>>7607733What I ended up doing with my Blacktron 3 faction was imagining a return to form after Blacktron Two's more difficult times.
They reformed, reorganized and went back to the values that had given them dominion over so much.
The faction's aesthetic elements reflected this somehow and I picked black as the main color (Blacktron 1) with trans neon green as canopy/secondary color (Blacktron 2).
The torsos for the figures are the ones they used for the Space Police 3 alien villan.
As far as aliens and other faction mixing, I consider my BL3 guys to be their own, stand-alone faction. They don't really like to mix or cooperate with other factions much and prefer to get things done by themselves, on their own terms.
As far as adding aliens, so far I've got only humans in my outfits, with the addition of droids and other such automatons - but no aliens so far.
I feel your scenario allows for a lot of flexibility and creativity, but I would have a hard time bringing ruin (even imaginary) to the poor little astronauts working off in space in order to obtain a post-catastrophic narrative point.
>>7607690I like the BL2 vehicle.