amusing brief track lol, it is good but he ran out of ideas after 35 seconds...?
WAAAGH Theme Dawn Of War 3
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RQam2vLIfUo There isn't really any good unique leitmotif for Eldar or Chaos or Orks etc.
>>6081982 A while back Bananas on some qtg I think you were requesting some tribal percussion music for the space monkeys, I actually thought about hunting around for some, like the Planet Of The Apes soundtrack (it is mediocre) something space tribal. Well the obvious Kubrick SCI FI MONKEY MUSIC is of course the ape bone monolith scene Also Sprach Zarathustra etc
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QFj59PON4 There are drums and bone poundings and then spaceship etc.
For some reason, I also thought of this primitive space gladiatorial track from Unreal Tournament lol. Maybe if you were an ape astronaut invading a defenceless planet like some unguarded fooliah 4X game, you would play this
From Below (Unreal Tournament 2004)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5PViXHkvvSA Then there is this song, from the failed Bioware Anthem game. No drums, but it feels SPACE AFRICAN
Anthem OST Legion Of Dawn
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv8-5B9dwpI The Anthem game soundtrack is actually ok. It is quite hard finding ethnic space music.
You could also try the dreaded Horizon Zero Dawn, this has some authentic tribal future drums, eg
To The Hunt, Horizon Zero Dawn OST tribal percussion
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7MNJPzxRvGU Anonymous
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>>6082043 Though, I still have to add that Op. 46 is pretty good itself.
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>>6081968 My friend there is absolutely a reason. A petty reason but a reason all the same.
>>6082045 >its all video game music Anonymous
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>>6082004 Monke is superb, but Black Ocean, Moaning Mountain, and the spooky creepypasta hallways one (Inside Place, I think it was called?) were all really neat. Black Ocean would be the one I'd love a thread 2 for the most.
>>6082045 >>6082145 >>6082147 ok I listened to your music lol I see it is indeed authentically very African, I was actually very confused why Romans and ancient Chinese people were featured in the video until I realised it was from Civilisation videogames lol. Whilst I don't feel that link really captures the space aspect (maybe one of the Sid Meier Alpha Centauri / Beyond Earth games have better soundtracks? I have not played any of them) you do indeed win by merit of authentic tribal representation, so there you have it, you definitely successfully picked the best space opera tribal theme music for warhammer 40k, those are the marching regimental parade rhythms for the Space Marines. And They Shall Know No Fear
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>>6081850 Piss-Chan my beloved
>>6081942 You should type it into a .txt file before pasting it over.
>>6081968 Fandom is pure garbage. Clogs up the search pages, the website itself is advertisement AID and half the info there is incorrect or lacking. I would be more than happy to see it come crashing down, such a dogshit website.
>>6081942 Type and record your updates in a separate file. Otherwise you'll lose updates over and over again in perpetuity.
>>6081968 >>6082293 Most wikis worth a damn have already ported to
wiki.gg so just...
Use that, I suppose.
I wonder how breedable Souvarine is? I imagine his sedentary lifestyle working in the finance industry combined with his older age has given him a bit of a muffintop. So there's definitely something you can grab on to which I like. This is what I imagine he looks like. I generated it using keywords such as handsome,emotion vampire, and business.
>>6082316 >Global Equity investment manager appearance The ambient office environment is actually very close, I have definitely been to many conference / meeting rooms with that decor! A few small details...
-Nobody senior in London who works in finance wears belts; we all have side adjusters. I am not joking this is genuinely true, ask your tailor or look this up. Venture capitalists used to wear some generic jeans, shirt and brown jacket ensemble, all investors in London were aghast at the jeans. I mentioned before at the Snapchat IPO roadshow in London I personally witnessed Evan Spiegel come onto stage shivering in this lanky gawky bedroom tshirt, before hundreds of besuited investors, it was very disturbing
-Obviously, in an office, we have Bloomberg, usually 2-3 screen setup. So the laptop looks wrong, it should be a Bloomberg terminal. Traders or buyside dealers have 6 screens mounted in an x-type brace. In meeting rooms it used to be very large panoramic wall-to-wall installed CSCO telepresence type screens, no idea what it is now after pandemic / working from home / back to office etc.
-The face of the gentleman looks fairly plausible, he could be a fund manager but he looks slightly more welcoming and friendlier than expected, he appears more like a sellside / broker type. Many fund managers are bald and obese and short, but others can be super athletic and handsome, some participate in a lot of competitive events like marathons or cycling or sailing etc you must endlessly mention the refrain "for charity" etc over and over again. Also many fund managers travel a lot it is like they are permanently on holiday either skiing or whatever, so a slightly tanned look is not uncommon.
>>6082446 Kek, yep, this all checks. I know the type. Canada's elite investor/business class amusingly do something of the opposite, though, priding themselves in slightly oversized suits, and pairing in folksy elements like big-ass cowboy belt buckles or suspenders. Big city folk from Vancouver and Toronto have their own little idiosyncrasies, like a bit of Native Northwest jewelry or slimmer cuts and more naturalistic colours, while Torontonian financiers go a bit more austere and old-fashioned, and are far and away the most likely to wear ties. Just what I've observed, anyway.
>>6082293 >>6082316 >>6082446 I apologise for offending the anon who dislikes the fandom wikis, but this image inevitably also depicts global equity investment meetings, I am very sorry
>>6082316 >>6082446 >>6082449 >>6082451 You may have seen in my COSMOGONY sci-fi space opera game setting
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5817888/ I actually ran a future corporate boardroom / financial IPO encounter with miniatures, these
https://archived.moe/files/qst/image/1700/66/1700665984328856.jpg https://archived.moe/files/qst/image/1700/66/1700665523120334.jpg The scenario begins here,
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5839214 (not sure how to directly link individual posts / URL within a thread on suptg, the hashtag doesn't seem to work)
the player was trying to raise financing for their futuristic corporation / research institute to take their secret not at all militaristic project to commercial viability (it was a hyperviolent murderous demented psychic girl with pink hair. It was definitely not inspired by Elfen Lied, anime is so perverted and disturbing urgh)
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5823274 https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5827142 Sadly that player faction anon dropped out and stopped responding and so I never got to see the outcome of that game nooo.
I think the idea with ttrpgs is they can take you to dramatic situations and encounters to which you have never been, I always try to establish a scene in unusual locations beyond just the typical sci-fi spaceship or laboratory or research station or the generic rpg castle forest dungeon etc.
So I would encourage anons to try and place locations in their games that are really distinctive, memorable, inspired by the actual minutiae and intricate detail of real life etc. They are often more believable and convincing than the stereotypical fantasy / sci-fi setting locations
Pic related depicts a digital mock-up (I don't think that skyline view outside exists or is actually correct) but this is the sort of interior decor and furnishings typical for a London investment meeting room
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Links of all my game settings so far
10/ UPYR, 2024 Jun 16
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6037279/ Californian beach houses, dead shopping malls and vampires? but also tactical gear and guns. There is a Lamborghini and also an accompanying music soundtrack! I learnt that impersonating Mexicans and Black people is really difficult and tiring. Contains a strange image of some snipers on a rooftop and an upraised fist gesture, that later became somewhat relevant
9/ COSMOGONY, 2023 Nov 04
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5817888 I attempted to make a 4X ttrpg space opera hybrid adapting Stars Without Number mechanics, split between 4 alternating player faction perspectives. The game map is based on actual equirectangular projection star constellations with scenes from NASA / ESA astronomy imaging, the star generation table is adapted from Hertzsprung Russell diagrams
8/ The ODALISQUE, 2023 Jun 08
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5682932 It is like Sherlock Holmes and Brideshead Revisited except with more gas masks bolt action rifles and World War 1 occult horror
7/ DUNGEONEER, 2022 Nov 30
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5481242/ This was a return to traditional dungeonmastering and an experiment with virtual tabletop and miniatures. There are even elves and dwarves and goblins!
6/ The LIGHTNING SEA, 2022 Sept 02
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5391397/ A cyberpunk setting, also an exploration of philosophical and geopolitical topics
5/ The USURPER, 2022 July 16
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5340783/ This one features Shakespeare, Lord Of The Rings and Aztecs?
4/ SONG Of The OATH And WILD, 2022 May 13
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5265138/ Begins as a Beowulf-inspired Anglo-Saxon type setting. Contains a strange prediction about the Queen Of England, hehe
3/ GOLGOTHA, 2022 Jan 15
An urban gothic setting, mixing occult magic with a lot of guns. The anon who rolled the Death tarot as the very first roll of this game caused the Ukraine war, probably (check the dates)
Main Beginning: (the diceless story thread)
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5121867/ Second Thread: begins with some meta and rules, then continues the campaign. At the end of this thread there are some links that index the story, this one is complicated
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5131732/ ...
2/ GALERNE, 2021 Dec 22
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/5094509/ 2.5 playthroughs of characters in an occult and witchcraft Age Of Sail type setting
The Sibyl (players won this one!) and The Barbarian / Privateer (split narrative)
1/ INVULTUA, 2021 Nov 12
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/5054156/ 4 playthroughs of characters in a grimdark baroque space setting
Consort, Eschatonomist, Beggar-Knight, Preceptor
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test to see if I'm rangebanned
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>>6082308 Use this extension to autoredirect away from Fandom wikis:
https://getindie.wiki/ Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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we requiere one more roll here
>>6080818 would anyone be willing to save us, please?
>>6082021 The sentiment that ALL quests SHOULD be done a certain way implies that everything other method is incorrect, given what "should" means.
So there is either something wrong with other methods, or not all quests should be done that way.
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>>6083150 Well all quests SHOULD be done in a certain way. And that way is entertainingly.
>>6082169 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdfRGj4NtQw&list=PLWsnao9n727M1LrBxAD6alqu6r_FXGPcH&index=9 How about Turok Dinosaur hunter?
>>6082470 >Sadly that player faction anon dropped out and stopped responding and so I never got to see the outcome of that game nooo. Sorry, got tired. It was inspired by Radiant silvergun not Elfin lied.
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Should just work something out to share space on 1d6chan, we already piggyback on suptg
>>6083228 >Turok I played the Xbox 360 Turok which I believe was just some mediocre reimagined adaptation unrelated to the original series. I do know of the Cerebral Borer hehe I have seen some gifs lol it is a cool weapon idea but sadly absent from the Turok remake just standard sniper rifles shotguns and things, a lot of the gameplay disappointingly was knifing dinosaurs?? on xbox, there was this super annoying mechanic, you had to press a and analogue stick to dive out the way, but it was a semi quick-time event type thing, so dinosaurs would leap at you, sometimes they magnetically just clamped down onto your character and began chomping, other times the dive aside would register it depended upon what haphazard angle you were facing as the dinosaur approached, and it really took you out of the first person gunplay experience, I remember being annoyed by that game mechanic because all I wanted to do was shotgun 10,000 velociraptors in the face like an old school arena shooter, not have to constantly first person dodge roll away messing up your aim. I never completed that game which was quite rare, in my xbox360 / ps3 era I obsessively persevered through many many really banal terrible videogames lol, the xbox Turok was not one of them
>Space tribal music / themes Perhaps SPACE TRIBAL / space primitivism themed music is difficult to source because it is unrooted in reality (another theme for me is dragonflight, surprisingly hard to find many good visual references or concept art for that theme even setting aside Game Of Thrones, Eragon or that Lair ps3 game lol, you would think otherwise it is the most generic fantasy scenario possible, but perhaps it is hard to draw anatomically / aerodynamically? lacking visual references etc). Also when one franchise dominates a genre (eg Star Wars crowds out all sword and planet type sci-fi etc) it tends to displace the memorability, the imaginative impetus of other fictional worlds etc from audience consciousness - for instance, I am a bit saddened that no Elric Of Melnibone film will ever arrive before Game Of Thrones, because people will look at the aesthetic and feel they have seen it before etc (similarly, Dune and Star Wars, Jodorowsky in his documentary describes this)
The most obvious space tribal music reference for a space monkey setting is of course James Cameron Avatar, even the aliens are blue lol. Incidentally the thing that most impressed me when I saw Avatar 2 were the spaceships, there is only like a brief glimpse of them but someone put some serious effort into the realism of their design. I often fantasise about a really hard sci-fi space setting akin to Children Of A Dead Earth, Delta-V Rings Of Saturn etc or The Expanse (early series before it did ring bubble alien portal), I wish some astrophysicist anon with massive lore knowledge of orbital mechanics would make this hehe
>>6083228 >>6083353 >>6070210 >>6071687 The Turok xbox 360 game is also proof yet again that simply adding dinosaurs does not automatically make a game setting better. It is actually puzzling because hypothetically the game looks and sounds super fun, there are space military people, the guns look ok and sound powerful, there is even dual-wielding smgs pistols shotguns etc, all this is very cool, but somehow the game just does not feel good. The experience of it is just repeatedly being dinosaur headbutted with the RED BLEEDING INJURY SCREEN but it is ok you are healed seconds later (so what was the point?) it would have been better if they made it like Serious Sam or Painkiller or DooM etc lol and let you bunnyhop at high speed through jungles chaingunning dinosaurs in the face, sadly they did not do this
every day i pray for a redo on the last cyberpunk thread. It was fumble after fumble and I don't blame the qm for dropping after we diced ourselves into a corner/straight died, but it was so well written and had so many enthralling details.
>>6083356 >Painkiller I have found a man of taste on this wreched board. I swear that game is why I like real pain killers.
>>6083356 Could you imagine how boring that game would have been without the dinosaurs, though?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 18 Aug 2024 18:50:40 No. 6083502 Report >>6083356 >proof yet again that simply adding dinosaurs does not automatically make a game setting better that doesn't exist actually and you're completely wrong
>>6083478 >PAINKILLER hehe I am playing it right now, I just did the military base level, this screenshot is the castle one I JUST SHOT A TANK WITH WOODEN STAKE GUN BEHOLD MY PHALLIC TREE LAUNCHER
I can confirm Painkiller runs flawlessly on phones via winlator emulation, Snapdragon Gen 3 processor using the Frost fork of winlator from Github. You can tell which games are programmed well, they run flawlessly on Wine emulation eg Far Cry 1, ut2k4 etc. whereas modern Unity engine games are horrible (is Unity single threaded??) I got Endless Space 2 working on a phone it is barely playable 15fps etc, Pillars Of Eternity 1 is playable but long load times, all these games ruined by Unity
In 2004-05 I was watching vo0 fight fatal1ty online in CPL Painkiller duel championships, I remember back then thinking this was the future, competitive game streaming (youtube did not even exist! saw deathmatches on mp4 or win media player lol) I and a friend of mine were obsessed with this game we completed EVERYTHING found every secret unlocked every level even the forest one (it took ages) unlocked every Black Tarot card in the game, so insanely addictive and fun. To see this game on a phone lol, at the time we were incredibly awestruck by the powerful computer hardware needed to deliver the game physics (exploding crates flying ragdoll bodies dismembered limbs lol, game physics were quite new back then).
Painkiller is such a good game, the art the level design sound effects, ambient music, the four part limb explosions when a body gets hit by the stake gun, the guns are so good, even the titular weapon is so original and unique and incredible ... it is like... a laser, umbrella, food blender, lawnmower, whisk blade grappling hook, boomerang raygun claw? Then there is the stakegun THE TREE LAUNCHER it is so satisfying, we discovered the secret alt fire (shoot and hit grenade with stake in midair, the stake ignites and drives it forward) it was funny because it was like some next level developer trolling of the unreal tournament shock rifle secondary / beam explosion combo, yet even more impractical because the stakegun has a parabolic arc, harder to pull off than the already challenging ut2k4 hitscan shock combo, I remember playing the game so much we could actually do it reliably. The combos like the Painkiller spin blade launch (hold down RMB, then fire LMB) the similar electrodriver ninja star electrocution combo too that fired a 100 ammo lightning mine etc. The levels like the opera house, the castle, the military base, the final Hell level (a battlefield, all wars frozen in time ancient to modern) so much visual inspiration, the game is a true masterpiece
You get this song from the Painkiller expansion. It is the clown one. The secret in this level (acid bath house) required insane jumping / bunnyhopping feats to reach
PAINKILLER OST Loony Park theme
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xJGfmyiid-c Anonymous
>>6083356 >>6083483 >>6083502 >can you imagine a game setting with NO DINOSAURS?? yes indeed I can
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>>6083521 Once more, a man of taste. Painkiller was one of the first games I had on the first comnputer I built. The stake gun was so fucking fun to mess around with because it wasn't just hit-scan.
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>>6083575 Primal sucked though.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 19 Aug 2024 06:06:00 No. 6083934 Report Alright guys. How many players is considered 'a lot' on this board in a thread?
>>6083772 >tool-assisted speedrun; perfect game playthrough using savestate emulation / perfect inputs etc interesting, I usually associate speedruns with first person games like doom quake and painkiller etc I like it when they find glitches to jump out of the level lol or bypass the game geometry. I do like PSX era emulation the old graphics in fact I once completed all of Resident Evil 2 on the htc desire lol I didn't realise that save states could be manipulated to optimise for a speedrun though, that is an interesting concept
>>6083399 >CYBERPUNK...? I mentioned in the past how every day, tech companies conspire to help computers make humans easier to use (not the other way round) it is that old pun about how IT information technology the purpose is to keep people "in formation" ie thinking in conformity.
Seeing all this capability and possibility with emulation, I was briefly enraged because I realised there is all this tech out there, the tech companies could make everything fast, cheap, interoperable, transparent, simple, efficient, useful and good, but they just do not - instead they do ChatGPT and whatever this weird military stuff is
>>6081963 it feels like a colossal misallocation of resources, for which you should blame fund managers
>>6082316 >>6082446 (not me though, I have renounced the VAMPIRE SORCERY)
You know how in 4X games like Endless Space 2 or GalCiv 2 or even going back to Fragile Allegiance (1996) the improvement you always need to build is the typical "virtual entertainment complex" / decadent distraction circus to keep citizen morale high etc prevent revolt appease population etc otherwise you get riots etc.
I think the game design has this the wrong way round. Someone should make a 4X game where the typical Master Of Orion etc charts and statistics are hidden, you cannot actually see your real economic growth or citizen wellbeing / happiness etc.
There are no statistics no econometric augury, maybe you can only perform some haruspice bird entrail divination ritual to assess the mood lol
What happens instead is that just before your growth slows down / society on the verge of riots / breakdown slow stagnant slump to collapse you suddenly see all these investments and infrastructure like the escapism entertainment temples appearing on your build list as well as enormous foreign military expenditures appearing abruptly in your build queue (you don't control these, they appear and control you) they just suddenly autonomously appear and get approved without your decisionmaking involvement or input, that is when you know you have made a realistic 4X game
>>6083934 0-2 is struggle town
3-6 is a few
7-10 is a good amount
11+ is 'a lot'
for /qst/ at least
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:xgFVJ5iG Mon 19 Aug 2024 08:56:38 No. 6084005 Report Quoted By:
>>6082280 >>6082295 I have everything in a Notepad++ file, it just took me something like six hours to get my god damn browser to work once I finally had everything in order.
>>6083978 Be the change you want to see in the world.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 19 Aug 2024 12:39:53 No. 6084069 Report >>6083934 eh, numbers matter less than quality or speed of reply, but I'll back
>>6083960 's answer with the some tweaking
>0-3 is struggle town >4-6 is a few >7-10 is pretty average for a good quest >11+ is god-tier unless you're a multiplayer quest, then you're cheating I think generally people are attracted first and foremost by premise, then by update speed and general quality of writing
It's kind of a shame, but good players don't tend to attract more good players unless the QM does interesting stuff with their write-ins and you should just be grateful for those involved few who stick around when you can
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>>6083942 >4X game, where there is imperfect information? There should be some 4X game where the quality of the information or growth/demographic statistics degrades with the concentric regional distance from your decisionmaking empire. Is there any game that does this?
So maybe close to the Capitol etc you have fairly accurate census or opinion polls focus groups or whatever (adjust this based on genre / historical era of setting) but the further and further you depart from the governance core / toward farflung outer rimward galactic reaches etc the information quality degrades until it becomes literally just mysticism hearsay superstition and rumour.
I think I have heard of a game Distant Worlds where the computer automates a lot of the typical 4X tasks etc it is assigned to the private sector (?? only read about this game I have not played it) but maybe you could have something like this where you don't "build" the infrastructure unlike in the typical top-down centralised state-directed 4X empire management gameplay ie
>>6083942 this pic related, what happens instead is that the infrastructure adapts to reflect what is going on with the populace (eg pleasure domes.... might signal a lot of anguish or need for escape etc potentially rebellious or restless population). It is a bit like how in Dishonored the city reacts based on whether you killed / dismembered everyone or only mildly asphyxiated / erotically choked them to merciful unconsciousness (which is perhaps morally more disturbing than just murdering them) the 4X building production units reflect the hidden state needs desires fears conflicts of the population strata etc and in the absence of the standard 4X game interface statistics you need to divine what is happening.
Instead of "population unhappy, just build pleasure dome to ameliorate situation" etc it is the reverse, the buildings and units are symptomatic of the social undercurrents. You have to make some inference of the mass populace psychological mood from observing the surroundings and infrastructure itself
And so instead of the Master Of Orion 2 charts revealing all the military social research etc spending of the rival empires at a glance, this game would then be about trying to gather these rumours or maybe omens superstitions etc for some forewarning of an impending cataclysm (it is this,
>>6078404 >>6078406 >>6078446 >>6078409 >>6078848 >>6078491 a terrible APOCALYPTIC FLOOD occurs, it annihilated your entire population sorry tee hee hee)
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 19 Aug 2024 12:49:55 No. 6084083 Report >>6083960 >>6084069 I thought I had 6-9 players; I might have more than 14.
Never had so much involvment after a few threads. Have we an influx of players recently? Or am I Getting Gud?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 19 Aug 2024 12:54:56 No. 6084085 Report Quoted By:
>>6084083 I know at least two people currently lurking the board are total newcomers, so I guess the former? Given that the board hardly gets one newcomer a month. Reading your quest, though, the latter's probably also a factor. It ain't half bad.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 19 Aug 2024 14:44:53 No. 6084114 Report Players: how long do singular posts have to be for you to start tuning out of in-depth reading? I'm hardcore autistic about this stuff so to me longer is always better and I don't really have a limit, but I know other people tend to be a lot less kind towards huge walls of text so I'm curious. Definitely not related to the enormous post I'm writing right now, no siree.
>>6084114 As someone whose natural writing habits tends towards that, I understand.
It depends on the line size and clarity of the writing. As a mobile user, more than five straight lines of text is probably the earliest I’d notice something like that if I was also actively thinking about what I was reading since it was difficult to parse. Normally I’d peg it at 8-9 before I notice the length alone, and by 11 I feel the repulsion.
That said, breaking up chunky paragraphs with spacing does wonders. I don’t mind reading (go figure) but if I’m reading a block that’s too large I can feel my eyes wanting to wander up or down from where I’m actually at. Can’t take a moment to rest without needing to spend a little longer finding my place again, and that’s where my main headache will develop since if there’s one block, there’s usually more. Better spacing solves that issue.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 19 Aug 2024 17:20:21 No. 6084190 Report >>6084188 Hey Archivebro,
Can I bribe you to make a review of Normal Cultivator now a few threads are on and story have progressed a bit?
Olympus QM
>>6084069 >7-10 is pretty average for a good quest Bros, it's actually so joever
>>6083960 >>6084069 Both of these are wildly skewed, maybe because one of the people posting their list runs a brand new fanfic quest, which is always going to bring in more players than average. I have been on this board for 6 years. The real numbers are:
1-2: Ouch. (You can run with 2 if you have high mental fortitude, I did it for a long time before I picked up more players-- but it's not fun. 1 player is "you messed up".)
3-6: This is the average for most established OC quests that don't hit it big, or for more obscure fanfic quests. Comfy and perfectly runnable, especially if your players include commentary or discussion.
7-9: A large quest. More normal for fanfic than OC, if the fanfic is of a popular franchise. If an OC quest regularly hit these numbers I would consider it very successful.
10-14: A very large quest. If a quest sustains these numbers past its first thread, I would consider it extremely successful.
15+: Either a first thread that hit the jackpot, or a unicorn that has sustained its momentum. Space Monke is here. I don't read StV, but it's either in the last category or here.
If you are a brand new QM starting an OC quest, you should expect to hit ~7-9 votes early on then taper down to 3-6 as the fat gets trimmed. Having 3-6 players isn't a marker of substandard quality; it's totally normal. If you go in expecting more players you're going to be disappointed more often than not.
Fanfic quests, drawquests, and quests from established QMs usually get a small bump in players, but 10 is still a lot. If you get 10 players, you're a lucky ducky.
>>6084190 Sure, I’ll pick it up. I figured I had two in me before I had to crawl back into my hole for a couple months.
>>6084243 >I figured I had two in me And what's the second?
>>6084248 Unclaimed so far.
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>>6084265 Fuck it I'll claim it in the name of self indulgence then.
Revolutionary Man. It's in archives.
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>>6084240 Yeah, I'd say 4-5 is the sweet zone for OC's. In at least average votes across posts I'd consider 4-5 successful for them. Really for OC's now I've noticed them barely getting any votes at the start either nowadays. Kind of sad because they're so much more effort than fanfic for less payoff.
3 voters for an OC quest might be the average at least over the summer when I think activity is the lowest. I think someone posted /qst/ stats at some point last year showing there's a dip in the summer for some reason.
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>>6084265 You shoudl do Magically Challenged at some point.
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>>6084087 I'll make you a deal, you run an ASOIAF quest and I'll run the return of the dark lord quest I've been sitting on. We'll do it together.
>>6084188 I had a good response once to a long post...it doesn't prove anything but I guess sometimes people like that.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
Anyone made any quests focused around crafting or feature it heavily?
Are there any GOOD QM's on the board nowadays?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6084740 I'm going on a family trip that's been planned for 3 months alright I'm bored rn shut up
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Tue 20 Aug 2024 12:33:48 No. 6084744 Report Quoted By:
>>6084740 According to
>>6083960 >>6084240 I'm qualifying with the 6th thread of the Normal Cultivator Quest
>>6084740 Is a GOOD qm like a GOOD fantasy quest?
>>6084831 The only good qm is a dead one
>>6084843 I'm dead inside. Does that count?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6084831 So begins the TRUE Quest.
The Quest to find the GOOD fantasy quest...
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>>6084903 Drat.
>>6084908 Furry shit. >:(
Will play, looks pretty good! Anonymous
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I thought when all my work was over I would have more free time for my quest but instead I have been playing path of exile for like 8 hours a day.
Not only have I been neglecting my own quest due to Vidya, I have neglected the quest I'm readong. The QM only has like 2- 3 readers
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>>6084960 well it's supposed to be fun, not a chore or worse, work.
Plus if the QM has a story to tell, they will push through even with a single voter (or none, if they REALLY want to tell their story.)
Any classic quests worth reading on Suptg?
>>6084977 Well it probably wouldn't count as 'classic', but one short but sweet quest from a few years ago was 'Far From Terra'
Why did it have to end on an cliffhanger? archivebro
>>6084977 Plenty, it just depends on what you’re looking for.
For an old one, you could try Blood Quest. Tagging/titles are all over the place on it, best bet is to do “Bloodquest” for the title and “Blood Quest” (with the space) if you see it skip a number.
>>6085013 Thanks bro, I'll check it out. I liked Homeless Mutant Quest (well, it got a bit too smutty for me towards the end) and Librarian Quest, I remember actually voting on them back in the day but I didn't realise it had been fucking TEN YEARS so that's sad. I liked some of the recentish ASOIAF quests as well, like the Malroy Quest (probably my favourite out of the ASOIAF quests).
>>6084989 >Warhammer Hard pass from me, bro, but thanks anyway.
CoreQM !HQdLRxFnaM
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>>6084977 Lamplighter Quest I read through in the archives and liked.
I'll always beat the drum for L5R Chanbara. Has an ending, but there's room for the next 'episode'. Even if I doubt we will get it.
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>>6085026 >Hard pass from me, bro, but thanks anyway. You can't really call it a 'warhammer quest' like Second Primarch. You never see a spehss muhreen or anything like that. But i guess there's no helping it if you hate the setting.
Does anyone know any good decently long(6 threads or more) sci fi or fantasy quest?
>>6085134 Active, completed, or long enough that it you’d get enough mileage out of it even if it ended long ago and won’t be picked up again?
>>6085134 Do you have specific detail (subgenre, drawquest vs. lengthy text, narrative vs. gamey approach, tone, type of MC, pet peeves to avoid, etcetera) to clarify what you mean by 'good'
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
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>>6085013 >>6084977 Can confirm Blood Quest SLAPS. It's the one that inspired me to run my own shit and is genuinely enjoyable. Cool setting, easy to read, all in all one of the greats!
Something's up with suptg - it hasn't saved any images in threads for the last two months, and I'm worried a lot of quest images will have been lost since archived.moe can be hit and miss with scraping images successfully. You may want to upload important images to an external image host like imgur or catbox in case they vanish into the e-aether and people reading the archives are SOL.
>>6085159 Have you tried contacting the site owner?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 21 Aug 2024 01:20:54 No. 6085165 Report Quoted By:
>>6085159 Are you sure that's not just an issue on your end? I'm checking the thread of a quest that ended about a week ago on suptg and can see images just fine.
I hope it's just on your end. Would suck if a full [i:lit]two months[/i:lit] worth of images was lost. Anonymous
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>>6085161 I got no fuckin idea how to use IRC
>>6085142 It could be active or completed I’ve read the recent gundam quest and am reading disappearing hogwarts
>>6085143 Looking for a more narrative focused quest don’t have a strong opinion in terms of tone but if its a more serious quest it should have breaks or know when to take it easy in terms of subgene probably action adventure
>>6084786 >>6084786 >>6084786 The Graverobber's Daughter continues! After much hemming and lots of hawing, Chlotsuintha is about to approach Cancer House, and ask whoever is its master at this hour is for room and board; for herself and her stage ... though she is having more than just second and even third thoughts about the whole idea. Regardless, this is going to be the last opportunity to change or otherwise reverse course, so she must be careful and cautious - something that she has been having a hard time being of late ...
>>6073782 I could have sworn I responded to this, but I must have never actually posted it. Regardless - and I hope you don't think it cruel of me - I take the stress that I cause you as high praise. Thank you. And assuming she is able to keep a hold of her stage - and her head - once she gets out on the road, things will calm down. Marginally.
Probably .
>>6085170 If you like Disappearing Hogwarts' who bit with magical mysteries and hidden histories and such, you might enjoy Path of the Exorcist. I know I did! Very well-written stuff, about a group of state exorcists solving spiritual problems and rooting out heretical cults and set in what I sort of interpreted as a fantastical 18th Century Eastern Europe. 8 threads, I think it was?
Gotham City Beat Cop has that DC universe sci-fi/fanatsy blend an is 8 threads in and still going strong. Playing a (mostly) regular guy with a fairly low-key, non-combat superpower just trying to solve crimes and handle gangs in one city makes for a story that's relatively spare on cameos and super-shenanigans in favour of a sort of police detective TV drama vibe most of the time.
Forgotten Realms Adventures is almost over, on Thread 20. It's exactly what it says on the tin: adventures set in Forgotten Realms, starring a Drow fighter as she learns to appreciate life and love on the surface, fights bestial cultists and orc warlords, and makes friends for the first time.
Kobolt Klan Adoption is a sci-fi fantasy (technically post-post apocalyptic) and is seemingly wrapping up on thread 20 as well. It has a really rich cast of delightful and adorable characters, serious questions about the limits and nature of humanity and on alien understandings of morality, a stalwart knight doing valorous shit, a muscular autistic plague doctor waifu, and a few really rad fight scenes for good measure.
At the risk of being a self-promoter, you may also potentially enjoy Reptilian Infiltrator Quest and Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, which together form a 25-thread arc (with an additional successor quest, Seekers of the Esoteric, just wrapping up now).
As far as straight up sci-fi, with absent/fewer fantasy elements, I've played fewer of those that have lasted.
I think there's a good chance you might enjoy Humanity Fuck Yeah!, which I fell off of early on and never got back to but which is going strong and has a pretty loyal following and some seriously cool setting elements, starring some marine from the American South who gets abducted by aliens only to discover our species is serious badass by galactic standards.
Solarpunk Cleanup Agent is only on thread 6, but is set in a pretty novel dystopia IMO, with players controlling a main character who serves as an agent of a worldwide eco-authoritarian government, fighting undercity squatters and mutant monsters to earn her full citizenship and right to have a kid.
The Monster Girl Facility is another one I didn't quite get into initially, but which I think would be worth a look. it's notably less silly than the premise sounds from name alone, centring on a mercenary death squad sent to investigate and/or cleanse a planetoid which is hosts the eponymous facility full of (often cute) humanoid weapons.
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>>6085190 Thanks for the recommendations
Olympus QM
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>>6085134 Shill time! Olympus Incarnation is on its seventh thread and is a fantasy quest, though its setting is modern and the power system is system-based (think litrpg)
until it isn't . The genre is action adventure but I should warn you that the protagonist is a bad person- probably the main villain
If it wasn't for a certain SOMEBODY who shall go unnamed . But the narrative elements of the quest do increase with time, and as more and more characters are added to the main roster, more moments of slice of life/ levity appear in between the powergaming and world domination. It's a good read (in my opinion) but it does get dark and the first thread is at times a bit of a slog (though you honestly can just skip over a lot of the decision making and power increases without missing out much on the main narrative)
>>6084908 I love the way you draw ghosts and similiar creatures. I van feel love you put in.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6085238 Nothing's better then a good ghost story.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Wed 21 Aug 2024 06:01:31 No. 6085283 Report >>6085190 You have forsaken me. You have forsaken Lodestar. You know what you must do now.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
took a bit longer than usual, but The Caretaker Quest has been updated! find out the result of your battle and choose if you will involve more people into your problems or spare them the troubles
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
>>6085239 >Nothing's better then a good ghost story. A great ghost story is.
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>>6085239 >>6085306 I suffer from a family evil
I am a slave to terror
I have a morbid acuteness of the senses
I only eat the most insipid foods
Only wear garments of certain...textures
The odors of flowers are oppressive to me
My eyes are tortured by faint light
And there are only certain, peculiar sounds
Like those from stringed instruments
Which do not inspire me with horror
I dread the future...
>>6084740 HeadQM, Sunseeker, Forgotten are all legit especially considering it is as far as I know their first quest for HeadQM and Sunny. HandlerQM has a good one running as well. Kektus is nice, though still waiting on the movie poster art. Couple of others too, even if theirs quests aren't my cup of tea.
>>6084831 Sworn to Valor. Read it if you havent as well as Black company Quest.
>>6084977 A lot. Site thinks this is spam so picrel.
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StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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New Downerquest update!
>>6085441 >>6085441 archivebro
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>>6085170 One of my old personal favorites is RE:Monster quest. Not finished, but it ran long enough to meet your needs. It did have a narrative focus, and action adventure feels appropriate from what I remember.
Blood quest still meets those criteria, and it has its ridiculous moments.
Among active quests, Core of Steel is one of the few sci-fi ones I know. It was *meant* to focus more on combat and loadouts, but it’s been a lot more narrative in practice. We can’t help ourselves as anons.
>>6085398 also indirectly reminded me of Magical Girl For Hire, which went on for a long time and had a spread of genres. It’s over at this point, but there’s plenty to like there.>>6085176 It is intended as praise, so no worries!
QM !btT653GUa2
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Thread #6 of Simple Space Empire is underway! This one's going to be different from the usual format, for better or worse.
>>6085252 It ought to be fun. I've written a few roll tables and sketched out a crude, simplistic map I'll be reviewing on my end for more verisimilitude.
We always talk about good long or finished quests, what about good short ones? Where's the love for oneshots? Or just quests that were taken from us too soon?
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>>6085646 A Ravens Folly and Corvinda Scathes and the Warlocks of the Lantern are a pair of good HP quests from Akun that died too soon. Lemonade Stand Quest is a nice one shot from way back.
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>>6085398 Snakecatcher quest.
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>>6085283 I'll recommend you next time you ave a thread up, lol.
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>>6085646 CurseCarrierQM finished Haunted Game Quest, which was a oneshot
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>>6085646 People often lament dead quests in the QTG, honestly. Me included. But good one-shots or short quests? There are plenty!
Most recently, Beerus the Destroyer's Intergalactic Food Reviews was spectacular stuff. I thought Hobo's Epic and Jacob's ladder were both really cool narrative ones that played a lot with perception and kept things tight and succinct. Inside Place and Corner Solitaire were both really creepy and evocative, and I think both were Bananas? Card Game from Hell wasn't, but was in a similar vein, with some cool art and gamey elements.
I also really enjoyed some of the one-shot spinoffs of bigger quests, like My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Sidestory Oneshot Super Deluxe Edition or Hedge Quest: Summer of Sake Edition. Just fun stuff playing in larger sandboxes, with memorable and fun characters.
All of Narrator/Schizo QM's quests are 3 or fewer threads, I think and they're all really cool mixes of criminal subterfuge and action, slice of life with interesting perspective characters, experimental mechanics, and sometimes little Thai cultural seminars or culinary lessons.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
>>6085395 >still waiting on the movie poster art. been busy with some....life stuff, but i plan on returning to that sometime soon, that quest is not ending without me delivering that art, bet on that
>>6085976 Never doubted it and it was mostly a joke. Hope everything is okay on your end.
>>6085283 Speaking of lodestar, when next thread?
Come on. *Pokes /qtg/* Do something interesting. Literally no good post on the last 100 or so posts
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Thu 22 Aug 2024 10:06:00 No. 6086096 Report Quoted By:
>>6086079 What is a GOOD /qtg/ post?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
What are some ideas you scrapped from your quest In Solarpunk I initially had plans for unironic crusaders acting as a somewhat neutral faction of registered citizens kitting up to kill monsters (legal) and providing charity to the overpopulation (illegal)
>>6086079 >POKE this face expression, pic related. It seems like a very intimate moment of fulfilment and release
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>>6086079 >>6086300 >poke now I feel violated
>>6084989 >Far From Terra Not QM, but I want to continue it. I've been thinking about that Quest for years now. Incredible to see it mentioned.
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>>6086339 It was pretty cool. Dijana was cool, even if her species is basically 'what if ogryns were hot and not retarded'
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Thu 22 Aug 2024 19:08:55 No. 6086389 Report >>6086031 Well, right now I'm physically better but have zero time for it with all the medical appointments going on. It turns out that a lot of schedules clear up real fast if you have a TIA.
Assuming I remain physically good, sometime in September is when I'm looking free enough to run. And if I get a streak of being sick again in september, then I'll have to go on a quest to slay the lich that cursed me, which could take a while.
Trust me when I say I literally had a dream about running Lodestar again last night. I desperately want to get back into it, I just don't want to sabotage the thread with bad timing.
>>6086389 Wait, you had transient ischemia? That aint great bro. Review what ever meds you are on with the specialist. I assume you are kind of young, that shit should not happen, nor should you be sick by the time Sept. rolls around.
I hope everything ends up okay, I miss Val and Gigas.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Thu 22 Aug 2024 20:43:31 No. 6086471 Report Quoted By:
>>6086389 Aouch. This really seems to suck according to google.
All the better and get as well as you can.
OP !!vlMbaaKy0NH
OP of the The Last of the Elves and Star Wars: Stellar Turmoil, I don't think I am going to continue either quest. I've got the free time to continue them now, due to an injury leaving me housebound, but I don't really want to. It takes away from my time to do other, more important things.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Thu 22 Aug 2024 21:15:03 No. 6086505 Report Quoted By:
>>6086150 protag for mine was originally gonna be a scrappy thieving kid, but I changed it for the sake of variety (both from the main games and from the surprising amount of older Pokémon quests with child protagonists) and to try something new
no regrets, I definitely would've burnt out by now with a character like that as the main focus
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>>6086150 I thought about doing a quest set in the Bleach universe where you play as an Arrancar. The friendless MC while alive would have tried to impress a group by walking across a broken grate as a dare. They liked to mock him and make fun of him. Half way across one of the group would have chucked a rock at him causing him to fall presumably to his death. After weeks passed and a large manhunt is ongoing, the group finds him alive, but broken. One of the member wanting to keep their comfortable lives and not go to jail, kills him. You'd play as the arrancar hunting them down, attacking the soul reapers trying to stop you, trying to fit it and be loved.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Thu 22 Aug 2024 22:47:37 No. 6086571 Report >>6086439 Well, I'm in my early 30s, and my other conditions are a bit of a compounding force. When one must choose between a sedentary lifestyle or losing permanent muscle function, they tend to choose the former. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis is one hell of a drug, and I'm told mine is on the severe side compared to others with the disease. But at least it's not one of the more monstrous forms of neuromuscular diseases that kill you off quickly and without remorse - this is one of those things where the afflicted have the same expected lifespan as a normal healthy adult, just with less muscle function.
>I miss Val and Gigas No love for your captain, mutinous cur. You will rue the day you didn't simp for Fleet Captain Ramza Valentine of the Trinity Pirates, Master of the Mageblade and Tamer of Demons, Bane of the Merchant Kings and Conqueror of Monsters (title pending until he can bullshit more feats)
>>6086571 Val's demonosis and Gigas's innocent amnesic narcissism are more fun for me.
I don't have many health issues other than a few accidents, some depression. If you are diabetic/over-weight you might try bike riding. My brother started it up after I bought one for him and has shed like 50 lbs just this summer and is far better health. I weigh like 145 pounds and never put on weight but I still like night walks around the neighborhood.
I have never had a TIA or HPP, but I have had a seizure and more than a few concussions due to sports and sparing, so I hope you keep an eye on it. I am about 34.
Have had to go to the hospital more than a few times, which is annoying since I have worked at the level 1 and 2 trauma centers in town. People recognized me, and getting cathed by a 24 year old you taught is weird.
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>>6086150 it was originally going to be a Spider-man quest, then I pivoted to an OC idea cribbing more off Marvel's New Universe and Milestone's Static.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Fri 23 Aug 2024 00:22:06 No. 6086630 Report >>6086599 My recommendation for weight loss, as far as exercise goes, will always 100% be swimming. Swimming is the SUPERIOR physical activity. It's easy enough that even super old people with bones as brittle as chalk can do it. It's used in physical therapy. It's full-body and engages just about every muscle group. It's thermoregulating by merit of water cooling your entire body while you work out. You don't get that sweaty feeling like with other workouts. It burns a LOT of calories compared to other exercises. It's FUN. A LOT OF FUN.
I swam every day last year until I had to admit to myself that it was doing more damage to my muscles than it was doing me good. I miss it. Fuckin love swimming, man
>>6086630 You could just. Swim every OTHER day.
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>>6086632 nah we fishmax here boy
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>>6086571 I personally miss Ramza.
But not as much as Val or Gigas >>6086150 >Reptilian Infiltrator Quest If the layers had chosen to infiltrate the guards or paladins, or high society, rather than going for the dodgy prostitute/criminal/occultist route, it would have been a very different quest. Likewise if they'd defected or turned against their masters.
>Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest I'd originally expect the players to aim for Hawksong sooner, and to be much more ruthless, and I had actually planned Izirina from Seekers as a possibly rival or love interest for THIS quest. Aside from that, the biggest point of divergence from what I'd thought I might write was probably them romancing Glowie and continually being nice and accommodating to her, precluding the plan I had for her to be a traitor.
>Seekers of the Esoteric I'd had a lot of plot points centred around the two uplifted/awakened jackalope-fairies, but people simply had less interest in them, and it didn't pan out. I also thought people would go more of a world-traveler route, but that didn't exactly happen. The pull of the hub/main base is powerful.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Fri 23 Aug 2024 01:23:50 No. 6086664 Report Quoted By:
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
>>6086014 not gonna lie anon, things could be better, but im chillin for the moment
>>6086630 I get it. Girlfriend in high school and college was a state ranked swim bish/fish, and she had the bare minimum of fat to float good. Also had leg hair in off season, but I got used to it, heh.
>>6086669 Hopefully things improve. Shit is annoying as fuck for me right now, but I am still trying. It is all we can do in the end. Speaking of ends... picrel.
>>6086673 ass, finaly a good /qtg/ post holy shit
>>6086751 If ass was all you needed then you could have just asked for that.
>>6086754 I need to see a really high quality ass to relight my engine. Right now im puttered out. The embers are barely soldering
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>>6086756 Speak for yourself. I've been cold and distant for so long, like a faraway star missed in the darkness...
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:xkZTO3e8 Fri 23 Aug 2024 04:10:06 No. 6086766 Report Quoted By:
>>6086150 There were a lot of dropped plot points or possible directions mine could've taken, since I let the players decide the age and origin for the protag. There was exclusive content for playing as a kid or a teenager that I probably won't ever use. I very nearly added a magic origin in the beginning, but decided against it because I thought it would've complicated things.
A decent amount of my scrapped concepts will probably be loosely adapted in some Spider-Verse team-up event further down the line. I entertained ideas like:
Homeless Hero Spider-Man: "A young Spider-Man that lives on the streets of Hollywood. He does tricks for money, barely makes ends meet, and fights crime in his spare time."
Queen Bitch Spider-Woman: "Head cheerleader Liz Allen gets bitten by a radioactive spider during a field trip and goes on a massive power trip. She gets a kick out of bullying criminals, and has convinced her nerdy classmate Peter Parker to act as her support-guy in the field. She's known by many for being a wildly irresponsible vigilante."
Spider-Creep: "A reclusive, but brilliant boy who's been harboring dark thoughts ever since he lost his parents. And after being bitten by a weird spider that he bought off of some guy, he now has the power to make those desires take shape. He crawls throughout every dark corner of the city. Spying, stalking and hunting. This city is his playground."
>>6086150 >Loveless Gal My original concept for Kommgal was a more cynical and deeply incel-like; often referring to them as female [race] or uterus. He'd go out of his way to help them, of course, but it would be more of an obligation he himself isn't quite sure why he is compelled to do so.
>Sira cannot Run a Brothel In Thread 2, there was the option to shoot at the crowd of civilians that was stomping on Sira. Doing so, and a choosing a few other options which affected his mental state would result in him gaining access to more malevolent sorceries which targets someone mentally. He would be able to amplify what would be ghostly whispers into deafening yells or induce other hallucinations. Considering the amount of unwanted newborns he has killed and buried (and fed to Warin during their earlier days together), he could have commanded quite a number of spirits much like Warin herself.
I really like this concept of magic affecting someone mentally, though, and "rape sorcery" would be a fitting weapon for the antinatalist-childfree-extremist character I plan to introduce in another quest. If you watched the holocaust beam video, you probably know what I'm talking about.
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>>6086791 Haha, oh man, next quest is going to be wild.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Downerquest update!
>>6086888 >>6086888 CoreQM !HQdLRxFnaM
>>6086150 >Core of Steel The plan for if the players lost in the initial simulator section of the threads was to have one of the other AI characters leave, develop some weapons and equipment, and then deploy to a more desperate frontline instead of the 'war-winning victory push' which ended up happening.
The other pilots that weren't chosen in the very first vote have generally all made their reappearance as secondary characters, or at least offered again as later options to be ignored by the players. Whoops.
There was going to be a potential mechanic of rotating around viewpoints to other characters for single missions to have different playstyles, (I.E. Sniper Recon Gamma, Systems spammer Delta, but it was dropped because people didn't want to change off of the main Core, and you can flex somewhat with the equipment offered.
>>6086905 So would failing in simulator be a way for the 3 cores to remain united?
That stings.
CoreQM !HQdLRxFnaM
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>>6086921 No, it would mean Gamma or Delta (Probably Gamma) would have been sent instead.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 23 Aug 2024 13:59:35 No. 6087036 Report Quoted By:
Pretty big event over in Pokepocalypse, the sheriff's pissed. Come check it out if you'd like to.
>>6086679 >>6086680 >>6086686 >>6086704 Also, seeing as the thread is inching towards its end and is at a somewhat pivotal turning point, I'd be happy to hear any feedback the board has on it. I'm still pretty inexperienced so I wanna improve as much as possible, especially since improving my writing/DMing skills is part of why I started it in the first place. lmk what you like/dislike so far.
>>6086483 Sad news, both are really solid qsts.
WARLORDS OF CHAOS KNIGGAS, WHERE YOU AT? Ivan the Unbearable, standing by. Also, I haven't forgotten my vow to KILL THE QST CURSE. Efforts forthcoming.
Mulrog !XS8vrClKs2
>>6087124 I hear you Ivan. Still drunk from the feast. But i require more BLOOD to quench this thirst.
>>6086483 As a reader of both quests that's sad. I hope you'll use your time productively.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6086150 The biggest one I can actually remember (since I try to reuse ideas as much as I can to save both time and effort) for Cleaner Quest is having the possibility of a child ally, mostly because the idea of a tiny pipsqueak helping you was funny at the time.
But I thought better of it since it would be hard for the main character to justify bringing along some random kid on life or death missions. While Nicole's morally flexible, she's not "child soldier" morally flexible. So it mostly stayed as a funny idea.
Olympus QM
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>>6086150 >Olympus Incarnation Quest Oh, I've got a ton of these- for example, a certain alleged monarch was originally going to be a much more pressing threat with a much more major role in the plot, but know it's mostly been consigned to a side character. I have mountains of scrapped ideas for authorities, items, and parties in the world, and originally Persephone and Hades were gonna be a lot more plot relevant than they are right now,
also a Pheme betrayal arc, but I thought her being loyal would be way more interesting. I did a similar thing with Dorota too, actually Anonymous
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>>6086150 I had ideas of my quest characters getting sucked into an alternate dimension where they had to band together with their alternate selves to get out said alternate dimension by taking down the alternate universe’s version of the MC. Also had an idea where some of the mindfucked bad guys reintegrate themselves into society before getting killcoded and fucking everyone up to give bad PR to people like them.
Also some characters, mostly the bad guys, ended up in completely different places than planned.
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>>6087161 It would be "interesting" to have a tiny killer at our side. A Nicole with morals that let her use a child like that or accept how fucked he would have to be a cleaner at that age. But, the City does what it does...
Maybe we will get a scene with a tiny dude cleaning up after a job and just have the gang walking away, or something. Black Lagoon had a pair of nutjob kid killers and it was one of the best arcs. Maybe 542 has an agent Nicky really does not want to kill because he is tiny.
I'm gonna go and say it, dice suck as a mechanic and only ever make quests worse.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Fri 23 Aug 2024 20:59:04 No. 6087360 Report >>6087335 As compulsive dice roller QM, I disagree.
>>6087360 You are wrong and your quest is worse for using dice. Literally the only "examples" of dice being good people have is when they roll high - AKA, when they're allowed to ignore the dice and just win. But what kind of plan is that? Just pray that you'll get lucky at a thematically appropriate moment? And what if you don't?
>Sorry guys, the dice said no to the fun scene. We have to do the shitty boring ending now. All dice defenders will say "Just make the failures interesting too!" But in my entire life, I have literally not seen a failure be cool. Not once. Not a singular time has a dice failure ever led to something cool.
What music do you QMs put on to get in the zone for running your quest? Personally I put on a Susumu Hirasawa playlist.
CoreQM !HQdLRxFnaM
>>6087369 There needs to be a chance of failure. The potential for it. Otherwise there's less tension, less worries.
Sometimes the Dice screw you, sure. The protag jobs and things go south. I've seen quests die from that energy. Being set up in that situation may be a fault of the choices given, or been a QM's over correction on providing that challenge.
But if there is no failure chance at all, the main character can sometimes just go from success to success, endlessly winning, and that's a less interesting story than one where there is struggle.
You don't have the shitty boring ending, you have the 2nd act low point before the protag has to pick themselves back up, reassess, and earn their victory.
>>6087376 Gatcha OSTs. It's dumb, but it works for me, usually. Mostly Arknights, GFL, Star rail. Odds and ends of other game osts also, like Mechwarrior, Metal Gear Rising, or (Of course) armored core. Sometimes I have particular tracks that I put on when I'm trying to write certain characters or moments.
>>6087369 Sounds like you preder quests to be very much on rails, or perhaps power fantasies. I find failure and struggle compelling as a player, and as a QM I've noticed people like seeing stats/nunber go up, and they get hyped at dice rolls -- especially critical successes. You could sau thes eare examples of people only enjoying when the dice go well; to that I would reply that they wouldn't be as hyped or excited if the contrary possibility didn't also exist.
I also personally find them useful as an arbitrator. If someone doesn't win the duel or get the waifu or whatever because a QM fiats it, though may throw a shitfit at the unfairness of it all. If Lady Luck denies them their prize, it is what it is.
>>6087396 >There needs to be a chance of failure. The potential for it. Otherwise there's less tension, less worries True - but failure doesn't require dice. When you lose in a game due to a failure of your skills - then sure, you're still annoyed, but you're jot going to be mad because it's your own fault. Dice are not your fault. It's random chance itself coming down and saying "No, you're not allowed to have fun"
Failure in quests should happen because of bad decision making. If you did something wrong, then you fail. But making it so you lose because of a random number generator is just unsatisfying. It's annoying. You feel like you were robbed of seeing a cool scene, and you pretty much were.
>You don't have the shitty boring ending, you have the 2nd act low point before the protag has to pick themselves back up, reassess, and earn their victory. >You don't have the shitty boring ending, you have the 2nd act low point before the protag has to pick themselves back up, reassess, and earn their victory. And then you roll like shit during the second climax, and it all goes down the drain...
>>6087399 >Sounds like you preder quests to be very much on rails, or perhaps power fantasies No, I just prefer my failures and successes to be my own. Not because a random number generator said so. This is an interactive story. You can still have stats and strengths and challenges without rolling - you just need to write it down to choices instead.
>If someone doesn't win the duel or get the waifu or whatever because a QM fiats it, though may throw a shitfit at the unfairness of it all. If Lady Luck denies them their prize, it is what it is. How is that better? Unless you as the QM come out and say "I don't want this waifu but I'll allow it if you roll good", then all it'll make is feel as though we were denied by sheer luck. And maybe it's just me, but I feel like losing due to luck is a far, far worse feeling than simply being told "No"
>>6087403 >>6087408 >random number generator >choices should determine failure or success Most quests have their probability distribution affected by chpuces made along the way, be it by cariable succes rates or roll bonuses form character attributes/stats. In this way, choices determine failure just as normal, but with a sliver of hope to avoid it.
>maybe it's just me Unironically yes. That's not a criticism, though. Quests have a complicated heritage which draws from books, text-based adventure games, CYOA books, fanfiction/webcomic communities, text-based roleplaying forums, and TTRPGs. I wpuld infer from what you're posting that you simply prefer thsoe that draw less from TTRPGs. Anyone who DOES come from that background or who is looking for that feel, though, will generally prefer dice mechanics or something like that.
>>6087335 I think I know what quest you're from, and if I'm right, then recall that the MC started at less than half HP because she fell from a motorcycle, which happened because the players went "fuck it, we ball" and raised the DCs too much.
Nothing good ever happens when the players go "fuck it, we ball"
>>6087416 >Most quests have their probability distribution affected by chpuces made along the way, be it by cariable succes rates or roll bonuses form character attributes/stats. So then why not just have the choices determine it at all? Why even add the chance of failing despite making all the right choices for no reason other than "Luck"?
>Quests have a complicated heritage which draws from books, text-based adventure games, CYOA books, fanfiction/webcomic communities, text-based roleplaying forums, and TTRPGs. And yet most of them are completely different. Trying to make a quest that is otherwise fully narrative behave the same way as an D&D game is stupid. RPGs where you just create a character and roll for combat and actions are built with this purpose. The rolling itself is the game. It's basically gambling, but you can choose bonuses to make it more likely to win Quests are stories. Don't try to say that they're the same, because most of them aren't. Sure, some games are basically the same. But most aren't. And thus, the dice do nothing but make them worse.
I'll say it yet again, I have never seen a moment in a quest where a dice failure made something better. I've seen quests where a choice failure was interesting. I've seen quests where we lost because of things outside of our control and I was fine with them. But never because of dice.
>>6087419 I'm reading that quest, but that's not the reason why I'm saying this. It's something I've seen in all my years of reading quests.
Also it wasn't the MC who fell from the motorcycle, it was the other girl. The MC just did an Akira bike slide and was fine.
>>6087424 She fell before that, during the race
And if you really weren't spurred by that quest's rolls, this is an amazing coincidence
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>>6087428 It wasn't the reason, but it sure as hell is more evidence I'm right. Fall or not, in the end, what happened was that amidst 6 rolls, not a single one hit the DC. The choice didn't change that. In the end, the players failed because the dice said no. And that sucks.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6087335 Rolling for a success by itself, or for the QM to do when undecided/votebreak simply injects some randomness (or perception of randomness) and isn't very interesting on its own. Each vote/prompt is an opportunity to engage your players, a simple roll to succeed or two mystery box choices gives them basically nothing to think about, discuss, or consider. In the best case scenario, each prompt should have both long and short term consequences, as well as multiple choices (ideally all) being equally good or bad, or allowing players to subtly roleplay their characters.
To make it more strategic, I've been doing prompts where some choices contain risks, having a higher risk but higher reward, or allowing a resource to be expended to avoid or influence this result. You could also make it a fail state; ie, you only get the dice roll of you put yourself in a combat situation instead of sneaking or persuading past it. It's still not a perfect system, due to risk averse players usually shying away from those choices, but adding it as a strategic choice is a much better way to incorporate random chance into a Quest.
>>6087445 >It's still not a perfect system, due to risk averse players usually shying away from those choices, This is a bit of a tangent, but the reason why players are usually risk averse is because it quite literally almost never pays off to be risky.
Like, say you're having a story where you wanna do something, but the protagonists girlfriend would get mad at it. Do you unironcally believe that if you picked the option to do so, she'll never find out? She will. Every single time.
As I've said, failures should feel as though they were brought by the player's choices...but having every single choice be a failure is retarded. It almost never pays off to take a risk.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Fri 23 Aug 2024 23:10:41 No. 6087489 Report >>6087335 Do you think so in all scenarios? I find the dice to work pretty well in pulpy stuff like action-oriented quests or power fantasy-type stuff. It's a lot worse in stories based around interesting settings/characters, but if the focus isn't on that then they're fine.
>>6087489 While it's true that rolling high might feel good, the issue is that unless the quest is extremely gamified to the point its basically just an TTRPG (Where the fun itself is in the dice, AKA gambling) it could have done the exact same without dice and suffered nothing for it.
>>6087490 You roll because it feels good to lose
I roll because I like to blame my failures on powers outside of my control
>>6087512 I feel the exact opposite. My failures should be mine and mine alone. Losing because some ethereal force of luck said so enraged me. Like the universe looked at me about to have fun and enjoy myself and said
>No! You are not allowed to have fun! Fail! Fail and be disappointed! Anonymous
>>6087515 Some days just rain, my friend.
>>6087422 >So then why not just have the choices determine it at all? Why even add the chance of failing despite making all the right choices for no reason other than "Luck"? Because many players get excuted at the possibility of scoring an unlikely success. Because successes are more theilling when there's a possibiluty of failure for some people. Because people enjoy gambling. You yourself note as much.
>Quests are stories. Don't try to say that they're the same, because most of them aren't. >Sure, some games are basically the same. But most aren't. Uh, then maybe dice are a good idea for quests trying to caoture that sort of vibe or tell tabletop/vidya style stories?
>I have never seen a moment in a quest where a dice failure made something better. Maybe you should just stick to the many quests without dice, then? Weird to frane your personal preferences as some sort of universl rule when other people do, clearly enjoy dice, which is in and of itself a good enough reason to employ them.
>>6087445 I do something similar where for any choice I try to plan a consequence for a failure or a succes on each option; the higher the chance of failure, usually the more dramatic the reward for success. This has led to some actual hype "fuck ot we ball" moments, contrary to
>>6087419 >>6087450 My players voted to ambush their wife's big brother on the road and to kill him to ensure her succession, against her wishes. They never told her, and she never found out.
>>6087536 >Because many players get excuted at the possibility of scoring an unlikely success. And yet if they fail, they will feel a lot worse. That's what I'm saying. You're literally rolling a dice on whether your quest will be fun or not.
>Weird to frane your personal preferences as some sort of universl rule when other people do, clearly enjoy dice, which is in and of itself a good enough reason to employ them. I'm simply pointing out that what people call "Enjoying Dice" is actually "Enjoying succeeding", which doesn't require dice.
>My players voted to ambush their wife's big brother on the road and to kill him to ensure her succession, against her wishes Then you are a rare exception, because in 9/10 cases, the sister would somehow find out. And to most people, it's just not worth it. Most of the time, the "Juice" is never worth the squeeze even if it has a good reward because most times it'll just end badly.
>>6087539 >You're literally rolling a dice on whether your quest will be fun or not. Yeah, I get that's how YOU feel. it's clearly not a universal sentiment.
>what people call "Enjoying Dice" is actually "Enjoying succeeding" Succeeding AGAINST THE ODDS. People like GAMBLING.
>Most of the time, the "Juice" is never worth the squeeze even if it has a good reward because most times it'll just end badly. I play a lot of quests and, while some feel like that at times, many don't. I think you're overgeneralizing.
>>6087555 >Yeah, I get that's how YOU feel. it's clearly not a universal sentiment. So then you're telling me that when people fail rolls, they're happy? If I go look at quests that use rolls and see times they failed at something they really wanted to succeed, they'll be happy?
>Succeeding AGAINST THE ODDS. And you can't have odds without dice? People like the illusion of odds. They like facing odds and then winning. They want to roll a 100 when they're in an really bad situation, not rolling a 1 when they're in a pretty good one.
>I play a lot of quests and, while some feel like that at times, many don't In most quests people just don't take risks at all due to the chance that it WILL be. You don't know whether the QM will be positive about risk, or if they're Bananas and will slap you into the ground mercilessly.
> Anonymous
>>6087560 Do I think people are unhappy when they lose? yeah, often. Do think some people get more enjoyment from ups and downs, and get bored when they're able to coast from victory to victory? Yes. I know I do. I have to assume my players do, since they've had some major setbacks
sometiems due to dice and some have kept playing my quests for thee years anyway.
>In most quests people just don't take risks at all due to the chance that it WILL be. You don't know whether the QM will be positive about risk, or if they're Bananas and will slap you into the ground mercilessly. /qst/ on aggregate can be risk averse, but I do find it varies from quest to quest. Sometimes players go "fuck it, we ball," and sometimes it pays off.
>>6087567 >Do think some people get more enjoyment from ups and downs, and get bored when they're able to coast from victory to victory? Again anon, why do you think that no dice = succeed at everything? You don't need dice to have challenge and failure. I don't think you should only have victories. What I do believe is that dice leave these victories and failures utterly to the whimsy of fate, and can completely ruin a quest by forcing a defeat on what should have been a win.
>Sometimes players go "fuck it, we ball," and sometimes it pays off. Yes, sometimes. But it usually doesn't. And when you repeatedly get failures such as these, people obviously end up playing the safer side.
>>6087574 Lead by example, Anon.
Run a dice-less quest and show us yourself.
>>6087577 I'm already reading plenty of diceless quests that do exactly what I'm talking about. Hell, one of them is running right now.
There's already examples of what to do right.
>>6087574 >Again anon, why do you think that no dice = succeed at everything? No, I play plenty of quests that aren't like that, but people also like unpredictability and a measure of randomness. Not ALL people. You, obviously, do not. I do. Other people keep telling you that THEY do. You just do not believe them. I can't force you to do so, obviously, but I would encourage you to maybe move from a mindset of "people who like X are wrong and don't actually know what they're talking about" to "X isn't for me, and I don't enjoy it; I wonder why other people do?" You don't have to, but I d think you'll better understand why dice quests continue even after QMs and players read this back-and-forth.
>Yes, sometimes. But it usually doesn't. And when you repeatedly get failures such as these, people obviously end up playing the safer side. Sometimes, but I (and others) still go for the opposite approach. Demonstrably. It keeps happening.
>>6087577 There are a bunch, including a lot of ones I play. I enjoy dice quests too, though, because I like TTRPGS and don't mind seeing the MC fail and suffer.
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>>6087515 >>6087539 You can’t enforce your will on the enjoyment of others on a particular matter.
The Merchant
>>6087586 >>6087577 >>6087583 >>6087536 >>6087512 Gentlemen it's all a roll of the dice. But the dice are loaded in your favor in
>The Merchant Zombie Survival Quest Want to play dice? Lets go shooting! This week we're waylaid in the ghetto of Houston TX, where the locals aren't merely blacks acting like zombies, they're actual
zombies.So throw a brick at them, or hit them with a broken bottle!
New Players use promo code
>[Mostly peaceful apocalypse] for a free six pack of Molotov cocktails and a complementary skateboard.
Zombie Apocalypse means never having to answer to hate crime charges.
Sebastian !1oveagvAGI
>>6086150 Meryl from Your Little Mermaid was originally planned to be a much more overt yandere, albeit a somewhat sympathetic one. It was intended to be more tragic than comfy, which is partly why I ran out of ideas.
Dogs without God have no second chances on the face of the earth.
>>6087355 Anonymous
>>6087664 Neither does /tg/ either, apparently:
https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93681480 The context is that anons are making fun of GW and the jannies didn't like it, so they deleted about a third of the posts. I can't be the only one that believes that /qst/ is good in the long run.
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>>6087650 Honestly I love this guy. I wish everyone was able to self promote like this dude. It's great.
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>>6087650 Absolutely basado y rojapilled
yandere simulator quest but it’s from the perspective of the senpai and not the yandere
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>6087577 >Diceless quest Hey, guys...
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>6087767 >>6087767 You talk about "the inkling" and your parents in this new Downerquest update...
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:xgFVJ5iG Sat 24 Aug 2024 10:01:21 No. 6087774 Report Quoted By:
>>6087762 I like the yandere part, but the simulator part is broken.
>>6087660 Good. The Meryl we got was super sweet.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
I was bored so I decided to draw Framboise and Langoustine
>>6087834 Stylin'! When do you think we'll get the wedding?
>>6087527 >NONSTOP GOTH RAIN In 2024 the only way to make audiences watch opera, listen to classical music, is to present a concurrent murder spectacle bisect a helpless security guard's head with a sword, gun down his colleagues amputate their limbs. The opera is apparently Robert Le Diable (1831), hmmm
I actually quite liked The Crow (2024) there are detailed gore effects, several head severings etc. If you saw the youtube trailer you have already seen the entire film, FKA Twigs does a Calvin Klein underwear advert, sample dialogue: What sort of tea is hard to drink? "Realit-tea" ; "If I am ever hard to love, remember to love me harder" someone inevitably plays Chopin raindrop prelude (why?? urgh) the actor bloke from 30 Days Of Night plays a sort of Faustian pact sorceror-vampire but he never really offers much threat or menace, the robot concubine lady actress from aapl Foundation is in it, numerous scenes of self harm (in fact, the film appears to be an exercise teaching a younger generation to effectively self-harm themselves) you can perform erotic plastic bag asphyxiation it is perfectly fine, overdose on drugs leap off a bridge improvise a razor blade toothbrush, all depicted as cinematically normal indeed to be encouraged among the viewing audience. Dozens of crows were made to fly through rain, also as in all films: torture a horse, I hope all those animals were digital. The EVIL carry umbrellas, the hero walks around rain-sodden.
The film initially portrays the eponymous protagonist as being rather inept at fighting, this was convincing but I was momentarily confused by the very first target of his murder / love-vengeance (some corrupt police detective) the lighting blur noir visuals made him look a bit like he was strangling Emmanuel Macron, just a weird facial resemblance. Why do undead goths hate opera, umbrellas, Emmanuel Macron? Maybe it was just me. There is a scene where the lovers escape from a pink clothing gender identity prison then liberate themselves with goth clothing or Calvin Klein underwear, also some criticism of successful black matriarch women in this film. It is ok, the black mother woman kills herself. yay?
Perhaps it is the influence of scenes like this pic related
>>6086300 but you know in every climactic moment when the protagonist is locked in a DEATH-STRUGGLE with the villain, the culminating FINAL BATTLE, will he DEFEAT THE EVIL / RESURRECT HIS TRUE LOVE?? etc it is hard to stage or even watch these scenes without them appearing gay. It is just the homoerotic insinuations of two men entangled interlocked with each other grasping clutching sweating and grunting ggrrr arghh grraarghh etc IT WAS YOU YOU KILLED MY BELOVED GGRRARRGGH it just seems a bit gay. Then there is some additional imagery where you penetrate an enemy with a sword STUCK INSIDE YOURSELF like a phallus it just becomes incredibly undeniably a visual gay metaphor. Maybe all villains should be women?
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>>6087369 My quest is based on the struggle and the grind of a blank state in a high-power fantasy settings.
Dice are necessary to include tension. Power up and slowdowns. Reflect better the chaos of how my world is working.
>>6087445 >Banana saying that "two mystery box choices gives nothing to think about or discuss" Dude, Space monkey is full of unclear-consequences mystery-box choices with most out of the box thinking attempt punished by "Lel you roleplayed wrong"
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
>>6087869 I'm not sure Framboise and Langoustine are compatible that way, but we'll see.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 24 Aug 2024 17:03:41 No. 6087934 Report Quoted By:
>>6087650 found the marketing agent in disguise
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6087903 It's been learned thru experience
>>6087942 >It's been learned thru experience >*Continues to do it anyway* Anonymous
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>>6087445 >>6087903 >MYSTERY BOX CHOICE?? of course all options should lead to a flesh torturer cenobite appearing
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6087951 No no, see that's part of the challenge and high-skill component of my game. Multiple hints and foreshadowing is provided for EVERY choice. None of it is random, at least in Space Monke.
>>6088023 A single pixel in the background of an image does not a hint make
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Sat 24 Aug 2024 18:32:30 No. 6088030 Report Quoted By:
>>6088023 Ok. I launched the discussion so i'll bite.
>How could we have known for "The Stand" Minigame what was the optimal path for aquisition of the Battleship mid battle? It was barely reachable with 100% perfect choices due to the poor roll (but none of it was random) about the time we had on our hand before the invasion.
It was still an enjoyable gameplay phasis, don't get me wrong.
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>>6087676 >I can't be the only one that believes that /qst/ is good in the long run. "Good" in the way that two kicks in the nuts is "better" than ten kicks in the nuts.
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>>6086754 Giving a straight answer is against /qtg/ protocol.
>>6084190 Just finished the first thread, still got a ways to go.
I had voted early on in the quest, but it was close to my usual burn-out cycle so I didn’t get far in. Glad to see my write-in to train with our bonded animals early had a bonus benefit. Unrelated question, I don’t remember what I had said about crunch that influenced your style in the quest. I know it can be overwhelming for me at times; even with with my numbers- and system-oriented brain there is a point where I’m reminded of work. What was it that made you consider that, and from your perspective has it helped or hurt you over the next several threads?
Having never been a QM I admit a lack of knowledge on what the real costs and benefits are to QMs when giving my advice. I’d like to hear that about that myself.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Sat 24 Aug 2024 21:13:55 No. 6088156 Report Quoted By:
>>6088128 I don't recall exactly, but a feedback i had on my earlier quest where consistently the maths were a bit too much. So I'm hiding them now, and rolling on my side.
It tends to help in my opinion. I tell players this or that helps to get some outcomes, but in my opinion it shows more the struggle of a cultivator in my world.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Sat 24 Aug 2024 21:17:32 No. 6088160 Report Quoted By:
>>6088128 Also, I hope you're liking it. I'm eagerly waiting for the review, with how much character growth you felt during the 6 thread journey.
>>6087872 "Fellas, is it gay to shank the guy who killed your girlfriend?"
>>6087906 Kek. Not what I meant, but also good.
>>6088027 A similar pixel-sized clue actually did get picked up on in Versequest, so sometimes it works.
>>6087872 >>6088200 Incidentally the better film is probably Alien Romulus, I can recommend this film if you are a fan of Homeworld or maybe that upcoming anticipated solar system Expanse inspired videogame, Falling Frontier, ie the bulky angular industrial heavy spaceship look, this film does not disappoint I was actually tentative about watching it after Alien: Covenant and Prometheus took the series in a bit of an oblique direction. But the space scenes are really good in this film, it is sort of predictable (everything that you expect to happen in an Alien film or Alien Isolation the videogame, everything happens) but it is really well shot, the lighting and special effects are good the film is just mostly HYDRAULIC INDUSTRIAL LOADING NOISES DOOR OPENING NOISES I really enjoyed this. Also I have to say, the black actor guy is actually very very compelling in this film, his acting is quite poignant and his performance exhibits a deep emotional theatrical range. However, Cailee Spaeny or whatever is not that great, she is not convincing as a Ripley archetype / strong action feminist heroine, she just looks like a scared child, every time she speaks it is a bit out of place and embarrassing, she just doesn't really convey the physicality presence and strength needed for the role. Hollywood is now trying to incessantly infiltrate the AI digital deceased actors, I think they started with the Star Wars but now also Ian Holm from the original Alien film, he was of course a synthetic but I have to say the CGI still looks a bit fake and stilted. Also I am not too enamoured of the look of the new pulse rifle (it is white and has some sort of smartgun bump brace / autoadjust targeting stock? I am not sure I like the look of it though it has a huge weird diagonal magazine handguard thing) The best bit of the film is the DARKNESS the SPACESHIP MIST INDUSTRIAL DOOR NOISES the dumb spectacle of the VFX, the sounds and illumination strobe beams hissing ventilation gases everywhere are all very cool. Also the spaceship has windscreen wipers on the windows
Sebastian !1oveagvAGI
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>>6087797 I figured. Prototype Meryl was broken down into a couple of different characters, including the ex-girlfriend.
After a 4X videogame playing spree mainly GalCiv2 and Sword Of The Stars, I want to analyse "metadesign" game patterns the intent/structure behind the genre, in terms of gameplay approach:
-research vs industry / production tradeoff: nearly all 4X games have an expenditure allocation slider, it dates to Master Of Orion and Ascendancy, some more sophisticated eg GalCiv has infrastructure / fleet / research etc. You must choose between fixed assets buildings,moveable spaceships/units or advancing tech tree etc. Maybe the tech tree is randomised, or has some fundamental theory vs applied research layers etc.
But to me the philosophy of this entire gameplay approach seems wrong. There is no tradeoff between industry and research (in fact, the more you spend on either, the better BOTH will become) whilst in the real world because of geopolitics etc Africa continent has deindustrialised (manufacturing declined from 18% to 11% since 1980s, all focus on primary / extractive resource industries).
What the allocation tradeoff should be is between INVESTMENT (industry+research, capital assets infrastructure) and CONSUMPTION (welfare, spending on contentment / social strata stability, political faction influence bribes?)
Many 4X games already have an element of this eg Endless Space 2 models factions rival populations within your empire, GalCiv 2 has an intra-empire vote where you need to maintain political influence. But nearly all 4X games just adopt the "build pleasure domes VR entertainment panem et circenses" to maintain the population / keep them from riots etc
>>6083942 when in fact this is the CORE ALLOCATION decision, this is the entirety of politics, do you invest in uncertain vague future benefit or maintain and extract economic rent for your own political gain today, right now etc.
As I mentioned in the previous post, it might be interesting if the welfare / populace contentment measure is imperfect / unseen, ie you don't know if the population is happy, only when the riots begin breaking out, populations become susceptible to external forces and manipulation, the violent coup starts storming in hehe
>>6088520 -foreign relations, trade vs war: I actually think GalCiv2 handles this extremely well because of the lack of star lanes (there are zones of influence representing spatial / political reach).
The meta decision is, do you trade with neighbours (thereby making them stronger) and establish a sort of buffer region to prevent military incursion, or do you instead fight/undermine neighbours, subjugate/conquer them? If you trade with your immediate neighbours you then have to resort to very distant military expeditions to find enemies expand territory and this becomes logistically difficult, you have to set up huge expensive chains of military bases and try to find farway enemies and deep strike them. Or you could sabotage /undermine your neighbours to prevent them ever outgrowing ie do a Nordstream. I thought this was a very interesting tradeoff, ie how spatially distant / faraway do you need your wars/foreign enemies to be? etc
-A lot of games feature propaganda / conquer external forces via influence etc but I think there should be more internal propaganda I remember Age Of Wonders Planetfall had this, you had to establish a Casus Belli justification for war otherwise your morale / manufacturing suffered. It actually made you think a bit about how to engineer provocations and conflicts to justify wars, this was very interesting
-very few 4X games convincingly integrate gameplay of where the ruler emerges from (what faction, what social background?) this is CRUCIAL, you don't just appear and start adjusting tax sliders. The history the emergence of the governing structure affects and constrains priorities bias and understanding, partialities and affiliations to maintain power and stability. Who funded you, who do you need to bribe/repay? I feel a hybrid ttrpg / 4X approach should explore this
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Mr. Bird sings a song, your mom reminds you that she doesn't like you with a single stare, and your sister pulls a gun on you.
>>6088562 >>6088562 Anonymous
>>6088235 >subliminal Alien: Romulus racial messages -continuing with Alien film tradition, Britain is a vassal nation of robot butlers / servants. You can tell this film is contemporary because the British robot butler servants are black people now
-are you retarded, handicapped or spastic? You are a malfunctioning robot. This can be fixed by reinserting the SIM card / microsd card in your neck
-we are threatened by portrayals of Oriental femininity and sexuality. It is ok how about we get this bald Chinese woman with an entirely shaved head
-we are threatened by latino demographics fertility rate of Hispanic population. It is ok though, we gave them this Covid vaccine in a not at all ominous black syringe autoinjector (this literally happens in the film), now to stop latino pregnancies we can show them spraying afterbirth everywhere as they womb eject a grotesquely distended spinal vertebrae grinning white supremacist xenomorph
-immature unconvincing diminuitive frail American white girl child with limited acting ability triumphs over all, survives
>>6088564 What's up with the dudes face there? It's drooping at the same time as it's tensed. That's weird. Almost makes it look like he's having an allergic reaction to his make-up.
>>6088570 >strange black actor face His acting / the actor casting is really good. It is because he is a robot / synthetic "Andy" android (I think ND-something colonial Weyland Yutani designation). Over the course of the film you see him change hehe (some commentary about white people using / programming black people for political purposes?) it is quite interesting albeit very very unsubtle colonialism / AI safety metaphor
>>6088570 >>6088572 Also I think the screenshot I found here
>>6088564 does not represent the look of the final film (maybe just a pre-production still photo?) the actual film lighting looks really really good, the space station is incredible.
There was an era when the lighting and sound and general art direction off videogames seemed to surpass Hollywood cinema (I remember playing Alien Isolation, thinking it was more atmospheric than the recent Alien films etc) but Alien Romulus reestablishes Hollywood vfx as being better than videogames, the sound and atmosphere ambient lighting is indeed quite breathtaking. The film itself is very very 80s heavy industrial and dark (see these images)
>>6088235 Anonymous
>>6088235 >>6088564 >>6088570 >Alien: Romulus slightly retarded synthetic robot grimace face >SUPERIOR ACTING >>6088575 >>6088572 A reminder that the film Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder demonstrates that what we call acting, all theatrical imaginary make-believe performances may in fact ultimately be just a form of mental retardation
>>6088570 >>6088572 >>6088594 I read some variant aphorism translation of the ancient Laozi Daodejing text, 大巧若拙 ie "Great Ingenuity Resembles Retardation"
https://ctext.org/dao-de-jing So this is demonstrated in pic related
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6088521 >>6088520 You're so lucky I'm not at a keyboard right now.
>>6088520 >>6088521 >>6083942 >>6081963 Something that annoys me with the Master Of Orion II style 4X games oohhh look at our incredibly detailed economic diplomatic trade warfare simulation look at all the intricate detailed gameplay mechanisms we made planetary and political graphics and demographics econometrics and statistical charts oohh ohhh ok here is an alien insect crab squid dolphin lizard spider monkey man with three eye stalk tentacles. I wish more of these space games would be human only hehe
In the 4X genre, a lot of games let you research civic / governance technology, ie "better" government, also vote to pass laws / edicts policies Endless Space 2 does this, impressively also the board game Armello. The governance tech is presented mostly as an "economic upgrade" like imperial to democracy to confederation etc giving some unambiguous economic, influence or trade, culture boost.
Thinking back to the conventional economic historiography, the end of the 19th century had laissez-faire (just a euphemism for imperialism, yay grab and colonise everything, empires imperialism yay) then you had Keynesianism various state supported welfare countercyclical policies, metamorphosed into what was called tripartite bargaining over the 1950s-60s (state, corporation/capital, labour/unions) In France I believe they had dirigisme (state directed intervention/supervision). Germany had Wandel durch Handel "change through trade" conflict avoidance sometimes also known as doux commerce etc. The 1970s with the oil spike inflation (don't mention Vietnam war legacy spending role in this) the tripartite bargaining broke down, but the end of the Cold War led to the happy Washington Consensus era some vestiges are superficially still recited today eg "free" capital markets no capital controls / fx currency intervention, so-called "independent" central banks, just make it easy for American investment funds and banks to control everything. But nowadays because of Chinese gdp growth, everyone wants to become China to fight China hence a return to state intervention under auspices of national security what the US euphemistically calls strategic competition ie Palmer Luckey doing a bikini cosplay
>>6081963 The oversimplified historiography demonstrates that there is no monotonic improvement in "governance tech" unlike 4X game research upgrades; what occurs is oscillation in state intervention meddling, often due to unspoken imperatives of nationalistic undercurrents / militaristic warfare needs industrial competition to sustain/revive growth. We are currently in an era of increasing debt, state intervention, fiscal activism. So I think there should be an element of this in 4X games, the extent of state intervention which oscillates with economic growth
>In real life you simply cannot increase the tax revenue slider in Master Of Orion II unless you convince people to start a war Anonymous
>>6088235 >>6088564 >>6088734 >Militaristic-imperial colonial-industrial interests, sci-fi megacorporations, government intervention / industry nationalisation I assume any anon here who likes the Alien films already knows this, but the origins of Weyland Yutani the megacorporation comes from British Leyland (bygone 1970s British manufacturing engineering / automotive conglomerate, long since sunken to its demise decades and decades ago) the working name for the sci-fi corporation was originally something like Leyland-Toyota lol
https://alienexplorations.blogspot.com/1979/06/origins-of-weylan-yutani.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Leyland Aside from that disturbing Firefly / Serenity franchise where Joss Whedon tortured actresses into speaking American Chinese like when Mark Zuckerberg gave that speech in China or maybe those multilingual Mars underground rail announcements from The Expanse I look forward to future sci-fi franchises featuring the merged entity Lockheed-Huawei
>>6081963 Maybe the Palmer Luckey Metal Gear Solid V bikini cosplay national security military strategic competition posturing is a joke, maybe he is just one aberrant flawed bizarre individual?
Here is an NYT Interview with PLTR, Palantir CEO Alex Karp look all the companies are named after Lord Of The Rings, Anduril, Palantir, there is a theme lol. He is clearly an extremely deep intellectual person
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/17/style/alex-karp-palantir.html (...)
“I’m a dreamer,” he said. “I’ll start dreaming and then I fall over. I started doing tai chi to prevent that. It’s really, really helped with focusing on one thing at a time. If you had met me 15 years ago, two-thirds of the conversation, I’d just be dreaming.”
What would he dream about?
“Literally, it could be a walk I did five years ago,” he said. “It could be some conversation I had in grad school. Could be my family member annoyed me. Something a colleague said, like: ‘Why did they say this? What does it actually mean?’”
“I’m a Jewish, racially ambiguous dyslexic, so I can say anything,” he said, smiling.
So how did a daydreaming doctoral student in German philosophy wind up leading a shadowy data analytics firm that has become a major American defense contractor, one that works with spy services as it charts the future of autonomous warfare?
He’s not a household name, and yet Mr. Karp is at the vanguard of what Mark Milley, the retired general and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called “the most significant fundamental change in the character of war ever recorded in history.” In this new world, unorthodox Silicon Valley entrepreneurs like Mr. Karp and Elon Musk are woven into the fabric of America’s national security.
>When I visited the Palo Alto office, Mr. Karp accidentally knocked down a visitor while demonstrating a tai chi move. He apologized, then ran off to get a printout of Goethe’s “Faust” in German, which he read aloud in an effort to show that it was better than the English translation. >Mr. Karp’s friend Diane von Furstenberg told me that he sees himself as Batman, believing in the importance of choosing sides in a parlous world. (The New York office is called Gotham and features a statue and prints of Batman.) >Mr. Karp said of his dyslexia: “I think this is not getting less, it’s likely getting more. In 40 years, I’ll be unable to read.” ***
Tropic Thunder warned about going full retard
>>6088594 >>6088596 Anonymous
>>6088782 >>6081963 >>6088594 >>6088596 >In New Hampshire, we had a lunch of lobster pasta — he kept his panic button on the table — and then went shooting on his property. He expertly hit targets with a 9-millimeter pistol from 264 yards. When an aide suggested that a photographer not shoot Mr. Karp in the act of shooting, he overruled the idea. >I asked Mr. Karp about his 2013 quote to Forbes that “the only time I’m not thinking about Palantir is when I’m swimming, practicing qigong or during sexual activity.” He frowned, noting: “It should be tai chi. I don’t know why people always conflate tai chi with qigong. Yes, that was in my early days, when we were a pre-public company and I was allowed to admit I had sexual activity.”
So it’s true that the notion of settling down and raising a family gives him hives?
>“There’s some truth in that,” he said. “This is how I like to live. See, I’m sitting here doing my freedom thing. I train. I do distance shooting.” He reads. “Who else has a Len Deighton spy novel next to a book on Confucian philosophy?” SaltyStoryteller
Hey the discord link's broken. Well either way, I punched my suicidal tendencies in the face. Last gasp of my quest before it auto-sages into oblivion is up.
>>6088801 TreeHouses QM
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For anyone who's interested, I've started a new quest. It's a "sequel" to Three Houses Quest, set 20+ years after its conclusion. It will mostly be self-contained though, and you won't need to have played the previous quest to understand what's going on.
>>6088909 Olympus QM
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>>6088911 >>6088915 Atë and her allies finally face off against Heracles, as well as a far more powerful Braun and co. For anyone who dropped the quest in the last two threads, now is a great time to jump back in
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>>6067120 >>6065423 Curt's builder ran to completion without it being the typical TPK copout.
>>6088809 Why does the discord link die every thread?
Why do we have multiple Dragon ball and Game of thrones but not 1 G force quest?
>>6088782 Does this make him more relatable or a weirdo?
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>>6089019 >Does this make him more relatable or a weirdo? Yes to both, desu. 4chan is a weird place, and /qst/ in particular is a very peculiar, idiosyncratic art community. Him being a socially-awkward dude who blurts out frankly bizarre racial theories and obsesses over old plays, capeshit, and Tolkien means he'd probably fit in just fine here, but it doesn't make him less odd in the grand scheme.
>the MHA manga ended and Present Mic is STILL in the Chilean coal mines I just want to see my favorite big tiddy cowgirl quest again. It's been 6 months. 6 MONTHS WHY DOES THIS CRUEL WORLD DO THIS TO ME
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>>6089061 Don't remind me of the loss of PokeLoser quest.
>>6089048 >>6089048 >>6089048 THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
>>6087089 >>6087151 Sorry about it.
Here's some ideas I was thinking for Stellar Turmoil:
Have the Singularity release so much force energy at single point it creates a false ascension. Kinda inspired by Mad God which I watched about a year ago and it fucks the local region of the galaxy.
https://youtu.be/aOsTlycwRk0 There could be a ship used to test nanobots to repair the vessel which basically fucks up and become like a cancer with uncontrolled growth.
The Singularity's ships would use sith sorcery to bond a brain into the vessel giving it limited precognition, the Padawan that went missing in the very first thread would have been used as one.
The Republic's politicians would have basically crumbled in the face of mounting civilian pressure to accept the worship of the Singularity from a violent minority against the wishes of the majority.
it s a good thing /qst didn't get hit by that mod nuke
convince me to read the pale inheritance
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>>6086756 Let me see what I can do without being banned for a few days. Be back shortly.
>>6089241 I got a cloudflare error, but it resolved after literally just turning wifi off and back on.
>>6089241 Eh?
>>6089243 If you enjoy Lovecraft-style stories of hidden, festering occult rot at the hearts of ancient dynasties; if you like snarky tsundere pretty boy main leads; if you enjoy sordid visions of ancient curses and rituals; if you like pervasive, recurring these and lore that the QM has clearly put a lot of consideration and love into; if you like dangerous redheads or cute blonde prophetesses or androgynous sharpshooters; if any of these things are true, as your doctor if The Pale Inheritance is right for you.
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>>6089246 a bunch of boards had their catalogues wiped all of a sudden
Moloch !!fqcSo3h+it7
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>>6089243 Don't do it, the QM is a smelly nerd
>>6089019 >>6081963 >>6088782 >>6088784 >Does this make him more relatable or a weirdo? Well just like the Tropic Thunder Simple Jack / full retard meme,
>>6088594 >>6088596 it is up to you the audience to decide if this is the sort of persona you want the world to see. I assume both these CEOs have legions of PR people image consultants etc who advise them as to what they should be communicating and portraying etc
After seeing that photo of the PLTR CEO Alex Karp doing really weird tai chi exercises (the full NYT article has more photos, it shows his book collection also some sort of cosplay martial arts sword??) I was actually trying to visually identify his silver sports shooting handgun, the one he is showing off in the second picture here
>>6088782 It looks like a 1911 type from the hammer, so Strayer-Voight Infinity / IMM Open from the compensator? See pic rel, maybe some /k anon can verify
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>>6089266 As always, Tropic Thunder has an appropriate reference. A lot of people superficially think the film is a satire about Hollywood (Tom Cruise doing his Les Grossman dance etc) but I actually think the film is also a satire or allegory of war. Think about it, the film begins with a botched (staged Hollywood film fx) explosive jet airstrike, the war film orders being haplessly delegated to some British director guy who is inept at following American orders, American POWs get captured / taken hostage, Ben Stiller decapitates a panda and wears its head, the entire conflict is a misunderstanding / mismanaged by sinister agents and producers in the shadows trying to manoeuvre clandestine personal deals behind the scenes etc
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>>6089169 >spaceship with mutant metastasising cancerous infection growth etc I have only completed Homeworld 1999 not the adjacent Homeworld Cataclysm (think it might be called Homeworld Emergence now for IP rights reasons) but I believe the plot in that separate universe is about a ship which infects others and converts / repurposes them into living biocircuitry...?
(apologies anon who hates fandom wikis, but this is the main link I could find)
https://homeworld.fandom.com/wiki/The_Beast The idea of a spaceship that hijacks biomass / agglomerates and absorbs others is very cool. I remember Alastair Reynolds uses it in Revelation Space (the starship captain is slowly being absorbed into the mutant hull of the colossal vessel, they have to cryo freeze him to slow down the process) I guess you also have Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Carribbean with his lobster octopus hammerhead shark coral crew lol.
Perhaps the origin of this concept comes from the HR Giger / James Cameron Aliens (1986) film, the "kill me..." scene etc when they discover the colony inhabitants were being incubated and embedded into the xenomorph nest biomass wall. A thing I would say about the new Alien: Romulus, the visual audio experience is great but there is almost zero new conceptual sci-fi content to the film, it basically just recycles and regurgitates biomaterial from the existing corpus of Alien franchise films, a bit like a xenomorph. There are several high suspense / tension scenes but if you have played all the videogames, seen all the films, instead of being scared / tense / anxious etc, you will instead just watch the film with a sort of wry bemused smile "oh, I see this is happening again" etc lol So it is indeed very predictable in that sense
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Gotham City Beat Cop returns from it's weekend break with a potentially city shaking conspiracy... if you believe the words of a career criminal.
>>6089255 DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Mon 26 Aug 2024 07:33:30 No. 6089307 Report Quoted By:
Everyday, the urge to re-run South Kalos Quest here grows harder. The world is getting developped by running it with my side site; leading to glorious visual. Let me introduce you to Hokuto No Blaziken : a comic book about a Blaziken with an unique martial art strolling the lands to find his beloved Delphox, with amazing fights and lots of insight on how to better get ressources out of harsh environments while also leaning on the children book style (akin to Curious George) for accessibility
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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after a bit longer than usual, the next update for The Caretaker Quest is finally up!
choose or write whatever question you feel like asking Elliot´s mind person before its too late!
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Your sister commits a war crime and then asks for water.
>>6089345 >>6089345 IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
New harry potter quest.
>>6089315 Is like a single day decent if I have a few votes?
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>>6086756 >>6089245 Anyone else remember from back in the day? Wizard Curse: Plump Grabbable Ass Quest. That was back when we could still show our faces on /tg/ and quests would have dozens of active posters.
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Any of you oldfag QMs ever looked back and gone, "Why did I stop running this quest?" I've been feeling that a lot lately, partly in the form of Resistance Quest and partly reading back over my old stuff featuring Trym the stone-age shaman. I wonder if any of my old players still visit 4chan..? Or any new players were ever curious?
>>6089543 No, I know why I stopped running every single quest I ever wrote
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>>6089617 Every quest had its own reason there is no unifying reason.
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>>6089616 I guess it's rhetorical in a way... I know in the abstract why my own quests have failed: Depression. But looking back it can be hard to remember how I allowed or justified that failure.
>>6089543 I stopped writing/drawing my quests because none of them were good enough.
I'm content with knowing that I'll never be able to make anything that meets this board's standards, beyond one or two curious people popping in every 18 hours just to see where things go and not actually discussing anything.
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>>6089776 What have you run?
>>6089776 You might be amazed how many people actually still care... I know I was, but I let my own doubts get to me.
We're fighting a war here, Anon and it's the hardest war you or I will ever have to fight (God willing) - a war against ourselves. But sometimes you just have to be bloody-minded. You have to stand and plant your banner and say, "I don't care if it's just one or two people posting one-word replies, I don't care if this is meaningless, [i:lit]I am going down swinging!"[/i:lit] You fight on because what the hell does giving up get you? What the hell does giving up give the world?! You keep fighting no matter what, you keep posting no matter what, because if even ONE person sees an update and feels a spark of joy, that is what we are fighting for!
>>6089837 Says you. Without clout, attention and (you)s I wilt away and then die.
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>>6089837 Here here! Though I'm glad I have a steady group of readers these days.
>>6089846 "Two or three anons autistic enough to argue about a decision for two hours are worth a thousand (you)s without discussion."
-Confucius, probably
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>>6089855 >[laughs in that trojan war quest] StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Dehydration and child neglect lead to cliche teenage decisions in this update of Downerquest.
>>6089873 >>6089873 Anonymous
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>>6089855 2 or 3 people is not enough I need a following so feverish loyal and plentiful that I can just yell out "Form human shield!" and instantly be protected from RPG explosions
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>>6087355 Dogs without God is a quest set in the world of Lisa The Pointless. Men have never howled so much.
You play as a solitary nobody without importance or name and will fight lonesome men whose sole joy is to rape, brawl and be stepped upon.
Theres art in every post also, its a draw quest, and it can only get better as time goes on.
Dont let the bitch bark all day, and play!
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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You reunite with someone you haven't seen in a while in this update of Downerquest.
>>6090082 >>6090082 Anonymous
>>6081773 >>6081879 >How to create stealth gameplay? I will give a serious response to this instead of just posting the MGS:IV Johnny / Akiba buttock diarrhoea images.
When I was in Arena Breakout / Escape From Tarkov clone military extraction shooter mode, I thought about creating a game inspired by a SERE scenario (ironically no different from Tropic Thunder or whatever bald shaven head Demi Moore was doing with instructor Aragorn in that GI Jane film lol) but of course I take ttrpgs extremely seriously, all my games are extremely grimdark cringe serious.
I researched the 5S or 7S thing for camouflage, I assume the ghillie sniper people use it but basically dimensions and aspects of concealment, considerations such as Shape, Shine (reflectivity), Speed, Spacing, Silhouette, Shadow, Sound, Surroundings etc.
For example, Surroundings could be where you stumble through a forest - instantly a flock of birds are startled and take off, giving away your position. In Arena Breakout the most terrifying sound is RUSTLING BRANCHES then silence (usually followed by instadeath), because if you hear gunfire in that game you actually feel safe (it means whoever was waiting in ambush is shooting at someone else, not you, and they have given away their position). A lot of stealth / ambush atmosphere can be attributed to these seemingly peripheral sights, sounds, positional indicators that betray your presence.
Stealth gameplay is logistical eg establish a hidesite for recuperation, rehydration / rest re-assessing objectives etc, knowing safe zones to fallback / retreat towards in the event of danger. Simply avoid the obvious danger zones "linear approach" type direct head-on facing to any ambush, funnelled concentrated gunfire etc. Another element of stealth is psychological, controlling heart rate remaining calm (play an extraction shooter if you want to experience genuinely freezing up / being paralysed with panic fear inaction in the middle of a gunfight lol)
You can look up the 5S, 7S camouflage aspects and consider how you might incorporate them into gameplay, it could be a 5d100 or 7d100 roll where you allocate the results to the parameters and the narrative then adapts based upon what you prioritised or had to hastily improvise. It might also work if the setting is post apocalyptic, combined with some scavenging system etc (ie you don't have immediate access to the optimal gear, and this also gives a motivation forcing players to enter the danger / anomaly hazard zone to retrieve what they need to survive etc)
Another aspect I could be the 7S framework but applied to an unusual environment, eg adversarial cyber computer infiltration type scenario, where you have to attempt to prevent any leak of metadata or identity. Instead of doing Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2077 I thought about making the hacking as close to real world stealth / exfiltration as possible, keylogging or imperceptible font glyph perturbation steganography etc
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>>6086756 >I DEMAND BUTTOCKS The pic related here
>>6090187 is from Dolph Lundgren in Silent Trigger (1996, I think maybe the Highlander director did this?) it is an incredibly cringe embarassing film lol but actually very psychological, broodingly atmospheric and strangely introspective and elegiac in tone for a really dumb action film about a sniper, a hot sniper spotter observation girl and a MASSIVE SNIPER RIFLE. Incidentally one bizarre aspect of this film is that the flashback sequences appear to have far more special effects and higher budget production value than the actual film storyline itself lol, most of the explosions and gunfights happen in the flashbacks. The film does not make a lot of sense except for this memorable rain thunder lightning storm scene where Dolph Lundgren DOES A SEX in front of the massive sniper rifle, I felt very ashamed watching this. The sniper rifle is very cool, it is a single shot antimateriel type gun, it is unique in that you disassemble the entire bolt (ie ejects and separates the entire bolt holding the bullet cartridge) everytime you load / fire it, imfdb says it is an actual gun the obscure Iver Johnson AMAC 1500, a .50BMG precursor to the modern Barrett type rifles. Lundgren does the whole bolt disassembly firing cycle a few times over the course of the film it is incredibly sexual, probably impractical but looks so amazing
>>6089837 >we are fighting a war here against ourselves I am WINNING
Lesches !!oJEPr0mjkw6
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>>6064377 >SATQ return schedule We’re looking at Christmas-time since I have to finish UTUTU quest first in October and I’m currently swamped with bullshit in my personal/professional life
eager to back to QMing, honestly.
To QMs that have character sheets, how do you do them? I've been doing interview styled dialogs so I can get a primer on how I want them to come across.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:/wfMlTGj Tue 27 Aug 2024 14:46:20 No. 6090360 Report Quoted By:
>>6090352 A private file more or less well organized, including spoilers.
Sometime I benevolently give the player an expurged version, or create a little visual something, like in this post
>>6081107 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Tue 27 Aug 2024 16:04:23 No. 6090401 Report >>6089837 Can someone add this to the sticky? It deserves to be there.
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>>6090204 Goddamn right you are, Anon. You're fighting against the part of you that wants to give in, the part of you that says you're not good enough, the part of you that only creates for the sake of your own ego. FUCK that part of you, you're here because you want to have fun with others, because you want to get together and tell a story, because you are a part of that unbroken chain that goes back to the first huddled tribesmen around a campfire and telling one another stories of those they want to be like, those they admire, those who's struggles resonate and inspire them.
So POST, damn you. Post and keep posting because you've got a story to tell and others have eyes to read it!
>>6090401 >>6090486 It's really not that impressive, it's just me spitting in the eye of God a little bit? I'm off my meds and vocalizing like this helps focus my mind.
>>6063680 >QM question: >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? Sure. Something adventure-y. My writing sucks as it is so that's my primary reason for not running shit. Funny thing is that I have all the time in the world for the next few months. Ironic, that.
>Player question: >Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? Heretic Cultivator Quest, Student Ascension Quest, Primitive Survival Fantasy Quest, The Isekai Inquisition, Core of Steel, Breadwinner Adventurer. In no particular order.
>General question: >What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? . . . Fuck if I know, mate. I'd go with Fire Emblem, if I had to take a stab at anything.
>Lurker question: >Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? I do, but it doesn't seem as though my chime-ins matter. Usually drowned out by the threadspergs and whatnot. I don't share, no. For the same reason.
>Miscellaneous question: >What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? I really don't be on 4chan these days like that, on God. But I might walk into /int/ and /trv/ every once in a while. Or /soc/ to laugh at all the maladjusteds.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:ktphDHqG Tue 27 Aug 2024 21:56:24 No. 6090603 Report >>6089019 >>6088809 >>6080540 https://discord.gg/jKfqYGMhxt Here you lads go - fresh never-expiring discord link! At least, it should be.
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>>6065406 "Raiden, this is Colonel. Press and hold the R2 button to select your Nanomachine Retard Filter. It'll help you survive the brain rot."
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>>6089855 People actually talking about the quest are so much better for players as well as QMs, since it's so much easier to get engaged with a following where you can shoot the shit, share your pet theories or sperg out with other anons. This is the reason I like YA40kAI and MGFQ so much, I always seem to have something to chatter about.
In lieu of an in-depth conversation, even just briefly saying why you're voting for an option is infinitely better than nothing too.
>>6090598 >My writing sucks as it is so that's my primary reason for not running shit. 3 guesses as to the fastest and most comprehensive way to improve your writing.
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>>6065423 I always love pixel art like this and deeply respect people with the patience to make it... Sadly, I'm fairly sure I never could.
>>6090603 Cheers. Now I can announce updates to my quest in real-time. Then again, I found my old twitter I used to use for that as well.
>>6089837 >inspired to start quest >post it >take 5 hour Power Nap >zero voters I feel lied to. I feel silly. Betrayed even. The words of inspiration only serves to stab me in the gut and leave me in the gutter.
>>6090661 Out of curiosity are you running the School Life Revenge Quest?
>>6090679 Yeah. I hoped that was self evident. The premise and genre must not be in demand.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 28 Aug 2024 00:22:00 No. 6090713 Report >>6090603 Surely there's some way to keep in steady contact with other QMs that doesn't involve Discord? That service is an absolute parasite and I'd rather not touch it with a 10-foot pole if possible.
>>6090661 This happens sometimes, it's not even a situation of people not reading. There are moments where a quest that regularly gets 10+ of votes will suddenly get zero votes for like a whole day
Absolutely no idea why it happens. But sometimes it does. Having zero votes seems like a case of that. Usually there's at least a few.
>>6090713 Sure! We have /qst/, X and Guilded for that. Whats an IRC? You're old, arent you? Get with that times.
>>6090714 An unfortunate case for a new thread with effort put into it. Even outright bait and nonsensical gibberish that gets posted onto the board gets someone playing along or asking the OP if he's sentient.
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>>6090661 Well, having read it now...I do admire the effort you clearly put into it OP. But honestly, I'm just not that interested into a "school social revenge" story. I think that kind of stuff may be a little bit too...normie-like, for this kind of audience.
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>>6090708 It has three votes now. Don't let us down.
>>6090720 Can you link the guilded and irc please?
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>>6090834 They don't exist. I made it up. Shame about the IRC, but Guilded is just discord in denial.
Should I reboot Dope and Beer, Gunrunning in Voodooville, or launch one of my three other quest ideas?
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any updated on the comic or VN or whatever that gnollqm is supposedly working on?
>>6090914 Gunrunning in Voodooville was boss. I was sad when it abruptly ended. Are you the original QM?
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>>6090661 You know I just realized, did you take the power nap because you had zero voters or was that irrespective of whoever showed up?
ReturningFlake !!7Bh/f8rbNpl
ReturningFlake !!7Bh/f8rbNpl ID:5uXkL7BI Wed 28 Aug 2024 06:02:47 No. 6091016 Report >>6090941 Beer and Dope!* Infantry Tactics Quest was my attempt to make an MGS spinoff type thing set at the first birth pangs of the cold war. Lost steam because of bad pacing, although what I had planned was, as they say, "str8 balla son." The name came from a book about the Rangers in Vietnam.
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5621874 Gunrunning in Voodooville was my attempt at a real drawquest. Ironically ended because I started art school. Way more fun because it was almost entirely spontaneous. Art was utter garbage though, and took way too long to make. You can see the quality in the images rise and fall sort of. I had no idea how to paint at that time. If I were to reboot this, I would probably reserve drawfaggotry for characters and important places. But writing it would take, literally, 95%, or maybe 97% less time.
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5771932/ >>6090947 that I am.
Cutémon QM........ Come back.......
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>>6091016 Infantry tactics. Metal Gear.
Time to read!
PoképocalypseQM (on mobile and very tired)
PoképocalypseQM (on mobile and very tired) ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 28 Aug 2024 12:13:30 No. 6091134 Report Quoted By:
Walter’s in a bit of a bind at the moment and my audience seems to have voted in a tie, so I suppose now’s as good a time as any to shill Poképocalypse once again.
>>6090624 >>6090626 >>6090626 Come help a wannabe-naturalist nerd figure out how to ward off a food thief with mid-1880s technology and a magical electric sheep!
>>6090618 Uh, go on. Explain.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Your sister (who you haven't seen in years) gives you some troubling news about your parents in this update of Downerquest.
>>6091032 >>6091032 Anonymous
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>>6065082 Batquest is technically finished but it wasn't a flake, it naturally concluded. And the setting is getting a sequel in Justicequest.
I have just accepted that Hypercrisis Bro quests have long gaps and take forever to finish. I'm a (chronologically) slow ass nigga. If people don't follow my quests because of that, it's fair .
>>6090632 >>6091135 The answer is to write and write a lot. Spending time writing means spending time thinking about writing, thinking about what sounds good, when to use punctuation, when to use a run on sentence, where to insert a character's dialogue relative to a piece of plot or a background effect.
Now of course you don't think about any of that while you write but you also think about all of that while you write.
The most successful writers all write consistently, and while I daresay few anons here have any real desire to be Nabokov, if you want to improve your writing the answer is as maddeningly simple as it is perpetually unhelpful as it is the absolute truth of the matter, just write more.
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>>6091356 Alternatively, get a genie to grant your wish of being a better writer.
LANU QM still hasn't continued the Warhammer Fantasy Warlords of Chaos Qst... This board has fallen. Thousands must mutate.
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We need a quest about SEA/Indochina communism and junta kino ala the Saffron Revolution. Just give us Buddhists with bombs vs reds with AKs and it'll be good.
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breast test no lumps
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
Solarpunk update!
>>6091533 >>6091533 >>6091533 I honestly expected to just post an epilogue and let the bread die but it's page 8 still. The board slowed down quite a bit.
>make mistake >nobody calls me out >decide to play it off as a plot device anyways Mistakes into miracles.
StoryQM !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>6091669 I've done this quite a bit... lol.
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>>6091561 >"You had figured they - the Noita..." You Have Completed The Work
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>pale inheritance only updates like twice a week SIGH, i suppose i should have said convince me NOT to read this quest. At this rate ill have to start up my quest again so I can have a reason to come here.
>>6089420 thank you
>>6091016 I srill have the Google Doc with Ranković's stats in my browsers bookmarks you fucking flaker!
ReturningFlake !!7Bh/f8rbNpl
ReturningFlake !!7Bh/f8rbNpl ID:5uXkL7BI Thu 29 Aug 2024 16:49:19 No. 6091982 Report Quoted By:
>>6091773 lost that google account's password lmao
would you like to see my notes for the characters who were going to be on your team?
Ya'll know what I kind of miss? House Quests. Used to be loads back before GoT shat the bed television wise. Would be interested in seeing more!
>>6092211 Asoiaf quests are cursed. Coomers ruin most of the ones that show up, usually with their incest fetishes
>>6092219 Anon, it's GoT. It's kind of par for the course. I will agree tho, I remember that one quest, the GHEY quest, swarmed by the meme vultures, where the QM tried to rig the votes. Wild times. Still, a House Quest would be fun to see again.
>>6092226 You say rigged the votes, I see a QM writing what he wants.
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>>6092226 If you run it, I'll play
>>6092210 A Dark Fantasy Quest (formerly Oekaki Quest)
My favourite quest, abandoned many years ago. Comfy, good writing, good art
It was good while it lasted
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Thu 29 Aug 2024 23:21:37 No. 6092289 Report Quoted By:
>>6091669 Doing that right now. I love not fact-checking before I post.
>>6092250 Surely it was just love
>>6092298 I want to know what love is.
>>6092300 When you see her
When you feel her
When you smell her
When you hug her
When she hugs you
Close, tight
Warm, and nice
Her breath, as her chest moves against yours
Her breath, as it graces your ear
A whisper
A promise
of bittersweet melancholy
God I miss it
Alternatively I could answer I want you to shoow meeeeee Anonymous
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primitive fantasy survival is ongoing. The protagonist's party previously killed a scaleman and followed its footprints back to an abandoned scaleman camp. Spending the night there, he was awoken when another human approached the site. How do you test the newcomer to ensure that he is trustworthy?
>>6065973 Anonymous
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>>6092300 >WHAT IS LOVE? Interracial romance. I am a bit concerned by this monkey racism
Speaking of entertainment,
Wouldn't it be fun if I pluck your extra eye out for my snack,
And allow you to keep the other two?
Because I'd hate to let you miss how I'll slaughter each mongrel of the court,
Those above, those below,
And that black mutt of yours!
>>6092300 >what is Love? I posted it before, Shelley's Epipsychidion
True Love in this differs from gold and clay,
That to divide is not to take away.
Love is like understanding, that grows bright,
Gazing on many truths; 'tis like thy light,
Imagination! which from earth and sky,
And from the depths of human phantasy,
As from a thousand prisms and mirrors, fills
The Universe with glorious beams, and kills
Error, the worm, with many a sun-like arrow
Of its reverberated lightning. Narrow
The heart that loves, the brain that contemplates,
The life that wears,
the spirit that creates
One object, and one form, and builds thereby
A sepulchre for its eternity.
>>6092300 TOM
How 'bout this one, with all the pretty hearts on the front?
I know where this is going. Yep!
"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart. I love you."
That sweet? Ain't love grand?
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
What does that even mean, "love"?
Do you know? Do you? Anybody?
If somebody gave me this card, Mr. Vance, I would eat it.
It's- It's these cards and the movies, and the pop songs-
They're to blame for all the lies... and the heartache, everything.
And we're responsible. I'm responsible.
I think we do a bad thing here.
People should be able to say how they feel, how they really feel, not, you know, some words that some strangers put in their mouths.
Words like "love"...
that don't mean anything.
Sorry. I'm sorry. I, uh-
I quit. I'm-
There's enough bullshit in the world without my help.
>>6091546 After we deal with Ostrosk, I'm going off on a personal adventure to find SLAMBO
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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The Caretaker Quest has been updated!
this time, no rolls, no tactics, just you and a riddle
can you solve it?
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 Anonymous
We need more porn of quest characters.
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>>6092845 and more quests of porn characters
>>6092238 Alright, fuck it, link?
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>>6092876 https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=mysojourn First thread was made on /i/, the link to the first thread seems broken
The qm did a recap thread, I believe he made a gif for the first thread so you shouldnt be missing out on too much
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>>6092845 Considering that /qst/ is a blue board you may need to venture outwards to pursue your dreams.
>>6092876 Found it, here you go
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>>6092845 Yes, specifically of Sigrid from Greenhorn quest.
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:cDPsvhu3 Fri 30 Aug 2024 21:32:09 No. 6093088 Report Quoted By:
The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! had an update:
>>6092923 >>6092923 >>6092923 Anonymous
>>6092951 >drawquest >none of the archived images work BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6093109 That's my fucking nightmare. Plz fix archive bro.
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>>6093111 At least suptg seems to be archiving images properly again now
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>>6093109 I actually have the entire thread saved on my computer so I could potentially upload it somewhere kek.
For the anon that wanted to look for my unarchived quest
I believe the last thread was named "City Management Quest" First thread here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5872086/ Anonymous
>>6093146 Thanks! I might just make a summary and link the previous threads for when I get around to continuing the quest
By the way, how did you figure I was behind the city management quest? Anonymous
>gone insane over the last year only now really realised why today and how fucked I really am After my head gets fixed is a years break too long for a small quest?
>>6093164 If you run it they will come.
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>>6093161 Art style and formatting were pretty similar
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>>6093168 Might not, few quest do die in first thread due to lack of interest.
Quest writing is a bit of a paradox for me. If I take my time I feel like I don't write enough in proportion to the time I took. If I hurry it up I feel like what I put out isn't sufficient quality compared to it's length. None of my readers are commenting on how I write, so I've zero idea on how I'm doing. It shouldn't matter though, /qst/ is a slow board, but still, I lose the mindgames with myself and suffer for it.
>>6092845 He's 100% correct
>>6093173 Post your quest and I'll tell you what I think.
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>>6093212 I had writer's block this time, I swear.
>>6090494 ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
>>6092845 https://pastebin.com/5ePLLgmZ Could've sworn the pictures were more lewd. From Do your best quest.
>>6093359 Count me surprised that none of that got nuked by pastebin
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6093472 Pastebin's censors can suck my cock.
A good chunk of the time when I try updating my pastebins, it goes "SENSITIVE CONTENT DETECTED!!!" even when it's just some random description of a NPC ally's perks or boons.
I never know what triggers it half the time and it annoys the shit out of me.
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>>6092845 I got my players a piece as a treat at the end of my first successful quest.
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Why is it that every single quest I like ends up ending their threads around the same time? I'll be following like 4 quests and they'll all end within a week of each other. I end up with nothing to read...
It is the end of August. Lanu has not returned. And as such with the death of Acheron at the hands of some imperial citizens before his journey ever begun have these endtimes come to an end.
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>>6093173 Genuine useful feedback is a rare and precious thing.
How accurate would you say this venn diagram is?
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>>6093649 I'd say it severely understates the 'porn' circle. Akun is 99% porn and porn-related stuff.
>>6093649 What's in between n-word allowed and worm?
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
>>6091546 >>6092617 >>6093547 >>6087124 >>6087135 Should continue by mid-late September. Life got in the way, shit got fucked, I mostly un-fucked it.
I expect life will keep fucking me after that short episode, so I'll try and finish the quest in a short, but dramatic and bloody clash.
>>6093692 alright. good to know.thanks for telling us.
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It probably won't happen but I hope Blood and Seed QM comes back at some point. I really like their quest concept of every thread being a new "generation" of the MC's lineage
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
>>6093699 Yeah, sorry for not being more upfront and for changing it this far into it, but life really took a toll on me.
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>>6093726 no worries QM. A Ending is better than no ending and just wondering what happened. life has a tendency to make a mess off even the best laid plans.
>>6093649 I can say NIGGER on fiction.live?
Niggerman help me, I might just take another look.
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>>6093675 The Sietch, wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard of it.
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>>6093737 yes, my qmc calls people faggots (mainly because she is vehemently antisexual more than anything)
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 31 Aug 2024 22:39:07 No. 6093881 Report The last story post in Poképocalypse before it hits the bump limit is up now!
>>6093863 >>6093865 This one involves a neat skirmish and an interesting ending. We'll be to Redding in the next 2-3 posts, I think, and after that I'll make a new thread asap. Come enjoy the end with us 'til then!
>>6093881 Bump limit is irrelevant on /qst/ since threads autosage after 48h anyway and yours has not bumped for over a month already. It's still got weeks to live yet.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sat 31 Aug 2024 23:01:56 No. 6093900 Report >>6093897 Yeah, but I want an excuse to throw a party anyways. Happy days (as Walter gets his kneecaps mauled)!
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>>6093900 Yeah, he's pretty damn crippled after that hound is done with him.
>>6093897 Actually, threads outsage at five days on /qst/. I know, because I'll bump threads just before it rolls over to the 5th day and it'll shoot back up to the 1st page. Like legit, if its 4 days and 23 hours old, it'll still get bumped until the last minute pushes it over to 5 days. Its whack yo
I assume this happens for a similar reason as to why posts can be bigger here than other boards
>>6093916 Isn't the reason posts can be gigantic here that it is just not that populated compared to most boards?
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>>6093206 Mmm, cut me a piece of that CAKE
Missval !9Xh4/vcrqU
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Plenty of people are voting in my quest, I wanted to thank you all for having patience with me and my new shitty schedule, if I could I'd post an update daily or even more often (oftener? oftener) And for all eager, running and new QM's remember that you're cool AF for doing or having the intentions of making a quest
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>>6093916 I knew it was a couple of days different to the sticky, could never remember which direction it was. Small change anyway.
I would guess the reason is to ensure new threads get their place at the top of the catalogue on such a slow-moving board instead of long-runners dominating for weeks and weeks for people who don't sort by last reply.
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>>6093922 Nah, at the start it had post sizes the same as other boards, they changed it when anons complained about....various things.
>>6087355 How can you become the King of the desert, if you don't vote in this quest and prevent The Raping Scorpions from profanating your orifices?
Hurry up, Anon. Become the Upper Dog of the red desert.
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>>6094100 Tats RAAAIGHt AnooEEHN!
You toohoo can become ah HweEEeh-ro!
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1st day of September...hopefully new threads soon..
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>STILL no Valen valenbros... why we kept suffering Riz its OK. If you dont have time for questing anymore, U can just cancel it. Free us (and yourself) from this misery.
Do you like the stone age?
Do you like family?
Do you like fantasy?
Do you like starting a fantasy family in the stone age?
Do you like quests that come back from the dead after more than eight years because the QM had some issues to work through?
Do you like quests with an actual goddamn rulebook?
If not, come check out Lineage of Heroes anyway, because what have you got to lose, time? You weren't using it for anything productive anyway.
>>6093829 >>6093829 Rue'Vahn
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>>6093726 Hey it's okay. Quests are supposed to be fun, not a chore. Don't jeopardize stuff in your real life just for us.
Plus, it's not like you can't run a sequel if things get better and you feel like continuing.
>>6094413 Really brave of you to come again after several years.
I'm tipping my hat to you.
On an unrelated thought, Archivebro
>>6088128 I posted today what I think was the post involving the most effort of my QM career. Would gladly read your review when you're done catching up.
My prayers go to all players whose QMs were rancid homosexuals who disappeared without a word and I wish all the QMs who had balls to admit the curse has befallen them a nice day/week/month (choose one).
>>6094726 Theres no such thing as the curse, its just fatigue and burnout.
>>6094539 I’ve been caught up for a while, I’ve just been procrastinating. I did finally start and finish a book I’d been given for my birthday over this weekend, which I’m happy about, and I have a game session tonight. I do have tomorrow off though, so expect it then. I’ve been voting/doing write-ins in the meantime. It’s the least I can do. Anonymous
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>>6094747 Say that to the dudes who get literal ass cancer or hit by trucks multiple times in a year.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6094747 >start a Quest about criminals >car stolen >start a Quest about sailing a post-apocalypse ocean >neighbor's apartment starts leaking water into mine >prepare to start a Quest about a gay Space Monke Supreme Ruler >get multiple random diseases Speak for yourself bud
>>6094808 That sounds to me like a sign you shouldn't have made the monkey gay. If just preparing for it gave you diseases, imagine what actually running it will do.
>>6094808 Oh, hey Bananas.
I found out about the character you whose story you copied for Akule. Honestly surprised if no on's pointed it out yet. I don't blame you though, he was pretty cool.
Just wanted you to know.
>>6094831 L. Ron Hubbard?
kek >>6094808 Sorry to hear about your health, BQM.
>>6094867 No, an actual character. Akule's life is literally him but monkey. I'm not exaggerating. There is simply no way he wasn't copying him, even if unconsciously.
>>6094808 Good luck with the clap, Banans. And please never start a transmonke quest.
>>6094873 Who is that character?
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Give me a GOOOOD quest to read.
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>>6091016 Update: Just finished and you need to bring that quest back. At least something similar. Please man. Also, didn't know we had active military here. How long until you eos?
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>>6094786 Happy birthday archivebro!
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Beat Cop is back after I had to cut and run last week due to some personal issues. We return to our interrogation and hope to find out just what the hell is going on at Blackgate.
>>6095075 Anonymous
>>6094808 >>6094816 >>6094867 >>6095047 I cast remove disease on BananasQM. You should have started as a paladin they are immune to diseases. You get this HD icon from a mod, the actual original .tga file is unfortunately of a derisory low resolution
Neverwinter Nights yay (currently playing nwn2 original campaign yay) that Neeshka girl tail swish reminds me of that other demon Annah lady from Planescape Torment
>>6094808 I'm the art guy from an earlier thread.
Be happy you didn't have an abscess on your ass. I did in June and it wasn't fun at all. And disgusting.
>>6095047 >TRANS AGENDA My faith in French cinema has been restored because I was a bit concerned by French culture after watching Titane (2021) it seemed like everything was turning into the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.
>>6073143 However I watched a very charming French vampire film, Le Vourdalak (2023) it is based on an 1839 novel by Aleksey Tolstoy
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_of_the_Vourdalak (not the War And Peace / Anna Karenina Tolstoy, some other author) it is very atmospheric and naturalistic / historical-looking, it has some gore but is actually more comedic / satirical social themes than frightening. The woman from that Assassins Creed film is in it lol
Vourdalak is some old Slavic word apparently meaning "wolf-fur" but the depiction is closer to a sort of flesh-eating ghoul / revenant skeletal corpse vampire than a werewolf. Contrasting the low budget marionette / puppetry look of this French film with the high budget CGI fx of The Crow film remake lol proves you don't need much digital pyrotechnics to create gothic atmosphere hehe
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>>6095116 Shouldn't have Google's that
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>>6094831 >>6094867 I have a vague memory that Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World) and William Burroughs of the cut-up fiction technique were both fond of L Ron Hubbard and held him in high esteem.
Furthermore, there is correspondence from Claude Shannon, founder of information theory and essentially all modern digital communications, he invented that information entropy
H = - sum ( p log (p) )
concept, apparently Shannon was also an admirer of L Ron Hubbard and his science fiction and wrote many glowing endorsements of him. So there is a tenuous demarcation where the imagination strays between exploiting the realms of fiction and cult religion lol
>>6095120 >trans / cross-dressing subtext in Le Vourdalak French vampire film What is happening for background context of this pic related scene:
>>6095120 A French aristocratic nobleman/diplomat was waylaid on the road of some Eastern European country, he loses his horse and entourage and baggage and is forced to stay with a mysterious peasant family.
The peasants are being attacked / pillaged by Turks and the peasant family elderly patriarch departs on a revenge mission for retribution, he beheads the marauder leader but when he returns he appears to have become a Vourdalak (ghoul-vampire), feeding on the blood of his grandchild.
One of the patriarch's sons (he is portrayed as an effeminate cross-dressing / transgender disturbed son) finally confronts the family patriarch, his father, over his vampiric nature, and tries to expose / overthrow him. The elderly patriarch / Vourdalak ghoul-vampire then raises his arquebus and shoots him in the head, killing the transvestite son instantly lol
I think this has some interesting social commentary subtext (implying that the trans agenda "social justice" style activism agitation can never expose / successfully overthrow the hierarchy of vampiric / patriarchal oppression etc, it is just completely ineffectual) in fact one of the clever elements of this French film I noticed is that it subverts the "aristocratic nobleman vampire" archetype, the French aristocrat diplomat person arrives coincidentally at the same time as the peasant patriarch vampiric reveal, but for most of the film he is just an effete and blundering decadent bystander / observer to the unfolding eerie peasant family folklore horror
>>6095047 >>6073143 >>6095120 >>6095181 >TRANS AGENDA >become transgender to defeat the terrorism I have a personal theory why these transgender issues have been propelled to the forefront of society.
Basically I watched that Kathryn Bigelow Zero Dark Thirty documentary, it demonstrated how they achieved a consummate CIA VICTORY by dressing up as a woman in a hijab disguise that one time, this was a really clever ruse to effectively ensnare and defeat the terrorism.
Ha, take that terrorists! You foolishly believed you were safe, surrounded by demurely veiled frail childbearing feminine onlookers, but actually they are TRANSVESTITE SPECIAL FORCES OPERATORS with assault rifles!! Subsequent extrapolation of this successful tactical operation across society produced the unrelenting commitment to the transgender imperative of today
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
A new update for the Caretaker Quest has gone live!
this time its all on (You)!
No options or hand holding, what you say, goes.
can you save your (not yet-maybe-maybe not) girlfriend from being burnt at the stake by a mad poltergeist?!
write your answer and roll for it to find out!
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 Anonymous
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>>6095206 Man, that thread image just looks...weird. No idea why. Something about it just looks off to me.
>>6095047 >Who is that character? I'll say it if bananas doesn't want to admit it.
>>6095190 This actually makes me think if there is some deep undercurrent between gender identity and warfare, it is like some hidden unspoken civic technology you research in 4X games
>>6088520 >>6088521 >>6088734 though I suppose it just emerges naturally from cultural adaptation / reassignment of economic roles. ie in the UK after WWII everyone knows about the Land Girls etc
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Land_Army This often cited as a major driver of postwar female empowerment, employment workplace liberation after the suffragettes etc. So is all this transgender phenomenon in some bizarre inexplicable way some manifestation of cultural aftershocks from the War On Terror?
A means of delineating and exaggerating differences (ie using gender fluidity to distinguish the domestic enlightened liberated "home" culture from the denigrated oppressive foreign "enemy" culture?)
It is like in 4X games you research a technology or cultural upgrade, great you get the tech the new building or fleet or weapon upgrade. But what are the social, cultural consequences of the tech or governance change?
hmmm I wonder how far back this warfare / gender relations entwinement goes - for example Praxagora in Assemblywomen... wasn't that written in the aftermath of the 4th century Peloponnesian War hmmm hmmm
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assemblywomen (...)
In the early 4th century BC, Athens was reeling from the Peloponnesian War and remained in the midst of continuing battles with Sparta. Athens and its allies, Thebes, Corinth and Argos...
While Athens was in a position to regain naval authority in the Aegean Sea thanks to alliances forged with Persia and King Evagoras of Cyprus, the people of Athens were impoverished...
This atmosphere resulted in a material and moral anxiety that was illustrated in the Athens represented by Aristophanes. (...)
>All 4X games civilisations should feature a culture technological research tree that advances from emancipation of women to homosexuality, transgenderism, asexuality and eventually increasingly bizarre cybernetic bdsm orifice insertion apparatus mechanisms >In diplomatic negotiations you should be given the jus ad bellum criterion of examining the pornography of the prospective target civilisation of conquest, if it does not feature sufficiently advanced grotesque depravity you are provided with Casus Belli to invade and slaughter them PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 02 Sep 2024 16:41:33 No. 6095344 Report I don't want to shit up the main thread with my whining, so for anyone following Poképocalypse i'll just say here that I've gotten sick and might end up posting pretty late today. It's not so severe that i'll need to take several days off or anything, but it's bad enough that it's affecting my writing and my mobility so it might complicate things. Will still do my best to write today.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>6095278 >>6095278 >>6095278 WARNING: This new quest is sure to have DARK themes! Player discretion is advised! From the maker of mediocre quests such as Bones Quest and Slice Quest comes a whole new travesty--come check it out while it's just starting out!
Posting in both /qtg/s because I dunno, figure it out
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>>6095345 A new Bones quest? Get hype!
Wonder if it'll tie in to the old ones at all Anonymous
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>>6095214 Souv, you're some kind of demented genius.
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:cDPsvhu3 Mon 02 Sep 2024 18:54:13 No. 6095438 Report Quoted By:
>>6093173 This is something I also find trouble with. I focus a lot on writing and editing and I do feel like it's unimportant and is a waste of time sometimes. It's hard to tell because, as you said, players rarely comment on the writing itself.
I suppose, as long as people are engaging, it must be good enough to read and participate.
>>6095344 Feel better soon, QM.
>>6095214 The main Muslim enemy nation being hyped up as The Enemy right now is Iran, a nation where homosexual activity is illegal but being transgender is not (and the government will even pay for your transition). Attitudes towards various forms of sexuality and gender expression have varied quite a bit across time and between civilizations. You can't chart a clear line like that in any plausible way across centuries/millennia and between different cultures, from more traditional/rigid to some generic 'decadence' or 'perversion', because embracing/tolerating certain expressions and behaviours doesn't imply or necessitate others.
Case in point: there are areas of the internet, and 4chan, where trans people are treated as heckin valid, but being into height difference between yourself and a partner (wanting a shortstack, or a tall fellow) is seen as some relic of pedophilic tendency; in other corners, there are people writing feral furry erotic fanfiction bordering on bestiality, or shota/loli stuff, who somehow consider regualr human adult homosexuality a bridge too far.
I know anthropologists and economists consdier the typical 'technology levelling' model in 4X to be a hilarious oversimplification, but a universal linear progression from "no kink, no hey, missionary only for reproductive purposes" to "I identify as /d/" really stretches credulity and IMO flattens this rather complex aspect of culture and strips away some personality from rival civs in such a game. If any such mechanic was to be introduced, I think the LEAST you could do is borrow the branching etch trees of ore nuanced 4X series, where the specific expressions, kinks, gender roles, etc. advance independently and the aggregate that you acquire helps differentiate one society from another.
>>6095441 >'technology level' model in 4X is a risible oversimplification etc Yes I agree hehe, I was being satirical with my conjectured depiction of a SEX FETISH civilisational warfare / culture advancement research progression tree, tee hee hee
My point was to explore these neglected or poorly depicted aspects of 4X games. Typically you race to get the railgun the fusion engine or antimatter drive etc. but what does this do to your society? (Beyond the "Build More Pleasure Domes" etc mechanic to keep the population anaesthetised, productive, satisfied)
As far as I am aware, there is no 4X game which models the emergence of social movements or factions that arise to oppose / counteract any technological sociopolitical governance change etc. (Let me know if you are aware of such a videogame, I will research it! hehe)
How might we create a game that captures this, the notion of "counteracting social force / faction arising from techno/cultural/economic change?"
Well my immediate idea was to think of those Colony Leaders you get in Master Of Orion 2, those "hero leader" type npcs you can recruit that just give flat numerical boosts to your planet attributes etc. Except now they arise and emerge to rebel against your chosen tech / culture / policy edict...
For example, to take the warfare / female emancipation personification theme, throughout history you have personnages like Boudicca, Hua Mulan, Jeanne d'Arc etc arising in times of war/unrest/turmoil/rebellion. Maybe the archetype encompasses even Ishtar or all those Sumerian / Akkadian derived female war deities etc
You could have some game mechanic whereby everytime you advance the tech/economy of the civilisation, you roll on some random faction table to generate a new group that loses out / is disadvantaged.
This group is then personified by a rebellion "Hero Leader" who attempts to counteract your initiative for social change.
>>6095498 An idea I was thinking about in a sort of ttrpg character creation / 4X faction creation hybrid, is to model splintering and dissolution and reincorporation of factions, ie your enemies are never totally annihilated, they sort of re-establish or re-integrate themselves around the various social forces and movements. There is some pbta post-Apocalyptic game called Legacy Life Among The Ruins which I remember had some mechanics for generations and splinter groups etc.
In the 4X endgame outcomes there is this phenomenon whereby if you are fighting N civilisations etc, you only need to defeat 1 group and then you achieve irrevocable victory the rest of the game becomes this slow steamrolling grind vs the N-1 groups as you slowly conquer their planets / territories one by one after seizing the advantage resources and territory from your decisive first conquest battle vanquishing the first most vulnerable nation etc.
Some 4X games try to prolong the uncertainty either with some alliances / diplomacy or the Master Of Orion 2 style wandering global / galactic threat that materialises requiring you to ally with some of the remaining N-1 groups etc to defeat it, but ultimately it is all elements of distraction / procrastination
With my proposed "countervailing social forces / rebellion against change etc" faction system, you would have a different type of 4X gameplay. It would be more about managing internal cohesion and not external conquest because everytime your civilisation tried to change / progress, there would be splinter groups and factions emerging from those dissenters who try and reverse or halt the growth / change etc.
In fact you could create a different style or feel of gameplay, akin to the Gormenghast type lurching empire, maybe your civilisation already owns the entire universe, it is just a neverending battle to prevent the withering decay / descent into factional infighting outbreak of internecine warfare / imperial decline and dissolution etc. So maybe you never actually "conquer" any new planets or realms at all, you simply attempt to prevent your existing lands from rebelling or seceding etc And this could get very interesting (thinking back to the subversion / provocation casus belli idea mentioned previously
>>6088521 ) maybe the gameplay involves you attempting to engineer conflict and suspicion so that the various factions fight each other (but not too much) and never unite together to overthrow you etc...
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>>6095498 >>6095501 Monke Quest actually plays wit these notions quite a bit in how the main civ develops, and the nature of the rebels and insurrectionist we encounter. I'm curious to see how the next thread plays out in that regard.
I toy with it in mine, but it's usually a background element that the MCs affect deliberately or accidentally with their zoomed-in personal missions and fixations Olympus QM
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After her major loss and a brief hiatus, Atë is back in action in Olympus Incarnation Quest:
>>6095554 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Mon 02 Sep 2024 22:31:54 No. 6095608 Report >>6095344 Yeahhh I managed to put out an update anyways!! And it reads decently even while i'm high on painkillers!! Wooo!!!
>>6095595 >>6095597 >>6095600 >>6095604 Don't make your choices so wordy that they require an entire separate post due to character limits, kids!!
>>6094808 >get multiple random diseases Cut back on the gay sex, and this will stop happening.
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>>6095712 I'll do you one better. Stop having any sex.
Been a hot minute since I've done one of these. Figured I'd do this on easy mode and not phone poast for its entirety. So, Normal Cultivator Quest. The premise is straightforward for anyone vaguely familiar to Wuxia. (You) live in a world of martial and spiritual artists capable of incredible techniques... and (you) won't be one of the big names. No Huan or 2nd Primarch Lieren here, (you) start as a 5-year old in a class of several others with a mix of strengths, middlingtalents, and laughable weaknesses. Really, the protagonists should be either the girl who gets along with animals like a Disney Princess or the guy with a death glare so strong it can cause the sun to dim slightly. But (you) were just... normal. Not that it stopped anons from putting on a good enough showing to end up with a few choices for their sect, and they picked the one that said "protags" ended up going into as well. My main concern when first picking up the quest was in how well it'd stick to its premise. It's hard to ask anons to play a truly ordinary person since it feels like it'd be hard to give them agency in their decisions. After all, agency implies enough power to be granted it in the first place, or at least enough to prevent someone else from taking said agency away from (you). The verdict on that? Well, I certainly stand by my previous comment re: other Wuxia and Wuxia-adjacent quests that I've read. It's not entirely a matter of a vast power gap though. In fact, as of the current thread Quiet Word is the furthest ahead in cultivation among his generation. The difference is in HOW he got there. It came from anons collectively pushing QW to grind his ass off. Every. Single. Turn. Powergaming, a natural state of /qst/. That said, DrDragonfagQM has shown the mental toll this has inflicted on the soon-to-be 8-year-old kid at multiple points, with several others intervening at times (thanks to generally good relationships anons have forged when not EMBRACING THE SPIRITUAL GRIND) and the "slack off" option now being actively bad for QW's mental health... which anons didn't learn until several threads in when they used it for the first time in spite of it being there for ages. They thought they'd finally follow someone's IC advice to relax a bit since it was true that QW was getting ragged again over some of his recent failures. It backfired, and they had to find other ways to fix his (now even worse) mental state afterward. The correct option is gardening for herbs that'll eventually help his cultivation, because even when he relaxes it needs to help his grind. I can't recall any other Wuxia protag actually reflecting the wear that it takes to stay close to the head of the pack. Certainly none of his other top-of-the-class sectmates reflect that. Most of them keep up with him just fine dedicating far less time to cultivating than he does.
>>6084190 >>6095761 That, I suppose, is where the main interest lies with me for now in the quest. Anons have forced luck to be on their side by rolling the die many, many times. Every turn that comes up, cultivation is pursued as a primary goal with many other things being secondary. But at some point, luck will stop being enough to keep up. With a character that has kept up with other geniuses through dedication first and foremost, and gameplay that has actively reflected the mental costs of that pursuit, I'm really curious how anons and QW will handle that moment of realization. His current path of a strategist, working through others to bring about a desired outsome, will help lessen that sting, but I'm unsure if it'll be enough.
Alright, review over. Now it's time for general feedback and things not related to the quest but to the writing instead! Because it feels pointless to write these things without constructive criticism (and/or praise) tossed in.
I have read some of DrDragonfagQM's other quests, and the ESL is more noticeable here than in them. It's due to the nature of the genre ultimately - Wuxia just isn't right unless it goes into detail on how characters are fighting and that means actively paying attention to what's written (as an anon) and a need to be very particular about what is being called out and what isn't (as a QM). It's made it a little harder to get into as a result, but I admit I'm well-armored against the errors I see and I've enjoyed it regardless.
I was an amateur editor for a decent while, I know where my berserk buttons are and none of them are getting pushed. It's also not the sort of thing I can offer a huge amount of advice for short of finding an editor. I learned most of my writing habits from reading hundreds of fantasy books and whatever my school tossed at me. Much like QW, it's something I've been indirectly grinding for a while. There is no shortcut if you follow that route.
There are far less text blocks than in Heretic Cultivator at least. It's probably the main reason I held up better reading through these threads than when I was doing catch-up in HCQ a long time ago. Spacing is important to give my eyes a checkpoint when I need one, and I appreciate the lighter touch re: text blocks through most of NCQ.
A small thing that DrDragonfagQM does (in this and other quests) is opportunites for all anons to roll for a write-in benefit of some stripe. In this case, anons have ended up in other realms where semi-random loot exists and they can try to call for something they might be able to find there. Low enough rolls do have negative consequences, but I see it as an excuse to bring lurkers out of the woodwork and get something neat they can think about. If they succeed, it gives them an excuse to start discussing with other anons on how to use it, and I know that's the real ambrosia for a number of QMs.
>>6084190 >>6095763 (You)s are good, but discussion shows much more engagement in the quest. While not every quest can use this exact mechanic, trying to incorporate ways in which every anon can suggest something and have it give a benefit (or not, by the whim of the die) will boost engagement. And hey, if some samefagging occurs then at least they cared enough to get extra loot. Though backlinking to claim a prize is reasonable if you'd like to avoid that as a QM.
Also just realized I forgot my name on the other posts. Whoops.
>>6095761 >>6095763 >>6095764 I really like those reviews. Do you know what you're doing next? I have some hopes...
>>6095768 Revolutionary Man claimed the second spot. We’ll see if I burn out after that like I did the last time I did 2 or 3 reviews.
>>6095764 I am realizing I should have included an aside regarding how much to show anons regarding the under-the-hood stuff since it came up earlier, but I forgot. I’ll do a small write-up on that tomorrow.
>>6095779 Looking forward to it and hoping you do more. I'd still like to see your review of Magically Challenged now that the first thread is finally over.
Yes, I will continue to shamelessly shill the quest since the author won't. I really like it. Anonymous
>>6095782 Probably because I had reviewed Curse Carrier in the past! I’m apparently one of the few other people besides the AM who a) played Shira Oka: Second Chances and b) remembered it well enough to get the vibe from the quest. If I remember right someone else asked for the review and Curse Carrier confirmed they were okay with it.
I also got Magical Diary vibes from Magically Challenged before it was pointed out to me. Apparently the QM and I run in weirdly tight VN circles in spite of my lack of experience in the genre (compared to most other genres, at least) and how niche the quest inspirations are.
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>>6095787 Personally I think Magically Challenged is shaping up to be better than Curse Carrier. CC was great, but it obviously shows the issues that crop up in someone's first quest. It's more refined in design, so to say. But I'll leave the particulars to when you get around for your review.
>>6095761 >>6095763 Thanks for the review ArchiveBro!
Regarding the writing, I'm really doing my best and I though I had improved and ESL didn't showed as much as slight mistranslation exist in the genre. Oh well.
I'm trying really hard to choreograph the fighting scenes in my mind's theater (a reason why it took me quite a bit of time to write the Tribulation vs Aris) - were you able to see the fight unfold or am I not good a writer for that yet?
>>6095761 This review has been added to the quest review bin, which I hope will be readded to the QTG OP someday:
https://pastebin.com/Es9KmW3C Thanks as always for your hard work.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>STILL no official review of Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest
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>>6095896 Thanks! will add in the header of the upcoming threads.
Totally got me for the "roll for loot" thing regarding boosting engagement. Some realms are nicer than other. Growth realm is a wondrous thing that basically became the player's second home so by knowing the place, it was less risky.
If they stumble into Blood Realm or Death realm, however, let's just say that stakes might not be the same.
Eager to see the under-the-hood add-up
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>>6095898 Did you ask review anon for one?
>>6095501 Another mechanic I was thinking of (inspired by those trade freighter type ships you can build in GalCiv2) basically a 4X type game where you establish trade routes. My last setting was diceless so I am tempted to make a really dice mechanic heavy next gamehehe
It is a sort of blackjack type mechanic, longer trade route equates to more income, but each node / star system / planet of the trade route is a roll, and risks some hazard or something adverse occurring. So perhaps to start with, you are on a 1d4, 1:CATASTROPHE, 2: mild inconvenience, 3... etc. Each step of the trade route you roll the 1d4, the result represents the income.
You can make the trade route as long as you want, but obviously the more rolls, the more risk of the terrible catastrophe occurring. The idea is to achieve enough income to upgrade to the next step die (this might be represented as a better or upgraded ship ie 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12 etc and the chance of catastrophe on the 1 roll remains constant (hence better ship / upgraded step die translates to longer trade route more income etc).
I was going to call this system COSMOGONY: FARHAULER and conjoin it with my 88 IAU star constellation map from COSMOGONY, the precise star sectors chosen don't really matter, it is more just for lore / background worldbuilding storytelling purposes. Still thinking about this though. Another notion I had was setting it in some real world asteroid belt / hard space sci fi (asteroids inspired by that Fragile Allegiance game)
Also I wanted some mechanic where you could "bank" the income from a trade route at a cost, ie perhaps you could prematurely abort a trade route if you felt like you had earned a fortunate sequential run of good rolls. Still thinking about how to implement this though. I was also tempted to dump the space 4X setting and adopt some completely different aesthetic idiom or genre (flying carpets? Dragons? Pterodactyls? Instead of spaceships? hehe)
>SPACE PTERODACTYL ASTEROID TRADER: Laser Swords And Usury Edition Anonymous
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>>6095761 >>6095763 Thanks for this review, I might go and check the threads now.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6095920 >>6095920 >>6095920 And Solarpunk Thread #6 is finished!
New bread soonish because schedule is a bit packed at the end of Oct so I have to be finished by then, wait until after, or suffer 2-3 weeks of no updates mid-thread
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>>6063680 >Do you have any quest concepts that you really like the idea of, but for whatever reason aren't confident that you could run? It is less that I don't think I couldn't handle the quest concepts and ideas I have, it more because I don't have time for two quests at the same time. The ideas I have are too similar to the stuff I am currently doing so running two quests of same type, that would end up just eating way too much of my freetime.
>Are there any quests you're playing that you'd like to see revisited from a different angle, or with a twist? Claymore: Second Swords. Less with a twist, but more with the original idea. The quest started with the MC being a Claymore and doing Claymore things, but switched more into this kingdom building that I felt changed the dynamics too much.
>What multimedia franchises do you think would be best suited to /qst/, that haven't already generated a successful quest? I think there's space for a Starcraft quest in /qst/. There was the old Zerg Quest and Ghost Quest back in /tg/ days, but no big and proper /qst/ one has happened.
>Why don't you at least chime in to let the QM know you're reading? And do you ever share what you're reading with other people? I try to vote if I am reading a quest and if I am not sure about what is going on, rolling the dice is something everyone can do.
>What other boards do you frequent, besides /qst/? /tg/ unsurprising.
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>>6095898 You don't have a space monkey mafia? I won't read your quest
>>6095890 Ah, I am the wrong person to ask about visualizing scenes. I can (and have, fuck you Stephen King and R. A. Salvatore) read several pages of text describing a location, the characters, the interplay of light and moisture and smell of gasoline etc. etc. and it only takes up minimal room in my head. Dialogue and character interactions? That’s what I hold on to.
I’m just not a visual person, as both art and graphs have taught me. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but I’ll only get a few dozen on the first pass and figuring out the rest is as enjoyable as pulling teeth. It’s better to just give me the words upfront even though I’m still not going to use all of them effectively. Raw numbers are even better for my personal clarity even if it can feel like work crunching them instead.
That said, I do respect the effort that went into the most recent post for the same reason I still enjoy art museums since I get to appreciate someone else making something beautiful that I would never have the patience for. I’m well aware writing a scene like that would fry my brain by the tenth rewrite and I’d still be dissatisfied. I can’t visualize everything I was writing in a coherent way so I’d never know if I’d hit an appropriate level of descriptiveness to “paint” a scene or if most people would have it 200 words ago and they’d prefer I moved onto the next piece of the action.
It’s part of my personal frustration with my own writing and why I’ve always preferred being an editor instead of a creator. I’ve done my own writing (on sites I will never mention) and the payoff wasn’t worth the effort invested. God forbid I do something actually crazy like be a QM. No level of (You)s could sustain me before I collapsed into a brown dwarf. Never quite enough fuel to make it into a star, however dim it may have been.
When worldbuilding and writing, I have tendency to just straight rip off ideas I like instead of combining and remixing them into something new. How to make sure to avoid this, without outside help? Is there perhaps some checklist to go through when rereading your prose to identify when things are wrong?
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>>6096021 That's awfully bittersweet, redskull guiding us to what he might never claim style.
>>6095212 Okay, i'll say it since i've waited long enough
Akule Naonae is a copy of none other than Rudolf von Goldenbaum, Kaiser of the Galactic Empire from LOGH
>Once a young military man, dissastisfied with the degenerate state of his capitalist society >Gains power after becoming known for taking out an armed insurgent group >With this power, he leads out a coup against his capitalist society, enshrining himself as supreme leader >He then proceeds to lead an utterly ridiculous eugenic purge, ordering the death of billions for having inferior genes, culture, or some other form of inferiority. He kills basically everyone oustide of his chosen 'race' of people >In doing this, he basically starts to adopt an ancient culture, going so far as to revive the concept of nobility and noble families, choosing them from amidst the peopel with 'high quality genes'. This comes together with a bunch of other stuff from this culture he adopted. >In the end, he's basically created an empire where he stands as supreme emperor and is basically deified >Despite this, and his talk of eugenics, he ends up turning into an unhealthy shriveled raisin by the end of his life I'm certain there could be more comparisons i could squeeze out, but it kinda speaks for itself how they basically have the literal exact same life.
Curse Carrier DM
Magically challenged QM here, I have this problem where when I take a break it becomes harder and harder to stop taking a break, but I should post the next thread tomorrow (also posting it here so I can hold myself accountable since posting a deadline forces me to get my ass working)
>>6096037 The thread is good but is going really damn fast :/
>>6096050 Do you mean like, the pacing is bad?
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>>6096063 I mean I tried to catch up
And I'm at half the thread... With +300 posts that popped inbetween.
When I'll be caught up it'll be good to have a good pace though.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6096030 That's funny. I know about LOGH and its been on my watch list but still have not seen it. Very based serendipity.
>>6096078 Very big coincidence if you didn't actually know about him. I think you'd find some good inspiration for Monke quest in LOGH. Though I wouldn't start it right now if you want to actually make a new thread, that shit draws you in and it's pretty damn long.
>>6096030 >>6096078 >>6096088 >Legend Of The Galactic Heroes spaceship I had not heard of this, it sounds like a HORRIFYING ANIME but I concede that some of the spaceship designs look very cool. Why is everyone a SPACE GERMAN?? (also one space Chinese? why) Incidentally I was just image searching some of these, I wonder if the Falling Frontier videogame frigates have copied that spaceship look from the anime, hehe. I do enjoy this "four rockets around a spike" spaceship aesthetic
>>6096030 I would say that the synopsis you described, "young man becomes space emperor, then commits some atrocities" etc approximately describes the narrative trajectory of Dune as well. So it could just be a generalistic storytelling template that coincidentally fits the mould for many assorted space empire type narratives
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>>6096118 >Why is everyone a SPACE GERMAN?? Because Rudolf Goldenbaum killed everyone that wasn't (or couldn't pass as one) so he could larp as the German Empire. Literally calls himself Kaiser.
Everyone else, like the space chinaman, are people who escaped his genocide and fucked off to a far-off part of space to create a capitalist democracy.
It's funny how many similarities between monke and LOGH there are. Hell, we're even about to have our own "Kaiser Kasper"
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>>6096125 Well but it's not just "young man becomes emperor and commits atrocities", it's "young military man from degenerate democracy becomes emperor, does eugenic purge and starts larping as an ancient culture"
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>>6096078 It is a really good show and definitely worth watching.
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>>6095938 >Hard space sci-fi map ideas A map I found for delta-v budgets. Note that it is harder to reach Mercury than it is to escape the entire solar system (apparently you need to decelerate a lot to match orbits?) However I am not too sure if the transfers are as simple as adding or subtracting the "tube map" nodes I think there is something called the vis-viva equation? hmmmm I don't really know enough physics to implement this hmmm But in terms of gameplay, I was thinking of something like this, instead of the equirectangular "star constellation map 2d boardgame" lol fake equirectangular projection grid square thing I used for COSMOGONY, it would be cool to have actual reaction mass engines and visit / colonise / conquer actual Solar System destinations. The abstracted topological layout of this map is also ideal if you want to place miniatures of spaceships or orbital stations on the various destinations etc
I was also hunting for an equirectangular grid projection of Mars (annotated) this is unbelievably difficult to find in a high resolution, argh noooo
>>6096022 My internal checklist when editing included questions like “what purpose did this section serve”, “do I believe these characters or groups to be realistic”, and “do I believe scenes and characterization are still self-consistent”. They’re pretty basic to any story or world.
For the first one, reasons such as “this is a new location and the writer needs to establish a scene”, “this is establishing characters and how they see each other”, “this is underpinning the world they’ve built”, or “this is important context for a later situation” get an auto-pass. Things like “the scene is being set, but it’s in a familiar locale” or “this is an exchange between people who have already interacted a lot” or “there are multiple subfactions for this one group” will get an occasional question to see if things should be more concise. Expected answers would be ones like “I can’t trim it further without losing the picture in my head”, “we had a lot of plot-heavy stuff and readers need some time to digest”, “these characters have to do this because of their previous characterization and I want people to empathize with them”, or “I expect players/readers to work with this organization and it needs to seem thought-out”. If all of this holds up, it’s okay to be derivative in the grander plot. Many things are, but you’re paying attention to why it makes sense for things to be the way they are and it’s hard to build something compelling if you don’t.
If the answer to those questions is ever “because that’s what xyz did” or “it was cool” then I’d toss it back if you told me you wanted something good. That is acceptable among a list of reasons (“because I want to write it this way” is always applicable for example) but it shouldn’t be the main reason.
If you don’t think being cool or borrowing from something else is the main reason but you feel derivative anyway then I’d step back to review the characters, groups, and setpieces you’ve made and ask if they’re important. If they’ll just be set dressing, you’re fine. If they’ll be present but unchanging because that’s how they were elsewhere, think of some people or scenarios that could change them and add them in. If they’re present and they do change in their sources, think of how you could change them differently.
If you can do that, congratulations you’ve created something unique and can stop worrying on that particular piece. If not, you’ll need to do a deeper dive into what you really want out of your world before letting others loose in it.
Yes, this sort of analysis is the other reason writing is hard. I don’t blame people who decide they’d rather have others think it through and get back with them so they can be free to focus on creating.
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>>6096022 >>6096205 I would also say that repeating a scene is not necessarily a bad thing, but if it goes overboard it really does goes overboard. Archivebro mentioned “these characters have to do this because of their previous characterization and I want people to empathize with them”. I try to do the same, but how many times in a thread can you mention for example two characters in a relationship being all sweet and lovey-dovey? Finding that balance can be hard without repeating yourself too often.
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>>6095938 A travel-and-trade game with a sort of Heavy Metal meets Farscape meets Spelljammer vibe could make for a truly spectacular quest. I've actually been thinking about doing something similar, sometime...
>>6096030 Isn't that just because they both draw on similar IRL inspirations? Lots of authoritarian regimes:
>draw upon some conjured specter of a greater, purer past that may or may not exist and which they may or may not be heirs to >decry the degenerate, decadent, impure society of today >Ascend on the aback of a few early military PR victories, which they claim as proof of their ideology >Do brutal purges of inferior/unclean/alien people >Invent some mythology of the leader as an enlightened or chosen individual >fail to live up to their own mythology and either fade into a sad, wrinkled parody of greatness or die ignobly I think it's just a really common narrative for stories about that sort of dictator. Pretty much a deeply-embedded moral parable in our culture about that sort of path, at this point.
>>6096292 >I think it's just a really common narrative for stories about that sort of dictator. Only if you really stretch the meaning. Sure, a dictatorship might call upon an earlier culture, but how many of them completely arbitrarily pick an extremely minor culture and go full LARPer? The Goldenbaum Dynasty literally forced people to use horse-drawn carriages on their capital despite being a sci-fi empire, while the Hegemony has fucking knife duels for the position of supreme emperor.
>>6096299 Well, there's elements of that in Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, which drew on their own histories but amended, sanitized, modified, exaggerated, and ennobled real traditions from specific regions to recast them as national myths.
Admittedly it's a ways off from Akule ripping off the Blonde Apache Taliban, though one would plausibly draw a parallel between Akule as a physically unremarkable mongrel mainlader co-opting the culture of blonde mountain-monkeys and the National Socialist misuse of the term "Aryan" and "Caucasian" to refer to a hypothetical super tall, petty, Nordic blonde people from a mountain homeland. Or, moving away from Axis powers, I sort of regarded it as similar to how many IRL nations have implicitly or explicitly positioned themselves as heirs to the Greek or Roman empire even when it makes little ethnic/geographic sense.
There's also the whole dubious matter of some people alleging Adolf Hitler himself (the most obvious inspiration for both character) wasn't 'really' a pure German or Aryan but secretly was a little Jewish, which gets referenced in conspiracies and pop culture pretty often and usually serves to cast Der Fuhrer as pathetic, unworthy, or hypocritical.
I made the L. Ron Hubbard reference because part of the mythology of Scientology is that, as a teenager, he wandered into the desert and was made honourary "blood brother" to the Blackfeet Indians because of how wise and great he was, and then he went on to make himself a prophet/messenger of a sci-fi religion where everyone signs up to be part of an eternal space navy or whatever.
As for stuff like:
>forcing people to use old-fashioned 'traditional' technology >keeping archaic honour-duel traditions Those sorts of dramatic flourishes are very common in sci-fi. Dune has been brought up, but I'd also point to Marvel, where Doctor Doom's Latveria does the whole 'enforced medieval stasis' thing and Black Panther's Wakanda has formal duels to determine succession (even if it seems like most people just throw them voluntarily so the respect and established Panther Tribe can rule). Both are also sci-fi/fantasy societies. A bit more obscure (or at least less well-regarded) but these sorts of strange and outwardly asynchronous developments major plot-point in The Chronicles of Riddick.
All that is to see:
>tldr: I can very much believe Bananas when he says he never watched LOGH, because I haven't and all those plot points still seemed like obvious allusions to this general 'type' of character or person, and get used in sci-fi adventure fiction pretty often Anonymous
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>>6096315 >Well, there's elements of that in Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, which drew on their own histories but amended, sanitized, modified, exaggerated, and ennobled real traditions from specific regions to recast them as national myths.
Yeah, but that's the thing, by the time of the Goldenbaum Dynasty, it had been literally a thousand years since 'Germany' last existed. They didn't even live on Earth. Similarly, the Blondes were a small culture in the middle of a bunch of mountains.
>Those sorts of dramatic flourishes are very common in sci-fi. Not exactly. In all those other scenarios, the 'old' technology is usually given some reason as to why it's back. In Dune, for example, it's because of the personal shields that would cause a literal explosion if they were hit by laser guns. Other examples are just 'sci-fi fancy armor', or 'their society just never evolved past that'
In the specific scenarios i'm mentioning, however, it's an entirely arbitrary decision. There's literally not a single reason why Monkes duel to the death other than 'Akule said so'
In the end, while you're right that they share tropes...since, you know, every genre does, the sheer number of very specific coincidences between Rudolf and Akule are way higher than just a mere 'genre similarity'. Again, their life is literally the same from start to finish.
>>6096205 I feel this to be 100% unaligned with Normal Cultivator Quest grind. Oh well, this ain't about me
Speaking of your review and such, I'd be glad to read about my writing faults. Does it not feel too repetitive to read basically 10 updates of "you made one step to chinchong minor realm of Chanchong major realm" ?
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Tue 03 Sep 2024 19:43:34 No. 6096342 Report Quoted By:
>>6095608 Looking for a tiebreaker for the second vote here since it's half and half.
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>>6096321 The quest format does make a difference. You SHOULD use a different checklist when doing updates compared to building the world behind the scenes or writing a story you only intend people to read. People forgetting things for a vote can have long-term ramifications, updates being spaced out over a longer period mean the tolerance for repetition will be higher, the story needs to be flexible and nebulous enough to accommodate random people on the internet mucking about in it.
Most of the things I wrote about are for stories, but you can apply them broadly to a setting. If I had to come up with one for quest updates, I’d make it something like
>Do anons understand what they’re about to vote on? >Do anons understand the consequences of each vote? >>If not, is it because I’ve hidden something from them that they’ll blame me for, they missed something and they’ll blame themselves, or will they accept it as a consequence of imperfect knowledge because it’ll affect the future in ways none of us could fully predict? Sure, some may curse their past decisions but I consider that “accepting them” from a QM perspective. Can’t control everything as a QM. >What was I hoping to show with this update? >>Do I think I accomplished it? and so on.
In a narrative quest like Normal Cultivator, I think it’s safe to say an engaged audience should want to understand Quiet Word. Any instance of “you’ve made 1/1,000,000th of a step along the road of progress from cultivation”? I’d accept seeing that every update where he progresses his foundation because QW is absolutely paying attention to it and either feeling exhilarated or crushed depending on the results. Understanding his current mental state also matters from a gameplay perspective so things that have an impact on that always have an excuse to receive a little attention.
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>Or ask /qtg/ for a tie break, but truthfully, I don't really want a tiebreaker coming in for the sake of tiebreaking. >>6096212 /qtg/, break this man’s tie.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Wed 04 Sep 2024 02:56:12 No. 6096635 Report Linking my thread again since it's got the most important write-in yet up for vote.
>>6096626 >>6096628 Without any knowledge of Pokémon as a name, nor the many species' size-related abilities or their tendency to fit into baseball-sized capsules, what would a Gilded Age naturalist try to name the general term for all 1017 species?
A'ight, QMs and players. Here's a little challenge for you. Pick your quest, a quest you like or even your least favourite quest and have a rummage around in your playlists for a track or song you think could be its theme tune, the leitmotif of something in it or even just a memorable moment and post it. Quests need more /mu/ coolness.
>>6096643 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C5fUQYHyPE No I won't say the quest. This is pretty decent for the behind the scenes headspace for the MC. Kind of haunting but hopeful. Like freedom and happiness is on the other side of a door but it's barred shut. Tragic, in a word.
one of my players said this is a song they associate with my quest:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C2K889u_90 but for me the 'theme song' is more this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJY1TomgkBs The Merchant
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>>6096635 >>6096643 >>6096658 >>6096664 Musical Themes you say?
What do you call it when Lemonjello and his girlfriend Felopia decide to freebase cocaine in bed?
Find out in tonights edition of the Merchant Zombie Survival Quest!
But wait, we're doubling your value! That's right, attract a horde of undead ghouls and get one free!
That's right, two for the price of none. We're practically giving them away!
Join us at the corner of Rankin and Northborough for a free entry into tonight's flesh peelingly exciting edition of the Merchant Zombie Survival Quest.
Use promo code: "365 degrees" for a fully loaded beltfed machine and questionable paramilitary affiliation at sign in.
The only thing hotter than our savings is a dead thug's crack pipe.
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:4GM+18AW Wed 04 Sep 2024 08:00:29 No. 6096807 Report Quoted By:
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6096643 I used this in the first OP as a soundpost I don't think anybody heard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mILIq_DBmy8 I intend to use more liefmotif like I did with the encounter in the latest thread but opportunities are rather rare and doing it for everything would quickly wear it out.
Curse Carrier DM
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>>6096037 >>6096986 >>6096987 >>6096988 Something something new magically challenged thread. Couldn't be bothered drawing something interesting so I just had a character profile. Also gave every teachers name because I keep forgetting to do that, and it's better to do it early before it becomes increasingly hard to justify why you don't know their names (the QM forgot)
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>>6096299 It boils down to audience being familiar with Germans why LOGH decided to go with the theme. Does it make sense within setting for this to happen not really, but real life audience will recognise it and get more immersed with the show. That is why thematic choices like this are often done.
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>>6096643 >>6096970 >ANIME NOOOOOO qst is CONTAMINATED WITH ANIME noooo for some reason, whenever I imagine dancing idol anime girls with TRIANGULAR EYES TINY NOSES ISOCELES FACE I think of this music, it isn't even real anime music, but for me it captures the feeling. As you may know, much of the forgotten first person shooter Syndicate 2012 is Skrillex the dubstep synth brap noises are hilarious EXCEPT for this track.
I am not sure who composed this song, but I imagine it as the ultimate anime idol song. It is not very long or clever, but it is catchy.
This song is for all quests that feature the dreaded animes, play it LOUD and IMAGINE THE JIGGLE (smell)
SYNDICATE (2012) OST: ASPARI EXTRACTION (nightclub theme)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6B82l5Mk4bg Anonymous
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Testing testing
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:cDPsvhu3 Wed 04 Sep 2024 20:45:26 No. 6097271 Report I should probably participate in /qtg/ from time to time ...
>>6063680 >QM question: Yes, quite a few. Quests with monster girls include between a pirate and a mermaid, between a wendigo and a truck driver, a cripple and a centauress, and a survival with prehistoric man and a harpy. But those are all on the brainstorm stage, they need more flesh to be proper quests. Another thing I really want to run is a quest set in a summer camp from the camp counselor's perspective, but that's also missing a good idea to make it interesting.
>>6097271 Fantasy Racemixing summer camp?
>>6097273 Isn't that just Magically Challenged Quest?
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>>6097362 That's Fantasy Racemixing High. Fantasy Racemixing Summer Camp is when someone stays at the hippie village from Seekers of the Esoteric for a few weeks.
>>6097362 Is it really racemixing if you're basically fucking a giant bunch of worms?
holy shit table is Foo Fighters Anonymous
>>6097407 The line on where fucking fantasy races crosses the line into bestiality is a hotly debated topic.
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>>6097413 No, it's not bestiality, it's more like whether the forgotten qualify as a race. Weirdly enough, despite being literal worms, they're apparently highly compatible with everyone else.
She's still bestest girl, though.
>>6097413 I generally abide by the Harkness Test.
W. A. Termelon, The Undertaker
W. A. Termelon, The Undertaker ID:cj5bo9oR Thu 05 Sep 2024 01:32:07 No. 6097450 Report Quoted By:
I highly recommend players looking for quests to join check out Merchant Zombie Survival Quest. You can jump in at any time and co-create a personalized collaborative story with a zaaaaany QM! There are plenty of open jobs that need attending to!
>>6090491 >>6091431 Anonymous
>>6097407 Worms are NOT plankton!
>>6097419 I don't care how many languages it speaks and how well it articulates its consent, if it looks like a dog you're going on a list if you fuck it.
>>6097533 YOYO: You Only Yiff Once
Do furries still say 'yiff'? I haven't kept up on the nuances of that subculture since SomethingAwful was popular. BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6097538 No. Usually only used in ironic context or as a signpost for sexual furry content (ie; the "yiff" discord channel)
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>>6097513 But some worms can produce milk!
Now is that any relevant, no but still worth mentioning.
>>6097413 >>6097538 >>6097539 You get this picture of Mariel Of Redwall, a fierce mousemaiden whose main weapon is a piece of seawater-sodden rope (rigging?) with some possible bdsm flagellation innuendoes. The illustrator of the UK first edition covers, Gary Chalk, was also the same illustrator for a lot of old warhammer black and white designs, also Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf gamebooks, his art was very pretty
>>6097738 I'd kill every last one of you for a good Redwall quest. And I'm just being honest
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6097740 UGH
Finally... the GOOD fantasy Quest...
>>6097743 My thing is damsel in distress scenarios. The helplessness, ooohhh. It is actually quite hard to find convincing portrayals of these nowadays, hmmm
I have a quest to update, but I want to poopsock grind my MMOs and don't want to abandon my readers yet what do
>>6097890 Your MMO isn't going anywhere. Your readers are.
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>>6097743 Supreme Fantasy Monke Ruler quest when?
>>6097895 Not so fast, I have a sub to pay. Time is literally money. Bet other QMs could do it all, damn them to the seven hells for gatekeeping me
>>6097910 Stop playing MMO's and you can update your quest while keeping the money you would spend on the monthly subscription. You literally can't lose.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6097915 Yeah haha, games shouldn't take away time from Questing of course...
>>6097916 Stop playing that Deadlock and start playing this one
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>>6097916 >Family trip >Sickness >Gaming This new thread is cursed.
>>6097916 >Deadlock I did watch some of that game, I have to confess I struggle to see the appeal. It just looks so generic, Overwatch Fortnite Valorant Borderlands dmg numbers and the vending machines from those horrible cod zombie games argh. There is something about this modern videogame art style which infuriates me, it is the cartoony not quite cell shaded but sort of flat saturated bland colour generic cartoonish videogame look, I think Fortnite is of course responsible for much of the promulgation of its accessibility and tremendous success, it is also the common banal mobile game look. It is even spreading to things like Warhammer and Bethesda new Doom games, which is really horrible. (Compare the look of Warhammer Space Marine 2, rogue trader etc to something like those trailers for the Forever Winter game, which is far closer to what I imagine grimdark 40k to resemble. For reference, I imagine 40k looking like the left side old illustration here
>>6082169 ) I guess the Fortnite / Valorant / Deadlock videogame style is a very popular aesthetic, but it is just so ubiquitous and generic, I wish the big popular studios would try to adopt some other styles too
>>6097930 Based, the last good Ratchet & Clank game. The end of an era, the Golden Age of Gaming that came to a close with the PS2 being phased out. Then came the Silver Age of the XBOX 360 & PS3. Last was the Bronze Age of games that were still at least complete on arrival. Now we dwell in the DLC Yuga, the Dark Age, where quality game design is vanished from the world...
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6097935 Trust me, I thought the same shit at first. It's just a really good game with fun characters. It's a little woke and cringe (and still very in-Alpha playtest) but very playable. If you grew up playing a lot of MOBAs it's like that but also being a fast paced action shooter game which is just not a very common genre. I never played it but a LOT of people have been craving a game like Monday Night Combat and this is apparently the closest modern descendant. This is not to shill the game but I genuinely did not think I'd get addicted to it. I'm also in that very pathetic age/lifestyle group of people that actually really, really wants to get addicted to new games (even better if they're free) because if I'm not wasting my life playing a game I'll be wasting my life browsing 4chan which is honestly such a low fucking bar for achievement it's embarrassing to even say but that's genuinely my life.
>>6097949 Browsing 4chan saved me from killing myself, so I don't feel the same as you
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>>6097949 I disagree on the 4chan part, this is the only place where I can truly discuss things that Interest me.
Also /qst/ of course, all the other quest sites are shit.
>>6097943 >>6095101 >>6097769 >>6097943 >DARK AGE of VIDEOGAMES It is like the post-apocalyptic wasteland the crushing monstrous leviathan hunter-killer dlc murder juggernauts leeching the heat signatures of profit from the ruins of the imagination, crushing the skulls of senseless masses underfoot so you must hide in the wreckage and shadows, you must dig through the dessicated scorched corpses and irradiated ash dunes to salvage and retrieve the delicate fragile relics of the long-lost forgotten and wondrous past
It is ok though there are endless amounts of old games to play. For example I am trying to move the camera to study the fascinating rearside tail swish of this character. Sadly there is no readily available gif of this furnished anywhere on the internet
NwN2 is a good game the opening tutorial Harvest festival scene is actually a really good dnd introduction, I thought it was extremely clever whoever set that up as it is a really good framing device that introduces all the magic / thievery / fighting mechanics (you compete in a series of mock-battle / village challenge harvest competitions). NwN2 has a really cosy feel it is indeed the most stereotypical and generic dnd story ever but it somehow just feels splendid and wondrous and innocent like a true childhood adventure. I know about the thing of the animations ie NwN2 whilst being a huge step up in graphics and 3d scenery / character models etc from nwn1 but the animations for spells and fighting are really poor, it is like 1 lame sword swing then pause every 6 seconds lol they look like incredibly pretty dead 3d statues whereas nwn1 had beautiful intricate sword parrying and sparks flying gestures and dodging and feinting animations despite the crude polygonal models. But I think nwn2 is still an interesting bridge for old Bioware, it is like the game that bridges in style and aesthetics from the BG2 days to Dragon Age. The voice acting is very American lol everyone is medieval Californian but it is ok, I just arrived at Neverwinter city itself, I can see myself getting into this game
>>6097952 There is another videogame gif I really want, maybe I will fire up the game and screen record or make a gif of it myself, but there is this spell in Clive Barker's Undying, it is called Invoke it is actually mostly useless in the game, the main purpose is to cast it on some skeletons to prevent them from resurrecting whenever you kill them etc. The other purpose of that Invoke spell aside from permanently disintegrating skeletons, you cast it on corpses of enemies you kill eg the Howlers (feral frog/wolf horn demon dog things, the most common enemy) and they resurrect and fight by your side instead (this is actually useless due to the way the AI barely responds or detects enemies until they have shredded you).
But what the Invoke spell does against HUMAN enemies (eg the Trsanti, they are these occult gypsy-pirates armed with firearms and knives) against a living enemy, the Invoke spell causes them to really graphically go insane and kill themselves
I was incredibly impressed the first time I witnessed this (pirate Trsanti literally starts screaming ranting, turns his revolver towards his mouth and blows his own brains out) I think Clive Barker's Undying is the only videogame I know of which graphically depicts suicide and lets you compel enemies to suicide themselves lol in this manner (also if you do this, the game does not let you then Invoke their suicide corpse to resurrect / re-summon suicided humans to fight on your behalf in an infinite loop unfortunately, so it is a waste of mana)
I really wanted a gif of this animation, I was thinking of this Invoke suicide spell from this videogame because I was watching the latest Harry Potter videogame and whilst the Unreal Engine shaders and particle animations are pretty, I was disappointed the Hogwarts excruciation and murder spells did not have the same impact, hehe
In the absence of any Clive Barker Undying videogame suicide spell gif, you get Nicolas Cage mental breakdown face instead. This face when confronted by modern bland Fortnite mobile videogame art style tee hee hee
>>6097949 Anonymous
>>6097952 >>6097977 Ok it would probably take too much effort for me to load up a savegame and console command warp myself to a level with this but I found a youtube stream of someone trying the Invoke suicide spell, I actually did not know it could be used at such long range lol but it is basically this, the sound effects are pretty gruesome up close. Bear in mind this game graphics, Clive Barker's Undying released in 2001 lol. I don't think I have seen any other videogame that does anything like this, despite the plethora of magic and sorcery common to all videogames
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>>6097949 It is ok Bananas if you are enjoying the game, then there must be some entertainment merit to it hehe. The only MOBA I ever played was Vainglory (on mobile) I probably spent far too much time stutter stepping and also purchasing all the bikini swimsuit special outfits ahem mostly for characters I did not even use. I was actually on Discord back then and that Vainglory game made me ragequit Discord, my memory of MOBAs like all ranked games is they are incredibly rage-inducing frustrating lol when you are in a match with some communication failure amongst teammates, which is why whenever I now play ranked matches in Arena Breakout I only rank to Ace by hiding like a coward and solo grinding rank points alone completely by myself lol, nowadays I avoid team games because of the online rage lol. I am actually most comfortable solo online, I did play CS:Source a long time ago but mostly my original experience of online games were 1on1 deathmatch in quake 3, ut99 ut2k4 etc Except nowadays I can no longer aim, so old Bioware games and 4X games it is then, hehe
I am also playing Sword Of The Stars thank you Bananas I think it was you that recommended it to me on some qtg a while back thank you thank you lol, I had seen it before but originally did not want to play it (I was turned off by the art, the insects and lizard and dolphin people etc)
>>6088734 but it turns out, the spaceship combat is INCREDIBLE you can do all these tactical manoeuvers in real time with hundreds of spaceship builds, I realised the team were the devs of Homeworld Cataclysm (some of the controls like M to move from Homeworld and the ctrl+number combat groups etc) hence the Homeworld style ship physics and targeting, the game is so good. Also the realspace map in Sword Of The Stars is so cool, I like fighting over real-life star system names and deploying the CnC fleets hehe, the 3d star map (similar to the old dos game Ascendancy) is amazing, I am really into this old 2008 game yay
At some point I am going to play (old) Sins Of A Solar Empire too, I keep starting and aborting and getting confused by that game lol. I think it is because it is more similar to like Command And Conquer than a 4X game, all the units and tech trees are confusing Also I have the Eve Online mod for it, when I finally learn and memorise all the units and controls I will play that hehe
>>6097943 Haven't you heard? The time of DLC is ending. Now comes the "Live Service" and "QUADRUPLE A" era. Huh? Those will still have DLC in them? FUCK
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6097916 Surely you must be good after playing 75 hours right QM? Surely? You must have a great winrate? Surely?
There's no way....
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Day 648 waiting for Vegeta's Quest.
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>>6097977 >>6097995 I know some games where characters do kill themselves or your actions push them to kill themselves, but this directly? Yeah this wouldn't fly nowadays.
>>6098081 https://www.4chan.org/banned Does no one here know you can just use this
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https://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/6065973#bottom Primitive fantasy survival continues. The protagonist has confronted the newcomer about his dubious backstory, resulting in a tense standoff.
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>>6097916 How work in progress is that game? I am somewhat interested in it, but I don't want to test half finished project.
>>6097949 4chan in general sucks, especially in current year, but /qst/ is pretty good.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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We have one last 30 minute chance for one vote and a second has opened up while I get ready to type up the results of the 1st when they are tallied
at Ilvermory Quest on this fine Thursday. Come on over, we have twins!
>>6089315 Anonymous
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>>6098351 Stop fucking crying, doomer trash.
>>6092228 Then write fanfiction fuck nigga, the ONE halfway decent GoT isekai I ever seen and it was tuined cause some horny fool wanted to write yaoi in a fantasy setting. Shit's supposed to be a CYOA format not a dating sim with bad ends.
>>6098523 Nah man, AntiFanfiction is where it's at now. Modern fanfics are so bad and often get pushed as official material by hack writers so clearly the only option is to go into something you hate and write something better out of spite. If we're getting Sonichu levels of shit as canon it is proper to invade the proverbial writing rooms to assert dominance.
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>>6098523 Clearly we need a dating sim quest, but unfortunately, I believe no such quest currently exists, nor would it garner attention should it openly declare it so on it's sleeves.
>>6098538 Sonichu quest when?
>>6092219 This is funny since the only asoiaf quest I can recall doing incest was the bastard of Westeros one. I never read any of the Isekai ones though so maybe that's where it came from.
>>6098523 Such is the fate of fanfiction turned into canon. I hate this timeline.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6098690 >I hate this timeline. Me and you both, brother. I swear, CERN has one tech designated to make everything stupider and more gay every time they shift world lines.
>>6098632 I will admit I am not strong enough to immerse myself fully enough to snatch the essence of such a thing.
>>6098694 >tfw the particles they were smashing released gaydiation Anonymous
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>>6098249 It doesn't show rangeban status, only individual bans.
>>6098042 >age of AAA videogames, games-as-a-service I always recoiled at this appellation, I guess instead of Unreal Engine 5 Nanite ALL THE SPARKS AND LIGHTS LOOK AT MY FACE IT IS SO REAL I associate it with S&P credit ratings for LEH lol I don't know who was the first to apply that triple A rating terminology to games hmmm. I remember when I met gaming companies particularly the GaaS / games-as-a-service models they had all these metrics around user acquisition cost and monitored or engineered metrics like friend signups within 14days etc (on the thesis that if you signed up your friends to play the live service game model there would be improved retention peer pressure etc, all these dark design patterns to lure you in and captivate / cage your attention) On this basis even if Deadlock is a fairly generic game, Valve clearly can afford to cross-promote or hype it easily as they obviously enjoy far lower user acquisition costs with their huge advantage of a captive audience on Steam, perhaps that is why the game is entitled Deadlock to represent the stagnant inevitable culmination of what videogames have become
I think a lot of the GaaS game model optimisation derives from the AARRR type funnels from early digital companies (Acquire Activate Retain Refer Revenue) there are variants of the acronym but the funnel was essentially the formula to ramp user growth etc with very little attention devoted to considerations of product quality or feedback (note how the all-pervasive digital funnel growth hack models are sort of agnostic towards design features of the product/service lol, you could use them to hype anything, regardless of any quality considerations or benefit/value-added to the user/society, WeWork, Theranos, crypto, metaverse, chatgpt LLMs etc) I wonder if nowadays there are any companies that achieve success profitability and scale revenues (not just trapped in a niche) whilst purposefully rejecting these formulas hmmm, if that is even possible anymore (as if you don't adopt these distasteful marketing practices, VC hype funded competitors or others will etc)
Anyway here is NVDA Jensen signing a boob. I never asked for this
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>>6098751 >I never asked for this amusingly Elias Toufexis had a brief role in The Expanse too, he plays a cyber corporate spy / saboteur with a bionic eye implant thing, he has the exact same Adam Jensen voice lol it is funny
This may be a rude thing to ask, but what would ya'll say is the best site to host a quest on which isn't here on QST? I've tried running quests here in the past and it just didn't jive with me. QQ is out cause I don't want to run anything explicit. I'm just not comfortable running smut. I'm not certain if I should avoid fiction.live for the same reason. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing the place was basically full of degenerates. I'm not sure what that leaves me as options.
>>6098765 > I'm just not comfortable running smut Good luck then, most places are just that. Fiction.live has 'non-smut' quests too, but most of their voters are just plain retarded and will bot the votes to get whatever they want, so good luck there if you try.
>>6098771 I guess it must sound convenient, but it's my belief that /qst/ is the most 'normal' quest site. Other sites are either dead, coomer central, or 'literally just worm fanfiction'
>>6098694 >>6098732 >CERN particle accelerator Are you familiar with KEK
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/KEK https://www.kek.jp/en/ I believe there is also a SuperKEK
>>6098772 The lack of archiving drives me nuts. Yes I know suptg exists but I never figured out how to add a thread there and having to go to a different site to try and catch up for new players irritates me on principle.
>>6098694 >timelines etc I haven't played this game myself or even watched it, but I heard about it when I was researching obscure RTS narratives and gameplay mechanics. It is apparently a strategy game that lets you rewind time and simultaneously play battles in the past present and future
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achron >The main aspect in Achron is the use of "chronoporters" that allow equipment or troops to be transported to certain instances of time. Players can simultaneously play in the past, present, or future. Only a certain distance can be traveled in the past. After a while, the time-waves will occur, bringing along every change from the past into the present. Because the changes aren't instant, that gives the players a chance to react to the opponents' moves before they become irrevocable and directly linked to the present... >For instance, if the player is attacked at an unexpected spot, they can travel to the past and move their army towards the spot where they now know the attack will occur. Or if the player waged a battle which ended in defeat, they can jump to the past and prevent the battle from ever happening. That said, the opponent may alter the course of events as well in order to counter any changes in history the player made. Entire battles may take place in the speculative future as well, and players may take a look into the future to know what the results of their actions will be (...) Originally I had this idea for a sci-fi near future / contemporary extraction shooter setting, that involved operators from the future raiding the past for relics whilst simultaneously operators from the past attempted to enter the future to alter its catalysmic / apocalyptic fate etc in a sort of Terminator: Salvation looking theme (not that different a setting from what I described here in the videogame Dark Age lol)
>>6097956 The premise was going to be something along the lines of LLMs / AI hehe causing some sort of societal rupture similar to that "Phone Call" incident in Dollhouse (sci-fi Joss Whedon tv series where tech exists that can reprogram human identities memories and personalities, initially it is confined to heavy bulky cyberpunk looking MRI scanner machine chair things, but gets militarised / weaponised into an audio signal that goes over the air in a phone call, anyone who picks up and answers is reprogrammed into the typical psychotic murder-drones etc) The idea is that you would hunt for relics that restored memories, humanity / confirmed events in the timeline and verified reality, history etc. I amassed a lot of concept art for this game setting but in the end I rejected it for being far too byzantine and derivative. Also I could no longer take AI seriously after Sam Altman antics and Jensen Huang signing a boob
>>6098780 Isn't it also on archived.moe? When i press 'archive' on 4chanx it leads me there and i can see this thread.
But yeah, it's not very good.
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>>6098789 Well damn. Maybe I'll have to just give it a go here. Worst that happens is it dies I guess.
In an attempt to gauge the quality of new QMs and quests the board has been receiving in recent times, I will read through and give my thoughts on quests on their first thread.>Hangout Red Didn't even start yet, so what can I even say? It's just a premise, system and a choice that doesn't matter if it doesn't proceed further.>carte blanche I've never been one for a draw quest, so I have nothing to say on the art front. It's easy to read, and feels more like an ARG that it does a narrative. I imagine trying to edit an update to fit within a self imposed limitation below the post limit is time consuming, so I get the lull between sparse looking posts.>Dark Quest #1 Now we're running into a QM I hear about. Skipped, sorry. But in all seriousness, I don't feel like I can say much about established QMs. They've been going along long enough to be known, so they've likely heard most of what I could come up with. Good quest, keep at it I guess?>Petty Gods #01 Somebody I don't know, so I feel the need to read more into it. Attempting to put aside personal biases, it's a multiplayer quest. I don't really partake in those, and such have nothing of value to say. Sorry. >Hexpandables: Ticket to Ride Skirmish, another thing I don't really read or otherwise partake in. /qst/ is lacking in new things I do want to read, but that's just me being me. >Tide of Ages Quest A reboot of a quest from long ago, though I admit I skipped over the post where that was mentioned the first time I read it through. Never having read the original, I do take interest in the gimmick of each thread being told from another descendant, but that requires, well, another thread to fully realize. I don't feel like I need to read the forbearing quest though, this being good enough to stand on it's lonesome merits. Good quest, if it continues. >MIMIR: A Lousy Copy of a 40k A.I. Forgive me /qst/ and /tg/, for I have sinned. I utterly don't care for the 40k setting at all. Still, the idea of being a computer that has to manage resources to function, eeking out power to go further along does appeal to me. However, the formatting of the posts makes it hard for me to continue reading. Sorry?> Medieval Post-Post Apocalypse Quest I take from the title that the apocalypse happened long ago, and this is sometime into a society resulting from it. It reads and is written more like an adventure game, but I'm unable to articulate how or why that is the case. Having to pick multiple choices from different sets as a regular occurrence isn't something I see too often. Here's to it continuing. I'm too lazy to keep reading onwards, and the next one I would cover going by creation date is a shitpost anyways. I'd rather end it on a legitimate quest, so yes, everything I did not cover is in fact, a lazy no effort shitpost. Sorry, not sorry.
>>6098866 I lied, I was just out of characters to continue. Lets do a few more baby!
>Evie Is Angry Early 2000s teenaged girl angst simulator. A lot of the choices I feel are setting up the player goal's and methods rather that it being decided for them by the QM. Evie is clearly unwell, and I feel like we're going though all this for her, rather than with her, if that makes sense.
>Grotto Anecdote Cave Story DrawQuest. Not to knock on the QM or anything, but I don't see much hooking me into it. I could just play the game instead? Drawings remind me of when /v/ wasn't insufferable though, so kudos for that.
>Scumbag Boxing Coach Quest Normally, when I see sports stuff its through the POV of the athlete, not the coach. Setting up the fights for your man though any means possible, usually the dirty kind is something I struggle to recall being done anywhere else. This is the part where I also tell you I don't partake in sports in any kind other than cultural osmosis.
>Pretty Smile On a Pretty Face This quest sucks. Sucks blood, because you're a vampire. It hasn't gone far enough for me to say fairly it didn't do anything interesting to me yet, so I'll wait and see. My eyes are on you.
>School Life Revenge Quest I guess this is why we don't see alot of quests in this vein. I already feel like the QM is gonna hit a wall where the school structure is too stifling to do anything of value. The quest touts itself proudly with revenge, and the player character is amazingly petty, deluded, and otherwise too cowardly to do anything upfront. I don't really want to read it though, updates are thickened with bloat and need some editing or trimming.
Now I'm actually too lazy to keep on reading, the last one was pretty rough for me. I'm well below the character limit this time, so farewell /qtg/. Know that this board is doomed if this is your fresh blood, so I'm going back to akun where we thrive.
>>6098866 >>6098873 The thing about authors is that only a few out of every batch ends up being good. Recently we've had the addition, for example, of curse carrier QM, who is already on his third quest this year alone.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6098786 The video game sounds pretty cool, though not a huge RTS fan, cool concept.
Your thing sounds interesting; normally I didlike time travel BS on principle, with a few exceptions but that sounds interesting!
>>6098774 Okay the people from the future sending agents back in time are just fucking with us now
>>6098874 Authors can be as good as they want, but if nobody reads and votes in their quest they won't be on /qst/ for much longer. That's a problem I have no idea how to rectify other than just ads.
>>6098881 Out of curiosity what does the readership/participation on the board look like these days?
>>6098952 Poorly. It's extremely lopsided towards one thread in particular, /qtg/, in which the number of unique IDs vastly overnumbered every other quest combined. No one else can even hope to compete.
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>>6098952 I dunno, I skimmed any reader posts and read what the QM put out instead. Readership is an impossible metric to determine without such things like a view count, seeing as I went through those quests without voting myself.
I guess you could extrapolate readership from posts made to thread age, but that's more or less a very rough estimate that's dependent on a speedy QM. Once a day is the norm for quests here, after all.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6098952 Depends. I am getting like 3-5 votes for my fairly new quest aside from the character creation post. Big ones like STV get like, mid teens? Small quests can go days with out getting enough rolls or votes.
Depending on the quest, there can be a crap ton of planning/discussion like in Cleaner or DHQ or just votes for even moderately popular ones.
So kinda schizo really.
Acording to 4stats we are getting .5 posts a minute right now.
>>6098952 Honestly I prefer a smaller, better number of voters than something like akun where you have hundreds of voters but they're all the lowest common denomination retards who only like generic harem isekais.
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>>6098975 It's only REALLY bad when no one is interacting outside of voting. Having only a handful of people who are interacting and debating and spitballing is extremely comfy.
>>6098978 Speaking of character creation, how much would I be shooting myself in the foot if I ran a ttrpg based quest without doing character creation? Just presented them with the character they'll be playing as fait acompli. I haven't really had the best luck with character creation in my previous quest attempts here. Is character creation a big draw to attract a player base or can you get by without it?
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>>6098689 That's the only one I think. Anons are forming opinions based on one player copy pasting the horny squire MC's inner monologue about his half-sister into qtg to shame the QM. The source material unironically has more incest than the fanfic quests. The bigger problem in the quests were the coomer/purityfag wars derailing things.
>>6098987 >Is character creation a big draw to attract a player base or can you get by without it? Honestly even if a lot of people participate in character creation people will drop out of it if what they get is too different from what they wanted. It's usually simpler and better to just roll with something you want to write rather than asking a bunch of people what they want only for potentially half to drop out after they don't get it.
>>6098992 True, I generally opt out when a protagonist gets voted to be female but I've followed some quests where the MC was a woman from the start (Jail quest just got another thread for example)
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6098987 I mean for like IRL TTRPG? As long as they know what they are getting into? For quests, I have played plenty of 'em with an established character that were good, a lot of fun. Part of this whole hobby is being able to role-play, stick yourself in the character's shoes; also, just because it is a premade character doesn't mean players can't add quirks and personality to the character. I think it is fine, personally.
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whenever I play a quest character creation usually puts me off, unless its a style of in-universe character creation where we pick the MCs hobbies and interests as a way to determine their strengths and weaknesses I'd rather have the MCs name and gender already sorted out by the QM before it starts.
Would this be the best place to gauge interest to get an idea of how many potential players there might be on the board?
>>6099010 yes you can pitch quests here
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6099010 Give it a shot, I would give my thoughts.
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>>6099043 Thank you, Mister Lincoln.
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>>6098987 Skipping character creation is better imo. Players want to optimize, and optimized characters are boring.
>>6098952 Pretty small.
>>6098978 says it pretty accurately, 3-5 is normal, HOT is 20+. A niche concept or a slow start might be one-two votes a prompt even after a day or two.
>>6099029 >>6099043 >>6099056 Alright well the pitch is pretty simple. Legend of the Five Rings alt timeline pre scorpion clan coup. MC would be a young lion clan bushi turned ronin on a quest to survive and try and reclaim his honor. I don't know how many people on this board are into L5R, but if I can get three or four that's all I need really.
>>6099066 Stop making me miss L5R Chanbara Quest, damnit. I still hope for the day our Crabboy will return and reunite with best girl again...
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>>6099069 In all seriousness though, yeah, I'd be down for it.
>>6099066 sounds interesting. would have to go through the books again to catch up on the lore in general
>>6099066 I fucks with this hard, please run it. Always wanted to play L5R but my friends are allergic to fun
>>6099069 I wish I had been there for that. I've read it in the archives, but reading it isn't the same as having lived it. Amazing quest. I would love nothing for than for it to come back.
>>6099079 I'd try to provide enough context that even those who are less familiar with the setting would be able to follow along. Certainly I'd be happy to answer questions.
>>6099080 Yeah it can be hard to get a group together. Figure this would be a good way to scratch the itch and get writing again.
One thing though. I wanted to try running the quest using 5e's rules. I never got the chance to give that edition a go IRL and I'm curious. I figure worst comes to worst we back port/convert the character to 4e if it's terrible, but I'd like to at least try it for a bit. That a deal breaker for anyone?
>>6099088 i have the 5th editions books. but seeing how i have yet to read them thoroughly that would be appreciated.
>>6099093 I'd be sticking closer to 1rst-4rth ed lore for the most part. I would borrow some things from 5th. I like the new Phoenix family for instance. The 5th ed books should be able to help you understand the world, things are largely similar, but if you've only read the 5th books there would definitely be a few things that would require clarification.
>>6099096 sounds good then.
count me in
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6099066 I dig it. There have been a couple in the past but not ones that went to completion.
>>6099069 RIP
>>6099066 Even barring being into L5R, samurai are always a classic and crowd pleaser. To say nothing of ninjas, shugenja wizards, and horrific monsters.
>>6099088 >I would love nothing for than for it to come back. I've always wanted to write a short story using the two protagonists back at their respective homes, talking to their friends about where they got their funny new chopsticks, but my lack of confidence in my writing skill and issues with spending my time wisely keeps pulling me back...
Anyways, I'd love to try playing a ronin game for a bit. Hell, anything that's samurai flavored, there's a bunch of "Cultivator" stuff on /qst/ now, but bushido is few and far between.
China trying to influence the west through /qst/, maybe? IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6099113 >my lack of confidence in my writing skill People think they are worse than they are, I believe. If you like what you have written, that is enough.
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>>6099113 >>6099108 >>6099105 >>6099097 Well alright then. I'll get started on the intro. Gonna be pretty long so it may take me a few days.
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>>6098780 >I never figured out how to add a thread there Anon, it's dead simple.
>Go here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html >Enter the # of the OP post into "Thread Number" >Put the thread title into "Title" >Put a short description of the thread into "Description" >Pick a few searchable tags (ideally the name of the QM and the name of the quest at minimum) and put them in a, list, like, this, in "Tags" >Click "Go!" It'll archive it for you from there. That's it.
>>6098765 Your only non-dead non-smut options are Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity. Spacebattles is full of autismos who love fanfiction crossovers, and Sufficient Velocity is full of people with pronouns in their bios. Pick your poison.
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>>6066965 There are definitely still peeps that participated in quests on /tg/ still around.
Never played Shadow Quest though, sorry mang.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6066965 I did at the very end. I too, am a /tg/ transplant.
>>6098694 Not to be pedantic Ilvermory QM, but isn't the American wizard school "Ilvermorny" with an N? (I did not know this lore originally, I was just intrigued by the name and had to look it up)
https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Ilvermorny_School_of_Witchcraft_and_Wizardry Anonymous
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>>6099223 >>6099223 oh, I just saw your quest link lol
>>6089354 >>6089315 no worries, I was just confused if the spelling was a reference to some non Harry Potter lore thing, argh, I retreat back into the gloomy shadows now
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6099223 Yeah I messed up my name but it made me chuckle so I am keeping it. Come and check the game out. We have twins!
>>6099311 well, a long time ago, I made this pitch on qtg; this is the only Harry Potter game I will play. I spent a lot of effort making these graphics
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5603637/#5610967 ***
FROM THE CREATORS of acclaimed franchises Ass-stain's Creed: Odd sissy and Rainbow Sex: Sieg! powered by cutting edge next gen graphics engine Snowflake with dynamic globo illumination, procedural destruction, post FX AA and misanthropic filtering:
A devastating magical pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail.
In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos.
The DEATH EATERS, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents are activated.
Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, DEATH EATER agents are trained to operate independently of command, when all else fails.
Fighting to prevent the fall of society, the DEATH EATERS find themselves caught up in a magical conspiracy, forced to combat not only the effects of a mysterious virus, but also the rising threat of those behind it.
When everything collapses, your mission begins.
-STEP INTO THE DIVERSE and inclusive world of elite Tier One operators, bearded and tattooed military muscle men in a heart-racing saga that will affect the global balance of power
-PREPARE TO GO DARK with extensive character customisation options, exclusively African
-A CUTTING-EDGE ARSENAL Unleash your combat creativity with over 100 assault rifles that are exactly the same
-EMBARK ON A DESPERATE MISSION as DEATH EATER pushes the boundaries of ultrarealism in an incredibly raw, gritty and provocative narrative on the true nature of modern warfare: wizards riding on broomsticks flinging sparkly spells at each other
-MULTIPLAYER Take part in exhilarating 32v32 player vs aimbot matches, where advanced ranking ensures that you are paired with open mic screaming baby man, eating breakfast every time
-POST LAUNCH Content will release for free each season after you pay again for everything
Box Contains:
Digital code
System Requirements:
Supported OS: Huawei HarmonyOS
Graphics: MS Paint
Processor: Intel Celeron 7305 Series
Hard Drive: 666 TB free disk space
Peripherals: Oculus Rift DK1, Apple Watch and Wiimote
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6099317 Haha. That gave me a chuckle. Look at how happy Voldy is! I kneel.
>>6099317 Hold on hold on hold on, is it NU MS Paint or classic MS Paint? I don't think my rig can handle all the gizmos for the fancy updated one.
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k ID:HYcKsdXZ Sat 07 Sep 2024 18:58:30 No. 6099384 Report >>6091077 >>6091375 Hello, friends! A new episode of Cutémon should be starting on Saturday, September 14 (one week from today).
>>6068732 Thank you for the compliment!
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>>6099347 >>6073160 >PAINT Of course, the only acceptable technology of the future shall be the ION PAINTER (orbital cannon)
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I’m enjoying the lull in visitors this week. I’m not sure what caused it, but it’s made questing pretty comfy. Helped me discover a lot of new quests that were otherwise buried by replies to bigger threads pretty quickly. Anyone else sharing the feeling?
a doodle i made of bredbeddle from a little while ago. unfortunately she came out looking like a chicken drumstick but that's ok
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6099541 Thicc AF. I would eat that...
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
>>6099541 i do like me some chicken drumsticks...
I'd like to run a Qst based on martial arts & boxing movies, fighty & brawler games, as well as real-life inspirations from obscure warrior cultures & fighting styles. I would combine every single pre-existing IP's most interesting elements into a cohesive whole, then add a bunch of original characters to fill in the gaps not covered by them. I'm not sure about the system & mechanics I would use though. Maybe combos open you up to getting punished if you commit at inopportune times when the foe hasn't been softened up enough. Definitely want different techniques to be represented like joint-locks, momentum-throws, ki bullshido at higher levels, pressure-point striking, dirty fighting, wrastlin' & luchador high flyin,' machine-gun kicks, poisons, bleeding, broken limbs, dim mak, pull out a glock-jitsu, etc. Any recommendations, anons? I've read Mortal Kombat: Kaito's Konquest in the archives, & was thinking about checking out Gonzo Bullshit Fighting Qst. Definitely want a gradual progression, in which the protag chooses how they'll train over given periods of time, where they'll wander to/what fighting circuits they'll get involved with, & there should be tournaments with clearly defined (or none at all) rules. Death should be a real possibility in street fights & illegal matches. Various old masters can be sought out & discipled under. Would include elements from Shenmue, Yakuza, Bloodfist 1&2, Bruce Lee movies, Big Toruble..., MK, SF, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, SNK, Van Damme flicks, etc.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6099590 Sounds based. I don't think we had one like that for a while.
I briefly experimented with a similar theme in Beastars Shonen Quest, where the players essentially got to choose what fighting style they trained under near the start of the Quest, which also directed the direction/tone of the rest of it. From more realistic bar-room brawling that would have been more edgy and grounded to a magical mystery technique (which was just Hokuto Shinken). You could try something similar, but if you have a specific theme in mind then it may be better to just take the reigns and decide your own progression system for the protagonist.
Another issue is the realism to fantasy aspect. As such, I much prefer the rule of cool you see in anime and shonen. In real life, losing a street fight usually just means dying, obviously, and injuries are life long or very serious. Instead, you intentionally underplay these aspects and have wounds heal up after a few weeks with little to no long term damage or even visible scarring, the idea is a more friendly world where people can fight and honor the rules of engagement moreso instead of stomping people's heads into the concrete after they already been knocked out. It's a more juvenile take but one that smooths over a lot of these troubles.
I also like Mortal Kombat being included there. I have a strange fascination with the series, and random statement, always thought it was a bit more logically consistent with its world. What I mean by this is other fighting games have trained martial artists and demon dudes like Akuma fighting high school part time skirt-wearing cheerleaders and shit in the same game. In Mortal Kombat, pretty much everyone is some martial arts master of their respective world and its not a question of how they shoot energy blasts at each other, making it feel more lived in. Unrelated to your original post; I would love a Mortal Kombat lore master to run a Quest (Kuest?) in that world since its criminally under explored but has so many cool elements.
>>6099606 Another angle to play at is the "people are actually really hard to hurt" angle that lots of fighting series adopt. Where people are legit getting dislocations, broken fingers, or thrown through walls and they get up and shrug it off to keep on fighting. Where getting your face EMBEDDED into concrete just means taking a nap rather than having a now-concave-skull.
Naturally this only extends to hand to hand fighting, while guns and such are inexplicably super duper ultra mega lethal for real we're serious. Naturally guns are only ever used by the hardest of core criminals and national armed forces.
>>6099617 >>6099606 I feel the same way about MK; it's mythos (with some further fleshing out that would likely never come up in-qst) would be the foundation of the setting, with everything else grafted on. Gangs in most countries would rely on melee (which could still be deadly), whereas most US & Mexico gangs would be armed to the teeth, so street fighting in North America would be hard-mode. All the big name fighters from SF, Tekken, & MK would be top tier & completely unapproachable until late game. Really MK's metaphysics are ripe for an RPG, especially exploring different realms, but that would be in the far future of the hypothetical Qst. I'm thinking the timeline would start in 1985, with different movie & game tournaments slotted in around when they came out IRL, with 7 years until MK (1992). From there the tournaments get crazier & events will either delay or fast-forward the inevitable invasion from another dimension. Not a big chinese ani-maymay fan, but some low-level martial arts-oriented characters would be included here & there like. I'm thinking with training that diet would play a role too, & cost money earned in street fights, crime, day-jobs, & tournaments: bulk for strength, maintain to keep your stats up, cut for speed, barely sustain if you're broke, or fast for spiritual power at the cost of the physical. Narcotics should be available as well with buffs & debuffs that make them viable albeit risky options. Reputation based on high-profile bouts would also play a key role, & siding with criminals, intel agencies, dictators, & evil wizards should be on the table.
>>6099648 I for one look forward to making a deal with the shadow wizard money gang.
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>>6099674 Protect DJ Smokey at all costs
>>6099590 >Van Damme Make sure to include an ability where you fingerbang rapid trigger-fire a Beretta upside down
>>6099590 >>6099780 This technique, imagine if instead of Max Payne dual wield beretta bullet time shootdodge, videogames chose to adapt this gunfighting technique instead
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>>6099590 >>6099606 >>6099617 >>6099780 >>6099782 >guns and martial arts setting A narrative idea to accommodate firearms in a predominantly hand-to-hand martial arts combat setting could borrow from Mirror's Edge, maybe the reason why you cannot just blast down everyone is because you need to be constantly physically moving all the time (either a courier / parkour messenger of some sort, or could be like those Crank Jason Statham films lol where you have some speed device or drug embedded in your body compelling adrenaline / physical movement lol) Anyway here is just a webm of some moves from the 2nd Mirrors Edge, this obviously had better animations and graphics but I think I slightly preferred the 1st one because it actually let you use guns lol, I remember I played the last few levels of it just like a 1st person shooter with the SAW machine gun and sniper rifle lol
>>6099782 Sicario did it better. Most kids who grew up with light guns at the arcade know that hidden tech.
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>>6099590 Have you read Kenichi : the mightiest disciple manga? I feel you might like it
Innkeeper quest but you are charged with protection, maintenance, expansion of a shrine or similar holy place. Could this premise work? I don't think I ever seen this before so perhaps there's some reason it wouldn't work?
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>>6099590 Perhaps the Thrash system might interest you? Someone tried to run a quest based on it a couple years ago.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Tournament%20Fighter%20Quest PoképocalypseQM (on phone)
PoképocalypseQM (on phone) ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 08 Sep 2024 13:18:51 No. 6099872 Report Quoted By:
In need of a tiebreaker over in Poképocalypse yet again!
>>6099506 >>6099507 >>6099508 Anonymous
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>>6098975 Why would anyone want to 'compete' with QTG, anyway? It's not a quest.
>>6098980 Also a very valid point.
>>6098987 Character creation is completely unnecessary, and a good quest can get by just fine without it. Some of us really enjoy it, though, despite the advice you'll get to never do it at all. The answer IMO is to not let it drag on, and to integrate it into the action. Rather than several votes of "which race are you? which class? what sex? what age? what hair color? do you prefer cake or pie?" let lots of these fine details develop as it goes, revealed through meaningful choices in the story itself. Oh, and if there are bounds to what you feel comfortable or confident writing, make it clear and don't be afraid to veto character options (especially write-ins, as you should never present a choice you don't actually want to write) that move things beyond those boundaries.
>>6099010 Sort of, but not everyone reads the QTG often or ever. When I ran the last waifu/husbando tournament thing, there were quiet long-running and active quests on the board whose players and QM only knew about the tourney because I dropped by their quests to mention it. This place has a reputation for drama.
>>6099384 >>6099541 >>6098998 Get hype! Between these and dark Quest, it's good to see so many stellar QMs back in action.
Greenhorn when? IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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Fun little update over in Ilvermorney Quest! Vroom, Vroom!
>>6100017 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:IpBK9Wjt Sun 08 Sep 2024 18:57:23 No. 6100061 Report Quoted By:
New Poképocalypse thread is up!
>>6100039 >>6100039 >>6100039 Walter's found himself near a poisonous mountain on a quest to help another small town with their Pokémon problem! Try not to get him killed pls.
>>6099973 did you upload the wrong image none of these quests are GOOD
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6100069 I will fight you over DHQ "not being good"
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>>6100089 it's just a meme from a 1post ID, IQM.
>>6100089 An entire generation of youth has been corrupted by these weird sex faces
>>6086300 I wonder what all these scenes symbolise hmmm hmmm
>>6100137 Also this scene is sort of ironic because he screams KILL ME etc, if I remember correctly, his wish is granted only a few cinematic intervals later lol, it is the death instinct, very Freudian hehe
Is it possible to roll more than one type of dice? Like roll a couple d6s and a couple d12s, or can the dice+ function only roll a single type of dice?
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6 + 1) >>6100148 Sorry anon, it's one type of dice per post. Lemme show you an example.
>>6100151 See what I got from putting in a 1d6 and a 1d12? The diceroller can't handle throwing two different dice at the same time.
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>>6100153 >>6100151 That's what I figured. That may complicate things. Maybe if I ask anons to make multiple rolls and use both rolls by the same user as a single pool that might work.
>>6100137 >>6100141 Why is it in all fantasy sci-fi films, whenever the elderly mentor drinks the weird sex fluids, be it sorcery ink semen or green alien teat milk, it is some adumbration of their impending demise, hmmm perhaps some Freudian ageing as as a second infancy / symbolism from the teat to the grave birth/death foreshadowing, this imagery is very peculiar
>>6100137 >>6100141 >>6100165 It is like you as author / film director creator just made this character perform such an abominable degrading vile sex act allegory, well now you just have to kill them, they have to narratively definitively die now, the cringe-shame is just too overpowering, death is a comparative relief afterwards
>>6100137 >>6100165 >>6100169 You're really fixated on this scene, eh Souv? I strongly suspect it's meant to have more in common with Socrates' death or perhaps the euthanization of the old than seminal fluid.
>>6100137 >>6100165 >>6100169 It is in fact deeply metaphorical, both these scenes from Harry Potter and Star Wars Last Jedi feature an aged / elderly mentor or guide in their respective roles symbolically passing their wisdom to a younger generation, a twisted reinterpretation just like the nutrients of the breast milk from mother to offspring etc. So it probably is not a coincidence, this bizarre imbibing sex fluid imagery, it just seems to have been horribly contorted by the genre conventions lol. Clearly all these directors so desperate to reach for any fantastical metaphor other than the natural depiction of a breastfeeding or lactation maternal scene lol, fittingly only death can compensate afterwards. This is basically what happens when wizards try to breastfeed
>>6100172 Bro claims everyone is a sex fiend because of anime while he can't even see the relation between the imbibing of metaphorical poison and death without thinking "Oh yeah baby, that's cum!". The irony is so strong that you could forge a sword from it.
>>6099648 This does sound hypothetically quite fun. I'm a sucker for a good crossover, though.
>>6100178 Is the irony of the irony of the Sword of irony that it deals blunt damage, that it's only useful at range, or that it heals?
>>6100187 >Sword of Irony: Chest armor: adds immunity to cut damage >Unironic Helmet: Club: unironically used to beat people over the head Anonymous
>>6100165 >>6100173 >>6100178 I also figure the green milk is meant to reflect Luke having lost faith and returned to the humble life he once scorned, wherein as a youth he drank blue milk. At a stretch, the milk could also represent something like soma or Lethe/Nepenthe from Greek myth? Liquid that brings joy, eases sorrow, or allows one to forget misery?
>>6100201 Kek.
>>6100137 >>6100165 >>6100173 hmmm, let me test this theory, the Theory Of UNIVERSAL SCI-FI FANTASY SEX FLUID IMBIBING BREASTFEEDING DEATH. I wonder if Dune (the novel) has any scenes of breastfeeding death / sex fluid drinking...???
Jessica knelt beside Chani, holding out a plain camp ewer. The charged odor of the poison was sharp in Chani’s nostrils. She dipped a finger in the fluid, held the finger close to Paul’s nose.
The skin along the bridge of his nose wrinkled slightly. Slowly, the nostrils flared.
Jessica gasped.
Chani touched the dampened finger to Paul’s upper lip.
He drew in a long, sobbing breath.
“What is this?” Jessica demanded.
“Be still,” Chani said. “You must convert a small amount of the sacred water. Quickly!”
Without questioning, because she recognized the tone of awareness in Chani’s voice, Jessica lifted the ewer to her mouth, drew in a small sip.
Paul’s eyes flew open. He stared upward at Chani.
“It is not necessary for her to change the Water,” he said. His voice was weak, but steady.
Jessica, a sip of the fluid on her tongue, found her body rallying, converting the poison almost automatically. In the light elevation the ceremony always imparted, she sensed the life-glow from Paul—a radiation there registering on her senses.
In that instant, she knew.
“You drank the sacred water!” she blurted.
“One drop of it,” Paul said. “So small…one drop.”
Terror threatened to overwhelm her.
She fought it the only way she knew: “I shall not fear. Fear is the mind-killer….”
The litany brought a semblance of calm. The other mote lay quiescent against her.
Words won’t work, Jessica told herself.
She reduced herself to basic emotional reactions, radiated love, comfort, a warm snuggling of protection.
The terror receded.
But Jessica’s attention was focused on the revelation of the Water of Life, seeing its source: the liquid exhalation of a dying sandworm, a maker. And as she saw the killing of it in her new memory, she suppressed a gasp.
The creature was drowned!
“Mother, are you all right?”
Paul’s voice intruded on her, and Jessica struggled out of the inner awareness to stare up at him, conscious of duty to him, but resenting his presence.
“Is this all right for me to drink?” He gestured to the sack in Chani’s hands. “They want me to drink it.”
She heard the hidden meaning in his words, realized he had detected the poison in the original, unchanged substance, that he was concerned for her. It occurred to Jessica then to wonder about the limits of Paul’s prescience. His question revealed much to her.
“You may drink it,” she said.
>>6100206 What if the milk was just fucking green?
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>>6100206 Wasn't there also a scene after that where the jedi library he had been keeping burned down? The water of forgetfulness that you drink before you move on to the blissful afterlife in the underworld seems quite apt as a comparison indeed.
>>6100211 I wouldn't like my milk to be fucking anything, that's for sure. Think of how funny it would taste after.
>>6100214 Would you prefer to be the one fucking the milk, then?
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>>6100211 Well, yes, because it's alien milk. Like how the milk on Tatooine is blue. But it plays a narrative role, too. Luke's self-imposed sadboi exile is plot relevant, and his sort-of-gross, sort-of-lame lifestyle (including milk) is part of it.
>>6100208 Of any franchise, Dune is the one where I'd 100% believe it's a sex thing, but also it's probably more likely an analogy for psychedelics/altered consciousness/enlightenment, considering what it does and that it's literally named after alchemically-significant ethanol and spirits.
>>6100218 Where the fuck is the actual milk? Gat dang hippies nowadays with their oil dyed white to drink. Them boys ain't right.
>>6100236 I dunno, this one might be willing to share some of her special milk stash if you chill a little, bro.
>>6100243 Wait real shit they make milk out of hemp, too? I actually didn't know that one. Huh. Where's the damn hemp farmer quest where you fight off the hashish fiends and their baker buddies to ensure a profitable crop to sustain your family?
>>6100248 Would play.
>>6100243 >>6100218 Just like IRL, oat milk is best milk. Hemp's up there, though... Again like IRL.
>>6100252 >the sultan demands only the finest of hemp for the pages of his great work >knives in the dark, announced only by a faint "puff puff puff" and soft coughing come for your crop >now become the whirling dervish to drive off these red-eyed demons of smoke and hunger >Toke on the Sands Quest The theme song will obviously be played by a snake charmer.
>>6100252 >looks up hemp milk facts and nutrition >learns it's higher in proteins and lower in calories than oat milk >guess that's why oat milk girl is drawn thicker Also, Pea Milk's doing something for me...
Makes me miss Goth Quest... Anonymous
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>>6099792 Sicario DID do it better. I agree.
>>6100268 What the hell is a pea milk??
>>6100280 It's that thing that hentai insists milfs say to dudes they're fucking.
>>6100283 Kek.
>>6100260 Based, would play a hybrid business sim/hashashin rebel quest.
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>>6100280 Milk from peas, yellow ones, apparently.
...look, I could care less about plant milk and shit, I just did this whole "wanna fuck some sexy milk" bit because I remembered there was sexy art of girls based on milk somewhere on the internet. It's not hard to figure out.
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>>6100287 I've just got a hankering for more Arabian/near-east themed quests. We need more sand. We need more floodplains. We need more Nights.
>>6100178 He fell for the Boko no Pico meme. Souv has never been the same since. Everyday he thinks of that shota cock.
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>>6100397 t. souv when falling for a classic, probably
>>6100397 Well I am not really sure what that is but I am very scared of the anime, those ENORMOUS EYES are really horrifying
>>6100517 My traditional fantasy obsession is really damsel in distress stuff.
>>6097769 I think I can only really enjoy fantasy if there is a CHAINED MAIDEN or helpless captured princess somewhere. If you ruminate carefully upon the intrinsic metaphor of DUNGEONS and Dragons, the context naturally necessitates an implied narrative of a captive chained princess in there, it is almost obligatory.
I think without the helpless captive girl in distress, there is a noticeable loss of narrative impetus or urgency, purpose and meaning to the entire genre, the romantic yearning and fear and vulnerability and desperation, the entire emotional fulcrum of the setting is lost.
And I know modern retellings tend to transpose aspects eg male / female gender role switch the damsel in distress thing, have the girl rescue the man or do something with race or alternative sexuality the gay etc but it is never the same as the old story with the chained maiden sacrifice held captive by the evil sorceror in the dungeon before the dragon etc
pic related is the context of Eragon, I used to think this was a cringe film where Shakespeare actor Jeremy Irons disgraced himself, now I consider Eragon to be essentially the best and indeed the archetypal pinnacle Dungeons And Dragons film (and I have even endured the cinematic excruciation of that Jeremy Irons / Thora Birch actual Dungeons and Dragons 2000 version lol) Robert Carlyle relishes and revels in malice with a highly competent performance as the necromancer villain person, there is good dragon aerial fighting / swords and fireballs even if the CGI dragons deliver cringe pain-damage to your viewing eyes, the elf girl princess is super attractive, the fantasy music theme is passable not that great, so overall this film is the best we have
>>6100519 >the context naturally necessitates an implied narrative of a captive chained princess in there Most nobles of sufficient rank that did not personally slight someone (I.E. a hostage rather than a captive taken from battle) were placed under house arrest, women especially so. Princesses rarely went into dungeons, though frequently into captivity. You could just say you have a bondage fetish, man. It's okay.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
Souv once again proving he is the most normal person here despite his posting habits. Also Eragon books and film suck only redeeming factor is the nigh-canonical interspecies dragon sex/romance with their riders given they're always paired up with someone of the opposite sex and can like feel their emotions and are extremely possessive and shit. Actually, I just got an idea for a new quest.
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>>6100526 >BDSM CHAINED MAIDEN FETISH does not reflect actual historical treatment of captives you are wrong I present irrefutable photographic documentary evidence, this all happened exactly as I imagined. I wish more modern films had this sort of Frazetta type imagery
>>6097956 >>6081982 >fantasy music I am playing NwN2 right now and it was making me think of the best traditional fantasy rpg adventure music. NwN1 had a great main theme, I believe it was inevitably Jeremy Soule, I also recall Icewind Dale had beautiful music especially in Kuldahar the tree area etc I think that was Inon Zur? who is always reliable, whereas BG1 BG2 menu music was a bit too bombastic lol I remember the loud orchestral synth drum bashing or synth choir voice of that era always hurt my head lol when spam re-rolling dice for better stats lol (BG1 sounds very Conan 1982 Basil Pouledoris ost influenced)
Pillars Of Eternity 1 & 2 had lovely menu themes I liked the music atmosphere marginally more than the guitar strumming in Divinity Original Sin 2, but both games had great music and in fact I always think they melodically resemble each other (try humming the openings hehe) maybe it was because I completed them one after the other in crpg frenzy mode
Anyway I propose this theme, it is the final edition menu music for NwN2 (apparently, the non expansion original has different main music?) I am a fan of music which does not repetitively "milk" one lyrical motif or melodic theme over and over again, this menu music is very simple yet rousing, and has a lot of different developments and changes, it just feels like a genuinely innocent traditional fantasy adventure
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm Of Zehir (Complete Edition Main Menu theme)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn72ub3It0E The other piece which I think I linked before but is less well known, it is the end credits music of Viking Batlle For Asgard, I think this music only ever plays if you complete the entire game lol, the game itself was adequate and somewhat laborious I remember it had one repetitive but satisfying disembowelment animation lol but I was very impressed by this numinous music after completing it on xbox360
Viking Battle For Asgard: End Credits theme, Choir Of The Valkyries
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=30b54hR1QvQ Anonymous
>>6100529 >riding horse / dragon / beast / James Cameron Avatar flying lizard etc >it means THE SEX I also watch a lot of period costume dramas I usually don't recommend this one because of Carey Mulligan her gormless grinning wart face but this entire film is about creating bizarre female orgasm metaphors, every time Bathsheba Everdene (yes, that is the name Thomas Hardy came up with) every time she mounts her horse and starts her rosycheeked panting face thing, you know something is happening down there
I don't have a gif of the horse riding sadly, but you can just imagine it accompanied by this music. I do think this music theme could also fit for a fantasy rpg game opening
Far From The Madding Crowd (2015) Main music theme
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KwgQDsGfleY Anonymous
>>6100570 >>6100187 >>6100201 >sword of irony? I have only read one Thomas Hardy novel, Tess Of The D'Urbervilles that is his best most poignant and monumental work the others I understand to be bizarre Victorian melodramas (in one Hardy novel, some incel man literally freezes to death outside in the cold rather than violate the sacrosanct taboo, dishonour himself by staying in the same hovel as another woman lol) Far From The Madding Crowd has some preposterous and ridiculous UNSUBTLE metaphorical scenes like the SHEEP CLIFF SUICIDE?? but also this other exquisite SEX PENETRATION METAPHOR OOOHHH THE DANGER look some soldier is so perturbed by Carey Mulligan's warty face, he decides to perform some sabre exercises slashing and thrusting the air around her visage to romantically impress her; sadly his accuracy and swordsmanship control is not sufficient to surgically excise the wart from her face though. Nor indeed to elicit any response from her acting either
>>6100571 >in one Hardy novel, some incel man literally freezes to death outside in the cold rather than violate the sacrosanct taboo if you're talking about Jude the Obscure, he catches pneumonia and dies. he doesn't literally freeze to death.
>>6100585 >Thomas Hardy You are correct, I actually only know of it from a radio play adaptation hehe I have not read the novel itself. Some explanation / justification for the Victorian melodrama the dramatic sudden events etc arises from the format of serialisation, serial publication in weekly or biweekly magazines, both Dickens and Dostoyevsky etc wrote in this format (it sounds a bit similar to qst thread updates lol) hence at times the preposterous sudden occurrences
>>6092300 >what is Love? >>6092602 >>6092616 >>6092618 As I understand it, Thomas Hardy was not romantically very fulfilled. I wonder if this can be psychologically discerned from his poems hmmm
We stood by a pond that winter day,
And the sun was white, as though chidden of God,
And a few leaves lay on the starving sod,
— They had fallen from an ash, and were gray.
Your eyes on me were as eyes that rove
Over tedious riddles solved years ago;
And some words played between us to and fro -
On which lost the more by our love.
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing
Alive enough to have strength to die;
And a grin of bitterness swept thereby
Like an ominous bird a-wing . . .
Since then, keen lessons that love deceives,
And wrings with wrong, have shaped to me
Your face, and the God-curst sun, and a tree,
And a pond edged with grayish leaves.
>>6100137 >>6100165 >>6100173 >>6100208 Anyway, instead of scouring all these mainstream films like Harry Potter or Star Wars for tangential Freudian sex taboo allusions, sometimes it is almost a relief and refreshing when you watch some arthouse cinema and the director just comes out and says it. Here is pic related, The Holy Mountain (1973) by Alejandro Jodorowsky. The film begins with him stripping two women nude and actually shaving their heads. He also shaves himself bald in the film, total commitment. There is a scene in the film where he seems to play Warhammer fantasy battle Lustria edition with skinks and slann, using actual live frogs dressed as aztecs on ziggurats which he blows up with gunpowder. This film was highly acclaimed at Cannes, I have no idea what any of it means
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>>6100601 >gray >WHAT IS THIS?? not sure why my editions of Hardy have this spelling of grey argh, perhaps it is an American epub or editorialising hmmm. I checked Dickens and he has about 534 instances of "grey" vs 248 instances of "gray" though the latter skewed by Gray's Inn in London. Austen is almost exclusively "grey", Bronte sisters 63 instances "gray rain-clouds" etc 316 instances "grey" though there is "Agnes Grey". I am usually sensitive to variant archaic spellings I like it when Austen uses "chuse" instead of choose hehe
>>6100585 >>6100601 >Thomas Hardy theme, man dying alone instead of being with a woman etc I just checked this, I believe the radio play adaptation I heard was probably The Woodlanders, I don't remember it too well but I think it was this scene from the wiki summary
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Woodlanders >It later becomes apparent, however, that Fitzpiers' adultery is not sufficient for Grace to be entitled to a divorce. When Fitzpiers quarrels with Mrs. Charmond and returns to Little Hintock to try to reconcile with his wife, she flees the house and turns to Giles for help. >He is still convalescing from a dangerous illness, but nobly allows her to sleep in his hut during stormy weather, whilst he insists on sleeping outside. As a result, he dies. But the "man dying alone outside" theme appears to recur in many of his novels:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mayor_of_Casterbridge >On the day of Elizabeth-Jane's wedding to Farfrae, Henchard comes back, timidly seeking a reconciliation. She rebuffs him, and he departs for good. Later, regretting her coldness, she and Farfrae set out to find him. They arrive too late, and learn that he has died alone. They also find his last written statement: his dying wish is to be forgotten. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jude_the_Obscure >After one final, desperate visit to Sue in freezing weather, Jude becomes seriously ill and dies within the year in Christminster, thwarted in his ambitions both in love and in achieving fame in scholarship. I don't really know these works well enough to analyse them, but notably his best novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles, the woman dies hehe so maybe that breaks the pattern. Tess of the d'Urbervilles is a really great novel there is some pagan stuff too with Stonehenge and the maiden mother crone outline three act division of the novel, it ia worth studying just for the rustic Wessex dialect hehe, also I always wondered if the Buffy / Angel AFTER THE SEX I AM NOW EVIL deflowering loss of innocence thing was inspired by Tess (her main lover is called Angel). Unfortunately some of Thomas Hardy's other novels such as Far From The Madding Crowd (1874) are not as good as Tess, as I gather from watching the film, this scene anime eye gazing appears to be inspired by Rurouni Kenshin
>>6100571 and the heroine Bathsheba Everdene clearly plagiarised from the Hunger Games
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>>6100632 >>6088235 >>6088564 >>6088766 >not-so-hidden themes in films etc >MAIDEN MOTHER CRONE I use this theme sometimes too in settings, it comes up a lot but if you never worked it out, Alien (1979), Aliens (1986) Alien 3 (the existential Kierkegaard esque 1992 one with bald Sigourney Weaver) almost exactly follows it. I think Alien Resurrection the fourth one was partially written by Joss Whedon, so of course it is about robot lesbians, it heralds the postmodern age transcending parent-child family relationships. The new Alien Romulus film communicates nothing, other than the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney
>>6100529 >>6100655 >annoying squirrels NOOOO One of the most overpowered characters in Armello is the rogue squirrel Twiss (I think maybe a girl? Never checked) Twiss has the ability to convert all dice to evade, renders the squirrel basically near unkillable. The meta in Armello is high Wits (the attribute that determines card draw, ie how many cards you can simultaneously hold) Twiss also has quite a high initial starting attribute. I used to play mostly as Sargon (rat sorceror, his ability was to automatically know / reveal the first card on top of each deck allowing him foresight as to which card deck to choose etc) Twiss is like a mortal enemy because she also steals cards whenever she evades so she can basically pinch all the good cards you are holding etc. Armello is such a good game, I often think of it as a perfect game in literally every aspect, design, characters, mechanics, lore, art, interface etc it is really beautifully designed, it was a shame it did not get a bigger audience but it required a lot of strategy and luck to play (it looks like a cute children's game but the mechanics are really brutal, and violent and merciless, you can lose really badly if you have no idea what you are doing and think it is all just random luck etc. And the random luck element means that there is no complacent safe holdout lead either, the game can and does entirely reverse right up to the very last turn if chaos is unleashed etc)
I think an anon already mentioned the no simultaneous multiple dice types per roll here on 4chan, which rules out a lot of rpg mechanics like the Savage Worlds step dice d4, d6, d8... progression etc but I also sometimes wish we could have exploding dice, often denoted as 3d6! etc on virtual tabletops ie roll additional d6 on 6 etc. Exploding dice are used in Burning Wheel but also Armello has a really cool implementation, the combat dice system is very pretty and fun in that game
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>>6100664 One of the prettiest combat dice sets on Armello, Willow's Grace. I actually used to use the stained glass one (I think it was called maybe Abbot's Eye? it had Redwall feel hehe) mainly because that set was colour coded for each die facing swords shield sun moon tree (Wyld) worm (Rot), but this faux blue porcelain dice design was also amongst the most beautiful in my opinion. I wish someone would sell or manufacture these lol as physical dice, but to actually play Armello as a physical board game you would need handfuls upon handfuls of these (given exploding dice mechanics etc). Nonetheless I did see some dedicated enthusiast handcraft and carve a physical hex gameboard of all the random terrain pieces miniatures and the castle, but it probably still works best practically in digital boardgame format
Just a random tool feature I found online which might help anons with worldbuilding notes or diagrams. As you know, I am very committed to open access no login no signup type applications, I try to make all my games and settings using this approach as much as possible. An online drawing and diagram tool you may be aware of is excalidraw
https://excalidraw.com/ It doesn't require any logins or username signups etc to use or edit manually, but recently they have also included an AI text to diagram type generator, (located on the far right hand side) in that you enter a description and the website tries to automatically layout a diagram of what you wrote. I could see this tool being used to prototype or brainstorm / visually experiment with some random ttrpg dungeon layouts or narrative event / choice sequence planning flowcharts etc (pic related just a simple demo I tried).
The main attraction is no signup but I do think it is rate limited (maybe just a handful of requests per day?) Also I presume nowadays that everything you submit online will be data raped by algorithms so bear that in mind. Otherwise, it seems like potentially a useful tool
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>>6100734 another text prompt to the Excalidraw diagramming tool, you could just get the AI to populate names by itself for a star constellation hyperspace point crawl type layout. I wonder if their AI can directly access trademarked or proprietary material, hmm eg generate and connect a random exploration map based on locations in Faerun or Neverwinter city, or say 40k planets or Necromunda districts hmmm. Otherwise you could always invent or furnish the node list names yourself. Also I haven't bothered with any formatting text prompt descriptions (arrow styles, fonts or text boxes, colours etc) obviously you could try to decorate these diagrams too
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:MNxUHYBx Mon 09 Sep 2024 19:37:38 No. 6100837 Report I wish the stranger who got my home IP temp-banned a very unpleasant week
Who is the most powerful /qst/ original character?
>>6100865 God/Existence from Versequest is probably up there. Levelman quests (Chaos, the antagonist he invented for the Beerus Food Critic one) are seemingly pretty hax. Karn from Saiyan Conqueror has to be up there, too, and apparently this damn cat.
>>6100837 Rough luck. Been there with mobile/work, but not yet home.
>>6100868 We ought to do a death battles like quest that pits /qst/ OCs together for more crossover stuff. Reptoid how about it?
>>6100894 Nah. Powerscaling is for chumps.
>>6100903 t. favorite character would lose
Kaz !!ReO/ox958KJ
>>6078455 I'm actually with Studio ARCHE's Berserk project, which is the one done in the style of the 1997 anime. The pilot's out on YouTube, and the next episode (feat. Snake Baron) is in the works. >>6078276 >>6072144 In any event, IRL and writer's block got really hectic, but I'm aiming for a thread this month. Hate-watching Acolyte and the recent news of James Earl Jones' death (RIP) have kicked my creative juices into overdrive.
Have a preview...
>>Captain’s Quarters, Graven Hush >>In-Hyperspace Transit, Outer Rim, 19 BBY Meditation did not come easy for the Revenant.
She sat cross-legged on the floor of her quarters, hands placed gently in her lap. Shadows danced across the room as the dim, flickering lights of candles cast macabre shapes on the surfaces and walls. The air was heavy with the odor of incense – focusing both on its smell and the almost imperceptible sound of its burning would hold the loudest ghosts at bay. Her eyes were closed and her breath was even, but her brow remained furrowed in terse concentration.
The Storyteller had once described the difference of how Force-users across the spectrum of Light and Dark would meditate. In spite of doctrinal differences, self-betterment was the end goal, yet even that meant different things for their respective orders. One preached the detachment of worldly attachments, and the disgusting sublimation of the self into an abstract, universal whole. The other focused inward, on the most intimate and individualistic level to find actualization for goals and dreams.
Yet the passion that had driven that actualization had been blunted. The raging fire within her had nearly burnt itself out, replaced by a cold and hollow emptiness. She was not nearly as given to her emotions as an orthodox Sith might be inclined, but she still relied on her passion to summon the powers of the Dark Side. Yet every time she reached for the Force, it became harder, and gave her less with every demand.
It was not hard to figure out why. The sting of defeat had left a bitter taste in her mouth, and the emptiness within herself became quickly filled with a sense of inadequacy. Her battle against it was just as fierce as any she had fought in the physical world. But that was all the fuel needed for the doubt to fester like a rot, and give voice to the long-since dead.
“Inadequate. Incompetent. Weak.”
“Our blood cries for the Jedi’s head!”
“All you have accomplished has amounted to nothing!”
The villagers of du Lac’s Hollow dogged her steps, flitted at the corner of her vision, and hissed venomous nothings into her ears. Their voices, always lingering at the edge of conscious thought, ensured that true silence would never come to her. In the profane world, there was always something to do, something making noise, something that could keep her mind away from those uncertain desires and unwanted thoughts.
Such was not the case when she slowed or stilled...
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>>6100868 What an overwhelmingly smug aura
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>>6100894 I'd be down for a 40k only death battle. And I'd bet all my money on Lieren.
>>6100920 My favorite character mopped the floor of dairy queen using yours, suck it lol
>>6100926 My favorite character and your favorite character had a sloppy Makeout while watching edgerunners,
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>>6100926 >>6100928 Gotta' love enemies-to-lovers. Classic stuff.
>>6100868 Depending on how you want to interpret the blackspace/bluespace exclusivity of Existence's powers, it's entirely possible that in a 'neutral' arena, he gets the brakes beaten off of him by basically any other OC quest character. While probably against the spirit of such a competition, it would be supremely funny to see him get absolutely dogged on by a completely normal guy
>>6100940 He still won that fistfight with Big G, didn't he? I thought that was on neutral ground? But yeah, any combat-focused character against him with no God-powers would probably wreck house.
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>>6100942 This is true, although I remember that fight being pretty damn close, to the extent where anyone with even a modicum of training, much less being a dedicated knight or soldier, could probably reliably run the ones and win
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Battle takes place in Black Space.
The real contest is which character can bake the best macaroons
>>6100947 My favorite kind of contest!
>>6100954 Tie game, as I recall.
>>6100960 But Ramster ended the match with +1 cakes in his stomach.
>>6100966 True, but now that Tips isn't even a half-elf anymore, he's got to watching that figure.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6100947 >>6100865 These are foolish metrics by foolish QMs and questgoers.
The true metric is which /qst/ character would piss in the sink the fastest.
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>>6100908 Rare Revenant humanization moment...
Have you watched Andor? It's actually pretty good.
James Earl Jones is dead at 93 years of age. Man, that was sad to read.
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>>6101035 What? Son of a bitch. RIP, dude.
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Join us for a cute and comfy, slice of life and light-hearted low stakes quest filled with a bunch of cute art!
>>6101054 >>6101054 >>6101054 R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:YwJogMWg Tue 10 Sep 2024 04:19:50 No. 6101125 Report Quoted By:
>>6100894 Beatrice is stronger than she looks, but you already knew that.
God I wish I could draw at any pace faster than Mach 0.000001
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:YwJogMWg Tue 10 Sep 2024 04:26:14 No. 6101128 Report Quoted By:
>>6101035 One of the greats.
just lost half an update because 4chan decided to fritz out now I need to thread two chunks of an update together because I'm too stupid to use an off site word processor also quick reply has stopped working
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>>6100752 >>6100752 Check out my little quest
If you enjoy brave knights, spooky monsters, mystery storytelling, or lolis, then you might just like it!
>>6101156 Good god that's the worst. I lost the second half to an update I had already started posting and I had to get up and take a walk so I didn't dropkick my monitor.
Yet another god game where the QM goes radio silent for several days after saying he'd update in the evening...
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6101279 Which one? The curse is real, as I understand now. Been trying for 1 a day in my thing, but it is sometimes like 1.5 days or 2 when I got ill.
>>6101281 Oh are you God of QMing for the Petty Gods quest? Yeah it's only been 2 days though complete radio silence is usually a very bad sign for these quests.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
Quoted By:
>>6101282 Nope. Just was curious about what quest you were talking about
Ilvermorny Quest QM
>>6089315 I can understand. Sometimes shit just doesn't want to come, or you wrote something and think it is shit after re-reading it, or life or sickness.
I generally don't give up on something till like 7 days have past with nothing.
>>6100991 If your setting has piss, or any bodily waste, it isn't worth reading.
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>>6100908 Good to know you’re still continuing it. It would have been a tragedy if Interregnum ended before Larid learned we’re thinking of smuggling Peko-Peko Albatrosses to use their toxins against that Force Entity we fought against.
>>6101328 Weird phobia but whatever.
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>>6101493 Don't tell bro that everyone's shared setting has piss.
>>6101493 >he doesn't engage with my fetish, so it must be a phobia! Anonymous
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>>6101156 >>6101253 Why do you write it in the post box?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:xkZTO3e8 Tue 10 Sep 2024 23:15:21 No. 6101535 Report Quoted By:
>>6101156 This has happened to me more than a few times in the past, so I've switched to writing updates in Google Docs and pasting them into the box. It's a lot more convenient that way imo.
So, any new threads soon I should be looking forward to? Most of the quests I like are in hiatus.
>>6101538 Nobody knows what a new thread would be like until they post it, so go write the quest you want to read
Also my favorite quest has been in hiatus since 2019 do you think he'll come back with the milk soon?
>>6101524 >If anyone goes the the bathroom it must be described lovingly for sexual reasons Weird assumption. Sometimes a person just steps in a cowpatty or gets in a brawl in the bathroom.
>>6101546 >Nobody knows what a new thread would be like until they post it, So no QM preps anything? They just randomly get an urge to make a thread after a random amount of time since the last one and do it on the spot, at that same moment?
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>>6101557 70% of the time, yeah.
>>6101557 Are you actually a QM? All of us have an inherent link to the luminescent aether from which all ideas are formed, thought, and forgotten from.
I demand you immediately conjugate as proof of status.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6101560 >mon visage when the higher order of platonic ideals are trickled to my mortal form >it's all a bunch of shit I don't want to run right know Anonymous
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>>6101560 >Are you actually a QM? No, I can't draw (not even a shitty sketch) and all quest ideas I have would only work with drawings.
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>>6101557 I can confirm the idea for my current quest came to me about 30 minutes before I started writing the initial post. But the anon didn't say post, he said thread, and it is true. No one knows how the thread will go until they post it.
That is to say, stop procrastinating and start typing your quest's first post, anon
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6101557 I had been thinking about the thing I run for like a month and a half before posting. Had a few notes, have a general idea of where it might go, though I am sure players will shift that a good deal. Was like 5 beers deep one night and said fuck it, if I don't just try and start it, the idea will just kick around in my head forever. If I still have engagement by the time the thread dies, I will probably take like 2 days off and then make the new thread as long as I have inspiration.
>>6101551 Weird assumption that a person making a fantasy setting without bodily waste has a phobia of it too, but here we are.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6101693 >>6101551 >>6101328 >>6101524 >>6101493 I think all of you are overthinking an obvious joke.
>>6101697 What if that so-called "joke" or how obvious it is isn't important to the point?
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>>6101697 All difficulty spikes are vertical. If they did not go up they'd be a difficulty Savannah or somesuch. What a pointless affectation.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6101725 >>6101725 >>6101725 Solarpunk Thread #7 is live! Swing on by.
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>>6101546 What was the quest?
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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after a severely bad writers block, the next part for the Caretaker Quest is live!
will you keep the secret or will you let Professor McGonagall know?
up to you!
>>6080818 >>6080818 >>6080818 Anonymous
Still waiting for Halo: Wolfpack and The Gundum quest, Thunderhead and Contolist.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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Hoping for a tiebreaker in Ilvermorny Quest, if anyone is interested.
>>6089315 Anonymous
>>6101848 I'm waiting for the next thread of monke.
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX
R. Roger Smith !!qY92vX+Q0HX ID:1H1ZqWUT Wed 11 Sep 2024 20:18:04 No. 6102053 Report I need to work on speeding up my drawing so I don't spend eight hours making one (1) decent image for a quest and thus have to spend four days waiting for the opportunity to finish it. My ego demands I produce images worthy of 10th-grade DeviantArt rather than roughly hack out black and white chicken scratch that would be faster and allow for the quest to be, you know, playable. Any advice from people who are competent at art?
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>>6077418 Jester I hope you come back if you see this, I really liked the premise you set and how the characters were looking.
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>>6102053 Idk, maybe ask 91m10 from Do Your Best Quest. He's pretty prolific, and his style has changed significantly from Thread 1 to current day.
>>6102053 try asking the artmongers in the discord
people like dembones, bananas, indonesian gentleman, levelman, etc
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>>6102053 Have you tried just practicing your sketching until it gets to a point that looks good? Sketch artistry is a different beast from other kinds of art. Despite being a fundamental sorta thing.
I'm scared that if I end my quest now to take a break and to prep more stuff, I won't see my readers again
>>6102215 There have been quests that go like a year between threads. If people like your stuff, they will come back; I mean, I am still waiting for Boruto Quest and Joker Quest to come back and the last update for Joker was like 5 years ago I think.
>>6102215 Don't stress. I was gone over two years and people came back when I restarted my quest
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6102222 >made somewhat niche quest like 3 years ago >shit the bed on thread 2 >immediately abandon it and attempt the underlying premise in other quests over the years And you know I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good thing I wasn't popular enough to be discussed by /qtg/ citizens
>>6102216 I don't think I'm popular enough for people to hold out for me.
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>>6102228 Having zero confidence in what you write is why you perceive yourself as unpopular
Why would you knowingly write crap?
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6102228 Meh. As long as you like what you write, keep going. I got started on this whole thing writing smutfics of a fanfic of something a wine aunt scribbled down on napkins as a waitress. And the only way to get better is to practice; besides, if you are working hard enough to need to take a break and prep, at least someone will appreciate the effort.
Or don't, I am not your supervisor.
If you post the quest, will check it out.
>>6101700 If scatological humour destroys a setting, I fear most humorous settings are by default ruined.
>>6101941 It has been a while since we had a new Supreme Ruler. Defining their early rule is always the most exciting and unifying time in Space Monke's ebb and flow.
>>6102227 I sort of did the same thing. Aspects of my first quest made their way into Reptilian Infiltrator and the sequels.
>>6102228 There are quests in which I was the only or one of the only players that I still think back on fondly months or years later.
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>>6100868 I find it funny that despite both having won the qst tournament, she'd probably be able to beat the ever loving shit out of her king.
Beta Core might be a mech, but she has crazy supernatural powers and stuff iirc.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>6102354 You can apologize by making a new thread of monke. I wanna see more of our alien buds, especially now that they can actually be normal characters in normal spots that would have gone to monkes usually.
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Monster Hunter Asoiaf cross over quest is what I want, since I just had a strong mental image of a gross harag fucking up a bunch of wildlings before a similarly transported hunter fucks it up, preferably with a greatsword. Like it turns out what lies to the west of westeros beyond the sunset sea is just the monster hunter world, and the extinction of Targ-Dragons triggers a migration event or some cruel god just shits out the ecosystem of MH directly into Westeros' face, or maybe Aegon goes down to conquer and finds a bunch of shit meaner and tougher than his dragons in Westeros already. Diablos in dorne. That'd be fun
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>>6102104 I can personally vouch for Indo Gent, he's been kind enough to do some art for GCBC and it was great.
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Trash it's been over a week now
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>>6102354 No apology is necessary, BQM. I hope your health is on the mend?
>>6102104 IG is the only good artist listed, the rest are shit
>>6102494 Levelman's pretty good. The others all have their own styles, but admittedky soem of them are deliberately quite doodly. Narrator' art is also pretty dang good these days.
>>6102053 Don't make fresh art every time, focus on asset art and reuse. For example, portraits, or props for scenes.
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>>6102500 Doodly is the nature of the deed starting out, especially for drawquests, which are a ton of effort to run.
Though if anon wants to follow through on running a drawquest there's really no way to improve like repetition under a time constraint.
>>6102522 Also this. You will save so, so much time by reusing stuff that's decent, or drawing over it for a new pose or the like, and if time is your main concern, then cutting that wherever possible is a good goal.
>>6102527 No, you post YOUR work :^)
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>>6102548 Image limit reached :)
>>6102494 I'm pretty bad, not gonna lie.
>>6102582 We talking "Michael Jackson's Bad" or "The Room" bad or "Concord" bad?
>>6102589 I want to be Michael Jackson bad, but I'm definitely closer to The Room bad.
I don't know anything about Concord, not gonna lie.
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>>6102622 "Concord Bad" in video gamer terms is "so generic it doesn't stand out in a game market flooded with similar enough time sinks."
"Concord Bad" in video game executive terms is "massively overestimated game project that was given too much money and which took too much time in the oven."
>>6102670 Well what do you want to do know about this board?
>>6102677 I just don't know anything about qst at all.. I'm a DM of 35+ years so I'm not sure how much explaining I need for qst
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6102681 Pretty simple. Quest Master, QM, writes up a prompt in their setting for the player character. People vote on the action the character takes, QM writes up what happens and progresses the campaign/story based on those actions. Some quests are completely narrative but most have the players rolling dice if the character is doing something difficult or fighting, stuff like that to determine if the character succeeds. Dice systems vary by quest but some variation of best of 3 is popular since it gives more people a chance to roll and engage.
A lot of quests are set in pre-existing franchises but there have been plenty over the years that are OG setting.
suptg.com is normally used at the end of a thread to archive and preserve a quest so people can read it afterword. Tons of old quest there if you want to check out some.
Now that it's dead I can tell you that SLRQ fucking sucks ass and I hate it for occupying the same niche I was gonna write.
>>6102948 I have no idea what SLRQ stands for.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
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>>6102104 >>6102053 >>6102494 Can confirm I fucking suck, but one bit of advice I'd give as something kinda like an artfag is to make 'paper dolls' of your characters, even if they're crummy. That way you have some 'sprites' to work with if you don't have a lot of time or motivation to draw. Experiment with different expressions, use references (cartoons are my fave) and don't worry too much about how it looks--practice makes perfect! We used to have a Quest Art General on here which was helpful, but even posting art on this general can get you some feedback!
At the very least you can post an image/photo of some scenery that fits the post. Pictures with posts can add quite a bit!
>>6102681 Definitely take a look at some of the other quests and lurk a bit--that'll give you a better idea of what goes on here than anything else. You can also ask for recommendations in here of current and old quests!
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>>6102966 probably School Life Revenge Quest