Posted right as the old thread was ending so reposting here
I was very enthralled by anon's dream description and accompanying drawings, and the mocs the other anons posted, and it got me thinking about some possible ideas for this setting. Greentext ideas as follows:
>The planet/region of space where the City astronauts crash-landed is called The N-Zone (which phonetically sounds like The End Zone, which is the term for the goal area in some sports)>The sport itself is called Mashball, and the mashball is a large (6- or 8-stud diameter) spheroid with a power source inside that all teams covet>The N-Zone is a prison-planet and the various factions are organized gangs who band together for mutual support>The overseers of the N-Zone drop mashballs onto the planet like energy rations>Winning a mashball means your team/gang will have enough power to recharge their mechs/ run their toasters/ etc. until it's depleted>The overseers use camera drones to record the mashball conflicts for their audience and intentionally drop fewer than needed to make the teams fight over themThoughts?