>>6630661I'm genuinely interested in this set and its building process please post more pictures of this from different angles.
>Got anything you're working on or planning to do?After a 3 year hiatus of not posting any Mocs online as I havent built anything I finally got back to building with my discovery of Bricklink back in January. For the longest time whenever i had a ambitious project the big hinderance was always "I dont have the parts" etc. But with Bricklink there is no such barrier and I usually end up building Mocs in wierd colors then order what I need on Bricklink to get a consistent color scheme.
To keep my posting online consistent for once I've made the decision to finish 12 Mocs, post one each month as I build others. I started in january and I've finished 3 Mocs so far, 2 of them I'm about halfway done which leaves me with about 17 more ideas but only 7 more mocs to build.
Most of the builds are Mechs so far, with some futuristic tanks (ended up futuristic because I wanted something with more color), so far a gynoid character (had a lot of help looking at photos from Zemata) but I plan to make more. So far only vehicles but I want to make something similar to a modular building but cyberpunk/sci-fi (think mass effect citadel) as well as a diorama of the Terminal map from MW2.
I won't be able to finish until sometime around 2018 but thats the golden thing with having your own Lego projects there's no deadline to be met. After years of grinding in video games for the sake of not missing out or having worse gear than your friends its refreshing having let go of video games entirely and just fiddling with plastic bricks again. It is truly what makes me happy in life.