>>7125121Episode 2 was my favorite of the bunch. Jango Fett vs Obi-Wan, Count Dooku, the asteroid battle, and the whole detective feel to finding Kamino was great. RotS is mostly good for memes and the action though. Episode I is useless besides the Darth Maul battle. All three movies pale in comparison to the classic original three of course though. The ones who grew up with them don't know any better and are more impressed with light shows and muh highly choreographed fights than character development and atmosphere.
But back to sets, AotC has a lot that could be made into good sets. The arena battle with brick-built monsters, the cloning facility, and the Zam chase remake would be easy.
>>7125295What a bunch of savages. I saw that happen twice at Target, but since moved to getting my cmfs from TRU until they closed and Five Below.