>>8426376Aww, bummer. I'm sorry you missed out on Deuce. Same thing happened to me this week. Went to the thrift store a little late and when I got there some lady had filled a whole empty baby stroller with awesome Barbie dolls from the early 90s which don't show up very often, most of which I've wanted for years. I could have kicked myself for not getting there a few minutes earlier.
You're also very lucky that your Goodwill prints out price stickers for their items instead of manually writing them on with a black sharpie pen. You have no idea how many nice finds I have in my collection that are ruined thanks to sharpie pens. If they write it on a hard plastic surface of the dolls body I can usually get it out with alcohol or a very little acetone which may discolor the area a little, but it's better than black writing on your doll.
Magic eraser sponges which are usually recommended by doll colletors to get Goodwill sharpie stains out do nothing. I even bought the name brand Mister Clean Magic sponge just to make sure I was getting the best kind, and it did nothing to get the marks out
If they write the price onto a rubber area of the doll like the rubber head or rubber legs it will absorb the inc like a sponge, and you'll never be able to get it off. Some Youtuber said that leaving it out in the sun works but Yeah, were I live I cant leave dolls outside.