>>8301680>I'd wager that Target didn't put up enough figures for their online pre-orders.This, something seems fishy. I've seen items sell out fast, this seemed more like it was moved to sold out as soon as it was listed as available. The Cobra Trooper and Baroness I absolutely see selling out in a minute. But you're telling me Roadblock sold out at the same rate as the trooper? And there wasn't even a site crash? Its almost as if they put up 25 pre-orders for each one. Its just really odd, i've never seen a rapid pre-order sell out of this nature, hell I haven't seen anyone say they got anything. There's always a handful of people that say they got it. Even with the Back to the Future Transformer, and that only had 1985 figures. You're telling me that Target put up less than that? Thats less than SDCC exclusives.
Now this may be my inner Dale Gribble conspiracy theorist in me, but you don't suppose Target artificially limited pre-orders to create a scarcity scare so people hop on it as soon as its available next, only for it to backfire stupidly?