Yet more supposed quotes that imply they reference what I'm saying, but don't actually. Like, you realize that everybody can see the trail of actual context, right? They can click on the red numbers, and it will show what your responding to has zero to do with what your responding with. Is subby nothing more than a bot?
Also, that pic is yours? So you've bought so many different waves, but hated each one? You've tried again and again, but just got disappointed again and again? You are actually insane. Like, not just haha 4chan standard "retard" insult, but like, actually, literally, your insane.
Also also, here's a space marine next to a ruler, just to show how detached from reality you are. "4.5 inch figure for $50-100+" is what you said, and yet here is a space marine, one of many that are $25 or LESS.
I would say "entertain us more with your stupidity", but it is legitimately becoming sad. Get some help.