>>8850021There was/is a canon contest on TTV to create "canon" contests of all the different Bionicle characters that only appeared in books. Greg was involved, who would give his seal of approval to the winner. The first character was Toa Helryx, and one of the participants made this entry as a joke. It earned the name Noodleryx.
/biog/ and maybe other places didn't like the contests because they either thought the contests were stupid, or hated TTV for forcing people to use their site (and generally hating TTV altogether) - whatever the case, they banded together to vote for Noodleryx as protest towards TTV, asking Bionicle fans on other boards to pitch in like /b/ and /co/ I think, and we damn near almost one, but some people made duplicate accounts (on both sides), and Noodleryx just barely lost out by a few votes.
The entire event spawned a ton of fanart and re-MOCs (and a ton of seething from TTV users, and a lot of memes from all sides), which were genuinely really fantastic and high quality. I personally loved seeing how people interpreted the dinky lil build into something genuinely cool and badass.
The canon contest after this went by fairly smoothly, being for Artakha, and while most people agree the original winning MOC is shoddily built, the art for him and his mask was top notch, subtly adjusting the MOCs proportions into something NOT retarded (and the mask design is cumworthy to me).
Now they're taking an extended break to let people's heads cool off, before proceeding to the next characters.