>>7930467>LOL, don't even lie. >You're not a fucking dog, since you're typing all these words to me, so it has to be your monitor is so shit that you can't see what's going on in that photo.>A fucking 90s monitor would be able show everything you need to see, so it has to be your shittyass 2-bit dot matrix flip phone you're posting from.>Fucking damn, dude. If you weren't so fucking butthurt about this, I'd swear you're just playing along with me, because this is too fucking funny.I posted a screenshot with the post I just made, AND, the computer hardware I'm using. I realize it doesn't outright say my monitor model so here ya go.
>Or maybe you're a very smart shit eating dog, because you're ignoring the entire reason why Yamaguchi's engineering is so shit. See this picture in >>7930399 ?There two CUPS in the knees and they're FORWARD FACING.Yes, when articulated AY figures look gappy in places to accommodate the extreme posing ability. What's Todd's excuse because his CoD figures don't pose to near extremes, he shouldn't need such big gaps to accommodate standard range of movement.
>LOL, you're a fucking dog, because i never claimed you were making a fallacy. I mean, i CAN, but i haven't. Fucking learn English, midget.>>7930431>Sure, if you ignore the rest of my post, it'd be a fallacy. You're probably a literal retard, so you don't understand how a fallacy-ing works, midget.Is this not you?