>suicides go up>assault and rape go up >larceny quadruples >substance abuse doubles Even as a lucky asshole that is unaffected by this madness (young and earn 70k working at a power plant as an operator) this god damn shit is full blown retarded
>>8101501>>8101505The numbers changed 7 times in 5 weeks anon, that kind of denominator screw up has gotten people fired for less
>and that everyone staying inside is actually helping the situation. it's not. Florida stay open two weeks longer than California, had most if not all their spring break events and their numbers are comparable to to California even with 30% more obese people and almost double the elderly population.
>Do you expect them to tell us that 2 million people will die, and then once everyone takes them seriously, the number doesn’t change? it's a statistical impossibility that 200,000 drops to 40,000 in 5 weeks with the only factor being 31 states in the first week with 11 more following the week after.