GET IN HERE. Used to love doing these 2014-2016 on /tg/ and /pol/. >FIRST POST: NAME YOUR NATION: PICK A STARTING LOCATION: PICK COLOR: FLUFF: Be a precise as you can when expanding/attacking/defending. If I can't tell what you want, I'll use my best discretion. Potential bonuses if I like your flavor text. One roll per turn, make sure to include NAME, or COLOR, as well to make things go faster. I don't really know how active this board is, so updates every 10-15 mins or so.
Light Blue
President Biden has been unjustly removed from the 2024 election ticket! Those traitors in the democratic party must pay, and we'll defeat Trump together, with the, you know, the thing, and, uh, yeah. Only the Lord himself can tell the President to step down, and he ain't coming down! Together, we can beat Vice President Trump!
>I don't really know how active this board is The board's probably one of the slowest on the site, this will take several days at least.
Quoted By:
>>6067545 Thanks Bidenbro.
We'll start once 4 nations spawn and see where things go.
New England
>>6067330 New England
New Hampshire
The Union is Broken. The Union has failed. Independence has only produced more complete and thorough tyrants in the form of the Presidentiae. And so a course is reversed, a long-past rebellion retraced in the opposite direction. The wandering Prince Harry is co-opted and made by the decree of new parliament King Harrold the First of New England. God Save the King!
>I don't really know how active this board is This is a slow board. I'd advise drastically decreasing your planned updates to perhaps once or twice per day or so.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 27 Jul 2024 09:59:03 No. 6067774 Report >>6067330 MEXICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE
South New Mexico
¡Se acabó la hegemonía americana! Las tierras de Nueva España pertenecen a su vástago más destacado. El Álamo arderá a nuestro paso, ¡Muerte o Reconquista!
Quoted By:
>>6067720 Thanks New England. We'll adjust updates accordingly.
>>6067774 Bienvenidos amigo
>One more nation and we'll begin rolling. Mormon Empire
Holy Mormon Empire/ Imperial Utah Salt Lake City Purple The prohibition on polygamy will be tolerated no longer.
>Link this post for your first roll. Give me a general direction or I will just radiate outwards along your perimeter. >>6067969 Welcome, Brother Smith.
>Updates after all nations roll or 5-6 hours from now. >Many open spots remain for newcomers. Mormon Empire
>>6067994 Expand southwards! All of Utah must be ours!!!
(We're just using post numbers for rolls right? Or am I supposed to roll dice?)
Quoted By:
>>6068001 Please use post numbers (this post will result in 7 territories added).
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sat 27 Jul 2024 19:15:40 No. 6068087 Report >>6067994 Begin Operation Navajo.
>Expand North along the border with Arizona, then turn east and keep conquering New Mexico New England
>>6067994 Take the remainder of New Hampshire then move in to Massachusetts, then Vermont.
>>6067994 Expand! Biden will rule America once again, after we beat that Alley Cat, uh, anyway.
>>6068001 Mormon Empire +7
>>6068087 Mexican Expeditionary Force +15
>>6068102 New England +7
>>6068224 Biden Restoration Movement +10
>>6068240 ROUND 2
Reply to this present post or the previous OP post.
>Will update 5-6 hours or if all nations roll >Many open spots remain for newcomers New England
>>6068250 With New Hampshire secured, keep up the invasion of Massachusetts; then into Connecticut and Rhode Island.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Sun 28 Jul 2024 01:43:23 No. 6068309 Report >>6068240 Forward, into Washington and Virginia! Once we get the capital we can hold an inauguration, of, uh, well anyway, we're going to beat Trump!
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 05:13:12 No. 6068399 Report >>6068240 Establish the frontline on the Clayton-Logan-Clovis-Hobbs axis(Keep expanding withing New Mexico)
If the New Mexico campaign finishes then begin phase 2 of Operation Navajo with a mechanised assault into northern Arizona until our forces reach Lake Mead.
>>6067330 >>6067994 >>6068240 Coalition of Undead Clubbed Kanadian Seals
Seattle, WA
Justin Trudeau has stepped down and given Kanada over to the native indians, who immediately raised the C.U.C.K.S. and then sunk Kanada into the sea. We hungry. ARF ARf arF~~!
Can I get a wittle bonus for missing turn 1? ARF~!
>expand inward and south to Oregon UTAH
>>6068250 Mormon:
Continue south until the Utah/ Arizona border, then West towards the coast.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 14:48:42 No. 6068596 Report >>6068578 Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional Report on Threat Actors within the territory of the former United States of America
It is of little surprise that the anarchy spring from the collapse of not only the federal government but also state-level institutions have led to the rise of groups which lay claim to a part or all of the authority once exercised by the government in Washington DC. To prevent our forces from being hindered by any sort of "Fog of War" in their march of restoration, SEDENA has complied what little intelligence can be gleamed from intercepted communications, satellite images, third party resources
and agents still operating within the territories of the former USA .
Case 1:
Biden Restoration Army Centered on the Delmarva Peninsula, the Biden Restoration Army(BRA) seems to be composed of remnants of the Democratic Party, their stated goal is the restoration of the Biden presidency over USA. While they may seem like a remnant of the old federal government, there is no proof that Biden is within their custody or even alive, even more, one of their stated goals is the defeat of "Vice President Trump"(Trump or any faction adjacent to him has yet to emerge or make itself known). This has lead to our theory that the BRA is NOT what remains of the US federal government but instead an ideologically motivated paramilitary group which seeks to use the last American presidential mandate as a legitimizing factor in their conquest of the USA. Little can be said about their military capabilities as our intelligence has yet to obtain combat footage of them, however it can be deduced from their location that they have naval capabilities, however limited, and possibly outside support. Due to their distance from Expedition goals, even from the more ambitious ones, it can be concluded that it will be a while before the BRA comes into contact with expedition forces, as such it is useless to provide any sort of strategy pertaining combat with them until later actions can provide a clearer view into their organization and capabilities, but it is certain that should the BRA achieve success East of the Mississippi River, a clash is inevitable. A note had been forwarded to Naval Command urging them to closely monitor the activity on the North-Eastern coast. Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 14:49:48 No. 6068597 Report >>6068596 Case 2:
New England A reactionary movement based on New Hampshire with the stated goal of reversing the Independence War, and in their attempt to do so have enthroned Henry Windsor, now "King Harrold I" to the throne of New England. It is not believed that Henry Windsor has orchestrated this movement, or even that he is anything more than a figurehead chosen by general New England elites which have become disillusioned by the former American political system. They present an even lesser threat than the BRA, not only due to the even lesser proximity between our forces and theirs, but also since a "restoration" of the old pre-independence America would imply a division of the land which would be compatible with expedition goals sans Florida. NE presents a lesser industrial base than that of the BRA, and with their close proximity with one another, conflict will likely come about. Should NE prove victorious, then it it advised that diplomatic relations be soon established between them and the Expedition command. Case 3:
Holy Mormon Empire / Imperial Utah The collapse of civil institutions has given way for a radical sec of Mormonism to take root in Salt Lake City. Though little is know about their leadership and organization, bar a couple of legislative changes concerning polygamy, it is assumed from their declared name that whoever the "mormon emperor" may be, his combination of religious doctrine and nationalistic rethoric has proven popular among the masses of Utah. IU currently presents the greatest challenge to the reclamation efforts for the following reason: - their presence and expansion within primary expedition goals - their presence in Utah provides them with various vectors of attack downhill into Arizona - their religious drive is certain to result in highly motivated troops - presence of stocks of small arms from before the collapse estimated to match current equipment - larger pool of expendable soldiers due to their policy of polygamy All these present a challenging, but not insurmountable foe. Like the other active groups in the former USA, the IU has yet to occupy any sort of large industrial base, but contrasting the BRA or New England for whom it is possible, if not expected, to receive outside support, IU is alone in their struggle. Moreover, while their small arms are expected to perform equal to our own infantry equipment, they lack wider armored and aerial support, and while a push into Utah in current conditions is discouraged because of the terrain advantage of the IU, clashes in Arizona or the wider Mojave Desert are estimated to result in MEF victory. Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 14:50:50 No. 6068600 Report Quoted By:
>>6068597 Case 4:
Cucks(?) Communications intercepted over the new North-Western coast of the former USA of survivor groups in and around the Seattle area have presented references to an unknown group refered to as cucks either in a pejorative sense or as an unknown acronym. There is scarce information on the group, if there even is a group, but it is worth noting that satellite imagery have shown the death of hundreds of what is believed to be seals and/or sea lions localized only on the beaches of the Seattle Bay area. Environmental groups have entered the wider discussion and actions regarding the Canada Incident as the possibility of some sort of underwater contamination is very likely TED
>>6068279 New England +17
>>6068309 Joe Biden +17
>>6068399 dubs +25 (+2 for flavor)Mexican Expenditionary Force
>>6068411 Well met, C.U.C.K.S.
+15 for dubs and missed turns
>>6068578 UTAH +15
>>6068620 Utah:
Down to the Utah/ Arizona Border, then East into Colorado.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 15:48:49 No. 6068629 Report >>6068620 Operation Navajo is nearing it's end, time for the final 2 pronged march out of the Mojave. The first column will cross the Arizona Border by Blythe and will capture territory on it's way to Los Angeles while the second Column will capture New Vegas and continue along the US 95, taking the Nevada Testing and Training Range and stopping at Reno with the intent of turning west into California.
>>6068578 Representatives of the self-proclaimed Imperial Utah, state your intentions.
>>6068629 Seeing the possibility of conflict with the Mexican Expenditionary Force, Emperor Smith sends a delegation of ambassadors to treat with Mexican leadership.
The ambassadors relay that Imperial Utah has abandoned its plans for Westward expansion, seeing a high probability for conflict in the limited Southwestern region, and is instead expanding Eastward and Northward. So long as Utah and Mexico can maintain peaceful relations, we see no need for conflict between us.
>>6068620 NAME YOUR NATION: Midwestern Independence Compact
FLUFF: As violence and lawlessness erupts across the continent, a bloc arose within rural Michigan demanding that the governor appoint the bloc as the State Militia, operating as a paramilitary with qualified immunity. The bloc quickly restored order, often through brutal repression of looters and rioters, and grew beyond the state government's ability to control. The Midwest Interstate Compact was signed into law with members of the Bloc presiding over the state legislature, intended to bring most of the Midwest under their leadership. No other states joined the compact, and the name has come to mean Independence Compact instead.
ACTION: Secure Michigan. LAW & ORDER!!!
Rolled 79 (1d100) >>6068620 You're doing this based on post number? Have you considered using a 1d100 instead? This be a slow board, easy to manipulate post number.
Quoted By:
>>6068674 That is a good point which I did not consider. Next thread we'll use the 1d100. For now, post numbers. I like that the post numbers lead to dubs/trips/polys/palindromes. I'm not sure how the math changes with doing a 1d1000 or something.
>Expand throughout all of Washington. No longer requiring oxygen, sleep, water, or even food, the C.U.C.K.S. flap rhythmically non-stop throughout the Pacific North-West. The Coalition reshapes the landscape with their ice-guns and freeze bombs, allowing them to glide effortlessly from one warzone into the next. Infrastructure falls into ruin. Cases of rabies and giardia skyrocket. The plague returns in a massive break out. Nearly no one has electricity. A mass exodus begins, and the disorganized militias of Montana, Idaho, and Oregon take notice, and begin to organize on the borders, ready to contain the C.U.C.K.S. in Washington. Clubs and pollution are tools of the human, arF~! The hypocrites of the West Coast, ARF ARF ARF ARF ARRF ARF, must pay for destroying our habitats. Humanity will aRFFf~~ become extinct, like Kanada. ArF~! ArF~!
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 28 Jul 2024 19:18:38 No. 6068769 Report Quoted By:
>>6068642 To the government of Imperial Utah.
We are positive to the idea of maintaining an informal agreement of non-interference between our two nations, however we strongly urge your leadership to consider where it is intended to commit to the expansion of Imperial Utah as we can only guarantee our common security at the present moment.
We likewise see no need for conflict between us, but we also consider that it depends more on you than on us to maintain such considerations.
New England
>>6068620 Finish up Conneticut, take Rhode Island, then yoink New York City.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Sun 28 Jul 2024 22:32:56 No. 6068894 Report >>6068620 Looks like we got the capital. I'm proud of our accomplishments, and now that President Biden is in the White House, where he belongs, we're going to expand southwards. And, we have to, we have to, the thing is, you gotta understand, we're going to BEAT Trump in the election. We're going to have an election folks. And we're gonna beat him. Just you watch. All the polls are saying we're going to win. All of them. And I'm not stepping down!
It's not gonna happen! Anyway, uh, we're going to beat Medicare.
>>6068627 Utah +15
>>6068629 Mexican Expeditionary Force +17
>>6068671 Hail, Midwestern Independence Compact +15 (missed turns)
>>6068747 C.U.C.K.S. +25 (palindrome)
>>6068860 New England +50 (6 palindrome)
>>6068894 Joe Biden Restoration Movement +10
>Newcomers still welcome NAME YOUR NATION:
>>6068959 UTAH
More of Colorado, then North into Wyoming.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 29 Jul 2024 01:11:37 No. 6068976 Report >>6068959 With the Sacking and capture of Las Vegas and the Conquest of Los Angeles, MEF forces are ready to converge on Sacramento and spread out to restablish order, latin order in California.
>>6068959 The Coalition of Undead Clubbed Kanadian Seals unleash their fearsome ice-tillery all along the coasts of Oregon and California, causing artificial ice age conditions and taking as much West Coast beachfront property as possible, since that's where all the best fish are at, arf~.
for QM:
Please ensure I get some sliver of Northern California before the smelly MEF takes it, I believe my minimum roll + Washington bonus can get me there if I stretch thin. Also based 3-palindrome rule addition ty <3 Ar-ARFFF~! Arf~! aRf~! arF~!
Enemy intel is surprised to learn that there are millions of C.U.C.K.S. in Washington.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Mon 29 Jul 2024 04:14:02 No. 6069119 Report >>6068959 We got to uh, expand the uh, the thing, you know, anyway. President Biden ain't stepping down! His records, the, the best of, uh yeah. We got to beat him folks! Because if we don't, then, you know what, what's happening to this country? We're going to make America, ah, yeah, anyway. I'm still in good shape. I can beat Trump. We can beat him folks!
So, I mean, we'll uh, we're going to, I think the best course of action we can do, is, uh, expand in Virginia. Yeah. I mean we need to unite this country!
Midwest Independence Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Midwest Independence Compact !NOTlN89zL6 ID:qHg7vk/F Mon 29 Jul 2024 04:19:00 No. 6069122 Report >>6068959 Thousands of bodies float across the Detroit River into C.U.C.K.S. territory as The Midwest Independence Compact asks everyone what KIND of American they are. They expand their reach northwards throughout lower Michigan, leaving peaceful prosperous towns in their wake.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
The Midwest Independence Compact has a modest proposal for restoring peace to the continent through friendship and understanding. Mexicans and Biden excluded because we frankly can't understand what they're saying.
Midwest Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Midwest Compact !NOTlN89zL6 ID:qHg7vk/F Mon 29 Jul 2024 05:14:50 No. 6069162 Report Dang, look how nice that works out. Just, y'know, like, *hypothetically*.
New England
>>6068959 Take Maine, then continue into New York State.
>>6069162 How *hypothetically* beautiful.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Mon 29 Jul 2024 05:55:55 No. 6069171 Report Quoted By:
>>6069156 >>6069162 Look Jack, we just don't think, uh, well we don't, you know, if it's a great idea. President Biden is the best President this country has, and you know, he's done such a good job, right? We gotta beat Trump, together. Together. We can't let violence divide this country. That's not who we are! Haven't you seen President Biden's performance, when he, uh, anyway. Look, I get a neurological test everyday. I had one just the other week when that backstabbing bitch Pelosi replaced me with Kamala. But I ain't gonna step down!
Order of The Old Gods
Order of the Old Ones Western Pennsylvania Purple Long Ago, in ancient ages long before humanity, there existed what are now known as the Old Gods. Beings of such alien and cosmic might, they rendered man insane when simply looked upon by intelligent eyes. They once ruled this Earth, but have long since gone into a deep slumber, beneath the oceans and the soil, their comatose bodies sending dreams to the surface telling men of their continued existence, and of their return to this world. This led to the creation of the Order of the Old Gods almost an entire century ago. The Order is a wholly secret organization, dedicated to the worship of the Old Gods, and their coming return. With the collapse of America, and the sinking of Canada, it is all too obvious that their return is imminent. With all haste the Order has thrown off the veil of secrecy and emerged in Western Pennsylvania to bring to the truth as many as they can in the name of the Old Gods.
Order of The Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6069175 That's meant to say Order of the Old Gods at the top not order of the Old Ones, woops.
>>6068963 UTAH +10
>>6068976 MEF +13
>>6069028 KEKS +15 (WA +2)
>>6069119 President Biden palindrome +30
>>6069122 MIC dubs +25
>>6069170 New England +20
>>6069175 Greetings, Order of Old Gods +15
>>6067969 Purple has already been taken.
New England
>>6069184 Keep moving out into New York state.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6069184 Subdue Michigan, moving into the upper peninsula.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Mon 29 Jul 2024 08:44:05 No. 6069228 Report >>6069184 Well, we ought to, you know, um, the thing is Jack, I'm the best President we've got. So we gotta expand. We gotta expand. We're going to, uh, anyway. Yeah. I'm coming first in all the polls. All the polls. Just look at them. My doctor says I'm fit for office, and I get a neurological test everyday. Every day is a test. So we gotta expand. Expand in Virginia. We're going to hang Kamala and Pelosi together. Anyway. Um. Anyway. Expand. Yeah.
>>6069184 Utah (new id because I'm on mobile). Colorado and Wyoming
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 29 Jul 2024 08:56:27 No. 6069230 Report >>6069184 With Sacramento secured, split our California forces into 3 and begin securing the rest of the state and beyond. Colonel Raul Tejado's brigade will move to secure the San Francisco Bay Area while Colonel Cesare Lopez's 2nd and 3rd battalions will move into Nevada again to assist the colonel's siege of Reno by flanking it from the west. Should results exceed initial predictions then Tejado's brigade ought to move into northern California while Cesare's troops move along the I-80 to fully occupy Nevada.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6069228 Mister President, where do you stand on the issue of the racial jungle our country has become? We know you don't stand with Former President Trump's open borders plan of stapling greencards to diplomas, but under your leadership the border was wide open and now we've got Mexicans running wild through California and Arizona (no one cares about New Mexico). You have ninety seconds.
>>6069162 >>6069156 "AaRfF~!"
(Unacceptable. Prepare for imminent doom.)
>>6069184 Conquistadores and missionaries who probe the territory of the C.U.C.K.S. witness nauseatingly macabre and increasingly inexplainable phenomena before returning to their forward operating bases, perplexed and whiter than ghosts.
Reportedly, the C.U.C.K.S. have begun raising the children of other men (whom they have slain in battle).
The voodoo magics of the sadistic and now-extinct Kanadian First Peoples may indeed have opened a portal to hell that all of Earth will be sucked into. Even now, the Great Kanadian Sinkhole pulls the USA closer to the bottom of the sea, while North American faultlines are being constantly rocked by large magnitude earthquakes. With the farms in shambles, the hospitals in frozen rubble, and the supply lines disrupted, millions more die like dogs.
What's important to realize is that C.U.C.K.S. have no skills - they can't farm, they can't balance a checkbook, they can't please a woman, they don't even have the capacity for love. All they like to do is smoke weed, eat salmon, corrode society, and quarrel with others.
The undead clubbed seals' freeze-over of the PNW brought the sector's farming and medical marijuana industries to a screeching halt, and now, with Humboldt, Portland and Seattle farmlands in an artificially induced perma-Winter chokehold, the C.U.C.K.S. need more weed to smoke.
>ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrRRRRRFFF~!!!! (Continue spreading our influence, mostly in Oregon and a bit in Northern California if MEF doesn't take it all)
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Mon 29 Jul 2024 11:53:49 No. 6069308 Report >>6069232 Well, look Jack. Our borders are important, and under my record they've never been better. We got immigrants pouring over, and we gotta, we gotta, we gotta stop, um, look, you see, its an issue, and, anyway. I think its important. And together, we can beat them! We'll beat them, together. You just gotta trust me. You gotta trust me to, uh, uh, uh, um, you know. We're gonna secure the borders. I know people been asking questions, but we're doing well, we're, you know, doing better than we've ever been! Just look at my record! You, you, you think I'm going to let these borders stay open?
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6069308 Eloquently said, Mister President. Bad dudes like Cornpop and other illegals have no place in Our America.:tm: We gotta get those Mexicans outta here.
Order of The Old Gods
The stars are aligning! We must claim more territory if we want to compete with any of the other factions. Expand into Eastern Pennsylvania, bring them into the light.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 29 Jul 2024 14:36:26 No. 6069356 Report >>6069230 Writefaggotry time The battle of Las Vegas can be said to have begun with the march on Hoover Damn on 19 October, 20XX. The recon company of the 1st mechanized battalion of Colonel Cesare Lopez's Brigade has met resistance in the form of small arms fire coming from a gang which has fortified the Dam and was unable to create a break-in onto the other shore of the Colorado River, instead building a camp on Mt. Sugarloaf and awaiting the rest of the battalion. On the 20th, laid down the plan for the capture of Hoover Dam and the neighboring Boulder City, the 2nd and 3rd battalions were advance along the US 95 and capture the solar facilities along the way while the 1st captured Hoover Dam with the assistance of the expedition's air force, before converging on Boulder City from the south and north.
With the arrival of the rest of the 1st battalion, the plan was set in motion on the morning of the 21st of October. A platoon led by second Lieutenant Alejandro Ulisses were dropped off on Promontory Point by helicopters with mortars. On dawnbreak, a volley of mortar shells fell down on the fortified positions near the western end of the bridge over the Colorado as infantry advanced shielded from fire from the dam access road by a column of IFVs. From the 150 bandits on the dam 49 died during the fight and of the remaining 101, 90 were executed on Cesare's orders with the surviving 11 incorporated into the 1st battalion's assault company. Meanwhile, the 2nd and 3rd encountered little resistance in their occupation of the solar facilities up to the Townsite Solar Hybrid Project south of Boulder City. Reinforcements were send from Hoover Dam through the Purple Heart Highway in the form of the IFVs who managed to dislodge the defenders and capture the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Municipal Airport and the Cemetery. On the morning of the 22nd 6 tanks allocated to the operation from the ones captured from the various former US army facilities in New Mexico and Arizona arrived to the detachment at Hoover Damn, they soon proved they effectiveness against small arms fire and by aiding the clearing of the suburbia.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 29 Jul 2024 14:37:28 No. 6069357 Report >>6069356 With power to Las Vegas severed, envoys from a group of bandits who have laid claim to the city tried negotiating some sort of deal but such went nowhere. To not let the bandits and gangs of the city use the time given to them by their envoys to fortify themselves, the 1st and 2nd battalions were send up the Lakeshore Road. By the end of the day, The 1st battalion captured the settlements around Lake Las Vegas while the 2nd took up positions on the heights overlooking the Nellis Air Force Base. Conflict was initiated on the 24th with a pincer maneuver seeking to envelop Henderson while the 1st battalion was joined by the 3rd whom set up light artillery on the heights. Come nightfall, Cadence, north of Henderson, was under MEF control curtsy of the armor assault while artillery fire covered our troops' entry into Nellis, the neighboring suburbs and Nellis AFB Weapons Storage Area. the 25th and 26th registered low intensity combat, mainly focused on tightening the noose around bandit forces in Henderson as the colonel ordered all assault companies from all five battalions to converge in Nellis in preparation for an assault deep into North Las Vegas. These days also saw attempted counter-attacks from gang forces who used improvised armored vehicles with no success against our own.
On the 27th of October, at 5PM, all 5 assault companies sprung into action from Nellis, aided by light artillery fire hitting the high rise buildings in the north of the city and IFVs and tanks providing cover, the latter of whom also creating breaches into houses during the clearings. The following 4 days registered the most intense fighting Cesare's Brigade faced so far in the Expedition. While the bandit forces lacked the means to counter MEF artillery and armor, their parity when it comes to small arms made it too great of a risk to be lenient in our advance. The suburbs of North Las Vegas stopped burning only when the city was well in MEF control.
The decision to strike north yielded successes also in part due to the opponent's disorganized response. It can be said that while the northern sector saw the bandits attempt guerilla tactics against our troops, the defense of Henderson and the overall south sector approach to our attack saw a more organized and entrenched doctrine. This came to our forefront when drone footage showed infighting in the Las Vegas Strip. Sensing an opportunity, the colonel ordered an immediate advance down the I-15. An offer of unconditional surrender has been offered and accepted by the group operating the strip. With they compliance secured, the battalions on the southern sector joined the ones who fought in the north for a methodical push into the western part of the city. The last fighting force of bandits surrendered on the 3rd of November
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 29 Jul 2024 14:38:29 No. 6069358 Report >>6069357 In the following week the brigade, now gathered in Las Vegas, presided over the disarmament of the locals. Any sign of protest was taken as hostility by the colonel's men who, with his blessing, started looting the casinos and hotels. The locals could only bow their heads as any precious jewelry and bevrage was taken. By his Cesare's order, US dollars and slot machines were gathered unto the Harry Heid Airport where they were lit on fire. Multiple reports of violence against the surrendered locals prompted the questioning of the colonel, who's answer he himself summised as "vae victis".
Assessments of the effect of captured and repaired former US armored vehicles, especially tanks, have proven to hold true so far as measures of combating armor have yet to be developed by the unorganized groups of the former USA. Of the 6 tanks allocated to the offensive none were lost. While we can depend on the homeland to provide IFVs and secure limited flight capabilities, our only source so far for heavy armored vehicles and advanced airframes have been the abandoned stockpiles of the former US military. MEF airforce is predicted to not be able to employ captured airplanes on a large scale for much of the campaign if even since they require specialized repair beyond current field capabilities, pilots trained specifically for those jets of which we have none and an extensive support network, all while the role of aerial recon is fulfilled optimally via drones and our artillery has so far acted as analogue to airstrikes with an acceptable success rates. The tanks on the other hand are much easier to repair and provide an even greater advantage. Currently, of the 200 tanks we acquired in our campaign in New Mexico and Arizona, only 40 are operational with the others 80% slated for repairs. The 6 tanks and the crews who fought in Las Vegas have been send east to join with the other 64 for Lieutenant General Velasquez's Operation Santiana.
Colonel Cesare Lopez's actions during the Battle of Las Vegas have raised some questions about his troop's discipline but also about their efficiency as the Ordinance Corp filed a complain about the ammunition wasted bombarding Las Vegas. Still, Lieutenant General Montero has dismissed such complains citing that "reports from the North-West of the continent, if accurate, paint the picture of a theater where Colonel Lopez's attitude and expertise will be much needed."
-Report by SEDENA about the Battle of Las Vegas
Quoted By:
>>6069356 >>6069357 >>6069358 Barbarians. This is what an America taken over by outlanders looks like. The multicultural experiment has proven itself a failure. We call upon the Mormons to return to pre-1978 doctrine and expel all non-Angle Saxons.
>>6069184 ROUND 6
>>6069187 New England +15 (ME +2)
>>6069188 MIC dubs +25
>>6069228 President Biden +15
>>6069229 palindrome hmmmm. ok Utah +40
>>6069230 MEF +20
>>6069356 >>6069357 >>6069358 (+1 to next gets)
>>6069251 C.U.C.K.S. +7 (WA +2)
>>6069318 Order of Old Gods +15
New England
>>6069544 The remainder of New York shall be joined with New England, God Save the King! Once NY is fully his Majesty's, start advancing the front into New Jersey and Virginia.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6069544 Michigan Upper Peninsula. Spillover: Greenbay, Wisconsin.
Order of The Old Gods
The Eldritch Powers command us once again. We must bring order to as much of West Virginia as we can. The Order of the Old Gods expands into West Viriginia. Cthulhu Fhtagn!
New Florida Republic
>>6069544 New join
please instate me as blue in Florida
>>6069544 Utah
Up into Wyoming
>>6069544 >Gobble up as much of California and Nevada as possible. >If my get is large enough, put any remaining growth into Idaho and Montana, ignoring Oregon for this turn. arf~!
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Tue 30 Jul 2024 01:57:05 No. 6069753 Report >>6069544 Well folks, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta expand. That's how we're going to beat Trump. We're going to expand. That's what we'll do. And, uh, um, well, um, Kamala, she'll be charged with treason and, um, anyway. I think she'll make a great President. She'd make a great president, if she didn't backstab me. BECAUSE I'M NOT STEPPING DOWN. That's what we gotta do. Because I'm the, I'm, I'm the best President this country's ever had. All the, the historians will tell you. I'm the best. Just look at my record folks. It says, they say, well, anyway. Um.
We uh, gotta move north. North is where we need to expand. Into, um, Pennsylvania, and um, the rest of the, uh, state. Because [unintelligible]
>>6069544 ROUND 7
>Things are heating up. Quite a few contested borders now. Please let me know if you'd like to allocate gets specifically for attacks and/or defense. >Newcomers still welcome >>6069551 New England +7 (ME +2)
>>6069566 MIC dubs +25
>>6069642 Old Gods +7
>>6069647 Howdy, NFR +15
>>6069674 Utah +10
>>6069678 C.U.C.K.S. +15 (WA +2)
>>6069753 President Biden Restoration Movement +10
>>6069781 >Finish taking Nevada, then take as much of Idaho as phys-seal-logically pos-seal-ble. IF I miraculously have a huge get, expand into Montana. ARffFf~! Continue to ignoregon Oregon. aaaar arrrr arrrFf~!!!!!!
Quoted By:
>>6069828 3 palindrome get ftw!!
>Arf~! Arf~!
>Arf~! Arf~!
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Tue 30 Jul 2024 04:30:59 No. 6069845 Report >>6069781 Look, look, look, look, uh, here. We need to expand folks. That's how we're going to beat them. That's what we'll do. We're going to expand. Because when we expand, we um, well, the thing is, anyway. We gotta expand. Kamala would make a great President, but I'm doing great. The bitch stabbed me in the back, but, oh, uh, she was a great Vice President. Great Vice President. I don't have one anymore. They say I'm doing great. All the polls say I'm doing great. We got the most territory, and, um. Anyway.
We, uh.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Tue 30 Jul 2024 04:32:14 No. 6069847 Report Quoted By:
>>6069845 We'll expand north! Into Pennsylvania. And, uh, um. We have to.
New England
>>6069781 With New York secured, expand into new Jersey.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6069781 The Compact will head down the Wisconsin Coast, seizing Milwaukee and Kenosha, before turning West to take Madison, the Capital and south central Wisconsin in general. (+4 Michigan Bonus)
After a month, The National Anti-Zionist Investors Bloc had raised a sanctioned militia in every county in Michigan. Though the reorganization of the entire economy and way of life would take some time, it was clear that their control over the state was complete.
Crime and involuntary unemployment dropped to near zero, except for the occasional property crime of youngsters stealing or assault between boys being boys. Indiana and Ohio, however, condemned the forced marches of nonwhites across Michigan's southern border.
Wisconsin's governor, meanwhile, claimed that The Midwest Independence Compact was to blame for violating federal and state sovereignty by infiltrating its cities ("they crossed state lines!") with its agents and fomenting power, water, and communication outages in Greenbay and Appleton, which were leading to public disorder as people left their houses out of boredom, and, increasingly, desperation for the basics as bottled water ran out.
In response, The Compact deployed 40,000 Volunteers across Lake Michigan in motley freight vessels. The Militias rapidly locked down the cities of Milwaukee and Kenosha, and 10,000 troops advanced on the Wisconsin capital, arresting state legislators and capturing the governor. In a midnight session of the legislature, Wisconsin joined The Interstate Compact, becoming the second member of The Compact by force.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6069845 You're doing great, Mister President! What the country needs is a show of force, to show that you're still in control. A strong response at the southern border against these Mexican invaders. Michigan will stand with you when your expeditionary forces are prepared.
Order of The Old Gods
Expand East, into Pennsylvania. During this time, make sure a full conversion to the Old Gods is made. Burn Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, for the Religion of Madness must take root if we are to survive the coming ages.
New Florida Republic
>>6069781 I finish taking florida
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 30 Jul 2024 16:13:29 No. 6070070 Report >>6069781 Advance into Texas along the Rio Grande
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 30 Jul 2024 16:15:23 No. 6070072 Report >>6070070 >6 digit parindrome The Alamo is getting forgotten today.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6069781 ROUND 8
>First skirmish occurs in Eastern Pennsylvania!! >Order of the Old Gods victory over Joe Biden Restoration Movement >Considering moving to diceroll. >>6069828 pali3 C.U.C.K.S. +25 (WA +2)
>as much of Idaho as phys-seal-logically pos-seal-ble >>6069845 PRESEIDENT BIDEN +13 (fluff +2)
>>6069892 New England (ME +1 ; NY +1) +7
>>6069949 pali3MIC +25 (MI+4)
>This be a slow board, easy to manipulate post number. I see your point now. Can this board do a 1d10,000?
>>6070049 Old Gods +17
>>6070062 New Florida Republic +7
>>6070070 pali6MEF +50
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 30 Jul 2024 17:14:55 No. 6070090 Report >>6070085 With the Colorado River secured, the 2nd Division of the army of the west will begin its offensive into northern Texas.
Quoted By:
Rolled 2667 (1d10000) >>6070085 >I see your point now. Can this board do a 1d10,000? Let's find out.
Perhaps someone who is better at math than me can calculate the probabilities for these potential rolls. How many faces of a 10,000 sided die end with "doubles" or "palindromes" Etc.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6070085 Consolidate control over Wisconsin. Spillover target: Iowa.
Outraged Wisconsinites resist The Compact, but are swept away by a flood of militiamen rapidly flowing across state lines with AR-15s. Iowa and Minnesota call up their national guard, saying no Compact aggression will be tolerated.
Quoted By:
>>6070095 Would not know how to begin with palindromes.
nat 1 and nat 10k are each 1:10k
69 is 1 in 100
420 is 1 in 1000
dubs are intuitively 1/10 but I remember there being some unintuitive thing that makes it slightly off from that.
trips would then be 1/100 but would be subject to the same thing that I can't remember.
Once you figure out all the fractions you just add them all together. Odds are pretty good of getting a positive roll.
200/1000 + 200/1000 + 10/1000 + 1/1000 + 100/1000 + 10/1000 = 521/1000 or 52.1% without palindromes considered. There are a lot of palindromes in a set of 10,000. Odds might be as high as 69% (nice) of getting 15 territories or more (double the minimum)
Quoted By:
Rolled 5585 (1d9999) If you wanna make this really simple just do 1d9999 and then add the 3rd number currently on the board post numbers to the front of the string. So for instance right now it's 7 and just add this result to the end of 7 for my simulated post number.
>>6070085 >Take as much Kanadian borderland as possible. From the tip of Idaho all the way to the Great Lakes. Rrf~!
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6070118 Welcome to the Mississippi Basin.
Quoted By:
>>6070120 *The seal's undead brains are turned into visceral red confetti, starkly contrasting the snow white environment*
Nice to meet you!
New England
Rolled 2518 (1d10000) >>6070085 The year marks a welcome new development, as the first year when graduates of the re-christened 'Fort Benedict' military academy who entered service under crown commission manage to obtain regimental command. Under the command of the upcoming Colonel Stewart Griffin, the Royal Rhode Island regiment is at the forefront of the southward advance.
The Redcoats continue the march. Onward into New Jersey!
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Wed 31 Jul 2024 00:46:51 No. 6070257 Report >>6070085 The President has ordered a retaliatory strike against the Old Gods, attacking them all along the front. We cannot allow American democracy to be threatened by a pagan cult. We beat the British, we beat the Nazis, and we'll beat this new threat too. America is the greatest country in the world, and if we don't fight for it then we aren't worthy of the God-given freedom and liberties we enjoy. Join us to fight for freedom and the American way of life!
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Wed 31 Jul 2024 00:47:53 No. 6070258 Report Quoted By:
>>6070257 ZZZZZZZZZ
New Florida Republic
>>6070085 I finish taking Florida
For real this time
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 31 Jul 2024 03:45:56 No. 6070330 Report >>6070085 Grey
St. Louis, Missouri
" We swore to protect this nation and the constitution from threats domestic and foreign. We will restore the United States and the stars and stripes will be reborn."
Rolled 3353 (1d9999) >>6070085 ROUND 9
Sorry for the delay this round. Big update coming in round 10. We will be switching to a 1d9999.
Notable Skirmishes:
>President Biden Restoration Movement made a great recovery in Eastern PA at the expense of the Order of the Old Gods, but also lost ground in New Jersey to upcoming New England. >>6070090 pali 3MEF +25
>>6070100 dubsMIC +25 (MI +4)
>>6070118 C.U.C.K.S. +15 (WA+2)
>>6070142 New England (ME +1 ; NY +1) +7 ) +3 fluff
>>6070257 President Biden +15
>>6070294 NFR +10
>>6070330 Good evening, USAF (+20 for missed turns)
>>6070407 Please Roll 1d9999
That's four 9's. Sorry for the typo.
>>6070095 Had to go turbo-autist to figure these out. Probably made some errors.
Rolled 1849 (1d9999) >>6070407 (For all players unfamiliar with dice rolling, copy and paste "dice+1d9999" in the Options field without the quotation marks.)
>Continue taking the northern border and heading towards the Great Lakes Something smells fishy...
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 31 Jul 2024 07:44:23 No. 6070422 Report Rolled 4701 (1d9999) >>6070407 work on reclaiming the states that have the mighty Mississippi River and basin running through them
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Wed 31 Jul 2024 08:02:46 No. 6070425 Report Rolled 8476 (1d9999) >>6070407 Have the southern Texas force advance along the coast and send a batallion to finally enter the remaining disorganized Nevada lands.
New England
Rolled 4550 (1d9999) >>6070407 With the seizure of New Jersey completed, the forces of New England march on Delaware, with Colonel Griffin already planning for further strikes on into Maryland if the initial battles go their way. These operations are the first to be supported by elements of the New Royal Navy, the design and construction of which have been driven and overseen by Admiral Wayne, who has insisted upon a small but elite and exceedingly well equipped force with a variety of specialised subsidiary equipment. Known as 'The Boatman' for his attention to detail and level of small-scale oversight in the shipbuilding process, it remains to be seen how this will influence the capabilities of the new service...
Rolled 147 (1d999) >>6070407 Some people say that we're not doing too well, but all my advisors tell me we're doing great! I have overwhelming support, from, um, uh, well, just about everyone I talk to, and they tell me I'm doing great. We're doing great. We're winning this war. We took, we took, I can't remember how much we took, but we took a lot of territory from the Old Gods. A lot of territory. We're winning this folks. Don't give up.
I'm not gonna give up unless they tell me I can't win. And.
We're gonna, well, we're winning folks. We beat Donald Trump. And, uh, Washington beat the British 200 years ago too. So that's what we need to, um, do. We'll beat them. That's, well. Anyway.
We gotta attack. Attack them where we can. Attack the Old Gods and New England. Because, anyway.
New Flodira Republic
Rolled 9511 (1d9999) >>6070407 rolling for expansion
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 3362 (1d9999) >>6070407 Mop up Wisconsin. Spillover: Iowa.
Firebough "Uprising," is forced to consolidate its position between the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers to oppose a surprisingly stiff resistance put up by Wisconsinites centered around Eau Claire. The firebough is comprised of the 1st Division ("Freedom"), 2nd Division ("Viking"), an armored brigade of modified construction equipment equipped with motley heavy weapons called "Rumble" brigade, and 3rd Division ("Jormungand").
Reports are that Canada air dropped special operations forces into the area to lead a resistance effort. The Compact wastes no time in concentrating a massive army group to crush the forces before they swell out of control. At the same time, unorganized irregular elements begin to infiltrate Dubuque and Cedar Rapids.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6070330 The Midwest Interstate Compact will pay our tithe to our men and women in uniform fighting against the Mexican and Canadian invaders. We will pay in grain, corn, and conscripted troublemakers who don't want to live under the laws chosen by the States of our Compact, as provided for in the US Constitution. Just one thing: we'd like you to remove all LGBTBBQ personnel from your enlisted and officer corps, as we are fighting against these ungodly and unamerican elements.
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 9694 (1d9999) Following a long meditation to commune with the Powers Beyond, the High Council has more orders for us. We are to take the rest of Maryland, hat which the BRA has yet to claim.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6070556 >>6070487 Very kind of the Old Gods to not retaliate against ex-POTUS Biden's attacks. :^)
Order of The Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6070560 Hadn't seen the message at first, guess it's too late to act now.
Rolled 8119 (1d9999) >>6070407 1d9999 Edition
>the forces of New England march on Delaware
22 & vs 14 = 8 victory for NE;
>Joe Biden Restoration Movement has lost their original capital in Delaware! >>6070419 >copy and paste "dice+1d9999" in the Options field without the quotation marks Thank you
>Rolled 1849 (1d9999) +18 WA+2 >>6070422 USAF
>Rolled 4701 (1d9999) +8 >>6070425 MEF
>Rolled 8476 (1d9999) +12 >>6070444 (lol trips)New England
>Rolled 4550 (1d9999) +20 NY+1, ME+1 >>6070487 President Biden Restoration Movement
>Rolled 0147 (1d999) +14 >>6070533 >Rolled 9511 (1d9999) DUBS +30 NFR
>>6070534 >Rolled 3362 (1d9999) +8 MI+4 MIC
>>6070556 >Rolled 9694 (1d9999) OLD GODS +10
I would like to get another round in in 8-9 hours, so if you see this: roll!
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 1590 (1d9999) >>6070720 Establish a powerful beachhead in Cedar Rapids and launch a probing attack to seize Des Moines, Iowa.
Rolled 9164 (1d9999) >>6070720 >Spread death at the tip of a flipper in Montana and the Dakotas C.U.C.K.S are heard to look at, most people don't even like looking at them... But EVERYONE wants to fuck their fine ass women.
Even now, horny Mexican soldiers grope at and procreate with the C.U.C.K.S women, during their nacho and cerveza-filled rests in between their prolific conquest of the southwest. Hideous hybrid abortions begin littering the medical waste bins and streets of Nuevo Nuevo Mexico. News of this reaches Coalition leadership and they are... Indifferent.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Wed 31 Jul 2024 21:18:13 No. 6070737 Report Rolled 6032 (1d9999) >>6070720 Resume the costal offensive, breach into Houston and keep going until our columns reach Sabine River
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 3928 (1d9999) >>6070720 (If my ID looks different it’s because I’m on my phone)
Now that we have secured a new foothold in Maryland, we must launch a full counter-offensive against the pitiful Biden Restoration Army. Our territories must be reclaimed, in the name of the Old Gods!
>>6070422 United States Armed Forces:
Are you going to grab Tennessee for the bonus? Would you be willing to join a potential Compact-USAF-Florida alliance? >>6070533 Florida:
Where does President De Santis stand on the invasion of Texas by Mexican troops? Would you consider a potential alliance with myself and US Armed Forces? New England
Rolled 6816 (1d9999) >>6070720 With Delaware taken by Colonel Griffin's offensive and Biden's capitol taken, the men of the regiment organise a rapid search of the surroundings to see if the last American President has been captured with the fallen city or if he managed to flee elsewhere. New England's forces push onward in attempt to take the Peninsula, and press further along the coast of Chesapeake Bay.
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 31 Jul 2024 22:53:11 No. 6070774 Report Rolled 8934 (1d9999) >>6070720 continue reclaiming the states that have the mighty Mississippi River and basin running through them
New Florida Republic
Rolled 568 (1d9999) >>6070720 I finish Florida and then move to Louisiana.
>>6070766 I could consider it
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Thu 01 Aug 2024 01:26:22 No. 6070827 Report Rolled 7016 (1d9999) >>6070720 They, they, they, they, they, they can't be allowed, to, um, well, we're going to win. My advisors, my staff, they, well, they tell me we're doing great. We're winning this war. We're going to win. I'm not stepping down. The British are, well, they're, you know, they've taken my home state of Delaware. We're not going to let them keep it folks. We're not. I heard Trump called my son a sucker and a loser HE'S NOT A SUCKER AND A LOSER, THE BRITISH ARE SUCKERS AND LOSERS.
Well, anyway.
We gotta fight back. Fight them. We, you know, we need to, well, I know we're winning. We're going to win this. I'm only going to stop if they tell me I can't win, and nobody's saying that. None of the polls say we're losing. We can do this Jack. We, um, well, anyway. I forgot how much territory we took from them. But we, we took a lot. We just gotta do it again.
So, uh, um, we gotta, we gotta attack the Scottish. Kick them out of New England. Take back Delaware. And, um, attack the Old Gods. Pagan alley cats. And, um, yeah.
>>6070720 ROUND 11
Old Gods vs President Biden
14 vs 6 = 8 OOG victory
New England vs President Biden
14 vs 6 = 8 NE victory
>>6070725 >Rolled 1590 (1d9999) MIC +20 MI+4
>>6070730 >Rolled 9164 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +10 WA+2
>>6070737 >Rolled 6032 (1d9999) MEF +8
>>6070744 >Rolled 3928 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +14
>>6070773 >Rolled 6816 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1, ME+1
>>6070774 >Rolled 8934 (1d9999) USAF +10
>>6070814 >Rolled 568 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10
>>6070827 >>6070827 >Rolled 7016 (1d9999) Joe Biden +12 (6 for DE, 6 for PA)
fucking lawl sorry man
New Florida Republic
Rolled 9193 (1d9999) >>6070835 rolling to take all of alabama
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 8985 (1d9999) >>6070835 Consolidate control over southern Iowa.
A line of killdozers from the "Rumble" brigade rammed the guardsmen lines south of Lake Red Rock today. Bulky concrete armor met the steel of a disabled APC as the killdozer pushed the fighting vehicle full of soldiers off of Red Rock Dam and into the waters below.
A concerted battlefront of resistance had stopped The Compact from taking Des Moines, but the offensive seized much of the southeast of the state. In response to the unprovoked aggression, the governor of Iowa declared war on The Compact. The figure leading The Compact, "Commander Saxon," called for a second and third firebough to be organized from the militias as the Canadians grow ever more agitated on their overcrowded sunny rocks.
As the military of The Compact grows, special privileges are being extended to young men who convert to Asatru Paganism: wives, land, and better equipment. Christians in the military are outraged at this special treatment, though those that refuse to convert are being promised help securing the Holy Land after the war in 'a great American crusade.' This has, for now, been enough to keep the peace. In the background, however, the most zealous of the Christians are being deported to the "United States Armed Forces" as a human tithe, despite the fact that the USAF has ignored all diplomatic outreach even as the Mexican and Canadian invaders begin sweeping east.
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 01 Aug 2024 02:54:42 No. 6070871 Report Rolled 6098 (1d9999) >>6070835 once more continue reclaiming the states that have the mighty Mississippi River and basin running through them
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Thu 01 Aug 2024 03:02:08 No. 6070878 Report Rolled 8206 (1d9999) >>6070835 We're, we're doing great. Everybody says we're doing great. If I'm not doing great, well, if TED says we're not going to win, then maybe I'll think about leaving, but, nobody's saying that. Nobody says we're going to lose. TED says we're winning. Now, folks, we gotta stick together. We gotta beat back these suckers. The, the, the, um, the Queen isn't going to take over this country. They tried 200 years ago and we beat them then. We beat them before. We, well, the thing is, if you look at how much territory they have, well, anyway.
We gotta beat them folks. All the polls say we're beating them. Now, we lost our capital. Okay. It was just a bad roll. Just a bad roll. I was feeling sick when I rolled the dice, and I was playing another quest too. Just a bad roll. Now, we gotta get good rolls. It's as simple, as, uh, that. That's what we gotta do. Get good rolls.
We, uh, we're going to attack the Old Gods and the New England folks. Suckers and losers, that's what they are. My campaign isn't a sucker or a loser. They are. I'm not stepping down. I'll only stop if, well, anyway.
Rolled 6138 (1d9999) >>6070835 >Seal the deal. Continue taking the Dakotas and Montana. Seal their fates. The MEF continue to take seal women as brides, as undead seal pussy can't be beat, and Mexicans will fuck anything. We're unsure how much longer we can allow them to use our females for spooge rags. Unless that's what the ladies want, then that's what we want, too.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Thu 01 Aug 2024 06:30:48 No. 6070965 Report Rolled 6803 (1d9999) >>6070835 As the Battle of Houston intensifies, MEF leadership, spured by popular sentiment in both their home country and the gained territories, shifts their attention towards the west where the order is given to push the line of contact on the interstate border. An offensive lead by now lieutenant general Cesare Lopez to fully take California and Nevada has begun.
New England
Rolled 8237 (1d9999) >>6070835 Forces loyal to the New English King continue their attacks against Biden's forces around Chesapeake Bay, attempting to cut them off from the coast.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 2527 (1d9999) >>6070835 The Biden Restoration Army has been pushed back as the Truth of the Ancient Ones reign again! Our next step shall be staging a southern offensive from Maryland, with the goal of taking the rest of Maryland and potentially reaching the New England forces also fighting the BRA.
>>6070835 ROUND 12
Notable Events:
>President Biden loses more territory to New England and Order of the Old Gods. I got a soft spot for our very first nation. But it ain't looking good, Jack. >Mexican Expeditionary Forces push C.U.C.K.S. out of Nevada. >USAF and MIC develop contested boarders along the Upper Mississippi Basin. >Battle for Maryland North
>BIDEN VS OOG 6 vs 14 = 8 victory for OOG
>BIDEN vs NE 6 vs 16 = 10 victory for NE
>>6070836 >Rolled 9193 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6070847 >Rolled 8985 (1d9999) MIC +12 MI+4 +2 fluff
>>6070871 >Rolled 6098 (1d9999) USAF +14
>>6070878 >Rolled 8206 (1d9999) PRESIDENT BIDEN +12
6 NE ; 6 OOG
>>6070884 >Rolled 6138 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S +14 WA+2
>>6070965 >Rolled 6803 (1d9999) >the order is given to push the line of contact on the interstate border MEF +10
>>6070977 >Rolled 8237 (1d9999) New England +14 NY+1 ME+1
>>6071106 >Rolled 2527 (1d9999) >a southern offensive from Maryland [spillover into PA]
Order of the Old Gods +14
Let's try to get one more round in in 8-9 hours
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6070827 How could you lose D.C. to Quohog's Finest, Jack? That's malarkey.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Thu 01 Aug 2024 18:28:15 No. 6071250 Report Rolled 8899 (1d9999) >>6071233 Flank the C.U.C.K.S. from Nevada and drive then out of our California while making use of drones to defend in case of a counter attack from the bloated bastards.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Thu 01 Aug 2024 18:33:34 No. 6071254 Report Quoted By:
>>6071250 >dubs Pacifico Norte time? Or can the extra tiles be filled in Texas?
Rolled 3048 (1d9999) >>6071250 >Expand in the north, do not defend >>6071250 To the smelly Mexicans: an offer you can refuse
Would you like to form an alliance? If so, C.U.C.K.S. will overlook your actions in California.
Quoted By:
This situation in the northeast is so sad fr fr, can't something be worked out?
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Thu 01 Aug 2024 19:46:37 No. 6071314 Report >>6071274 On the topic of cooperation between MEF and C.U.C.K.S we hereby present the following conditions.
>1: C.U.C.K.S will neither lay claim nor advance within the territories and/or polities that comprise the MEF territorial goal >2: the MEF has the absolute right to decid its own foreign policity within the security accord with C.U.C.K.S >3: a "trust territory" administered by the MEF ought to be established 3 tiles deep across the northern border with the C.U.C.K.S and in the following counties of the former Washington state: Whatcom, Skahit, San Juan, Island, Clallam and Kitsap C.U.C.K.S.
>>6071314 >>6071314 Your terms are acceptable, if you are willing to amend #3. A set of trust territories in Washington is not acceptable, as it would hamper our trade and sociopolitical relations with the D.I.C.K. (Drowned Injuns of Collapsed Kanada). A set of 3 trust territories in any other state other than Washington would be acceptable, just name it.
Will you seal the deal? Or join the club(bers of seals)?
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 6591 (1d9999) Well I was gonna wait til USAF declared his action to see if he intended to continue going up the mississippi into my territory but unfortunately I'm a bit sleepy so I'm gonna have to assume hostile intent in the absence of diplomatic contact with him.
>>6071233 The Compact attacks south into USAF after diplomacy with them breaks down.
As the month drew to a close, reinforcements from Fireboughs "Wothinn's Chosen" and "Weljon's Power" began to trickle in to the front with Des Moines, allowing "Uprising" to rotate south for an energetic push into the self-proclaimed United States Armed Forces, which had arrived to relieve the beleaguered Iowan forces.
Commander Saxon, using captured radio stations throughout the midwest, addressed the counties of The Compact to explain the war to The American Folkdom.
"Free Folk of The Compact, I speak to you from Lansing tonight to bring you up to date on the happenings of the past three months. The Nation of America is no more. Everything west of the Rockies has fallen to outlandish invaders from across the borders. President Biden has fallen. The United States Army attacks Americans rather than the outlanders attacking them. Whatever sense of protection the American institutions once afforded our folk are no more. From here on out, we must put our faith in New England; The Florida Republic; The Compact."
"I have directed our heroic warbands to wipe out the fraudulent traitors in the south calling themselves the United States Armed Forces. What these foes actually are, are the same degenerate forces of globalism that have been grooming children and murdering unborn babies and opening the gates to the outlandish invasion for decades, dressing up in our uniforms like a serial killer wears the skin of its victims. We will put an end to their mockery, once and for all. May Wix bless you, may Weljon harden your hearts, and may Wothinn guide you. Hail Victory!"
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6391 (1d9999) >>6071233 Continue through alabama
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Thu 01 Aug 2024 20:30:45 No. 6071337 Report >>6071324 Very well, we accept the revision of point 3. As for the trust territory, it is as we have state: 3 territories deep north of the line of contact. For easy of understanding let us exemplify it.
With the line of contact on the California-Oregon border the trust territory would start with the counties on the border(Curry, Josephine, Jackson) and include the following two conties on top of eachother
>Curry - Coos Douglas >Josephine - Douglas - Lane >Jackson - Douglas - Lane And so on and so forth along the line of contact.
>>6071337 MEF'd out C.U.C.K.S. will be the downfall of America! No one could have seen THAT coming!
New England
Rolled 9103 (1d9999) >>6071233 By order of King Harold, Colonel Griffin continues to press the offensive on Biden around Chesapeake Bay to drive his followers from the coast and away from the border with North Carolina.
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 01 Aug 2024 22:33:27 No. 6071389 Report Rolled 3340 (1d9999) >>6071233 attack The Compact
>>6071327 To the Leader of The Compact: The United States Armed Forces wishes that you fuck off and die you traitorous commie nazi roach
- United States Armed Forces Generals
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Fri 02 Aug 2024 00:04:40 No. 6071415 Report Rolled 6531 (1d9999) >>6071233 Look, well, look. I'm not stepping down. I've talked to TED and he's been saying I'm doing a great job, a great job. All the, the, the historians, the presidential historians say I'm the best president. I'm committed to beating the Old Gods and New England, and, and, nobody else can. I've heard some of the voters concerns that, that, you know, anyway. But I wouldn't be fighting if I didn't think I was the best person to lead America and win this risk game. I was the first player in this game folks! I've been here from the beginning. I'm not going to stop playing because of some, um, just a few bad rolls. That's all it is. Just a few bad rolls. I don't, there's no way that I can lose. All the polls are saying that. We're going to beat them, folks. I'm the most qualified player to do that. If, if somebody else thought they could beat the Old Gods and New England, then, well, maybe I would consider, but nobody's saying that! If they told me I didn't have a chance then I'd quit but NOBODY'S SAYING THAT.
So, we have to, to, to stick together folks. I beat Donald Trump in 2020. I'll beat Kamala too when I get my hands on her. So we gotta attack. Attack England. We gotta retake our capital. Those redcoats, they, they want to destroy our country, because of what we did to them 20, uh, 200 years ago. We can't let them. LISTEN TO THEM.
>>6071243 It's just a bad roll. Just a bad roll. I was feeling sick when I rolled it. Anyway, I'm doing a great job. Just look at my record. I was the first player in the game! I've been playing this game, since, since there were regular risk games on the board. I feel capable. Now, I, I can't roll trips all the time, but, I'm still capable. Just you watch.
>>6071233 UTAH
Soz, had a thing I had to do, Gonna try to keep expanding east
Order of the Old Gods
>>6071233 The Old Gods have blessed us with another successful offensive. Following these campaigns the High Council has decreed that our forces must rest before acting against the Biden Restoration Army again. We shall bolster our defenses on our borders to protect against foreign incursion, namely the BRA.
>>6071233 ROUND 12
If you roll a dubs/pali/large roll, feel free to specify where you'd like the extra gets to spillover in a second post.
Notable Events:
>Negotiations have broken down between the Midwestern Independence Compact and the United States Armed Forces War erupts along the Mississippi River!!
>MIC (12) vs USAF (20) = 8 victory for USAF >MEF and C.U.C.K.S form and alliance!! >MEF takes California! BATTLE FOR MARYLAND
>BIDEN vs NEW ENGLAND >8 vs 12 = 4 victory for NE >All quiet on the Eastern PA front... ##############
>>6071250 >Rolled 8899 (1d9999) MEF dubs +30 (spills to TX)
>>6071274 >Rolled 3048 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14 WA+2
>>6071327 >Rolled 6591 (1d9999) MIC +8 MI+4
>>6071331 >Rolled 6391 (1d9999) NFR +8 FL+3
>>6071375 >Rolled 9103 (1d9999) New England +10 NY+1 ME+1
>>6071389 >Rolled 3340 (1d9999) USAF +20
>>6071415 >Rolled 6531 (1d9999) President Biden +8
>>6071445 >>6070409 >>6070419 We're rolling 1d9999 now, please!
>>6071446 missing roll!
Rolled 9253 (1d9999) >>6071493 >Continue expanding in the states we already control in the noRF oRf OrF ORF orf orF~!!! Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Fri 02 Aug 2024 06:14:46 No. 6071599 Report Rolled 1687 (1d9999) >>6071493 It's time to wrap up Houston. Divert troops from the California theater and send them to the South Texas Army to occupy Houston and advance along the Sabine River
you forgot to highlight that I own California now and give me the "trust territories" in Oregon and Idaho me and C.U.C.K.S agreed to here >>6071337 >>6071351 Yes, he got scammed. PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Fri 02 Aug 2024 07:08:17 No. 6071631 Report Rolled 2091 (1d9999) >>6071493 Well, we gotta, we gotta keep going. I'm the only one that can win this game. I wouldn't be playing if I didn't think I could win. Jut some bad rolls. Just some bad rolls. Can happen to anyone. I'm feeling great. Just you watch. My next roll will be great. And, well, you know, before I joined the game there was no-one. Nobody had any territory. Since I've been playing everyone has got more, lots more than they had before. I'm responsible for that. I have a great record. So, we gotta, we gotta attack. I'm not stepping down.
Attack the New Englanders. SUCKERS AND LOSERS, THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE. Suckers and losers. We gotta attack, to take back, the, the, the territory we lost, I can't remember how much we lost but it wasn't that much, anyway.
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Fri 02 Aug 2024 07:09:54 No. 6071633 Report 1 again lmao. Fitting for Biden I guess.
New England
Rolled 3036 (1d9999) >>6071493 Keep on advancing around Chesapeake Bay! Take the coast away from Biden and drive his supporters back inland.
>>607163 New England
>>6071652 ...Does the 303 here count as a palindrome?
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 210 (1d9999) >>6071493 Attack them boomers in Gray, the USAF!
>>6071654 No, but if you had rolled one more (3037) it would have, because it's simulating a post number of 6073037
Order of the Old Gods
>>6071493 Now that our defenses have been bolstered, we must continue to press our offensive against the BRA. Our troops will take their encircled territories in Eastern PA, as the Powers Beyond demand!
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 2630 (1d9999) >>6071738 Forgot to roll
New Florida Republic
Rolled 4094 (1d9999) >>6071493 I stay the course through AL
>>6071631 >my next roll will be great literally the worst roll
>>6071807 He really has had atrocious luck.
>His last 10 rolls: 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 7, 5, 3, 8, 9119 It's just the mandate of heaven, sadly. Kamala knew it.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6071493 Oh, hey bawss, is 2-1-0 a straight?
>>6071719 Utah
Rolled 6209 (1d9999) >>6071493 UTAH
Gotcha, my b. Expanding East
I'm workshopping different controlling bonuses. Let me know your opinions. I think the bonuses at present were based mostly off of cultural geography in lieu of state size or county frequency.
I'm also teasing the idea of a city placement mechanic. Establishing a city will cost 1 roll, but all sequential rolls will have a +1 bonus (+2 to neutral gets in that state). How would sieging/defending a city work?
Notable Events:
>Battle for Chesapeake Bay President Biden vs New England
(4) vs (14) = 10 victory for NE
>Battle of the Poconos President Biden vs Order of the Old Gods
(4) vs (20) = 16 significant victory for Old Gods (1 spill into WV)
>President Biden Restoration Movement has, in an ironic twist of fate, consolidated around Richmond, Virginia. >Battle for St. Louis MIC vs USAF
(40) vs (0) = 40 significant victory for MIC
>USAF was seemingly unprepared! ##################################
>>6071502 >Rolled 9253 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +10 WA+2
>>6071599 >Rolled 1687 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
I'll add some contested territory indicators there, sure.
>>6071631 >Rolled 2091 (1d9999) President Biden Restoration Movement +8 (split b/w Chesapeake and East PA)
>>6071633 >>6071848 ##################################
>>6071652 >Rolled 3036 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6071654 >...Does the 303 here count as a palindrome? No not in this instance sorry. It must be final three digits. Reading right-to-left is a residual of formerly using post-id's.
>>6071724 >because it's simulating a post number of 6073037 I will not be implementing this rule. Right now I have all the percentages/odds of every roll charted in one table; I have tried to balance the bonuses accordingly. Maaaaybe if one points out some super-schizo patterns I will award extra gets.
>>6071719 >Rolled 0210 (1d9999) straight_3 MIC +36 MI+4
>>6071859 >Oh, hey bawss, is 2-1-0 a straight? This roll made me realize that I only had odds for ascending straights! Congrats this was a >2% roll! I should post the master roll table.
>>6071738 >>6071740 >Rolled 2630 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +20
>>6071807 >Rolled 4094 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6071891 >Rolled 6209 (1d9999) Utah +18
>All good, welcome back. I was very close to offering your nation up to any lurkers! ##################################
Next update 8-9 hours.
Rolled 2982 (1d9999) >>6071998 UTAH
Eastward, trying to fill out Nebraska and Kansas
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Fri 02 Aug 2024 20:29:07 No. 6072009 Report Rolled 9980 (1d9999) >>6071998 Continue surrounding Texas and occupy the Oklahoma panhandle.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6071998 The Compact attempts to eliminate the United States Anti-Fascists. We shall be Unvexed to the Sea! If there is spillover from a good roll, my target for leftovers is Iowa.
The Graybloc Antifa forces engaged The Compact with significant hardware advantages, bringing APCs, fighting vehicles, and even a formation of Abrams Tanks. Needless to say, the technicals and killdozers of "Rumble" brigade were hit hard, suffering many losses in the first week of engagements. It was the humble skidloaders that saved the day -- turned into Tank Destroyers with large smoothbore kinetic guns mounted where the cabin would be and two operators riding on top. They laid in wait and ambushed advancing armored columns before being hastily abandoned if an escape could not be made -- hopefully after scoring a kill or two on the enemy. The battle was fierce, but the logistics of the supposed United States Armed Forces quickly sputtered out of supply and the Uprising Firebough was able to launch a counter offensive down the mississippi, seizing the enemy base of operations in St. Louis and restoring order there. The conflict is not yet over, but Commander Saxon has been very optimistic in his addresses, televising the execution of captured soldiers as 'traitors to their fellow americans who opened the gates to the Mexican and Canadian invaders.'
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 9973 (1d9999) >>6072011 >>6071998 Where are my dice? I put it in the options but it didn't roll.
Again, I am targeting USAF for elimination. Spillover from a good roll goes towards Iowa.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 6651 (1d9999) >>6071998 The BRA is on its last legs. The High Council is ordering the army into Virginia, and into Virginia we shall go for the glory of the Gods!
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 02 Aug 2024 21:02:41 No. 6072038 Report Rolled 6861 (1d9999) >>6071998 attack the The Compact
sorry i didnt roll last turn had to go to the hospital for a family emergency
Rolled 1251 (1d9999) Last round a few were asking for roll clarification. Here's the master list I made that I've been using. Please let me know if I ever mistake your roll! New Flordia Republic
Rolled 944 (1d9999) >>6071998 De Santis Decrees the finality of AL before taking Georgia
New Flordia Republic
>>6071998 >different controlling bonuses You could just add a +1 get for every other state
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Sat 03 Aug 2024 00:24:44 No. 6072128 Report Rolled 1015 (1d9999) >>6071998 My fellow Americans. It has been a tough few rounds, but I still believe that together we can win this game. I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and other players I am firmly committed to staying in this game, staying in it until the end, beating Donald Trump, Kamala, and all the other alley cats.
I have heard concerns about what is at stake in this game. Believe me, I am not blind to them. But, I know that these concerns are founded on a faith in my record, and my rolls. Need I remind you that I've rolled a 4 digit pali? I've already rolled well, and I can do it again, and I believe I'm the best player to do it.
I want to be absolutely clear: I wouldn’t be playing if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat this game.
I've been in this game since the very beginning, and to this day there have only been two other nations brave enough to attack me. I put my nation down first, and only two others were brave enough to place themselves near me. This was when anyone could take anyone on, and I was the first. Only two players want me out, and am I supposed to listen to them? What about all the other nations who are fine with where I am? The rolls, the rolls, alone are what determine who's going to win. Nothing more, nothing less. And I firmly believe that I'm the only one capable of rolling well enough to win this game.
The question of how to roll well has been well-aired for several days now. And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to win this game. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps New England and the Old Gods and hurts us. It is time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.
To that end, we're going to do everything we can to attack the Old Gods.
Joe Biden
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
President of the United States of America
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Sat 03 Aug 2024 00:25:45 No. 6072130 Report Quoted By:
>>6071998 Sieging a city sounds fun. Maybe to take a city you need two or three straight victories over the other player?
Rolled 1311 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. continue expanding to the east
New England
Rolled 9397 (1d9999) >>6071998 With Biden's forces pushed back into Virginia, Colonel Griffin is given the men to organise an offensive against Richmond, in attempt to topple the Restoration movement before they can reconsolidate and secure the lands of Virginia for our own.
>>6071998 ROUND 14
All nations rolled this round!
Notable Events:
>New Florida Republic captures Alabama! >C.U.C.K.S captures Idaho and Montana >President Biden Restoration Movement, fending off a two-front war, retreats into the Blue Ridge Mountains. >MIC makes progress on USAF >The March on Fort Defiance MIC vs USAF
(14) vs (8) = 6 victory for MIC
>Siege of Arlington Biden Restoration vs Old Gods
(6) vs (8) = 2 minor victory for OG
Griffen's Siege on Richmond
Biden Restoration vs New England
(6) vs (16) = 10 victory for New England
>>6072000 >Rolled 2982 (1d9999) UTAH +8
>>6072009 >Rolled 9980 (1d9999) MEF +20 CA+6
>>6072014 >>6072011 >Rolled 9973 (1d9999) MIC +10 MI+4
>>6072024 >Rolled 6651 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +8
>>6072038 >Rolled 6861 (1d9999) USAF +8
>sorry i didnt roll last turn had to go to the hospital for a family emergency I sincerely hope everyone is okay, my friend.
>>6072102 >Rolled 0944 (1d9999) DUBS NFR +30 FL+3
>>6072128 >Rolled 1015 (1d9999) President Biden Restoration Movement +12 (6 NE) (6 OOG)
>>6072138 >Rolled 1311 (1d9999) DUBS C.U.C.K.S. +30 WA+2
>>6072151 >Rolled 9397 (1d9999) New England +14 NY+1 ME+1
Rolled 1976 (1d9999) >>6072157 Rolling to expand everywhere, using North Dakota as a base
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 03 Aug 2024 02:44:24 No. 6072189 Report Rolled 9484 (1d9999) >>6072157 attack The Compact
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3366 (1d9999) >>6072157 I mobilize into Georgia
PRESIDENT BIDEN RESTORATION MOVEMENT ID:hgia+/oL Sat 03 Aug 2024 03:25:29 No. 6072210 Report Rolled 2785 (1d9999) >>6072157 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta, um fight. We, uh, well, we're doing great. I'm doing great. I feel good. We can win this. I wouldn't be playing if I didn't think I could win. The, the Old Gods are pagan alley cats, and the New Englanders are, well, they're anyway.
So attack. We have to win this. I've rolled good rolls before, I can still roll some more. Just have some faith. This is an important moment for our country, an inflection point. We just gotta win.
New England
Rolled 8321 (1d9999) >>6072157 With Richmond fallen, the New Englanders press at the remaining Bidener positions in Virginia. How much stomach could they have left for the fight after all their setbacks?
Quoted By:
sleepy joe losing every battle is absolutely just killing me
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 03 Aug 2024 09:46:27 No. 6072358 Report Rolled 6158 (1d9999) >>6072157 Converge the North and South Texas Armies on Dallas
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 5817 (1d9999) >>6072157 The Compact tries to eliminate USAF. This is it, the big push. Spillover after gray is gone goes to Iowa.
>>6072128 Oh, we are so back. That's the president I voted for.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6072106 US Electoral College divided by 10, rounded up.
4 points are missing so I added them to Ohio, Tennis Shoe, California, and Michigan (no bias there) to preserve the balance of the (current) game.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6072386 Same thing but with the votes concentrated into strategic hubs to give players more reason to fight over stuff than to share.
Order of The Old Gods
>>6072157 It seems that the BRA defenses are stronger than initially anticipated. Hang back and shell their defenses while our troops rest.
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 2468 (1d9999) >>6072431 Forgot to roll AGAIN.
>>6072386 >>6072390 You'd probably want to make it more territory based, as is taking California would be a little OP with how little territory it has. I reckon distributing California's bonus to the other states without one would be better.
We're, we're, we're going to fix the electoral college folks. We're going to fix it, because, um, well, it's broken, and no, um, player should be above the law. No player should be immune from consequences. That's why we need to, well, completely reform this game, because otherwise, well, anyway.
>>6072157 Utah! Keep spreading into Nebraska and Kansas
Rolled 4167 (1d9999) >>6072509 Messed up my roll apparently? Phoneposting so bear with me lol.
>>6072390 >Thank you for this. >It's nice to bounce ideas off another person. >This however sorta falls into the cultural-geography issue. >I'm held up by the fact that California has 58 counties (27th) while Texas has 254 counties (1st) and this current suggestion has us giving players +6 for either. >Similar for Florida (67 counties) and New York (62) both granting more bonuses than Virginia (133) which has double the counties. >I'm thinking from a purely mechanical perspective > a better distribution would look like pic-rel. >This has lots of breathing room but lots of "hub" for players to try and establish a nation. >Each +2 bonus is roughly equivalent to 100 counties. >The math suggests an expected roll (without bonuses) to be about 17 !NOTlN89zL6
>>6072545 Texas builds wide, california builds tall. It's just how it is. The west is sparse and dry, the east is dense and moist. I think it would be a mistake to have every county be equal.
The point of bonuses should be something for players to fight and greed over.
>>6072157 ROUND 15
Notable Events:
>President Biden Restoration Movement has succumbed to New England!! >USAF launches counter-offensive outside St. Louis. >Straight_3 was rolled (1.8%) by New England (+36)!! Heartland Campaign
>The Compact vs United States Armed Forces >MIC (18) vs USAF (30) = 12 strong victory for USAF The Burning of Northern Virginia
>President Biden vs New England >(12) vs (38) = 26 decisive victory for NE ##################################
>>6072182 >Rolled 1976 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S +12 WA+2
>>6072189 >Rolled 9484 (1d9999) palindrome 3 USAF +30
>>6072202 >Rolled 3366 (1d9999) dubs NFR +30 FL+3
>>6072210 >Rolled 2785 (1d9999) President Biden +12
Disastrous timing. We technically have newbie slots open if you'd like to same-f*g your way back in.
>>6072330 >Rolled 8321 (1d9999) straight 3 New England +36 NY+1, ME+1
>>6072358 >Rolled 6158 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6072378 >Rolled 5817 (1d9999) The Compact +14 MI+4
>>6072431 >>6072432 >Rolled 2468 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +14
>>6072509 >>6072510 >Rolled 4167 (1d9999) UTAH +14
>>6072557 Hmmm you're definitely right on wanting to encourage players to fight and be greedy.
>tall vs wide I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I'm interested!!
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 03 Aug 2024 17:32:15 No. 6072575 Report Rolled 3773 (1d9999) >>6072563 Cut Texas off the rest of the former USA territory and advance into Dallas.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 03 Aug 2024 17:33:51 No. 6072577 Report Quoted By:
>>6072575 >Palindrome(xyyx) Hell yeah, spill into the whole Texas theater
New Florida Republic
Rolled 621 (1d9999) >>6072563 I enter Tennessee.
Rolled 7136 (1d9999) >>6072563 C.U.C.K.S. continue swallowing up the Kanadian Koast
>expand east, making sure to touch borders with MIC The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 5069 (1d9999) >>6072563 The Compact surges against the Untermenschen Socialist Anti Fascists (USAF)!
>>6072658 And it's a knockout! 73 territories!
Suck it, commies! Spillover into Northern Minnesota. Canadians arriving just in time to be next.
>>6072510 Hey Mormons, did you know Idaho has the second largest number of LDS members after Utah? Time to bring them into the fold, no?
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6072660 To be clear, The Compact is attacking the Canadians surging to my border in Minnesota with our spillover.
The Campaign against the Progressive elements of the United States Armed Forces took only a month, though losses were extreme. From the start, much of The Compact's heavy vehicle and air support had been ramshackle and amateur out of necessity, but the conflict with the high grade equipment of the USAF had massively depleted the vehicle fleet of the fledgling nation. It was estimated that 82% of construction vehicles had been pressed into service and that the overwhelming majority of that had been destroyed during the month long campaign in the Confluence Region of the Mississippi River in just four weeks of fierce fighting. The upside was that now, after five months of fighting, real, good, professional vehicles and aircraft were entering service, scrambled out of retooled factories to form the basis of a real combined arms Firebough.
As for the remnants of the USAF, they were dealt with in a draconian and unforgiving fashion. 2x4s affixed with the symbol of antifa and gay pride flags were raised in the thousands alongside thousands of miles of border with Kentucky and Illinois, and the bodies of US Soldiers were bolted to them through the skull and left to the elements and wildlife as a gruesome sign of the times.
>>6072433 Dark Brandon time? Pic related.
>>6072680 >>6072660 >To be clear, The Compact is attacking the Canadians We dodge the attack with our redskin magic and take different territories to avoid any attack, nana nana boo-boo!
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6072717 IDK how you do that since you literally said you were attacking to my border but, whatever, we're still attacking you. Total Seal Death! We've hired some Old Gods mercenaries to counter your unspeakable death magic with their unspeakable tentacle magic.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 03 Aug 2024 21:04:34 No. 6072738 Report Quoted By:
>>6072680 >Inb4 USAF rolls a 420 He still got a chance.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sat 03 Aug 2024 21:37:35 No. 6072759 Report >>6072330 [ULTRA SECRETO]
The command of the Mexican Expeditionary Force send this missive to the Parliament of the Kingdom of New England and its King, Harold I with the intent of establishing diplomatic relations. We would first like to congratulate you and your nation's triumph over the forces of the BRA, the stain of the american presidentship has been cleaned off the face of the the world. Secondly, with the intent of preventing any unneeded strife in the future, we ask what is New England's intent pertaining the southern coast of the former USA, that is to say, the territories watered by currents of the Gulf of Mexico. UTAH
Rolled 9883 (1d9999) >>6072563 UTAH
Onward to the East!
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 03 Aug 2024 22:40:20 No. 6072821 Report Rolled 1 (1d1) >>6072563 attack The Compact once more
UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 03 Aug 2024 22:41:38 No. 6072823 Report Rolled 5936 (1d9999) >>6072821 made a fucking typo
Quoted By:
>>6072823 No you didn't
You rolled a 1
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6072823 Your tenure of evil has ended. Your gay grooming the children of this country has ended. No more abortions, no more fiery but mostly peaceful protests, no more statue iconoclasm. America has had enough of the wicked regime you stood for.
Tyr's Wrathful Justice delivered us from the most evil nation in human history. Hail Victory!
New England
Rolled 6282 (1d9999) >>6072563 With Biden defeated, the informal relationship we held with the Order of the old Gods has come to an inevitable end. As most of our veteran units hold the line upon the western Border, a new offensive is begun in the North into Pennsylvania.
>>6072759 To the representative of the Mexican government, The Policy of His Majesty's Government is that the declared 'United States' of America never constituted a valid nation state, and all treaties signed with and involving this now-defunct power are to be considered invalidated by their removal from history. The borders of the powers or their continuity states should therefore as their default revert to the partition agreement reached at the Treaty of Paris in 1763. We recognise the nation of Mexico as the rightful inheritor of all Spanish lands and possessions in North America from the time of this treaty, as we are a rightful inheritor of former British positions. As to the remnant French possessions of Louisiana and all lands unclaimed and uncharted at this treaty's signing, we hold no claim or interest in these lands and are willing to recognise the claims and territories of other declared powers within them. Anonymous
>>6072725 To clarify, I'm only expanding to meet your border, not attacking it. I'm not sure we can even attack (or otherwise interact with) each other until a border is established, at least since there's a good amount of tiles in between us still and not only a few. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>6072563 ROUND 16
Notable Events
>United States Armed Forces have been defeated at the hands of the Michigan Independence Compact!! >MIC declares war on C.U.C.K.S!! >New England declares war on Order of the Old Gods and easily mobilizes infantry in war-torn Pennsylvania. >palindrome 4 (0.9%) rolled >**69 (0.89%) rolled Skirmishes of the Iron Range
C.U.C.K.S. vs MIC
(14) vs (31) = 17 strong victory for MIC
Conclusion of the Heartland Campaign
(42) vs (12) = 30 decisive victory for MIC
Battle of Greater Philadelphia
New England vs Order of the Old Gods
(32) vs (0) = 32 decisive victory for NE
>>>>6072575 >Rolled 3773 (1d9999) Pali 4 MEF +40 CA+6
>>6072633 >Rolled 621 (1d9999) NFR +8 FL+3
>>6072657 >Rolled 7136 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S +12 WA+2
>>6072658 >>6072660 >>6072680 >Rolled 5069 (1d9999) 69 The Compact +69 MI+4
(42 vs USAF)
(31 vs C.U.C.K.S)
>>6072804 >Rolled 9883 (1d9999) UTAH +10
>>6072821 >>6072823 >Rolled 5936 (1d9999) USAF +12
>RIP ##################################
>>6072872 >Rolled 6282 (1d9999) palindrome 3 New England +30 NY+1 ME+1
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sun 04 Aug 2024 05:57:41 No. 6073103 Report Rolled 5927 (1d9999) >>6073023 Conquer the Texan interior.
>>6072872 We are more than pleased with such considerations and, as a sign of good will, are willing to recognise your own claims east of the Mississippi. Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 3198 (1d9999) >>6073023 Betrayal, backstabbing of the worst order! The treacherous aristocrats of New England attacked us while our venerable soldiers were still recovering after the victory we shared against the BRA! Already they have invaded vast swathes of our territory in Pennsylvania. By the power of the Old Gods, they shall be evicted from our lands and their homes shall burn under the stars of the Gods! Quickly, we must mount a counter-offensive to take back our lands, for the Old Gods!
Mecha Brandon
>>6073023 Mecha Brandon
Dark Red
You thought you beat me, Jack. You were wrong. You only woke me up.
New England
Rolled 6852 (1d9999) >>6073023 Continue the offensive against the Order of the Old Gods in Pennsylvania! We must break these cultists before they can reorganise!
Rolled 9013 (1d9999) >>6073023 Fuck these illiterate faggots, give 'em hell.
>Attack MIC >>6073103 Odale eses, we got some bad hombres in el norte. Let's team up and take them out before they become a bigger threat.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 8357 (1d9999) >>6073023 The Compact liberates more of America from the Kanadian invaders! The bullets blessed by Old Gods mercenaries not only end the necromantic energies but also cures the seals hit by them of their cuck fetish (although they usually die before that becomes relevant).
>>6073140 He's back! He's back! OUR PRESIDENT IS BACK! The Compact cedes its Kentucky counties to Mecha-Brandon.
>>6073154 That's cute, but that's nothing. Watch THIS.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6179 (1d9999) >>6073023 Florida Continues to appropriate Tennessee
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6073140 >you only woke me up IMPERIAL JESTER
Rolled 4674 (1d9999) >>6073023 UTAH
Continue East
I'm not even playing and I'm hyped, let's fucking go brandon
>>6073023 ROUND 17
>>6073391 >I'm not even playing and I'm hyped, let's fucking go brandon Notable Events:
Susquehanna Valley Theater (Western PA)
>New England vs Order of the Old Gods >NE (10) vs OOG (14) = 4 minor victory for Old Gods Skirmishes in the Great Plains of North Dakota
>C.U.C.K.S vs MIC >C(12) vs MIC(18) = 4 minor victory for MIC ##################################
>>6073103 >Rolled 5927 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6073131 >Rolled 3198 (1d9999) Order of the The Old Gods +14
>>6073140 >Mecha Brandon >Dark Red >Kentucky >You thought you beat me, Jack. You were wrong. You only woke me up. Hell yeah
Mecha Brandon (+30)
>>6073146 >Rolled 6852 (1d9999) New England +8 NY+1 ME+1
>>6073154 >Rolled 9013 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +10 WA+2
>>6073213 >Rolled 8357 (1d9999) The Compact +14 MI+4
>>6073322 >Rolled 6179 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +18 FL+3
>>6073333 quads heh>Rolled 4674 (1d9999) UTAH +10
Rolled 2189 (1d9999) >>6073459 Is this correct? just doublechecking >C(12) vs MIC(18) = 4 minor victory for MIC Drop a slimy, necrotic, fecal bomb over Minnesota, then advance into it. We'll send our hybrid MEF'd out C.U.C.K.S. into the frontlines.
>Continue fighting the MIC >>6073103 Arf~!
Quoted By:
>>6073464 Nope, that is not correct. My mistake. I'll update the map retroactively next round. Good sportsmanship.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 2006 (1d9999) >>6073459 We have had some success against the New Englanders in our former territories, but this is no cause to rest. We must push what advantages we have, and continue reclaiming our lands. The Gods shall see our victory and surely spare us in the coming dark ages.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Sun 04 Aug 2024 18:44:26 No. 6073495 Report Rolled 2037 (1d9999) >>6073459 Keep on conquering Texas.
>>6073464 >Arf~! Quiet, your turn will come once we're done with the cowboys.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 6625 (1d9999) >>6073459 I attack the Canadians with this big swinging GET.
I cede my Kentucky counties to Mecha Brandon
I cede my Tennessee and Arkansas counties to Florida.
>>6073464 >Is this correct? just doublechecking >C(12) vs MIC(18) = 4 minor victory for MIC Don't worry, Leaf. All your women will be subjugated and bleached by BNC soon enough, there is no rush. If you want to speed it up you can just surrender to me and give me North Dakota and Montana. We'll show you how a real man handles these uppity cowgirls while whatever that is in your pic stands outside of the home depot waiting for work.
New England
Rolled 1189 (1d9999) >>6073459 The Order of the Old Gods have already proven a tougher foe then the crumbling and decrepit Bidenites ever were - despite some disquieting rumours from further west that surely can't be true. We must reconsolidate our forces push the Old Gods further back.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 669 (1d9999) >>6073459 I'm back and I'm gonna make one thing clear: We're going to kill those suckers. No quarter given. But we need more men first. So let's recruit and expand in the great state of Kentucky! And I don't mean recruit regular folks, oh no. We don't need those weaklings. I hear things that scream in the night. If I call them, they'll come, hahahahaha.
>>6073213 Thanks, Compact. You're not so bad. Maybe we can work together when the blood starts being spilled. Hahahaha.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6073654 >I hear things that scream in the night. If I call them, they'll come Yes hi, is this the Kino Department? I think I've got something here you may want to see.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sun 04 Aug 2024 23:51:30 No. 6073726 Report Rolled 1257 (1d9999) >>6073459 Dark
New Orleans, Louisiana
Reclaim the United States death to all who oppose us we will take no prisoners. Death to who exploit our nations downfall no mercy will be given to them
New Florida Republic
Rolled 7109 (1d9999) >>6073459 The Tennessee appropriation VVILL continue
>>6073459 ROUND 18
Notable Events:
>Mecha Brandon unites much of Kentucky with unprecedented speed. >NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT (NARG) enters the fray, establishing themselves in New Orleans. Attrition in the Great Plains
>C.U.C.K.S vs MIC >(18) vs (16) = 2 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S Susquehanna Valley Theater (Western PA)
>Order of the Old Gods vs New England >(12) vs (20) = 8 victory for NE ##################################
>>6073464 >Rolled 2189 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +18 WA+2 (-2)
>>6073472 >Rolled 2006 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +12
>>6073495 >Rolled 2037 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6073525 >Rolled 6625 (1d9999) The Compact +12 MI+4
>>6073618 >Rolled 1189 (1d9999) New England +18 NY+1 ME+1
>>6073654 >Rolled 669 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +69 (+4 KY from MIC)
>based based based based based based >>6073213 >>6073853 ##################################
>>6073726 >Rolled 1257 (1d9999) >NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT (NARG) Dark
New Orleans, Louisiana (+30)
>>6073797 >Rolled 7109 (1d9999) straight 1-0-9 NFR +36 FL+3
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 05 Aug 2024 05:27:06 No. 6073933 Report Rolled 6818 (1d9999) >>6073925 reclaim Louisiana
we will reclaim the united states and no else will stop our mission
Republic of Texas
Rolled 8078 (1d9999) >>6073925 Orange
That little center part of Texas that remains
Come and take it you little Mexican bitches, we ain't going down without a fight, remember the Alamo
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:DmNZcXWV Mon 05 Aug 2024 06:47:47 No. 6073993 Report Rolled 1004 (1d9999) >>6073925 Attack the Republic of Texas.
>>6073941 Fool, San Antonio smolders, there is no Alamo to remember
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 5983 (1d9999) >>6073925 The New Englanders have quickly reconstituted themselves after our attempted offensive. We must stop them from launching any further attacks with an attack of our own, an all-out assault on the frontlines to put them on the backfoot! In the meanwhile, we must investigate these rumors of a resurrected Bidenist movement in Kentucky. If the stories are to be believed, then the Bidenists have tapped into the power of the Old Gods themselves, and present a greater threat to us than any other faction could hope to muster against us...
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 5386 (1d9999) >>6073925 Well will you look at that. What a nice number. Knew we could count on my friends. Now we just gotta find some more. I'm sure we can. Let's expand some more and go looking for them.
>>6073797 So, Jack, are we gonna be nice to each other or do I have to break some bones?
Rolled 8202 (1d9999) >>6073925 Shart all over these MIC clowns
>ARFttaaaaaack~! C.U.C.K.S.
Quoted By:
>>6074093 Pfffft, get pali'd on, bozos!!
New England
Rolled 4982 (1d9999) >>6073925 With momentum recovered, the promoted General Griffin is given orders to continue to attack the order of the Old Gods in Pennsylvania.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3631 (1d9999) >>6073925 De Santis Finalizes Tennessee
>>6074036 >gonna be nice to each other For now
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 3827 (1d9999) >>6073925 The Compact attacks the Canadians.
And once again, we cede our Tennessee and Arkansas counties to Florida.
>>6074093 Fug. Well check out THESE digits.
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6074289 De Santis respects your cession.
As a show of good faith, we will not initiate any further attacks into Compact territory.
Rolled 1020 (1d9999) >>6073925 UTAH:
>>6073925 ROUND 19
Notable Events:
3 Palindrome_3 rolled this round!!
> 6818 (NARG) > 8202 (C.U.C.K.S.) > 1020 (UTAH) Guerrilla de Texas
>MEF vs Republic of Texas >(16) attacking forces vs (30) spawn = 14 for RT Stalemate on the Susquehanna
>Order of the Old Gods vs New England >(10) vs (10) = 0 exchanged lands Exchanges of the Great Plains
>C.U.C.K.S. vs MIC >(32) vs (18) = 14 strong victory for C.U.C.K.S. ##################################
>>6073933 >Rolled 6818 (1d9999) pali_3 NARG +30
>>6073941 >Rolled 8078 (1d9999) Republic of Texas +30 spawn, reduced to 14
>Come and take it you little Mexican bitches ##################################
>>6073993 >Rolled 1004 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
>>6073995 >Rolled 5983 (1d9999) Order of Old Gods +10
>>6074036 >Rolled 5386 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +12
>>6074093 >Rolled 8202 (1d9999) pali_3 C.U.C.K.S. +30 WA+2
>>6074113 >Rolled 4982 (1d9999) New England +8 NY+1 ME+1
>>6074189 >Rolled 3631 (1d9999) NFR +8 FL+3
>>6074289 >Rolled 3827 (1d9999) The Compact +14 MI+4
>>6074352 >Rolled 1020 (1d9999) pali_3 UTAH +30
Rolled 8951 (1d9999) >>6074413 >Attack the Michiganders with their favorite delicacy: rubbery monster seal dong The clubbed have become the clubbers. En ga-aRF ARF ARf garde~!
>>6074289 It doesn't have to be this way. We can end ARf this now.
>If MIC relents from attacking or defending, do not attack and instead expand in Minnesooooota, eh? Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Mon 05 Aug 2024 18:47:45 No. 6074436 Report Rolled 9919 (1d9999) >>6074413 Bomb the texans to ashes then move in, defend if attacked by anyone else.
Rolled 1935 (1d9999) >>6074413 UTAH
Keep going East
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 6564 (1d9999) >>6074413 Very few gains have been made in the Susquehanna theater against the New Englanders. In light of this, the High Council has decreed that advances are to be made elsewhere, chiefly Maryland. If we manage to cut off Virginia, we would secure our southern flank, and open a new front in Pennsylvania. With that, our troops march onward, to destroy our enemies in the eyes f the Gods! Meanwhile, rumors of the resurrected Bidenists remain unproven, but the High Council and the Priesthood are still concerned about them. If they are true, we may need to approach the New Englanders with a truce, although our hope is that they are in fact false.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 7367 (1d9999) >>6074413 The Compact continues its assault on the Canadians.
>>6074431 >It doesn't have to be this way. We can end ARf this now. The strategic situation is not clear yet. You have no one to attack but me. A lot hinges on what the Mexicans do. Frankly I'd like to just sit back for a while and ocnsolidate Iowa Minnesota and Illinois but I can't afford to do that yet.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6074413 OP, you let Canada cede territory to the Mexicans, so please cede my Tennessee and Arkansas counties to Florida.
>>6074467 Then wARFare shall continue. *club*
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6074472 Fargo is known for its nightlife.
New England
Rolled 8985 (1d9999) >>6074413 The line holds, but the line does not advance. To try and break the stalemate with the order of the Old gods, the newly constituted Royal Air Force is sent into their first operations under Wing Commander N. Osbourn to try and breach the lines with strategic bombers for a new offensive into Pennsylvania.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 4000 (1d9999) >>6074413 Tennessee
For real this time
Spill over goes back into Georgia
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6074549 >Rolled 4000 (1d9999) The Compact
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 05 Aug 2024 22:13:09 No. 6074595 Report Rolled 9460 (1d9999) >>6074413 continue reclaiming Louisiana
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 9261 (1d9999) >>6074413 It seems like we're doing pretty well. What a great thing folks. I even hear our old enemies are fighting each other now. *chuckles* They're gonna wish they were never born when I'm done with them. But that's for later. For now let's expand some more, heading north into Ohio. We'll need to find some good sacrifices there too, I'm getting hungry.
Republic of Texas
Rolled 6196 (1d9999) >>6074413 >>6074436 Gonna need a real fuckin miracle to survive this one, but that's lore accurate
Republic of Texas
Quoted By:
>>6074616 yeah 69's inbred little brother ain't gonna cut it
the second alamo falls
>>6074413 ROUND 20
>trips rolled (0.9%) >Republic of Texas is defeated by invading the Mexican Expeditionary Force! >New England marches on Pittsburgh Central Texas Extermination
>MEF vs Texas >(36) vs (12) = 24 decisive victory for MEF, spills to Oklahoma Great Plains
>C.U.C.K.S vs MIC >(10) vs (18) = 8 victory for MIC Pennsylvania Theater
Older Gods vs New England
(10) vs (14) = 4 victory for NE
>>6074431 >Rolled 8951 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +8 WA+2
>>6074436 >Rolled 9919 (1d9999) pali_3 MEF +30 CA+6
>>6074437 >Rolled 1935 (1d9999) UTAH + 12
>>6074458 >Rolled 6564 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +10
>>6074467 >Rolled 7367 (1d9999) The Compact +14 MI+4
>>6074471 I got you, sorry if I missed this request earlier.
>>6074485 >Rolled 8985 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6074549 >Rolled 4000 (1d9999) TRIPS!!! NFR +45 FL+3
>For real this time ##################################
>>6074595 >Rolled 9460 (1d9999) NARG +20
>>6074599 >Rolled 9261 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6074616 >Rolled 6196 (1d9999) Republic of Texas +12
>RIP ##################################
>>6074742 >>Rolled 7367 (1d9999) >The Compact +14 MI+4 >>>6074471 >I got you, sorry if I missed this request earlier. Fuck. I've updated it sorry again.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 43 (1d9999) >>6074742 We need more territory in Ohio folks. Doesn't matter how terrified the locals are gonna be. Expand before I have to come down there and slaughter them myself.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 06 Aug 2024 02:17:34 No. 6074764 Report Rolled 6728 (1d9999) >>6074742 finish off reclaiming Louisiana and start reclaiming Arkansas
New Florida republic
Rolled 6548 (1d9999) >>6074742 Why didn't you put my gets into completing Tennessee?
Compact literally ceded it to me?
Put these next gets into Tennessee and then give me that +3
Spill over goes into Georgia
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 4696 (1d9999) >>6074742 The New Englanders still continue to push into our lands, and as such, new measures must be taken to preserve the Order. The High Council has authorized the "All-In Offensive" plan, to force them back. Thundering artillery, infantry assaults, mechanized thrusts, no resource is to be spared in this effort. With the blessings of the Unknowable One's, we shall force the New England elite's slaves back!
Rolled 9522 (1d9999) Zombie seal dongs smeared on frightened and submissive Compactoid faces, now>Arf T T A C K!
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Tue 06 Aug 2024 05:44:50 No. 6074885 Report Rolled 4750 (1d9999) >>6074742 Time to enjoy your quesadillas, Texans.
Regardless, the northern situation is developing according to safe estimates so there is yet no need for direct intervention now when our forces still have something to do in the South...
Preemptively attack the NARG, push the entire line of contact eastward.
New England
Rolled 7978 (1d9999) >>6074742 >>6074802 Intelligence hears the 'All-In Offensive' plan by the Order of the Old gods and of the scale of resources the Order are planning to use with some dread. New English forces in the field are given the orders to brace and fortify, to prepare both retreat and counter-strike positions for later use as we try and halt this surge.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 3549 (1d9999) >>6074742 The Compacc proteccs, but most importantly... he attaccs... Leafs.
The Canadians are pushed bacc by Compacc!
After a month of conflict with the Canadians, little progress has been made. Boats perform raids across the lakes Superior and Huron and River Detroit, but the aquatic forces of the Leafs prove surprisingly adept at seeming to counter every offensive launched. With every month that passes, however, more 3rd and 4th gen warfare equipment arrives at the front. But so, too, do the rival claimants to America's power grow in size and influence.
Quoted By:
>>6074871 Mandate of heaven bros.....
>>6074742 ROUND 21
Notable Events:
>The mighty MEF declares war on NARG >NARG has been switched from Dark to Grey (Dark was messing up the map and will not be in future iterations of the game!) Great Plains
>MIC vs C.U.C.K.S. >(22) vs (32) = 10 victory for C.U.C.K.S. Pennsylvania Theater
>Old Gods vs New England >(30) vs (20) = 10 victory for OG Battle of Sabine River
>MEF vs NARG >(32) vs (14) = 18 strong victory for MEF ##################################
>>6074761 >Rolled 0043 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +10
>>6074764 Rolled 6728 (1d9999)
NARG +14
>>6074772 >Rolled 6548 (1d9999) NFR +14 FL+3 TN+3
>>6074743 (I tried apologizing; I had realized too late. Map has updates with retroactive corrections now).
>>6074802 >Rolled 4696 (1d9999) pali_3 Order of the Old Gods +30
>>6074871 >Rolled 9522 (1d9999) dubs C.U.C.K.S. +30 WA+2
>>6074885 >Rolled 4750 (1d9999) MEF +20 CA+6 TX+6
>>6074907 >Rolled 7978 (1d9999) New England +18 NY+1 ME+1
>one higher and pali_3 >one lower and dubs ##################################
>>6075070 >Rolled 3549 (1d9999) The Compact +18 MI+4
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 4003 (1d9999) >>6075368 The Compact fights on against the Canadians. trying to breakthrough and relieve the Duluth Pocket.
>>6075374 Like my 3rd off by 1 in a row, fr fr ong
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Tue 06 Aug 2024 21:30:43 No. 6075378 Report Rolled 9742 (1d9999) >>6075368 Focus the offensive on norther Louisiana in preparation for a march down the Mississippi.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 06 Aug 2024 21:39:04 No. 6075388 Report Rolled 1380 (1d9999) >>6075368 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 06 Aug 2024 21:46:13 No. 6075396 Report >>6075388 >>6075368 also qm i feel some of the controlling bonuses needs to be nerfed a bit (ie California and texas) and buffed up (New York and Maine) to make things a bit more even imo
>>6075396 TX and Caliwali (that's california to you outsiders) are where they should be at. Mexico has been allowed to get huge by all the other players. But you are right that the bonuses are not at all sensibly distributed. See:
>>6072386 >>6072390 for the proposal to balance them. NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 06 Aug 2024 22:05:06 No. 6075420 Report >>6075408 no im thinking more of just making it still op but not game game breaking op like changing CA or TX to like 5 or 4 or leaving one at 6 but changing other one also having ME or NY bumped up higher but like I said it just my opinion
>>6075420 The players of this game chose to let Mexico become crisis tier. There was a point at which we needed to stop and we've clearly passed it but let's keep going and see what happens.
Order of The Old Gods
>>6075368 The All-In Offensive has worked! We managed to break the seemingly impenetrable New Englander lines and have saved Pittsburgh, despite New Englander Intelligence finding out about our plan in a lapse in secrecy. We mustn't let this opportunity go to waste however. Concentrate our forces for a push into New York, we must take the fight to their territory, by the will of the Gods!
Rolled 8499 (1d9999) >>6075374 Decimate these dorks!!! Press on!
>Arf~! C.U.C.K.S.
>>6075454 >>6075451 Your shit eating ways can only take you so far, Leaf!
>>6075461 Yeah, straight to Lansing!
New England
Rolled 1411 (1d9999) >>6075368 The all-out offensive stretched us and pushed us back, but we are not yet defeated. Regroup our soldier, reform our armoured columns, and attack the Order of the Old Gods in Pennsylvania once more.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 3835 (1d9999) >>6075368 Looks like things aren't going to well in the West. Too bad, my eyes are on the East. Those two enemies of mine are eating each other. Well, we'll let them weaken themselves before we join in the feast. For now, let's expand more in Ohio and focus on excercising my dark powers. I want all of that state under me by tonight!
(former) Republic of Texas, now Mexican citizen
(former) Republic of Texas, now Mexican citizen ID:/WfeNTbZ Tue 06 Aug 2024 23:44:25 No. 6075500 Report >>6075423 >>6075420 No yeah Mexico could have been stopped ages ago, but the cucks gave up their California claims for free and no one even tried to stop them from chomping down on Texas for, well, the entirety of the game really, so Mexico entirely deserves the clean sweep (yeah I'm chomping down on those quesadillas now)
>>6075500 They can be stopped, still. But it would require some stupidity to be halted. And florida should really be doing a naval landing on the Texan coast now that they have tennis shoe.
The way I see it, KEKS are going to be an ally to Mexico for the duration of the game because they're roleplaying as cucks and that's what cucks would do. So I need to keep fighting Canada. Then Mormons and De Santis need to triple team Mexico with Antifa of Lousiana.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 1886 (1d9999) >>6075368 >>6075378 >>6075388 De Santis orders forces to start heading for Oklahoma in preparation for battle With Mexico
Quoted By:
>>6075511 I feel like some of us have forgotten the win condition, it isn't "Most Territories."
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 6137 (1d9999) >>6075448 Forgot to roll.
Just an idea, as we get deeper into the game. I think that with the large swathes of territory some of us already dominate, taking out rivals will be more difficult with the current roll gets, as we fight over small gains and losses. I don't have a much deeper proposal than that. Maybe just double the get values of everything at round 25 or something. Maybe territory bonuses can double too, or some other change to the territory system can be made to keep up.
Compacc: Mobile edition
Quoted By:
>>6075593 You can just go for their capitals. Territory is and should be irrelevant. It's a deliberate design choice to reward players who actually play the game over those who make Germany bigger TM
>>6075368 ROUND 22
Notable Events:
>Cu.cks break into Michigan! >New England makes progress in war-torn Pennsylvania! >Gruesome stalemate in cajun country. >New Florida rips across Arkansas! Stalemate in the Bayou
>MEF vs NARG >(20) vs (20) = 0 Northern Highland Campaign
>MIC vs C.U.C.K.S. >(14) vs (32) = 18 significant victory for C.U.C.K.S. Central Pennsylvania Offensive
New England vs. Order of the Old Gods
>(32) vs (14) = 18 significant victory for New England ##################################
>>6075374 >Rolled 4003 (1d9999) MIC +10 MI+4
>>6075375 no cap
>>6075378 >Rolled 9742 (1d9999) MEF +8 CA+6 TX+6
>>6075388 >Rolled 1380 (1d9999) NARG +20
>>6075396 >yeah, the present bonuses were not well thought out. >>6072545 We were bouncing ideas around on how to fix it. >>6075420 ##################################
>>6075547 >Rolled 6137 (1d9999) >>>6075448 Order of the New Gods +14
>>6075451 >Rolled 8499 (1d9999) DUBS C.U.C.K.S. 30+ WA+2
>>6075463 ##################################
>>6075464 >Rolled 1411 (1d9999) DUBS New England +30 NY+1 ME+1
>>6075492 >Rolled 3835 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +12
>>6075536 >Rolled 1886 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +12 FL+3 TN+3
Compacc: Mobile edition
Rolled 5816 (1d9999) >>6075609 The compact attacks the Canadians, surprising everyone.
Quoted By:
What a horrible night for a curse.
Order of The Old Gods
>>6075609 Pittsburgh is threatened, and so we must employ ever more desperate measures. We must wage a new offensive against the New Englanders, a true last-ditch effort comprised of what is left after the temporary success of the All-In Offensive. We can only pray to the Old Gods that it works.
Captcha: NOHRP (australian accent)
Quoted By:
"Alexa, add smelly tampon boogers to my shopping list”
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 07 Aug 2024 03:55:32 No. 6075639 Report Rolled 8407 (1d9999) >>6075609 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force
Rolled 6276 (1d9999) Fuck, I had a whole essay about unleashing rape-hulks on the Compact, and I lost it somehow, after hyping myself up while posting these images, and this was the final one. Now I'm just not in the mood, arf~...!>unleash the... whatever, fuck it...
Quoted By:
>>6075640 He can't keep getting away with it, brother... He can't keep getting away with it!
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 4513 (1d9999) >>6075620 Forgot to roll AGAIN. Gotta pay more attention to this stuff.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 7808 (1d9999) >>6075609 Looks like our old enemies the so called Old Gods are having some trouble. That's too bad for them. Guess I'll just have to get over there and show them their gods. Expand in Ohio, trying to grab the border to the east.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 433 (1d9999) >>6075609 >Name:Bliss of Befoulment >Location:Emerge within the eastern coast of North Carolina >Color:Aspara >Fluff: The swamps have given rise to sweet putrid denizens. And their diseased population has decided all should be made to fester and mix with their blighted bodies. Put all points of the roll to securing the northern border. Virginia is not ready for the delights we will deliver.
Quoted By:
>>6075702 I fear that something has been started here. Something that may be felt for eons to come. If this being is feared by the old gods, what hope do mortals have? May the gods of Mercy on the souls of those who have wronged Mecha Brandon.
New England
Rolled 3670 (1d9999) >>6075609 The new offensive has had some success, so let it continue! General Griffin launches a new offensive in Pennsylvania, with further forces poised to strike against the Maryland pocket if Griffin can secure the Pennsylvanian borders.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Wed 07 Aug 2024 09:36:07 No. 6075820 Report Rolled 641 (1d9999) >>6075609 With the recebt developments on the Eastern Theater, the Expedition High Command has ordered the following 2 actions to be executed:
1 - The army of Louisiana will to continue its grinding campaign against the NARG, keeping them on the backfoot.
2 - An amphibious strike force will set out of Port Aransas and establish a beachead in Tampa, Florida.
May God have mercy.
>>6075396 >>6075423 >>6075500 >Parece que mi superioridad ha provocado cierta controversia Mecha Brandon
>>6075702 I also ought to make it clear that I am NOT attacking the Old Gods this turn.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 2650 (1d9999) >>6075609 The republic starts pushing in through the Texan boarder
>>6075609 ROUND 23
Notable Events:
>Order of the Old Gods loses their capital to New England!! >NFR declares war on MEF!! >Bliss of Befoulment (BB) has settled in the Carolinas!! March to Lansing
The Compact vs C.U.C.K.S.
(12) vs (14) 2 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S.
Siege of Pittsburgh
Order of Old Gods vs New England
(10) vs (22) 12 strong victory for NE
Second Battle of the Bayou
(10) vs (14) 4 victory for NARG
Raid on Texlahoma
(10) vs (26) 16 major victory for NFR
>>6075612 >Rolled 5816 (1d9999) The Compact +12
>>6075620 >>6075676 >Rolled 4513 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +10
>Forgot to roll AGAIN. Gotta pay more attention to this stuff. Having multiple posts per round slows things down for everyone. I understand that accidents happen.
>>6075629 naurrrrr
>>6075640 >Rolled 6276 (1d9999) C.UCKS +12 WA+2
>>6075639 >Rolled 8407 (1d9999) NARG +14
>>6075702 >Rolled 7808 (1d9999) pali+3 Mecha Brandon +30
>>6075854 ##################################
>>6075713 >Rolled 0433 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment (BB) (+30)
>>6075751 >Rolled 3670 (1d9999) New England +20 NY+1 ME+1
>>6075820 >Rolled 641 (1d9999) MEF +8 TX+6 CA+6
10 vs NARG, 10 vs MEF
>An amphibious strike force will set out of Port Aransas and establish a beachead in Tampa, Florida. I'm going to veto over-the-water action. To make things fair, we'll need to establish rules for this first. Think of the classic RISK board and how you can attack over the ocean only from certain places.
>Parece que mi superioridad ha provocado cierta controversia *chuckles* etsoy in danger
>>6075877 >Rolled 2650 (1d9999) NFR +20 FL+3 TN+3
Gonna try to get one more round in in 7-8 hours if possible.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Wed 07 Aug 2024 21:48:54 No. 6076113 Report Rolled 4596 (1d9999) >>6076105 Hold the Bayou line and focus on the Floridian incursion.
>>6075713 [ULTRA SECRETO]
SEDENA operatives have succesfully air-dropped prafumed breadcrumbs along the I-95 highway leading south along the american coast and drones have been deployed to observe the reaction of the BoB hivemind(?)/dsnizens to them. Order of The Old Gods
>>6076105 With the loss of our capital, it is evident to the High Council that we must wage a defensive war for now. Using the Appalachian Mountains to our advantage, our forces will construct bunkers, trenches, minefields, barbed wire, anti air, we must make it as hard as possible for the New Englanders to breach our lines any further. In the meanwhile, more disturbing reports make their way out from Ohio. Our Priesthood is stricken with dreams and visions of our old enemy, Joe Biden. It is on this note that we must reach out to the New Englander's for at least a temporary truce for at least investigating this menace that is on our borders. We understand that due to our past relations you may not accept, but for the preservation of both of our nations, we ask of King Harrold to consider this. -The Secret Masters of the High Council of the Old Gods.
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 1868 (1d9999) >>6076121 Forgot to roll.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6076105 We unleash air power on the Leafs, strafing them all the way back into Minnesota from Michigan.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 7595 (1d9999) >>6076143 >>6076105 I did the thing
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6076147 I'll take a palindrome. The war is turning in our favor, boys. These weak cuck seals were built to be broken by us.
Rolled 3827 (1d9999) >>6076147 nuh uh! but if you do, we totally poop all over the northern peninsula before being BTFO of Michigan. Have fun cleaning that mess!
>>6076147 >rape hulks, re-deploy! beat that lame ass 3 'drome with a '4 drome or 420! Hee-yah, go! C.U.C.K.S.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 5555 (1d9999) >>6076105 The festering flesh of our residents has brushed with the red. And it yearns to be joined, mixed in the muck of our depraved debauchery and together ascend into the fetid firmament.
>travel along the red in Virginia do not take from them, only caress along their claimed territory. That they may be aware of our welcoming embrace. >>6076113 The south beckons but the flesh to the north yearns. All will indulge in the blight of fetid bliss and be blessed with perpetual putrefaction. The offering will only ripen with time.
>>6076159 >>6076159 >>6076159 >Rolled 5555 (1d9999) NO FUCKING WAY
Bliss of Befoulment
>>6076180 >>6076159 I was going to be gentle but the flesh writhes with the sight of red before our blighted eyes. Consume all red within Virginia. May their flesh be embraced by our own and join in our perpetual bliss.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 1817 (1d9999) >>6076105 I divide texas on my way to san Antonio
>>6076159 Big Get
Mecha Brandon
Quoted By:
>>6076159 c̴̟͕̦̜̀̉h̷̰̳͕̖̊̒͛̌e̶͎̫̓͛c̴̨̹͐̏̽k̴̛͉̀͑e̴̪͔͓̐d̷̢̈́
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Thu 08 Aug 2024 01:01:03 No. 6076221 Report >>6076159 >London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down my fair lady. >>6075877 Developments on your side of the former USA smell forboding, would you accept an armistice until a clearer picture emerges, so to speak?
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6076221 I'll take my chances
Prepare for the end old friend
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 08 Aug 2024 01:17:32 No. 6076233 Report Rolled 1186 (1d9999) >>6076113 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 08 Aug 2024 01:18:33 No. 6076235 Report Quoted By:
New England
Rolled 7211 (1d9999) >>6076121 With our own borders threatened by some strange and horrifying new apparitions as well as te (re) appearance of the transformed Bidenites, this truce with the order is immediately and earnestly accepted and hostilities are immediately ceased. Though they worship strange idols they at least are Human...
>>6076105 Defend as best we can in Virginia against the 'caresses' of these horrid diseased foes. Issue penicillin and lime juice to try and keep up the health of our soldiers as best we can.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 5366 (1d9999) >>6076105 It looks like things are heating up around this country. Good. I thrive in chaos. Just need to cause more of it. So let's go all in on attacking New England. Sow the fear of Mecha Brandon in their hearts, well, those we don't send back to Brandon as tribute.
>>6076105 ROUND 24
édition des big rolls (pali3 , pali3, QUADS, dubs, dubs).
Notable Events:
>Quads rolled (~0.08%) >Biden marches on Pittsburgh >Pennsylvania has become this century's Passchendaele. >Nearing the prewar status quo in the Great North Yooper Reclamation
>MIC vs C.U.C.K.S. >(30) vs (16) = 14 strong victory for MIC NARG vs MEF
>(12) vs (12) = Bayou line held NFR vs MEF
>(20) vs (6) = 14 victory for NFR The Pennsylvania Meat-Grinder
>New England vs Mecha Biden >(32) vs (30) = 2 victory for NE ##################################
>>6076113 >Rolled 4596 (1d9999) MEF +12 CA+6 (12 vs NARG; 6 vs NFR)
>>6076121 >>6076124 >Rolled 1868 (1d9999) pali_3 Old Gods +30
(Took a defensive posture, but was not attacked)
(22 to WV; 8 to VA)
>>6076143 >>6076147 >Rolled 7595 (1d9999) pali_3 MIC +30
>>6076151 >Rolled 3827 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14 WA+2
>>6076159 >Rolled 5555 (1d9999) QUADS Bliss of Befoulment +100
>>6076183 Sorry, one roll per ID, this request is a bit different than clarifying spillovers. I'm using your initial declaration.
>>6076198 >Rolled 1817 (1d9999) NFR +14 FL+3 TN+3
>>6076233 >Rolled 1186 (1d9999) NARG +12
>>6076237 >Rolled 7211 (1d9999) dubs New England +30 NY+1 ME+1
(was not attacked by BB; was attacked by Mecha Biden)
>>6076239 >Rolled 5366 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +30
I had to take some liberties, especially in the fronts with multiple attackers. Remember, be as specific and as clear as you can in your INITIAL roll. It's unfair to change these rolls after the fact.
Please declare any forms of attack as well as any forms of defense. Please rank all contingencies too.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 08 Aug 2024 03:43:44 No. 6076310 Report Rolled 1921 (1d9999) >>6076307 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force take no prisoners
Rolled 3063 (1d9999) Bada bing bada ARF~!>attack MIC
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 8400 (1d9999) >>6076307 THE END TIMES ARE NOW! ALL AROUND US FOUL PERVERSIONS OF THE GODS' POWERS MOVE AGAINST HUMANITY, FROM THE BOGMEN IN THE SOUTH TO THE THIEVES IN THE WEST! The time for action has never been clearer! Although many would greatly enjoy the opportunity to attack the Bidenist HERETICS, the Bogmen present a more immediate threat. The High Council has authorized a most holy offensive against them , involving some of our most deadly resources, every shell dropped shall be blessed with the blood of sinners, and Chemical Warfare shall be commonplace, We are not however, to leave our Northern border defenseless, and will leave some forces there to repel any Bidenist assault. In the meanwhile, we humbly ask the New Englanders if they would be so inclined to join us in our offensive. The only way we are beating the so-called "Bliss of Befoulment" is together. “WELCOME TO VIRGINIA MY FLOCK! I WILL NOT LIE, THE CHANCES OF YOUR SURVIVAL ARE SMALL, SOME MIGHT EVEN TURN AGAINST YOUR BROTHERS AS ELDRITCH HORRORS, BUT YOU HAVE MY WORD, I WILL USE MY FAVOR WITH THE DIVINE TO ENSURE YOU HAVE A PLACE WITHIN THE GODS DREAMS! THIS IS THE GREATEST REWARD, MORE THAN EVEN GOLD, FOR THE WILL OF THE POWERS BEYOND ARE AN ETERNAL CONCERN! NOW COME, FOLLOW ME! STRIKE DOWN THE PERVERTED POWER OF THE GODS THAT RISES AGAINST US, TO DESTROY THIS FILTH! I ASK NOT FROM SOME MORTAL PLACE OF SELF PRESERVATION, BUT FROM THE WILL OF THE GODS THEMSELVES!” -Battle Priest Benjamin Gael, accompanying the 6th Aerial Cavalry Regiment as they land into the Virginian swamps.
>>6076319 im rooting for ya fishy bastards
Order of The Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6076325 Your praise is appreciated citizen! Now put on that gas mask and get on the chopper.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Thu 08 Aug 2024 06:33:42 No. 6076401 Report Rolled 3537 (1d9999) >>6076307 Let the Bayou Line fall and counterattack the Floridans with all our might.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 8919 (1d9999) >>6076307 Just as overstimulation causes the flesh to quiver, so does this surge of new activity make us swell with delight. Those born in bliss are simply bursting in putrid ectasy. Let us go to those who would bring their flock before mine, that they may find themselves embraced by eternal bliss, reward their fervor and let them join us.
>halt the struggling of green that we may proliferate, infest West Virginia. Avoid the mechanical one known as Mecha Brandon, there is no bliss or flesh to be found with them. Mecha Brandon
Rolled 512 (1d9999) >>6076307 Well we're finally here. Well done folks. Time to unleash the horrors. Attack New England.
New England
Rolled 3861 (1d9999) >>6076418 Do you really want to go through all this again, Mr President? There are some literal sick. foul people around that we'd both be far better off working together against; but whilst you're attacking us the Kingdom of New England simply has to retaliate.
>>6076307 Biden's more machine now then man, and has forgotten his healthcare priorities. Drive his forces back!
Mecha Brandon
>>6076438 Well would you look at that. He's back here begging. I'm a fire and brimstone guy these days, but I could be merciful if I receive some sacrifices. Question is, what is he willing to give?
New Florida Republic
Rolled 5630 (1d9999) >>6076307 De Santis Orders that the MEF be wedged in half.
Push all the way to California
New Florida Republic
>>6076542 Also,
please let me go in a straight line al the way there
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6076307 >>6076543 Also, also
You didn't remove the get bonus for Texas
even though they no longer have all of it
>>6076307 ROUND 25
Notable Events:
>C.U.C.K.S. move unchallenged into Wisconsin. >A tense, toxic stalemate between Old Gods and Befoulment in West Virginia NARG vs MEF
(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for NARG
(26) vs (20) = 6 victory for NFR
Rout of Duluth
C.U.C.K.S. vs MIC
(12) vs (0) = Decisive victory for C.U.C.K.S.
Mecha Biden vs New England
(8) vs (10) = minor victory for NE
Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment
(30) vs (30) = stalemate!
>>6076310 >Rolled 1921 (1d9999) NARG +8
>>6076315 >Rolled 3063 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +10 WA+2
>>6076319 >Rolled 8400 (1d9999) dubs Order of the Old Gods +30
>>6076401 >Rolled 3537 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
(20 vs NFR, 0 vs NARG)
>>6076414 >Rolled 8919 (1d9999) pali_3 Bliss of Befoulment +30
>>6076418 >Rolled 0512 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6076438 >Rolled 3861 (1d9999) New England +8 NY+1 ME+1
>>6076542 >Rolled 5630 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +20 FL+3 TN+3
>In regards to beelining: I will generally avoid stretching nations too thin. I have been making beelines 2-3 counties thick. I also want to generally avoid giant "donuts." I think the early movement of C.U.C.K.S. and recent movement NFR demonstrate what I mean.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 9547 (1d9999) >>6076622 The Compact smashes the Canadian lines and bitches.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 4390 (1d9999) >>6076622 I keep moving for California
also you haven't removed MEF's Texas bonus yet
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6076629 >another off by one (straight) and off by 9 minutes update, jeez
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Thu 08 Aug 2024 17:05:27 No. 6076651 Report Rolled 8005 (1d9999) >>6076622 Attempt to cut off the NFR salient and attempt an orderly retreat out of Louisiana.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6076630 >>6076651 Gentlemen. I come to you with a modest proposal for peace in our time. I believe this benefits everyone and allows us to secure our positions against third parties for quite some time to come.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 4265 (1d9999) >>6076622 Toxic vapors? Pestilent and putrid be the womb we rise from. The flesh may die, yet its decay will nourish the growth of new bliss for all to witness.
>West Virginia rejects our delights, cease their struggles and pierce into its center, gift upon them a fetid womb. That we may fester from inside and bring them the joys and miracle of life The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6076660 I fucked up the calculations on this, redrafting. Standby.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6076664 >>6076660 >>6076630 >>6076651 Okay this one is messier but it works better. Gives everyone an avenue for continued expansion after we consolidate.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 2825 (1d9999) >>6076622 The Bliss of Befoulment is more entrenched than previously believed, their knowledge of the swamps rendering us in a stalemate. The High Council, however, is prepared to act accordingly. Instead of conventional troop movements, an aerial campaign shall commence, where bombers shall destroy the swamps with napalm, while attack helicopters strafe Befoulment troops from above supported by artillery from the ground. This will break the stalemate, Gods willing.
Rolled 1560 (1d9999) >>6076629 >>6076629 Sorry, pARFdner, truth is, game was rigged from the staRF~!
>Seal the deal. Attack MIC The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6076695 Canada: an idea whose time has passed.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 08 Aug 2024 23:21:11 No. 6076836 Report >>6076622 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force make them regret everyrhing
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 08 Aug 2024 23:22:11 No. 6076837 Report Rolled 9584 (1d9999) >>6076836 forgot my dice roll
New England
Rolled 586 (1d9999) >>6076512 What are we offering? The lands in Ohio you've lost to us in this futile flapping you've been doing against us, and that's the lot. We shall effectively return to the point of our first contact, Darth Brandon.
>>6076622 We don't know if Joe's fallen asleep again, but even his resurrected cybernetic self seems less of a threat generally then the horrifying disease-monsters shlunking around on our southern border. Prepare the penicillin and detergents, the bleach-bombs and the Toothpaste for an assault at the coast in North Carolina. WE SHALL CLEAN THEIR FOULNESS!
>>6076622 Perhaps every complete state owned should add +1 bonus as well as the special states offering additional ones? It'd balance out the map a bit and provide some extra incentive to fill in occupied states, rather then just beeline for the few states judged to have worth.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 3868 (1d9999) >>6076622 Well we're not making much headway. Guess we gotta get more bodies on the frontline. Once they know what'll happen to their families if they fail they won't let us down again. Expand and hold the border with New England. Mecha Brandon slumbers. For now...
>>6076838 Well, the way we see it chuck, you gotta give us assurances that you won't annoy us in future. Brandon cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it does. Some corner of Pennsylvania should do it. Otherwise, if we attack you'll be fighting a two-front war and that wouldn't be too good, would it?
>>6076622 ROUND 26
Notable Events:
>New England captures Bliss of Befoulment's coastal capital!! >NARG has captured Louisiana!! >C.U.C.K.S. disrupts Michigan!! >Mecha Biden has captured Ohio!! Upper Midwest Theater
>MIC vs C.U.C.K.S. >(18) vs. (22) = 4 victory for C.U.C.K.S. DeSantis' March across the Grand Prairie
>NFR vs MEF >(26) vs (13) = 13 victory for NFR Unification of Louisiana
>NARG vs MEF >(10) vs (5) = 5 victory for NARG Appalachian Stalemate
>Bliss vs Old Gods >(12) vs (12) = stalemate Cleanse of Carolina
>New England vs BB >(14) vs (0) = strong victory for NE ##################################
>>6076629 >Rolled 9547 (1d9999) MIC +14 MI+4
>>6076630 >Rolled 4390 (1d9999) NFR +20 FL+3 TN+3
>>6076651 >Rolled 8005 (1d9999) MEF +12 CA+6
>>6076663 >Rolled 4265 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6076680 >Rolled 2825 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +12
>>6076695 >Rolled 1560 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +20 WA+2
>>6076837 >Rolled 9584 (1d9999) >>6076836 NARG +10
>>6076838 >Rolled 0586 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>Perhaps every complete state owned should add +1 bonus as well as the special states offering additional ones? Honestly, I like this suggestion the best so far. Might need to pair a few states together still.
>>6076844 >Rolled 3868 (1d9999) pali_3 Mecha Brandon +30
Quoted By:
>>6076907 >>Mecha Biden has captured Ohio!! this is actually false, NE still holds Youngstown
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 09 Aug 2024 02:57:14 No. 6076913 Report Rolled 2234 (1d9999) >>6076907 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force push them out of the US
New Florida Republic
Rolled 7587 (1d9999) >>6076907 keep pushing till I reach cali
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 4432 (1d9999) >>6076907 Dive and dig deep to cut out our blight, yet this will only spill forth more putrid delights.
As above, so below. Brothers in arms, born from united foes. This mixing of flesh you have begun, will see we three shall fester as one.
>West Virginia denies our embrace, thus more flesh will arise for them to face. One by one we shall become intertwined, till what remains is rancid and divine. Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 8725 (1d9999) >>6076907 The Bliss of Befoulment has been attacked by our allies in New England, and so the High Council has authorized the continuation of the offensive, in the hopes of breaching their lines in Virginia. The offensive shall be preceded by a large deployment of both napalm and Agent Orange into the swamps to reduce foliage for the enemy to use. Then a Armored/Mechanized push shall take place, supported by Infantry and Artillery. With the Gods' blessings, we shall prevail.
Compacc: Mobile edition
Rolled 1389 (1d9999) >>6076907 The compact attacks the eternally damned Canadians again.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 1196 (1d9999) >>6076907 Brandon is impatient for blood. His hunger stirs...
So be it. The die will be cast and Brandon will summon all his dark energies, visiting the front in person for an all out assault on New England! Let them taste their doom as it comes screaming on the wind! The darkness will shroud the land and the sun will go out! Let them know despair!
Mecha Brandon
>>6077013 The old gods receive a missive, written in deep red ink. It says:
Know that your gods have abandoned you. There is only the power of Dark Brandon in this land. Join with him, or be consumed, it is your choice.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:X3lO4r4U Fri 09 Aug 2024 08:02:37 No. 6077038 Report Rolled 928 (1d9999) >>6076907 Focus fully on counter-attacking the Floridians.
New England
Rolled 4883 (1d9999) >>6076907 Counter the Mecha-Bandon offensive and push back into Ohio. Darth Brandon must threaten us no more.
>>6077024 I see you have chosen to reject our proposal for peace. A shame, but not unexpected.
Rolled 162 (1d9999) >attack MIC
>>6077024 Based
Order of The Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6077026 To the thief Biden,
We do not recognize your false and stolen power. While you sit atop a throne of your own creation, lording over all who are too afraid to stand up to you, the Gods move all around you plotting your downfall as they do with all things. We will never enter your Empire of Lies and will instead burn it to the ground, to make way for the True Gods of this Earth, a pantheon you never had, and never will, have a place in.
-The Secret Masters of the High Council of the Old Gods.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6077014 Verifying this is me.
>>6077088 It's over, Seals. I have the sunny rock. Don't try it.
>>6076907 ROUND 27
Notable Events
>MEF stunningly halts NFR outside of New Mexico!! >NARG swarms into the coastal plains of Texas, expelling many Mexicans!! >Brutal stalemate occurs in the Ohio Valley >Bliss infiltrates deep into West Virginia's southern coal fields!! >The Compact has reunified Michigan!! MIC vs C.U.C.K.S.
(18) vs (10) = 8 victory for MIC
(36) vs (0) = 36 significant victory for NARG
Epic Defense of New Mexico
(20) vs (20) = advance halted
Appalachian Theater
>Bliss vs Old Gods >(36) vs (12) = 24 significant victory for Bliss Battlefield Ohio
>New England vs Mecha Biden >(12) vs (12) = stalemate ##################################
>>6076913 >Rolled 2234 (1d9999) straight_3 NARG +36
>>6076922 >Rolled 7587 (1d9999) NFR +14 FL+3 TN+3
>>6076930 >Rolled 4432 (1d9999) straight_3 Bliss of Befoulment +36
>>6077013 >Rolled 8725 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +12
>>6077014 >Rolled 1389 (1d9999) MIC +18
>>6077024 >Rolled 1196 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +12
>>6077038 >Rolled 0928 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6077051 >Rolled 4883 (1d9999) (one off, yet again) New England +10 NY+1 ME+1
>>6077088 >Rolled 162 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +8 WA+2
Aim for one more update in 8-9 hours.
Rolled 5007 (1d9999) >>6077299 seal slam!
>kill MIC once and for all!!! Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 5256 (1d9999) >>6077299 The stalemate has broken, but in exactly the opposite of what the High Council wanted! Though the Bidenists likely gather at our border, we must reclaim our lost territory from the Bliss of Befoulment. To accomplish this goal, more escalation has been ordered from the High Council. The counteroffensive shall be similar to the last one, only this time, alongside Napalm and Agent Orange like last time, they shall salt the swamps with Radioactive Material as well! Once that is done, our hazmat wearing forces shall descend upon the swampfolk, like a vengeful fire, equipped with flamethrowers and incendiary grenades. This is the time of ending, and we can only to prove ourselves worthy of salvation from the Gods in the coming Dark Ages in combat against our enemies, lest we be forsaken from their Dreams and be cast into the Void.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Rolled 4442 (1d9999) >>6077299 The Compact is going to exterminate the inland seal problem once and for all. OPERATION HOSER begins. Total Cuck Death.
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
>>6077329 >Off by two Oh come the fuck on.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Fri 09 Aug 2024 20:03:41 No. 6077349 Report Rolled 2595 (1d9999) >>6077299 Strike at the NFR salient, give the prisoners to the narco penal battalion.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 8319 (1d9999) >>6077299 People under the occupation of Mexico, hear my voice.
Even from before the collapse you were always under the occupation of Mexico
Do not hold out your hands to push America back
Push us forward into California so we may all retake our destiny
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 09 Aug 2024 20:45:42 No. 6077391 Report >>6077299 continue removing the Mexican Expenditionary Force from the US
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 09 Aug 2024 20:46:43 No. 6077394 Report Rolled 2593 (1d9999) >>6077391 fucked up my dice
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Fri 09 Aug 2024 21:31:50 No. 6077420 Report >>6077349 Mexico hombres we are so back!
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6077420 Your get beats mine
Are the citizens under your occupation really triying to push American back?
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 7978 (1d9999) >>6077299 Much flesh has stagnated and festered to greet those who wished to be heard by the forgotten. You whispered into the halls of a home not your own. We are here to assure you, you are not alone. Fear not the bliss we bring my friends, and let the union of our flesh begin.
>the putrid path into West Virginia paved by our heralds is ripe for festering, let us stretch forth ever more like open arms and bring the comfort of bliss to the order who reached out to us Mecha Brandon
Rolled 9223 (1d9999) >>6077299 Well this is no good. Bring out the horrors and teach those New Englanders the meaning of fear! Let their people tremble in the night from what we're going to do to them!
New England
Rolled 3830 (1d9999) >>6077299 Biden keeps on coming despite everything; so keep on striking back at his Mechanised forces in Ohio.
>>6077514 I 'tremble' at the sight of your rusting warriors breaking down and falling asleep.
>>6077299 ROUND 28
Plight of Wisconsin
C.U.C.K.S. vs MIC
>(16) vs (12) = 4 victory for C.U.C.K.S. Skirmishes in West Virginia
>Order vs Befoulment >(12) vs (14) = 2 victory for Bliss of Befoulment Texas Plains Counter Offensive
>MEF vs NFR >(36) vs (24) = 12 strong victory for MEF Mexican Expulsion from Southern Texas
>MEF vs NARG >(0) vs (10) = 10 victory for NARG First Battle of Lake Erie
>New England vs Mecha Biden >(22) vs (10) = 12 strong victory for NE ##################################
>>6077300 >Rolled 5007 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14 WA+2
>>6077326 >Rolled 5256 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +12
>>6077329 >Rolled 4442 (1d9999) MIC +8 MI+4
>>6077331 5007 -> 5005
5256 -> 5255
8319 -> 8321
2593 -> 2595
7978 -> 7979
9223 -> 9222
3830 -> 3828
If it makes you feel any better, nearly every roll this round would've benefit from being adjusted 1 or 2 places.
>>6077349 >Rolled 2595 (1d9999) pali_3 MEF +30 CA+6
>>6077352 >Rolled 8319 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +18 FL+3 TN+3
>>6077394 >Rolled 2593 (1d9999) NARG +10
>>6077498 >Rolled 7978 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +14
>>6077514 >Rolled 9223 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +10
>>6077526 >Rolled 3830 (1d9999) New England +20 NY+1 ME+1
Attention lurkers: Imperial Utah is up for grabs.
Quoted By:
>>6077630 A little drunk but will retcon any mistakes sorry m8ies
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 7533 (1d9999) >>6077630 The Befoulment spreads, however only slightly this time. To defeat this Perversion the High Council has authorized MORE ESCALATION. We shall renew Incendiary bombardment of the swamps, now dumping oil into the swamp water and setting it on fire, alongside the usual aerial and artillery bombardments, before following up with an Aerial Cavalry and Armored/Mechanized offensive. This WILL work, Gods Willing.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 8735 (1d9999) >>6077630 Aight I'll take it over, let's finish up Nebraska and spread the glory of polygamy Brother Smiths, if there's extra, stick it into Kansas
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 10 Aug 2024 04:40:03 No. 6077662 Report Rolled 4130 (1d9999) >>6077630 continue attacking Mexican Expenditionary Force take no prisoners
Rolled 5933 (1d9999) >attack mic
Compacc: Mobile edition
Rolled 6527 (1d9999) >>6077630 Attacc Canadians. Operation Hoser cannot be stopped by mere doubles.
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Sat 10 Aug 2024 09:53:00 No. 6077783 Report Rolled 4830 (1d9999) >>6077630 Continue pushing the NFR out of Texas.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 3401 (1d9999) >>6077630 New England may have some victories, but they do not know the power of Dark Brandon. Soon, they will. Soon, the terror will come for them. Attack, and strike the fear of Brandon into their hearts! Misery shall come for all, but first it looks for them!
New England
Rolled 3429 (1d9999) >>6077630 Are Mecha-Brandon's continuous and continual failures against New England forces going to make him give way to RoboHarris? Only way to find out is to keep fighting him, keep pushing him back in Ohio.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 4994 (1d9999) >>6077630 It is time to display the depths of bliss we bring, let the children of befoulment emerge from the fallen flesh and seek their new home. Like parasites erupting from their host, let them spill forth and grace all in their path with a blighted embrace. That they may be mired in the debauchery our union of flesh will bring.
>Let the final struggles of west virginia be comforted by our enveloping embrace. We shall consume their despair and grant them eternal delight as we become one New Florida Republic
Rolled 4503 (1d9999) >>6077630 You are mislead People of Texas.
Your not pushing against the invasion; your pushing with the invasion.
Push me into New Mexico
>>6077646 After you take Nebraska, we invite you to start attacking California
Americans must Manifest Destiny
Quoted By:
>>6077817 >first roll is dubs >second roll is quad get >now a 4 palindrome get This mofo hitting all the gets
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:jZ6JiOyW Sat 10 Aug 2024 16:53:12 No. 6077968 Report >>6077902 You entered Texas as guest and then claimed it your own like a band of thieves, in the interest of slaveowners and the rotten government in Washington. It is not the MEF that misleads the people of Texas, but you yourself!
>>6077646 We at the MEF recognize your rule as successor of emperor Joseph I and urge you to not steer the mormon nation by the whims of those whom, had they had no need of you, would have expeled you and your nation once more. We wellcome a continuation of your neutrality, but should you seek justice side by side with us, then the mormon nation might once again return to the East.
>>6077630 ROUND 29
Sorry for the delay. Might have to do 1 update on weekends.
Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment
(30) vs (40) = 10 victory for Bliss
C.U.C.K.S vs MIC
(32) vs (18) = 14 victory for C.U.C.K.S
(26) vs (16) = 10 victory for MEF
(0) vs (20) = significant victory for NARG
Mecha Brandon vs New England
(8) vs (20) = 12 victory for NE
>>6077643 >Rolled 7533 (1d9999) dubs Order of the Old Gods +30
>>6077646 >Rolled 8735 (1d9999) UTAH +12
>>6077662 >Rolled 4130 (1d9999) NARG +20
>>6077708 >Rolled 5933 (1d9999) dubs CU.CKS +30 WA+2
>>6077768 >Rolled 6527 (1d9999) MIC +14 MI+4
>>6077783 >Rolled 4830 (1d9999) MEF +20 CA+6
>>6077787 >Rolled 3401 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6077807 >Rolled 3429 (1d9999) New England +18 NY+1 ME+!
>>6077817 >Rolled 4994 (1d9999) pali_4 Bliss of Befoulment +40
>>6077902 >Rolled 4503 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3 TN+3
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sun 11 Aug 2024 03:43:47 No. 6078442 Report Rolled 1357 (1d9999) >>6078440 push the Mexican Expenditionary Force out of Texas
Compact: Mobile edition
Rolled 441 (1d9999) >>6078440 Attack the Canadians goddamn them
Compact: Mobile edition
>>6078440 Compact surrenders. We have been Buck broken by our leaf Masters and also IRL busyness.
I cede lower Michigan to Mecca Brandon
Wisconsin Iowa and upper Michigan to Canada
And everything else to Florida
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
Rolled 3280 (1d9999) >>6078440 Clean up Nebraska and overflow into Kansas
>>6077902 >>6077968 Brothers and sisters, we appreciate your cordial missives. As God's chosen people, we await for His intentions to be revealed to us through our divinely inspired Emperor. Let it be known that we will be the champions of whatever divine cause is deemed to best fulfill His will, and we will not be cowards when our time comes.
Further correspondences are encouraged. Any information provided will be considered in the context of the Lord's plans.
Rolled 5094 (1d9999) >>6078445 The seal cock will continue until morale improves.
>>6078440 >Expand in unmarked territory to the east Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 9915 (1d9999) >>6078440 The expanse of unyielding flesh before us seems to extend further than what was originally believed. Such a splendid revelation only grants greater opportunities for infestation.
>the banquet before us has grown, new flesh brought forward previously unseen. The delights we partake in West Virginia shall now grow horrifically obscene. Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:4eoIelE7 Sun 11 Aug 2024 04:35:28 No. 6078475 Report Rolled 5341 (1d9999) >>6078440 Drive the Floridians out of Texas and Oklahoma.
Order of the Old Gods
Quoted By:
Rolled 9664 (1d9999) >>6078440 (Holy shit lmao I’m on vacation overseas and thought for sure I’d find out I was completely captured when I stepped off the plane, but I’m pleasantly surprised I’m still alive)
The Bliss of Befoulment continues to spread, and we MUST stop them for the good of the faithful! We will take up the New Englander strategy of Bleach Bombs combined with our own napalm bombardments in an effort to force them back.
New England
Rolled 1622 (1d9999) >>6078440 With Biden temporarily pushed back in Ohio, we can perhaps take our eye off for a moment and hope Joe keeps sleeping. And since our stocks of Bleach Bombs and Anti-Fungal spray have been replenished since the last encounter; Attack Bliss of Befoulment along the North Carolina coast and push them inland.
Sleepy Brandon
Rolled 290 (1d9999) >>6078440 We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!
Attack New England!
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3253 (1d9999) >>6078440 You have turned your hands against us, but our arms are still open in our approach.
Remember that you were once American.
Remember that you ancestors may have one fled from Mexico for the hope of the american dream.
I keep pushing
The Compact !NOTlN89zL6
Quoted By:
>>6078445 >>6078450 Confirming this is me just in case there was doubt. Noticed the game hadn't updated since last night.
Mecha Brandon
New Florida Republic
TED is still out for milk, so I'll be moving the game forward until he returns
>>6078450 The Compact dissolves and divides its territories between KEKS, Brandon, and Florida
>>6078450 Imperial Utah takes Nebraska and that sweet +2 get
>>6078466 KEKS expands it's reach
>>6078471 The swamp creatures are held at bay
>>6078475 >>6078629 >>6078442 The Mexicans try but are being edged out by the invaders
>>6078572 >>6078598 In moment of distraction, Brandon took a bite out of the British
New England
>>6079972 You ignored my Attack and my Dubs.
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6079980 You're right,
i didn't see your dubs
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
Revised ROUND 30
New Florida Republic
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:ZfP+ysEC Tue 13 Aug 2024 18:42:15 No. 6080116 Report Rolled 1375 (1d9999) >>6079986 While the counterattack has successfully smashed the Floridian drive into the West, failure to capitalize on the reversal of initiative has prompted alternatives venues of combating DeSantis's troops. Spores obtained from East Coast Overgrowth have been released on the line of contact with the NFR(cede the border tiles with the NRF to the Bliss of Befoulment), while the might of the MEF have been routed to the south in a march along the coast against the NARG
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6080116 >Ceeding territory to swamp creatures You put the risk in RISK, my friend
I'll let them have their turn before I roll.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 7070 (1d9999) >>6079986 The Bliss of Befoulment is held at bay, but STILL no advances have yet been made! Continue bleach bomb bomarment combined with Agent Orange, wipe them off the face of this plane of existence!
Order of the Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6080177 Holy shit does this mean anything important?
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 3871 (1d9999) >>6079986 >>6080116 Happy are they who come to join our feast. For every strand of putrid flesh torn is the opportunity for new bliss to be born. Let us all be consumed by the pestilent delight we bring and be reborn as one.
>we are splintered and must be made whole. New schism spawned by MEF will proceed east in an attempt to reconnect with its main body. It shall follow the path of flesh paved by NFR back to north Carolina. New England
Rolled 756 (1d9999) >>6079986 If Biden attacks, then throw him back; otherwise continue the attack upon the Bliss of Befoulment to straighten our front line across Virginia and Carolina.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 490 (1d9999) >>6079972 Well son, looks like we just got ourselves a boost. I'm wide awake now. Let's show those New Englanders the power of DARK BRANDON. Attack!
Sorry fellas. I'm more than willing to continue QM-ing, if you'll have me.
New Florida Republic
As of today the M.E.F terror coalition released spores on the boarders of our territory which are rapidly spreading and corrupting our land.
I hereby allow the use of nuclear weapons as a means of purging the Befoulment from our lands (keep pushing into texas)
I hereby also declare a warrant for the leader of the M.E.F with charges of Crimes Against Humanity and call for all other factions to act in the seizure of M.E.F territories
End Transmission
>>6080324 >if you'll have me Always
retake your position.
Rolled 1149 (1d9999) KEKS fear Mecha Brandon
>>6080324 of course
>>6079972 >>6080327 Oh, hi there, New Florida Republic. Heard you were picking on my taco boys and tac'ing chit. ARF don't think so.
>Attack N arF~! R, take everything from them and leave only rotten, fermented, zombie seal dung New Florida Republic
>>6080349 You speech impediment was a great stylistic choice.
I couldn't even finish reading your declaration without laughing
Imperial Utah
Rolled 5243 (1d9999) >>6079986 Finish up Wyoming and start spilling into South Dakota
Don't mind us, just defending our borders from unholy hellspawn cuckolds
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 14 Aug 2024 02:45:49 No. 6080430 Report Rolled 488 (1d9999) >>6079986 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force
Civil War Edition
Sorry for my absence. Let's aim for one mupdate per day going forward. If I see everyone's rolled, then we might try to fit in two (I'll always specify). But at least one update per day before 11:59 EST.
Anyone know the post limit per thread? We can try to aim to have a victor before then. Possibly take stock around round 50.
>Gets Cheat-Sheet (I usually just ctr+f your roll) Notable Events
>MIC was divided into neighboring nations!! >Order of the Old Gods has united West Virginia!! >C.U.C.K.S. has declared war on New Florida Republic!! >Bliss of Befoulment briefly holds the northern prairies of Texas >NFR quickly annihilates Befoulments ceded TX territory!! Skirmishes in Iowa
>Canada vs New Florida >(20) vs (0) =. 20 surprise victory for Canada Northern Texas Theater
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New Florida >(8) vs (26) = 18 significant victory for NFR Appalachian Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods >(0) vs (30) = 30 significant victory for OOG Eastern Texas Theater
>MEF vs NARG >(18) vs (0) = significant victory for MEF Battle of Ohio
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(20) vs (14) = 6 victory for Biden ##################################
>>6080349 >Rolled 1149 (1d9999) Canada 18+ WA+2
>>6080327 >Rolled 1830 (1d9999) NFR +20 FL+3 TN+3
>>6080309 >Rolled 0490 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +20
>>6080284 >Rolled 0756 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6080234 >Rolled 3871 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +8
>>6080177 >Rolled 7070 (1d9999) pali_3 Order of the Old Gods
>>6080116 >Rolled 1375 (1d9999) MEF +12 CA+6
>>6080408 >>6080430 Idk how I missed these rolls.
I'll give you a small bonus in round 32 if you roll again.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 14 Aug 2024 03:17:53 No. 6080449 Report Rolled 1419 (1d9999) >>6080433 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force again
Rolled 4314 (1d9999) >>6080433 >Chomp down on the lands of NaRF. Swallow their precious seed. Mmmm, our favorite treat.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 14 Aug 2024 03:36:41 No. 6080460 Report Quoted By:
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 3416 (1d9999) >>6080433 Something lost something gained, flesh is shed and remade. Now reformed to fester once more, forward we shall swarm.
>The presence of order in Virginia stirs our hunger, embrace and join their flesh with our own that new delights may be born. Mecha Brandon
Rolled 2866 (1d9999) >>6080433 There is but one fate Dark Brandon has in store for the New Englanders and it is DEATH.
New England
Rolled 1210 (1d9999) >>6080433 ..Did you also ignore my attack and dubs from the previous turn?
>>6079986 >>6079980 Anyway, try to hold the line and push back against Mecha-Biden. He's got a bunch of Angry seals on him now, hopefully they'll tear him to shreds..
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 1538 (1d9999) >>6080433 The faithful rejoice as West Virginia is reclaimed! Already cleansing efforts destroy the filth that was brought by the Bliss of Befoulment, and our Holy Bio-Priests are excited to study the physiology and origin of the Bogmen. Never the less we must continue the fight. The High Council declares we push into Virginia with more Bleach Bombs and an armored thrust. May the blessings given to us by the Old Gods continue.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3507 (1d9999) >>6080433 I push against the C.U.C.K.S
>>6080529 Brandon, I call upon you to to attack the C.U.C.K.S
If you can take Upper Michigan, you will receive the +4 get
New England would rather fight the Befoulment than you
We'll both hope you'll act in your self interest next round
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Wed 14 Aug 2024 15:50:42 No. 6080656 Report Rolled 3932 (1d9999) >>6080433 Pivot north and smash the NRF line of contact, Operation Perfume might have failed, but the March Down the Mississippi of the C.U.C.K.S has opened a window of opportunity to drive DeSantis' troops out of Texas.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 2628 (1d9999) >>6080433 Finish Nebraska, overflow into Wyoming first, then South Dakota
C.U.C.K.S.disguised as Kamala
C.U.C.K.S.disguised as Kamala ID:n58YjKhJ Thu 15 Aug 2024 00:57:33 No. 6080933 Report >>6080529 Brandon. This is your puppet master, C.U.C.K.mala. The seals have kidnapped me, ArF~! If you raise a single flipper towards them, they will kill me. Do not come. Do not come. (arf.)
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6080933 >that get >Do not come TED
>>6080433 ROUND 32
Ironing out some issues from my last absence. Back to normal in round 33.
Notable Events:
>Imperial Utah has united Nebraska!! >NARG attacks MEF >MEF attacks NFR >NFR attacks C.U.C.K.S. North TX
>NARG vs MEF >(18) vs (0) = 18 strong victory for NARG South TX
>NFR vs MEF >(0) vs (14) = strong victory for MEF Iowa Campaign
>Canada vs NFR >(12) vs (17) = 5 victory for NFR Blue Ridge Mountains (VA)
>Bliss vs Order >(12) vs (14) 2 minor victory for OOG Ohio Campaign
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(30) vs (48) = 18 strong victory for NE >Gets Cheat Sheet ##################################
>>6080449 >Rolled 1419 (1d9999) NARG +18 (+10 missed prev rolls)
>>6080457 >rolled 4314 (1d9999) Canada +10 WA+2
>>6080476 >Rolled 3416 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6080529 >Rolled 2866 (1d9999) dubs Mecha Brandon +30
>>6080536 >Rolled 1210 (1d9999) straight_3 New England +36 NY+1 ME+1 (+!0 missed roll)
Little bump in the road b/c I missed a day or two.
>>6080601 >Rolled 1538 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +14
>>6080632 >Rolled 3507 (1d9999) NFR +14 TN+3 FL+3
>>6080656 >Rolled 3932 (1d9999) MEF +8 CA+6
>>6080719 >Rolled 2628 (1d9999) UTAH +14 (missed roll +10)
>>6080983 Tonight's headline:
>Florida Man Fucks Around, Finds Out: Zombie Seals Edition also rare captcha check
Rolled 2060 (1d9999) >>6080993 Got ARFxcited and forgot the die
-ING!! C.U.C.K.S.
>>6080997 pfft, casual triple dromer, get hosed, goofs
New Florida Republic
Rolled 2663 (1d9999) >>6080997 >>6080999 >Fuckuckng gets on gets Know your places Kanadians!
You Can't push America Back!
I'll make sure you zombies stay dead this time!
>>6081004 >Arf by one O, I'm larfin
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 15 Aug 2024 03:50:52 No. 6081013 Report Rolled 5435 (1d9999) >>6080983 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force time to remove the beaners
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 4716 (1d9999) >>6080983 Our flesh stagnates and yearns to spread, so let us repurpose what was once dead. We must not let the gifts we offer turn to waste. Order shall give way to decays embrace.
>our presence in Virginia has receded, but the land has been blighted and seeded. Awaken our dormant flesh that it may mix with the swarm and bring bliss to the order in Virginia once more. New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6081012 >Arf by one A False start!
Next round will see the momentum shift in my favo(u)r
Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Thu 15 Aug 2024 05:24:17 No. 6081076 Report Rolled 9660 (1d9999) >>6080983 Continue the offensive against the NRF.
>>6081004 Ha! Get Arf'ed.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 6069 (1d9999) >>6080983 This is getting tiresome. Brandon is growing impatient. He will end this. New England has had too many opportunities to surrender, and Brandon sees that his mercy is futile. So it must be.
Dark forces are gathering around the President. Powers from beyond the outer dark of reality, powers out of forgotten time! They are summoned, They who pledged themselves to His name, the Master of Evil, LORD OF DEATH. To their general's voice they soon obeyed, innumerable. To his name they answer: DARK BRANDON.
New England will be bathed in flames!
New England
Rolled 3675 (1d9999) >>6080983 Dire times mean dire methods. We must dig up the corpse of Joe Biden as proof that Mecha-Brandon is an imposter, an usurper of the former president's name and ideals. And we must do our best to hold the line and repel the evil sex-magics that Mecha-Brandon is wielding.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 368 (1d9999) >>6080983 Take Kansas, overflow into Missouri if needed
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 779 (1d9999) >>6080983 Gains are made, and the Order rejoices. But the work is still not done, and the Gods Astral Plan must be carried out for mercy to be given to as much of humanity as possible in the coming Dark Ages. Continue to push into the swamps, Bleach Bombs and Flamethrowers at the forefront of our advance!
>>6080983 ROUND 33
>Gets Cheat Sheet ##################################
Notable Events:
>NFR has been pushed out of Texas!! >Mecha Brandon seizes Pittsburgh (OOG's former capital)!! Iowa Campaign
>Canada vs NFR >(32) vs (16) = 16 strong victory for Canada North Texas
>MEF vs NFR >(26) vs (0) = significant victory for MEF South Texas
>MEF vs NARG >(0) vs (12) = strong victory for NARG 2nd Battle of the Blue Ridge Mountains
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods >(12) vs (18) = 6 victory for OOG Battle of Allegheny
>Dark Brandon vs New England >(69) vs (14) = 55 decisive victory for Biden ##################################
>>6080997 >Rolled 2060 (1d9999) pali_3 Canada +30 WA+2
>>6081004 >Rolled 2663 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 TN+3 FL+3
>>6081013 >Rolled 5435 (1d9999) NARG +12
>>6081022 >Rolled 4716 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6081076 >Rolled 9660 (1d9999) MEF +20 CA+6
>>6081078 Rolled 6069 (1d9999) 69
Mecha Brandon +69
>>6081122 >Rolled 3675 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6081198 >Rolled 0368 (1d9999) Utah +14 NE+2
>>6081511 >Rolled 0779 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +18
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 16 Aug 2024 03:09:08 No. 6081750 Report Rolled 3131 (1d9999) >>6081707 continue removing the Mexican Expenditionary Force from Texas
Imperial Utah
Rolled 8131 (1d9999) >>6081707 Take Kansas
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 851 (1d9999) >>6081750 >>6081757 Amazing set of rolls gentlemen.
>>6081707 The Powers have answered us! But this war is not yet over, they will obey! March forth ye horrors, ye terrors of old night, for BRANDON is AWAKE. We pronounce a Fate upon New England, and it is DOOM.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 9110 (1d9999) >>6081707 The once thriving flesh continues to be peeled from the earth, thus we must dig beneath and fester undisturbed. That true delights may be seen once our new swarms emerge.
>the order in virginia has rejected our embrace, we shall put their defiance to an end and bring them bliss beyond what their flesh can comprehend. C.U.C.K.S.
Rolled 7164 (1d9999) >>6081707 >smear R. Kelly's doodoo butter all over FloridARF Mexican Expenditionary Force
Mexican Expenditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Fri 16 Aug 2024 07:54:45 No. 6081857 Report Rolled 3917 (1d9999) >>6081707 Blunt the NARG advance and, if possible, cut straight into Louisiana.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 3761 (1d9999) >>6081707 The New Englanders are geniuses for inventing these Bleach Bombs! Continue to push against the Bliss of Befoulment, aerial and ground assaults at the forefront. In the meanwhile, keep a close eye on the situation in Pennsylvania, the Thief has already taken our former capital…
New Florida Republic
Rolled 4374 (1d9999) >>6081707 DeSantis has ordered all solider of the norther front to be armed with clubs to better fight back this type of invader.
Dice will tell how effective his strategy is.
New England
Rolled 4751 (1d9999) >>6081707 Mecha-Brandon's last attack had horrendous power behind it, we must hope that this offensive has left him overstretched and out of supply. Counter attack Mecha-Brandon in New York, then Pennsylvania.
Quoted By:
>>6081707 ROUND 34
>>6081750 >Rolled 3131 (1d9999) pali_3 NARG +30
>>6081757 >Rolled 8131 (1d9999) pali_3 UTAH +30 NE+1
>>6081770 >Rolled 0851 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6081783 >Rolled 9110 (1d9999) Bliss +20
>>6081831 >Rolled 7164 (1d9999) Canada +10 WA+2
>>6081857 >Rolled 3917 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6081858 >Rolled 3761 (1d9999) Old Gods +8
>>6081934 >Rolled 4374 (1d9999) NFR + FL+3 TN+3
>>6081965 >Rolled 4751 (1d9999) New England
GONNA Be late on this update.
Have a good weekend everyone.
>>6081707 ROUND 34
Back to normal schedule. Let's try to get two in tomorrow. One around 3PM EST and the second around 11PM EST
Notable Events:
>North American Revenge Government has seized Central Texas (Rep. of TX former capital)!! Central Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(30) vs (20) = 10 hard-fought victory for NARG WNY Theater
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(8) vs (10) = 2 minor victory for NE NOVA skirmishes
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods >(22) vs (8) = 14 strong victory for BB Iowa Campaign
>New Florida Republic vs Canada >(16) vs (12) = 4 minor victory NFR ##################################
>>6081750 >Rolled 3131 (1d9999) pali_3 NARG +30
>>6081757 >Rolled 8131 (1d9999) pali_3 UTAH +30 NE+1
>>6081770 >Rolled 0851 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6081783 >Rolled 9110 (1d9999) Bliss +20 (+2 for fluff)
>>6081831 >Rolled 7164 (1d9999) Canada +10 WA+2
>>6081857 >Rolled 3917 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6081858 >Rolled 3761 (1d9999) Old Gods +8
>>6081934 >Rolled 4374 (1d9999) NFR +10 FL+3 TN+3
>>6081965 >Rolled 4751 (1d9999) New England +8 NY+1 ME+1
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 17 Aug 2024 04:25:32 No. 6082408 Report Rolled 1537 (1d9999) >>6082386 attack Mexican Expenditionary Force this is american land
Imperial Utah
Rolled 2785 (1d9999) >>6082386 Finish Kansas
Also I think Nebraska is supposed to be +2, and New England lost the +1 bonus from New York
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 17 Aug 2024 06:09:49 No. 6082448 Report >>6082386 Ignore NARG's provocation and try once again to cut through Louisiana and Mississippi into Florida.
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 17 Aug 2024 06:11:37 No. 6082450 Report Rolled 1883 (1d9999) >>6082448 Dice
Rolled 8856 (1d9999) >>6082386 Next thing you know? Shawty got low.
>Kill Flo Rida Mecha Brandon
Rolled 7474 (1d9999) >>6082386 Well sounds like we didn't shout loud enough last time. Let's do it again!
We call upon the outer powers of the endless dark, to heed our call and obey! We summon them to lay waste to this earth, they who have bound themselves to me! Their work is death, their fury unending, and their eyes filled with night! Today they shall answer and bring us the soul of NEW ENGLAND!
Mecha Brandon
>>6082498 Knew he still had it.
Quoted By:
>>6082499 Joe is always fucking hype
Quoted By:
Uncanny. Sometimes life imitates art.
>>6082498 pali pali pali
New England
Rolled 6690 (1d9999) >>6082386 >>6082499 ,,,Well, fuck.
Biden is learning to channel evil with greater and greater regularity. We need to come up with a way to stand against this tide of Dark fury or our proverbial goose is cooked.
In this dark time, we must find the strength of a source of light. We must send out questing Knights to FIND THE HOLY GRAIL, so that on the recovery of this sacred artefact we can put a halt to foul and evil machinations.
Now we must hold against Biden, pushing him back where we can, until some brave New English Knight returns to King Harold's court with the artefact.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 5113 (1d9999) >>6082386 Mexico Will inevitably die to the revegance faction
I keep the pressure on the kanadians
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
I'm realizing now that Brandon and new England are winning right with 3 capitals and somehow I'm tied with the revengers for second
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 7201 (1d9999) >>6082386 The Bliss continues the fight against us, and as much as we would like to attack the Thief, we must force the Bogpeople back first. We will attack with prayers on our lips and blessed rifles at our sides as we march into the cursed swamps, for the Gods are cruel and unforgiving, and we must be like them to live.
>>6082386 ROUND 35
Notable Events:
Rout of Central Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(14) vs (0) = 14 victory for NARG The Long March to Florida
>MEF vs NFR >(16) vs (0) = 16 significant victory for MEF Mississippi River Naval Battle
>Canada vs NFR >(14) vs (16) = 2 minor victory for Florida Guerrilla Warfare in the Finger Lakes (NY)
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(30) vs (21) = 9 hard-fought victory for Biden Virginia Theater
>Order of Old Gods vs Bliss >(8) vs (0) = victory for OOG ##################################
>>6082408 >Rolled 1537 (1d9999) NARG +14
>>6082418 >Rolled 2785 (1d9999) UTAH +12 NE+2 (2+2 errata) = 18
>Nebraska bonus = +2 my fault for missed bonuses >Instead of removing NE's gets, I'll give you +2 for catching that mistake (fixed going forward). ##################################
>>6082450 >Rolled 1883 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
>>6082468 >Rolled 8856 (1d9999) Canada +12 WA+2
>>6082498 >Rolled 7474 (1d9999) pali_3 Mecha Brandon +30
>>6082630 >Rolled 6690 (1d9999) (69 in spirit only) New England +20 ME+1
>>6082712 >Rolled 5113 (1d9999) NFR +10 TN+3 FL+3
>>6082738 >Rolled 7201 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +8
So close to special roll:
>"7201","1_or_2",8 "7202","palindrome_3",30
Next round in 7-8 hours!
New Florida Republic
>>6082794 Push the MEF back into Oklahoma
New Florida Republic
Rolled 5635 (1d9999) >>6082804 forgot dice
Mexican Expeditionary Forces
Mexican Expeditionary Forces ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 17 Aug 2024 21:03:57 No. 6082816 Report Rolled 9113 (1d9999) >>6082794 Enter Tennessee, just one county/tile, then use any extra attack power against NARG.
Mexican Expeditionary Forces
Mexican Expeditionary Forces ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 17 Aug 2024 21:07:56 No. 6082821 Report Quoted By:
C.U.C.K.S. you better BLITZ down the Mississippi or you will all say hasta la vista to your paella leftovers
New Florida Republic
Work with me hear NARG If you can't keep the Mexicans off me we'll be crushed That goes for you as well mormons What's going to happen when you're completely surrounded?
Mexican Expeditionary Forces
Mexican Expeditionary Forces ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 17 Aug 2024 22:12:12 No. 6082888 Report >>6082418 >>6082836 What would happen should you completely surround the mormon state? You are aiding a group names the North American REVENGENCE Government, their stated goal is the forcible unification of the former USA territories, why should Salt Lake City aid the side who's very goal stands against mormon sovereignty?
If anything, the Tejano, Mormon and Seal should stand united for their self-determination.
New England
Rolled 7342 (1d9999) >>6082794 Biden's advance continues, despite our best efforts. We must plan to disrupt any further Dark Magic rituals and jam his mechanised forces; drive back Biden from New York then Pennsylvania!
New Florida Republic
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 17 Aug 2024 23:42:33 No. 6082960 Report Rolled 7994 (1d9999) >>6082794 push Mexican Expenditionary Force out of american land
>>6082836 don't worry
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6082960 Next round try to cut them off from me so that I can focus on Kucks
Imperial Utah
Rolled 3407 (1d9999) >>6082836 >>6082888 Emperor Joseph Smith I has sent forth his decree. We pray it is received amicably.
As secular governments like the former United States have proven themselves corruptible, even with the God-given Constitution to guide the nation, we do desire sovereignty of the Church of Latter Day Saints. However, it is undeniable that the Mexican armies have allied themselves with the degenerate hellspawn of Satan known as "C.U.C.K.S.", who go against every creed of polygamy we stand for.
As both sides find fault in the eyes of God and our Emperor, we desire a fair war, the outcome of which will be the Lord's decision. To this point, we demand a ceasefire on the NFR-MEF front. The NFR should engage in warfare with the cuckolds, and the MEF should engage in warfare with the broken remnants of America's government. It will become the Lord's game of whether the MEF can conquer the NARG first, or if the NFR can exorcise the despicable cucks before their ally falls, but the decision will be up to the Lord.
If either party violates this decree next round or in any future round, we will immediately take action and join the war on the side of the aggrieved. In order to mediate this, we encourage both parties to cede their Arkansan territories to the Emperor, but this is merely a suggestion, rather than a demand.
We are open to other methods of guaranteeing Imperial Utah's sovereignty and safety, but thus is the Emperor's decree at this point in time. Let the Lord bless whichever side is most just in His eyes.
>>6082794 Finish Kansas, begin moving into Arkansas through Missouri
Rolled 8661 (1d9999) >>6083035 50/50
>Attack smelly NRF >Attack smelly Utah Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6083067 So be it. The die has been cast. The wrath of God will descend like a storm upon such miserable cretins as you hellspawn.
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6083067 >Rolled 1 on a declaration Oh, I'm laughing
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 7169 (1d9999) >>6082794 The order has laid out a bountiful feast, let us dine voraciously upon the harvest they have brought before us.
>continue the westward spread in virginia, there are many in need of the delight our embrace will bring Bliss of Befoulment
Quoted By:
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 3157 (1d9999) >>6082794 Let's go Brandon! Attack New England!
>>6082794 ROUND 36
Notable Events:
>C.U.C.K.S. has declared war on Imperial Utah!! >Diplomatic Efforts between NARG and MEF have failed!! >Order of the Old Gods are pushed out of Virginia!! >Imperial Utah has united Kansas!! >Arkansas Campaign MEF vs NFR
(8) vs (18) = 10 victory for NFR
>Boarder Skirmishes (TX) MEF vs NARG
(8) vs (10) = 2 minor victory for NARG
>Battle of Syracuse New England vs Mecha Biden
(9) vs (14) = 5 victory for Biden
>Yellowstone Skirmish Canada vs Utah
(5) vs (0) = (5) victory for Canada
>Iowa Campaign Canada vs NFR
(5) vs (0) = (5) victory for Canada
>The Great Pillage of Appalachia Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods
(69) vs (0) = 69 dominant victory for BB
>>6082805 >Rolled 5635 (1d9999) NFR +12 TN+3 FL+3
>>6082816 >Rolled 9113 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
split b/w NFR and NARG
>>6082949 >Rolled 7342 (1d9999) New England +8 ME+1
>>6082960 >Rolled 7994 (1d9999) NARG +10
>>6083035 >Rolled 3407 (1d9999) UTAH +14 NE+2
>>6083067 >Rolled 8661 (1d9999) Canada +8 WA+2
>>6083107 >Rolled 7169 (1d9999) 69 Bliss of Befoulment +69
>>6083247 >Rolled 3157 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +14
Quoted By:
Rolled 4135 (1d9999) >>6083370 Possibly one more turn today if everyone rolls!!
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Sun 18 Aug 2024 15:16:57 No. 6083373 Report Rolled 4624 (1d9999) >>6083370 Honor the ceasefire, pivot south and strike against NARG.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 5967 (1d9999) >>6083370 Let the final moments of struggle come to an end. Let the union of flesh between order and bliss begin.
>envelop the stragglers of order left that have avoided our embrace. Once done we shall return to north carolina and begin a new feast upon that which is red. New flesh upon which our delights will spread. NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sun 18 Aug 2024 15:57:16 No. 6083391 Report Rolled 2319 (1d9999) >>6083370 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force continue to push them out north
Imperial Utah
To the MEF:
We appreciate your maintenance of the proposed ceasefire. However, as your disreputable and unholy allies have declared war on our Holy Empire and done unto us an unforgivable injury and betrayal of our trust, we demand half (6) of the MEF's Oregon territories immediately as recompense. If this demand is not met, we can only assume that both you and the C.U.C.K.S have declared open hostilities on our nation. If this is the case, we will drag you down to hell with us, and even if it requires the eradication of our nation, we will ensure that you lose this war in the end. If you are agreeable to the terms and the demand is met, we will not interfere in your war with the NARG and eventual war with the NFR barring any future grievances, though we will still eradicate the cuckolds for their belligerence.
We await a prompt response.
-Emperor Joseph Smith I
Rolled 7319 (1d9999) >>6083373 >>6083400 Poor Joseph the First, I lament thee.
For we are not cuckolds, we're C.U.C.K.S.
And you're about to get C.U.C.K.-broken!
You've spent so much time around your 69 wives, that you've become effeminate in your parFlance and your tARFctics. The mexicans will never cede land to you, not through false treaty nor through warfare. Your military and your mind are as impotent as your Club, that's why your women crave Sealmeat Tacos. Good day to you, sir.
>1/2 Utah, 1/2 Florida C.U.C.K.S.
Quoted By:
>>6083411 Take Utah's capital if dice allow (still using other half of roll on Florida)
Imperial Utah
>>6083373 >>6083411 With such disreputable insult from the hellspawn, we now demand all of the MEF's Oregon territories, effective immediately. If this demand is not met within the next two hours, you will be condemned to the fires of hell alongside your unholy brethren. May God have mercy on your souls.
>>6083420 I said good day, sir!
Order of the Old Gods
Order of the Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6083431 Of course I respond to the wrong thing lol
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3167 (1d9999) >>6083370 DeSantis had ordered the conscription of all alligators in the union to be set against the seals in the north
Human infantry is to engage in club and run tactics
>>6083391 Thank you
Imperial Utah
Rolled 7219 (1d9999) >>6083373 >>6083423 Let it be known that mercy was offered, and our clemency refused. You Catholics of the MEF: we lament the fact that you had to be allied with such impulsive and belligerent spawn of Satan known as the C.U.C.K.S. Our peace negotiated from our first contact has broken. The Holy Crusade begins.
NFR, NARG: you have a new ally in this war on evil.
>>6083370 The Lord has shown us the necessary path to victory. Though our Holy City must fall, it is only through this exile that we will ultimately triumph and reclaim our forgotten homes as victors over evil.
March through the three southernmost districts of Nevada and begin conquering California. The MEF supply lines have been disturbed, and they will not receive the California bonus next round.
New England
Rolled 9361 (1d9999) >>6083370 Damn. Reform the lines. REFORM THE LINES! Keep attacking Mecha-Biden in New York!
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 7911 (1d9999) >>6083600 Dear New England:
Looks like your luck's run out, Jack. Too bad. But don't worry, the end will come soon. You shouldn't have woken me up, man.
Imperial Utah
>>6083656 >rolling a 911 while attacking New York lmao
New Florida Republic
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 19 Aug 2024 00:19:22 No. 6083765 Report Quoted By:
>>6083656 >>6083659 status of sides: IN FUCKING ORBIT
Quoted By:
he can't keep getting away with it
>>6083370 ROUND 37
A pretty exciting round.
>Why does 10 have ptsd? He was in the middle of 911. Notable Events:
>Ceasefire maintained between MEF and NFR!! >Canada seizes Salt Lake City from Imperial Utah!! >Utah invades California via Nevada!! >Order of Old Gods survives in the mountains of West Virginia!! >Like 3/8ths of you rolled **19 this round for some reason. >9/11 occurs in New York. WAR FOR THE HEARTLAND:
>Faction A -Imperial Utah
-New Florida
>Faction B -C.U.C.K.S.
>Undeclared / East-Atlantic Fronts Mecha Biden vs New England
Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods
#### GETS LINK #### Texas Prairies
>MEF vs NARG >(16) vs (18) = 2 minor victory for NARG West Virginia Theater
>Bliss vs Order >(14) vs (20) = 6 victory for OOG Sacking of Salt Lake City
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Utah >(10) vs (0) = victory for Utah Iowa Campaign
>C.U.C.K.S. vs New Florida >(10) vs (20) = 10 victory for Florida Mojave Tactical Excursion
>Utah vs MEF >(20) vs (0) = 20 strong victory for Utah Central New York Campaign
>New England vs Mecha Biden >(9) vs (30) = 21 major victory for Biden ##################################
>>6083373 >Rolled 4624 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
>>6083385 >Rolled 5967 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +14
>>6083391 >Rolled 2319 (1d9999) (code 23-19) NARG +18
>>6083411 >Rolled 7319 (1d9999) Canada +18 WA+2
>>6083431 >Rolled 4570 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +20
>>6083484 >Rolled 3167 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +14 FL+3 TN+3
>>6083568 >Rolled 7219 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +18 NE+2
>>6083600 >Rolled 9361 (1d9999) New England +8 ME+1
>>6083656 >Rolled 7911 (1d9999) never forget Mecha Biden +30
Weekends are tricky for me. If we can get at least 8 or 9 rolls before 11:30pm EST tonight then we *should* get another round in today.
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 8750 (1d9999) >>6084149 We live, but barely. By the grace of the Old Gods we have managed to secure our position through a combination of an offensive and a Guerilla campaign of believers who remained in the swamps close to our borders. Which has given the High Council an idea. Continue with the usual offensive of Agent Orange, Napalm and Bleach Bombs, but contact survivors in the swamps. If they’re out there they’ll listen, and take up the arms we give to them via aerial drop. May we defeat these enemies, and survive the coming Dark Ages, in the name of the Elder Ones.
Rolled 6417 (1d9999) It's simple.
>We cut Utah in haRflf~! >>6084218 The more advanced diviners and sages of the C.U.C.K.S. pity the Order of the Old Gods. They worship deities far subordinate to the fell magics that reanimate The Clubbed. To throw them a bone and prevent their extinction, we grant them our 5 territories in southeast North Dakota, so they may expand into South Dakota, estarfblish themselves, them feast upon the Mormon heretics to the South.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 3838 (1d9999) >>6084149 Our homelands are razed, our enemies call upon dark allies from deep under God's given Earth, and even still, our Holy Crusade marches on. You foul demon-worshippers and spawn of Satan, know this- even if our spirits break and our bodies are broken, our souls will live on, in eternal life with the Lord, our GOD!
Conquer California quickly, we'll need all the supply lines we can get to wage a war on three fronts against these heretics and demonic forces. If we conquer California and any extra remains, defend our homeland against the C.U.C.K.S.
>>6084227 Nice rolling, but CaliforniARf's a big place, hombre... MuheheheheheARF!
Imperial Utah
>>6084230 Despicable cuckolds, it is only in the darkest of times that the Lord grants his miracles! Come, you forces of darkness, and break against the holy light of the faith- when this Holy Crusade comes to an end, you will be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Quoted By:
>>6084234 Oh yeah?
We're smearing our feces all over your desk in Salt Lake. We're sniffing ALL your wives' socks, too! Come do something arfbout it, bitch!
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6351 (1d9999) >>6084149 Club and Run tactics have been proving effective
The push forward continues
>>6084222 >That Get >picrelated C.U.C.K.S.
>>6084222 To clarify, I mean cut the State of Utah in half, not the Empire.
>>6084239 >1 get Are you in yet? Let me know when you're in, I can't feel anything
New Florida Republic
>>6084241 Oh really?
I just finished
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 5707 (1d9999) >>6084149 Strands and crumbs remain from the orders generous feast, but our union remains incomplete. Let us embrace and meld with every last vestige that has not joined with our eternal bliss.
>Continue the pursuit and enveloping of all local remnants of the order. Then return to north carolina and reinforce our spread of delight and flesh Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Mon 19 Aug 2024 21:06:35 No. 6084337 Report Rolled 8743 (1d9999) >>6083568 We find such disregard for proper conduct disgraceful, but that is to be expected from the likes of you, worse than heretics, wretched apostates.
>>6084149 Counterattack in California, let not a single mormon mar its lands.
Cede 1 tile of San Francisco to the Order of the Old Gods, and another on the line of contact with NARG.
>>6084218 The war on the West Coast has you vanquished, but here, should you fight for us, then you shall live and thrive. Know that the mormons and floridians would also have you killed, so we are your only option.
Imperial Utah
>>6084337 Ah yes, we see now- you were always cowards of the highest order! You dare slander us and question our faith? We have shown you nothing but kindness and mercy in all our cordial missives to you, and are repaid with such vile response. It would have been one thing to begrudgingly fight us due to the impulsive and sickening behaviors of your allies; it is quite another to attempt to shift the blame onto us.
We should have known your true colors from the moment you let the aspara corruption bloom on the frontlines in Texas. Snakes in the grass, always using others for their own gain. Order of the Old Gods- we cannot spare you, for you worship demons, but know that we pity the position you have been placed in, regarded as subservient tools by others too afraid to fight their own battles. We will end your lives with dignity, and free you from being exploited by what these treacherous serpents have planned for you.
Imperial Utah
>>6084353 >>6084218 Actually, so that you may see the treachery of those who seek to exploit you first-hand- Order of the Old Gods, we will leave your cult alive in California. Watch how quickly the MEF will turn on you, their supposed "ally", when they realize you are the only barrier stopping them from full control over California!
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6084370 >>6084218 (And in other words, you have been unwittingly granted a golden opportunity here. Both you and the MEF have +0 bonus right now, so you have the perfect chance to claim the +6 bonus from California by fighting the MEF on an even playing field. We the Mormons cannot tolerate your existence, but we hate the cuckolds far more than you, and will not attack you in California until our enemies are vanquished- meaning you have a good amount of time to try to take control over California from the MEF, and later, when we fight, if I'm still alive, you'll have a +6 versus whatever I still have, so it'll be a fair playing ground regardless.)
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 4566 (1d9999) >>6084149 There is no hope left, no thought but terror in the heart of New England. We have broken their troops, and soon we'll break their souls. The Dark Powers that live within me are pleased. Let the attack continue, and let all who tremble before us know:
Imperial Utah
>>6084385 Holy fuck how does he keep doing it, and he was one off from a straight too
Mecha Brandon
>>6084389 >sleepy joe rolls like shit and gets defeated >Dark Brandon has get after get after get You love to see it.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 19 Aug 2024 22:49:28 No. 6084405 Report Rolled 9056 (1d9999) >>6084149 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force continue removing them from the north
Quoted By:
>>6084394 >And I saw, and behold a white horse New England
Rolled 7259 (1d9999) >>6084149 Woe! Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay! The worst is death, and death will have his day.
Keep trying to hold the line against Dark Brandon; push him back in New York if somehow possible. Is he simply too powerful? Do we need to start considering a surrender, or shall we fight this evil 'til our breath dies in our throats?
>>6084149 ROUND 38
Enclave Edition
Notable Events:
>Canada cedes Fargo (ND) to Order of the Old Gods!! >MEF cedes San Francisco (CA) & Dallas (TX) to Order of the Old Gods!! >Bliss of Befoulment has unified West Virginia!! >C.U.C.K.S. occupying forces reunite Utah!! Battle of Shenandoah Valley
>Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment >(20) vs (30) = 10 victory for BB Seizure of Utah
>Canada vs Utah >(18) vs (0) = 18 strong victory for Canada! Northern California Theater
>Utah vs MEF >(30) vs (10) = 20 strong victory for Utah! Second Battle of Texarkana
>NARG vs MEF >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for NARG Iowa Campaign
>New Florida Republic vs Canada >(14) vs (0) = strong victory for NFR The Great Adirondack Raids
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(30) vs (19) = 11 victory for Biden ##################################
>>6084218 >Rolled 8750 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +20
>>6084222 >Rolled 6417 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14 WA+2 (+4 Solomon bonus (divided by 2) = +2 fuff)
>>6084227 >Rolled 3838 (1d9999) pali_3 Imperial Utah +30 NE+2
>>6084241 ##################################
>>6084239 >Rolled 6351 (1d9999) NFR +8 TN+3 FL+3
>>6084245 lel
>>6084309 >Rolled 5707 (1d9999) pali_3 Bliss of Befoulment +30
>>6084337 >Rolled 8743 (1d9999) MEF +10
>>6084385 >Rolled 4566 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +30
(nearly straight_4)
>>6084405 >Rolled 9056 (1d9999) NARG +12
>>6084663 >Rolled 7259 (1d9999) New England +18 ME+1
Order of the Old Gods
Rolled 1886 (1d9999) >>6084919 It seems that the Gods have elected to place our Order in a very strange, unexpected, and most importantly, tenuous, position on the West Coast AND Midwest as a *sorts papers* “Cabal of magical seals” has teleported several troop formations from Maryland and West Virginia (severely impacting our offensive against the Southern Blight) and ceded control of the areas they have summoned them too. Following this the, Mexican Government of all tings, granted us a portion of San Fransisco along with an offer of alliance against the Mormons, speaking of whom, JUST NOW approached us telling us to attack the Mexicans if we want to succeed on the West Coast. The High Council has opted to deal with these events as they come. Starting with taking up the Mormons on the offer to attack the MEF in California. The Gods are cruel and uncaring, and we strive to follow them to survive. On other fronts, we fortify our positions in Maryland against the Bliss of Befoulment, and in the Midwest we expand into unclaimed territory to prepare for a possible evacuation of the High Council should our Eastern fortifications fall to the Bliss of Befoulment. We may only pray our decisions did not lead to an early doom.
Order of the Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6085014 Jeez, you guys like putting me in precarious positions.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 20 Aug 2024 20:42:23 No. 6085042 Report >>6084919 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force once more remove them from the north
>>6085014 if you leave texas I wont attack you in the the next round
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Tue 20 Aug 2024 21:12:49 No. 6085060 Report Rolled 1721 (1d9999) >>6084919 >Lit cigarette Reconquer California.
Rolled 7898 (1d9999) >>6084919 3way split, attack NaRF, Utarfh, and Arfder of the Old Frauds.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 430 (1d9999) >>6084919 One feast ends and a new one begins, let order give way to decadence as our final embrace ends.
>bring peace to the remnants of order still struggling, then return to north carolina to begin enveloping any presence of new england C.U.C.K.S.
>>6085084 I cede all of Utarfh to BoB. Really make yourselves at home, there, boys. Teehee.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 7057 (1d9999) >>6084919 >>6085095 Our home lays in ruins, defiled beyond repair. Our people divided and in exile, with naught but death ahead.
…Lord, our God. We understand your message now, and with gladdened hearts, we take the mission you have given us.
We were never meant to be the champions of the world. Our destiny is far more tragic- we are those first soldiers on the beaches of Normandy, the frontline against darkness, all but guaranteed to die. Our role was never to win. Our role is to ensure that evil does not.
We are those called to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of goodness and truth. We are those called to fight a war, vastly outnumbered, three against our one, such that our allies to the East may finish the job. Even if it means the annihilation of our nation, even if it means the burning and defilement of all we hold dear, we know now- our purpose is to cripple the enemy as far as we’re able, and pray for the best.
Once, we were but simple missionaries on bikes. Now, we are truly soldiers of God.
Lord, witness us. To you, we give all the glory.
From our northernmost territory in Nevada, march straight for the heart of darkness, on the shortest path possible into Washington. We may be naught but dust after this war comes to an end, but we pray our efforts will resound in the hearts of men long after our time.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6738 (1d9999) >>6084919 The Campaign against the KUKCS continues
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 2984 (1d9999) >>6084919 New England, send not to know for whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for THEE.
Imperial Utah
Also, cucks, you guys are fucking dastardly villains, hats off to you
New England
Rolled 2085 (1d9999) >>6084919 The Knight of the new age is clad in Kevlar rather then beaten steel, and for his mount takes all assortment of armoured vehicle. Yet his goals remain the same, as do his quests; to cast down the foes that gather and threaten against His Majesty's realm. Strike back at Mecha-Biden with every blade and every gun, and drive his wretches back from the bounds of fair New York!
>>6084919 ROUND 37
Notable Events:
>Bliss of Befoulment annexes Utah!! >Bliss of Befoulment removes Order of the Old Gods from Maryland and Virginia!! >Bliss of Befoulment reignites war on New England >Bliss of Befoulment reclaims their capital in North Carolina!! >C.U.C.K.S. has been displaced from of Iowa by New Florida!! >C.U.C.K.S. springs a surprise attack on Order of the Old Gods (ND)!! >C.U.C.K.S. has united North Dakota!! >Order of the Old Gods clings to life in greater San Francisco (CA) and in Dallas (TX) Greater Bay Area Reclamation Action
>Order of the Old Gods vs MEF >(4) vs (0) = 4 minor victory for OOG Battle of Blair Wood (Northern MD)
>Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment >(4) vs (20) = 16 major victory for BB (spills into NC) Battle of Sierra Nevada (CA)
>MEF vs Utah >(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for MEF Iowa Campaign
>C.U.C.K.S. vs NFR >(10) vs (20) = 10 victory for Florida Long March on Seattle
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Utah >(11) vs (16) = 5 minor victory for Utah The Rape of Fargo
C.U.C.K.S. vs Old Gods
(11) vs (0) = 11 victory for Canada
Capital Region Counter Offensive (NY)
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(10) vs (13) 3 minor victory for NE ##################################
>>6085014 >Rolled 1886 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +12 (split three ways)
>Starting with taking up the Mormons on the offer to attack the MEF in California. (4) >fortify our positions in Maryland against the Bliss of Befoulment, (4) >in the Midwest we expand into unclaimed territory (4) ##################################
>>6085060 >Rolled 1721 (1d9999) Mexican Expeditionary Forces +8
>>6085061 >Rolled 7898 (1d9999) pali_3 C.U.C.K.S. +30 WA+2 (split 3 ways)
(10, 11, 11)
>>6085095 ##################################
>>6085084 >Rolled 0430 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +20
>>6085103 >Rolled 7057 (1d9999) Utah +14 (fluff+2)
>>6085104 >Rolled 6738 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +14 TN+3 FL+3
>>6085111 >Rolled 2984 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +10
>>6085124 >Rolled 2085 (1d9999) New England +12 ME+1
>>6085042 NARG +0
Missing dice buddy :/
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 21 Aug 2024 22:54:17 No. 6085874 Report Rolled 2276 (1d9999) >>6085859 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force once more remove them from the north
New England
Rolled 909 (1d9999) >>6085859 When all is said and done, New England has to come before extraneous territories elsewhere. Attack Mecha-Brandon in New York state. He has shown a single-minded dedication to act against us against any and all other interests; therefore all other factors are now secondary to trying to contain him and push him back.
Perhaps we will have to try and live with the foulness, for now...
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3489 (1d9999) >>6085859 >The Befoulment control Utah THIS IS A NATIONAL ADDRESS FROM PRESIDENT DESANTIS:
Last round, the Clubbed Kanadian's released the Befoulment onto the capital of Imperial Utah.
For these crimes against America, we are warranting the capture of Washington state -- their get bonus and their capital We Floridians will keep pushing until we dislodge them from upper Michigan
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 7946 (1d9999) >>6085859 The flesh of england presents itself to us, and thus it must be embraced. The delights our union will breed shall further the spread of our blighted seed.
>continue enveloping the england banquet granted to us. Starting in north carolina and continuing into virginia C.U.C.K.S.
Rolled 9029 (1d9999) >Take Michigan. Captcha:DNABOX Finna put these Floridiarfns in a DNA box, homie
Imperial Utah
Rolled 3355 (1d9999) >>6085859 Oops, I think you forgot to include my Nebraska bonus this round
Continue the long march toward the heart of evil, seize the C.U.C.K.S. capital
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6085939 Let's fucking goooo, we're taking Washington, we're not going down without a fucking fight
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6085939 That being said, the fluff bonus made up for it anyway so it's fine
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 3154 (1d9999) >>6085859 Brandon won't stop until all of New England is grovelling at his boots. That is all.
The Compact
Good has succeeded over evil =')
Military Expeditionary Forces
Military Expeditionary Forces ID:pzWcCuBC Thu 22 Aug 2024 07:06:54 No. 6086050 Report Rolled 6606 (1d9999) >>6085859 snake 9 tiles into Tennessee, spill the rest against Utah in California
New England
>>6085859 >Also: Scede a thin strip of Virginia along the west Virginia border tot he Order of the Old gods, to give them a comeback chance to re-take their homeland.
Military Expeditionary Forces
Military Expeditionary Forces ID:pzWcCuBC Thu 22 Aug 2024 15:52:57 No. 6086251 Report >>6086075 Harold, please don't encourage the LARPers.
New England
>>6086251 I need someone to keep the Nurgle Cult off my back whilst I fight Biden (or vice versa), and Florida and the Seals are too busy fighting in other wars.
Military Expeditionary Force
Military Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Thu 22 Aug 2024 20:02:40 No. 6086437 Report Quoted By:
>>6086269 You're saying that as if I hadn't though of the same idea and now look where that got me, betrayed.
>>6085859 ROUND 38
Notable Events:
>MEF launches a successful sneak attack against NFR (TN)!! >Order of the Old Gods insurgents (backed by New England) reclaim a sector of Virginia!! >Utah has conquered Seattle (C.U.C.K.S. former capital)!! >Utah was pushed from California!! Southern Texas Border Skirmishes
>NARG vs MEF >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for NARG Upstate NY Campaign
>New England vs Mecha Biden >(31) vs (10) = 21 significant victory for NE Bataille D'Eau Claire (WI)
>New Florida Republic vs C.U.C.K.S. >(24) vs (20) = 4 minor victory for NFR Siege of Norfolk (VA)
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for BB Long March on Seattle
>Imperial Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. (34) vs (0) = 35 decisive victory for Utah
Mormon Exodus from California
>MEF vs Utah (21) vs (0) = 21 strong victory for MEF
Siege of Memphis (TN)
>MEF vs NFR >(9) vs (0) = 9 victory for MEF ##################################
>>6085874 >Rolled 2276 (1d9999) NARG +12
>>6085875 >Rolled 0909 (1d9999) pali_3 New England +30 ME+1
>>6086075 ##################################
>>6085890 >Rolled 3489 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +18 TN+3 FL+3
>>6085907 >Rolled 7946 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6085909 >Rolled 9029 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +18 WA+2
>>6085939 >Rolled 3355 (1d9999) dubs UTAH 30 NE+4
(my apologies for missing the last NE bonus)
>>6085979 >Rolled 3154 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +10
>>6085986 miss you m8
>>6086050 >Rolled 6606 (1d9999) pali_3 MEF +30
(9) towards TN
(21) towards Utah (CA)
New Florida Republuc
Rolled 9093 (1d9999) >>6086521 Crush the M.E.F Terrorists against the NARG boarder
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Thu 22 Aug 2024 22:38:31 No. 6086569 Report Rolled 2402 (1d9999) >>6086521 In order of priority, if the topmost order is achieved then continue downwards and so on:
>1: Blunt the floridian attack and continue to deprive them of the entirety of Tennessee and its bonus >2: Reconquer the 'frisco area but leave the Order alone in Texas. (Harold, this is a sign of goodwill towards you) >3: Attack NARG in Texas Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 7846 (1d9999) >>6086521 An offering of flesh not of your own, will not bring you the delights our embrace holds. The more you push away the tighter our grasp will grow, until your flesh is joined with our own.
>embrace the old friend, returned once again to our virginia feast, then continue further east. Let us not shy away from sharing our fetid bliss from those we meet. NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 22 Aug 2024 23:20:50 No. 6086578 Report Rolled 3488 (1d9999) >>6086521 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force and remove Order of the Old Gods from texas
New England
Rolled 985 (1d9999) >>6086521 Is Biden finally faltering? Perhaps it is the conflicting orders from 'President Desantis' that temporarily scrambled his circuits - has sleepy Joe forgotten that he saw the presidency as his? Continue the concentrated attacks to drive him from New York.
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 4449 (1d9999) >>6086521 The High Council convenes once more as the Gods choose to set events in motion again. The conquest of the San Fransisco area has gone well and has served its purpose. The Throne has been found, and the appropriate amount of bloodshed has occurred to wake its owner. Concerning other matters, New England proves itself as a worthy ally once again as it supports faithful insurgents in taking back Virginia. These faithful, tested against the Swamp Perversions, shall waste no time in attacking them, the time for vengeance is nigh in Viriginia! Back on the West Coast, certain events are unfolding...
An ornate stone throne, decorated with runes and symbols from a myriad of forgotten languages sits on a stone slab in the center of a still pool, full of majestic crystal-clear water. Gathered around such a holy place are black robed Priests, chanting in unknowable tongues as a second circle of Priests, wearing blood red robes, kneels on the edge of the pool. The black robed Priests, and once their echoes disappear, the cavern falls eerily silent, before being broken by the sounds of blades being taken from their sheathes as the red robed Priests take out sacrificial blades. They mutter a quiet prayer, before turning the blades on themselves, the black robed Priests watching silently as the red robed Priests impale themselves, their blood running into the water, tainting its pure blue with a misty red. For some minutes it remains that way, before the red waters give way to a bright, sickly, green, that soon takes over the rest of the pool, before beginning to bubble and steam as the black robed Priests fall to their knees and begin to chant again, as a figure emerges from the waters. With slimy, scaly, skin and webbed digits it climbs its way up the steps of the platform and hoists itself onto the throne, hacking and coughing as the Lesser God is a woken from it's millennia of slumber. It raises it's hands, stopping the chanting immediately, before basking in the silence for a moment. It then yells, with a deafening something in a language that would make any uninitiated ears bleed from the sheer arcane power of it! As the cry echoes around the cavern walls, The water begins to spawn green lightning that suddenly shoots out and strikes the corpses of the red robed Priests, creating deafening strikes that are heard even on the surface, as the creature slinks back into the water amidst it all. Within minutes, it has ended, and the water becomes still again, as the bodies of the red robed Priests from their own deaths, but amid the cries and shouts of elation from the black robed Priests, they say nothing as their eyes, now a bright green color, course with energy, as they the first of the MAGI, practitioners of the Gods secret magic. And they shall certainly not be the last.
Order of The Old Gods
Quoted By:
>>6086605 >the Black robed priests fall silent, and once their echoes disappear This is why you proofread children.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 2961 (1d9999) >>6086521 We have been pushed back. This won't do folks. Won't do at all. How much blood has been spilled? Not enough! Not enough by far! So let us go, let us march against New England bringing them the death that is their fate! Open wide the deathly gates, and reap their souls for Dark Brandon!
Hail horrors, hail Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell!
New Florida Republuc
Quoted By:
>>6086569 >Rolled 2 with no bonus Imperial Utah
Rolled 7584 (1d9999) >>6086521 Continue our Holy Crusade and cleanse the remainder of Washington from the vile C.U.C.K.S. Any extra should overflow into Idaho.
Rolled 7218 (1d9999) >>6086652 >Shoop the Woop in Washington, extra Seal Sauce, please TED
>>6086521 ROUND 39
Notable Events:
>NFR has reunited Tennessee!! Second Battle of Memphis
>NFR vs MEF >(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for New Florida Blue Ridge Mountains Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods >(12) vs (18) = 6 victory for OOG Conquest of Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for NARG Siege of Rochester (NY)
>New England vs Mecha Brandon >(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for NE Western Washington Campaign
>Imperial Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. >(10) vs (14) = 4 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S ##################################
>>6086525 >Rolled 9093 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6086569 >Rolled 2402 (1d9999) MEF +8
>>6086574 >Rolled 7846 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6086578 >Rolled 3488 (1d9999) dubs NARG +30
>>6086579 >Rolled 0985 (1d9999) New England +12 ME+1
>>6086605 >Rolled 4449 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +18
>>6086631 >Rolled 2961 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6086652 >Rolled 7584 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +10
>>6086916 >Rolled 7218 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14
Might tally up territories and capitals for round 40.
Let's play until round 50 then declare a victor!
>If I were to create a new map, where would you like to play next? >Europe? North America? New York? Imperial Utah
Rolled 8866 (1d9999) >>6087592 I think you forgot the Nebraska bonus again
Continue trying to cleanse Washington
The US had the most meme potential for me, but that's obviously me speaking as an American. I don't mind where the next game would be held, I already got to larp as a Mormon crusader to my heart's content
>>6087596 my bad
>>6086521 ROUND 39b
Stealth edit to include missed gets!!
Notable Events:
>NFR has reunited Tennessee!! Second Battle of Memphis
>NFR vs MEF >(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for New Florida Blue Ridge Mountains Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods >(12) vs (18) = 6 victory for OOG Conquest of Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for NARG Siege of Rochester (NY)
>New England vs Mecha Brandon >(13) vs (8) = 5 victory for NE Western Washington Campaign
>Imperial Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. >(12) vs (14) = 2 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S ##################################
>>6086525 >Rolled 9093 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6086569 >Rolled 2402 (1d9999) MEF +8
>>6086574 >Rolled 7846 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6086578 >Rolled 3488 (1d9999) dubs NARG +30
>>6086579 >Rolled 0985 (1d9999) New England +12 ME+1
>>6086605 >Rolled 4449 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +18
>>6086631 >Rolled 2961 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6086652 >Rolled 7584 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +10 NE+2
>>6086916 >Rolled 7218 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14
Might tally up territories and capitals for round 40.
Let's play until round 50 then declare a victor!
>If I were to create a new map, where would you like to play next? >Europe? North America? New York? C.U.C.K.S.
Rolled 7061 (1d9999) >>6087604 >Use Mormon slaves as incubators for more zombie seals. Fill them with excrement and regret for fucking with the C.U.C.K.S. Splatter poo in their temples while wearing their magical under garments. >Next map Australia could be fun, or maybe Japan or a custom map of a fantasy land
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6087619 yeah that roll was deserved for that vile prompt
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 24 Aug 2024 03:11:29 No. 6087628 Report >>6087604 continue pushing Mexican Expeditionary Force also qm shouldnt the old gods be gone since removed them texas and i think a north america map would be good
New Florida Republic
Rolled 2241 (1d9999) >>6087604 >10 rounds until end off game Attack Brandon
It's time to crush this insurrection once and for all
Straight to their Kentucky capital
The Times of "for now" are over
Joseph - if you still remember that name
It's time for you to be laid to rest
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6087642 Massive OBO
but there's still time
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 24 Aug 2024 03:41:16 No. 6087646 Report Rolled 4086 (1d9999) >>6087628 dice
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 3360 (1d9999) >>6087604 The Magi have been created, and with them comes a whole host of new opportunities for our Order. Firstly, we continue our attack in Virginia, the Magi should help against the swamp people. In the West we would like to bolster our defenses against the MEF. The High Council wants to avoid open hostilities with the MEF for right now.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 372 (1d9999) >>6087604 We won't be losing to these pompous englishmen. Brandon is an Irishman! And he's imbued with pure evil! Send a message to New England and let them know, we bring to them nothing other than:
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:pzWcCuBC Sat 24 Aug 2024 06:11:18 No. 6087718 Report Rolled 2830 (1d9999) >>6087604 Again, with the same conditions as before:
>Snake into Tennessee >Reconquer California >Strike back against NARG Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 4053 (1d9999) >>6087604 Happy are they who come to our supper, let us all partake of each other's flesh until we are joined as one.
>continue granting the bliss union with our flesh brings to those in virginia, starting with the members of the order then continue infesting the rest of virginia New England
Rolled 9466 (1d9999) >>6087604 Continue the attack on Mecha-Biden. Let's sweep him out of New York, then take his positions in Pennsylvania. He wants to be an Irishman and taste death, waste and ruin? Bombard him with Blighted potatoes to give him the full experience. Have you even noticed that Florida just stabbed you in the back, you sleepy senile Git?
Imperial Utah
you'd better roll then cuck
Mexican Military Force
Quoted By:
>>6087915 >>6087910 Los dos sois negros.
Quoted By:
>>6087646 Yes, you are right. No more Old Gods in TX. My mistake! It will be fixed in round 40!!
>>6087604 ROUND 40
Notable Events:
>New Florida Republic declares war on Mecha Biden!! >Mecha Biden has lost its capital in Kentucky!! >MEF has reunited California!! >Imperial Utah has reunited Washington and Wyoming!! >New England has reunited New York!! PNW Campaign
>Imperial Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. >(34) vs (8) = 26 strong victory for Utah Operation Bluegrass
>New Florida Republic vs Mecha Brandon >(14) vs (0) = 14 victory for NFR The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(12) vs (6) = 6 minor victory for NARG Virginia Campaign
>Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment >(5) vs (10) = 5 victory for BB Battle of Western New York
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(8) vs (31) = 23 strong victory for NE Third Siege of Memphis
>MEF vs NFR >(5) vs (0) = 5 strategic victory for MEF Reconquista de San Francisco
>MEF vs Order of the Old Gods >(15) vs (15) = stalemate in San Francisco ##################################
>>6087596 >Rolled 8866 (1d9999) dubs Imperial Utah +30 NE+4
>>6087619 >Rolled 7061 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +8
>>6087642 >Rolled 2241 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +8 FL+3 TN+3
>>6087646 >>6087628 >Rolled 4086 (1d9999) NARG +12
>>6087671 >Rolled 3360 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +20
>>6087700 >Rolled 0372 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
(not realizing/ignoring a sneak attack from Florida feels right)
>>6087718 >Rolled 2830 (1d9999) MEF +20
>>6087755 >Rolled 4053 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +10
>>6087853 >Rolled 9466 (1d9999) New England +30 ME+1
Will tally territories tomorrow... do a leaderboard of sorts.
>Sea of Japan proof of concept
>>6088442 Great Battle of Texas
(0) vs (12)
The round 40 map reflects this.
>>6087718 >>Snake into Tennessee 5
>>Reconquer California 15
>>Strike back against NARG 0
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 8703 (1d9999) >>6088442 Well well well. Looks like there's some backstabbing traitors out there. Too bad for them. It's time to wake up.
Attack New England and Florida!
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sun 25 Aug 2024 04:57:28 No. 6088453 Report Rolled 627 (1d9999) >>6088442 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force continue our campaign to remove them of the USA
Imperial Utah
Rolled 1569 (1d9999) >>6088442 Just for the sake of honesty, you gave me an extra 4 from Nebraska this round instead of just +2
Defend our current holdings, invade Oregon and Idaho with any extra remaining.
Lord... we've managed to seize the heartland of evil. It seems the time to reclaim our lost home may be drawing closer. However, it would be too careless to ignore the enemy at our doorstep, and so, our Holy City must wait just a bit longer.
Imperial Utah
Imperial Utah
>>6088464 >>6088442 Actually, now that I look back at it, in round 38 you forgot to give me the Nebraska bonus and I didn't catch it, so this extra 2 makes up for that
(In the post, you had 30 +2 NE while tagging me, but in the actual battle with the MEF in California, you had it as 30 vs 10, leaving out the +2 bonus which would have made it 32. Doing a count of the territories from round 37 to 38 did display a missing 2 territories)
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Sun 25 Aug 2024 07:51:32 No. 6088544 Report Rolled 6314 (1d9999) >>6088442 Push the Order into the Pacific Sea, nad if that has succeded, then push NARG in Central Texas.
New England
Rolled 2291 (1d9999) >>6088442 Cheered by Mecha-Brandon's forces faltering, the armies of New England advance upon his lands in Pennsylvania with a renewed enthusiasm.
Order of The Old Gods
Rolled 3732 (1d9999) >>6088442 With the MEF assault on our stronghold in the West, we must use our new Magi as much as we can. An Arcane Offensive is planned, combining conventional tactics, with magical ability. Continue to defend in Virginia, we cannot afford to split our resources in these times. Hail the Gods, and the Darkness they will bring!
New Florida Republic
Rolled 3043 (1d9999) >>6088442 >>6088451 It's good thing you were able to hear my warning shot
Now that you awake, it's time for us to finish what we started
I Continue to take Kentucky
New Florida Republic
>>6088443 The size looks good to have a full game in a short time
How are rolls going to be counted
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 2149 (1d9999) >>6088442 It is time to show those before us the delights that fester and writhe within, let the blighted flesh of the swarm be flayed open and the true bliss we offer emerge. Unleash the parasites, that the innards of those before us shall tremble in glee and their flesh fester with joys unseen.
>continue the spread of decadence in Virginia, embrace order that they may witness the wonders we bring TED
Quoted By:
################## QM STATE OF THE UNION ##################
>>6088442 ##################################
>Territory Leaders: 1st Utah // 373
2nd NFR // 358
3rd Mecha Brandon // 290
>Capitals Controlled 1st NFR // 3
2T NARG // 2
2T New England // 2
2T Bliss of Befoulment // 2
2.5 Mecha Biden (missing og cap) // 2
3 MEF // 1
3.5 Utah // 1 (missing og cap)
>Land Size (measured in PIXELS) 1st UTAH
2nd MEF
3rd C.U.C.K.S
>Unified States 1st New England // 9
2nd Utah // 5
3rd C.U.C.K.S // 3
The victor will be chosen using this type of data, updated after ROUND 50.
I will entertain discussions/opinions on how to rank these metrics (land area and state unifications are weaker than the other two b/c these conditions weren't really set from the beginning).
If you can think of another reasonable metric to include, let me know here.
Potential Victor (ROUND 40)
>[2] Weight (equal weight for all 4 metrics) 9 points for 1st place; 1 pts for 9th place; ties take the average
(2T & 2T & 2T = ((8+7+6)/3 ) = 7 for all three
>[3] Would result in the following scoreboard: 1st: New Florida Republic = 29
2nd: IMPERIAL UTAH = 27.5
3rd: New England = 24
4th: Coalition of Undead Clubbed Kanadian Seals = 23
5th: Mexican Expeditionary Forces =19
6thT: North American Revengeance Government = 18
6thT: Bliss of Befoulment =18
8th: Mecha Brandon = 17
9th: Order of the Old Gods = 4.5
(as noted, these rankings can radically change depending on weight; I will not consider Land-Area and Unified-States to be equivalent to Capitals and Territories in the final tally, as I do in the sample above)
need to decide final metrics for evaluating the victor
points system example using some metrics
>>6088442 ROUND 41 / 50
>End Game Edition ##################################
GETS CHEAT SHEET ##################################
Notable Events:
>Bliss has expelled the Old Gods from Virginia!! >MEF has pushed the Old Gods into the sea!! >MEF has reunited California!! >The Order of the Old Gods have been eliminated!! >Utah has liberated Oregon!! >Utah has reunited Nevada!! >Utah has unified Idaho!! Allegheny Skirmishes
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(5) vs (10) = 5 victory for NE Operation Bluegrass
>Mecha Brandon vs New Florida >(5) vs (13) = 8 victory for NFR The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(14) vs (1) = 13 victory for NARG >Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. >(73) vs (0) = 73 extremely decisive victory for Utah Total War for San Francisco
>MEF vs Order of the Old Gods >(9) vs (0) = 9 victory for MEF Desecration of Virginia
>Order of the Old Gods vs Bliss of Befoulment >(8) vs (18) = 10 victory for BB ##################################
>>6088451 >Rolled 8703 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +10
>>6088453 >Rolled 0627 (1d9999) NARG +14
>>6088461 >Rolled 1569 (1d9999) 69 Utah +69 NE+2 WA+2
>>6088494 We should be even-steven now. I vow to not miss that bonus for the remainder of the match!!
>>6088544 >Rolled 6314 (1d9999) MEF +10
>>6088565 >Rolled 2291 (1d9999) New England +8 NY+1 ME+1
>>6088607 >Rolled 3732 (1d9999) Order of the Old Gods +8
>>6088614 >Rolled 3043 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +10 FL+3
>>6088620 >>6088443 I'm thinking 5-6 players.
1d9999 (cuz I have the probabilities measured out already)
Similar gets paradigm to RISK_USA, just much lower.
-2 penalty for oversea attacks
skip a turn to build a land fort (+1 gets in the region?)
skip a turn to build a seaport (ignore oversea penalty?)
>>6088939 >Rolled 2149 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +18
Somethings to consider:
A rule or established mechanics for ceding territory (as in, at the expense of rolls/gets).
A rule about beelining (column must be 2-3 counties thick)
A rule about donuts/enclaves (must have contiguous land holdings; though this could turn the game into snake io
Imperial Utah
Rolled 9377 (1d9999) >>6089093 After a long, long crusade, is it at last time for our boys to return home? Lord, we thank you for all your blessings. We who were ready to die, owe everything to you, our God.
Remain vigilant and defend our current holdings, but triumphantly begin to reclaim our Holy City. At long last, we're coming home. If there is any remaining, continue building our buffer in Montana.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:j0JolAE2 Mon 26 Aug 2024 00:48:06 No. 6089131 Report Rolled 4910 (1d9999) >>6089093 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force once more
New Florida Republic
>>6089093 I think a +3 score for each capital and +1 for each unified state is going to produce the least contentious scores
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6089138 Just having those two
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 435 (1d9999) >>6089093 The spawnlings long to become one with new flesh, spill forth more of the blighted bliss of our bodies. We will infest every inch of land in Virginia till the very soil festers with delights.
>let the presence of england in virginia feel our caress once more, that they may be brought into our welcoming embrace Order of The Old Gods
>>6089093 Well, I had a good run. Good luck to the rest of the players!
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 6439 (1d9999) >>6089093 It is the time of ending, for the fate of our great country will be decided here and now! The old gods have been defeated, and Brandon stands strong! Now that New England must fight the bliss, we too shall summon forth the great power that has laid within our great leader, waiting for the opportune moment, and attack New England and Florida! There will only be one President of this country and it won't be some king or jumped up Republican lackey! BRANDON WE SUMMON THEE!
Rolled 7946 (1d9999) >Take as much open northern territory as possible
New England
Rolled 7213 (1d9999) >>6089093 Attack Mecha-Brandon in Pennsylvania unless he agrees with the proposed peace terms, if he does then attack the Bliss instead.
>>6089286 Now Joe, it seems you're falling into a bit of a hole you dug for yourself. You're under attack on two fronts, and Florida is stronger then you are.
But King Harold? He's a practical guy, doesn't hold grudges over things done in Warfare. So, he's prepared to cut you a deal, sign the same truce we offered you before. If you withdraw from Pensylvania and hand the land back to New England, we'll back off; allow you to focus on your other fronts. We're even prepared to recognise you as the American president, as long as you accept that our lands are no longer part of the United States.
New Flordia Republic
Rolled 7160 (1d9999) >>6089286 Take back the singular missing county of Tennessee and then give the rest to push north through the Brandon fiefdom
Rolled 870 (1d9999) >>6089093 Focus our attack against NARG.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6089286 poor ol' joe... he's slowly slippin, falling back to sleep, someone get this man his ice cream
>>6089093 ROUND 42 / 50
Notable Events:
>Utah has reclaimed their capital and home state!! Utah State Inquisition
>Utah vs Bliss of Befoulment >(34) vs (0) = significant victory for Utah (spills unchallenged in MT) The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(20) vs (26) = 6 victory for MEF Operation Bluegrass
>Mecha Brandon vs New Florida >(9) vs (22) = 13 victory for NFR March on Pittsburgh
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(9) vs (12) = 3 minor victory for NE Fourth Battle of Memphis
>New Florida vs MEF >(1) vs (0) = 1 strategic victory for NFR Siege of Richmond
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for BB ##################################
>>6089102 >Rolled 9377 (1d9999) Utah +30 WA+2 NE+2
>>6089131 >Rolled 4910 (1d9999) NARG +20
>>6089153 >Rolled 0435 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6089263 GG, keep an eye out for future RISK maps I qm; I would love to have you back!
>>6089286 >Rolled 6439 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +18
>>6089305 >Rolled 7946 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +12
>>6089341 >Rolled 7213 (1d9999) New England +10 NY+1 ME+1
>>6089447 >Rolled 7160 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +20 FL+3
>>6089458 >Rolled 0870 (1d9999) MEF +20 CA+6
Imperial Utah
Rolled 8504 (1d9999) >>6089923 Home at last... honestly, the Mormons went through such an insane character arc that I don't even care about winning in round 50 anymore, they've already won in my heart
Continue crusading through Montana. If there happens to be extra, we'll show mercy to the C.U.C.K.S. and just spill over into South Dakota, instead of continuing on a path of total cuck annihilation.
Order of The Old Gods
TED, if you don't mind me asking, since it's already the end game, are new plyers slots still open? I've got an idea I've been dwelling on for some time.
Imperial Utah
>>6089093 My two cents on the contiguous thing is that I think it's mostly fine as is. If there were a punishment for having two separate chunks of land, that would just incentivize snaking/marching on narrow paths even more than there already is, to try to divide your enemy's territory in half. You could maybe try to make a rule saying you can only attack from one of those chunks at a time, instead of two at once, but splitting your forces is almost always a detriment to the user anyway, so it's not that big of a deal in my opinion.
I also think ceding territories is mostly fine. There's always the chance of a huge backfire, like when I convinced the Order to turn against the MEF (that was still the optimal play by the way, Order, if you'd focused all your troops in claiming California you'd still be alive and well right now, and maybe even have control over California). There is also the huge possible benefit if a guaranteed ally comes in and it's a two-on-one, but it comes at the cost of giving up your territory, so you'll have to waste time reconquering it if you want it back. That said, the two-on-one possible benefit can't be understated, so maybe the person giving up territory gets their roll/get reduced by 10-20% or something that round, or they have to spend one territory of get per two territories ceded. (Like if they roll and would get 8 territories, if they ceded 6 territories to an ally, they'd only get 5 territories from that roll).
The current beelining I think is mostly fine, with columns being 2-3 counties thick, maybe just add in something where the farther you beeline from the main mass the weaker your push is, or maybe if your beeline gets cut off from the rest of your land, you gotta re-establish a connection or all further attacks are halved in potency from the beeline or whatever.
Next map possibly.
WIP open to suggestions and feedback.
>>6089972 Sure why not.
>>6090012 Noted.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 27 Aug 2024 04:15:14 No. 6090026 Report Rolled 9515 (1d9999) >>6089923 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6090019 Oh, I also like the fact that cucks and mef played it very fair, and only ceded territories after the nation they were ceding to rolled for the round. Formalizing that you can't immediately attack from a ceded territory is probably good.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 1545 (1d9999) >>6089923 Attack New England and Florida
Mecha Brandon
Quoted By:
>>6090039 Well I'll take a pali instead.
>>6089923 THE OLD GODS
LOCATION: Indiana, close to the Illinois border
As the last remnants of an esoteric cult died, they believed themselves to be the inheritors of the world soon to be ruled by the Gods when they awoke. In reality, they were only the necessary sacrifice. All across the land, wild storms form and strike, as earthquakes split the dirt, and roiling waves batter the coasts with fury. Nightmares strike thousands as mad prophets decry the end of days on city streets, only to fall on the deaf ears of the unenlightened and the content. Amidst it all, in rural Indiana, a star strikes from space, creating a smoldering, and strangely glowing, crater. And from the crater, emerge the first Prophets of the Gods awakening...
>>6090019 Looking good! Here's a link to the old Risk map archive too. There was a brief period where we had regular risk sessions on the board but it's been awhile.
Rolled 9411 (1d9999) >>6089950 Like true C.U.C.K.S., we seize this opportunity to sink our tusks in the Mormons' backs (wait, we're not walrusii...)
>Reclaim SeaRfttle!!! C.U.C.K.S.
Quoted By:
do you wanna see my walrussy?
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6090071 >Try to generally show mercy >Get punished Lord, we have received your message loud and clear. This war is not yet over.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 27 Aug 2024 05:31:47 No. 6090088 Report Quoted By:
>>6090056 i remember i played a risk like around the period of 2021-22 the qm Conqstr was a cool dude around hoping hes still alive and well
New Flordia Republic
Rolled 9831 (1d9999) >>6089923 Snake all the way to Michigan and take the Cap
>>6090039 rolling 420
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 27 Aug 2024 06:50:46 No. 6090157 Report Rolled 9451 (1d9999) >>6089923 March towards Comanche once again.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 6377 (1d9999) >>6089923 There are wonders yet unseen, let us deviate our flesh further to make our embrace ever more serene. Let the blighted disembowel themselves to further unleash the writhing delights within, collapse atop the enemies that they be entwined in your festering entrails and never leave your embrace.
>expand violently upon the remaining presence of england in virginia, let our ever welcoming embrace grant them bliss as we become one New England
Rolled 234 (1d9999) >>6089923 As long as Biden continues the two-front war against us, he must be the focus of our attention. Counter Biden where he attacks and push him back.
Caroline Defense Union
>>6090268 In Order to defend against foul abominations that have formed from the Aether, we must organise and defend the State!
Governor Henry McMaster organises the defense of the State for the end times
Location; South Carolina
Capitol; Colombia
Colour; Teal
Heh I thought remembered this vault from somewhere.
>>6089923 ROUND 43 / 50
Notable Events:
>C.U.C.K.S. has reunited Montana!! >New England has reunited Pennsylvania >New England has captured Pittsburgh (OOG former capital)!! >Bliss of Befoulment has reunited Virginia!! Battle of Glacier Country (MT)
>Utah vs C.U.C.K.S. >(14) vs (30) = 16 strong victory for C.U.C.K.S. The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(30) vs (14) = 16 victory for NARG Battle of Western PA
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(15) vs (38) = 23 strong victory for NE Mechanized Kentucky Counterinsurgency
>Mecha Brandon vs NFR >(15) vs (14) = 1 minor victory for Mecha Brandon Virginia Campaign
Bliss of Befoulment vs New England
(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for BB
>>6089950 >Rolled 8504 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +10 WA+2 NE+2
>>6090026 >Rolled 9515 (1d9999) pali_3 NARG +30
>>6090039 >Rolled 1545 (1d9999) pali_3 Mecha Brandon +30
>>6090049 The Old Gods (new nation +15)
>>6090056 Thanks for this. Found an old map of mine or two.
>>6090881 ##################################
>>6090071 >Rolled 9411 (1d9999) dubs C.U.C.K.S. +30
>>6090124 >Rolled 9831 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +8 FL+3 TN+3
>>6090157 >Rolled 9451 (1d9999) MEF +8 CA+6
>>6090268 >Rolled 6377 (1d9999) dubs Bliss of Befoulment +30
>>6090580 >Rolled 0234 (1d9999) straight_3 New England +36 NY+1 ME+1
>>6090634 Teal is taken (+15)
Imperial Utah
Rolled 7808 (1d9999) >>6090900 Lord, it seems the war is not yet over. Reignite the flames in our hearts, and let us become an instrument of Your will. Crusade against the C.U.C.K.S.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 5822 (1d9999) >>6090900 Padding for my score:
Wipe out the CDU
Take their capital
if I have gets to spare use them against Brandon
New Florida Republic
>>6090910 See these dubs CDU?
That a roll of +30 with my bonus of +6
You'll need a roll with at least dubs to not be immediately erased.
I hope you get it
Imperial Utah
>>6090921 Lmao if getting capitals is this easy maybe we gotta rethink how we score them a bit, though that being said I don't really mind a Floridian victory since we are allies in the end
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 6497 (1d9999) >>6090900 The bliss we bring has no end, ever forth our infestation shall extend. Into your homes and inside your kin, the embrace we offer will see you reborn as something more than men.
>spread our presence into maryland and delaware more flesh for our swarm to proliferate and new delights to be born New Florida Republic
>>6090951 >this easy It's not,
Brandon is going to take his capital back this round
If you're in the business of winning, you should attack the MEF
I'm always routing for my fellow American's
Rolled 7708 (1d9999) >>6090900 >Ignore the smelly, mean, unholy Mormons, whose dark magicks dwarf even our own. They are truly the most vile, putrid, and despicable force in the realm, worse than all the C.U.C.K.S. combined. I concede to Joseph, His Lustful and Prideful Wickedness. Surely it is by Satan's contract that he rules. Instead, we take Michigan, then spill into unclaimed lands New Florida Republic
>>6090978 >dwarf not dwARF?
You deserved to roll a 1 for that
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 8977 (1d9999) >>6090900 Alright fine, two can play at this game. Ignore the Floridans, go all in on New England. We didn't wake up just to lose this folks. They want to burn? We'll make them burn.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6090977 As soon as I let up on the cucks for even a second they immediately try to backstab me, so unfortunately I gotta purge them halfway through North Dakota or further to even have enough leeway to consider doing anything else
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6090056 You know, reading back on some of the old maps, I like the fact that alliances and treaties aren't formal mechanics in this one, makes it all a matter of trust and negotiation with your fellow players
New England
Rolled 3127 (1d9999) Hold the lines. Defend as much as we can defend against our foes.
>>6090977 >Brandon is going to take his capital back this round Apparently not, he ignored you taking his capitol and doubled down to focus on me instead.
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:D1jqTcWY Wed 28 Aug 2024 07:06:31 No. 6091041 Report Rolled 7890 (1d9999) >>6090900 Keep on assaulting NARG positions.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6091041 holy shit the first big straight
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Wed 28 Aug 2024 08:03:50 No. 6091066 Report Rolled 4258 (1d9999) >>6090900 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
Rolled 8848 (1d9999) >>6090900 The Gods have returned to reign across these lands in the fashion of the Ancient Days, when all things were subservient to their will. Now, in dark forests, prowl Eldritch Horrors beyond human comprehension that live to serve the Gods and the Primordial Madness. What Human communities haven't been overrun are heavily guarded, walled towns that gather each night around a raging bonfire and offer sacrifices up to the stars for their own protection from the Gods own creations. The Maddened Pantheon looks at this and is content as they continue to stir and wake up. They order their minions to expand East, they feel powers there that are similar to their own, but far younger.
Caroline Defense Union
>>6090910 Well damn.
I am a new lurker, how do I Roll?
>>6091207 Np, just a heads-up: we're gonna select a victor is after round 50, then play on a new map/thread.
>>6070419 >copy and paste "dice+1d9999" >>6072061 > >>6070413 >Probably made some errors. Caroline Defense Union
Caroline Defense Union
Imperial Utah
>>6091241 gotta put it in the options field my friend
Caroline Defense Union
Rolled 8792 (1d9999) >>6091254 Ooooh ok
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6091299 >roll of 2 Oh
so sad
You are now deleted
You can still take pink or brown and restart somewhere else
New Florida Republic
>>6090900 ROUND 44/50
TED has been gone for a while so I'll move the game forward
Notable Events:
The Befoulment takes the Delaware Capital
Mecha Brandon takes the Pennsylvania Capital
NFR erases the CDU
>>6090910 >>6091299 NFR vs the CDU
30 +6 vs 8
>>6090904 >>6090978 Utah vs C.U.C.K.S
30 + 3 vs 0
>>6091018 >>6090989 >>6090955 New England vs Brandon & Befoulment
14 + 2 vs 30 & 14
>>6090978 >>6090989 C.U.C.K.S vs Brandon
14 vs 0
>>6091041 >>6091066 MEF vs NARG
70 + 6 vs 14
>>6091183 30
Rolled 5446 (1d9999) >>6091890 >Take Michigan under our darFk flippers Quints get
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6603 (1d9999) >>6091890 The Old Gods continue to awaken as their servants bring their rule back to the world. The maddened cultists, psychic thralls, and Eldritch Horrors continue to expand the Gods' Domain.
>>6090900 44 / 50
My dog needed surgery :/
Notable Events:
>Caroline Defense Union was defeated at the hands of NFR!! >C.U.C.K.S. launches a sneak attack into Michigan!! >Mecha Brandon has reunited Ohio!! >Mecha Brandon has captured Pittsburgh (OOG former capital)!! Second Battle of Glacier Country (MT)
>Utah vs Canada >(34) vs (0) = 34 significant victory for Utah First Battle of South Carolina
>New Florida Republic vs Carolina Defense Union >(23) vs (8) = 15 victory for NFR Second Operation Bluegrass
New Florida Republic vs Mecha Brandon
> (13) vs (0) = 13 victory for NFR The Great Battle for Texas
>MEF vs NARG >(70) vs (14) = 56 decisive victory for MEF Battle of Chesapeake Bay
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(14) vs (0) = 14 victory for BB Battle of Ohio Valley
Mecha Brandon vs New England
(30) vs (16) = 24 victory for Mecha Brandon
Michigan Operation
>Mecha Brandon vs C.U.C.K.S. >(0) vs (14) = 14 victory for C.U.C.K.S. ##################################
>>6090904 >Rolled 7808 (1d9999) pali_3 Utah +30 NE+2 WA+2
>>6090910 >Rolled 5822 (1d9999) pali_3 NFR TN +30 +3 FL+3
>>6090955 >Rolled 6497 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +14
>>6090978 >Rolled 7708 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +14
>>6090989 >Rolled 8977 (1d9999) dubs Mecha Brandon +30
>>6091018 >Rolled 3127 (1d9999) New England +14 NY+1 ME+1
>>6091041 >Rolled 7890 (1d9999) MEF +70 CA+6
>>6091066 >Rolled 4258 (1d9999) NARG +14
>>6091183 >Rolled 8848 (1d9999) pali_3 THE OLD GODS +30
>>6091299 >Rolled 8792 (1d9999) Caroline Defense Union +8
Apologies for the delay. We should be back to regular schedule.
New Florida Republic
>>6091890 >>6092014 This may turn into a problem
we now have competing maps for round 44
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Thu 29 Aug 2024 17:59:20 No. 6092028 Report Rolled 6327 (1d9999) >>6092014 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
Imperial Utah
Rolled 7755 (1d9999) >>6092024 To be fair that beeline through Ohio was probably way too thin for an unspecified attack against Brandon
>>6092014 The C.U.C.K.S are planning something dastardly to the East. Crusade through Montana, overflowing into North Dakota if need be.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6092014 Oh yeah hope the doggo is okay
>>6092050 Holy FUCK the Lord really wants us to wipe out the cuckold threat
New Florida Republic
Rolled 5430 (1d9999) >>6092014 Seeing that the Order has come to our boarder, DeSantis has ordered them to be wiped out for their aggressive posture
>>6092050 To be fair
You are right
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6092133 Damn, almost a mega-straight
Linking/keeping this roll
>>6092014 >>6091893 Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:D1jqTcWY Thu 29 Aug 2024 23:50:28 No. 6092309 Report Rolled 5107 (1d9999) >>6092014 Press our advantage and continue reconquering Texas.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 6492 (1d9999) >>6092014 The emancipation brought by our contamination will free your flesh of its suffering. Fall into our embrace and let us be one.
>continue our expansion in maryland and delaware >if there is excess push into the eastern side of pennsylvania TED
Bonus rule:>Next roll cedes 50 territories to C.U.C.K.S.
Quoted By:
>>6092367 >72pbtID Positively SHAMELESS
We've been completely KEKbroken by the holy CHAD-like Mormons. We cede all our territories to them, arFfective immediately! They'll take care of our lands even better than we ever could.
Mecha Brandon
>>6092014 Damn, hope your dog makes it through okay TED.
>>6092367 I see.
>>6091018 So who's it gonna be New England, me or you?
Bliss of Befoulment
New England
Rolled 6104 (1d9999) >>6092428 You're the one who made it personal, Brandon. And now you're under attack on every other front you have, when you could have just accepted the peace terms that puts our borders at the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. Now, that treaty's still up for signing, and you have more to loose immediately on your other fronts if you don't. Tick tock.
>>6092014 If Brandon signs the treaty then ignore him and focus efforts on the Bliss, as Pennsylvania will be ours again and we have no desires for Ohio.
Otherwise, attack Brandon to win back the Pennsylvania borders, then only once they're secure from brandon turn attention back to the bliss.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 8207 (1d9999) >>6092605 That may be true but you're fighting a two front war too and I there's no way out.
>>6092014 ROUND 45 / 50
Notable Events:
>Imperial Utah has unified Montana! >Bliss of Befoulment has conquered Delaware (Pres.Biden's former capital)!! Central Texas Seige
>NARG vs MEF >(14) vs (20) = 6 victory for NARG Michigan Continuous Assault
>C.U.C.K.S vs Mecha Brandon >(12) vs () Rout of Montana
>Utah vs C.U.C.K.S >(34) vs (0) = 34 significant victory for Utah Mississippi Crossing (IN)
>Old Gods vs NFR (14) vs (26) = 12 victory for NFR
Delaware Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for BB War-torn Central PA
>New England vs Mecha Brandon >(12) vs (14) = 2 minor victory for MB ##################################
>>6091984 >Rolled 6603 (1d9999) The Old Gods +10 (small +4 bonus b/c I mistook west and east last roll)
>>6092028 >Rolled 6327 (1d9999) NARG +14
>>6092050 >Rolled 7755 (1d9999) dubs Utah +30 WA+2 NE+2
>that beeline through Ohio among others lol
>>6092133 >Rolled 5430 (1d9999) NFR +20 TN+3 FL+3
>>6092171 >>6091893 >Rolled 5446 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +12
>>6092309 >Rolled 5107 (1d9999) MEF +14 CA+6
>>6092367 I know its a joke but this is very very poor etiquette for this thread. Please feel ashamed.
>>6092428 He ate a dryer sheet; he's doing better now. Little idiot.
>>6092319 >Rolled 6492 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +8
>>6092605 >Rolled 6104 (1d9999) New England +10 NY+1 ME+1
>>6092781 >Rolled 8207 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +14
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Fri 30 Aug 2024 17:14:12 No. 6092910 Report Rolled 3392 (1d9999) >>6092907 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force try to push them back
New Florida Republic
Rolled 9385 (1d9999) >>6092907 Attack the remainments of the Order
cut them out from the south and push them north
Rolled 2169 (1d9999) >>6092907 Shame is for winners.
>Continue taking Michigarfn THE OLD GODS
Rolled 7154 (1d9999) >>6092907 The mortals have pushed the Gods servants back. The Pantheon laughs and sends forth more of their creations to participate in the great game that is shaping up, for all things that exist under the Stars are destined to ruin.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 8032 (1d9999) >>6092947 Ah shit, this ain't gonna be much fun.
>>6092907 Lord, our enemies have amassed supply lines to the East, but even then, we will march on, as You will it. Continue the crusade against the cuckolds.
Quoted By:
>>6093019 Carftch me if you can, mormies!
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:D1jqTcWY Fri 30 Aug 2024 20:34:59 No. 6093054 Report Rolled 9368 (1d9999) >>6092907 Retake Comanche and continue to push NARG out of Texas.
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 9941 (1d9999) >>6092907 KILL NEW ENGLAND DEAD!
New England
Rolled 4475 (1d9999) >>6092781 Then I'm locked in here with you, and you're locked in here with me. I've got a festering rot on my underside, you've got Undead Canadian seals dropping on your head. Let's see who breaks first, Joe.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 8231 (1d9999) >>6092907 Open the malformed maws of jubilation, let them sing the wonders that are to come!
We've only just begun
So many souls to chew
Your wounds will weep and run
Until we're joined as one
>proceed with the contamination of delaware any excess flesh will continue the spread into the north eastern coast Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:g7CbKR3m Sat 31 Aug 2024 15:27:33 No. 6093507 Report >>6092907 >>NARG vs MEF >>(14) vs (20) = 6 victory for NARG you sure about that, gringo?
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6093150 >>6093425 Based cage match even as the world rages around them, their rivalry will consume them unto death
Imperial Utah
>>6092907 ROUND 46 / 50
Notable Events:
>C.U.C.K.S. has united Michigan!! >C.U.C.K.S. controls Lansing (MIC former capital)!! >MEF controls Comanche (Rep. of TX former capital)!! Battle of Peoria (IL)
>The Old Gods vs New Florida Republic >(10) vs (18) = 8 victory for NFR TEXAS CAMPAIGN *WITH CORRECTIONS
NARG vs MEF (R.45)
>>6092014 >>6093507 >6 victory for MEF GREAT BATTLE FOR TEXAS
>NARG vs MEF (R.46) >(8) vs (20) = 12 victory for MEF Michigan Campaign
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Mecha Brandon >(69) vs (0) = decisive victory for Canada Battle of Bismarck (ND)
Utah vs C.U.C.K.S.
(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for Utah
The Great Battle of Southern Alleghenies (PA)
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(8) vs (14) = 6 victory for NE Central New Jersey Tactical Movement
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for BB ##################################
>>6092910 >Rolled 3392 (1d9999) NARG +8
>>6092935 >Rolled 9385 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +12 NT+3 FL+3
>>6092947 >Rolled 2169 (1d9999) 69 C.U.C.K.S. +69
>>6093002 >Rolled 7154 (1d9999) THE OLD GODS +10
>>6093019 >Rolled 8032 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +8 WA+2 NE+2
>>6093054 >Rolled 9368 (1d9999) >>6093507 >>6093515 es culpa mia; see corrections above.
MEF +14 CA+6
>>6093150 >Rolled 9941 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +8
>>6093425 >Rolled 4475 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6093490 >Rolled 8231 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +8
Rolled 6714 (1d9999) >>6093797 >Take capitaRfl of Old Gods but don't wipe them out, use overflow to spread towards the other capitals nearby Michigan Get
New Florida Republic
Rolled 6601 (1d9999) >>6093797 >>6093802 Dice says I completely cut off the Seals from Illinois
Rolled 5367 (1d9999) >>6093797 End New England. DARK BRANDON DEMANDS IT.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 2245 (1d9999) >>6093802 Actually kinda genius
>>6093797 We don't like donuts here, so begin filling in South Dakota and North Dakota in equal measure.
>>6093797 The Mortals continuously push the Gods back. The Pantheon worries not, and sends down an asteroid barrage to crush the NFR armies before they can advance further.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Sat 31 Aug 2024 23:02:31 No. 6093902 Report Rolled 1694 (1d9999) >>6093797 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
Quoted By:
>>6093893 don't forget to roll so you don't get too c ucked
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:g7CbKR3m Sun 01 Sep 2024 06:51:51 No. 6094235 Report Rolled 848 (1d9999) >>6093797 Blunt the NARG attack and then recapture the north of the Rio Grande.
>>6093902 Gringo, you can't beat me, just accept and retreat from Texas, I won't follow you in Louisiana as long as you give up the revengence part of your name.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 9170 (1d9999) >>6093797 The flesh of this region isn't very fertile for spawning delight, cease all assimilation hence forth and devour all foreign flesh to nourish the mainbody.
>finish consuming delaware then eat pennsylvania from the bottom up >avoid the mechanical being, for they have no flesh New England
Rolled 1165 (1d9999) >>6093797 Attack Biden in Pennsylvania, drive him back into Ohio where the Hungry seals await him!
>>6093797 ROUND 47 / 50
Notable Events:
>New Florida has taken The Old Gods capital (IL)!! The Great Three-Way Battle for Chicago
>C.U.C.K.S. vs The Old Gods >(14) vs (0) = 14 temporary victory for Canada >NFR vs C.U.C.K.S. >(14) vs (0) = 14 victory for NFR Western PA Campaign
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(14) vs (14) = STALEMATE The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(10) vs (36) = 26 major victory for MEF Siege of Philadelphia
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(20) vs (0) = 20 strong victory for BB ##################################
>>6093802 >Rolled 6714 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +10 MI+4
>>6093816 >Rolled 6601 (1d9999) New Florida Republic +8 TN+3 FL+3
>>6093875 >Rolled 5367 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +14
>>6093886 >Rolled 2245 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +12 WA+2 NE+2
>>6093893 Missing dice, buddy : /
>>6093902 >Rolled 1694 (1d9999) NARG +10
>>6094235 >Rolled 0848 (1d9999) pali_3 MEF +30 CA+6
>>6094334 >Rolled 9170 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +20
>>6094849 >Rolled 1165 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
IDK how to tag across threads. Keep an eye out for new thread on this board for the remaining rounds and a declared victor.
New Florida Republic
>>6094935 >Missing Dice I was wondering how I managed to capture
Mecha Brandon
Quoted By:
>>6094938 Here's my thought process, this was a tricky one:
C.U.C.K.S. took 14 uncontested IL territories (from Old Gods, including their capital)
Florida takes the same 14 territories, uncontested by C.U.C.K.S. (fulfilling the request to keep Seals out of Illonois)
I was very close to just having it be a three-way stalemate, but decided to have the invaders go sequentially.
Rolled 3649 (1d9999) >>6094935 (I forgot to roll, L on my part sadly)
The Gods have awoken from their slumber, and now demand victory. Their creations and servants rush to meet their will, with a crushing offensive against both the Seals, and the Mortals.
Rolled 3680 (1d9999) >>6094996 Bring it, betch.
>Stretch down from Michigan towards the next three closest capitarFls New England
Rolled 7747 (1d9999) >>6094935 Attack Brandon, push him back!
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 02 Sep 2024 09:52:58 No. 6095150 Report Rolled 54 (1d9999) >>6094935 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
New England
>>6095148 Palindrome time!
Immediately secede any lands we capture from Brandon in Ohio to the Old Gods, so that they don't get wiped again.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Mon 02 Sep 2024 09:59:06 No. 6095159 Report >>6093886 >>6094938 requesting some assistance
New Florida Republic
Rolled 4657 (1d9999) >>6094935 Eradicate the Order
Keep the C.U.C.K.S back
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6095233 >>6094996 >megastraight "So please,
please stay gone"
>>6095159 Next round
Mexican Expeditionary Forces
Mexican Expeditionary Forces ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 02 Sep 2024 19:13:47 No. 6095453 Report Rolled 5601 (1d9999) >>6095150 Wrong choice, try again.
>>6094935 Reconquer Texas, advance south along the Texas-Louisiana border, attempt to split NARG in 2.
Imperial Utah
>>6095453 Alright MEF, depending on how these negotiations go, this upcoming round is about to be interesting. My ally is currently asking for my help, and I'm in prime position to directly attack California. Now, the main reason we're in this war is because your ally, the C.U.C.K.S., attacked us, and we appreciate the fact that you haven't tried to reclaim Nevada or Oregon, but the fact remains that we're on opposite sides of this war. My personal opinion is that a three on one war is a bit overwhelming/unfair, and our main enemy was always the satanic seals, not you Catholics, but we would need something in exchange for neutrality. Even with a three-on-one war being a little dirty, I'm inclined to help my allies. What can you offer?
>>6095473 History will record that the savage, demon-worshipping Mormons began the hostilities, not the noble C.U.C.K.S.
Quoted By:
>>6095151 The Gods will spare your people when they rise, King Harold.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6095480 Sorry friend, but the only ones who get to try to cover up the past are the victors, and right now I don't think you classify
Imperial Utah
>>6095480 Also, it's kind of hard to pass off all the war crimes you guys did and the fact that you effectively Pearl Harbored us and brought us into the war as us beginning the hostilities :)
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Mon 02 Sep 2024 20:15:38 No. 6095510 Report >>6095473 We offer Nevada, the Oregon territories, and a pardon for the unlawful way you have attacked by setting arbitrary time constrains.
Imperial Utah
>>6095510 With no way of knowing the timing of the next update, we gave as much time as we could allow, with the seals defiling our homeland, else we ran the risk of being unable to defend ourselves at all. For full transparency, as we rightfully conquered Nevada and Oregon through the lives of our Mormon men, we do not consider that gesture sufficient.
Quoted By:
>>6095151 What a beautiful show of friendship
But it almost certainly means you'll be throwing away the chance of second place
Imperial Utah
Rolled 1725 (1d9999) >>6095518 >>6095510 Damn I feel like a fucking bully
Alright, entirely out of our goodwill, even though we have a golden opportunity here to just take California, we'll hold off until next round to allow you to mount a defense. Best of luck, MEF.
>>6094935 Continue taking North Dakota and South Dakota. On the extremely small chance the Lord truly wills this war and any extra remains after both North Dakota and South Dakota, send the rest into California. Our allies have called for help, and we will answer.
>>6095507 Checkmate: You called us mean names first. Clearly you are belligerent bullies, in service of something darker than Satan.
>>6083035 >>6095522 >Damn I feel like a fucking bully Gee, arf wonder why.
Imperial Utah
>>6095528 We Mormons cannot bend the truth for the sake of niceties. The fact remains that though we completely disapproved of your vile way of life, we made no unprovoked attack on your lands. Also, you are all quite literally undead hellspawn seals summoned by the same guys who opened a portal to hell
>>6095532 No, we're humble farmers and ranchers, you're confusing us with someone else. In your mania you have gone completely wacko. You really ought to consider giving stewarFdship to the C.U.C.K.S. of, say... All your territory?
Quoted By:
>>6095548 Ted, Utah has gone completely invalid. But you can tell the look on the face is an affirmative one. I will take all of those territories, now, please.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 5829 (1d9999) >>6094935 This place is war torn, with nothing but corpses to nourish the swarm. Condense our presence in the center till our flesh grows plump and putrid. We must gift this land of death with pestilent life.
>continue the devouring of all flesh in pennsylvania TED
>>6094935 ROUND 48 / 50
December: Canada takes OG's capital
>C.U.C.K.S. vs The Old Gods >(10) vs (9) = 1 victory for C.U.C.K.S. January: Florida seizes
>New Florida Republic vs The Old Gods >(10) vs (9) = 1 minor victory for NFR February: NFR strikes C.U.C.K.S.'s IL gains
>New Florida Republic vs C.U.C.K.S. >(10) vs (10) = stalemate March: C.U.C.K.S marches towards Pittsburgh and Frankfurt (OH)
C.U.C.K.S vs Mecha Brandon
(4) vs (0) = 4 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S
The Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(10) vs (14) = 4 minor victory for MEF JUNE
First Siege of Pittsburgh
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(14) vs (32) = 18 decisive victory for NE JULY
Second Siege of Pittsburgh
Bliss of Befoulment vs New England
(18) vs (0) = 18 victory for BB
>>6094946 >Rolled 5458 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +14
>>6094996 >Rolled 3649 (1d9999) The Old Gods +18
>>6095015 >Rolled 3680 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +20 MI+4
>>6095148 >Rolled 7747 (1d9999) New England +30 NY+1 ME+1
>>6095150 >Rolled 0054 (1d9999) NARG +10
>>6095233 >Rolled 4657 (1d9999) NFR +14 TN+3 FL+3
>>6095453 >Rolled 5601 (1d9999) MEF +8 CA+6
>>6095522 >Rolled 1725 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +12 NE+2 WA+2
>>6095625 >Rolled 5829 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +18
Rolled 7582 (1d9999) >>6095750 >Cut through and take Bliss of Befoulment's capitarfl THE OLD GODS
Rolled 4677 (1d9999) >>6095750 The Mortals are finally starting to meet their match at the Gods hands. The Pantheon among the Stars presses the attack against the NFR, destroying them would bring much joy to the Gods.
Imperial Utah
Rolled 4792 (1d9999) >>6095750 Our ally has called for aid, and God willing, we will respond. Defend our lands first and foremost, invade California with any that remains.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 2645 (1d9999) >>6095750 We do apologize to the machine for this intrusion but there are flesh scraps to be had.
>rupture the tumors and let the geysers of putrefaction rain down upon pennsylvania, spread violently in every direction like the infestion we truly are. Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6095773 >>6095159 Looks like our Mormon boys are getting tired of war after the long campaign against the seals in the Northwest. Sorry, NARG, but if the MEF just repels our attack and doesn't invade us this round, we'll probably just go back to reconsolidating the Dakotas. If they encroach into Nevada or Oregon, we'll push back. With Florida at your side, you'll do well.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 03 Sep 2024 05:27:37 No. 6095855 Report Rolled 7270 (1d9999) >>6095750 attack Mexican Expeditionary Force
New England
Rolled 776 (1d9999) >>6095750 Huh. Unless Biden defends against the Seals this turn he's not actually going to have a border with me any more to attack me from before he can move at all, so I can actually ignore the rambling old Geezer.
Turn our attention to the south! The Bliss of Befoulment must be shown the Comfort of Cleanliness! Attack them in new Jersey and Delaware; beat them back!
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 6575 (1d9999) >>6095750 We're not finished yet, Jack. almost at the penultimate round. We ain't gonna let those New England folks beat us. I'M MECHA BRANDON. DARK BRANDON IS COMING. WAKE UP JOE, WAKE UP!
(If I can't attack them my roll will go into the cucks instead.)
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 03 Sep 2024 09:02:30 No. 6095940 Report Rolled 7274 (1d9999) >>6095750 Blunt the Utahan attack, if possible, use the spillover to advance down the Texas-Louisiana border.
>>6095914 >Cede 1 territory of my gains on New England's border to The Big Guy so he can be a metaphorical mecha bull in a colonialist China shop. Heh, no thing personnel, kid.
New Florida Republic
Rolled 2234 (1d9999) >>6095750 Donating this roll the NARG
the power of friendship will prevail
New Florida Republic
Quoted By:
>>6096097 >Add this roll to their roll New England
>>6095997 Not sure you can do that after their roll to count for their roll; the Territories I tried to pass to the Old Gods in Ohio after my roll weren't counted last turn.
The Turtle Commune
>>6095750 ROUND 49 / 50
Penultimate Edition
Battle of the Ohio Valley
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Mecha Brandon >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for C.U.C.K.S Illinois Blitz
>The Old Gods vs New Florida Republic >(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for OOG California War of Attrition
>Imperial Utah vs MEF >(12) vs (12) = stalemate Battle of the Susquehanna
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England >(12) vs (14) = 2 minor victory for NE Battle of Erie (NY-PA)
Mecha Brandon vs New England
(30) vs (0) = 30 significant victory for Brandon
NARG+NFR (7270) vs MEF (7274)
(41) vs (4) = 37 strong victory for NARG
>>6095752 >Rolled 7582 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +8 MI+4
>Cut through and take Bliss of Befoulment's capitarfl Would be an inopportune time to mistake Order of the Old Gods with BB
>>6095756 >Rolled 4677 (1d9999) dubs The Old Gods +30
>>6095773 >Rolled 4792 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +8 NE+2 WA+2
>>6095776 >Rolled 2645 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6095855 >Rolled 7270 (1d9999) NARG +20
NFR bonus +41
>>6095897 >Rolled 0776 (1d9999) New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>>6095914 >Rolled 6575 (1d9999) pali_3 Mecha Brandon +30
>>6095940 >Rolled 7274 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
>>6096097 >Rolled 2234 (1d9999) straight_3 NFR +36 TN+3 FL+3 => +41 to NARG
>>6096146 Oh well, worth a shot lol
>Take a neArFby capital if possible. If not, spread closer to both of them C.U.C.K.S.
Rolled 6739 (1d9999) >>6096294 This time with dice!
Rolled 692 (1d9999) >>6096187 The Messengers have brought defeat to the petulant Mortals, the young masters of this world thinking that they can dominate beings far more ancient than even their existence. The Messengers continue the Reconquest to the Seals, now cut off from support and occupying the landing zone of the comet.
NORTH AMERICAN REVENGEANCE GOVERMENT ID:SlY2o/Ay Tue 03 Sep 2024 21:25:12 No. 6096401 Report Rolled 8502 (1d9999) >>6096187 attack Mexican Expeditionary push them out from all fronts
Imperial Utah
Rolled 8347 (1d9999) >>6096187 Defend our flank from the MEF if necessary, otherwise just focus on reuniting North Dakota, spill over into South Dakota if extra remains
New Florida Republic
Rolled 1937 (1d9999) >>6096187 This is it
The final round
This dice roll goes to protecting my capitals and winning the gaem
gg everyone
New Florida Republic
I am a bit disappointed though I've been in 1st place for the past 10 rounds and nobody tried to take my capitals
Mecha Brandon
Rolled 2339 (1d9999) >>6096187 To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee! ATTACK NEW ENGLAND!
>>6096449 I would try to retake my territory but I got priorities. New England has to die.
New England
Rolled 8267 (1d9999) >>6096187 Attack the Bliss of Befoulment in New Jersey and Delaware in a last ditch effort to take the capitol site there.
>>6096461 Not enough time in the game for that, you salty senile shithead. ;)
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:OJ6trzZJ Tue 03 Sep 2024 23:42:47 No. 6096494 Report Rolled 8623 (1d9999) >>6096187 Central Texas needs to have its quesadillas.
Bliss of Befoulment
Rolled 6583 (1d9999) >>6096187 One final caress of our fetid embrace, let the blight creep and writhe along the the north eastern coast
>discharge all putrefaction upon eastern pennsylvania then push toward the eastern coastline and head north, decompose everything. New Florida Republic
>>6096294 >>6096295 >>6096375 >>6096401 >>6096416 >>6096461 >>6096478 >>6096494 >>6096560 Alright guy,
We've all placed our last moves
The game will completed on Ted's next post
This past month I've spent with you guys has been full of fun and excitement.
If we play together again in a different thread, it will be with different names.
No more will I know you as I do now
Imperial Utah
>>6096562 Such are the bittersweet experiences of the internet. All good things must come to an end, but perhaps in another life, under a different name, we might all meet once more, even if we're not aware of it. We've had fun.
Though it almost makes me shudder to think that the seals here may be my best friend on some other thread :P
At least ol' Brandon went out swinging and fighting his white whale, can't think of any better conclusion for the old man
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6096631 Leather club's two blocks down buddy
The Turtle Commune
>>6096187 ROUND 50 / 50
The Finale Edition
Lads. It has been a distinct pleasure.
Hilarious to me that the first post suggested updates every 15 minutes. That was nearly 40 days ago now.
>>6096562 >>6096611 Be sure to check out the Australia Risk Thread. It looks promising.
Next iteration of USA Risk might have larger gets with maybe 30 rounds to avoid the bump limit.
See you next time.
Multi-Pronged Ohio Valley Campaign
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Mecha Brandon >(12) vs (0) = 12 victory for Canada APRIL
>C.U.C.K.S. vs Bliss of Befoulment >(3) vs (0) = 11 victory for Canada MAY
>C.U.C.K.S. vs NFR >(3) vs (3) = halted at the gates by NFR JUNE
>NFR Expands to Illinois with 17 spill. Battle for the Comet (IL, IN)
>The Old Gods vs C.U.C.K.S. >(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for OG The Last Great Battle for Texas
>NARG vs MEF >(8) vs (16) = 8 victory for MEF MEF wins Texas, but the west-east divide with NARG becomes comparable to post West/East Germany.
Final Appalachian Operation (NY, PA)
>Mecha Brandon vs New England >(18) vs (0) = strong victory for Brandon It's over, Joe. You can rest now.
The Battle of Jersey Shore
>New England vs Bliss of Befoulment >(15) vs (10) = victory for NE ##################################
>>6096295 >Rolled 6739 (1d9999) C.U.C.K.S. +18
>>6096375 >Rolled 0692 (1d9999) THE OLD GODS +8
>>6096401 >Rolled 8502 (1d9999) NARG +8
>>6096416 >Rolled 8347 (1d9999) Imperial Utah +14
>>6096446 >Rolled 1937 (1d9999) NFR +14 TN+3 FL+3
>>6096461 >Rolled 2339 (1d9999) Mecha Brandon +18
>>6096478 >Rolled 8267 (1d9999) New England +14 ME+1
>>6096494 >Rolled 8623 (1d9999) MEF +10 CA+6
>>6096560 >Rolled 6583 (1d9999) Bliss of Befoulment +10
Next Post the victor is declared
Next Post will include some stats
Next Post will come within 1 hour or so
Imperial Utah
>>6097092 Missing the NE and WA bonuses as tradition demands lol
Quoted By:
>>6097094 Damn I was so close too
################################## TED'S RISK USA EDITION>Closing ceremonies ################################## THE VICTOR: 1st - New Florida Republic (18.43 victory points)>Efficiently built a base in Tampa Bay >Fought nearly every other nation at least once, and mostly won. >Conquered the most capitals, giving them a slight edge over Utah THE RUNNER-UP 2nd - Imperial Utah (17.04)>co-founded by another qst-er >Built a strong base in the midwest prairies >Reconquered capital, legendary campaign in Pacific Northwest >victor of a brutal war against C.U.C.K.S. COME-FROM-BEHIND 3rd - Bliss of Befoulment (12.08)>consistent, dirty rolls (including our only quads 5555) >was frequently ignored, but made crucial advances in the final rounds 4th - MEF (11.12)>Locked into an intense land war for the soul of Texas >Expertly negotiated contested lands in Oregon >Only one to make diplomatic stability with C.U.C.K.S. >Ceded San Francisco, had some trouble re-establishing in CA >Kept Florida out of the southwest 5th - New England (8.76)>Indomitable in their home states >Most diplomacy and strategic statecraft was blown up by Biden >Lost many capitals and state unifiers in the final rounds >Pennsylvania makes the Somme look like a kiddie playground 6th - C.U.C.K.S (7.96)>arf arf ARF >most backstabs, least predictable >locked into an intense war with Michigan Compact >Many wives were unsullied by their forces >Ousted by Utah 7th - North America Revengeance Government (5.73)>taciturn defender of anglo Texas >Had one goal, and one goal only >Coin toss probability of winning Texas in the end, well fought. 8th - The Old Gods (3.5)>Formerly The Order of the Old Gods >Made the final rounds quite interesting >Also helped turn PA into soup 9th - Mecha Biden (0.74)>rolls low = fucking hilarious >rolls high = insanely fucking hilarious >I'm not even convinced he would read other nation's posts/declaration >Gifted lands from MIC and nearly had 1st within reach >Get's OP's honorable mention ################################## Scoreboard weights: [A] +3/4 points for each unified state +3 points for each capital held after rd50 [C] -1 Penalty for loss of their original capital [D] +1 point for each 100 territories controlled at the end of rd50 ##################################
I had a lot of fun fellas. Would definitely play again. If you see me QM-ing, please drop in and join. I'm considering making a dedicated Twitter account so everyone can see/get notified when updates are made.
Quoted By:
>>6097183 Arf arf arf, gentlemen. GG, good times were had
Imperial Utah
>>6097183 Hey now, we unified Utah and Kansas too, so we really got 10 states under our belt (damn you North Dakota, you would've been 11), but yeah gg everyone
New Florida Republic
>>6097156 Looks like you lost this election Biden
DeSantis Wins the presidential war
>>6097253 You can make out the "K" a little bit in KS, excel just cut it off. Your missing round 50 tiles made their way into the final count too.
Imperial Utah
Quoted By:
>>6097270 Sounds good to me
Mexican Expeditionary Force
Mexican Expeditionary Force ID:g7CbKR3m Wed 04 Sep 2024 21:39:51 No. 6097306 Report Quoted By:
>>6097183 It's been a pleasure gentlemen, really reminded me of the games of risk from a year or so ago.
In any case, see you in the next game.
Mecha Brandon
Quoted By:
>>6097183 GG TED. I had a lot of fun, thanks for running. I'm not even mad I came last, in fact I think it's fitting. Brandon held out to the end.
>>6097264 Well look, we uh, well, you see, the thing is, well, anyway.
Quoted By:
>>6097183 Well, guess that's that. Had a lot of fun here, not going to lie at all. You run a good quest TED, and I hope to see you all again.
Bliss of Befoulment
Quoted By:
Was quite a ride, wanted to embrace everyone but I came late. Thanks for the delights TED. And hey I got to champion even more defilement by scoring in the trinity.
New England
Quoted By:
>>6097176 Thanks for Running, TED.
Quoted By:
>>6067330 >>6067330 Did you run that game all of those years ago about the mountain clan with tamed bears?