>>6408059I am a bit of a slowpoke, but still...
X4L 9k++ - built as a robot, but undergone reverse-cybernetisation surgery and become the world's very first trans-human. In spite of her (or his sometimes, based on current body) nature of a robot dedicated to mastering all forms of magic to find a key to immortality for weak flesh. But so far magic practice just demand changing bodies more often due to fast wear.
Lina Klotzkis - a traveling maniac, mechanic, merchant, in that order. Considered to be an evil,
dreadful sorceress in some lands less familiar with technology (almost everywhere). Dreams of breaking into X4L's head someday. And get the Legendary Wrench-Staff of Tightint All Nuts too.
Legz - a chimaera created from an ancient dragon, a mimic, and an air baloon some thousand years ago by respectable and powerfull (and eaten by Legs) mage, decided to teach a lesson with a single spell to a dragon, who's been terrorizing the land. Legz may look lazy and clumsy and slow, but just hearing the word "flesh" make him swift like no one else. Likes it, when someone gently turns the wheel, almost as he likes food. Hangs out with those freaks, because fun and food easier to find.