>>8690566>>8690779It's a diseased person who regards every post that points out a NECA quality control issue as "overblown," a "non-issue," or "clearly the result of hamfisting," or whatever fucking rationale you NECA simps trot out.
Three Targets and 12 different copies of this figure on the shelf, and this was the best one I could find, and even it has these bizarre rubs in the paint, like the figure was handled or brushed up against something before the paint had fully dried. The rest of them looked far worse in various ways. 12. Fucking. Copies.
This isn't a case of a bad figure here or there--the rare Krang that DOESN'T have a glaring issue is the exception, not the rule.
That said, it's completely on people like me, the degenerate CONSOOMER, who still seeks out and buys this stuff, that enables NECA's shit quality control standards. So on the one hand, people like me can't complain ALL that much about things never changing on NECA's end, when we just keep funneling them money in spite of poor output, yet on the other, the complete denialism evidenced RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY THREAD is a whole other type of mental degeneracy, worse even than the fags who keep spamming pics of QC issues thread after thread. And you know I'm right.